BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

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BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University
Located in the heart of one of Australia’s fastest growing economic
regions, Western Sydney University offers unlimited potential to
students with the talent, drive and ambition to succeed.
Western Sydney is an exciting place to be. As the nation’s third
largest economy, and one of the fastest growing population and
employment centres, it is an increasingly important, dynamic and
culturally diverse hub of business, industry and innovation.
With a large multicultural population of more than two million
people from 170 nations, Western Sydney’s global links are
creating unlimited opportunities for international business,
investment, education and cultural exchange.
Ranked amongst the top two per cent of universities in the
world, Western Sydney University values academic excellence,
integrity and the pursuit of knowledge. We are globally focused,
research led and committed to making a positive impact on the
communities we engage with.
Your success starts here.
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

                  Most people are good at something. What’s your passion?
                  Do you excel at English literature? Are you a mental
                  mathematician? An advocate for social justice? A designer
                  extraordinaire? Do you breathe foreign languages?

                  It’s important to acknowledge and play to your strengths
                  because, ultimately, your strengths will determine your future.
                  This is the premise behind Western Sydney University’s HSC
                  True Reward - a unique early offer program that recognises the
                  strengths of each individual.

                  True Reward offers you a place at Western before you receive
                  your ATAR, on the basis of relevant HSC subject results. Why?
                  Because at Western we recognise that too often, the ATAR
                  system overlooks natural strengths and talent.

                  At Western, we see the awesome in you. We recognise that
                  you are much more than your ATAR. True Reward focuses on
                  the scores that reflect your strong points.

                  True Reward is a better system. It’s a more equitable system.
                  It’s a system that makes sense.

                  True Reward acknowledges the idea that if you’re good at
                  something, you’re just what Western is looking for.

                  Find out more about True Reward and how to apply – visit

4                                                            Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University
                        BUSINESS 2019

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BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

6               Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

                       ≥	A BUSINESS DEGREE WITH                         ≥	GAIN REAL-WORLD
                         A MAJOR DIFFERENCE                                EXPERIENCE
                       	With our revamped Bachelor of Business          	Industry experts are invited to present case
                         you’re the boss. Start your major in your         studies related to particular contemporary
                         first year of study. Combine business units       issues within various business disciplines.
                         with majors and electives from across the         Our students will have access to local work
                         whole university for a more diverse and           experience opportunities and get involved in
                         adaptive skill set. Mix theory with real world    projects relevant to their business discipline
                         industry projects. Get a firm foundation in the   with organisations located in the Western
                         emerging thinking in leadership, innovation,      Sydney region.
                         entrepreneurship, enterprise law and
                         markets. Gain industry specific accreditation
                         from Australia’s leading institutions. And      ≥	PROFESSIONAL
                         tailor your degree to suit the career you want.   RECOGNITION
                                                                       	Our courses are developed in consultation
                       ≥	CONTEMPORARY                                   with leading industry practitioners and an
                                                                         external advisory board to ensure you have
                         CURRICULUM                                      the skills you need to be competitive in
                       	With modern unit choices and materials,         today’s workplace. For example, industry
                         industry-based projects and placements,         feedback on the need for graduates to
                         a flexible course structure, and a balance of   be able to solve problems using a holistic
                         theory and practical field studies, you will    business perspective rather than a narrow
                         have the best preparation to be career-ready    discipline approach, has been utilised in the
                         when you enter the world of business.           design of our Business degrees.

                         CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY 	Our Business programs give you a practical

                       	Most of our courses are delivered at the           approach to learning, while also improving
                         new Parramatta City campus. Located                skills and performance. We expect our
                         at One Parramatta Square, the campus               graduates will finish their degrees being
                         offers the latest in high-tech learning            ‘business-ready’, with not only the practical
                         and teaching facilities.                           knowledge and skills but also the experience
                                                                            of what it is like to work within their discipline,

                                                                            addressing real-world problems and
                                                                            developing solutions.

                                                                         ≥	LIFT YOUR PROFILE
                                                                         	Learn from academics with a high

                                                                           international profile, who are experts in
                                                                           their fields, and gain accreditation from
                                                                           leading Australian industry organisations.
                                                                           Take advantage of international work
                                                                           experience opportunities, and get involved
                                                                           in our active research program.

                                                                         ≥	FREE DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS
                                                                         	Western was the first university to
                                                                           provide all the digital textbooks for your
                                                                           first year units for free. We are pleased
                                                                           to be offering the benefit of free digital
                                                                           textbooks for first year units to students
                                                                           once again in 2019! That’s up to $800 in
                                                                           value. Why? Because money shouldn’t
                                                                           stand between you and opportunity.
                                                                           Discover more about free digital textbooks
                                                                           at                                                                                                              7
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

Future thinking.
Unlimited possibilities.
The Academy at Western
Sydney University.

Success is not just about    The Academy at Western Sydney        ≥ unprecedented opportunities for
                             University offers advanced              industry and real-life experience
getting a degree, but also   degrees that prepare you to thrive
developing the critical      in the face of change and seize      ≥ world-class research,
                                                                    researchers, teachers,
thinking and leadership      success at every opportunity.
                                                                    experts and innovation labs
                             Whether your dream is to achieve
skills to support a          as a professional, an entrepreneur   ≥ travel to national and
successful career.           or an academic, you will learn to      international leadership
                             think differently and creatively        experiences and conferences
It’s about learning skills   in whatever you do.
for your chosen life, not    The Academy offers high-
                                                                  ≥ a range of professional
                                                                    and personal development
just a job.                  achieving students a unique,           workshops
                             hands-on approach to learning in
                             an interdisciplinary environment.    ≥ internship, service learning and
                             Led by Professor Jonathon Allen,       volunteering opportunities
                             The Academy draws on the unique
                             experience of leading thinkers,      ≥ personalised career planning
                             social change agents, community
                                                                  ≥ mentorship programs
                             leaders, and high-achieving
                             students both past and present.      ≥ applied leadership experience in
                                                                    student-led, community-focused
                             With a focus on ethical leadership
                             and critical thinking, built on
                             the pillars of academic rigour,      Visit
                             community engagement, and            theacademy for more information.
                             professional and personal
                             development, The Academy
                             offers students access to:

           The Academy

8                                                                                    Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

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BUSINESS 2019 - Western Sydney University

10              Western Sydney University
BUSINESS 2019              11

Bachelor of                                    COURSE                      UAC
                                                                                                       INTAKE          LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Business                                       B Business (Advanced        720130     089206F     2787     March/      Parramatta      3F/6P         90.00

                                               Business Leadership)                                        July        City

                                                                           720132     089206F     2787     March/      Distance        3F/6P         90.00


                                               Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.

                                               Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                               Completing the Bachelor of Business                       PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                               (Advanced Business Leadership) degree
                                                                                                         All our students are encouraged to
                                               gives you a competitive business edge.
                                                                                                         independently gain practical experience
                                               Entry to the program is exclusively for
                                                                                                         in order to enhance their knowledge and
                                               high-achieving students, and will challenge
                                                                                                         skills in a variety of enterprise contexts. Our
                                               you to build on your current academic
                                                                                                         students also have the opportunity to take up
                                               successes. Through design thinking
                                                                                                         paid and unpaid internships with an industry
                                               and reflective learning, this degree aims to
                                                                                                         and community organisation. Opportunities
                                               transform today’s brightest business minds
                                                                                                         for overseas study tours and international
                                               into tomorrow’s adaptable, innovative,
                                                                                                         internships are available. These practical
                                               entrepreneurial and enterprising leaders.
                                                                                                         experiences serve as an invaluable stepping
                                                                                                         stone to future employment opportunities.
                                               Throughout your degree, you will be personally
                                               mentored by leading business academics and
                                               industry practitioners so that you have the               PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                               critical knowledge and skills required to manage          Professional recognition is associated with
                                               the complexities of contemporary businesses               several majors (see detailed information
Tiana Podinic                                  and their emerging local and global contexts.             regarding majors via the Bachelor of
                                                                                                         Business course). The available majors are:
                                               CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  ≥≥ Accounting
                                                                                                         ≥≥Applied Finance
                                               The multidisciplinary degree provides
                                                                                                         ≥≥ Economics
“Western Sydney University offers unique       flexibility and choice, allowing you to select
                                                                                                         ≥≥ Hospitality Management
 courses, but also provides opportunities      your primary business discipline from
                                                                                                         ≥≥ Human Resource Management
 for self-development. Aspects such            three professional streams. Each stream is
                                                                                                         ≥≥International Business
 as leadership, community engagement           organised around a broad theme: money
 and contributing positively back to society   (accounting, economics, applied finance,
 are all explored through enriching            property), markets (marketing, international
 programs like The Academy.”                   business, hospitality management, sport
                                                                                                         ≥≥Sport Management.
                                               management), and management (human
                                               resource management, management).
                                                                                                         FURTHER STUDIES
                                               These units will enable individual career
                                                                                                         Advanced studies through the Master of
                                               planning, innovation exploration, refined
                                                                                                         Research course are available to our high-
                                               applied business techniques, and engage
                                                                                                         achieving students. Information and details on
                                               students in a capstone unit that explores
                                                                                                         how to apply for the Master of Research will
                                               enterprise futures in an applied and integrated
                                                                                                         be provided to you as you progress through
                                               model of learning specific to a professional
                                                                                                         your Bachelor degree, or you can find out
                                               discipline context.
                                                                                                         more at
                                               Additionally, our students in the Advanced
                                               Business Leadership program are required                  CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                               to complete four compulsory core leadership               For information on career opportunities
                                               units: Advanced Business Seminars; Frontiers              for graduates of the Bachelor of Business
                                               of Business Theory and Analysis; Business                 (Advanced Business Leadership), refer to the
                                               Leadership; and Entrepreneurial Team. You                 majors you are interested in on pages 13 to 22.
                                               will also choose four electives from Business
                                               disciplines or other courses offered by
                                                                                                         SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY
                                               Western Sydney University.
                                                                                                         The Dean’s Scholarship is valued at $5,000
                                               For detailed information about the                        per year for up to four years full-time (or
                                               course structure and units, visit                         part-time equivalent), including Honours.
                                                                    Successful applicants to the Bachelor of
                                                                                                         Business (Advanced Business Leadership)
                                                                                                         degree may be eligible to receive this
                                                                                                         scholarship. Scholarships are awarded on
                                                                                                         the basis of highest ATAR and/or GPA to the
                                                                                                         maximum number awardable. No application
                                                                                                         is required.

                                                                                                         For more information, please visit

12                                                                                                                                  Western Sydney University

Bachelor of            COURSE                      UAC
                                                                               INTAKE          LOCATION      DURATION ATAR

Accounting             B Accounting                721070     087773B     2783     March/July Bankstown      3F/6P         77.05

                                                   721072     087773B     2783     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P           75.00

                                                   720174     087773B     2783     March/July Parramatta     3F/6P         76.15

                                                   721077     087773B     2783     March/      Sydney City   3F/6P         75.90

                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                       Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                       The Bachelor of Accounting at Western                     Financial Planning major: Insurance
                       Sydney University is unique in its scope                  Advising – Theory and Practice; Retirement
                       and coverage, offering a qualification in                 and Succession Planning; Financial Planning;
                       accounting and, in combination with available             Principles of Economics; Enterprise Law; Law
                       specialisations, in financial planning, taxation,         of Business Organisations; Taxation Law;
                       and financial planning and taxation.                      Personal Asset Management.

                                                                                 Taxation major: Principles of Economics;
                                                                                 Enterprise Law; Law of Business
                       The course is accredited with, and satisfies              Organisations; Financial Services Law;
                       the pre-admission educational requirements                Retirement and Succession Planning; Taxation
                       for, membership of CPA Australia (CPA),                   Law; Self-Managed Superannuation and
                       Chartered Accountants Australia and New                   Trusts; Advanced Taxation Law.
                       Zealand (CAANZ) and the Institute of
                       Public Accountants (IPA). On successful                   Financial Planning and Taxation major: This
                       completion of both the Financial Planning                 major combines units from both the Financial
                       and the Taxation specialisations, students                Planning major and the Taxation major. This
                       will have satisfied eligibility requirements              major provides opportunity for our students
                       for Financial Planner FPA membership,                     to extend their qualification and professional
                       as well as educational requirements for                   recognition in accounting, financial planning
                       entry into the CFP® Certification Program                 and taxation.
                       of FPA. This course also meets the RG146
                       generic knowledge requirements, specialist                CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                       knowledge requirements and skills
                       requirements as they currently stand. Details             Accounting knowledge is essential in
                       regarding RG146 requirements are available                business, as all managers and executives must
                       via the University Handbook. In addition, by              understand the importance and significance
                       completing available specialisations within               of accounting reports. Professional accreditation
                       the program, students are expected to satisfy             adds to the value of the qualification. Financial
                       the tertiary qualifications requirements to               planning as a profession is growing in
                       register as a Tax (Financial) Adviser with the            importance and the added skills provided by
                       Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (application                this program complement the accounting
                       for recognition by this professional body is in           core. Taxation knowledge is integral to both
                       progress).                                                accounting and financial planning.

                       CPA, ICAA, IPA and FPA all have additional                Examples include employment in public
                       educational requirements for full membership,             practice; assisting clients by providing
                       and those applying for membership must also               business, financial planning and taxation
                       complete relevant work experience. TPB has                advice; auditing and assurance services; and
                       similar work experience requirements.                     consultancy work in areas such as financial
                                                                                 planning, taxation and accounting. Graduates
                                                                                 can also work as systems accountants,
                       CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                                                                 management accountants, auditors, or
                       Principles of Economics; Accounting                       financial accountants and financial controllers
                       Information for Managers; Enterprise Law;                 in commercial enterprises, government and
                       Statistics for Business; Financial Accounting             non-profit organisations.
                       Applications; Management Accounting
                       Fundamentals; Corporate Financial
                       Management; Intermediate Financial
                       Accounting; Contemporary Management
                       Accounting; Law of Business Organisations;
                       Corporate Accounting Systems; Taxation Law;
                       Accounting Information Systems; Advanced
                       Accounting; Auditing and Assurance Services;
                       and The Accountant as a Consultant, plus
                       eight approved elective units.                                                                                                               13

Bachelor of     COURSE                       UAC
                                                                         INTAKE           LOCATION         DURATION ATAR

Business        B Business^                  721005    089205G      2786     November/ Bankstown
                                                                                                           3F/6P          71.15

                                             721006    089205G      2786     November/ Campbelltown 3F/6P                 70.10

                                             721007    089205G      2786     November/ Parramatta          3F/6P          70.00
                                                                             March/July City

                                             721008    089205G      2786     March/June Sydney City*       3F/6P          70.00

                Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                * Majors offered at the Sydney City campus are: Accounting, Applied Finance, Marketing, International
                Business, Hospitality Management. The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.
                ^ The Bachelor of Business is available at WSU Online in Trimester 1,2 and 3. For more details visit online.

                To succeed in business, individuals must                   management) and management (human
                possess both the knowledge and know-how                    resource management, management). These
                to create opportunities for professional                   units will enable individual career planning,
                advancement and the development of original                innovation exploration, refined applied
                and exciting initiatives. This degree aims to              business techniques, and engagement in a
                harness your energy and passion for success                capstone unit that explores enterprise futures
                by focusing on your career and the future of               in an applied and integrated model of learning
                enterprises in a range of contexts.                        specific to a professional discipline context.

                Whether you wish to start your own business
                                                                           PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                or pursue a corporate role in a global
                enterprise, this course provides the necessary             All our students are encouraged to
                skills to allow for adaptability, expertise and            independently gain practical experience
                innovation. By providing an enriched program               in order to enhance their knowledge and
                that utilises design thinking and work-                    skills in a variety of enterprise contexts. Our
                integrated learning, this degree will embrace              students also have the opportunity to take
                your entrepreneurial spirit to enable you to               up paid and unpaid internships with industry
                kick-start your business career.                           and community organisations. Opportunities
                                                                           for overseas study tours and international
                                                                           internships are available. These practical
                                                                           experiences serve as an invaluable stepping
                The course consists of four interdisciplinary              stone to future employment opportunities.
                core units; four themed professional core
                units. Students may use their remaining eight
                                                                           FURTHER STUDIES
                units to undertake electives – this may include
                a second major.                                            Advanced studies through the Master of
                                                                           Research course are available to our high-
                As business students, it is imperative to                  achieving students. Information and details on
                have a clear understanding of how enterprises              how to apply for the Master of Research will
                operate. It is also essential to adopt specific            be provided to you as you progress through
                numeracy, literacy, diagnostic and legal                   your Bachelor degree, or you can find out
                skills to enable industry analysis and effective           more at
                decision-making. This course begins with
                four key areas of business basics: Financing               PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                Enterprises; Enterprise Innovation and
                Markets; Enterprise Leadership; and Enterprise             Professional recognition is associated with
                Law. These units will provide the foundation               select disciplines in which you complete a
                knowledge for all majors, as well                          major. The available majors are:
                as incorporating introductory academic tools               ≥≥ Accounting
                to assist with ongoing study in the degree.                ≥≥Applied Finance
                                                                           ≥≥ Economics
                As a future business owner or corporate                    ≥≥ Hospitality Management
                leader, it is crucial that you focus on your own           ≥≥ Human Resource Management
                professional development. All students will                ≥≥International Business
                undertake a professional stream of study that              ≥≥Management
                will improve their employability by developing             ≥≥Marketing
                personal skills and an appreciation for the                ≥≥Property
                demands of the ‘real world’.                               ≥≥ Sport Management.

                There are three professional streams for                   For more detailed information about the
                students to choose from – each stream is                   location, duration, ATAR, career opportunities
                organised around a broad theme: money                      and practical experience for each major,
                (accounting, economics, applied finance,                   please refer to the following pages.
                property), markets (marketing, international
                business, hospitality management, sport

14                                                                                                      Western Sydney University

ACCOUNTING MAJOR                                COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION       DURATION ATAR
                                                                            CODE       CODE        CODE
                                                B Business (Accounting)     721010     089205G     2786     March/July Bankstown       3F/6P         70.00

                                                                            721011     089205G     2786     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P            70.00

                                                                            721012     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta      3F/6P         70.00

                                                                            721013     089205G     2786     March/      Sydney City*   3F/6P         70.00

                                                Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                                Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                                                *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                                                Good accountants understand numbers.                      There are four ‘free’ electives within
                                                Great accountants understand how to think                 the Bachelor of Business Accounting
                                                creatively, apply innovative solutions to                 major due to the four ‘professional’
                                                everyday problems and develop trusting,                   electives required for accreditation.
                                                long-lasting business relationships.                      The ‘free’ electives may be chosen from
                                                                                                          other courses offered by Western Sydney
                                                The Western Sydney University Accounting                  University. For detailed information
                                                major teaches you to be a great accountant.               about the course structure and units, visit
                                                This major offers a broad approach to provide   
                                                you with an in-depth knowledge of accounting,
                                                supported by solid knowledge in relevant
                                                                                                          INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                areas, such as law, economics, marketing,
Andrew Phong                                    information systems, management, applied
                                                finance and statistics. We place particular
                                                                                                          Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                                                                                                          Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (ACCOUNTING                emphasis on the development of the technical              is available to all undergraduate students
AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS)                     and personal skills you will need to have as a            who have open electives. For more
                                                business and financial professional.                      information visit
“From addressing Chinese diplomats in                                                                     future or refer to the University Handbook.
 Fujian on bilateral relations to debating
                                                CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
 international trade in the Asia-Pacific with                                                             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
 the Australian Consul-General during my        To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
 internship in Mumbai, the school of business   (Accounting), you will be required to complete            As an Accounting graduate, you can look
 offers endless opportunities for you to        24 units. All our students are required                   forward to career opportunities in:
 gain international experience that really      to complete the core units of the Bachelor                ≥≥ private practice accounting
 prepares you for a challenging career in an    of Business.                                              ≥≥ business strategy and planning
 unpredictable global business landscape.                                                                 ≥≥ auditing
 The International Business degree has          In addition to the core units referred to                 ≥≥ taxation or insolvency
 equipped me with world class exposure          above, as a part of the Accounting major that             ≥≥ treasury
 which I am confident will ensure that I will   meets professional requirements, you will                 ≥≥ commerce
 lead a successful life both domestically       complete Financial Accounting Applications;               ≥≥ financial accounting in industry or
 and abroad.”                                   Intermediate Financial Accounting;                            government
                                                Corporate Accounting Systems; Advanced                    ≥≥forensic accounting
                                                Accounting; Management Accounting                         ≥≥management accounting
                                                Fundamentals; Contemporary Management                     ≥≥ financial services.
                                                Accounting; Accounting Information for
                                                Managers; The Accountant as a Consultant;                 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                Accounting Information Systems; Corporate
                                                Financial Management; Law of Business                     While there is no formal requirement for our
                                                Organisations; Taxation Law; and Auditing                 students to complete work experience as part
                                                and Assurance Services.                                   of this degree, all our students are encouraged
                                                                                                          to independently gain work experience in
                                                Students entering the program with advanced               order to enhance their skills. Work experience
                                                standing based upon prior studies must                    serves as a valuable stepping stone to future
                                                consult with an Academic Course Advisor                   employment opportunities.
                                                for Accounting, as the requirements for
                                                membership of the Australian professional                 PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION
                                                accounting bodies reduces the number
                                                                                                          The Bachelor of Business (Accounting) is
                                                of ‘free’ electives available.
                                                                                                          accredited with CPA Australia, Chartered
                                                                                                          Accountants Australia and New Zealand
                                                                                                          (CAANZ) and the Institute of Public
                                                                                                          Accountants (IPA). Students completing the
                                                                                                          course will be eligible to enter the CPA or
                                                                                                          CAANZ professional programs.                                                                                                                                      15

APPLIED FINANCE MAJOR                            COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION          DURATION ATAR
                                                                             CODE       CODE        CODE
                                                 B Business                  721016     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta         3F/6P         70.30
                                                 (Applied Finance)                                                      City

                                                                             721017     089205G     2786     March/      Sydney City*      3F/6P         73.15

                                                 Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                                 Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                                                 *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                                                 The world of finance is complex and                       CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                 dynamic. Finance is the study of financial
                                                                                                           In today’s changing marketplace, the forces
                                                 markets, institutions and instruments. It
                                                                                                           of deregulation, privatisation, globalisation
                                                 requires people who not only understand
                                                                                                           and technological advances have created a
                                                 the ways in which individuals, businesses
                                                                                                           wide variety of career opportunities in finance
                                                 and organisations raise, allocate and use
                                                                                                           and investment.
                                                 monetary resources over time, but who
                                                                                                           As an Applied Finance graduate, you can look
                                                 can also competently consider the risks
                                                                                                           forward to career opportunities in:
                                                 inherent in any project.
                                                                                                           ≥≥ corporate finance (financial controllers
                                                                                                              or officers)
                                                 As you would expect, Applied Finance
                                                                                                           ≥≥ strategic planning and project evaluation
                                                 has a strong practical focus, which will
                                                                                                              (takeovers, mergers, acquisitions and
                                                 equip you with real-life conceptual and
                                                 professional skills.
                                                                                                           ≥≥ money and capital markets (bonds, options,
                                                                                                              futures and swaps)
                                                 You will develop a strong grasp of
                                                                                                           ≥≥ financial services management (financial
                                                 finance along with foundational studies in
                                                                                                              planners and personal financial consultants)
                                                 accounting, economics, commercial law,
                                                                                                           ≥≥ treasury hedging
                                                 management and marketing. You will be
                                                                                                           ≥≥ equity analysis and trading
                                                 able to adapt to dynamic environments,
                                                                                                           ≥≥ credit analysis
                                                 both globally and domestically.
                                                                                                           ≥≥ business brokerage
                                                                                                           ≥≥ investment advising
                                                 CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  ≥≥ retirement planning
                                                 To graduate with a Bachelor of Business                   ≥≥ portfolio management
Patrick Gan                                      (Applied Finance), you will be required to                ≥≥ public finance management in government
BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (APPLIED                    complete 24 units. All students are required                 departments.
FINANCE)                                         to complete the core units of the Bachelor
                                                 of Business.                                              PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
“The Bachelor of Business has a wide range
                                                 As a part of the Applied Finance major,                   While there is no formal requirement for our
 of specialisations that students are exposed
                                                 you may complete units that include:                      students to complete work experience as part
 to in their first year so they can make an
                                                 Derivatives; Bank Management; Financial                   of this degree, all our students are encouraged
 informed decision on what area of study suits
                                                 Institutions and Markets; Corporate Financial             to independently gain work experience in
 them best. Opportunities are available to all
                                                 Management; Portfolio Management;                         order to enhance their skills. Work experience
 students for industry experience, leadership
                                                 Economic Modelling; International Finance;                serves as a valuable stepping stone to future
 positions, community engagement as well as
                                                 and Investment Management.                                employment opportunities.
 international travel and these opportunities
 will only continue to grow. It is an exciting
 space to be in.”                                There are eight electives within the                      PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                 Bachelor of Business Applied Finance major.
                                                                                                           Students who complete the Applied Finance
                                                 Electives may be chosen from other courses
                                                                                                           major and are also employed in the financial
                                                 offered by Western Sydney University.
                                                                                                           services industry are eligible for associate
                                                 For detailed information about the course
                                                                                                           membership with the Financial Services
                                                 structure and units, visit
                                                                                                           Institute of Australasia (FINSIA).

                                                 INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                 Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                                                 Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units is
                                                 available to all undergraduate students
                                                 who have open electives. For more
                                                 information visit
                                                 future or refer to the University Handbook.

16                                                                                                                                      Western Sydney University

ECONOMICS MAJOR        COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION     DURATION ATAR
                                                   CODE       CODE        CODE
                       B Business (Economics)      721018     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta    3F/6P         70.75

                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                       Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                       A major in Economics prepares you to                      There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                       be an active participant in addressing                    of Business Economics major. Electives may
                       the wide range of problems faced by                       be chosen from other courses offered by
                       governments, social organisations and                     Western Sydney University.
                       the business community in the domestic
                       and international economies.                              For detailed information about the
                                                                                 course structure and units, visit
                       The world’s commercial and political            
                       systems affect the quality of life and
                       standard of living of every single person                 INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                       on the planet. If you would like to play a
                       part in the workings of these systems,                    Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                       and have an impact on their outcomes, a                   Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                       major in Economics is the ideal choice.                   is available to all undergraduate students
                                                                                 who have open electives. For more
                       At Western Sydney University the study                    information visit
                       of economics introduces our students                      future or refer to the University Handbook.
                       to the application of economic analysis and
                       to issues affecting both the business sector              CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                       and a range of government institutions.
                                                                                 A number of our Honours graduates have
                       Our students learn how economies
                                                                                 succeeded in obtaining graduate positions
                       function and how public policy and the way
                                                                                 with the Reserve Bank of Australia. As an
                       organisations behave affects diverse social,
                                                                                 Economics graduate, you will have the
                       economic and environmental problems.
                                                                                 opportunity to pursue a range of different
                       Also, you will be introduced to a wide array              careers, including:
                       of competing economic theories, so that                   ≥≥ economist
                       you are critically informed about the ways                ≥≥ economic advisor
                       in which they can transform the world.                    ≥≥ labour market economist
                                                                                 ≥≥ cost-benefit analyst
                       Our students can expect to develop their                  ≥≥ economic forecaster
                       analytical and problem-solving skills. For                ≥≥ trade advisor
                       example, you will develop the capacity to                 ≥≥ market analyst
                       apply modern statistical techniques, and                  ≥≥ economic policy analyst
                       also to critically examine issues from multiple           ≥≥ property consultant
                       theoretical perspectives.                                 ≥≥ management professional in the private or
                                                                                    public sector and in banking and insurance
                       An Economics major is highly regarded in                  ≥≥ high-profile policy advisor to governments
                       the business world and opens up a very large                 and private enterprise.
                       range of career prospects in general business,
                       banking, finance and the public sector.                   PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                                                 While there is an engagement unit involving
                       CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                                                                 real-world problems, all our students are
                       To graduate with a Bachelor of Business                   encouraged to independently gain work
                       (Economics), you will be required to complete             experience in order to enhance practical
                       24 units. All students are required to complete           skills and career prospects.
                       the core units of the Bachelor of Business.

                       As part of the Economics major, you may
                       also complete units that include: Consumers,
                       Firms and Markets; Cost Benefit Analysis;
                       Macroeconomic Measures and Models;
                       Growth, Cycles and Crises; Corporations,
                       Economic Power and Policy; Economic
                       Modelling; Globalisation and Sustainability;
                       and The Australian Macroeconomy.                                                                                                              17

HOSPITALITY        COURSE                      UAC       CRICOS      WS   INTAKE           LOCATION          DURATION ATAR
MANAGEMENT MAJOR                               CODE      CODE        CODE
                   B Business (Hospitality     721020    089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta          3F/6P         70.20
                   Management)                                                           City

                                               721021    089205G     2786     March/       Sydney City*      3F/6P         70.75

                   Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                   Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                   *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                   Effective hospitality is about managing the              CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                   overall experience of the customer.
                                                                            To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                                                                            (Hospitality Management), you will be
                   The Bachelor of Business Hospitality
                                                                            required to complete 24 units. All students
                   Management major will give you an excellent
                                                                            are required to complete the core units of the
                   basis for a management career in the
                                                                            Bachelor of Business.
                   hospitality industry. This major provides
                   you with a comprehensive understanding
                                                                            As a part of the Hospitality Management
                   of hospitality and business management
                                                                            major, you may complete units that include:
                   principles, combined with hands-on industry
                                                                            The Business of Hospitality, Food and
                   experience to fine-tune your skills.
                                                                            Beverage Management, The Accommodation
                                                                            Industry, Special Event Management,
                   The course develops a critical awareness
                                                                            Hospitality Places & Spaces, Service
                   and understanding of the social, cultural,
                                                                            Industry Analytics, Hospitality Profitability
                   environmental and economic factors that
                                                                            & Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism in
                   affect the hospitality industry. The results
                   are efficient, creative and entrepreneurial
                   managers who have a commitment to
                                                                            There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                   service excellence and the potential to
                                                                            of Business Hospitality Management major.
                   establish careers in businesses such as hotels,
                                                                            Electives may be chosen from other courses
                   restaurants, conference and event venues,
                                                                            offered by Western Sydney University and
                   resorts, the club industry and the cruise
                                                                            you might consider completing alternate
                   ship industry.
                                                                            Business, Language or Tourism units.
                   The Hospitality Management major will endow
                                                                            For detailed information about the
                   you with strong, real-life problem-solving
                                                                            course structure and units, visit
                   capabilities, the ability to anticipate change
                   and a commitment to lifelong personal
                   development. These abilities are further
                   enhanced during your third year, when you                INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                   undertake research study tailored to your                Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                   chosen career area.                                      Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                                                                            is available to all undergraduate students
                                                                            who have open electives. For more
                                                                            information visit
                                                                            future or refer to the University Handbook.

                                                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                            As a Hospitality Management graduate, you
                                                                            can look forward to career opportunities in
                                                                            areas as diverse as:
                                                                            ≥≥ management of accommodation, food and
                                                                               beverage, or leisure recreation enterprises
                                                                            ≥≥ convention and other events management
                                                                            ≥≥ tourism and service-oriented management.

                                                                            PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                                            The Hospitality Management major includes
                                                                            a number of units that provide students with
                                                                            interaction with industry partners, which
                                                                            provides valuable insight and networking
                                                                            opportunities. This culminates in an engaged
                                                                            unit of study in the final semester, in which
                                                                            students work on an industry-based problem.

18                                                                                                        Western Sydney University

HUMAN RESOURCE                                   COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION     DURATION ATAR
MANAGEMENT MAJOR                                                             CODE       CODE        CODE
                                                 B Business (Human           721024     089205G     2786     March/July Bankstown     3F/6P         70.00
                                                 Resource Management)
                                                                             721025     089205G     2786     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P          72.15

                                                                             721026     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta    3F/6P         70.20

                                                 Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                                 Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                                 Only through effectively, equitably and                   PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                 efficiently managing its workforce can
                                                                                                           While there is no formal requirement for our
                                                 an organisation succeed. Contemporary
                                                                                                           students to complete work experience as part
                                                 organisations need professionals who can
                                                                                                           of this degree, all our students are encouraged
                                                 design and implement policies and programs
                                                                                                           to independently gain work experience in
                                                 that meet the objectives and strategies
                                                                                                           order to enhance their skills. Work experience
                                                 of employers and employees. Our Human
                                                                                                           serves as a valuable stepping stone to future
                                                 Resource Management major will give
                                                                                                           employment opportunities. All of our students
                                                 you these abilities.
                                                                                                           complete an engagement unit where they
                                                                                                           work with an industry partner to develop
                                                 Together with a foundation of general
                                                                                                           recommendations and strategies in response
                                                 business study and skill development, the
                                                                                                           to areas of challenge and future needs.
                                                 major embraces a required sequence that
                                                 considers key functional areas of human
                                                 resource management within a framework                    PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                 that recognises the demands of the                        This major is accredited with the Australian
                                                 contemporary labour market and business                   Human Resources Institute (AHRI). AHRI
                                                 operating environment.                                    is the premier professional association for
                                                                                                           employment relations professionals.
                                                 The Human Resource Management major
                                                 will enable you to work in areas that focus
                                                 on workforce planning and development;                    INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                 reward and performance management;                        Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                                                 equity and diversity management; agreement                Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                                                 negotiation; dispute resolution; policy analysis;         is available to all undergraduate students
                                                 and industrial relations and advocacy.                    who have open electives. For more
Paige Souflias                                                                                             information visit
GRADUATE BACHELOR OF BUSINESS                    CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  future or refer to the University Handbook.
(HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT)                      To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                                                 (Human Resource Management), you will                     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
“My study in the Bachelor of Business has
                                                 be required to complete 24 units. All students            As a Human Resource Management graduate,
 helped me secure a great job in HR which I
                                                 are required to complete the core units of                you have a wide range of career options in
 love. My degree has made me work ready
                                                 the Bachelor of Business.                                 both the public and private sectors, including
 by giving me the opportunity to learn the
                                                                                                           roles such as:
 relevant skills and knowledge in daily work     As a part of the Human Resource                           ≥≥ human resources manager
 practices. The practical aspects of the units   Management major, you will complete the                   ≥≥ learning and development manager
 I undertook really helped me understand         following units: Managing People at Work;                 ≥≥ people and culture analyst
 the business world and I continue to use the    Enterprise Industrial Relations; Human                    ≥≥ employment relations manager
 knowledge I learned in my degree every day.”    Resource Development; Reward and                          ≥≥ workplace health and safety manager
                                                 Performance Management; International                     ≥≥ industrial advocate or advisor in public
                                                 Human Resource Management; Negotiation,                      and private sector organisations and trade
                                                 Bargaining and Advocacy; Human Resource                      unions
                                                 and Industrial Relations Strategy; and                    ≥≥ HR partner or advisor
                                                 People, Work and Society.                                 ≥≥ workforce planner.
                                                 There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                                                 of Business Human Resource Management
                                                 major. Electives may be chosen from units
                                                 in other undergraduate courses offered
                                                 by Western Sydney University or you may
                                                 use these to undertake a second major.

                                                 For detailed information about the
                                                 course structure and units, visit

INTERNATIONAL    COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION          DURATION ATAR
BUSINESS MAJOR                               CODE       CODE        CODE
                 B Business                  721028     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta         3F/6P         70.30
                 (International Business)                                               City

                                             721029     089205G     2786     March/      Sydney City*      3F/6P         73.25

                 Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                 Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                 *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                 The global economy is becoming increasingly               INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                 important for organisations seeking out new
                                                                           Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                 opportunities to expand their customer base
                                                                           Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                 and develop partnerships. Managers who are
                                                                           is available to all undergraduate students
                 well versed in the needs of doing business
                                                                           who have open electives. For more
                 internationally and who can exploit these
                                                                           information visit
                 opportunities will therefore play an integral
                                                                           future or refer to the University Handbook.
                 role in any such corporation. On a solid
                 foundation in domestic business education,
                 this major builds upon the detailed knowledge             PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                 of the international dimension of business and            While there is an engagement unit involving
                 the necessary understanding of the workings               real-world problem-solving, our students
                 of that market system.                                    are encouraged to independently gain
                                                                           work experience in order to enhance their
                 CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  practical skills. This experience serves as a
                                                                           valuable stepping stone to future employment
                 To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                                                                           opportunities. Students in this major are
                 (International Business), you will be required
                                                                           encouraged to study abroad for at least
                 to complete 24 units. All students are required
                                                                           a semester as a way of enhancing their
                 to complete the core units of the Bachelor
                                                                           international perspective.
                 of Business.

                 As a part of the International Business                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                 major you may complete units that include                 As an International Business graduate,
                 Introduction to International Business;                   you will have the skills and expertise you
                 International Marketing; Export Strategy and              need to take your career around the globe.
                 Applications; Globalisation and Sustainability;           You may work in business, public service,
                 Managing in the Global Environment;                       trade organisations or education and research
                 International Business Strategy; Leadership               organisations in areas such as:
                 and Entrepreneurship; and The Markets of Asia.            ≥≥ international marketing
                                                                           ≥≥ export and import
                 There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                                                                           ≥≥ multinational companies and their
                 of Business International Business major.
                 Electives may be chosen from other courses
                                                                           ≥≥ business management
                 offered by Western Sydney University.
                                                                           ≥≥ business research
                                                                           ≥≥ strategy and development.
                 For detailed information about the
                 course structure and units, visit

20                                                                                                      Western Sydney University

MANAGEMENT MAJOR       COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION       DURATION ATAR
                                                   CODE       CODE        CODE
                       B Business                  721035     089205G     2786     March/July Bankstown       3F/6P         73.65
                                                   721036     089205G     2786     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P            71.20

                                                   721037     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta      3F/6P         71.55

                                                   721038     089205G     2786     March/      Sydney City*   3F/6P         70.20

                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                       Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                       *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                       Few roles are more integral to business                   INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                       success than management. Regardless of your
                                                                                 Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                       seniority, when you are a manager or leader,
                                                                                 Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units is
                       you are responsible and accountable for the
                                                                                 available to all undergraduate students who
                       performance of your team and its success.
                                                                                 have open electives. For more information
                       The Bachelor of Business with a major in
                                                                                 visit or refer to
                       Management will give you a clear, broad
                                                                                 the University Handbook.
                       understanding of the full range of concepts
                       and practices of management, combined
                       with a sound knowledge of leadership in the               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                       functional areas of business.                             Talented managers and leaders are always
                                                                                 a valuable commodity in any organisation.
                       This major will improve your decision-making              As a Management graduate, you can look
                       skills, as well as the strategic competencies             forward to a career in the private sector,
                       required for management in different sectors.             including manufacturing and operations, retail
                       It will equip you with critical analytical skills         and customer service, as well as financial,
                       in areas such as managing across cultures and             hospitality and other service industries, and in
                       globally, designing organisational structures             small, medium or large businesses. Careers are
                       to improve performance, leading change                    also available in government and not‑for‑profit
                       and innovation, and developing strategic                  sectors. Depending on how you specialise within
                       advantage in contemporary contexts.                       your degree, you may focus on a career in:
                                                                                 ≥≥ global management and international
                       CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                     business
                                                                                 ≥≥ operations and logistics management
                       To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                                                                                 ≥≥ human resource management
                       (Management), you will be required to
                                                                                 ≥≥ retail and customer service management
                       complete 24 units. All students must complete
                                                                                 ≥≥ sports management
                       the core units of the Bachelor of Business.
                                                                                 ≥≥ marketing management
                       As a part of the Management major, you                    ≥≥ hospitality management.
                       will study units that include: Leadership
                       and Entrepreneurship; Creating Change                     PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                       and Innovation; Managing in the Global
                                                                                 While there is no formal requirement for our
                       Environment; Organisational Learning
                                                                                 students to complete work experience as a part
                       and Development; Business, Society and
                                                                                 of this degree, all our students must complete
                       Policy; Organisational Behaviour; Managing
                                                                                 an engagement unit which requires the
                       Operations; and Strategic Management.
                                                                                 completion of a practical industry project. Our
                                                                                 students are also encouraged to independently
                       There are eight electives in the Bachelor
                                                                                 gain work experience to enhance practical skills
                       of Business Management major, and you
                                                                                 and future employment prospects.
                       may use these to undertake a second major.

                       For detailed information about the
                       course structure and units, visit

MARKETING MAJOR                                   COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION          DURATION ATAR
                                                                              CODE       CODE        CODE
                                                  B Business (Marketing)      721040     089205G     2786     March/July Bankstown          3F/6P         73.45

                                                                              721041     089205G     2786     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P               70.00

                                                                              721042     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta         3F/6P         70.00

                                                                              720139     089205G     2786     March/      Sydney City*      3F/6P         73.55

                                                  Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                                  Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.
                                                  *The course may be fast-tracked to two years at this campus.

                                                  The best product or service in the world                  INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                  will only sell if marketed intelligently,
                                                                                                            Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                                                  and that requires far more than just
                                                                                                            Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                                                  advertising. Marketing is a much larger, more
                                                                                                            is available to all undergraduate students
                                                  comprehensive field, requiring a detailed
                                                                                                            who have open electives. For more
                                                  understanding of customers, competitors and
                                                                                                            information visit
                                                  other stakeholders, as well as their influences,
                                                                                                            future or refer to the University Handbook.
                                                  needs and strategies.

                                                  To succeed in marketing, you need a head                  PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                  for business and an understanding of people               While the degree includes a number of units
                                                  and management. The Bachelor of Business                  involving real-world problems, all our students
                                                  with a major in Marketing will give you exactly           are encouraged to gain work experience
                                                  that. The course will provide you with a strong           independently during their studies to enhance
                                                  foundation in business, combined with an                  their practical skills and career prospects.
                                                  in-depth knowledge of marketing. You are
                                                  also able to choose electives to suit your
                                                                                                            PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                  personal career goals. The course is aimed
                                                  at producing graduates who are well‑versed                Our students will have satisfied the
                                                  in the increasingly complex economic,                     educational requirements for recognition
                                                  social and technological forces affecting                 as a Certified Practising Marketer and may
                                                  modern marketing.                                         be eligible for membership of the Australian
Tatjana Bozovic                                                                                             Marketing Institute and the Australian Market
BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (MARKETING)                  CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  and Social Research Society (AMSRS). Our
                                                                                                            students are eligible for Student Membership
“The tutors, facilities and students within my    To graduate with a Bachelor of Business                   to the AMSRS during their studies. Upon
 business degree have made my university          (Marketing), you will be required to complete             completion of their degree and with two
 experience like no other. Nearing the end of     24 units. All students are required to complete           years’ industry experience, you will be eligible
 my course, I already feel prepared to step out   the core units of the Bachelor of Business.               to apply for full membership.
 into the workforce confidently, knowing that
                                                  As a part of the Marketing major, you
 I have the skills and knowledge needed to                                                                  CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                  will complete: Consumer Behaviour;
 excel in the industry.”
                                                  Marketing Research; Marketing Principles;                 Many employment opportunities for
                                                  Marketing Communications; Brand and                       graduates are available in the private and
                                                  Product Management; Strategic Marketing                   government sectors, both domestically and
                                                  Management; Business to Business Marketing;               internationally. As a Marketing graduate, you
                                                  International Marketing; and Marketing                    may be employed in:
                                                  Planning Project.                                         ≥≥ product and brand management
                                                                                                            ≥≥ advertising management
                                                  There are eight electives within the Bachelor             ≥≥ market analysis
                                                  of Business Marketing major. Electives may be             ≥≥ market research
                                                  chosen from any undergraduate units offered               ≥≥ marketing management
                                                  by Western Sydney University.                             ≥≥ marketing consultancy
                                                                                                            ≥≥ distribution and logistics management.
                                                  For detailed information about the
                                                  course structure and units, visit

22                                                                                                                                       Western Sydney University

PROPERTY MAJOR         COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION     DURATION ATAR
                                                   CODE       CODE        CODE
                       B Business (Property)       721045     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta    3F/6P         70.10

                                                   729200 089205G         2786     March/July Distance      3F/6P         75.00

                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                       Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                       Western Sydney University has a history                   INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                       of over 30 years in delivering high-quality
                                                                                 Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                       property education programs and preparing
                                                                                 Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                       graduates for rewarding careers in the
                                                                                 is available to all undergraduate students
                       property industry. If property is your passion,
                                                                                 who have open electives. For more
                       the Bachelor of Business with a major
                                                                                 information visit
                       in Property is the ideal springboard to a
                                                                                 future or refer to the University Handbook.
                       prosperous career. Our Property program
                       delivers a unique combination of theory and
                       real-world experience.                                    PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                                                 A significant portion of the course is dedicated
                       CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  to practical experience in the form of field
                                                                                 days, and practical valuation and investment
                       To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                                                                                 assignments based on industry data and
                       (Property), you will be required to complete
                                                                                 industry-standard property reports. All
                       24 units. All students are required to complete
                                                                                 valuation units require you to actually value a
                       the core units of the Bachelor of Business.
                                                                                 residential, industrial, rural, commercial and
                                                                                 specialist property, and to value a property
                       As a part of the Property major, you may
                                                                                 for resumption purposes. Our students are
                       complete units that include: Introduction to
                                                                                 also encouraged to participate in an industry-
                       Property; Principles of Valuation; Commercial
                                                                                 supported work experience program during
                       Valuation; Property Portfolio Management;
                                                                                 vacation periods. Work experience employers
                       Property Investment; Property Development
                                                                                 include statutory authorities, banks, insurance
                       Process; Commercial Property Management;
                                                                                 companies, investment firms, and property
                       Property Finance; and Property Project.
                                                                                 and valuation firms.
                       You are encouraged to complete specified
                       units for accreditation with the Australian               PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                       Property Institute. For information on the
                                                                                 This program satisfies the educational
                       units required, and more detailed information
                                                                                 requirements of the Australian Property
                       about the course structure, refer to
                                                                                 Institute for graduate membership. This can
                                                                                 lead to gaining status as a Certified Practising
                                                                                 Valuer, Certified Property Practitioner,
                                                                                 Certified Property Manager, Certified Funds
                                                                                 Manager, Certified Asset Manager, or Certified
                                                                                 Development Practitioner. Successful
                                                                                 graduates may also meet educational
                                                                                 requirements for valuation registration by
                                                                                 NSW Fair Trading. This course is currently
                                                                                 going through the reaccreditation process
                                                                                 via NSW Fair Trading.

                                                                                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                 The property industry is incredibly dynamic,
                                                                                 providing a wide range of professional careers
                                                                                 and the flexibility of changing career paths.
                                                                                 As a Property graduate, you can look forward
                                                                                 to career opportunities in:
                                                                                 ≥≥ valuation
                                                                                 ≥≥ property development
                                                                                 ≥≥ property funds management
                                                                                 ≥≥ corporate real estate
                                                                                 ≥≥ property investment analysis
                                                                                 ≥≥ investment banking
                                                                                 ≥≥ commercial property sales and leasing
                                                                                 ≥≥ property research
                                                                                 ≥≥ commercial and retail property
                                                                                    management.                                                                                                           23

SPORT MANAGEMENT   COURSE                      UAC        CRICOS      WS   INTAKE          LOCATION       DURATION ATAR
MAJOR                                          CODE       CODE        CODE
                   B Business                  721050     089205G     2786     March/July Campbelltown 3F/6P            70.40
                   (Sport Management)
                                               721052     089205G     2786     March/July Parramatta      3F/6P         70.60

                   Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                   Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                   Although sport provides entertainment and                 INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                   excitement to millions around the world, it
                                                                             Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                   is important to remember that the sporting
                                                                             Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units
                   event itself is just the tip of the iceberg.
                                                                             is available to all undergraduate students
                   Behind the scenes, there is an entire industry
                                                                             who have open electives. For more
                   and, like any other industry, the sport industry
                                                                             information visit
                   needs first-class management.
                                                                             future or refer to the University Handbook.
                   The Bachelor of Business with a major in Sport
                   Management combines management skills                     PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                   with a specific sport focus. This combination             The Sport Management major includes a
                   is rare in the market, and such skills are in high        number of units that provide students with
                   demand in the areas of event management,                  interaction with industry partners, providing
                   sport venue management, and the management                valuable insight and networking opportunities.
                   of athletes and sporting teams.                           This culminates in an engaged unit of study in
                                                                             the final semester of study, in which students
                   The course provides a coherent, broad,
                                                                             work on an industry-based problem. All of our
                   business-based program, with advanced
                                                                             students are encouraged to independently
                   in-depth development of the functions
                                                                             gain work experience in order to enhance their
                   required of a practising sport management
                                                                             practical skills and career prospects.
                   professional. It also equips graduates with
                   the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
                   enhance, support and encourage healthy                    CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                   lifestyles through sport, including elite sport,          As a Sport Management graduate, you may
                   rehabilitation or social activities. The course           find employment at all levels of government
                   has been developed in close consultation                  and community engagement, as well as within
                   with the industry’s emerging professional                 the private sector for both commercial and
                   association and is well suited to equip                   non-commercial organisations. Graduates
                   students with the real-life education required            with management skills are keenly sought, and
                   for them to contribute effectively to the                 those with knowledge specific to the sport
                   development of a dynamic industry.                        arena are rare.

                   CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                  Opportunities exist to manage events, venues,
                                                                             organisations, teams and/or individuals.
                   To graduate with a Bachelor of Business
                   (Sport Management), you will be required
                   to complete 24 units. All students are required
                   to complete the core units of the Bachelor
                   of Business.

                   As a part of the Sport Management major you
                   may complete units that include: World of
                   Sport Business, Sport Entertainment, Sport
                   and Society, Special Event Management,
                   Developing Sport Professionals, Service
                   Industry Analytics, Strategic Sport
                   Leadership, Our Sporting Future.

                   There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                   of Business Sport Management major.
                   Electives may be chosen from other courses
                   offered by Western Sydney University.

                   For detailed information about the
                   course structure and units, visit

24                                                                                                     Western Sydney University
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