Page created by Joel Stephens
















A. Mission
The Mission of the Dokuz Eylül University can be defined best with the goals of our
university. What kind of education, student, society, and world does our university aim? What
kind of education? Research-oriented, creative and student-based education, which does not
dictate knowledge, but teaches the ways to reach information, gives importance to team work,
tries to keep student-staff interaction at high levels. What kind of Student? Intellectual
individuals with developed communication skills, who use their mind, don’t hesitate to ask
questions, dream and think, and are hardworking, productive and creative, sensitive to social
problems, respectful to their essential values. What kind of Society? A powerful society
composed of individuals who protect their Republic supporting secularist and social state
devoted to rule of law and is conscious of its values in the light of rationality and science and
can use these values for production, has very strong and active university-industry-society
interaction, have common interests for the independence and eternity of the country. What
kind of World? A world that pays importance to protection of the ecological balance while
supporting international cooperation for scientific and technological production in an
environment in which information has no boundaries.
B. History
Dokuz Eylül University was founded on 20 July 1982. Seventeen previously founded
institutions of Ege University and other various higher education institutes were affiliated to
the University in the same year. Number of its academic units reached 41 until 1992.
Presently DEU owns 10 faculties, 5 schools, 5 vocational schools, 5 graduate schools and 5
Faculties: Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Business, Economics and Administrative
Sciences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, Theology, Maritime, Nursing.
Schools: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, State Conservatory, Foreign Languages
Vocational Schools: Judicial Practices, Health Services, İzmir Multidisciplinary, and Torbalı
Vocational schools.
Graduate Schools: Atatürk Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Health Sciences,
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences, Education
Institutes: Fine Arts, Hemodialysis and Transplantation, Marine Sciences and Technology,
Oncology, Theology.

C. Top Management
President of Dokuz Eylul University : Prof. Dr. Nükhet HOTAR
Vice-President : Prof. Dr. Uğur MALAYOĞLU
Vice-President : Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali ÖZCAN

D. Communication
Address :Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No:144 Alsancak - IZMIR - TURKEY
Tel   : 90 (232) 412 12 12
Faks : 90 (232) 464 81 35

International Relations Office, which is responsible for the external relations of the university,
also provides consultancy service to the administration and to the service departments of the
The office deals with the issues concerning:
European University Association (EUA) - the former Council of Rectors of Europe(CRE),
procedures of the supported research assistants following graduate programs abroad,
including preparation and updating of “Afffidavits of Support” for each awardee,
coordination of the protocols of academic collaboration to be signed between DEU
schools/faculties and the overseas universities,
counselling for the admissions and recruitment of international students and staff,
editing and designing the DEU brochures,
monitoring the accreditations, ratings, and degrees given by the oveseas universities,
contribution to the international congresses, conferences, symposia, and youth festivals,
FP7 (Seventh Framework Program) of EU which is related with technological innovations
and development.
Foreign Relations office has also been assigned with the establishment of Socrates Scheme
within the university, which is one of the education programs of the EU and dissemination of
academic projects related with EU within the framework of Turkey's integration activities to
the European Union .

Contact Details:
Dokuz Eylul University
International Office, Cumhuriyet Bulvarı
No: 144 TR -35210 Alsancak – IZMIR - TURKEY
Tel: +90 232 412 10 45
Fax: + 90 232 464 81 61

Doç. Dr. İlkay TAŞ GÜRSOY
International Relations & Erasmus & Mevlana & Farabi Coordinator

ECTS and Diploma Supplement Coordinator

Agreements & Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Mobility

Erasmus+ Study & Training Mobility (Outgoing Students);
Mevlana Exchange Programme

Erasmus+ Outgoing Students Mobility

Erasmus+ Grants

Erasmus+ Incoming Students Mobility; Mevlana Exchange Programme

International Incoming Student

Turks Abroad and Related Communities Programme

Yalım Tuna HANCI
Services Support

Services Support

For extensive information regarding Campus Life, Travel Information, Registration &
Orientation, Academic Calendar please consult the following link:

The Dokuz Eylül University of Law offers a-four-year undergraduate program. Turkish
students will be able to enroll after achieving the required score in the national examination
(ÖSYM). Foreign students on the other hand, are required to take the YÖS examination.
Students with law degrees from foreign countries may apply to the School of Law, to fulfill
the eligibility requirements of being an attorney in Turkey.
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law is a community of qualified academicians and
students. The faculty is one of the most competitive Law Schools in Turkey with 12 full
professors, 5 associate professors, 30 assistant associate professors, 2 experts and 56 research
assistants currently teaching and conducting research.
Our graduates have been the spokesman and defenders of civilization, justice, democracy,
secularity, peace and love; in short the principles protecting human honour, which are the
common values of humanity and on which reason and historical experiences are based. They
have been able to protect these values which they hold dearer than themselves and which are
shared by the Turkish Republic inherited from the great Atatürk.
Dokuz Eylul University, School of Law was established in 1978. Law no:2809 had amended
the provisions of KHK no:41 and therefore established Dokuz Eylul University and the
School of Law.

Scholarships of government and private agencies
Computer Labs
Internet access
Psychological care services
Academic consultance
Library (In Turkish & Foreing Languages)
Reading Rooms
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law is located in Tınaztepe Campus/Buca

Correspondance       : Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law
                       Tınaztepe Campus/Buca 35390 IZMIR-TURKEY
Phone                : 0 (232) 420 18 24 – 420 18 25
Fax                  : 0 (232) 420 18 27 – 301 60 09 – 301 60 16
E-mail               :
Dean                 : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
Vice Dean            : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur TÜTÜNCÜBAŞI
Vice Dean            : Assist. Prof. Dr. Sezgi ÖKTEM SONGU
Secretary            : Arzu KÜLEY
School of Law Student’s Affair
Phone : +90 (232) 420 76 09 - 301 60 74
e-mail :

Coordinator          : Assist. Prof. Dr. PINAR BACAKSIZ
e-mail               :
Address              : Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law
                      Tınaztepe Campus/Buca 35390 IZMIR-TURKEY
Phone                : +90 (232) 301 62 17
Fax no               : +90 (232) 420 18 27 – 301 60 09 – 301 60 16


       DEAN                          : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
       VICE DEAN                     : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur TÜTÜNCÜBAŞI
       VICE DEAN                     : Assist. Prof. Dr. Sezgi ÖKTEM SONGU

The Chairman     : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
The Members      : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
                  Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
                  Prof. Dr. Demet ÖZDAMAR
                  Prof. Dr. Hacı CAN
                  Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRK
                  Prof. Dr. Murat AYDOĞDU
                  Prof. Dr. Serkan AYAN
                  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray DOĞAN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur TÜTÜNCÜBAŞI
                   Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak PINAR
Rapporteur       : Arzu KÜLEY (Acting Secretary of Faculty)

The Chairman      : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
The Members       : Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
                     Prof. Dr. Yusuf KARAKOÇ
                     Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
                     Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRK
                     Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray DOĞAN
                     Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali BAL
                     Assist. Prof. Dr. Yıldırım TAYLAR
Rapporteur        : Arzu KÜLEY (Acting Secretary of Faculty)


The Branches of Public Law          :
Main Branches                    Chairman/Chairwoman
Constitutional Law                       Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuz ŞİMŞEK
European Union Law                       Assoc. Prof. Dr. İkbal Sibel SAFİ
General Public Law                       Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan EKİZ
Legal Philosophy & Sociology (Deputy) Assist. Prof. Dr. Aydan Ömür SURLU
Administrative Law                       Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
Criminal and Crim. Proc. Law             Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray DOĞAN
Public International Law                 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali BAL
Legal History                            Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem KARAKOÇ
Taxation Law                             Prof. Dr. Yusuf KARAKOÇ

The Branches of Private Law :
Main Branches                           Chairman/Chairwoman
Maritime Law                            Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
Civil Law                               Prof. Dr. Murat AYDOĞDU
Labour Law and
Law of Social Security                  Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
Commercial (Trade) Law                  Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRK
Civil Procedural Law and
Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law          Prof. Dr. Muhammet ÖZEKES
Private International Law               Prof. Dr. Hacı CAN
Roman Law (Deputy)                      Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
F. Full list of the Academic Staff According to the Main Branch of Specialization
The Branches of Public Law :
Constitutional Law
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oğuz ŞİMŞEK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tijen DÜNDAR SEZER
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar NARİN
Teaching Assis. Dr. Türker ERTAŞ
Teaching Assis. Gülce ÖZTÜRK

European Union Law :
Prof. Dr. İkbal Sibel SAFİ
Teaching Assis. Arda Doruk KÖSE

Public International Law :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali BAL
Assist. Prof. Dr. Münevver AKTAŞ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Uğur SAMANCI

General Public Law :
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan EKİZ
Teaching Assis. Dr. Cansu KOÇ
Teaching Assis. Nazmiye GÜVEYİ

Administrative Law :
Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
Prof. Dr. Meltem KUTLU GÜRSEL
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Burcu ÖNÜT
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhlis ÖĞÜTÇÜ
Teaching Assis. Dr. Mehpare ÇAPTUĞ
Teaching Assis. Ezgi PALAS DAĞLI
Teaching Assis. Pınar ÖZTABAN
Teaching Assis. Egemen KARACA

Criminal and Crim. Proc. Law :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray DOĞAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Behiye EKER KAZANCI
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sesim SOYER
Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar BACAKSIZ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan MERAKLI
Teaching Assis. Dr. İsa BAŞBÜYÜK
Teaching Assis. İlker TEPE
Teaching Assis. Emine KABAK YÜCE
Teaching Assis. Erol CEYLAN
Teaching Assis. Seda Yağmur SÜMER
Teaching Assis. Alp KOCAOĞLU
Teaching Assis. Mustafa Uğur DEMİRAL
Teaching Assis. Ali BOYRACI
Teaching Assis. Semih Oğuz AYDIN
Teaching Assis. Burak KÜPELİOĞLU

Taxation Law :
Prof. Dr. Yusuf KARAKOÇ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak PINAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yıldırım TAYLAR
Teaching Assis. Dr. Özgecan GÖK
Teaching Assis. Dr. Burcu DEMİRBAŞ AKSÜT

Legal History :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem KARAKOÇ
Teaching Assis. Dr. Müge VATANSEVER ÖZTÜRK
Teaching Assis. Aslıhan NESLİ

Roman Law :
Chairman (Deputy)
Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
Teaching Assis. Dr. Ali Selkor ATAK
Teaching Assis. Dr. Nilgün DİNÇER ARAZ

Legal Philosophy&Sociology :
Assit. Prof. Dr. Aydan Ömür SURLU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin TOPUZKANAMIŞ
Teaching Assis. Hazan Dicle ÖZER

The Branches of Private Law :
Maritime Law :
Prof. Dr. Oğuz SANCAKDAR
Teaching Assis. Dr. Doğuş Taylan TÜRKEL

Civil Law :
Prof. Dr. Murat AYDOĞDU
Prof. Dr. Demet ÖZDAMAR
Prof. Dr. Serkan AYAN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Damla GÜRPINAR
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar NART
Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Beşir ACABEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. İlknur SERDAR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge ERBEK
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nalan KAHVECİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Haydar YAĞCIOĞLU
Teaching Assis. Dr. Burcu YAĞCIOĞLU
Teaching Assis. Töre GÜNSAY
Teaching Assis. Banu ATLI
Teaching Assis. Ömer Oğuzhan MERAL
Teaching Assis. Aliye AKGÜN TOKER
Teaching Assis. Şeyhmus DARCAN

Labour Law and Law of Social Security :
Prof. Dr. M. Refik KORKUSUZ
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ALP
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sezgi ÖKTEM SONGU
Assist. Prof. Dr. Erhan BİRBEN
Assist. Prof. Dr. İlke GÜRSEL
Teaching Assis. Dr. Betül ERKANLI BAŞBÜYÜK

Private International Law :
Prof. Dr. Hacı CAN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur TÜTÜNCÜBAŞI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Gümrah TOKER
Teaching Assis. Ekin TUNA

Commercial (Trade) Law :
Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Haydar YILDIRIM
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yaşar Can GÖKSOY
Teaching Assis. Dr. Direnç AKBAY
Teaching Assis. Aktan ÖZKAN

Civil Procedural Law and Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law :
Prof. Dr. Muhammet ÖZEKES
Prof. Dr. Mine AKKAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Pınar ÇİFTÇİ
Teaching Assis. Dr. Buse DİŞEL
Teaching Assis. Ali Çetin ASLAN
Teaching Assis. Abdulkadir HAŞHAŞ
Teaching Assis. Büşra KAZMAZ

First Year
Compulsory Courses

Precondition Code           Name of the Lecture                            T ECTS Duration
-     HUK 1012 Roman Law                                                   2 4 1 Year
-     HUK 1013 Civil Law                                                   4 8 1 Year
-     HUK 1014 General Theory of Public Law                                2 6 1 Year
-     HUK 1015 Constitutional Law                                          4 8 1 Year
-     HUK 1016 Introduction to Law                                         2 6 1 Year
-     HUK 1017 Economics                                                   2 4 1 Year
-     ATA 1000 Principles of Ataturk and History of The Turkish Revolution 2 4 1 Year
-     TDL 1000 Turkish Language                                            2 4 1 Year
-     YDA 1000 Foreign Language I (German)                                 2 4 1 Year
-     YDF 1000 Foreign Language I (French)                                  2 4 1 Year
-     YDİ 1000 Foreign Language I (English)                                 2 4 1 Year

Elective Lectures
Precondition Code            Name of the Lecture                        T ECTS Duration

-      HUK 1032 Political History                                       2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1033 History of Political Thought                            2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1034 Methodology of Law                                      2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1035 Human Rights Law                                        2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1036 Turhish Constitutional History                          2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1037 Occupational Foreign Language I (English)               2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1038 Occupational Foreign Language I (German)                2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1039 Occupational Foreign Language I (French)                2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1040 Accounting                                              2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1042 Techniques of Legislation                               2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1043 Political Parties Law                                   2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1044 Business Economics                                      2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1045 Judicial Organization                                   2 4    1 Term
-      HUK 1046 History Of International Relations                      24     1 Term
-      HUK 1047 Occupational Foreign Language II (English)              24     1 Term
-      HUK 1048 Occupational Foreign Language II (German)               24     1 Term
-      HUK 1049 Occupational Foreign Language II (French)               2 4    1 Term

Second Year
Compulsory Courses
Precondition Code           Name of the Lecture                         T ECTS Duration
-     HUK 2012 History of Turkish Law                                   2 5  1 Year
-     HUK 2013 Finance                                                  2 4  1 Year
-     HUK 2014 Criminal Law (General Provisions)                        3 8  1 Year
-     HUK 2015 Administrative Law                                       3 8  1 Year
-     HUK 2016 Obligations Law (General Provisions)                     4 10 1 Year
-     HUK 2017 Public International Law                                 3 6  1 Year
-     TBT 2003 Information Technologies                                 2 3  1 Year

Elective Lectures
Precondition Code            Name of the Lecture                          T ECTS Duration
-       HUK 2036 Constitutional Jurisdiction                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2037 Election Law                                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2038 Current Issues of Family Law                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2039 Media Law                                                2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2040 Inventory Balance Sheet Accounting                       2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2041 Philosophical Bases of Criminal Law                      2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2042 Junenile Law                                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2043 Occupational Foreign Language I (English)                2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2044 Occupational Foreign Language I (German)                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2045 Occupational Foreign Language I (French)                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2046 The European Convention of Human Rights and Its Practice 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2047 Parliamentary Law                                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2048 Criminology                                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2049 Economic Public Law                                      2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2050 Budget Law                                               2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2053 Law of International Institutions                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2054 Organization of The Ottoman Empire                       2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2055 Occupational Foreign Language II (English)               2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2056 Occupational Foreign Language II (German)                2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 2057 Occupational Foreign Language II (French)                2 4  1 Term

Third Year
Compulsory Courses
Precondition Code          Name of the Lecture                         T ECTS Duration
-     HUK 3013 Criminal Law (Special Provisions)                       2 6  1 Year
-     HUK 3014 Tax Law                                                 2 5  1 Year
-     HUK 3015 Philosophy and Sociology of Law                         2 5  1 Year
-     HUK 3016 Property Law                                            2 6  1 Year
-     HUK 3017 Civil Procedure Law                                     3 8  1 Year
-     HUK 3018 Obligations Law (Special Prov.)                         3 6  1 Year
-     HUK 3019 Law on Commercial Enterprices and Companies             3 8  1 Year

Elective Lectures
Precondition Code             Name of the Lecture                      T ECTS Duration
-       HUK 3045 European Union Law                                    2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3046 Zoning Law                                            2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3047 Building Law                                          2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3048 Food and Agriculture Law                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3049 Administrative Contracts                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3050 Water Law                                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3051 Public Personnel Law                                  2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3052 Citizenship Law                                       2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3053 International Family Law                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3054 International Air Law                                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3055 ECHR and Criminal Law                                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3056 International Dimensions of Human Rights              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3057 Juristic Psychology                                   2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3058 Law of The Old Waqf                                   2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3059 Occupational Foreign Language I (English)             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3060 Occupational Foreign Language I (German)              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3061 Occupational Foreign Language I (French)              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3062 Media Criminal Law                                    2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3063 The Public Procurement Law                            2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3064 Health Law                                            2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 3065 Traffic Criminal Law                                  2 4  1 Term
-      HUK 3066 Law of Foreigners                                         2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3067 Immigration and Refugee Law                               2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3068 Disciplinary Law                                          2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3069 Notary Law                                                2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3070 Consumer Law                                              2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3071 Tax Criminal Law                                          2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3072 Law on Criminal Execution                                 2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3073 Intellectual Property Law                                 2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3074 Structural Changes of Corporations and Conglomerate Law   2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3075 Restricted Real Rights                                    2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3076 Occupational Foreign Language II (English)                2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3077 Occupational Foreign Language II (German)                 2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 3078 Occupational Foreign Language II (French)                 2   4   1 Term

Fourth Year
Compulsory Courses
Precondition Code           Name of the Lecture                           T ECTS Duration
-      HUK 4053 Execution and Bankruptcy Law                              3 7  1 Year
-     HUK 4054 Maritime Commerce Law                                      2 5  1 Year
-     HUK 4055 Administrative Procedure Law                               2 4  1 Year
-     HUK 4056 Inheritance Law                                            2 5  1 Year
-     HUK 4057 Labour Law                                                 3 7  1 Year
-      HUK 4058 Negotiable Instruments and Insurance Law                  2 6  1 Year
-     HUK 4059 Criminal Procedure Law                                     2 6  1 Year
-     HUK 4060 Private International Law                                  2 4  1 Year

Elective Lectures
Precondition Code             Name of the Lecture                         T ECTS Duration
-       HUK 4062 International Criminal Law                               2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4063 Environmental Law                                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4064 Tax Procedure Law                                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4065 Juvenile Criminal Law                                    2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4066 Forensic Medicine                                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4067 Atypical Contract Law                                    2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4068 Expropriation Law                                        2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4069 Criminal Law of Medicine                                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4070 H.L.A. Hart's Theory of Law                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4071 Cyber Crime Law                                          2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4072 Turkish Tax System                                       2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4073 Energy Law                                               2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4074 Bail Law                                                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4075 Occupational Foreign Language I (English)                2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4076 Occupational Foreign Language I (German)                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4077 Occupational Foreign Language I (French)                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4078 Notification Legislation                                 2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4079 Ancient Arts Law                                         2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4080 Attorneyship Law                                         2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4081 Public Enforcement Law                                   2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4082 Commercial Criminal Law                                  2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4083 Social Security Law                                      2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4084 International Commercial Law                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4085 Types of Employment Contract                             2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4086 Sports Criminal Law                                      2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4087 Banking Law                                              2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4088 Transportation Law                                       2 4  1 Term
-       HUK 4089 Stock Exchanges Law                                      2 4  1 Term
-      HUK 4090 Maritime and Press Labour Law                            2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 4091 Trilateral Relations in Labour Law                       2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 4092 Labour Procedure                                         2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 4093 Occupational Foreign Language II (English)               2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 4094 Occupational Foreign Language II (German)                2   4   1 Term
-      HUK 4095 Occupational Foreign Language II (French)                2   4   1 Term

In order for the elective courses to be lectured, the vocational foreign language courses must
be selected by at least 10 and the other elective courses be selected by at least 25 students.
The elective courses are just valid for the second semester. Each student can only choose one
elective course.

Elective courses last one semester. A list of codes of elective courses by semesters can be
found below. Any lecture with compulsory status lasts two semesters (i.e. one full academic

List of Elective Courses by Semesters
I. Year       I. Year           II. Year      II. Year       III. Year
I. Semester   II. Semester      I. Semester   II. Semester   I. Semester
                                                              HUK 3045
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK
   1032          1040              2036          2046         HUK 3046
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK
   1033          1042              2037          2047         HUK 3047
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK
   1034          1043              2038          2048         HUK 3048
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK
   1035          1044              2039          2049         HUK 3049
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK          HUK 3050
   1036          1045              2040          2050
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK          HUK 3051
   1037          1046              2041          2053
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK          HUK 3052
   1038          1047              2042          2054
   HUK           HUK               HUK           HUK          HUK 3053
   1039          1048              2043          2055
                 HUK               HUK           HUK          HUK 3054
                 1049              2044          2056
                                                              HUK 3055
                                   HUK           HUK
                                   2045          2057         HUK 3056

                                                              HUK 3057

                                                              HUK 3058

                                                              HUK 3059

                                                              HUK 3060

                                                              HUK 3061

IV. Year       IV. Year
I. Semester    II. Semester
 HUK 4062        HUK 4078

 HUK 4063        HUK 4079

 HUK 4064        HUK 4080

 HUK 4065        HUK 4081

 HUK 4066        HUK 4082

 HUK 4067        HUK 4083

 HUK 4068        HUK 4084

 HUK 4069        HUK 4085

 HUK 4070        HUK 4086

 HUK 4071        HUK 4087

 HUK 4072        HUK 4088

 HUK 4073        HUK 4089

 HUK 4074        HUK 4090

 HUK 4075        HUK 4091

 HUK 4076        HUK 4092

 HUK 4077        HUK 4093

                 HUK 4094

                 HUK 4095

ECTS grading scale :
ECTS          % of successful
Grade         students normally       Definition
              achieving the grade
A             10                      EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with only
                                      minor errors

B             25                      VERY GOOD – above the average standart but with
                                      some errors

C             30                      GOOD – generally sound work with a number of
                                      notable errors

D             25                      SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant

E             10                      SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum

FX            -                       FAIL – some more work required before the credit
                                      can be awarded

F             -                       FAIL – considerable further work is required

(5) ECTS credits :
        1 full academic year =       60 credits
        1 semester            =      30 credits
At the Faculty, a full-year education system is implemented, so the academic year is not
officially divided into semesters. However, if a student decides to study at our Faculty for
only one semester, if there exists a decision in this respect passed by the Faculty Board,
he/she may be allowed to take the lectures regarding the related course belonging to that
period of time only.
Elective courses are offered for both semesters. During first year of education, students can
(and must) choose 1 elective course for the first semester and 2 elective courses for the second
semester. During second, third and forth year of education, students can (and must) choose 2
elective courses for each semesters.
The regular student attending our faculty is expected to enter two mid-exams and one closing
examination (the ‘final exam’) from each lecture. In case of failure to achieve the required
minimum grade, the student is offered the chance to enter one further exam, named as the
‘make-up exam’.

The passing grade is sixty out-of one-hundred. In other words, a student is expected to
achieve a minimum average mark of sixty.
For the calculation of passing grade, the average of mid-term exams is taken. With the help of
this average, the contribution points, which are previously determined by the faculty
management, are calculated. Then students take a final examination. To pass a course, student
must achieve a total score of 60. This total score is the sum of final exam’s grade and the
contribution points from the midterm exams. But to pass a course, student must become at
least 50 points from the final exam. These rules are applied for the make-up exams too.
If the average mark of a student from a lecture at the end of the two mid-term exams attains
80 (out of a full one-hundred) he/she is exempted from the final examination for that lecture.
The student is deemed to have passed that course.
The examinations are written exams in general. But professors can independently choose the
style of examinations. The number of questions varies from lecture to lecture and according to
being a mid-term exam or the final exam.
If an ERASMUS STUDENT willing to study at our Faculty for only one semester has been
allowed to do so by virtue of a decision in this respect passed by the Faculty Board, the exam
system he/she will be subject to, will depend on the content of that decision. However, in such
case, it is most probable that the student will be allowed to select whatever subjects he/she
wants, regardless of which year they are lectured in (provided they attain a minimum of 20
ECTS and do not exceed the allowed maximum of 30 ETCS). In this case, the student will
enter separate exams for each subject. The modality of the exam shall depend on the
discretion of the Faculty Board, based on the preference of the lecturer. However, the passing
grade will still be 60/100, provided that the final exam result does not fall below 50/100.
THE ERASMUS STUDENT is expected to enter one mid-exam and one closing examination (the ‘final
exam’) from each lecture. In case of failure to achieve the required minimum grade, the
student is offered the chance to enter one further exam, named as the ‘make-up exam'.
The passing grade is sixty out-of one-hundred. In other words, a student is expected to
achieve a minimum average mark of sixty.
For the calculation of passing grade, the note of mid-term exam is taken. With the help of
this note, the contribution points, which are previously determined by the faculty
management, are calculated. Then students take a final examination. To pass a course,
student must achieve a total score of 60. This total score is the sum of final exam’s grade
and the contribution points from the midterm exam. But to pass a course, student must
become at least 50 points from the final exam. These rules are applied for the make-up
exams too.
If the note of a student from a lecture at the end of the mid-term exam attains 80 (out of a
full one-hundred) he/she is exempted from the final examination for that lecture. The student
is deemed to have passed that course.
Contribution points mentioned below are added to exemption note, if there is not exemption
from final examination, added to final or make-up examination note and this final note is
regarded as achievement note.

Contribution Points
100-95                15
94-90                 14
89-85                 13
84-80                 12
79-75                 11
74-70                 10
69-65                  8
64-60                  6
59-55                  4
54-50                  2
49-40                  0
39-35                 -2
34-30                 -3
29-25                 -4
24-20                 -5
19-10                 -6
9-0                   -8

The number determined by contribution point can not exceed one hundred. Minus ''-''
contribution points are scaled down from final or make-up examination note.
The examinations are written exams in general. But professors can independently choose the
style of examinations. The number of questions varies from lecture to lecture and according
to being a mid-term exam or the final exam.
          The academical calendar is determined by the Senate of the University according to
           the proposal of the Faculty.
          Each academic year contains fall and spring terms, although this sub-division is only
           valid for administrative purposes. That is to say, the academic curriculum is based on
           a full-year education system. Every term comprises 70 curriculum days except
           Saturdays, Sundays and the other official rest days.
          The total lecture hours per week are minimum 20, maximum 28 hours. If necessary,
           courses and examinations are also executed on Saturdays and other rest hours.
          The total education period in faculty of law is 4 years. According to article 44
           embodied in the Act numbered 4111, only 3 further years (6 terms) may be allowed in
           addition to this period in order for a student to graduate.
          The qualifications for attending the final exam at the end of the year and its
           completion are: to attend the lecture courses with %70 percent; to fulfill homeworks,
           papers and other works successfully.
          In the faculty of law, a system of “lecture-passing” is implemented.
According to internal rules and regulations in force at the Faculty, the grades are
categorized as follows:
          85-100 AA
          70-84 BB
          60-69 CC

50-59 DD
     49-0 FF
The grades, which are not included in the average, are:
     Y- Insufficient (Yetersiz)
     B- Successful (Başarılı)
Temporary Grades are:
     D- Discontinuous (Devamsız) (This grade is accepted as FF in the calculation of the
        grade average)


                                        FIRST YEAR

HUK 1012 Roman Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The objective of this course is to approach the basic concepts and foundations of law along
with the basics of Roman Law and to introduce them to the students by considering the
historical development process. In this course, basic and general knowledge on private law,
especially regarding to Civil Law, Law of Obligations and Law of Property, will be conveyed;
the formation of basics of the concepts, foundations and principles in Roman Law and their
development until today will be demonstrated. Moreover it is aimed to provide the required
basis knowledge for the prospective law courses for the students by comparing Roman Law
and the modern legal systems and by emphasizing their differences and similarities.

HUK 1013 Civil Law (Credit:4+0, ECTS:8)
The course of Civil Law aims at studying in detail the general principles of law, basic rules of
law, rules regulating the acquisition of personality and termination of personality in natural
persons and legal entities, possession of rights and legal capacity, protection of personality,
name and ways to protect the name, residential area and kinship relationships of natural
persons, legal relationships between the individuals constituting the family which is the
foundation of the society under the major topics of Preliminary Provisions, Law of Persons
and Family Law.

HUK 1014 General Theory of State (Credit:2+0, ECTS:6)
General Theory of State aims to execute that there are political, economical and social facts
behind the appearance period of the legal provisions and the legal structure that these
provisions are applied may only be meaningful under the institutionalized political power.

HUK 1015 Constitutional Law (Credit:4+0, ECTS:8)
1- To have the fundamental concepts of constitutional law (the resources of constitutional
   law, the analysis of political power and state in terms of constitutional law ascertained.
2- To analyze the fundamental establishment of the state (legislation, execution,
   legislation) within the frame of scientific methodology of constitutional law,

3-   To analyze the fundamental rights and freedoms in a context of relations of an
     individual and a state constitutional law.

HUK 1016 Introduction to Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:6)
Course objective is introduce the basic concepts and institutions of law. It is given basic and
general information to students about lessons that will given process of their law education
and tried to prepare the infrastructure for law lessons that will take their after years.

HUK 1017 Economics (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

ATA 1000 Turkish Revolution History (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

YDİ 1000 Foreign Language (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

TDL 1000 Turkish (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1032 Political History (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To lecture the 20th Century World and Turkey Political history within the context of nation
states and international system as a consequence of 1789 French Revolution. In Political
History class, the development and change of states from their establishment to collapse and
the ideas and practices of people, groups and classes, the relation between these and the state,
and the relations between sovereign states as actors of international system will be analyzed.

HUK 1033 History of Political Theory (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The meaning of the concept of ideology and the ideologies that continue with developed and
changed from 19th to 20th century can be learned. The aim of course is to execute types of
political culture and to draw a general framework about the ideologies.

HUK 1034 Methodology of Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
1- To teach basic notions of science, social science, law and philophogy of science.
2- To teach methods of formal and contextual analysis of law’s rules.
3- To inform about lots of topics like raising resources, attribution, plan, footnote.

HUK 1035 Human Rights Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
It is aimed to convey the development of human rights, the situation of the human rights in
Turkey and Turkish Constitution and the basic developments of human rights area in
international law.

HUK 1036 The History of Turkish Constitution (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
In this class, the constitutionalism idea in Ottoman and Republic period, the basic
specifications of the constitutions of 1876-1921-1924-1961 and 1982, their regulations
relating to state organization, fundamental rights and freedoms system and the practices of
these constitutions, and the political and constitutional regime of their time will be lectured.

HUK 1037 Vocational Foreign Language I (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Having English equivalents of fundamental legal concepts ascertained, improving translation
from English to Turkish and by this way, having English legal texts comprehended easily.

HUK 1038 Vocational Foreign Language I (German) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to teach to the students the translation of German from concepts of
fundamental legal, to improve skills of judicial decision translation of German texts to
Turkish texts and in this way to provide easily understanding of German texts about the basis
of scientific work and judicial decisions.

HUK 1039 Vocational Foreign Language I (French) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1040 Accounting (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1042 Techniques of Legislation (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Having knowledge about legislation, working principle of Turkish Grand National Assembly,
preparation and negotiation process of draft law and legislative proposal, the aspects of
political party groups for legislation, the coordination of institutions and the attendance of
civil society to this process and the acceleration of legislation process and the current
problems of internal regulations of Turkish Grand National Assembly.

HUK 1043 Law of Political Parties (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Mainly the purposes of the lesson are to provide students to have a good grasp of the types of
political parties, the national and international regulations and judicial decisions about
political parties; also to have them realize the vital importance and necessity of political
parties in democratic political regimes; lastly to provide them to have knowledge of current
problems of the legal system of the political parties.

HUK 1044 Business Economics (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1045 Judicial Organization Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1046 History of International Relations (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 1048 Vocational Foreign Language II (German) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to teach to the students the translation of German from concepts of
fundamental legal, to improve skills of judicial decision translation of German texts to
Turkish texts and in this way to provide easily understanding of German texts about the basis
of scientific work and judicial decisions.

HUK 1049 Vocational Foreign Language II (French) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)


HUK 2012 History of Turkish Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:5)
The Turkish Law on which the decisive periods of switching, in which the systems of law are
adopted, to learn from the past, legal institutions, law rules have knowledge about the past, in
the legal systems, the applications of the social process and the present law, how it affects the
see, the old and the new comparison between the communication.

HUK 2013 Finance (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Course objective is giving general informations to students about revenue collection of the
government and other public corporation, spending and fiscal policy. At this comprehensive
course the students are informed about legal framework without giving shape details. In
addition, one of the main objectives of the course is direct to students that interested in tax
and public finance to this area in later periods.

HUK 2014 Criminal Law (General Provisions) (Credit:3+0, ECTS:8)
General Criminal Law's objective is, as a basic course of criminal law, simply, analyzing and
searching human behaviours that is formed a crime and sanctions of crimes.

HUK 2015 Administrative Law (Credit:3+0, ECTS:8)
To introduce the administrative law conceptually, teach the principles and rules of
administrative law and indicate the implementation with examples.

HUK 2016 Law of Obligations (General Provisions) (Credit:4+0, ECTS:10)
The purpose of this course, to provide to the students information on the undergraduate level
about the birth of obligations, coverage of obligations and pursuance of obligations the to
provide information. The next few years which will be examined other branches of private
law in order to better understand the basis of a sound knowledge of can be obtained.

HUK 2017 Public International Law (Credit:3+0, ECTS:6)
The introduction of legal norms which regulates various relationships and the problems
between the members of the international community, assessment of the related judicial
decisions, and interpretation of current events related to the course content.

TBT 2003 Basic Computer Technologies (Credit:2+0, ECTS:3)
The objective of this course is to solve the problems of the students relating to efficient
computer usage, to get acquinted with computer components, typing, presentation, evaluation
and computer security.

HUK 2036 Constitutional Jurisdiction (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
It is aimed to convey the important role of constitutional jurisdiction that protects fundamental
rights and freedoms and put the supremacy and binding force of constitutions into practice.
By this way, the importance of constitutional review for the principles of rule of law and
democratic state will appear. Also, it is aimed to have a competence of analyzing the
decisions, working principles of constitutional courts in national and comparative law.

HUK 2037 Election Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Having fundamental concepts and institutions ascertained, the meaning of elections in
democracies is appraised and having fundamental principles, rules and institutions of election

HUK 2038 Current Problems of Family Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The basic aim of Current Issues of Family Law is provide, examination, analysis to basic
Information adoption, custody and guardianship and to understand of function and importance
about them.

HUK 2039 Media Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of this course: to introduce basic concepts and institutions of media law to the

HUK 2040 Inventory and Balances (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 2041 Philosophical Bases of Criminal Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The purpose of this crime is to present how the criminal law interfere to the social life.

HUK 2042 Juvenile Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The basic aim of the Juvenile Law Course is the acquisition of the essentials of the subject;
namely it aims to examine the position of the juveniles in law, their rights and obligations in
the family and society, legal protection of the juveniles.

HUK 2043 Vocational Foreign Language I (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Having English equivalents of fundamental legal concepts ascertained, improving the ability
of making translations from English to Turkish and by this way, having English texts of legal
decisions and treatises analyzed easily.

HUK 2044 Vocational Foreign Language I (German) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to teach to the students the translation of German from concepts of
fundamental legal, to improve skills of judicial decision translation of German texts to
Turkish texts and in this way to provide easily understanding of German texts about the basis
of scientific work and judicial decisions.

HUK 2045 Vocational Foreign Language I (French) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 2046 The European Convention on Human Rights and its Application (Credit:2+0,
Defining the concept of human rights, disclosure of the historical development and theoretical
underpinnings of human rights, evaluation of the system regard to the protection of human
rights in the context of domestic law and the ECHR.

HUK 2047 Parliament Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of this course is to evaluate the reasons for disclosure of parliaments and the
important role of parliaments for the practice of the principles of national sovereignty and
popular sovereignty. The other aim is to gain information about the mechanisms of
parliaments, process of legislation in the light of comparative and national examples.

HUK 2048 Criminology (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Discussing the occasions of the offence, the relationship between the social development and
the criminality, criminals, criminal groups, victims, the ways of preventing the crimes.

HUK 2049 Economic Public Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To examine the concept of economic law and economic public law, economic administrative
law area, the principles of economic administrative law, the structure of an organic point of
view of economic administration, independent administrative authorities, administrative
procedures in the field of the administration of economic and control of this, reflection of the
economic choices of judicial decisions.

HUK 2050 Budget Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
It is intented that transfer of the legal nature of budget; that is public expenditures branches of
public financy by addressing the economic and legal aspects, the nature of the budget, the
basic principles of extraction procedures, implementation and control.

HUK 2053 The Law of International Institutions (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Examination of the international institutions whose number increased after the World War II
as a result of intensified desire for international co-operation and which plays an essential role
in international relations, and their activities from the legal point of view.

HUK 2054 Judicial Organization of the Ottoman Empire (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To be informed about the judicial organization of the Ottoman Empire, present-day
organization of the judiciary to learn how to develop and present institutions and the
establishment of a system of comparison between the old ones to do.

HUK 2055 Vocational Foreign Language II (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Having English equivalents of fundamental legal concepts ascertained, improving the ability
of making translations from English to Turkish and by this way, having English texts of legal
decisions and treatises comprehended easily.

HUK 2056 Vocational Foreign Language II (German) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to teach to the students the translation of German from concepts of
fundamental legal, to improve skills of judicial decision translation of German texts to
Turkish texts and in this way to provide easily understanding of German texts about the basis
of scientific work and judicial decisions.

HUK 2057 Vocational Foreign Language II (French) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

                                        THIRD YEAR

HUK 3013 Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:6)
This course analyses special provisions of Turkish Criminal Code. This course objective is to
teach of basic crime types' aspect forms of crime general theory knowledge that is learned in
second year of law faculty. In addition other objective of this course is discussing of it's
structural elements with their special features.

HUK 3014 Tax Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:5)
The course objective defining to students basic concepts and institutions of tax law that one of
the lesson of public department. At the lesson, it is researched that person and public right and
obligations at process between beginning and ending. Within this framework it is told role of
legists on tax law and especially it is informed about solutions of tax issues and disputes.

HUK 3015 Philosophy and Sociology of Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:5)
Approaching the law in the perspective of philosophy and sociology of law apart from the
classical positive law education, providing to be more than a technician of law and to gain the
ability of critical thinking, analyzing, logic, consideration, interpretation and reasoning and
also the legal culture. Providing to approach the law as a social phenomenon which is both a
result and the regulator of the social life and to gain knowledge about social data which will
be used in legislation and the interaction and the relationship between society, social change
and the law.

HUK 3016 Civil Law (Property Law) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:6)
The aim of course; to give to the students at the undergraduate level information about real
rights and their patency what providing with possession and land registry institutions. The
course also putting on dispositions rules, what based prior year in the law of obligations
course, especially to provide unjust enrichment rules, that is the one of source of Obligations.
In addition this course serving as the infrastructure in many areas for example Civil Procedure
Law and Execution and Bankruptcy Law.

HUK 3017 Civil Procedure Law (Credit:3+0, ECTS:8)
A systematic presentation of a private law dispute, from take an action till validity of a verdict
with basic principles of civil procedure law and presentation of alternative dispute resolution

HUK 3018 Law of Obligations (Special Provisions) (Credit:3+0, ECTS:6)
The aim of this course is to introduce for the students the basic concepts and institutions of
Private Law of Obligations and to provide information of the basic and general Liabilities
Private Law.

HUK 3019 Law of Commercial Enterprise and Companies (Credit:3+0, ECTS:8)
Legal structure forms the basis of economic life, commercial businesses and corporations to
provide information about the undergraduate level.

HUK 3045 European Union Law Avrupa Birliği Hukuku (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of this course is teaching general principle of EU law.

HUK 3046 Zoning Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To introduce The Zoning Law conceptual and theoretical, teach the principles and rules of
zoning law and indicate the implementation with examples.

HUK 3047 Construction Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Study of the construction of the building contract executed by and between the building
contractor and the landowner, rights and obligations of the contractor, rights and obligations
of the landowner, termination of the building contract and legal consequences related to
termination, legal relations between the architect, landowner and contractor, legal relations
between the landowner and subcontractors, characteristics of building contracts for flats, legal
obligations of those who participate in building work.

HUK 3048 Food and Agriculture Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To explain relationship of the public services about food and agricultural activities, mainly
related to food safety, and the private sector by the principles and rules of administrative law
in the light of judicial decisions.

HUK 3049 Contracts of Administration (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Separation of the process of the administration's unilateral and multilateral, the elements of
the contract, separation of the administration's administrative contracts and private law
contracts, types of administrative contracts, disputes arising from administrative contracts,
these disputes are subject to the legal regime, the birth of the concept of the public
procurement contract, legal regime is subject to public procurement contract, private legal
persons of public services contracts made by the hand techniques are used as a method of, the
rights and obligations of the administration and the entity of private law on administration
contracts, termination of administration contracts, examine the methods of judicial and

HUK 3050 Water Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Description of the theoretical underpinnings and the historical development of the concept of
public water, examination of the regime to benefit from public water and evaluation of the
obligations which arising from taking advantage of the public water.
HUK 3051 Public Personnel Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To examine the basic principles and concepts of public personnel law, judges, civil servants
rights and freedoms, duties, prohibitions and obligations.

HUK 3052 Citizenship Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The objective of this course is to introduce the main concepts of Turkish nationality of law by
giving information about to be admitted to Turkish nationality and to become divested of
Turkish nationality.

HUK 3053 International Family Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The purpose of this lesson is to give information about international family law includes such
as international marriage, divorce and parental right.

HUK 3054 International Air Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Introduction of the legal regime of airspace and international legal rules on relationships and
issues related to aviation.

HUK 3055 ECHR and the Criminal Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The purpose of this lecture is, to introduce the margins of the criminal law from the human
rights perspective.

HUK 3056 International Dimensions of Human Rights (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The general framework of this lecture is limitation of power or the creation of individual
freedom and ensuring problem of human rights with the rising of modern state.

HUK 3057 Psychology of Justice (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Coaching the people who will be in the jurisdiction system, by explaining the issues such as
acknowledgement of the criminal, psychological illumination of the criminal law concepts,
prevent of the lack of jurisdiction, renovation of the criminal.

HUK 3058 Law of The Old Waqf (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To be informed about the theoretical aspects and applications of the waqfs in İslamic Law and
the Ottoman Empire, and comparison of today’s law of the waqf of this institution to do.

HUK 3059 Vocational Foreign Language I (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 3060 Vocational Foreign Language I (German) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to teach to the students the translation of German from concepts of
fundamental legal, to improve skills of judicial decision translation of German texts to
Turkish texts and in this way to provide easily understanding of German texts about the basis
of scientific work and judicial decisions.

HUK 3061 Vocational Foreign Language I (French) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

HUK 3062 Media Criminal Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To give information about the freedom of mass communication and the offenses related to the
freedom of mass communication, to analyze specially the press offences and the internet

HUK 3063 Public Procurement Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
After evaluation the concept of “Public procurement” (broad and narrow sense), To examine
the principles that have dominated the tender process, classification of legal regulations
related to public procurement, public tender stages in the narrow sense, conflicts in the
process of tendering, the administrative control of these disputes, the duties and authority of
the Public Procurement Authority, the legal nature of the decisions, legal remedies against the

HUK 3064 Health Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The establishment of relationship between the right to a healthy life and health law,
investigation of administrative organization in the field of health and operation and the basic
principles, legal problems and solutions.

HUK 3065 Traffic Criminal Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
As a subtitle of the criminal law, to analyze the structural elements of the traffic offenses and
faults, to evaluate these acts from the criminal and typological perspective and to present the
relationship between the traffic criminal law and the criminal procedural law by researching
the procedural rules related to these acts.

HUK 3066 Law of Foreigners (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Law of foreigners formed by legal principles and rules which regulates foreigners rights and
responsibilities in a country. The subject of this course rendered by the legal status of
foreigners in Turkey. This course, the students will be informed particularly on these topics:
right of labor, right to make an investment, right to buy immovable in Turkey and the
limitations of these rights.

HUK 3067 Immigration and Refugee Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
When the failure of the state on the obligation to protect the citizens occurs, there is a need of
international protection. The object of course is to clarify the concepts of migration, asylum-
seekers and refugees. Then instruct about their rights and international obligations concerning
the protection of such person.

HUK 3068 Disciplinary Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
Determination of the legal nature of the concept of disciplinary sanctions, examination of
basic principles of disciplinary law, to determination the procedural rules of disciplinary
investigation, explanation the rules of the procedures that must be followed in order to make
criminal prosecution of civil servants, determination of the legal nature of the suspension

HUK 3069 Notary Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
This course aims concept of notary public from past to nowadays and in today’s Turkey
concepts of notary public and notary to be researched broadly within the scope of provision of
Act of Notary numbered 1512. This course also aims knowledge about notary to be enhanced.

HUK 3070 Consumer Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of this course to provide to the students the basic concepts and institutions of
consumer law. In this course giving to the students the basic and general information related
to consumer law.

HUK 3071 Criminal Tax Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The purpose of the course is to teach the regulations which take place at positive law
concerning tax crime and punishment and to inform the students about the actions to be taken
as individual and societal in the sense of placing the awareness of tax pay. At the course of
tax criminal law, the topics such as the elements, determination, pursuance and the trial of tax
crimes concerning the terms which take part in tax procedural law and anti-smuggling law
and customs law are all being discussed.

HUK 3072 Law on Criminal Execution (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The purpose of this course is, to present adequate knowledge about the new Turkish law on
criminal execution by analyzing the law on the execution of sentences and security measures
that regulates the period from the validity of the verdict to the release of the convict from the
penal institutions and the statute about the criminal execution and the release on probation.

HUK 3073 The Intellectual Property Law (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
To identificate the extend of intellectual property notion; to learn how to protect the
intellectual property rights of beneficiaries in the meaning of material and moral way; the
meanings of brand, patent and industrial design and the difference of these notions from other
similar notions; the scope of the protection and to penetrate the legal compilation solutions if
an encroachment is occurred.

HUK 3074 Structural Changes in Companies and Law of Group CompaniesCredit:2+0,
To make the student reach the level of interpreting the notions and institutes of
conglomerates; interpreting the structure between parent company and subsidiaries and the
consolidated economical relationship between them.

HUK 3075 Limited Real Rights (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)
The aim of course; to give to the students at the undergraduate level information about
restricted real rights and their types and sequences. In addition this course serving as the
infrastructure in many areas for example Civil Procedure Law and Execution and Bankruptcy

HUK 3076 Vocational Foreign Language II (English) (Credit:2+0, ECTS:4)

You can also read