Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?

Page created by Denise Stephens
Journal of Economic Literature 2011, 49:3, 673–685

                 Can Government Purchases
                  Stimulate the Economy?
                                          Valerie A. Ramey*

     This essay briefly reviews the state of knowledge about the government spending
     multiplier. Drawing on theoretical work, aggregate empirical estimates from the
     United States, as well as cross-locality estimates, I assess the likely range of multiplier
     values for the experiment most relevant to the stimulus package debate: a temporary,
     deficit-financed increase in government purchases. I conclude that the multiplier for
     this type of spending is probably between 0.8 and 1.5. ( JEL E23, E62, H50)

                 1.   Introduction                             rates, however, it became abundantly clear
                                                               that more research was needed.

O     ne of the few positive effects of the
      recent financial crisis has been the
revival of interest in the short-run macroeco-
                                                                 Given the upsurge in research on this
                                                               topic, we now have many more resources to
                                                               draw upon when asked “what is the govern-
nomic effects of government spending and                       ment spending multiplier?” In this essay, I
tax changes. Before 2008, the topic of stim-                   will begin by briefly reviewing what theory
ulus effects of fiscal policy was a backwater                  has to say about the potential effects. As I
compared to research on monetary policy.                       will discuss, “the multiplier” is a nebulous
One reason for the lack of interest was the                    concept that depends very much on the
belief that the lags in implementing fiscal                    type of government spending, its persis-
policy were typically too long to be useful                    tence, and how it is financed. I will then go
for combating recessions. Perhaps another                      on to review the aggregate empirical evi-
reason was that central banks sponsored                        dence for the United States, as well as the
many more conferences than government                          cross-locality evidence on multipliers. I will
treasury departments. When the economy                         conclude that the U.S. aggregate multiplier
fell off the cliff in 2008 and the Fed reached                 for a temporary, deficit-financed increase
the dreaded “zero lower bound” on interest                     in government purchases (that enter sepa-
                                                               rately in the utility function and have no
                                                               direct effect on private sector production
   * University of California, San Diego, and National         functions) is probably between 0.8 and 1.5.
Bureau of Economic Research. I wish to thank Davide
Debortoli, Roger Gordon, John Taylor, and Irina Telyu-
                                                               Reasonable people can argue, however,
kova for helpful comments.                                     that the data do not reject 0.5 or 2.0.

674                    Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIX (September 2011)

        2.    Brief Review of the Theory                      beginning of the period, g  T is the transi-
                                                              tory component of government spending, g  P
   In this section, I briefly review the leading              is the persistent component of government
theories on the effects of government spend-                  spending, g is total government spending,
ing. An important point to keep in mind is                    u(c, n) is the utility function, and f (k, n) is
that all of the theories hinge fundamentally                  the production function. Primes denote the
on the effect of government spending on                       next period’s value of variables. There exist
equilibrium hours worked, and how those                       unique solutions to the utility maximization
hours translate to output. Absent instanta-                   subproblem, so that optimal labor supply
neous adjustment of the capital stock, total                  and consumption can be written as:
output can only rise in the short-run if hours
worked rise. Thus, the multiplier is intimately                n = h(k, k′ + g) and c = q(k, k′ + g).
linked to the effect of government spending
on equilibrium hours and to the extent of                     It can be shown that the function h is strictly
diminishing returns to labor.                                 increasing in g since a rise in g represents a
                                                              negative wealth effect (and leisure is assumed
2.1 Models in the Neoclassical Tradition
                                                              to be a normal good). For the same reason,
   In neoclassical models, the key channels                   the function q is strictly decreasing in g.
through which fiscal policy affects the private                  Aiyagari, Christiano, and Eichenbaum
economy are wealth effects, intertemporal sub-                (1992) decompose the effect of government
stitution effects, and distortions to first-order             spending on hours as follows:
conditions (e.g., Robert J. Barro and Robert G.
King 1984, Marianne Baxter and King 1993,                                  ∂ h ​  + ​ _
                                                                 dn ​  = ​ _
                                                              	​ _                    ∂ h ​ ​ _
                                                                                              ∂ k′ ​.
                                                                 dg        ∂g         ∂ k′ ∂ g
and S. Rao Aiyagari, Lawrence J. Christiano,
and Martin Eichenbaum 1992). To see this,                     The first term captures the static effect and
consider first a standard neoclassical model                  the second term captures the dynamic effect.
with no distortionary taxes. The social planner               As discussed above, the first term is posi-
maximizes the discounted utility of the repre-                tive because of the negative wealth effect.
sentative household subject to the production                 Because g and k′ enter symmetrically in the h
function and resource constraints. Following                  function, ∂ h/∂ k′ = ∂ h/∂ g. The size of ∂ k′/∂ g
Aiyagari, Christiano, and Eichenbaum (1992),                  depends on whether the increase in g is tran-
we can write the standard Bellman equation to                 sitory or persistent. Aiyagari, Christiano, and
distinguish static from dynamic effects of gov-               Eichenbaum (1992) show that

                                                                            ​  ∂ k′ ​​)​ ​  > (_
                                                                                               ​  ∂ k′ ​​)​ ​,
ernment spending:
                                                                                      P                    T

             v(k,​ g​  ​, ​g​  ​) = ​     
                   P     T
                                       max ​                                   ∂g                 ∂g
                                 k′≤ f (k, N) − g

{W(k, k′ + g) + E(β v(k′, ​g​  P′​, ​g​  T​′ ) | ​g​  P​)},
                                                              so a persistent increase in government spend-
                                                              ing raises next period’s desired capital stock
                                                              by more. Thus, a persistent increase in gov-
where W(k, k′ + g)                                            ernment spending raises hours more now.
            ​  max ​u(c, n).                                     In this model with no distortionary taxa-
               c,n∈{0≤n≤N; 0≤c≤ f (k,n)−(g+k′ )}              tion, Ricardian equivalence reigns, so it does
                                                              not matter whether government purchases
In these equations, c is consumption, n is                    are financed with current taxes or defi-
hours worked, k is the capital stock at the                   cit spending. Results change considerably,
Ramey: Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?                         675

though, when spending is financed with dis-         can be as high as 1.2 or as low as –2.5, depend-
tortionary taxes. For example, a rise in cur-       ing on the nature of the experiment.
rent distortionary labor income taxes tends
                                                    2.2 Models in the Keynesian Tradition
to depress output and hours.
   Baxter and King (1993) catalog the possi-            The basic idea of the multiplier is illus-
ble range of government spending multipli-          trated in the so-called “Keynesian cross
ers using a standard calibration of a dynamic       ­diagram” that is the staple of undergraduate
general equilibrium model. They find that            macroeconomics. If interest rates are held
the lowest multipliers result when (1) the           constant, then the multiplier for government
increase in government spending is tempo-            spending is given by 1/(1 – mpc) and for taxes
rary and (2) governments raise distortion-           is given by –mpc/(1 – mpc), where mpc is the
ary taxes concurrently to keep the budget            marginal propensity to consume. Allowing
balanced. In this case, the multiplier can be        for open economy considerations (i.e., a mar-
as low as negative 2.5. Multipliers for tem-         ginal propensity to import) or rises in interest
porary increases in government spending              rates lowers the multiplier, whereas allowing
financed with deficits (to be paid with future       for accelerator effects in investment can raise
lump-sum taxes) are somewhat higher, but             the multiplier. Even in extended models, the
are still substantially below unity. Permanent       size of the multiplier is intimately linked to
increases in government spending financed            the marginal propensity to consume.
by current or future lump-sum taxes give                As Jordi Galí, J. David López-Salido, and
larger multipliers because the greater nega-         Javier Vallés (2007) and John F. Cogan et al.
tive wealth effect raises labor supply more          (2010) discuss, the typical New Keynesian
and the steady-state capital stock rises, which      model (e.g., Frank Smets and Rafael
leads to a rise in investment. In this case, the     Wouters 2007) predicts a much smaller
short-run multiplier is just below unity and         multiplier. Since the New Keynesian model
the long-run multiplier is around 1.2.               builds a sticky-price edifice on a neoclassi-
   As Craig Burnside, Eichenbaum, and                cal foundation, neoclassical effects tend to
Jonas D. M. Fisher (2004) note, on average in        mute the Keynesian multiplier. Cogan et al.
the post–World War II data, large increases          (2010) use the Smets–Wouters model to esti-
in government spending are typically fol-            mate multipliers that are equal to or less than
lowed by hump-shaped rises in distortionary          unity. Galí, López-Salido, and Vallés (2007)
taxes. Although they do not discuss multipli-        are able to obtain multipliers as high as 2.0,
ers explicitly, the graphs from the analysis of      but only when they make the following two
models with paths of distortionary taxes lead        assumptions: (1) at least fifty percent of con-
to higher positive short-run multipliers than        sumers are rule-of-thumb consumers, so that
in the lump-sum tax case. The multiplier is          the marginal propensity to consume is much
higher because of intertemporal substitution         higher than would be the case if consum-
effects: because individuals know that taxes         ers behaved optimally; and (2) employment
will be higher in the future, they intertem-         is demand-determined, so that workers are
porally substitute more labor to the present         always willing to supply as many hours as
when taxes are relatively low.                       firms demand. These two assumptions essen-
   Thus, the neoclassical model predicts that        tially convert the New Keynesian model back
the government spending multiplier can be            into a traditional Keynesian model.
negative or positive, depending on the extent           Within the new Keynesian model, how-
and timing of distortionary taxes. For reason-       ever, there is one way in which multipliers
able parameter values, the short-run m­ ultiplier    can be made larger without resorting to
676              Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIX (September 2011)

widespread nonoptimizing behavior. This is        homogenous agent model with perfect capi-
the case of the “zero lower bound.” Gauti B.      tal markets, a temporary rise in transfers now
Eggertsson (2001, forthcoming), Eggertsson        should have no effect because of perma-
and Michael Woodford (2003), Christiano,          nent income hypothesis considerations and
Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo (2011) and          Ricardian equivalence. Oh and Reis (2011)
Woodford (2011) explore fiscal policy in New      explore some simple models that relax these
Keynesian models in which the economy is          assumptions but are not able to generate
caught in a deflationary spiral at the zero       much bigger effects.
lower bound. A deficit-financed increase in          All of the models discussed above assume
government spending leads expectations of         the economy starts out in a steady-state in
inflation to increase. When nominal inter-        which capital is fully utilized and workers are
est rates are held constant, this increase in     fully employed. A key question is whether
expected inflation drives the real interest       government spending multipliers can be
rate down, spurring the economy. Christiano,      greater if the economy starts out with under­
Eichenbaum, and Rebelo show that if inter-        utilized resources, which is widely believed
est rates are held constant for twelve quar-      to be the case in 2009. It seems that this
ters and government spending goes up              would be a promising area for more theo-
during this time, the multiplier peaks at 2.3.    retical research. Below, I will discuss some
                                                  empirical work that has found that the mag-
2.3 Other Considerations
                                                  nitude of the multiplier does seem to depend
   Most of the models discussed above             on the state of the economy.
abstract from three potentially important            To summarize this section, the theoreti-
features: (1) productive government spend-        cal work on government spending gives a
ing; (2) transfers; and (3) underutilization of   wide range of possible values of the multi-
resources. I will briefly discuss how each of     plier, depending on the type of model used,
these might change the predictions.               the assumptions about how monetary policy
   In the last section of their paper, Baxter     behaves, the type and persistence of govern-
and King (1993) consider the multiplier           ment spending, and how it is financed. It is
effects of an increase in investment in pub-      necessary, therefore, to turn to the data to
lic capital. In the case of public capital that   see if we can narrow the range.
raises the marginal product of private inputs,
the multiplier can be quite large, somewhere
                                                      3.   Aggregate Time Series Evidence
between 4.0 and 13.0 in the long run, but
much lower in the short run. Thus, consid-           All of the theories of the multiplier dis-
ering productive government spending does         cussed above are general equilibrium theo-
not raise the predicted short-run stimulus        ries, so aggregate data is the most natural
effects in the neoclassical model.                place to study the strength of the multiplier.
   As Hyunseung Oh and Ricardo Reis               Numerous studies have been conducted on
(2011) and Cogan and John B. Taylor (2011)        a variety of countries. In order to focus this
point out, government purchases barely            section, I will concentrate on the U.S. evi-
increased in 2009 and 2010 despite the large      dence. Studies of multiple countries, such
stimulus package. As both papers point out,       as by Roberto Perotti (2005), Roel Beetsma,
most of the stimulus package was allocated        Massimo Giuliodori, and Franc Klaassen
to transfers. Most models, both neoclas-          (2008), Daniel Leigh et al. (2010), Ethan
sical and New Keynesian, treat transfers          Ilzetzki, Enrique G. Mendoza, and Carlos A.
like a negative lump-sum tax. In the ­typical     Végh (2010), Beetsma and Giuliodori (2011),
Ramey: Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?                                 677

and others, tend to find multipliers in the                     model, the Klein–Goldberger model, and
range of those discussed here for the United                    the Brookings model. He found multipliers
States.1                                                        on government spending of about 2.0, both
   Since most aggregate studies measure                         in the short-run and the long-run. He also
what happens on average when government                         discussed the estimated marginal propensity
spending changes, it is very important to                       to consume in the models. In the Wharton
keep track of the characteristics of the exper-                 and Klein–Goldberger models, the short-run
iments covered by the analyses. For example,                    marginal propensity to consume was esti-
to measure the effect of a deficit-financed                     mated to be 0.55 and the long-run one was
increase in government spending, one needs                      estimated to be 0.74.
to focus on periods in which taxes did not                         Subsequent analyses have tried to come to
change significantly or one needs to control                    terms with the Robert E. Lucas’ (1976) and
for tax effects. Tax multiplier estimates range                 Christopher A. Sims’ (1980) critiques of this
from –  0.5 to –  5.0, so it is difficult to choose             earlier literature. Most aggregate analyses of
a single number to control for tax effects.2 In                 the last several decades have relied on vector
addition, because stimulus packages are sup-                    autoregressions (VARs) or dynamic simula-
posed to be temporary, we ideally would like                    tions to estimate the effects of government
to measure the effect of temporary changes.                     spending and tax changes. None of these
Also important is whether the economy had                       analyses is immune to potential problems of
underutilized resources at the time of the                      identification, though. For example, Barro
government spending increase.                                   (1981), Robert E. Hall (1986), Valerie A.
   Table 1 gives a summary of just a few of the                 Ramey and Matthew D. Shapiro (1998), Hall
representative studies using aggregate data to                  (2009), Fisher and Ryan Peters (2010), Ramey
estimate government spending multipliers; it                    (2011), and Barro and Redlick (2011) all focus
is by no means meant to be exhaustive.3 The                     on military buildups under the assumption
Michael K. Evans (1969) paper is represen-                      that this type of government spending is the
tative of the discussion of fiscal ­multipliers in              least likely to respond to economic events.
the heyday of traditional Keynesianism and                      Nevertheless, there is always the possibility
the big econometric models. Evans com-                          that the events that lead to these buildups,
pared multipliers for sustained increases in                    such as the start of World War II and the
government spending across the Wharton                          start of the Cold War, could have other influ-
                                                                ences on the economy apart from the effects
                                                                on government spending. For example, dur-
   1 However, there is also a literature that finds some evi-   ing World War II increased patriotism could
dence that fiscal contractions can be expansionary. See, for    have raised labor supply more than would be
example, Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano (1990),
Alberto Alesina and Perotti (1997), and Alesina and Silvia      predicted by economic incentives and hence
Ardagna (2010).                                                 could raise the multiplier. In contrast, ration-
   2 Examples of estimates of the tax multiplier are –0.5
                                                                ing and capacity constraints during the world
(Carlo Favero and Giavazzi forthcoming), –1.1 (Barro and
Charles J. Redlick 2011), –3.0 (Christina D. Romer and          wars could dampen the multiplier.
David H. Romer 2010), and –5.0 (Andrew Mountford and               Numerous studies have followed Olivier
Harald Uhlig 2009).
   3 Examples of other studies that use methods similar
                                                                Blanchard and Perotti (2002) by using
to some of the studies listed or investigate the robustness     Choleski decompositions to identify
of those techniques are Antonio Fatás and Ilian Mihov           ­government spending shocks and by using
(2001), Perotti (2005), Evi Pappa (2005), Dario Caldara          assumptions on tax elasticities in a structural
and Christophe Kamps (2008), Caldara (2011), Tommaso
Monacelli, Perotti, and Antonella Trigari (2010), and Jörn       VAR (SVAR) to identify tax shocks. SVAR
Tenhofen and Guntram Wolff (2007).                               methods have the advantage that they are
678                    Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIX (September 2011)

                                                    Table 1
                                 Examples of Aggregate Analyses on U.S. Data

Study                   Sample                 Identification                     Implied spending multiplier

Evans (1969)            Quarterly, 1948–62     Based on estimates of equations    Slightly above 2.0 in all models
                                               of Wharton, Klein-Goldberger,
                                               and Brookings models
Barro (1981), Hall      Annual, various        Use military spending as           0.6–1.0
(1986), Hall (2009),    samples, some going    instrument for government
Barro and Redlick       back to 1889           spending
Rotemberg and           Quarterly,             Shocks are residuals from          1.25
Woodford (1992)         1947–89                regression of military spending
                                               on own lags and lags of military
Ramey and Shapiro       Quarterly, 1947–late   Dynamic simulations or VARs        0.6–1.2, depending on sample
(1998), Edelberg,       1990s or 2000s         using Ramey-Shapiro dates,         and whether calculated as
Eichenbaum, and                                which are based on narrative       cumulative or peak
Fisher (1999),                                 evidence of anticipated military
Eichenbaum and                                 buildups
Fisher (2005),
Cavallo (2005)
Blanchard and           Quarterly,             SVARS, Choleski decomposition      0.9 to 1.29, depending on
Perotti (2002)          1960–97                with G ordered first               assumptions about trends

Mountford and           Quarterly,             Sign restrictions on a VAR         0.65 for a deficit-financed
Uhlig (2009)            1955–2000                                                 increase in spending

Romer and               Quarterly              Average multipliers from           Rising to 1.57 by the 8th
Bernstein (2009)                               FRB/US model and a private         quarter
                                               forecasting firm model
Cogan et al. (2010)     Quarterly, 1966–2004   Estimated Smets–Wouters            0.64 at peak
Ramey (2011)            Quarterly, 1939–2008   VAR using shocks to the            0.6 to 1.2, depending on
                        and subsamples         expected present discounted        sample
                                               value of government spending
                                               caused by military events, based
                                               on narrative evidence
Fisher and Peters       Quarterly, 1960–2007   VAR using shocks to the            1.5 based on cumulative
(2010)                                         excess stock returns of military   effects
Auerbach and            Quarterly, 1947–2008   SVAR that controls for             Expansion: –0.3 to 0.8
Gorodnichenko                                  professional forecasts, Ramey      Recession: 1.0 to 3.6
(forthcoming)                                  news
                                               Key innovation is regime
                                               switching model
Gordon and Krenn        Quarterly, 1919–41     Choleski decomposition in VAR      1.8 if no capacity constraints
Ramey: Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?                                   679

easy to implement and do not require exten-               Fisher and Peters (2010) use excess returns
sive data gathering. Ramey and Shapiro                 of defense contractor stocks as news to esti-
(1998), Ramey (2011), and Eric M. Leeper,              mate multipliers of 1.5 for the period 1960–
Todd B. Walker, and Shu-Chun Susan Yang                2007. Their impulse response functions show
(2011) have criticized traditional VAR meth-           no significant rise in taxes for their sample,
ods, though, arguing that most changes in              so the increases in government spending
government spending and taxes are antici-              they identify appear to be deficit-financed.
pated and showing that this can invalidate             However, their government spending shocks
inferences from procedures that do not                 seem to be quite persistent. In particular, in
account for anticipations. Moreover, Caldara           contrast to the work by Ramey (2011) and
(2011) shows that small changes in the                 others, which shows that government spend-
assumed elasticities of taxes and government           ing returns to normal by sixteen quarters,
spending in the structural VAR result in large         Fisher and Peters’s estimate suggests a very
differences in the estimated multipliers.              persistent increase in government spend-
   Table 1 shows, however, that despite sig-           ing, barely falling even after twenty quarters.
nificant differences in samples, experiments,          (See the lower right panel of their figure 5.).
and identification methods, most aggregate             Given that permanent increases in govern-
studies estimate a range of multipliers from           ment spending imply larger multipliers than
around 0.6 to 1.8. Moreover, the range within          temporary increases in a neoclassical model,
studies is almost as wide as the range across          their estimate of 1.5 may be somewhat above
studies, and the standard errors are always            the relevant one for considering temporary
large. Thus, despite a healthy debate on               stimulus packages.
methodology, most studies are giving similar              Several recent aggregate studies consider
answers.                                               the possibility that the multiplier may dif-
   These government spending multipliers               fer according to the state of the economy.
do not necessarily represent deficit-financed          Manuel Coutinho Pereira and Artur Silva
increases in government spending, which is             Lopes (2010) and Markus Kirchner, Jacopo
the type most likely to be used in a stimulus          Cimadomo, and Sebastian Hauptmeier
package. For example, the lower end of my              (2010) use time-varying parameters and
multiplier estimates (Ramey 2011) are from             Bayesian estimation techniques and find
samples where the Korean War is dominant,              that government spending multipliers are
and hence are samples in which much of the             not very different in expansions and contrac-
spending was financed by tax increases. Even           tions. In contrast, Alan Auerbach and Yuriy
during World War II, some of the increase              Gorodnichenko (forthcoming) use a regime
in government spending was financed with               switching model to estimate multipliers that
taxes. Barro and Redlick (2011) control for            can differ according to whether the economy
the average marginal tax rate and find gov-            is in recession or not. Estimation of such a
ernment spending multipliers of only 0.6.              model is far from trivial, and many subtle
Using the framework in Ramey (2011), I                 issues arise in estimation. When Auerbach
study the effect of holding marginal tax rates         and Gorodnichenko do not allow the regime
constant on the path of output and find no             to change endogenously, they find identical
significant change from the original multi-            impact multipliers in the two regimes, but
plier estimate of approximately unity.4
                                                       recompute the impulse response functions holding the
  4  In particular, I use the estimates from the VAR   Barro–Redlick tax rate constant and calculate the implied
described on pages 29–30 of Ramey (2011). I then       multiplier.
680                 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIX (September 2011)

different estimated dynamics that imply very               government spending. Thus, they observe a
large multipliers in recessions compared                   large increase in output in response to what
to expansions, 2.2 in recessions and –0.3                  appears to be a modest increase in current
in expansions (see table 1 of their paper).                government spending. An alternative inter-
The estimated dynamic behavior of some                     pretation is that the large increase in output
of the variables is odd in this experiment,                is the result of firms gearing up for antici-
which I suspect is caused by the assumption                pated large future increases in government
that the economy never switches regimes.5                  spending. In fact, Barro and Redlick (2011)
Fortunately, Auerbach and Gorodnichenko                    show that including my news variable elimi-
also discuss results where they allow feed-                nates interaction effects with unemployment
back, so that the economy can endogenously                 in their specification.
switch between regimes. Figure 3 of their                     Yet another issue is the possibility that the
paper shows the historical multipliers based               multiplier is greater at the zero lower bound,
on this experiment. In this case, they obtain              as discussed in the theoretical section above.
multipliers between 0 and 0.5 during expan-                Some of the authors of these papers have
sions and between 1.0 and 1.5 during reces-                argued that since most of the estimates of
sions. The results from this more general                  multipliers have been over time periods in
model in which the economy is allowed to                   which interest rates were not at the lower
move between regimes seem more plausible.                  bound, they do not apply to the current
   Robert J. Gordon and Robert Krenn                       situation.
(2010) also discuss the role of underutilized                 In fact, we do have historical evidence
capacity on government spending multipli-                  from periods with very low interest rates.
ers. They create a new quarterly data set                  From 1939 to the second quarter of 1947,
extending back to 1913 and study the role of               the rate on Treasury bills never rose above
government spending in increasing output                   0.38 percent although the average annual
in 1940. They find a multiplier of only 0.9 if             rate of inflation was six percent over this time
they extend the sample to the fourth quarter               period. In Ramey (2011, p. 38), I describe
of 1941, but a multiplier of 1.8 if they stop              results showing that when I limit the sample
the sample in the second quarter of 1941.                  to the period covering 1939 to 1949, I find a
They give arguments and detailed evidence                  multiplier of 0.7 (but with even larger than
that the U.S. economy started hitting capac-               normal standard errors due to the reduced
ity constraints in some sectors after the sec-             sample). Thus, I find no evidence of larger
ond quarter of 1941.                                       multipliers during the extended period in
   My narrative analysis of this period (Ramey             which interest rates were held virtually con-
2009), however, suggests that some of what                 stant at the zero lower bound.
Gordon and Krenn measure as a multiplier                      Based on these considerations and the esti-
may actually be an anticipation effect. Since              mates available, I would argue that, despite
Gordon and Krenn use a standard Choleski                   significant differences in methodology, the
decomposition in a VAR, they do not con-                   range of plausible estimates for the multi-
trol for anticipations of future increases in              plier in the case of a temporary increase in
                                                           government spending that is deficit financed
                                                           is probably 0.8 to 1.5. As discussed above, I
   5 For example, the impulse response functions suggest   truncated the lower estimates because they
that a shock to government spending during a recession     were usually accompanied by increases in
leads to a permanently higher level of government spend-
ing and an ever-increasing path of output (relative to     distortionary taxes. I truncated the very high-
trend). See figure 2 of their paper.                       est estimates because of the various concerns
Ramey: Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?                          681

I expressed above. If the increase is under-         $1 to Mississippi and finances it by increas-
taken during a severe recession, the esti-           ing lump-sum taxes across all states, the true
mates are likely to be at the upper bound of         aggregate multiplier is 0, since the taxes and
this range. It should be understood, however,        transfers cancel in the aggregate. However,
that there is significant uncertainty involved       if we run a panel regression with time fixed
in these estimates. Reasonable people could          effects (which net out the economywide rise
argue that the multiplier is 0.5 or 2.0 without      in tax liabilities), we will estimate a multiplier
being contradicted by the data.                      of mpc/(1 – mpc), where mpc is the marginal
                                                     propensity to consume. If the marginal pro-
                                                     pensity to consume were 0.6, then we would
          4.   Cross-State Evidence
                                                     estimate a multiplier of 1.5 at the state level,
   In their recent review of empirical eco-          even though the aggregate multiplier for this
nomics, Joshua D. Angrist and Jorn-Steffen           experiment is 0.
Pischke (2010) praised the increase in                  Daniel Shoag (2010) and Emi Nakamura
empirical standards and the many advances            and Jón Steinsson (2011) explore in detail
in applied microeconomics, but bemoaned              what these experiments mean if we inter-
the fact that macro and industrial organiza-         pret states as small open economies in a
tion were slow to adopt some of these new            currency union. As the various versions of
approaches. The exciting new literature on           their model show, translating the state-level
cross-state effects of government spending is        estimates to aggregate estimates depends
both an answer to Angrist and Pischke, but           importantly on the type of spending and
also an explanation for why the techniques           the assumptions of the theoretical model.
used in applied microeconomics are not               Jeffrey Clemens and Stephen Miran (2011)
always suitable for macroeconomics.                  present a very useful econometric frame-
   One reason that the “natural experiment”          work for evaluating the economic context
techniques have been slow to diffuse in mac-         of the various natural experiments. Their
roeconomics is that it is difficult to use them      discussion highlights many of the compli-
to answer macroeconomic questions. As I will         cations that arise in most of the cross-state
discuss shortly, there have been numerous            empirical work on the subject.
recent papers using panel data or state cross-          Table 2 lists some of the papers that have
section data to estimate the effects of govern-      estimated state or region multipliers. This
ment spending on state economies. These              literature has focused as much on employ-
studies estimate government purchases or             ment effects as income effects, which is
transfers multipliers, holding national effects      important in this era of jobless recoveries.
constant. Thus, the studies that look at gov-        Many (though not all) papers find positive
ernment transfers are answering the question:        employment effects. A notable exception
“When the federal government redistributes           is the Lauren Cohen, Joshua D. Coval, and
$1 more to Mississippi than to other states          Christopher Malloy (2010) paper, which
(with tax liabilities imposed on all states),        finds that an increase in earmarks (induced
what happens to income (or employment)               by shifts in political power) leads to a decline
in Mississippi ­relative to other states?” The       in corporate employment in the state.
answer to this question is only indirectly              In terms of income multipliers, most
related to the aggregate multiplier. To see          estimates lie in the range of 0.5 to 2.0.
the difference, suppose the economy behaves          As with the aggregate papers, the ranges
according to a simple traditional Keynesian          within papers are sometimes as large as
model. In this case, if the government t­ ransfers   the range across papers. Price V. Fishback
682                  Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLIX (September 2011)

                                                     Table 2
                                       Examples of Cross-State Analyses

Study                   Type of data                Identification             Results

Davis, Loungani, and    Military prime              Panel VAR, with military   Cost of job created ranges from
Mahidhara (1997)        contracts, military         variables ordered after    $34,000 to $400,000 (in $2010),
                        personnel, panel of         oil but before other       depending on employment data
                        states 1956–92              variables                  source and allowance for spillovers.
                                                                               Decreases in military spending have
                                                                               larger effects than increases
Hooker and Knetter      Military procurement        Assume military            Elasticity of nonfarm payroll
(1997)                  contracts, panel of         procurement contracts      employment to real military
                        states 1963–94              uncorrelated with state    contracts per capita is 1.8; decreases
                                                    economy                    in military spending have larger
                                                                               effects than increases
Fishback and            Various types of New        Interaction of swing       Income multiplier of –0.57 to 1.67,
Kachanovskaya (2010)    Deal spending, panel        voting and aggregate       depending on type of spending;
                        of states, 1930–40          government spending        negligible impact on employment
Cohen, Coval, and       Federal earmarks,           Whether state senators     Decrease in corporate employment,
Malloy (2010)           Panel of states,            and representatives        investment and R&D, suggesting
                        1967–2008                   control powerful           crowding out of private activity
Chodorow-Reich et al. Medicaid spending             Variations due to pre-     $100,000 in spending results in 3.5
(2010)                from ARRA in cross-           recession medicaid         job years
                      section of states, Dec.       spending
                      2008–June 2010
Wilson (2011)           Total ARRA spending         State ARRA spending        Approximately $25,000 per job
                        in cross-section of         instrumented by Wall       created, but job is short-lived
                        states, Feb. 2009–Feb.      Street Journal forecasts
                        2010, with Oct. 2010
Shoag (2010)            State government            Changes in state           Income multiplier around 2.0; each
                        spending, panel of          spending caused by         $35,000 generates one additional job
                        states, 1987–2008           excess returns to state
                                                    pension fund returns
Clemens and Miran       State government            Interaction of state       0.3 to 3.0, depending on
(2011)                  outlays, panel of states,   balanced budget rules      specification. Standard errors are
                        1988–2004                   with business cycle        large
Nakamura and            Military prime contracts, State-specific sensitivity   1.5 income multiplier
Steinsson (2011)        panel of states           to aggregate changes in
                                                  military spending
Suárez Serrato and      Federal spending on         Changes in federal         1.88 income multiplier; $30,000 per
Wingender (2011)        localities, panel of        spending on states         job created
                        counties, 1970–2009         caused by updates of
                                                    population estimates
                                                    based on the Census
Ramey: Can Government Purchases Stimulate the Economy?                         683

and Valentina Kachanovskaya (2010) study         mechanism by which government spend-
New Deal outlays, which are of particular        ing raises GDP. Some of the papers find that
interest because of parallels between the        government spending leads consumption to
Great Depression and the Great Recession.        decline, consistent with the negative wealth
According to their estimates, the types of       effect of the neoclassical model. Others find
outlays that had the highest multiplier were     that consumption increases, consistent with
public works and relief, with a multiplier of    rule-of-thumb consumers. Household stud-
1.7. In contrast, payments to farmers to take    ies, such as the work by Jonathan A. Parker
their land out of production had an income       et al. (2011), can help shed light on this issue.
multiplier of –0.5.                              Christopher J. Nekarda and Ramey (2011)
   Despite using very different identification   present evidence that industry markups do
methods, many of these cross-state studies       not change in response to government spend-
find multipliers on purchases or transfers of    ing, as required by the New Keynesian model.
about 1.5 to 1.8 for income and an implied       Thus, more research is required before we
cost of around $35,000 per job created.          understand the mechanism.
Several studies also find that the multiplier       It is important to note that none of these
is significantly higher during times of higher   estimates sheds light on the welfare conse-
slack (e.g., Shoag 2010, Juan Carlos Suárez      quences of temporary increases in govern-
Serrato and Philippe Wingender 2011, and         ment spending to stimulate the economy.
Nakamura and Steinsson 2011). These find-        Such an analysis would require a better
ings suggest that some types of stimulus         understanding of the mechanisms, as well
spending that redistribute resources from        as assumptions about whether government
low unemployment states to high unemploy-        purchases enter the utility function.
ment states could result in sizable aggregate
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