Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

Page created by Rita Howard
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

                                                                       SUMMER 2014

                                                                       Issue 14
                                                                       TEAM SOLUTIONZ 07
                                                                       ALLEN & OVERY 10
 Northern Ireland’s Tech & Business Community                          SBS 2014 14
                                                                       JYROBIKE 16

06 Capital                    11 The Little App,
Markets Sector                Hungry with Ideas
Create CMCN                   – Little Deli     visit us online             Northern Ireland’s Tech & Business Community
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI
                                                                          WORK FOR GOOD
Allstate Northern Ireland Receives Queen’s
Award for Sustainable Development
Award winning company, Allstate NI is celebrating after being named            US-owned Allstate Northern Ireland was established in Belfast in 1998
as winners of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable                    and has grown to over 2,200 employees in a relatively short time to
Development - the UK’s highest honour for business success. The                become Northern Ireland’s largest IT company. It provides high quality
company received its award for Sustainable Development in                      software development services and high end business solutions in
recognition of a sustainable employment model which creates                    support of its US parent's operations, the Allstate Corporation, the
prosperity, promotes work-life health and uses resources efficiently.          largest publicly held personal lines property and casualty insurer in
Rose Kelly, Vice President & Chief Administration Officer, Allstate
Northern Ireland said:                                                         Allstate NI is hiring! – For a list of current vacancies please go
"Winning the Queen's Award is a huge accolade for Allstate. We operate in
the global arena not just in Northern Ireland so winning an award of this
stature further endorses the quality of work and the talent that is on offer
here. We are thrilled to be rewarded for our continuous efforts in looking
after our people, our community and our environment."

Search for AllstateNI on:
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                        3

Welcome to the Summer edition of the
Sync NI magazine                                                                                      Northern Ireland’s Tech & Business Community

                                       from Kate Marshall, Women in Business NI
                                                                                                      CONTENT & EDITORIAL
                                                                                                      Nicola McNair
                                                                                                      Phone: 028 90820944

                                                                                                      Caoimhe McKenna
                                                                                                      Phone: 02890820942

        ur passion in Women in Business NI        We heard time and again from the speakers           GENERAL ENQUIRIES
        is to help our members grow their       about the power and impact of having a good           Sync NI
                                                                                                      28 Adelaide street
        businesses or have greater impact       mentor, particularly in the early stages of your      Rochester Building
in their organisation and it’s an exciting      career or as your business grows. With over           BT28GD
time to do business in Northern Ireland. Our    1000 members we offer opportunites through            Phone: 028 90820944
talent pool is brimming over with innovative,   our network for members to find a mentor              Website:
ambitious men and women. Our Vision is to       who will challenge them and help them grow.
create a “new economy” and to do that we        We continually work to provide opportunites
must ensure our businesses maximise the         for our members to build their knowledge and
potential of our most important resource –      skills and to find ways to unlock their potential,
our people.                                     whether employed or self employed.

  Last month, Women in Business NI played          Our ‘30/30 Vision’ was launched at the IBWC
host to a groundbreaking event in Belfast,      2014 event. This initiative aims to drive gender
the first International Business Women’s        diversity up the agenda within the Northern
Conference on the island of Ireland. IBWC       Ireland private sector where currently only 5%
2014 brought together over 500 local and        of Northern Ireland’s Top 100 companies are
international delegates to hear inspirational   led by females. Global evidence shows that a
keynote speakers; to learn from skills          diverse workforce is more productive and more
development workshops and to join topical       successful and we believe this is the force that
panel debates. Entrepreneurial spirit was       will drive the “new economy”. We challenged
on display in droves amongst our delegates      NI’s leading businesses to sign up to our ‘30/30
and throughout our exhibition area, where       Vision’ through pledging to focus on gender
start ups and global organisations were         diversity in the workplace. By the time IBWC          No part of this publication may be
showcased side by side.                         2014 opened, 31 had already signed up to the          reproduced without the written
                                                                                                      permission of the copyholder
                                                commitment – and that figure continues to rise.       and publisher. SyncNi accepts no
                                                                                                      responsibility for the accuracy of
   The event was a unique opportunity for       I urge you all to consider how you can tap into       contributed articles or statements
business people to tap into new networks        this most powerful economic lever.                    appearing in this magazine and any
                                                                                                      views or opinions expressed are not
and create new Connections. To succeed                                                                necessarily those of SyncNi , unless
                                                                                                      otherwise indicated. No responsibility
in this competitive market place we must           I hope that the spirit of IBWC 2014 will be        for loss or distress associated to
look for opportunities to collaborate both      harnessed by the business community and that          any person acting or refraining from
                                                                                                      acting as a result of the material in
locally and globally. From this we find         the positivity it created will mark the start of an   this magazine can be accepted by
                                                                                                      the authors, contributors, editors or
inspiration, working partnerships, mentors      economic ripple effect, felt throughout Northern      publishers. SyncNi does not endorse
and customers and we recommend that             Ireland and beyond.                                   any goods or services advertised, nor
                                                                                                      any claims or representations made in
all businesses should prioritize facilitated                                                          any advertisement in this magazine.
                                                                                                      The recruitment agencies listed are
networking as part of ongoing employee and      Kate Marshall                                         acting as employment agencies on
leadership development.                         Chair, Women in Business NI                           behalf of their clients.
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

03   Foreword
05   IBWC 2014
06   Capital Markets Collaborative Network
07   MinutePad
08   Galgorm - A Personal Concierge
09   Liberty IT
10   Allen & Overy’s Belfast Operation

11   The Little App, Hungry with Ideas
12   Chain Reaction Technology
14   Smart Business Show 2014
16   Jyrobike
18   University of Ulster
20   You vs. The World
21   Event Spotlight
22   Logging Off



Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                  5

IBWC 2014 to leave ‘lasting economic legacy’
First International Business Women’s Conference on island of Ireland inspires global mentorship programme
and positions gender diversity high on the private sector agenda

         he first International Business Women’s Conference
         to take place on the island of Ireland, which brought
         over 500 delegates to Belfast (12th- 15th May
         2014), will leave a ‘lasting economic legacy’ according
to organisers Women in Business NI. IBWC 2014: ‘Creating
a New Economy’ brought the issue of gender diversity in
business to the fore within the private sector and will see the
creation of a global business mentoring programme for local
business women, led by Women in Business NI.

  IBWC 2014, which was attended by delegates from
across the UK, Ireland, Europe, USA, UAE, Croatia, Indonesia,
Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Rwanda and Somalia, was centred
around ‘creating a new economy’ – a diverse and sustainable
economy which celebrates empowerment, encourages
cooperation between both genders in business and focuses on
maximising the full potential of the talent pool.
                                                                   diversity up the agenda within the Northern Ireland private
                                                                   sector. Women in Business NI’s ‘30/30 Vision’ stemmed from
                                                                   the fact that only 5% of Northern Ireland’s Top 100 companies
                                                                   are led by females. Women in Business NI laid a challenge
                                                                   to those businesses to sign up to its 30/30 Vision through
                                                                   pledging to support gender diversity in their respective
                                                                   businesses. By the time IBWC opened, 31 of the top 100
                                                                   companies had already signed up to the commitment.

                                                                     “By putting the spotlight on the power of diversity in
                                                                   business and the huge untapped economic resource that
                                                                   females in business represent, we hope that IBWC will create
                                                                   a shift in mind set among the private sector which recognizes
  “IBWC 2014 allowed over 500 inspirational business leaders       that to truly maximise our full economic potential, we must
from across the globe to connect in a very positive forum and      encourage the most talented individuals, both male and
share experiences, business knowledge and insights,” said          female,” said Roseann Kelly.
Roseann Kelly, Chief Executive, Women in Business NI.
                                                                     Speaking at the close of IBWC 2014, Chair of Women in
  “The connections made at IBWC 2014 will undoubtedly go           Business NI Kate Marshall said, “Women in Business NI is a
on to develop into business relationships. We have already         small but ambitious organisation and IBWC 2014 was the
had feedback from delegates who plan to connect again to           result of a vision to create a world class business networking
discuss collaborative projects and partnerships and several        event in Northern Ireland. IBWC 2014 demonstrated the
individuals and companies have joined our membership               power of connecting and highlighted the huge pool of talented
this week. As such, Women in Business NI are planning to           and inspiring women in business locally and worldwide. We
lead a global mentorship programme, whereby we will help           will now focus on ensuring that the economic legacy of our
our members maximise international connections and seek            conference is long lasting.”
out potential mentors and mentees of mutual benefit, to
further drive economic growth and value for our growing               IBWC 2014 was supported by Visit Belfast, Invest Northern
membership.” said Roseann.                                         Ireland, Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister,
                                                                   Department for Employment and Learning, Belfast City
  IBWC 2014 also marked the first step in an initiative            Council, Ulster Bank, NYSE Euronext, Queen’s University
spearheaded by Women in Business NI to drive gender                Belfast, Equality Commission NI, Enterprise Ireland.
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

Capital Markets sector come together to create
Collaborative Network

         apital Markets Collaborative Network is an exciting
         new initiative which brings the best innovative
         research and technology to the Capital Markets sector.
         The collaboration, which is supported by Invest NI,
has been formed by 5 key partner companies (Citi, NYSE
Technologies, First Derivatives, Fidessa and Kofax) as well as
Northern Ireland’s two Universities, (University of Ulster and
Queen’s University Belfast). We caught up with CMCN’s newly
appointed facilitator, Peter Devine, who told us about the
exciting initiative which will positively impact the NI economy.

Could you tell us about the formation of CMCN?
   Northern Ireland may not have a stock exchange or a
real-life trading floor, but it does have a growing cluster of
companies in the Capital Markets technology sector. In recent
years we have seen continued investments and expansions
by international firms such as Citi, Fidessa, NYSE Technologies
and indigenous companies including First Derivatives which
all provide technology solutions and consulting services to the
Capital Markets industry.

   In addition Northern Ireland has 11 globally recognised ICT
related research centres including the Institute of Electronics,   collaborations commitment to research. The grand challenges
Communications and Information Technology (ECIT) at                of Capital Markets Engineering have been articulated by the
Queen’s University Belfast and the Intelligent Systems             company partners who provide the students with domain
Research Centre (ISRC) at University of Ulster. With support       expertise as well as historical data, real time market data
from Invest Northern Ireland, these founding companies,            and access to facilities. The application of expertise from the
along with the two University research centres have come           students and the support provided by the company partners
together to create the Capital Markets Collaborative Network.      will lead to world class applied research.
This is a key initiative working in partnership to strengthen
the research base and graduate skills within Northern Ireland.     How does CMCN hope to make a positive impact in Northern
Each of the companies involved in the network has previously       Ireland? What are your long term goals?
worked individually with one or both universities, but this is       According to recent figures from Invest NI the financial
the first time they have collectively used their combined effort   services industry in Northern Ireland employs around
in an organised programme.                                         33,000 people in more than 1,200 firms. A recent article in
                                                                   the Financial Times reported that Belfast is globally the top
CMCN have recently received support from Invest NI, what           destination city for financial technology investment projects.
has this funding allowed the collaboration to do?                  The Capital Markets technology companies are an important
  Invest NI has played a leading role in the development of the    and significant cluster within this sector and we want to
network and has recently provided financial support through        facilitate the continued growth of the sector.
the collaborative network programme. This has allowed
the network to appoint a facilitator to focus on building            We work together on collaborative R&D, skills development
the network and I am proud to have been appointed by the           through the Capital Markets Academy, marketing of the sector,
partners to this important role.                                   engaging with diaspora and promoting entrepreneurship.
                                                                   Our long term goal is to position Northern Ireland as a global
CMCN are currently supporting a group of PHD students,             centre of excellence for R&D in Capital Markets Engineering.
tell us about this?
  The partners have provided support and resources for PhD         For further information please visit or email
studentships at Ulster and Queen’s, this support highlights the
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                  7

New cloud software product signals
the end of paper based meetings
    ocal software company Team
    Solutionz has sounded the death
    knell for paper based meetings.
The company’s revolutionary software
enables organisations to have paperless
meetings, bringing to an end the
mountains of printed meeting packs.

   MinutePad has already been proving
its worth in six councils across Northern
Ireland. Instead of using large meeting
packs with hundreds of pages of
agendas, minutes and supporting
documents, councillors and senior
managers reach for their iPads to
quickly access the relevant information.

  The potential cost and time savings
are staggering. Tens of thousands of
pounds have already been saved by
removing the print and postage cost           (l to r): ‘Team Solutionz Managing Director Geoff Higgins with Michael Browne, Head of
for large meeting documents. One              Development Services and Audrey Junkin, Chief Executive’s Secretary from Magherafelt
customer has reported annual savings          District Council’.
of almost £1,000 per councillor in
printing costs alone.                       a software company specialising in          and expertise in this area we feel we
                                            helping organisations improve their         are ideally suited to helping with this
   ‘MinutePad has transformed the           performance. Founded in 2003, the           process.”
way we distribute and access meeting        company has grown rapidly and now
documents for our members,’ said            works with a broad base of private,           Team Solutionz has a vision that
Michael Browne, Head of Development         public and non-profit customers. One        extends further than Northern Ireland
Services at Magherafelt District Council.   of their key customer groups is Local       with campaigns about to launch in
‘In the initial stages we found that the    Government.                                 England and the Republic of Ireland to
intuitive interface and functionality                                                   bring their products to new markets.
helped members to quickly embrace the         Geoff Higgins, Managing Director
technology.’                                of Team Solutionz said: “With the             Technical Director David Braziel said:
                                            Review of Public Administration and         “We have spent a lot of time and energy
  Other organisations have also been        an environment of increasing financial      building and developing our products
quick to see the benefits and currently     constraints local councils are facing a     making them both easy to use and
the solution is being implemented in        challenging time.                           powerful in providing efficiencies. We feel
Central Government and the Health and                                                   that we are in a great position now to sell
Housing sectors.                              Streamlining processes, reducing          these products to a much wider market.”
                                            costs and improving efficiencies are all
  As a cloud-based solution MinutePad       going to be vital in ensuring that our        The MinutePad product has recently
can be used on a range of devices           Councils continue to deliver the high       been included in G-Cloud, an online
including laptops, desktops and             quality services that the public have       catalogue which provides an easy way for
tablets such as iPad, Android and           come to expect. As a local software         the whole of the UK public sector to buy
Microsoft Surface. Team Solutionz is        company with significant experience         cloud computing software and services.
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

A Personal Concierge at the Touch of a Button
Galgorm Resort & Spa Launches Northern Ireland’s First Concierge App

B    efore the dawn of the internet there
     were few more reliable sources
of local information, insider tips and
helpful contacts than the dependably,
exceptionally well groomed hotel
concierge, that was until now.

  Northern Ireland’s exclusive Galgorm
Resort and Spa is the first in the province
to take the personal service a step
further with the launch of the Galgorm
Concierge App. Available now, the
instantly accessible app has extended the
traditional concierge service to mobile
phones and tablets and is available in
both Android and Apple formats.

   At the touch of a button the innovative
App allows guests to find out what there
is to do inside and outside the resort,
either by date, time of day or depending      music and cocktails be the order of         to instantly tailor your own personal
what mood they are in.                        the day or fine dining with wonderful       experience, catch up on news and offers
                                              views more the case, the Galgorm App        or look for inspiration.
  So whether guests are in an active,         will be able to guide guests in the right
sightseeing, relaxing or shopping mood,       direction. In addition booking a dining     For further information regarding the
the app will provide a wide range of          venue couldn’t be simpler as the App        app or Galgorm Resort & Spa visit
suggested activities, locations and           also allows new and returning guests to or call 028 2588
venues. From fishing in the amazing River     easily reserve a table on-line in any of    1001.
Maine, Jungle Activity Centre with the        the hotel’s three fantastic restaurants.
kids, a wonderful spa treatment, walk
on beautiful beach to vibrant shopping          With links to Facebook and Instagram,
centres and cultural hotspots, there’s        the Galgorm Concierge App gives
no shortage of inspiration whatever the       users an even greater insight into the
frame of mind.                                unique feel and atmosphere of the
                                              splendid resort as well as showcasing
   Paul Smyth, Galgorm Resort & Spa           the unrivalled wedding venues and
Operations Director, commented: “We           sumptuous spa facilities on offer.
constantly strive to be ahead of the
game and this is a great technological          Downloading the novel state-of-the-
first for Galgorm Resort & Spa, not only      art App has financial benefits too with
will guests receive great personal service    users guaranteed to be the first to know
and attention from the staff whilst at        of any offers and special hotel details
the Resort but now they can also access       as soon as they are released. There will
many of these services directly via their     also a number of exclusive last minute
phones and iPads.”                            App only offers available each month.

  The app also offers an array of               So having a personal concierge
entertainment and food and drink options      on hand couldn’t be easier, simply
suitable for the time of day. Should live     download the Galgorm Concierge App
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                    9

    Liberty IT is recognised as one of the Best Places to Work in UK

        ocal company, Liberty IT, has been       recognised in the medium sized
        recognised as one of the best            category which includes organisations
        places to work in the UK by The          that employ between 50 – 499 people.
    Great Place to Work® Institute.
                                                   “It is an honour for us to be
       Based in Belfast and Dublin, Liberty      recognised as one of the best places
    IT employs 400 people and is part            to work in the UK,” said Dr William
    of Liberty Mutual Insurance Group’s          Hamilton, Managing Director, Liberty IT.
    IT operation. Liberty IT was the only        “Achieving this recognition for the third
    Northern Ireland organisation to be          time is a major accomplishment for our
    included on the 2014 Best Workplaces         company.
    UK list. This is the third time Liberty IT                                                   organisation. Participation in the survey
    has achieved this accolade.                     We understand the importance                 has increased year on year, with 93% of
                                                 of creating an enjoyable working                employees contributing their feedback
       The Best Workplaces Programme is          environment that is open, friendly and          this year. This enables us to create
    the largest of its kind in the world and     respectful. This has allowed us to build        action plans which are focused on what
    helps businesses improve performance         a team of highly engaged employees              is important to our employees, and in
    by encouraging them to understand            and a strong company culture, helping           turn continually improve our workplace,
    and improve their workplace culture          us to become a leading IT organisation.”        engage and retain our talented
    by building trust and engagement. One                                                        employees and secure business
    hundred businesses from throughout              Cathy Donnelly, HR Director, Liberty         success.”
    the UK were recognised at a gala             IT added, “Taking part in the Great
    awards dinner in London and Liberty          Place to Work Programme has made                For further information visit www.
    IT was one of only 45 businesses             an extremely positive difference to our

                                                                                             Queen’s University Belfast is a member of the
                                                                                             Russell Group, a select band of the top 20 UK
                                                                                             research-intensive academic institutions. Its
                                                                                             Centre for Secure Information Technologies
                                                                                             (CSIT) is a GCHQ accredited Academic Centre of

MSc IN                                                                                       Excellence in Cyber Security Research and is the
                                                                                             UK’s largest university research lab in this field.

                                                                                             CSIT is fast developing a reputation as a global
                                                                                             innovation hub for cyber security.

                                                                                             Our MSc in Cyber Security aims to develop the
                                                                                             next generation of industry leaders and address
                                                                                             the shortage of cyber security professionals
                                                                                             globally. The programme offers students a
                                                                                             syllabus informed by CSIT’s world-class research
                                                                                             in the areas of data, network, media and physical
                                                                                             security, and is influenced throughout by its strong
                                                                                             history of commercial engagement with world
                                                                                             leading companies (Infosys, Cisco, IBM, Thales,
                                                                                             BAE Systems, McAfee, Roke, Altera), its “Open
                                                                                             Innovation” model and an entrepreneurial spirit.
                                                                                             A key differentiator of our MSc programme is
                                                                                             the opportunity to closely engage with CSIT
For further information go to                                  industry partners. This includes the facilitation
                                                                                             of industrial internships with leading security
or contact: Dr Kieran McLaughlin,                                                            professionals, as well other commercially specified
Email:, Tel: +44 28 90971890                                               and co-supervised projects. Invited seminars and
                                                                                             special guest lectures from influential industry
A GLOBAL INNOVATION                                                                          and academic leaders offer students a chance to
                                                                                             engage with those at the pinnacle of the cyber

HUB FOR CYBER SECURITY                                                                       security profession.
Capital Markets Sector Create CMCN - Sync NI

IT Expertise at the Heart of Allen & Overy’s
Belfast Operation
  n 2011 one of the world’s largest law
  firms, Allen & Overy (A&O), unveiled
  plans to move its core IT support
services from London to Belfast.

  It was a significant move for the firm
and one that opened up a range of new
opportunities for IT professionals in
Northern Ireland.

  Andy Glenn, IT Service Management
Team Leader, was one of the first to join
the A&O Belfast Support Centre having
spent more than six years working in the
local industry.

  He said, “At Allen & Overy, IT is
delivered on a global scale and that                   Andy Glenn, IT Service Management Team Leader (Centre) with Belfast
brings great opportunities. I knew there               Metropolitan College Apprentices Niamh Donegan and James Reynolds.
was good potential to forge a rewarding
career and the challenge of working for
an international law firm was appealing.        In recent months, teams in Belfast       implementation and testing programme to
                                             have also played a critical role in setting ensure no downtime and minimal risk to
   The firm has a reputation throughout      up the telephony and IT infrastructure      the business.”
the legal industry and beyond for the way for the firm’s second Spanish presence in
it works.”                                   Barcelona.                                     Having expanded in January last year, the
                                                                                         Belfast Support Centre is now A&O’s third
   The Belfast Support Centre is at the         He says the consistency of delivery      largest office by headcount and, according
heart of the firm’s network of 43 offices    in every office is crucial, “The firm has   to Andy, is focused on attracting and
and provides a range of critical services to invested in the very best IT systems -      retaining exceptional people.
more than 2,700 legal and 2,500 support the document management system,
staff across the globe.                      for example, is an industry leader - and       “Allen & Overy need talented people
                                             we deliver a platinum service to ensure to help it keep its infrastructure running
   While a lot of the work is done within    our systems are available, reliable and     smoothly 24/7. There is a very clear route
the local office, the skills and expertise   secure.                                     for career progression and rewards for
of the IT team occasionally take them                                                    anyone who can come in and work hard
around the world.                               “The teams in Belfast are currently      to help the teams meet their goals. The
                                             involved in a major project to migrate all diversity of the office shows that anyone
   Andy, who is responsible for the          of the firm’s physical servers in the Hong from any background can climb high.”
Second Line Team and manages a               Kong datacentre to new virtual servers.
group of six people including two IT
Infrastructure Apprentices, has worked          This complex project will see 33         To find out more about opportunities at
on a range of projects in Monte Carlo,       servers migrated as well as the creation Allen & Overy visit:
Dubai, Paris and Casablanca.                 of three new ones alongside a thorough
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                 11

The Little App, Hungry with Ideas
L  ittle Deli is revolutionising how we
   order food at lunchtime - just great
food, on your schedule! The mobile app
enables customers to pre-order and
pay for lunch using their smartphones,
allowing them to skip the queue and
save time. The benefits for the delis are
that they are now able to reduce queues
during the lunch rush hour and increase
productivity and profits by taking orders
more efficiently.

  Little Deli is now live and is being
used by O’Briens, Deli Lites, Printers,
Treat Boutique, The Bakery, Reuben’s,
Yummy Sandwiches.
                                            My Challenges                                support this and together we can push
  Sync NI caught up with the founder          At the moment my challenges are            the boundaries of what Little Deli can
of little Deli, Alexandra Milne. The very   creating customer awareness and              achieve.
busy lady told us all about her new         encouraging delis to come on-board.
business.                                   As I am the sole founder of Little Deli, I      My dream, is that when we travel
                                            do find it difficult to cover every aspect   from one city to the next, the Little
My journey                                  of the business. In order to push the        Deli will be there. In life, it’s the simple
   In only 10 months, Little Deli has       customer facing side of the business         things that make it every day easier and
gone from being just an idea to a fully     and to free up some of my time, I am         I believe the Little Deli provides a simple
launched mobile app. In the past 10         currently advertising for a sales and        solution to a common problem.
months, I have been successfully            marketing position. Get in touch to find
awarded the ‘40k Proof of Concept’          out more about the role!                       Download the Little Deli App now and
grant, I was one of the youngest                                                         stop queuing!
females to receive it. I applied to the
Propel accelerator programme in             My Future                                    Little Deli Details
September and after various stages             My primary focus will be fundraising      App Store:
and workshops, which shortlisted 158        to introduce Little Deli to new markets      app/little-deli/id841294524?mt=8
people to 27, I joined the programme        and establish it throughout the UK.          Website:
in late February. Propel has been a         It will be essential to build a team to      Twitter: @littledeliapp
fantastic help in the development
process of Little Deli.

   I have had an exciting couple of
months, I recently won ‘Ireland’s
Student Entrepreneur of the Year 2014’!
I was awarded the first place prize after
competing with 450 other students.
In June I was also announced as the
overall winner of ‘The Ireland Funds,
Business Plan Competition 2014’.

  And finally I’ve just finished my
Masters this month, graduating with a

Introducing Chain Reaction
       he Chain Reaction Cycles (CRC) journey began in 1984
       as a small family business in Northern Ireland and has
       grown rapidly to become the world’s largest online bike
store. CRC is a truly global business shipping over 20,000
items daily to over 115 countries worldwide. The site receives
over 8 million visits per month and has in excess of 2 million
registered customers.

   CRC’s success is driven by technology. Enterprise grade
systems support each step of the customer journey from the
first click on the site through to order fulfillment. CRC’s state
of the art distribution center is capable of processing several
thousand orders daily. This is achieved through computer
controlled logistics and warehouse automation.                      one of Ireland’s first large scale ATG eCommerce sites.

  99% of the business is transacted online so the eCommerce           What do you feel makes CRC different to other local
platform is critical. CRC have recently launched a new website      technology businesses?
utilising the Oracle ATG Commerce platform. This is the same          For many enterprise developers, you can spend months
technology used by many leading retailers across the world.         building complex systems; never to see it in actual use or
                                                                    even understand how it fits into a large scale distributed
  Alongside the website launch CRC have formed a new                architecture. That can be very frustrating and demoralizing.
software development team called “Chain Reaction
Technology” with the intent of creating a Center of Excellence         With CRC, everything you do is visible and used daily by
to harness local talent and to grow the next generation of          hundreds of thousands of users around the world. You have
eCommerce experts. At the heart of these ambitious plans is         the ability to make a real impact every single day. Whether
CRC’s eCommerce Development Manager Conor McCluskey.                you are working with the business to make it more efficient
                                                                    or adding new and exciting features to the website to make
  Can you tell us about yourself?                                   it easier for customers to browse and shop. You get instant
  After graduating with a BEng (Hons) Software Engineering          feedback too; with almost a million likes on Facebook, our
Degree from UUJ back in 2001, I have worked as a Software           customers aren’t afraid to tell us exactly what they think!
Engineer in a wide variety of industries including eCommerce
and Investment Banking, from startups with a small team of          Why did CRC opt for a platform rather then building a new
developers to large multinationals with thousands of staff          site from scratch?
around the world.                                                     Platforms provide fundamental eCommerce services such
                                                                    as user profiles, product catalogs, shopping baskets, pricing,
  I still get excited by the endless possibilities provided by      search, merchandising & customer service tools that every
software and the Internet, particularly when combined with          eCommerce site needs. That enables us to focus on what is
the power and availability of mobile and tablet devices.            important for our customers – building a great browsing and
                                                                    shopping experience!
  Why did you decide to join Chain Reaction Cycles?
  Obviously, like many people I had heard about CRC and               In saying that, a platform really just provides the tools you
the global success of a local business – it’s a great story!        need to build an eCommerce store. We still had a major task
Having worked previously for Oracle ATG, I knew all about the       to take all those platform services, customize them and add
platform they were using and that it’s typically used by the        our unique business logic before combining them along with
biggest and best retailers around the world. I was impressed        a custom presentation layer to build the website that we
by CRC’s ambition and also excited by the challenge of building     wanted.
SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                  13

There are lots of eCommerce platforms in the market place        ERP development team that develop CRC’s internal systems
– Magento, IBM, SaaS – why Oracle ATG?                           such stock management, fulfillment, finance and the new
  ATG is the market leading eCommerce platform for large-        eCommerce development team.
scale retailers. The platform has an excellent set of tools
including promotion and personalisation engines to provide         We want to promote the industry leading work we do and
customers with unique experiences tailored to their individual   the exciting technologies we use on a daily basis. As well as
interests. This gives us a great advantage going forward.        that we want to engage with the vibrant NI tech community
                                                                 though our new twitter feed (@CRC_Technology) and
What challenges did you face during the re-platforming           also through tech events and speaking to students at our
project?                                                         Universities and FE Colleges.
  There were a number of challenges that we had to face.
Given the size, scale and complexity of the project, we had      Are you recruiting?
relatively short timelines to deliver. The launch itself and        Yes we are! We are recruiting for a number of exciting roles
subsequently supporting the inevitable issues around stability   in both our eCommerce and ERP teams. Please check out our
and performance were especially challenging but it was also a    careers page for more details (
very fast moving and exciting time.                              careers).

What benefits have CRC experienced since go-live?                What is CRCs ideal candidate?
   We are starting to see the benefits of having a more             We are looking for people who are technically strong and
scalable and powerful system; for example we recently            passionate about software development. Ideally we would
enjoyed a record sales day which the website handled easily      like people who have some eCommerce experience or who are
in its stride. As we become more familiar with the technology,   interested in learning about eCommerce and our ATG platform.
we are beginning to use more of the features that are            It helps if you are interested in cycling too!
available to us such as powerful new promotional tools and
search engine tuning.                                            In your view what are the next big trends to watch for in the
                                                                 eCommerce space?
What does the future hold technology wise for CRC?                  It’s a really exciting time to be in eCommerce. Social
  We are only really at the beginning of our journey. We have    networking has already impacted our industry in a big way
ambitious plans to utilize all of the powerful technologies we   and I think that will continue to evolve quickly. Customers are
have at hand to provide an even better customer experience.      connected to each other and to retailers like never before but
We are always exploring new technologies that can improve        I think the next step will be for retailers to use that network to
the website.                                                     provide even better, more personal customer experiences.

What is Chain Reaction Technology?
  Chain Reaction Technology is the new brand for CRC’s           Find out more at and on
software development team. It combines the existing .Net         twitter @CRC_Technology

Smart Business Success

Pictured is Per Thorsheim, Simon Hamilton (Finance Minister) and Clive Corry (Smart Business Show Director)

       n the 29th of May 2014, the Odyssey Arena opened              With this as his starting point he proceeded to explain how
       its doors to the first ever Business-to-Business              media has evolved and demonstrated that the internet is only
       innovation event, The Smart Business Show.                    scratching the surface of its potential.

  The Show was buzzing from the start with over 130                    If the crowds surrounding the Marketing TalkZone were any
exhibitors meeting new clients and establishing contacts,            guide, this is where the focus of businesses currently lies.
whilst it was standing room only in the Marketing TalkZone! All      Each session was packed with visitors eager to learn how to
were there to find out how to work ‘smarter’ and the Show did        gain more market share, much of which is of course internet
not disappoint, with so many opportunities and solutions for         generated.
businesses from leading UK, Irish and worldwide companies.
                                                                       Thus the presence of the Google Webmaster Team providing
  Overall, the Show proved that an event like this is helping        one to one advice was a unique experience many visitors were
the Northern Ireland economy to bounce back from the                 keen to take advantage of. After so much concentration, the
downturn and early feedback strongly suggests that future            Innovat8 Café was an oasis of calm in which to make business
Smart Business Shows are a must visit destination for                appointments and hold meetings in a comfortable and relaxed
business owners and stakeholders from every type and size of         way whilst at the same time enjoying some refreshment.
                                                                        The main focus now turns to April 2015 when the Smart
  Taking place over two days, more than three thousand               Business Show will open at the RDS in Dublin. If you missed
visitors listened to inspiring Keynote Talks from world              any of the Keynote talks and want to catch up on the latest
famous names such as Nick Leeson, Stephen Moffatt of IBM,            in the world of business, you can watch them now on our
Facebook’s Olivia Leonard, Per Thorsheim (an internet security       website
expert) and Microsoft’s Kieran McDonnell.
                                                                       To keep up to date with further developments of the
  Intercom’s Paul Adams, formerly of Facebook, Google and            Smart Business Show and smarter ways of doing business,
Dyson really captured the attention of his Keynote Theatre           don’t forget to subscribe to the weekly e-brief on our Smart
audience stating that “We live in a time of great change.”           Business Brief website

A big thank you
to @sbbrief for
having me as a
speaker at http://
smartbusiness- in             “  Smart Business Show partner
                        Sync NI have a unique, user friendly
Belfast! Great          platform which helped Smart Business
                        communicate with Northern Ireland’s
show, interesting       Tech and Business community. The Sync
                        NI team have been proactive and great to
                        work with
(Per Thorsheim)
                        Smart Business Show

137 business
connections made, all
in a few days work.
 (Phil Murray)

                                                                Jyrobike Saddles Up
                                                                For Global Market
                                                                After Kickstarter

Robert Bodill, CEO and Founder, Jyrobike

    yrobike, the Northern Irish company      Where did the inspiration for your idea    How did you initially turn your idea
    that has re-invented the wheel to        come from?                                 into a business?
    help children learn to ride a bicycle      The original concept for Jyrobike           After acquiring the intellectual
    in a single afternoon, has secured       was conceived and tested as part of a      property from the USA inventors in
$100,000 in funding in just six days         graduate project at Dartmouth, Thayer      2013, I established a new world class
through Kickstarter.                         School of Engineering in the US.           R&D team, including a collaboration
                                                                                        with a Dutch technical research and
  Sync NI spoke to Robert Bodill, CEO          When this first product, called the      science University studying ‘Advanced
and Founder, who told us the story           Gyrowheel, launched, I became the          multi-body model to assess bicycle and
behind their success.                        product distributor for the EU and         rider stability’.
                                             proceeded to set up distribution for
Tell us about Jyrobike – What is             Gyrowheel in the UK.                          I pitched at London “Dragons Den”
unique about the product                                                                style events until securing angel
  Jyrobike is re-inventing the wheel to         I took this US product and developed    financing, which led to professional
help children learn to ride a bicycle in a   a children’s bike for Europe. Just as      venture capital and the first round
single afternoon with the world’s first      it was beginning to take off, and          of seed funding. With its new team
and only Auto Balance Bicycle.               with families across the US buying         in place, Jyrobike has just launched
                                             Gyrowheels for their kids, the US source   a vastly improved Version-2 model
   Our first products, aimed at 3-8          company faltered.                          worldwide via Kickstarter.
year olds and available in 12” and 16”
wheels, feature a patented Control Hub          Less than one year in and with no       Why did you choose Northern Ireland
in the front wheel that uses gyroscopic      supply, I initiated discussions for a      as a base for your business?
technology to keep riders upright, even      potential acquisition and nine months        Jyrobike received seed capital from a
when they tip or wobble.                     later, I successfully negotiated the       group of private angel investors and a
                                             purchase of the global intellectual        professional fund manager in the form
   We’re now taking the technology in        property, bringing significant             of Co-Fund NI, which is a £16 million
our kids model and using it to develop       technology, global patents and future      equity fund set up by Northern Ireland
a Jyrobike for adults, which we’re           benefits to the UK economy.                (NI) government that co-invests with
launching in 2015.                                                                      business angel/private investor-led
C SYNCNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014                17


  Directly after securing the first
investment round, I paralleled my
commercial activities with a six month
application and business audit process
with Invest NI in the hope of being
awarded additional financial R&D
grant support. With both direct equity
investment as well as R&D support
from NI institutions, it made perfect
sense to relocate the business to
Northern Ireland.

  Northern Ireland offers lots of              The Team behind Jyrobike
benefits for me and my business,
including its location and the talent pool     - if you have a product that you believe      Firstly, it does not require asset backed
of people that work and live here.             in and you work hard, it makes the            guarantees with complicated contracts
                                               journey much, much easier.                    nor does it demand an equity position
   From a geographical perspective,                                                          or charge interest charges. The process
it offers easy access to mainland UK,          Has the Giro d’Italia excitement              is completely transparent and relatively
Central Europe and has a direct route to       increased interest in Jyrobike?               quick to set up.
the US, which is perfect for Jyrobike as          Absolutely - the Giro was a great
these are our key markets at launch.           success both for Northern Ireland and            The second reason Jyrobike launched
                                               for Jyrobike. The Giro was actually the       through Kickstarter is because it offers
   Finally, I often describe Jyrobike as the   first time that our prototype Jyrobikes       us the chance to take our prototype
‘re-invention of the wheel’ - the next         were seen in public, and we had some          to market before going into full-scale
evolution in cycling, if you will. Jyrobike    amazing feedback from the kids in             production, which offers two additional
will become the latest addition in a rich      Belfast who were among the first in the       benefits. The first is the opportunity to
history of cycling innovation in Northern      world to ride Jyrobike.                       shorten the product development cycle
Ireland. After all, it is the birthplace of       The ‘Giro Fever’, as we like to call it,   by selling our product pre-production
the pneumatic tyre!                            really gripped Northern Ireland and           and generating revenues earlier than
                                               rekindled a lot of people’s love for          what would be possible if we followed
As a start-up, what have been your             cycling, and it has really helped us keep     traditional strategies.
main challenges?                               Jyrobike front of mind for lots of local         The second advantage, and one
  Like any start-up business, funding          families who are trying to teach their        we’re really excited about, is that the
and getting your brand noticed are             kids to ride.                                 platform offers us a chance to form a
probably the two main challenges. I’ve                                                       direct connection with the Kickstarter
been on the Jyrobike journey for over          Tell us about your Kickstarter                community before launching the final
two years, and while there have been           campaign which launches in June?              product.
some bumps in the road, it’s been a              Our Kickstarter campaign has been a
fantastic voyage of discovery for me           great success, achieving the full funding        We’ll be able to use the early
and my team.                                   amount of $100,000 in just six days.          Jyrobikes to get some great customer
                                               At the time of writing, we’re just under      feedback from our Kickstarter backers
  We’ve been really lucky with Jyrobike        a week into the month-long campaign           on what features they love, and if they’d
because the product itself is fantastic        and we’ve already secured $110,000.           like to see any changes made. We’ll be
and we’ve had some unbelievable                We’ve had phenomenal support from             asking all of our Kickstarter backers for
support from both investors and                the Kickstarter community and we’re           their opinions through a survey, and
customers.                                     absolutely delighted with the response        we’ll take their comments on board
                                               to Jyrobike.                                  and make changes to the final product
  If you’re an entrepreneur and                                                              based on what they think.
you’re thinking about launching your             Kickstarter offers two unique and
own start-up, my advice would be to            attractive advantages when compared           Find out more at:
absolutely go for it! You won’t look back      to more traditional finance mechanisms.       Twitter: @Jyrobike

We’re Open for Business
       r. Paul Beaney joins University of Ulster’s Office of
       Innovation as Head of Business Development. “The
       University of Ulster is an innovation powerhouse,
a knowledge hub around which businesses can thrive;
connecting smart people and smart ideas and constantly
pushing back the frontiers of knowledge and increasing the
flow of innovative ideas.” says Dr. Beaney.

  “My role is to focus on how we can help businesses or
organisations to access the University of Ulster’s knowledge,
expertise and facilities to support growth. Each year Ulster
works with 1,000s of businesses in the transfer of knowledge
and expertise via a range of methods such as consultancy,
research, innovation support programmes, technology
transfer, licensing, training and events.”

  In the past year alone Ulster has recorded its highest-
ever level of support for businesses, undertaking more than
4,000 contracts, providing almost 1,000 innovative solutions
to companies and more than 50,000 days of management
training, creating five new spin-outs and licensing numerous
technologies to businesses across the world.                        Dr. Paul Beaney

  The University of Ulster is committed to supporting               programme is aimed at maximising the economic potential
businesses/organisations. Dr Beaney is supported by a               of the creative industries sector and will help stimulate
team of experienced Business Development and Technology             growth and competitiveness in the industry by providing
Commercialisation Teams who can help a business or                  skills enhancement and a range of supports for individuals
organisation identify the right expertise, facilities or research   and businesses in the film and broadcast, animation, gaming,
required and advise on processes and various funding                interactive media and music technologies sectors.
                                                                      The university is also a central point for businesses
   There are a range of funding support programmes available        to engage in training, development and networking. Our
to assist businesses in accessing Ulster’s knowledge,               Knowledge Club for example offers members access to a
including: Invest Northern Ireland and Enterprise Ireland           range of free knowledge transfer events designed to grow
Innovation Vouchers; Knowledge Transfer Partnerships;               and develop sector specific knowledge and create network
Horizon 2020; InterTradeIreland FUSIONs and Invest Northern         opportunities for member businesses.
Ireland Grants for R&D.
                                                                       Dr Beaney adds: “There’s a strong focus on innovation,
   The University of Ulster is a key provider in a number of        and innovation covers a wide area, not only the pursuit of
these programmes - Ulster has delivered over 400 innovation         new products or ideas but new production process, new
voucher projects and is a key provider of innovation vouchers       markets or even new ways of doing business. So whether
in Northern Ireland; it is the lead provider of FUSION with         it’s new product development, solving a technical problem
over 200 projects; and has recently achieved a record 150           or simply driving internal efficiencies, our team can respond
Knowledge Transfer Partnership projects placing Ulster in the       to any business challenge. The message to businesses and
top 10 UK providers out of 141.                                     organisations out there is that we’re open for business, come
                                                                    and talk to the innovation team at Ulster.”
  Ulster is also leading the way in the creative industries
and is spearheading a £3.5m EU support programme                    Web:
Honeycomb – Creative Works. This trans-national support             Twitter: @ulster2business
Concentrix Technologies are calling all IT
  Lisa Kavanagh, Global Director, Renewals along with members of the Concentrix
  Technologies team give an insight to the world of Concentrix Technologies

  “ oncentrix Technologies has a great international
  presence whilst working with some of the largest
  global brands in the industry. This, combined with
  a team of highly talented, innovative and motivated
  individuals, it is the perfect mix for the ideal
  workplace and therefore it is a great place to grow
  your career!”
  – Lisa Kavanagh, Global Director

                                     “W    hat I enjoy about my job is the exposure to new
                                     technologies and the autonomy with projects to
                                     make decisions in the technical domain. What I really
                                     like about Concentrix Technologies are the people!
                                     I work with a team of highly skilled and motivated
                                     people that are a pleasure to work with.”– Mike
                                     Campbell (Software Engineer)

“    y daily routine as a Business Analyst is analysing,
designing, documenting and communicating with external
stakeholders and internal departments. I think Concentrix
Technologies is my preferred place to work in terms of the
social aspects. I enjoy working with the people and enjoy
the parties and events arranged by teams throughout the
business. We have lots of fun with our gaming hubs, pool
tables and social hubs where we can relax and unwind. “–
Mahesh Segu (Business Analyst)

To apply for our opportunities,
send your CV to
+44 (0) 2890 921717

Learning Through Play with
You vs. The World
 f you haven’t yet discovered You vs.
 The World, the games based learning
 app that is successfully making its
mark in schools and homes across the
US and UK, now is the time!

  We caught up with its founder Aaron
Gibson to talk about his journey to date
and what keeps his entrepreneurial
spirit ticking.

What sets You vs. The World apart
from similar learning apps?
  The subject matter and skills to be
learned are presented in a playful and
exciting way. Kids will be encouraged to
get actively involved in discussions with
their parents whilst having plenty of fun
at the same time.
                                             Pictured: Aaron Gibson demoing You vs. The World
   You vs The World enables kids to
learn in a creative, multifaceted way         obstacles whilst ensuring parents are at   What role does You vs. The World play
making the best of a technology-              the forefront of their learning.           in this “modern world”?
enriched learning environment, as well                                                     Often our online activity is conveyed
as learning opportunities within and          How have you found the process of          as negative and “destructive”. You vs. The
beyond the home. You vs The World             pitching You vs. The World? And, what      World is a place where children of all ages
is designed for children of all ages,         advice would you give to your peers?       can safely interact, have fun and learn to
the program will alter itself to be as          To be honest, I would find pitching      make more positive choices in their lives.
relevant to an 8 year old as it is to a 15    to an audience of teenagers more
year old.                                     intimidating than a group of adults!         The Internet is like the “industrial
                                                                                         revolution” of our generation! The pace is
What drew you to this line of work?               Most people feel the same prior to     incredible and it means there will always
  Having been engrossed in technology         a pitch, nervousness is natural and it’s   be support there for whoever needs it.
from a young age I knew I did not want        taking hold of that and transforming       Obviously, cyber bullying is a major issue
to follow the traditional career routes:      it into a positive. As long as you know    and it must be fully addressed from all
teacher, doctor, solicitor. I have always     your product/service inside out, go with   corners.
aspired to create something of my own.        it!
                                                                                            We know you can never replace a
   My feet are firmly on the ground             We are all human and you will realise    parent or guardian; we are designed to
and I know how much hard work is              that people are there to support you.      guide, entertain and engage children as
involved. I hope to give something back       Eve Earley has been an incredible          they progress through each stage of their
to our economy, to keep my business           support, my “business mother” if           lives.
indigenous to Northern Ireland and to         you like. I cannot stress enough the
hopefully create stable jobs for people       level of support out there. Source and     To see You vs. The World in full view go
- this is our future. You vs. The World       engage with relevant investors, prepare    to
exhibits a personal touch. We want            yourself for tough patches but support     Twitter: @AaronGibsonNI
to help children learn about everyday         does exist, so never give up!              Twitter: @YumPod

Event Spotlight
Northern Ireland’s Premier Digital Industry Awards
19th September 2014 - St Columbs Hall, Derry

      he DANI Awards are your
      opportunity to shine and
      demonstrate the outstanding
work in your field. Now the 4th year of
the event, the DANI Awards connects
the Provinces digital leaders through its
annual ceremony.

   Any company within NI or working
with an NI business, whether public,
private or community and voluntary                                                               Upcoming Events
sector can enter the DANI Awards,            DANI website. Please note that each
regardless of size. The DANI Awards has      entry submitted must be submitted
a range of categories suited to a wide
variety of organisations; from large
                                             by 5pm Friday 18th July 2014 to be
                                             considered for shortlisting.                         1     CultureTECH 2014
private and public companies through                                                             BY CultureTECH and lots of other cool
to thriving entrepreneurial businesses,       Tickets for the event are available at             people
promising start-ups, social enterprises                                   WHEN 15th to 21st September 2014
and established SMEs.                                                                            WHERE Derry
                                             More info                                           TWITTER @culturetechfest
  To find out more about the different
categories and how to enter visit the        @DANIAwards

                                                                                                  2     Friday Night Mashup
Digi-talk Digital Marketing                                                                      BY Friday Night Mashup
                                                                                                 WHEN 18th September 2014

Conference 2014                                                                                  WHERE Derry
                                                                                                 TWITTER @FNMashup

24th September 2014 - Europa Hotel, Belfast
                                                                         Sponsored by

                                                                                                  3     Invent 2014 Awards
                                                                                                 BY NISP Connect
   Digital marketing Conference
   europa hotel, belfaSt                                                                         WHEN 2nd October 2014
   24th September 2014, 9.00am – 4.30pm                                                          WHERE Titanic Belfast

   Click here to book your tickets now!                                                          TWITTER @nispconnect
     ollowing last year’s success Digi-      questions, interact and learn from the
     talk is back! This year we tackle the   industry leaders.
     topic of ‘Content marketing’ with                                                           Would you like your event
leading Digital experts from Google,          Digi-talk 2014 is endorsed by the                  highlighted in the Sync NI
Heineken and BeingOnline.                    University of Ulster Business school.               Magazine or online at
  This year, our experts will address          Tickets on sale now from http://
delegates in the morning, before                       Email the Sync NI team at
taking part in breakout workshops,           html or for more information please        to find
giving delegates the opportunity to ask      email                     out more.
You can also read