Career Education Program Guide 2020-2021 - New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Pittsburgh 3 Parkway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Phone: ...

Page created by Dale Lang
Career Education Program Guide

New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Pittsburgh

                 3 Parkway Center
               Pittsburgh, PA 15220
                  Phone: 412.444.2882
                   Fax: 412.920.5680
Authorized Training
                                           Certified Instructors
     New Horizons has been serving businesses and individuals in the community for over 35 years. We offer a wide range
     of technical, application and business skills courses. As the world of computer technology continues to evolve at light
     speed, New Horizons helps our students stay proficient with the latest technologies and achieve their career goals.

Career Assessment and Guidance                                          Curriculum
Today, individuals are changing jobs and careers more than              We have a laser-like focus on monitoring technology trends
ever before. Our Career Consultants provide free career as-             and working closely with our technology partners to ensure
sessment and advice on a variety of careers, ranging from               our training curriculum covers the latest technologies across
project management, IT security, database administration,               a broad list of areas. Some of our longstanding partners in-
and countless others. Consultants also assess each student’s            clude Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, Project Management Insti-
skill level to help determine the best program that fits their          tute, Citrix, and many others.

                                                                        Job Placement Services
Flexible Training Options
                                                                        It is our goal to provide job placement services to our stu-
We understand every student has different learning needs,               dents while enrolled in our programs. This one-on-one sup-
learning style preferences, and schedules. These unique                 port gives our students an edge over thousands of candi-
learning needs are supported through flexible training meth-            dates looking for similar jobs. As part of this support, stu-
ods. Students participate in our instructor-led training clas-          dents have access to career skills assessments, resume and
ses at a convenient time, either online from any location or            cover letter development/review, resume distribution, inter-
at one of our training centers.                                         view coaching, and job search assistance.

Various Funding Sources                                                 Class Resources
We understand many students do not have the necessary                   When individuals train for a career, it is important to be able
funds to participate in training. Our Career Consultants help           to practice the concepts taught in the classroom. With our
students identify the funding sources available, and help               practice labs, students receive valuable hands-on training
determine the one that best fits each student’s needs.                  and experience. In addition, all classes are recorded and
                                                                        available for six months, enabling students to review and
                                                                        retain the information long after the class.
Highly-Qualified Instructors
Our classes are taught by the industry expert instructors who
                                                                        Industry Insight
are proven experts in their field, certified in their course top-
ic, and have taught for many years. More than teachers, our             Our long history and foundation as a corporate training pro-
instructors are highly knowledgeable professionals that have            vider has not only given us the insight into the types of train-
years of real-world experience working for leading compa-               ing employers are providing to their own teams, but also a
nies.                                                                   true understanding of what businesses actually need to suc-
                                                                        ceed. We bring that experience to the table in developing
                                                                        our career training programs and supporting our students

Career Development Training Programs
The cost for the below programs are all-inclusive and there are no additional fees to the student. While the course content
        can lead towards certification, the respective certification exams are included in the price of the program.

Program                                  Certifications Available                                        Hours      Page

Microsoft Office Specialist              Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications (MOS)   $3,650       120          4

Microsoft Technical Support & Certified Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications (MOS),
                                                                                            $7,650       232          5
Help Desk Analyst                       CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+

                                         Windows Operating System & Windows Server
Desktop Technician                                                                          $5,000       408          6
                                         Fundamentals, CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+

Microsoft Office Specialist
Microsoft Office Specialist—$3,650
120 Clock Hours
CIP: 11.0301
O*NET: 43-9061.00 Office Clerks, General; 15-1299.03 Document Management Specialists
Students will gain knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and
records, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.

Some of the key work activities associated with careers in this field include:

   Interacting With Computers — Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write
    software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.

   Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates — Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordi-
    nates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.

   Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or
    electronic/magnetic form.

   Performing Administrative Activities — Performing day-to-day administrative tasks such as maintaining information files and
    processing paperwork.

   Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.

                                                     Course                      Clock Hours

                                   Microsoft Access                                  32

                                   Microsoft Excel                                   24

                                   Microsoft OneNote                                 8

                                   Microsoft Outlook                                 16

                                   Microsoft PowerPoint                              16

                                   Microsoft Word                                    24

Microsoft Technical Support & Certified Help Desk Analyst

Microsoft Technical Support & Certified Help Desk Analyst
232 Clock Hours
CIP: 11.1006
O*NET: 15-1232.00 Computer User Support Specialists; 15-1231 Computer Network Support Specialists
To equip each student with the knowledge of various office applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Win-
dows. This knowledge will give the student the skill to efficiently work in an office environment. The student will also gain the
knowledge to repair and troubleshoot PC's, while also getting an introduction in basic networking concepts.

Students will acquire the skills necessary to obtain an entry level IT position such as PC Technician, Help Desk Analyst/Specialist, or
Computer Support Specialist. These skills will enable the student to perform

most duties required in a help desk environment. The student will gain the knowledge necessary to earn the Microsoft Office Spe-
cialist (MOS), CompTIA A+, and CompTIA Network+ certifications.

                                                    Course                        Clock Hours

                                  Microsoft Access                                     32

                                  Microsoft Excel                                      24

                                  Microsoft Outlook                                    16

                                  Microsoft PowerPoint                                 16

                                  Microsoft Word                                       24

                                  A+ Part 1                                            40

                                  A+ Part 2                                            40

                                  Network+                                             40

Desktop Technician
Desktop Technician —$5,000
208 Clock Hours
CIP: 11.1006
O*NET: 15-1232.00 Computer User Support Specialists; 15-1231 Computer Network Support Specialists
The Desktop Technician program is designed to allow individual with no prior IT experience to pursue a career in the field. Students
start with an introductory look at the Microsoft Windows environment and then move onto the Microsoft Windows Desktop Sup-
port training. Students will acquire the skills necessary to obtain an entry level IT position such as PC Technician, Help Desk Ana-
lyst/Specialist, or Computer Support Specialist. Once complete with the fundamental training, students will move onto the industry
recognized training by CompTIA which will teach most common hardware and software technologies in business and certifies the
skills necessary to support complex IT infrastructures.

With CompTIA A+, students will learn about hardware equipment, operating systems, best practices in troubleshooting, network-
ing and security across a variety of devices to set the stage for IT careers.

CompTIA Network+ validates the essential knowledge and skills needed to confidently design, configure, manage and troubleshoot
any wired and wireless networks.

CompTIA Security+ teaches students to implement and monitor security on networks, applications, operating systems, and re-
spond to security breaches. CompTIA recommends that to successfully attain your Security+ certification, the individual should
have their Network+ certification along with two years experience in IT administration with a security focus.

Starting at the most fundamental level, this program works off a building block process which will allow the student with no experi-
ence to progress into a very sustainable career in Information technology.

                                                Course                               Clock Hours

                           Using Microsoft Windows                                        8

                           MD-100T00 Windows 10                                          40

                           CompTIA A+ Part 1                                             40

                           CompTIA A+ Part 2                                             40

                           CompTIA Network+                                              40

                           CompTIA Security+                                             40

Microsoft Office Courses
     The following courses are found in the Microsoft Office Specialist program and the Microsoft
                     Technical Support & Certified Help Desk Analyst programs.

      Microsoft Excel - Part 1                                         Microsoft® Windows® 8 tablet device, when working in or
                                                                       away from the primary office or study environment.
Course Overview
In this course, students will use Microsoft Office Excel to cre-         Microsoft Outlook - Part 1
ate spreadsheets and workbooks that you can use to store,
manipulate, and share your data.                                       Course Overview
Who Should Attend                                                      Students will learn the basic skills needed to start using Out-
                                                                       look 2013 to manage email communications, calendar events,
This course is intended for students who wish to gain the              contact information, tasks, and notes.
foundational understanding of Microsoft Office Excel that is
necessary to create and work with electronic spreadsheets.
                                                                         Microsoft Outlook - Part 2
      Microsoft Excel - Part 2                                         Course Overview
Course Overview                                                        Students will explore the advanced features provided with
                                                                       the Outlook interface, such as advanced message, calendar,
Students will build upon the foundational Microsoft® Office
                                                                       and contacts management.
Excel® 2013 knowledge and skills already acquired and learn
to create advanced workbooks and worksheets, including                 Who Should Attend
advanced formulas, tables, PivotTables, PivotCharts and data
filtering.                                                             This course is intended for people who have a basic under-
                                                                       standing of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office Outlook
Who Should Attend                                                      and want or need to know how to perform more advanced
                                                                       tasks in Outlook.
This course is designed for students who already have foun-
dational knowledge and skills in Excel 2013 and who wish to
begin taking advantage of some of the higher-level functional-
ity in Excel to analyze and present data.
                                                                       Microsoft PowerPoint - Part 1
                                                                       Course Overview
      Microsoft Excel - Part 3                                         In this course, you will use PowerPoint to begin creating en-
                                                                       gaging, dynamic multimedia presentations.
Course Overview
In this course, students will learn some of the more advanced          Who Should Attend
features of Excel, including automating common tasks, au-              This course is designed for students who wish to gain the
diting workbooks to avoid errors, sharing data with other              foundational understanding of Microsoft Office PowerPoint
people, analyzing data, and using Excel data in other applica-         that is necessary to create and develop engaging multimedia
tions.                                                                 presentations.
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for a student who has experience               Microsoft PowerPoint - Part 2
working with Excel and would like to learn more about cre-
ating macros, working with shared documents, analyzing da-
                                                                       Course Overview
ta, and auditing worksheets.                                           Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of
                                                                       our daily lives. We are often called upon to deliver presenta-
           Microsoft OneNote                                           tions with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying
                                                                       requirements. And, some of these presentations include sen-
Course Overview                                                        sitive information that needs to be guarded.

The student will learn how to use the key components of the            Who Should Attend
Microsoft Office OneNote application on a desktop, laptop, or          This course is intended for students who have a foundational

Microsoft Office Courses
working knowledge of PowerPoint who wish to take ad-                  clude lists, tables, charts, graphics, and newsletter layouts
vantage of the application's higher-level usability, security,        and will merge data to personalize correspondence .
collaboration, and distribution functionality.

     Microsoft Access - Part 1                                             Microsoft Word - Part 3
                                                                      Course Overview
Course Overview
                                                                      In Microsoft® Word 2013: Part 3, the student will gain ad-
In this course, students will use Access 2016 to manage their
                                                                      vanced skills to work with lengthy documents, collaborate
data, including creating a new database; constructing tables;
                                                                      with others, and create forms, as well as revise, manage, and
designing forms and reports; and creating queries to join,
                                                                      secure business documents.
filter, and sort data.
                                                                      Who Should Attend
Who Should Attend
                                                                      This course is intended for students who create and work
This course is designed for students who wish to establish a
                                                                      with lengthy documents, collaborate with others on docu-
foundational understanding of Microsoft Office Access 2016,
                                                                      ments, and create forms in Microsoft Word.
including the skills necessary to create a new database, con-
struct data tables, design forms and reports, and create que-

     Microsoft Access - Part 2
Course Overview
In this course, students add to their Access education in order
to provide themselves with marketable job skills. This course
builds on the foundational skills obtained by attending the
Access 2016 - Part 1 course.

Who Should Attend
Students taking this course are database administrators or
prospective database administrators who have experience
working with Access 2016 and need to learn advanced skills.

      Microsoft Word - Part 1
Course Overview
In this course, you'll learn how to use Word 2013 to create
and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables
and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof

Who Should Attend
This course is intended for students who want to learn basic
Word 2013 skills, such as creating, editing, and formatting
documents; inserting simple tables and creating lists; and
employing a variety of techniques for improving the appear-
ance and accuracy of document content.

      Microsoft Word - Part 2
Course Overview
Students will learn to use Word more efficiently by auto-
mating some tasks and creating complex documents that in-
Information Technology Courses
  The following courses are found in the Microsoft Technical Support & Certified Help Desk Analyst
                          programs and the Desktop Technician program.

      Using Microsoft Windows                                     you will require to be a successful A+ technician. They can
                                                                  also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+
Course Overview                                                   Part 1 and CompTIA A+ Part 2 certification examinations, in
                                                                  order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional.
Students will log on to Windows, explore its interface, identi-
fy the different components in the interface, customize the
Windows desktop, manage files and folders, use the common                    CompTIA Network+
tools and programs available in Windows, and browse the           Course Overview
                                                                  The student will describe the major networking technologies,
       MD-100T00 Windows 10                                       systems, skills, and tools in use in modern networks. Taking
                                                                  this course will help the student prepare for the CompTIA
Course Overview                                                   Network+ certification exam and certification.
MD-100T00 Windows 10 is an introductory training course
                                                                  Course Objectives
for individuals considering a career in desktop support tech-
nology. This training addresses a wide spectrum of funda-         This course is intended for entry-level computer support pro-
mental technical concepts, assesses and validates core tech-      fessionals with a basic knowledge of computer hardware,
nical knowledge, desktop support fundamentals and enhanc-         software, and operating systems to prepare for the CompTIA
es technical credibility.                                         Network+, or who wish to increase their knowledge and un-
                                                                  derstanding of networking concepts and acquire the required
Course Objectives                                                 skills to prepare for a career in network support.
In this course, students will learn how to support and config-
ure Windows 10 desktops in an organizational environment.                    CompTIA Security+
Students will develop skills that include learning how to in-
stall, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems.        Course Overview
Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devic-    Students will implement and monitor security on networks,
es as well as how to configure network connectivity for Win-      applications, and operating systems, and respond to security
dows 10. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows       breaches. Taking this course will help the student prepare
10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students       for the certification exam. CompTIA recommends that in or-
will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10.             der to successfully attain your Security+ certification, the indi-
                                                                  vidual should have their Network+ certification along with
CompTIA A+ Parts 1 & 2                                            two years experience in IT administration with a security fo-
Course Overview
The course(s) will build on your existing user-level knowledge    Course Objectives
and experience with personal computer software and hard-          This course is targeted toward an Information Technology (IT)
ware to present fundamental skills and concepts that you will     professional who has networking and administrative skills in
use on the job. Students will acquire the essential skills and    Windows-based TCP/IP networks and familiarity with other
information needed to install, upgrade, repair, configure,        operating systems, such as OS X, Unix, or Linux, and who
troubleshoot, optimize, and perform preventative mainte-          wants to further a career in IT by acquiring a foundational
nance of basic personal computer hardware and operating           knowledge of security topics; prepare for the CompTIA Secu-
systems.                                                          rity+ Certification examination; or use Security+ as the foun-
                                                                  dation for advanced security certifications or career roles.
Course Objectives
The course(s) provide the background knowledge and skills
Learning Modalities
Classroom Training (Instructor Led Training - ILT)
Our Classroom Learning blends instructor lecture, demonstration, hands-on practice and online resources to provide
an interactive classroom experience to our students.

Our Instructors
New Horizons employs full-time experienced instructors. It is their passion to provide students with the best possible

Our Classroom Resources
The New Horizons classroom experience includes instructor lecture and demonstration, followed by student practice
through hands-on exercise, as well as Web-based resources used during and after class. Classroom Learning students
have access to their own networked environment, which enables instructors to manage hands-on lab demonstra-
tions and exercises that mirror the professional environment.

New Horizons Connected Classroom (NHCC)
New Horizons Instructor Led Training is delivered on our unique platform, called “Connected Classroom”. Connected
Classroom is an integrated training platform and learning management system portal that combines post-class sup-
port and modern technology with on-campus, instructor-led classroom training. In the Connected Classroom:
   Every live lecture given by the instructor can be captured by the platform to ensure total quality instruction. The
    student will have the ability to access an archive of each lecture in its entirety for up to six months following each
    course, which can be used for exam preparation.
   Student participation in each class will be recorded by the platform and can be accessed by the Instructor for
    grading purposes and/or remediation.
   All labs and lab assignments are within the Connected Classroom environment, allowing the system to record
    utilization and launch times. Instructors can review utilization and progress of all student labs for grading purpos-
    es. Students can log back into the labs and launch again just before exam day as needed for additional prep.
   Each student logs into the Connected Classroom environment when (s)he arrives at the campus each day, with a
    unique log-in for each student. Each student logs out of the platform at the end of each class (daily). This allows
    for total accuracy in attendance taking. Log in/access times are recorded inside the Learning Management Sys-
    tem and can be accessed indefinitely by the Instructor or Student Affairs for student record review and attend-
    ance monitoring.
   Because Connected Classroom is integrated with the Learning Management System, a single platform is used to
    track student certifications, attendance, progress, grades, and even allows students to pull their own transcripts
    at will.

NEW HORIZONS CUSTOMER                                         ence and education along with your goals for training, while
              COMMITMENT                                               keeping in mind your aptitudes, budget, and time frame for
New Horizons is in the business of helping people attain
knowledge in the form of career training. By providing the             From there, you will learn through a combination of instruc-
training that develops a more skilled and productive work-             tor-led and online training topics and studies designed to
                                                                       map towards your educational goals.
force, New Horizons is helping businesses and individuals
keep pace with the rapid and complex technological chang-              New Horizons of Pittsburgh has many ways to support and
es taking place in offices today. New Horizons specializes in          reinforce your training and studying as listed below. New
                                                                       Horizons offers:
the high-demand fields of Information Technology and
Healthcare Information Management.                                        Quality, hands-on Instructor-led Learning with one of
                                                                           our full-time experienced trainers.
New Horizons CLC of Pittsburgh provides customer-focused
                                                                          Welcome Back Policy – Free class retake for up to six
career training choices in multiple formats and delivery
                                                                           months upon original class completion for both instruc-
methods. Businesses and individuals receive top-quality                    tor-led applications and technical courses on a space
career training tailored to meet their specific needs – when               available basis.
and how they want to learn. As a result, customers have                   Comprehensive e-Book that may be downloaded, saved
the freedom to personalize training programs to best suit                  or printed from the web for additional post-training
individual learning styles and needs with a variety of train-              support in addition to the Learning Guide used in the
ing products and services.                                                 classroom delivery for instructor-led applications clas-
                      OUR VISION                                          Courseware with screen shots and how-to’s to help you
To be the leaders in innovative career training solutions and              study and retain the information for practical daily use
                                                                           for applications classes
in providing our customers impeccable service and support.
Our guiding values are trust, honor, and respect, developed
and sustained through a motivated team of managers and                       PRE-ADMISSION APTITUDE TEST
employees, each contributing and building unrivaled inter-             Before admittance into a New Horizons program, students
nal and external customer service and support. We see                  will be given an IT aptitude test which evaluates their apti-
New Horizons as a great place to work, and a great place to            tude for a career in IT, and help them understand their
learn, where a commitment to personal and professional                 strengths. Students must score at least 75% to be admitted
growth provides a variety of opportunities for all of our stu-         to the program.
dents and employees.
                                                                                    TRAINING EQUIPMENT
                     OUR MISSION                                       As the world leader of IT Training, New Horizons continu-
By providing exceptional classroom and e-learning training             ously upgrades equipment and software systems to ensure
backed by superior customer service, New Horizons Com-                 students are introduced to the latest technology. In the
puter Learning Centers offer training solutions to customers           classroom, students are situated at independent and net-
worldwide that significantly improve their businesses and              worked workstations and led by a qualified instructor. Our
careers.                                                               classrooms are equipped with group viewing apparatus
                                                                       such as whiteboards, overhead projectors and video acces-
              NEW HORIZONS
New Horizons Integrated Learning is a comprehensive ap-                             TRAINING MATERIALS
proach to training that guides each learner through all stag-          In the classroom, New Horizons helps prepare students for
es of the learning life cycle. It consists of five components –        both job skills and potentially certification exams with
Assess, Learn, Reinforce, Support and Validate – and com-              hands-on, personal training using professionally developed
bines classroom and eLearning products and services to                 courseware. Classroom equipment is loaded with the soft-
create the most effective learning experience available in             ware necessary to follow lessons presented in the manuals
the industry.                                                          and to complete lab exercises.
When you first contact your Educational Consultant at New              New Horizons includes courseware with each open enroll-
Horizons of Pittsburgh, you will be guided through an as-              ment instructor led course. Most courseware for IT training
sessment process, which determines your previous experi-               is authored by our various vendor partners such as
Microsoft and CompTIA, and is updated as revisions or
                                                                    CLASS REGISTRATION & SCHEDULING
new versions of the software are released from the ven-
dor. If you request a retake for a course you will need to
use the courseware initially provided. If the courseware           Registration for classes may be conducted either via
has been updated and you would like the new courseware             phone, email, facsimile or in-person. Upon contacting the
you will be responsible for the cost of the new                    Center, students will be directed to their assigned Educa-
courseware. Our technical courses help prepare students            tional Consultant. It is the primary function of the Educa-
for both job skills and certification exams with hands-on,         tional Consultant to assist students with training decisions
personal training using professionally developed, vendor-          and purchases. New Horizons provides Student Services
authorized courseware. For example, Microsoft Technical            Administration for scheduling of student’s courses. All
courses will utilize Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC).          prices of current courses are published in the current
                                                                   course schedule. Prices are adjusted periodically to reflect
While the courseware provided for each of the training
                                                                   cost and market fluctuations. Scholarships may be availa-
programs is sufficient to learn necessary skills, New Hori-
                                                                   ble as well. Consult with your Educational Consultant for
zons offers an additional selection of learning products.
Online Live Training, Online Anytime Training, and our In-
teractive Learning Lab are all available to enhance under-         Once the student contacts the Student Services Adminis-
standing outside of the traditional classroom. Check with          trator or their Educational Consultant for course availabil-
your Educational Consultant when designing your training           ity via email, fax or phone, he must give the Student Ser-
path to determine your exact needs.                                vices Administrator or EC the name of the course and pre-
                                                                   ferred date of the class. The Student Services Administra-
     REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION                                    tor will then place the student in the course, on the wait
While the admissions process is designed to be very selec-         list, and/or advise further dates available if the preferred
tive, New Horizons does not discriminate on the basis of           date is full.
sex, race, ethnic origin or religion.                              Prerequisites - To maximize the benefit of our classes,
ALL students must have a high school diploma or GED and            there are often prerequisites that students should com-
be at least 18 years of age. All potential students must           plete before taking their preferred class. This ensures that
have a face to face interview with an agent of the school,         students are at a similar skill level to enable the class to
and be recommended for enrollment into a program. That             focus on the stated topics. Prerequisites for courses are
recommendation will be forwarded to the School Director            the responsibility of each student. Should students be
or Director of Admissions. Students are also required to           uncertain about prerequisites, they will need to ask for
take a technology aptitude test and score a minimum of             assistance. Students may be required to complete pre-
75%.                                                               requisite courses prior to others to ensure the overall qual-
                                                                   ity of education. For complete details, please call to speak
Students with special needs will be accommodated to the
                                                                   to an Education Consultant and read the course descrip-
best of our ability. Our facility is wheel chair accessible
                                                                   tion for that class at
including hallways, bathrooms and classrooms. Students
visually impaired (not blind) can be accommodated in the           Enrollment Periods and Class Dates - Our classes are con-
classroom by enlarging the screen (text and pictures) via          cise and informative. Applications courses typically last
Microsoft Windows software. We have no accommoda-                  from 1 to 2 days. Technical Courses usually range from 3-5
tions for the hearing impaired with the exception of re-           days. Classes are scheduled frequently for day and even-
serving a seat in the front of the class.                          ing - not in semesters or blocks. Thus, there is no restric-
                                                                   tive enrollment period; students may register for any class
        COURSE SCHEDULES & FEES                                    prior to the first day of the class. We are closed for all ma-
For current scheduling of New Horizons Computer Learn-             jor holidays. In addition, New Horizons reserves the right
ing Center of Pittsburgh refer to the web schedule or con-         to cancel classes at any time with cause.
sult with your Educational Consultant. You may locate our          Admissions Policy - We require a high school diploma,
schedule via the web site at http://                               GED, or equivalent to enroll in a program. Students will                                              work with the Educational Consultant to ensure proper
                                                                   placement in a program. Students are also required to take
                                                                   a technology aptitude test and score a minimum of 75%.

Welcome Back Policy - Students may repeat a public course                 class participation in the same light as they view the need to
or FREE of charge on a space-available basis for up to 6                  attend work. If an employee doesn’t go to work regularly
months after completing the initial class, as long as course              and on time, termination can be expected. Therefore, the
materials remain the same and the course is still available               student who doesn’t attend classes regularly and on time
on our public schedule. To repeat any course, student must                without making up the missed class time can expect failure
bring his or her original course materials to the class. If the           and/or dismissal.
course materials change significantly during this time, it is
                                                                          Students are required to complete all defined course and
the student’s responsibility to purchase the new revised
                                                                          program hours. In the event that a student misses any por-
manual(s) at the current standard prices.
                                                                          tion of a course, the student is responsible to make up
Rescheduling – If it becomes necessary to reschedule or                   these hours within 30 calendar days.
cancel a registered class, students must give advanced no-
                                                                          Grounds for dismissal are any student who has missed more
tice in writing to the Student Services Administrator five
                                                                          then 25% of any individual course and has not made up the
business days prior to the start of the class. For reschedul-
                                                                          missed coursework within the required 30 calendar days.
ing purposes, this action will allow the student to select an
                                                                          The decision to dismiss a student based on attendance is
alternate class without penalty.
                                                                          done via an academic review board.

 CHECK-IN PROCEDURE ON CLASS DAY                                          It is important that the student attend school on a regular
When a student arrives for class, they will check in at the               basis. Participation should help the student develop proper
front desk. Our receptionist will confirm your attendance in              work habits.
class as well as direct you to your classroom. If you have                A student missing more than 5 consecutive days of classes
questions or need further assistance at this point, please                for which they have been scheduled with no notice to the
have the receptionist contact your Educational Consultant.                school may be automatically withdrawn. For re-admission
Class rosters are signed in each class by each student to                 see the “Re-Admission Policy”.
verify attendance. Remember to check the spelling of your                 For students receiving education benefits through the Unit-
name at this point. Course certificates are made using the                ed States Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), New Hori-
spelling you see on the roster at the beginning of class. Also            zons is required to notify the DVA about changes affecting
if you need CEU (Continuing Education Units) or CPE                       the student’s training schedule, including regular attend-
(Continuing Professional Education) credits, please request               ance. In order to maintain full time active status, the DVA
this on the course roster.                                                requires a student to maintain a minimum of 18 hours of
Also, please remember to arrive 30 minutes prior to your                  physical attendance in classes per week. Any reductions in
class time. If you will be late, you must inform your Educa-              attendance may result in a lowered Basic Housing Allow-
tion Consultant or your Student Services Administrator. As                ance (BHA) and/or termination from the program.
our classes typically are full, it is important to arrive prior to
                                                                                    STANDARDS OF PROGRESS
class. If you arrive after your scheduled class start time, we
may have given your seat to another student. If you arrive                A student who is unable to attend class for an extended
more than 15 minutes late, you may not be admitted. This                  period of time may make-up the missed course by attending
is designed to promote an uninterrupted, positive learning                any open-enrollment course offered by the school within
environment for our students.                                             one calendar year one time. An incomplete grade will be
                                                                          given for that specific class until it is made up. Any student
  CLASS PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE                                          who misses 50% of the course will receive an incomplete
              POLICY                                                      grade until such time as the course is re-taken.

Regular participation is necessary to ensure continuity of                Students who do not complete all of the coursework and do
the educational process. Regular participation is desirable               not take the exam for a given course by the exam due date
in developing proper work habits, the feeling of mastery                  may be given a failing grade.
through success, interest in school and a sense of responsi-
bility.                                                                                         TARDINESS
                                                                          The School understands that students will be late from time
Our policy puts the responsibility first upon the student and
                                                                          to time due to circumstances beyond their control. Howev-
secondly upon the instructor. The students should look at
                                                                          er, when tardiness becomes a habit it should be understood

that the School will have to take action.                              the Director and/or instructor. If a student fails two consec-
                                                                       utive courses they will be placed on academic probation.
A student exceeding this total allotted missed time in a giv-
                                                                       The student must then pass their next class or face possible
en week, (regardless if the time has been made up) will be
required to attend a “Counseling Session” with the Educa-
tional Consultant and/or School Director and documenta-                To officially be placed on academic probation, the student
tion will be placed in the student’s official record. A student        will be required to attend an academic review board. This
that has attended two counseling sessions for tardiness will           board will consist of no less then three school officials in-
be required to attend an academic review board for a third             cluding the School Director. This academic review is estab-
offence and may be dismissed.                                          lished to allow the student to answer and address any con-
                                                                       cerns the board may have in relation to the student’s per-
Additionally, the instructor may request a counseling ses-
sion for a student regardless of the time missed, if he/she
feels the student has missed information critical to success-                               SUSPENSION
fully passing the class, or the tardiness has become a habit
                                                                       A student may be suspended from New Horizons by virtue
based on the Instructors discretion.
                                                                       of misconduct. A student may be considered for re-entry to
                                                                       the school if they can demonstrate a change in attitude or
                LEAVE OF ABSENCE
                                                                       circumstance that may have caused their suspension. The
A student faced with severe illness, personal or financial
                                                                       decision of the Director is final. Reports are maintained and
hardships which require their absence from New Horizons
                                                                       will be available to the student.
for five or more consecutive days of instruction is required
to contact the School Director. A leave of absence period                   RE-ADMITTANCE INTO A PROGRAM
may not exceed 180 days within any 12-month period.
                                                                       If a student is dismissed from a program for any reason, the
A student may be granted more than one leave of absence                following procedure should be followed in order to re-enter
due to circumstances covered under the Family & Medical                the program:
Leave Act of 1993, military service requirement or jury duty,
                                                                       1.   The student submits a letter to his/her Career Consult-
provided that the combined leaves of absence do not ex-
                                                                            ant requesting re-admittance to the program.
ceed 180 days within the 12-month period. The student
must put the request in writing so that it can become part             2.   After reviewing the letter, the Career Consultant meets
of the permanent record. Students returning to school                       with the student to discuss the reason(s) he/she was
from a leave of absence should meet with the School Direc-                  removed from or stopped attending the program and
tor to determine when to re-enter classes.                                  how similar issues can be prevented should re-
                                                                            admission be granted.
                MAKE UP OF WORK
                                                                       3.   The Career Consultant will discuss the student’s request
An incomplete grade may be given to a student who cannot                    with the General Manager or Director of Admissions for
finish any part of or meet the requirements of the course                   a final decision to be made.
due to extended absence. Incomplete grades will revert to
failure within 30 days of a class end unless arrangements                                       APPEAL
are made to attend a make-up session of the course as de-              A student may appeal the decision of the Academic Review
scribed in the previous paragraph, and provided such ar-               Board based upon extenuating circumstances by writing to
rangements are approved by the Director. At the discretion             the Director using New Horizons grievance procedure,
of the Director, a student will be required to repeat an in-           which may be found in this Student Catalog. The student
complete or failed course with no additional tuition. The              may review his/her record by making a written request to
incomplete or failed grade should be made up before a Di-              the Director.
ploma may be issued. The student must bring his/her copy
of the course book(s) to the make up session of the class.                  REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION
                                                                                      (Successful Completion)
                                                                       Students will be considered graduated and completed with
Every effort will be made by the instructional staff to help
                                                                       their Career Education Program following the completion of
students in any area where assistance is necessary, and ar-
                                                                       all courses outlined in their program enrollment agreement.
rangements for tutoring and review may be made through

Regulations require that a student shall have a minimum                  New Horizons is a smoke-free facility. Students are
attendance rate of 80 percent of the total program, in order              expected to use designated smoking areas when neces-
to be graduated from a program. Also, students must re-                   sary.
                                                                         Students must immediately report any unsafe condi-
ceive a passing final grade. Program diplomas will be pro-
                                                                          tions, equipment or practices to New Horizons staff.
vided at program completion.                                             New Horizons maintains a facility that is free of drugs
                                                                          and alcohol. This is essential to maintaining a safe and
                                                                          efficient learning and work environment. Substance
             CERTIFICATION EXAMS                                          abuse is incompatible with health, safety, efficiency
                                                                          and success at New Horizons. Violation of this policy by
Prior to sitting for an exam, students should utilize all re-             students or employees will result in their removal from
sources made available throughout the program such as                     the facility.
courseware, online learning, exam preparation tools, and                 Students must adhere to all posted signs or warnings.
self-paced labs.                                                         New Horizons encourages students to be considerate
                                                                          of others when using the telephones available outside
Whether used independently by the student or during class,                the break-room and to abide by posted facility rules
practice exams DO NOT guarantee a passing score for any                  Students must conduct themselves in a respectable
exams.                                                                    manner at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate behav-
                                                                          ior deemed unsatisfactory will result in possible dismis-
Programs will included one certification exam voucher per                 sal from New Horizons. Re-admittance after conduct
exam, however the student is required to pass three prac-                 dismissal requires reapplication.
tice exams with scores a 95% or better, prior to receiving               Theft of property from the school or other students is
                                                                          grounds for immediate dismissal. Upon discretion of
their exam voucher. Verification of the practice exam re-
                                                                          management, the appropriate authorities may be
sults (via vendor email) is required by Student Services for              called.
each practice exam.
                                                                           CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS TRAINING
               STANDARDS OF CONDUCT                                   New Horizons does not accept transfer credits, but may
While New Horizons is fully committed to preparing stu-
                                                                      recognize the student’s prior experience and/or certifica-
dents for computer-related job skills and new careers, it
                                                                      tions earned against the courses required for program com-
cannot succeed without participation and commitment
                                                                      pletion. Upon enrollment, if the student requests a prior
from each student. The attitudes and behaviors exhibited
                                                                      learning/experience assessment, the New Horizons Educa-
during training are essential elements of program success.
                                                                      tional Consultant will request verification of the certifica-
It has always been our goal to promote both a comfortable             tions achieved and/or provide the student with a skills-
atmosphere and a positive learning environment. With                  based assessment. Upon review of the certification docu-
these two goals in mind, the following policies are in effect:        mentation and/or skills assessment, the student will be eli-
                                                                      gible to receive a credit for one or more of the courses
Students will be expected to dress in an appropriate man-
                                                                      needed for program completion. At such time, the student
ner (shirt, shoes, no offensive remarks or graphics on cloth-
                                                                      may elect to either substitute eligible courses for the pro-
ing, etc.) to create a positive learning environment.
                                                                      gram with no change to the program tuition, or the student
   No profanity, racial remarks or inappropriate behavior            will receive a discount against the tuition for the program
    will be tolerated.                                                on a pro rata amount based on the total course hours cred-
   Any use of inappropriate software, Internet sites or              ited versus the total course hours of the program. New Ho-
    offensive behavior will be grounds for permanent dis-             rizons cannot guarantee that credits earned at New Hori-
    missal from class.
                                                                      zons will transfer to another school.
   As a part of promoting a healthy, comfortable atmos-
    phere, New Horizons encourages students to practice               Please note, for students using Veterans Administration
    good hygiene. If a student is found to interrupt the              funding, the VA will not pay for students to repeat training
    classroom and learning environment, he or she may be
                                                                      previously successfully completed. If VA students are re-
    dismissed from the classroom or lab.
   Students are expected to use New Horizons’ property               quired to repeat a course that has been successfully com-
    for its intended purpose only. In the classroom and               pleted and paid for by the VA, they will have to repeat the
    laboratory, students should exercise care in using the            course or courses at their own expense.
    equipment and materials.
   As a courtesy to others, students should assist in main-
    taining the break-room, the lab and all areas of New
    Horizons by cleaning up after themselves.
without the express and written permission of the student.
               PROGRESS REPORTS
                                                                          Even family members of students who are 18 years of age
New Horizons will make Progress Reports available to students
                                                                          or older will NOT be given any information without written
and/or their funding sponsors upon request.
                                                                          permission from the student.

                 GRADING SYSTEM
Grading is determined by calculating a percentage that is weighted                          REFUND POLICY
between attendance and practice exams.
                                                                          Student may cancel the Enrollment Agreement prior to the
                                                                          start date and shall be entitled to a 100% refund of moneys
  100-90            A                                                     paid to New Horizons Computer Learning Centers less the
                                                                          application/registration fee of $150.00.
  89-80             B
  79-70             C
  69-60             D
                                                                          REFUND POLICY
                                                                          After the Commencement of classes, if the student with-
  59 & Below        F                                                     draws or discontinues for any reason, the following refund
                                                                          and withdrawal policy applies.
Final grades will be reported to student services after completion
of the course. These grades will be stored with the students file            Refund and withdrawal policy for programs of 6 weeks
and presented to the student within 30 days of completion of the              or longer duration.
program. Grades are recorded in the student’s file within 30 days
                                                                             For a student cancelling after the fifth calendar day
after the completion of the class.
                                                                              following the date of enrollment but prior to the begin-
                                                                              ning of classes, monies paid to the school shall be re-
                        PLACEMENT                                             funded except the nonrefundable amount of the appli-
                                                                              cation or registration fee of $150.00.
New Horizons cannot and does not guarantee job place-
ment upon graduation. New Horizons will work with stu-                    If a student enrolls and withdraws or discontinues after be-
dents to assist with job placement. It is our goal to have all            ginning to take classes but prior to completion of the pro-
of our students working in the field of study and prepara-                gram the following minimum refunds apply:

                    TRANSCRIPTS                                              For a student withdrawing from or discontinuing the
                                                                              program during the first 7 calendar days after beginning
All students who meet the requirements for graduation are
                                                                              classes, the tuition charges refunded by the school shall
entitled to one copy of their transcript of grades without
                                                                              be 75% of the tuition for the program.
charge if all financial obligations have been satisfied. A stu-
dent who does not graduate can receive a report card                         For a student withdrawing from or discontinuing the
showing successfully completed courses if all financial obli-                 program after the first 7 calendar days, but within the
gations have been satisfied. Additional copies can be or-                     first 25% of the program, the tuition charges refunded
dered for $15.00; however other schools can request official                  by the school shall be 55% of the tuition for the pro-
transcripts for the purpose of admission at no charge.                        gram.

                                                                             For a student withdrawing or discontinuing after 25%
                                                                              but within 50% of the program, the tuition charges re-
                STUDENT RECORDS                                               funded by the school shall be at 30% of the tuition for
                                                                              the program.
Students may have access to their records at any time by
contacting Student Services. All information held on file is                 For a student withdrawing from or discontinuing the
considered to be private and will only be accessed by man-                    program after 50% of the program, the student is enti-
agement faculty. Additionally, no information will be given                   tled to no refund.
to anyone (with the exception of the above mentioned)

The refund of the unused portion of tuition, fees, and other         A copy of the Commission’s Complaint Form is available at the
charges for Veterans or eligible persons who fail to enter a         school and may be obtained by contacting the Director of
course or withdraw or discontinue prior to completion will be        Admissions.
made for all amounts paid which exceed the approximate pro
rata portion of the total charges that the length of the com-        Our space is approximately 6,500 square feet with 6 class-
pleted portion of the course bears to the total length of the        rooms available. Each classroom is approximately 600 square
course. The proration will be determined on the ratio of the         feet, and is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, high-
number of days or hours of instruction completed by the stu-         speed internet access and digital projectors. Our facility has
dent to the total number of instructional days or hours in the       technical staff onsite to support students along with Adminis-
course.                                                              trative staff.
If there is a change in your enrollment status please notify         Restrooms are ADA compliant as are all aspects of our facility.
your Educational Consultant as well as the VA. Generally the         We are equipped with a break room offering complimentary
VA is not responsible for:                                           refreshments to our students.
   Courses you do not attend
                                                                          ACADEMIC CALENDAR/DELIVERY
   Courses from which you withdraw
                                                                     New Horizons does not deliver classes in a semester format.
The individual is responsible for any debt resulting from re-        Classes are ongoing in a rolling schedule with start dates on a
ductions or terminations of your enrollment even if the pay-         weekly basis. Day classes are typically scheduled to run from
ment was submitted directly to the school on the student’s           9am-5pm EST. However, depending on the delivering center’s
behalf. All refunds shall be returned within 30 days after they      time zone, start/end times may vary. Please see attached
are verified. See VA Addendum.                                       schedule of course dates.

               METHOD OF PAYMENT                                     2020-2021 HOLIDAYS
Tuition is due prior to the first day of instruction unless other    New Years Day—1/1/2020; 1/1/2021
arrangements have been agreed to in writing. Tuition can be          Spring Holiday – 4/10/2020; 4/2/2021
paid by cash, personal check, credit card, or third party fi-
                                                                     Memorial Day—5/25/2020; 5/31/2021
                                                                     Independence Day—7/3/2020; 7/5/2021
               COLLECTION OF DEBT                                    Labor Day—9/7/2020; 9/6/2021
While many students take advantage of our third party fi-            Thanksgiving—11/26-27/2020; 11/25-26/2021
nancing programs, it may be necessary to collect monies
                                                                     Christmas—12/24-25/2020; 12/23-24/2021
owed to New Horizons for tuition on training delivered. New
Horizons reserves the right to contact the student directly,
the use of collection agencies, and/or other legal means for
the purpose of collecting debt.                                      David Weinstein           President

                                                                     Rob Hussey                Managing Partner
A grievance procedure is available to any student who be-            Denis Rudd                School Director
lieves a school decision or action has unfairly and adversely
affected his/her status, right, or privileges as a student. Com-
plaints should be written, signed, and dated, and submitted to
                                                                                       FACULTY & STAFF
the School Director for resolution. New Horizons Computer            New Horizons is a franchised organization with ownership
Learning Centers is licensed by the State of Pennsylvania as a       and Executive management out of Memphis, TN.
Private Licensed School. Once a School Official has been in-
formed, questions or concerns may be brought to the atten-
tion of the State Board of Private Licensed Schools, Pennsyl-                CATALOG PUBLICATION DATE
vania Department of Education, 333 Market Street, Harris-
                                                                                            Rev. 8/18/2020
burg, Pennsylvania 17126-0333.

Instructor Qualifications

 INSTRUCTOR                         CERTIFICATIONS
                       A+, Network+, CCNA, CEH, MCSA, MOS, Windows Server Ad-
Brian Cochenour
                       ministration Fundamentals, Networking Fundamentals, MTA
                      MOS, MCT, Microsoft Operating System and Windows Server
Jeff Tatusko
                       Administration, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft SharePoint

New Horizons is excited about offering training to veteran’s using the GI Bill and other means of governmental fund-
ing. This catalog addendum applies to those students receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education bene-
fits while attending New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh. Please acknowledge by your
signature below that you have read and understand the information in this addendum and have received and under-
stand the policies, rules and regulations of New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh.

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 Section 103 Policy Addendum
Summary: A provision within the recently enacted Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 requires Pennsylva-
nia’s State Approving Agency (SAA) to disapprove all programs at educational institutions that have a policy incon-
sistent with the established criteria in Section 103 of the Act for recipients of Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 of the G.I.
Bill™ by August 1, 2019. The policy is limited to tuition funds paid by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and
enforced at Institutions of Higher Learning, Non-College Degree Programs, and Flight Schools.
New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh has a policy that ensures we will not impose any pen-
alty including: 1) the assessment of late fees; 2) the denial of access to classes; 3) libraries or other institutional facili-
ties and/or 4) the requirement that a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 recipient borrow additional funds to cover the individu-
al’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
This addendum will serve as recognition that New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh abides
by Section 103 of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 and has created a policy addendum in our school
catalog to reflect the same.

Prior Credit Policy: As stated before, New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh will consider
previous training and experience. Credit will be granted if appropriate for all veterans and all other eligible students.
Veterans must submit a copy of their DD214 discharge certificate and all records/transcripts of any post-secondary

Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes. If circumstances prevent attendance at a particular
class, prior notifications is expected in order to arrange for make-up sessions. If attendance falls below 80%, VA ben-
efits will be terminated. Students whose absences result from authorized mitigating circumstances, as determined by
the School Director, will not be terminated. Students whose VA benefits have been terminated for unsatisfactory at-
tendance may be recertified only after regaining satisfactory attendance.

Full-Time Status Policy: The VA considers students attending courses full-time, if students are enrolled in class or lab
18 clock hours per week. In order to receive your full-time benefits to pay for training at New Horizons Computer
Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh, you must attend at least 18 clock hours per week.

Conduct Policy: Students must conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate
behavior deemed unsatisfactory conduct by school officials would result in termination of veteran’s educational bene-
fits, and possible dismissal from New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh. Re-admittance af-
ter conduct dismissal requires reapplication to the school. Please refer to in-depth policy in our regularly published
New Horizons catalog.

Academic Progress Policy: Students receiving VA education benefits must maintain a 70% grade point average on
tests and in written and practical exams, and satisfactory and timely completion of all assignments, reports, projects,
etc. Failure to meet these criteria will result in being placed on probation for one session. If the criteria are not met
by the end of the probationary session, VA education benefits will be terminated. Certification to VA for payment
will not be resumed until the student has returned to a satisfactory academic status.

Pro-Rata Refund Policy for Veterans and other Eligible Students: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute
of Pittsburgh has a pro-rata refund policy for the refund of the unused portion of tuition, fees and other charges in the
event the veteran or eligible person fails to enter the course or withdraws or is discontinued there from at any time pri-
or to completion.

If you receive educational benefits through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and you
wish to cancel your program, you must submit a written notice of cancellation to New Horizons. Upon receipt of writ-
ten notice of cancellation, New Horizons will refund the amount of the unused portion of the veteran’s tuition. Unused
tuition will be calculated on a prorated basis by taking the total cost of the program
paid by the veteran, less the price for any courses, books, materials, labs, and exams used by the student prior to the
date of the cancellation notice.

If there is a change in your enrollment status, please e-mail your Education Consultant, as well as the VA.
Generally, the VA is not responsible for:
    Courses you do not attend
    Courses from which you withdraw

The individual is responsible for any debt resulting from reductions or terminations of your enrollment even if the
payment was submitted directly to the school on the student’s behalf.

Equal Opportunity Statement: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin.

Graduation: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Institute of Pittsburgh will release a Program Completion Cer-
tificate to all program completers. Students must pass all recommended courses and tests. All outstanding fees must
be paid to receive a Program Completion Certificate.

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