CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -

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CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -
The inefficiency of
fire service reforms

New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union | February 2020

CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -
                Cash to Ashes raises                vehicle accidents to save the
                fundamental questions about         car. For these reasons, most
                the accountability of one of        other countries don’t tax people
                our most valued services, Fire      who insure their property to
                and Emergency New Zealand           fund these services. Other
                (FENZ). Although the Insurance      options include general taxation,
                Council has had no hand in this     a levy on car registration
                report, the questions it raises     or through rates. If central
                are ones that every person who      government had a bigger role
                insures their home, contents        in funding FENZ instead of the
                or vehicle should ask. That’s       1% it currently provides, then
                because it is they who pay the      more accountability would be
                tax or levy that funds FENZ.        demanded of how FENZ spends
                                                    its money.
                An even more fundamental
                question is why should those
                who insure be the ones that
                fund FENZ? Everyone benefits
                from FENZ services, not just
                those who take responsibility
                to insure themselves. Ironically,
                much of FENZ’s work is to save
                lives, not the insured property.
                Ambulances don’t attend
                                                    Tim Grafton CMInstD
                                                    Chief Executive
                                                    Insurance Council of
                                                    New Zealand

CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -
In 2017, the Government                documents obtained under the            One reason FENZ has been
reformed the decentralised             Official Information Act indicate       able to increase its budget
rural fire service and the             the vast bulk of spending               so substantially is that it is not
centralised NZ Fire Service            increases have been devoted             required to justify its wasteful
into a new national body – Fire        to administrative and support           spending, since it is able to
and Emergency New Zealand              services. Investment spending is        collect revenue through the fire
(‘FENZ’). The new centralised          heavily focused on gold-plating         insurance levy without having to
organisation was expected to           regional infrastructure.                go through Treasury like other
deliver efficiency savings while                                               departments. Any increases
                                       On 2 November 2018, FENZ
ensuring service provision was                                                 in revenue from the levy are
                                       proudly announced that the
more equal around the country.                                                 therefore able to be spent with
                                       Tinui Fire Station had received a
                                                                               little accountability or impetus to
In March 2017, PWC concluded           significant upgrade. Previously,
                                                                               lower the levy – since FENZ is
that the 2015/16 budgeted              the Tinui Station had been a
                                                                               not subject to any competitive or
expenditure of $389 million was        “corrugated iron shed with
                                                                               commercial pressure.
appropriate for the function and       a dirt floor”. Now, Tinui Fire
output responsibilities FENZ has.      Station “includes a double bay          As part of the Fire Services
The report stated that “Overall,       shed with reinforced flooring,          Reform agenda, the Government
we conclude that the existing          a kitchenette, training room,           was expected to introduce a
level of funding is appropriate        office, shower, toilet, laundry         new levy system to provide
for the scope of NZFS’s business       area, mezzanine storage level,          income for Fire and Emergency
as usual activities as existed in      two 20,000L water tanks that            New Zealand. However in March
2015/16.”                              will make it easier to refill trucks    2019, Minister of Internal Affairs
                                       after training or incidents.”           Tracey Martin announced the
Cabinet expected improved
                                                                               implementation of the new levy
efficiency when it approved            For larger cities or towns
                                                                               system is on hold as she is now
the centralisation programme           experiencing resource
                                                                               reviewing the funding model
pushed by then-Minister of             shortages, an upgrade of this
                                                                               for FENZ. This is politically
Internal Affairs Hon. Peter            nature would make sense.
                                                                               unsurprising, given NZ First’s
Dunne, but these expectations          But Tinui has a population of
                                                                               strong opposition to the FENZ
have been ignored. FENZ is             approximately 20 people. The
                                                                               reforms when they were being
projected to spend nearly $338         opening of the new Station was
                                                                               shepherded through Parliament
million more in its first three        attended by FENZ’s CEO Rhys
                                                                               by Minister Dunne.
years than was forecast when           Jones, Chairman Paul Swain, a
Cabinet approved the merger            Government Minister (Ron Mark)
in 2016.                               and the local MP (Alastair Scott).
                                       The sheer quantity of human
FENZ claims that growth
                                       and financial resources devoted
in expenditure is driven by
                                       to building and opening a fire
increases in employee costs
                                       service shed in a town of 20
and depreciation, which reflects
                                       people is strongly suggests a
nation-wide investment and
                                       growing culture of gold plating
service standardisation. In reality,

                BILLION DOLLAR BLOWOUT PROJECTED IN FIRE SERVICE EXPENDITURE                                         FEBRUARY 2020
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Prior to the urban and rural fire      Timaru is located between               to attract, retain, and support        Additionally, volunteer and           for FENZ. One of the major              • better management of health
centralisation in July 2017, urban     Ashburton and Oamaru, but               volunteers. Ageing vehicles and        career stations were largely          justifications for fire service           and safety risks across the
fire services operated under the       Timaru’s fire services costs            stations without electricity or        meeting (or close to meeting) the     centralisation was the delivery of        sector;
New Zealand Fire Service and           are more than three times the           running water are common.”             performance standards of the          efficiencies, to ensure taxpayers
                                                                                                                                                                                                    • improved use of capital;
were funded by a fire levy on          costs of either Ashburton and                                                  New Zealand Fire Service, as          received better value for money
                                                                               The intention Dunne had to
building insurance, while rural        Oamaru. This is representative                                                 outlined in Table 1 below (taken      while still enjoying the benefits       • improved strategic thinking
                                                                               significantly increase investment
areas were funded from rates           of the network of fire services                                                from the 2016 New Zealand Fire        of a well-functioning national fire       that informs planning and
                                                                               in rural fire services is clear from
and operated with a local level        across New Zealand prior to                                                    Service Annual Report).               service.                                  service delivery; and
                                                                               his comments. The purpose of
of governance model. Naturally         reform: different communities
                                                                               reform was clearly to ensure                                                                                         • improved systems and
this caused some degree                with different cost profiles and
                                                                               an ironing out of operational                                                                                          processes.
of variation in cost profiles,         service offerings. In the mind
                                                                               differences across the country
equipment and performance              of former Minister of Internal
                                                                               – even though some rural                                                                                            These efficiency expectations
across the country – reflecting        Affairs Peter Dunne, this needed
                                                                               areas might require reduced                                                                                         were clearly signaled by the
the different needs of                 to change. In a 25 April 2017
                                                                               or different services to dense                                                                                      Minister responsible for the
communities. This decentralised        newspaper column, Dunne
                                                                               urban areas.                                                                                                        reforms, Peter Dunne, who
rural fire structure did however       argued:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   commented in April 2017 that
generally keep costs to a                                                      However, putting the varied
                                       “The reforms will enhance,                                                                                                                                  while “[there] will be additional
respectable level for forest and                                               needs of communities aside,
                                       but not essentially change,                                                                                                                                 costs … these will not be in
rural stakeholders.                                                            fire services were performing
                                       the approach to firefighting                                                                                                                                perpetuity” and that “[the]
                                                                               strongly prior to centralisation.                                                                                   Government’s expectation is
From an urban fire service             and fire management in our
                                                                               Figure 2 – taken from the                                                                                           that after this transitional period
perspective cost profiles today        communities. We recognise the
                                                                               FENZ 2017/18 Annual Report –                                                                                        operating costs will reduce.”
remains extremely high for some        success of existing structures
                                                                               demonstrates the steady decline                                                                                     In short, improved efficiency
urban communities. Similarly           in managing risk and reducing
                                                                               in fire incidents over five years                                                                                   was an essential justification for
sized towns in similar locations       unwanted fire. However, we
                                                                               despite a growing population.                                                                                       advancing with the reform of
experienced significant variation      also know that some rural
in cost. Figure 1 demonstrates         communities have not seen                                                                                                                                   fire services.
                                                                                                                      Table 1: Performance Standards        More specifically, Cabinet
this variation:                        the investment in local services                                               for 2015/16 – NZ Fire Service         supported the reforms on the
                                       they need. Some are struggling                                                 Annual Report 2016                    basis that FENZ would deliver
                                                                                                                                                            $47.7 million in efficiencies by
                                                                                                                                                            2021/22, achieved by:
                                                                                                                      While some standards were not
                                                                                                                      met, performance was generally         • matching investment in
                                                                                                                      very high. It would be difficult to      people, resources, and
                                                                                                                      extrapolate from these results           services with community risks
                                                                                                                      that the New Zealand Fire                and needs;
                                                                                                                      Service required hundreds of
                                                                                                                                                             • a new flexible service model
                                                                                                                      millions of dollars in additional
                                                                                                                                                               – not a rigid ‘one-size fits all’
                                                                                                                      Cabinet clearly agreed with
                                                                                                                                                             • fire reduction activities
                                                                                                                      that appraisal when approving
                                                                                                                                                               leading to reduced fires;
Figure 1                                                   Figure 2                                                   the centralisation programme

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Despite the Government’s              through Treasury, allowing them         spending, and value-for-money.         NZD. It’s unclear why expanding         There is no explanation in either   increase in expenditure being
expectations, FENZ’s                  to collect revenue and spend            In 2018, FENZ announced                the fire service capability in         of FENZ’s recent Statements of       allocated to front-line operations.
expenditure is expected to            taxpayers’ money with very little       upgrades to two career fire            rural New Zealand e.g., Lake           Performance Expectations as to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alongside these significant
explode in coming years. While        accountability.                         stations: Wigram, and Woolston.        Okareka, should be significantly       why FENZ requires a $43 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                 increases in expenditure is the
Cabinet forecast expenditure                                                  The station upgrades at Wigram         more costly than similar forms of      investment in ICT equipment,
                                      Strangely, this means individuals                                                                                                                          expectation of Cabinet when
to eventually fall to $439 million                                            and Woolston (both Christchurch        spending in Australia.                 or why that spend delivers
                                      and organisations which                                                                                                                                    approving centralisation that
in the 2021/22 financial year,                                                locations) cost $7.4m and $6.9m                                               significantly improved services.
                                      choose to self-insure receive                                                                                                                              FENZ achieve $47.7 million in
from $486 million in 2020/21,                                                 respectively.                                                                 For example, if the roadmap
the latest forecasts show
                                      a tax advantage and are able                                                   It appears that FENZ                   of reform was to standardise
                                                                                                                                                                                                 efficiency savings by 2021/2022.
                                      to free-ride on others: the             Given their urban location, the                                                                                    That’s a significant saving,
expenditure at $617 million in                                                                                       is gold-plating its                    service delivery across regional
                                      levy disincentivises taking out         Christchurch upgrades could be                                                                                     likely requiring work across
2020/21. In total, taxpayers                                                                                         property portfolio,                    and volunteer stations (in
                                      formal insurance coverage.              justified, but the Tinui two bay                                                                                   the organisation in the lead
are worse off by $338 million                                                                                                                               line with urban stations), how
                                      Additionally, the financial penalty     upgrade does not represent             rather than investing                                                       up to 2021/2022. In an Official
( just over the period 2018/19                                                                                                                              does ICT specifically improve
through 2020/21) compared
                                      disproportionately affects              value for money for ratepayers.        in desperately needed                  capability? More explanation is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Information Act Request, we
                                      commercial organisations, since         Tinui is an extremely small                                                                                        asked FENZ for any reports,
to forecasts when Cabinet
                                      while residential property is           town – it has a population of
                                                                                                                     infrastructure.                        needed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 documents or advice they
approved the centralisation
                                      subject to a levy cap of $106,          approximately 20 people –                                                     External consultants are also        had received on the value
reforms: approximately $143
                                      commercial property faces a             in the Wairarapa. Yet, it has          There is plenty of generally           putting upward pressure on           of efficiencies found since
more per household in fire
                                      potentially unlimited levy rate.        received “a double bay shed            wasteful spending taking place         expenditure at FENZ. In 2017/18,     centralisation. FENZ’s response
services spending. It’s also
                                                                              with reinforced flooring, a            at FENZ as well. $69.3 million         FENZ spent $9.9 million on           was brief:
disturbing to see, even when fire     FENZ argues in its 2019
                                                                              kitchenette, training room, office,    of the $261.3 million increase         external consultants. FENZ has
levy income has exceeded what         Statement of Performance                                                                                                                                   “Cabinet has asked Fire
                                                                              shower, toilet, laundry area,          (‘other expenditure’) in spending      budgeted $11 million and $6.5
was approved by Government in         Expectations that the significant                                                                                                                          and Emergency to ensure
                                                                              mezzanine storage level, [and]         is neither additional staff costs or   million for external consultants
2016, that the FENZ Board has         spending growth is the result                                                                                                                              efficiencies from 2021/2022.”
                                                                              two 20,000L water tanks that           depreciation.                          in 2018/19 and 2019/20
unrelentingly continued to draw       of growth in depreciation
                                                                              will make it easier to refill trucks                                          respectively. Again, FENZ has        In other words, FENZ has no
down on a $112 million capital        and staff costs due to service
                                                                              after training or incidents.”                                                 not explained the value of           reports, documents or advice
injection Government loan to          standardisation across the
assist in funding the transition
                                                                                                                     The most important                     spending millions of dollars on      on the value of any efficiencies
                                      country, reflecting the goal            Lake Okareka and Wanaka
costs of the urban/rural merger       of equal capability and                 volunteer firefighters have
                                                                                                                     component of the                       external consultants specific to     within the organisation. This can
                                                                                                                                                            the justifications for reform.
over the first four years.            performance across the country          also recently received new fire        increase in ‘other                                                          only be interpreted to mean that
                                                                                                                                                                                                 FENZ has not only found zero
How taxpayers are impacted
                                      central to the process of reform.       stations and equipment. Lake           expenditure’ is the                    Perhaps most importantly, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 efficiency savings, but has also
is damaging, but complicated.
                                      On the surface, that makes              Okareka – a township of 600            increase in spending                   vast majority of expenditure
                                                                                                                                                                                                 identified no possible future
                                      sense: higher depreciation costs        people – is receiving a new                                                   increases ($163.3 million of
Instead of receiving funding                                                                                         on ‘communications                                                          efficiency savings. This is clear
                                      simply reflect large amounts of         fire station estimated to cost                                                $205.3 million) between the
from the general consolidated
                                      capital expenditure, so the $48         $1.9 million, while Wanaka – a         and computers’ –                       17/18 and 18/19 Statements of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 in the latest FENZ Statement
fund, like most departments and
                                      million increase in depreciation        small resort town – has a new          approximately $43                      Performance Expectations is not
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Performance Expectations
ministries, FENZ collects its own                                                                                                                                                                which forecasts revenue and
revenue through a levy which
                                      over the forecast period reflects       fire station estimated to cost $4      million over three                     allocated to any urban area or
                                                                                                                                                                                                 expenditure for 2021/22: none
                                      massive upgrades to the FENZ            million. In contrast, a new two-       years.                                 region, but to ‘Support Services’.
applies to insurance premiums                                                                                                                                                                    of the $47.7 million of efficiencies
                                      property portfolio.                     bay shed (with a training area)                                               In other words, back-office
on products which insure                                                                                                                                                                         have been earmarked for the
                                                                              is estimated by the Country Fire                                              bureaucracy is being heavily
against fire. This means FENZ         However, the nature of capital                                                                                                                             2021/22 Financial Year.
                                                                              Authority in the Victoria, Australia                                          supported by the change –
does not have to go through           expenditure raises serious
                                                                              to cost approximately $600,000                                                with only a small share of the
a formal budget bid process           questions over need, quality of

               BILLION DOLLAR BLOWOUT PROJECTED IN FIRE SERVICE EXPENDITURE                                          FEBRUARY 2020
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In addition to general increases       Nelson. According to Drought            improvements in the majority
in wasteful spending and gold-         Code and Build Up Index, which          of the technology used to
plating of the FENZ property           measures moisture content and           fight fires that would explain
portfolio, the response of FENZ        fuel conditions in the area, the        the increase in costs – trained
to the Pigeon Valley forest fire       natural environment on the 5th          forest firefighters, bulldozers,
last summer suggests a dramatic        of February was approximately           shovels, fire hoses, pumps, and
reduction in efficiency.               the same in 1981 and 2019.              helicopters were all used in both
                                                                               1981 and 2019. One important
On 5 February 1981, a                  However, the response of Fire
                                                                               advance, however in 2019,
remarkably similar fire to Pigeon      and Emergency New Zealand
                                                                               has been the availability to fire
Valley started next to the urban       was markedly different in 2019
                                                                               controllers of real-time weather
area of Nelson in the Hira forest,     compared to 1981. For example,
                                                                               data from automated weather
requiring significant investment       while the use of aircraft can be
                                                                               stations along with much
in manpower and resources to           effective in combatting the early
                                                                               improved fire behaviour models
limit its spread. In total, the NZ     stages of a fire, they become
                                                                               for various vegetation types.
Forest Service spent $174,317          much less effective following the
                                                                               This adds no cost to managing a
(1981 NZD) broken down into:           initial attack phase. Instead, 25
                                                                               fire but properly used it enables
                                       helicopters and two fixed wing
  (a) NZ Forest Service                                                        rural fire managers to better
                                       aircraft were used at Pigeon
      Salaries - $33,577                                                       predict fire behaviour and better
                                       Valley in the first ten days to
                                                                               match tactics to the situation.
  (b) NZ Forest Service                combat the forest fire. In addition
      Wages - $31,020                  a large cost was incurred in            We suggest the decrease in
                                       establishing large tracts of fire       efficiency is a result of the
  (c) NZ Forest Service                breaking external to the forest         lack of financial accountability
      Vehicle & Plant - $11,814        boundary.                               on FENZ: spending is not
                                                                               assessed by Treasury and
  (d) Aircraft - $67,587
                                       The result: fighting                    FENZ is not required to justify
  (e) Other external costs -           the Pigeon Valley                       future spending bids to Treasury
      $30,317                          fire cost $17 million                   officials. Instead, FENZ is able to
                                                                               spend its levy income as
Additionally, Murray Dudfield          – more than 17 times
                                                                               it desires.
– a former National Rural Fire         the cost of fighting the
Officer – estimates the cost to        very similar Hira fires
Nelson City Council for the Hira
                                       in 1981, even after
forest fire was approximately
$31,831 – giving a total cost of       accounting
approximately $206,000 – or            for inflation.
$912,000 in 2019 NZD.
                                       There have been no dramatic
On 5 February 2019, 38 years to
the day of the Hira forest fire, the
Pigeon Valley fire broke out near

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Fire services are often raised by     first step would be to require          generally combatted within
taxpayers as a classic example        that FENZ cannot collect its            the organisation, reforming
of a service where government         own revenue through the levy            the culture of waste within the
should be involved to manage          regime and instead require              organisation would be difficult
externalities and public goods        that levy revenue pass through          without outside rigour.
problems. However, that does          the general consolidated fund.
                                                                              More immediately, it may
not mean that FENZ should             Requiring FENZ to make Budget
                                                                              be valuable for the Minister         LAKE OKARAKA RURAL FIRE FORCE TO IL4. FLOOR AREA 348 SQM. COST $1.9 MILLION 2019
enjoy a blank cheque or be            bids and go through the usual
                                                                              responsible for FENZ, Hon.
immune from criticism and             scrutiny and rigour of public
                                                                              Tracey Martin, to put pressure
reform. The sheer scale of            sector spending decisions may
                                                                              on FENZ to meet the efficiency
FENZ as an organisation and           improve the quality of spending
                                                                              expectations outlined by
its immunity from Treasury            and put downward pressure
                                                                              Cabinet when centralisation was
revenue guidance means it has         on the levy, if the revenue
                                                                              approved. Given New Zealand
become a largely financially          is implicitly ring-fenced and
                                                                              First’s historic opposition to the
unaccountable organisation –          large potential surpluses are
                                                                              reforms, it could be politically
with taxpayers forced to pick up      identified. It may be beneficial
                                                                              useful for the Minister to
the bill via insurance costs.         to abolish the levy altogether
                                                                              pressure the Opposition on their
                                      and simply collect the revenue
With the FENZ levy regime                                                     recent support of the reforms
                                      through general taxation,
now under review, there is an                                                 and demonstrate to the public
                                      given the disincentives that
opportunity to reform some parts                                              that centre-left governments can
                                      apply to insurance coverage
of the organisation in order to                                               reform and be efficient when
                                      stemming from the levy regime.
deliver better value for money                                                required.
                                      While waste needs to be
for taxpayers. A good initial

                                                                                                                   WANAKA URBAN VOLUNTEER FIRE STATION BUILD. FLOOR AREA 585 SQM. COST $3.96 MILLION – 2017

                                                                                                                   LYTTELTON URBAN VOLUNTEER FIRE STATION BUILD. FLOOR AREA 497 SQM. COST $3.85 MILLION – 2017

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Cabinet paper with original expenditure forecast: Fire Services Review: NEW FUNDING ARRANGMENTS (p 20)
Actual expenditure in 2018/19: Annual Report 2018/19 (p 61)
Latest expenditure forecast: Statement of Performance Expectations 2019/20 (p 32)

CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -
Lower taxes, Less Waste, More Transparency
CASH TO ASHES: The inefficiency of fire service reforms - New Zealand Taxpayers' Union | February 2020 -
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