Comarch ITM Product Description

Page created by Hazel Tran
Comarch ITM Product Description
Comarch ITM

Product Description
Comarch ITM Product Description
Introduction                                                 A user-centric solution for seamless adoption

                                                             One of the main challenges for an IT manager is to encourage     shared across users and user groups. As an example the
Comarch ITM, a complete IT management solution, combines     his staff to adopt the changes associated with the setting up
                                                             of new processes, tasks, responsibilities, and consequently
                                                                                                                              numerous built-in applications use transversal features such
                                                                                                                              as custom querying or dashboarding. All defined queries and/

a full-featured monitoring and service desk which imple-     new ways of working.                                             or the resulting dashboards can be saved within the environ-
                                                                                                                              ment, but also shared between Comarch ITM users. Sharing
                                                                                                                              mechanisms between single users or groups relies on the
ments the most common ITIL processes, through a unique       A desktop mode                                                   native rights management application.

and integrated web environment.                              Thanks to desktop mode, Comarch ITM offers IT people an in-
                                                             tegrated environment and familiar methods of work. IT people     Comprehensive rights management
                                                             have access to a true work place gathering in one environ-
                                                             ment: Applications, tools, objects and dashboards.               Comarch ITM allows rights to be granted at finely defined levels,
Comarch ITM enables IT organizations to design, adapt,                                                                        from application to data, for both groups and individuals.

ensure and operate value-added IT services in the most ef-   Personalization and information sharing                              Individual rights are inherited automatically from the group
                                                             capabilities                                                         to which the user belongs

ficient way. Comarch ITM is providing appropriate methods    Comarch ITM Desktop proposes a set of customization fea-             Read/modify rights can be granted individually to data,
                                                             tures in order for the user to adapt and personalize his own         from an object down to each of its attributes
and functionalities for the efficient management of infra-   environment, and to allow an optimized way of working.
                                                             On top of the standard GUI features such as shortcut manage-         Use rights may be granted to each application, down to
structure devices and the people, processes and knowledge    ment, widgets and even theme and background customiza-
                                                             tion, Comarch ITM also provides access to transverse tools
                                                                                                                                  specific functionalities or menus

involved with them.                                          and functionalities enabling data to be retrieved, saved and

                                                                                                                  Comarch ITM web desktop

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Comarch ITM Product Description
Adaptability to the market’s needs                                                                                               Distributed mediation using deployable agents towards ex-          Monitoring data collected from mediation are linked to a ge-
                                                                                                                                 isting networks allows:                                            neric metric representing a specific data type, regardless of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    how they are collected (SNMP, scripts). These generic metrics
                                                                                                                                     Monitoring task-sharing between different agents distrib-      are then used and processed transversally to the Comarch ITM
                                                                                                                                     uted in networks and sub-networks                              applications, especially within event management, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                    fault management and performance management.
                                                                                                                                     Limiting the impact of network failure on monitoring data.
Aligning IT services to business requirements is becoming the        Processes configuration (assignment, escalation,                Agents can execute their configuration in an autonomous
key mission for any IT organization. This explains why busi-         notification)                                                   way and store data locally if connectivity with the central    Fault management
ness processes and rules are gaining momentum in the IT                                                                              server is lost
management field.                                                    Definition and automation of tasks and actions following                                                                       Data collected from mediation are used within the fault man-
                                                                     IT events raising                                               Configuring agents’ behavior (data collection, script execu-   agement application allowing:
In order to provide our customers with market alignment                                                                              tion …) and task scheduling in order to optimize control of
capabilities and with a fast answer to their requirements,       CMS – Configuration Management System                               data flow as well as treating only suitable data                   Alarm triggers configuration: Based on the embedded
Comarch ITM has been designed around an evolutionary                                                                                                                                                    business rule engine, Comarch ITM provides a set of pre-
framework aimed at dynamically enriching product func-           Comarch ITM relies entirely on a common repository, the CMS     In order to provide relevant infrastructure monitoring, Comar-         defined expressions and conditions in order to configure
tionalities. It also allows flexible configuration and adapta-   (Configuration Management System), which allows all infor-      ch ITM relays the most common standards used in IT manage-             alarm triggers (e.g. comparison to a threshold, number
tion to IT infrastructure, and to each customer’s internal and   mation to be reflected and retrieved, including Configuration   ment. Amongst them are:                                                of time a metric is exceeding a given threshold during
external organization.                                           Items (CIs) and their relationships.                                                                                                   a given period of time, increased ratio). These pre-defined
                                                                                                                                     ICMP and SNMP requests                                             expressions and conditions can be combined in order to
                                                                     Unique and centralized source of information for all                                                                               constitute new user-defined alarm triggering rules
A business process manager and business                              Comarch ITM modules & processes                                 CLI end local or remote execution
rule engine for enhanced flexibility                                                                                                                                                                    Alarms life cycle management with actions such as ac-
                                                                     IT oriented data model (switches, routers, physical and         Re-use of common scripts such as Perl, Shell or third-party        knowledgement, changing severity, alarm termination
The integrated business process engine allows the orches-            virtual servers, computers) based on CIM specifications         scripts (Nagios plug-ins)
tration of all IT-related operations and the implementation                                                                                                                                             Links with other Comarch ITM applications such as auto-
of the ITIL processes of the service desk. The business rules        Management of relationship between CIs (aggregation, as-                                                                           matic or manual incident creation, explicit or configurable
engine and business process manager are integrated at the            sociation, dependency, group) in order to propose various                                                                          alarm mail notification
core level of the application and allow users to define their        browsing methods and to define different perspectives
own decisions rules within Comarch ITM applications.                 depending on the usage context

    Supply of pre-packaged ITIL processes (incident man-
    agement, service catalog management, service level


Comarch ITM proposes a full-featured monitoring module.          Distributed mediation
It allows definition and configuration of data collection, as
well as monitoring data processing through fault manage-         Comarch ITM has been designed in order to adapt easily to
ment and performance management applications. In order           heterogeneous infrastructures, distributed over several sites
to propose adaptability and flexibility in monitoring con-       and sub-networks, with constraints that are topologic (sub-
figuration, Comarch ITM is relying on distributed media-         nets, DMZ) or geographical (e.g. several sites, distributed
tion architecture.                                               hosting responsibility).
                                                                                                                                                                             Mediation configuration and Fault management

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Comarch ITM Product Description
Performance management                                             Network discovery
                                                                                                                                          Assets management
Metrics defined with mediation can also be used through the        Populating and auditing the CMS is a crucial but time-consum-
performance management application to create and manipu-           ing task, especially in a large or heterogeneous infrastructure. Yet
late performance graphs of all types. These graphs’ reports can    these activities represent the basis of efficient asset manage-
then be exported and shared with different IT organizations.       ment. Consequently, Comarch ITM relies on its distributed medi-
                                                                   ation capabilities to provide a handy and powerful auto-discov-
A large set of features relating to graph creation or modifica-    ery module to maintain and audit your CMS, and particularly the        In order to propose a relevant and precise picture of an IT            Definition of relationships between assets using different
tion is offered, including:                                        assets’ CMDB.                                                          infrastructure and its life cycle, Comarch ITM includes an as-         relationship types (groups, associations, aggregation,
                                                                                                                                          sets management application. This application allows users             dependency)
    Simple or multiple series graph creation                       Network discovery is consequently performed through distribut-         to create, modify and enrich assets databases, manually or
                                                                   ed mediations via ICMP, SNMP and DNS, with:                            automatically, from the network discovery feature. Definition          Browsing within assets and their details and through their
    Several graph types (bar graphs, area, lines)                                                                                         of relationships between assets (groups, associations, ag-             relationships
                                                                       Definition and execution of discovery profiles including IT        gregation, dependency) allows intuitive browsing proposing
    Real-time graph (sliding window over a time period of              domains configuration (IP addresses’ range and mask, with          and flexible visualization of assets and their environment.            Native integration with other Comarch ITM applications such
    a defined number of samples) or historical (fixed time             exclusion/inclusion mechanisms) and definition of OIDs to          This application includes a relevant set of functionalities and        as monitoring, service catalog, incident management
    window)                                                            discover on networks’ nodes                                        asset follow-up:

    Zoom function over a part of the graph                             Discovery or update process on demand or scheduled, con-               An integrated asset CMDB built upon a CIM-based
                                                                       figurable per agent (and consequently per set of networks)             data model, allowing description of different assets’
    Interpolation and aggregation methods configuration                                                                                       infrastructure
                                                                       Discovery results presenting the differences between current
    Display of different graphs area according to                      CMDB and modifications appearing on the network (New                   Creation and modification of assets, including their details
    a threshold                                                        discovered CIs, modified)                                              and attributes

    Data presentation with export to spreadsheet                       Reconciliation mechanism to identify, accept or reject results
                                                                       and changes

                                                                   Based on reconciliation results, newly discovered CIs or dis-
                                                                   covered modifications to the CIs are pushed in the assets
                                                                   CMDB and then managed through the assets management

                                                       Performance management                                                                                                                        Assets management

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Comarch ITM Product Description
Incident management                                                                                                                 User portal

This application offers a comprehensive implementation of                Distinction between the caller, and the requester who is   Since IT organizations are moving towards delivering services            Communicate with IT services during the incident
the incident management ITIL process. It can be adapted                  actually handling the incident                             to other organizations, end users have become key stakehold-             process
to each organization, and links with other applications and                                                                         ers to support, to follow, and with whom to communicate:
processes. These are natively supported thanks to the con-               Assignment mechanisms towards IT dedicated IT agents                                                                                Access to dashboard shared by the IT organization
figurable built-in business process manager. Incident man-               or groups                                                      Comarch ITM offers a single point of contact in the form of
agement comprises a complete set of associated functions,                                                                               a dedicated web portal, allowing end users and customers
including:                                                               Flexible impact and urgency definitions, with combined         to submit incidents 24 hours a day, seven days a week
                                                                         priority matrix
    Complete incident management process from creation to                                                                               Follow incident evolution and status in real-time
    closure                                                              Integrated querying engine to search incidents

    Incident creation from different channels : Phone, mail,             Link with other applications and processes such as
    web                                                                  asset management, catalog management, service level
                                                                         management, and calculation of contractual commitments
                                                                         (response time, resolution time)

                                                 Incidents list, details and life cycle                                                                                                     User portal for end users

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Comarch ITM Product Description
Service management: Catalog and service level                                                                                         Executive summary

Comarch ITM’s service catalog application allows the follow-up       Service level management                                         With many years of experience in IT management, as well
of service life cycle, from its design to its publication, includ-                                                                    as in the management of network infrastructure for some of
ing definition of associated service levels. Once service and        Service levels agreements, external (SLAs) or internal (OLAs),   the largest telecom operators in Europe, Comarch is offering                           IT Mgt
service level are defined, Comarch ITM allows creation, priori-      can be defined as follows:                                       Comarch ITM, its own IT management solution, dedicated to
tization and monitoring of service level agreements (SLAs) be-                                                                        critical and evolving infrastructures of all types and sizes,
tween IT provider and customer (internal or external). These             Process of definition, negotiation and validation of the     while ensuring a very competitive TCO.
agreements are configurable, with options to create rules that           agreement
define service level objectives and notification/escalation                                                                           In the competitive IT management software market, a solution
mechanisms. SLAs cover infrastructure performance (MTBF,                 Agreements and commitments can cover both IT network         that provides only monitoring features or only service desk
error rate) as well as service desk performance (response                components (MTBF, availability) and support metrics          functionalities is not enough – Comarch ITM Solution couples
time/resolution time).                                                   (response time, resolution time)                             these two essential sets of functionalities, to ensure compre-
                                                                                                                                      hensive, end-to-end management, from physical devices to
                                                                         Commitment and objectives are taken into account within      IT services, from end users to IT staff, organized around CMS
Service catalog                                                          Comarch ITM, especially within the incident management       as a central repository.                                                                              Telco
                                                                         process                                                                                                                              Software
Comarch ITM allows business or technical service life cycle
follow-up with the following activities:                                 Commitments control and comparison between contractual
                                                                         values and metrics coming from the network and the
     Definition and validation of service, describing:                   organization

     •   Definition of service settings and parameters such as           Escalation and notification mechanisms to warn IT
         name, description, owner                                        organizations in case of SLA violation

     •   Service linking, to define the dependencies with sup-
         porting services and supporting CIs

     •   Service calendar (support hours, opening hours,
         service hours)
     •   Service levels, where the different available service
         levels including service levels objectives for the cur-
         rent services are defined

     Transition to the status ‘In catalog’ reflecting the phase
     of proposition or marketing of the service                                                                                           Unified environment, natively integrating the relations      Web graphical interface, combining functional modules
                                                                                                                                          between monitoring, IT service management, CMS/CMDB          and a set of transversal tools within an intuitive and
     Transition to the status ’Operational’, where the service is                                                                         and customer support                                         configurable desktop
     operational and can be sold to customers
                                                                                                                                          Uses ITIL terminology and processes to ease both tool        Flexible and scalable solution integrates the business
                                                                                                                                          adoption and transition towards ITIL best practices, while   process manager and business rules engine, thus allowing
                                                                                                                                          limiting the training required for operators                 modules, processes and their interactions to be adapted
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and to evolve smoothly
                                                                                                                                          Simple implementation for a quick start, enabling rapid
                                                                                                                                          gains and improvements to IT management                      Efficient and robust, based on market-proven software
                                                                                                                                                                                                       developed for large telecom providers’ networks

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Comarch ITM Product Description
Comarch Headquarters                                                          Comarch R&D -Grenoble                                                       Poland
Al. Jana Pawla II 39 a                                                        100A, Allée Saint-Exupéry                                                   Gdansk, Katowice, Krakow,
31-864 Krakow                                                                 38330 Montbonnot-Saint Martin                                               Lublin, Lodz, Poznan,
Poland                                                                        France                                                                      Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw
phone: +48 12 64 61 000                                                       phone: +33 457 582 300
fax: +48 12 64 61 100                                                         fax: +33 476 243 720                                                        Austria  Kirchbichl,
e-mail:                                                       e-mail:                                                              Wien
                                                                                                                                                          Belgium Brussels
                                                                              Comarch Software SARL- Lille                                                China    Shanghai
                                                                              19 avenue Le Corbusier                                                      Finland Espoo
                                                                              59000 Lille                                                                 France Lille,
                                                                              France                                                                               Montbonnet-Saint
                                                                              phone: +33 362 534 900                                                               Martin,
                                                                              fax: +33 955 244 694                                                                 Paris
                                                                              e-mail:                                                     Germany Dresden,
                                                                                                                                                          Panama Panama City
                                                                                                                                                          Russia Moscow
                                                                                                                                                          UAE      Dubai
                                                                                                                                                          Ukraine Kiev,
                                                                                                                                                          USA      Chicago
                                                                                                                                                          Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City

Comarch is a leading Central European IT business solutions provider specializing in forging business
relationships that maximize customer profitability while optimizing business and operational
processes. Comarch’s primary advantage lies in the vast domain of knowledge accumulated in and
applied to our software products. These products incorporate highly sophisticated IT solutions for
businesses in all vertical sectors. Comarch has a multinational network of offices employing over
2800 highly-experienced IT specialists in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

Comarch Spółka Akcyjna with its registered seat in Kraków at Aleja Jana Pawła II 39A, entered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court
for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, the 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under no. KRS 000057567. The share capital amounts
to 7,960,596.00 zł. The share capital was fully paid, NIP 677-00-65-406

Copyright © Comarch 2010. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Comarch.
Comarch reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes in the content from time to time without notice. Comarch may make
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                                                                                                                                         EN 2010-12
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