This guidance has been developed with the local government sector based on the decisions the Government has made for Alert Level 4. It is intended ...

Page created by Lester Moody
This guidance has been developed with the local government sector based on the
decisions the Government has made for Alert Level 4.
It is intended to support consistency across New Zealand in the delivery of council

                                                                      Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                    ALERT LEVEL 4                                                       ALERT LEVEL 3

                                               Eliminate                                                            Restrict

NB functions are          Strong restrictions to limit all people movement        Further restrictions on activities, including at workplaces and socially, to
focused on the            and contact to contain community transmission           address a high risk of transmission within New Zealand.
functions defined as      and outbreaks.
                                                                                  Stay at home, other than for essential personal movement, and going to
Essential Services and
                          Stay at home, other than for essential personal         work/school.
those where there is
                          movement and doing essential work.
interaction with the                                                              Stay in extended bubble, which can now include close family or
public –not corporate     Stay in immediate household bubble.                     caregivers.
/support/policy           People should keep 2 metres apart at all times          People should keep 2 metres apart outside home where possible (apart
functions as these will   outside home, including at workplaces. This             from with people within their extended bubble). This requirement does
be subject to general     requirement does not apply to emergency and             not apply to emergency and frontline public services (e.g. healthcare).
advice from the           frontline public services (e.g. healthcare).
Government re working                                                             In a controlled environment such as a workplace, 1 metre distancing is
remotely, based on                                                                required
Alert Levels                                                                      For more information on operating safely in workplaces, further
                                                                                  guidance is available at:
Gatherings                All gatherings cancelled (essential work and going to   Gatherings of up to 10 people at a time only for wedding services, funerals
                          supermarket are not considered gatherings).             and tangihanga.
                                                                                  Wedding receptions and other celebrations are not allowed. Consumption
                                                                                  of food/drink not permitted.
                                                                                  Workplaces, education facilities, public transport and supermarkets are
                                                                                  not considered gatherings.
                                                                                  Additional conditions on gatherings:
                                                                                  • Physical distancing and infection prevention and control requirements
                                                                                    must be met.
                                                                                  • All gatherings must record attendees to ensure contact tracing can be
                                                                                    conducted if necessary.
                                                                                  • No participants allowed who have COVID-19 symptoms or who need to
                                                                                    be in isolation/quarantine for any reason.

                                                                                                                            Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                 ALERT LEVEL 4                                                   ALERT LEVEL 3

                                            Eliminate                                                        Restrict

Public venues          Public venues closed (e.g. libraries, museums,       All public venues closed (e.g. museums, cinemas, food courts, gyms, pools,
                       cinemas, food courts, gyms, pools, amusement         amusement parks, playgrounds, farmers’ markets).
                       parks).                                              Public open spaces (e.g. parks) may be used, but people need to maintain
                                                                            physical distancing outside their bubbles.

Territorial authority functions
                       COVID19 risk management practices apply –            COVID19 risk management practices apply – industry/activity specific
                       industry/activity specific guidance developed as     guidance developed as necessary
Council offices         • Remote working                                    •   Everyone should work remotely unless it is not possible
                                                                            •   Council offices can only open for staff if:
                                                                               o Workers cannot work from home, and
                                                                               o Workplaces are operating safely, and
                                                                               o Customers are not allowed on premises, and
                                                                               o Council staff can work without physical contact with
                                                                            • “Operating safely” means:
                                                                               o Complying with Alert Level 3 settings, and
                                                                               o Meeting appropriate public health requirements for their
                                                                                   workplace, including for workers (e.g. putting up physical
                                                                                   barriers), and
                                                                               o Fulfilling all other health and safety obligations
                                                                            • If these measures cannot be taken, staff must not go to work, and
                                                                                premises should remain closed
Operation and              •   Essential service                            Most staff continue to work remotely
maintenance of             •   Workstream to ensure continuity of service
drinking water and             and supply of key chemicals; focus on        Operational sites
wastewater services            keeping networks operational                 • Site separation continues with physical distancing of staff on sites
                                                                            Operations activities reinstated
                                                                            • Maintenance practices on linear assets (pipes etc)

                                                                                                                     Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                  ALERT LEVEL 4                                                    ALERT LEVEL 3

                                            Eliminate                                                          Restrict

                                                                              •   Planned maintenance and connections work on the retail network
                                                                              •   Pump station cleaning where required
                                                                              •   Maintenance of valves and equipment
                                                                              •   All non-essential work continues to be deferred
                                                                              •   Avoid activities that interrupt domestic supplies where possible
                                                                              •   Reactive maintenance extended
                                                                              Developer Services Reinstated
                                                                               • Compliance and inspections – including subdivision connection works,
                                                                                  subject to restoration of housing construction works
                                                                              • Connections of water and meters to address outstanding connection
                                                                                  applications – subject to wastewater being connected and drainlayers
                                                                                  etc. services also restored
                                                                              Meter Reading (where relevant and with safety measures in place
                                                                              including precautions taken to prevent spread of disease between
                                                                              • Reading cycles start again
                                                                              Active Construction Sites
                                                                              • Active construction sites reopen where safe work practices and
                                                                                   physical distancing can be maintained
                                                                              • Safe work practice guidance can be found here:
                                                                              • Continue design work and project development work where possible

Solid waste including   •   Essential service                                 •   Residential kerbside and essential service-related commercial solid
transfer stations       •   Residential kerbside solid waste collection           waste collection continues
                        •   Commercial collections only for waste and         •   Collection of recycling may increase in some cities/districts (this may
                            recycling that supports other essential service       still end up in the waste stream after collection depending on MRF

                                                                                                                        Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                 ALERT LEVEL 4                                                     ALERT LEVEL 3

                                            Eliminate                                                          Restrict

                      •    Collection of recycling in some cities/districts       operations and restricted/international demand/domestic – market
                      •    MRFs operational in some cities/districts              demand for low value materials)
                                                                              •   MRFs operational in some cities/districts where physical distancing
                                                                                  protocols can be maintained, and manual processing risks can be

                                                                              Transfer stations
                                                                              • Transfer stations and green rubbish transfer stations/facilities
                                                                                  permitted (to avoid fly tipping, vermin control) if safe operating
                                                                                  procedures are able to be implemented and access including traffic
                                                                                  management can be adequately controlled (customers should be
                                                                                  reminded that they should not travel outside their local areas to
                                                                                  access these facilities)

                                                                              Resource recovery centres
                                                                              • Bin drop for separated collections of bottles, paper, cardboard
                                                                                  permitted if access can be controlled, commercial collections and
                                                                                  processing of the materials is available within the district/region and
                                                                                  operations must be safe (COVID compliant). Household item drop offs
                                                                                  are not permitted.
                                                                              • Eco shops closed
Cemeteries and         •   Essential service                                  • Cemetery grounds can remain open with restrictions on operation of
crematoria             •   Cemeteries remain open with restrictions on            cemeteries
                           operation of cemeteries; COVID19 risk              • Open to funerals and tangi only of up to 10 people if they can operate
                           management practices. Only family bubble can           safely, and:
                           attend funerals                                       o Physical distancing and infection prevention and control
                       •   See Ministry of Health guidelines for more                requirements must be met
                           information                                           o Must record attendees to ensure contact tracing can be
                                                                                     conducted if necessary

                                                                                                                       Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                  ALERT LEVEL 4                                                      ALERT LEVEL 3

                                             Eliminate                                                           Restrict

                                                                                    o   No participants allowed who have COVID-19 symptoms or who
                                                                                        need to be in isolation/quarantine for any reason
                                                                                **Noting this will be difficult to manage, guidance is being developed
Animal services          •   Essential service                                  •   Flexible working practices – working remotely. Only responding to
   o caring for          •   Good physical distancing and COVID19 risk              urgent requests for service, e.g. dog attacks, wandering stock, with
     impounded dogs          management practices                                   good physical distancing and COVID19 risk management practices
   o investigating dog   •   Animal shelters closed to public,                  •   Animal shelters closed to public
     attacks and              Staff caring for animals currently housed. Good   •   Staff caring for animals currently housed. Good physical distancing
     seizures for            physical distancing and COVID19 risk                   and COVID19 risk management practices
     police                  management practices                               •   Animal Management Officers responding to priority complaints.
   o welfare of          •   Some Animal Management Officers responding             Good physical distancing and COVID19 risk management practices.
     animals                 to priority complaints. Good physical distancing   •   Restart registration processes where these can be undertaken in a
     recovering              and COVID19 risk management practices                  contactless way
                         •   Some stock control
Maintenance of public    •   Toilets only on main freight routes open (and      •   Toilets only on main freight routes open (and where requested by
toilets                      where requested by essential services)                 essential services)
                         •   Increased cleaning frequency                       • Increased cleaning frequency
Social housing           •   Essential service                                  • COVID19 risk management practices in place to operate safely
                         •   COVID19 risk management practices                  Capital programme (new builds or empty units)
                         •   Essential /emergency maintenance only with         • Stand up planned capital programme dependent on:
                             COVID19 risk management practices                       o Supply chain (availability)
                                                                                     o Contractor availability
                                                                                     o H&S plan (ability to maintain distance and hygiene, tracking)
                                                                                     o Limited work group on sites provided they strictly limit person to
                                                                                          person contact and allow contact tracing
                                                                                • Priority maintenance with COVID19 risk management practices to
                                                                                    operate safely

                                                                                                                         Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                ALERT LEVEL 4                                                    ALERT LEVEL 3

                                          Eliminate                                                          Restrict

Roading/highways      •   Essential service: roading maintenance and         •   All freight can be distributed
                          repairs to keep the roads safe                     •   Personal and interregional travel remains restricted
                      •   Procurement continuing remotely                    •   Essential services will continue.
                                                                             •   Works that can be performed following the COVID19 risk
                                                                                 management practices re physical distancing may also be viable
                                                                                 depending on advice/guidance and procedures.
                                                                             • e.g. Road rehabs; road maintenance, small capital projects.
                                                                             ** Please refer to Ministry of Transport for up to date guidance as issues
Noise Control         •   Councils should accept and triage noise            • At Alert Level 3 and below any councils which suspended noise
                          complaints via their call centre or other normal       control services during Alert Level 4 should resume them. The service
                          means that are operating                               level should be close to that provided during business as usual,
                          remotely. Information should be made publicly          though attempts should be made to resolve noise issues remotely
                          available on council websites to enable people         before attending a site (for example, via a phone call if contact
                          to direct queries relating to noise control to         information is available), or there may be a modified threshold for
                          council in the first instance.                         deciding to undertake a site attendance.
                      •   Where possible, councils should aim to resolve     • Police will not attend noise calls unless there is a breach of an
                          noise complaints remotely. Noise officers              Excessive Noise Direction, an escalated incident (such as threatening
                          should only attend sites where this is already         behaviour), or the noise is associated with a suspected breach of
                          part of the service level being provided under         requirements relating to gatherings of people.
                          level 4, e.g. where security firms are already     • At all Alert Levels, Councils are reminded of their duties toward
                          supporting and are taking all of the following         employees and contractors as PCBUs under the Health and Safety at
                          measures:                                              Work Act 2015, and their broader duty of care to the public. Health
                            o minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical       and safety plans which take all reasonably practicable steps to reduce
                                interactions among staff and with and            or eliminate COVID-19 transmission risks are essential in order to
                                between the public                               protect noise control officers and the members of the public with
                            o ensure appropriate health, hygiene and             whom they interact.
                                safety measures are in place                 • Health and safety plans must incorporate protocols for, at a
                                                                                                                      Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                   ALERT LEVEL 4                                                       ALERT LEVEL 3

                                              Eliminate                                                            Restrict

                              o   restrict activity to only what is ‘essential’   •   Physical distancing – minimise, or eliminate where practical, physical
                                  during the Alert Level 4 period.                    interactions among staff and with the public
                         • Council officers should contact police for                 o One officer per vehicle
                            assistance as they normally would following               o If officers work in teams or pairs, these should be kept consistent
                            triaging. Police can issue excessive noise                    (a ‘work group’)
                            directions where they are attending a complaint           o Appropriate PPE (if required)
                            at the request of a noise officer (s327(1) and
                            s328(3) of the Resource Management Act).
                            Councils should provide remote support for
                            these assessments and any notices to be issued.
                         **note new guidance on Alert Level Four
Council governance and   • Meetings and public engagement to be held              •   Meetings and public engagement to be held remotely
decision making             remotely
Pools                    • Closed                                                  • Closed to the public
                                                                                  Scheduled maintenance and capital programme
                                                                                   • Stand up planned capital programme dependent on:
                                                                                       o Supply chain (availability)
                                                                                       o Contractor availability
                                                                                       o H&S plan (ability to maintain distance and hygiene, tracking)
                                                                                       o Limited work group on sites provided they strictly limit person to
                                                                                          person contact and allow contact tracing

                                                                                                                           Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                  ALERT LEVEL 4                                                   ALERT LEVEL 3

                                            Eliminate                                                         Restrict

Libraries               •   Closed                                           •   Closed to the public
                        •   Mobile and outreach services closed              •   Limited access to staff to enable priority work that cannot be done at
                        •   All public programmes and venue bookings             home, such as digitisation projects, if adequate measures in place re
                            cancelled                                            physical distancing and contact tracing
                        • All return bins closed                             •   Mobile and outreach services closed
                        Online services                                      •   All public programmes and venue bookings cancelled
                        • Some service continues online                      •   All return bins closed
                        • Digital content available 24/7
                        • Sign up for a library membership online to allow   Online services
                            you to access our digital online services.       • Some service continues online
                        • Finger-tip (Phone) Library Service operating 7     • Digital content available 24/7
                            days                                             • Free Wi-Fi available outside some libraries to be resumed where
                                                                                 appropriate measures are in place re physical distancing (to help with
                        Loans                                                    digital dive & visitors trapped in country with border controls)
                         • Loan period extended, unlimited renewals and      • Take steps to avoid Wi-Fi users clustering in an unsafe way, e.g.
                            holds suspended                                      messaging around distancing
                                                                             • Finger-tip (Phone) Library Service operating 7 days

                                                                              • Loan period extended, unlimited renewals and holds suspended
                                                                              • All return bins closed
Galleries and Museums   Closed                                                • Closed to the public
                        • Online                                              • Limited access to staff to enable priority work that cannot be done at
                                                                                 home, such as digitisation projects, if adequate measures in place re
                                                                                 physical distancing and contact tracing online service
Rec Centres, Gyms,      Closed                                               Closed
Stadia                  • Online services available e.g. workouts, stretch       o Online service available, workouts, stretch classes etc
                            classes etc
                        • Construction sites closed
                                                                                                                      Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                              ALERT LEVEL 4                                                     ALERT LEVEL 3

                                         Eliminate                                                          Restrict

                     •   Capital programme planning, design and             Scheduled maintenance and capital programme
                         procurement and tendering continuing                • Stand up capital programme dependent on:
                         remotely                                               o Supply chain (availability)
                                                                                o Contractor availability
                                                                                o H&S plan (ability to maintain distance and hygiene, tracking)
                                                                                o Limited work group on sites provided they strictly limit person to
                                                                                    person contact and allow contact tracing
Community Halls      Closed                                                 Closed
                     • Capital programme planning, design and               Scheduled maintenance and capital programme
                         procurement continuing remotely                     • Stand up capital programme dependent on:
                                                                                o Supply chain (availability)
                                                                                o Contractor availability
                                                                                o H&S plan (ability to maintain distance and hygiene, tracking)
                                                                                o Limited work group on sites provided they strictly limit person to
                                                                                    person contact and allow contact tracing
Playgrounds, Parks   •   Parks open. With Messaging re social distancing     • Playgrounds & exercise equipment closed
                     •   Carparks within parks closed for vehicle access,    • Public toilets closed
                         pedestrian access open                              • Dog waste must be taken home and disposed of it in bin for normal
                     •   Playgrounds & exercise equipment closed                kerbside collection
                     •   Public toilets closed                               • Below facilities open subject to council being satisfied sufficient
                     •   Dog waste must be taken home and disposed of           measures are in place to re messages about physical distancing:
                         in bin for normal kerbside collection                  o Parks open with messaging re social distancing
                     •   Facilities within parks closed including the           o Associated carparks open
                         visitor/information centres                         • All council-owned sports facilities e.g. clubrooms are closed
                     •   Skeleton crew of essential workers checking         • Full urban and regional park ranger service operating – with COVID19
                         parks daily, vermin control, fly dumping, fire         risk management practices in place
                         hazard, bin emptying
                     •   Wharfs and jetties closed                          Scheduled maintenance and capital programme
                                                                             • Stand up planned capital programme dependent on:
                                                                                                                    Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                      ALERT LEVEL 4                                                     ALERT LEVEL 3

                                                 Eliminate                                                          Restrict

                                                                                       o  Supply chain (availability)
                                                                                       o  Contractor availability
                                                                                       o  H&S plan (ability to maintain distance and hygiene, tracking)
                                                                                       o  Limited work group on sites provided they strictly limit person to
                                                                                          person contact and allow contact tracing
                                                                                   • Maintenance of facilities deemed as permitted exceptions
Sports Fields and Tracks   Closed                                                  Closed
                           • All council-owned sports facilities e.g.              • All council-owned sports facilities e.g. clubrooms are closed
                               clubrooms are closed
Camping Grounds and        • Public camp sites closed                              •    Public camp sites closed
Holiday Parks              • Some holiday parks limited bookings for self-         •    Some holiday parks limited bookings for self-contained vehicles only
                               contained vehicles only                             •    Some emergency provision for freedom campers – separate facilities.
                           • Some emergency provision for freedom                       No communal facilities open e.g. showers, toilets, kitchen or laundry
                               campers – separate facilities. No communal               etc
                               facilities open e.g. showers, toilets, kitchen or   • Note that restrictions on travel outside local area (with exceptions)
                               laundry etc                                              mean freedom campers and others should not be moving or
                           • Temporary accommodation for self-isolation                 travelling
                                                                                   • Temporary accommodation for self-isolation
Call centre & Front        Call centre                                             Call centre
Counter services           • Open remotely                                         • Open remotely

                           Counter services                                        Counter services
                           Closed                                                  • Controlled access (limited sites) if they can operate safely
                                                                                   • COVID19 risk management practices in place and recording for
                                                                                       contact tracing

                                                                                                                            Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                   ALERT LEVEL 4                                                      ALERT LEVEL 3

                                              Eliminate                                                          Restrict

Regulatory and           •   Staff working remotely                              •   Staff continue to work remotely
                                                                                 As other businesses resume requiring inspections:
                                                                                 • Inspections and site visits to be arranged with limited interaction with
                                                                                     the public, appropriate physical distancing and contact tracing
                                                                                     measures in place
                                                                                 • Where services are necessary that cannot be conducted remotely and
                                                                                     require more than one staff member - Create a work group where
                                                                                     staff work in pairs/teams
Consenting functions     •   Continuation of all consenting services which       • Continuation of all consenting services which can be provided by staff
(building and resource       can be provided by staff working remotely at            working remotely at home
consents)                    home                                                • Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                         •   Virtual hearings for resource consents with             may work in pairs/teams undertaking the necessary health
                             remote appearances                                      precautions (distancing, PPE etc)
                         •   Virtual inspections where feasible. Where           • Virtual hearings for resource consents
                             council employees are entering buildings and        • Site inspections permitted provided arrangements made remotely
                             other sites to complete inspections for essential       with COVID19 risk management practices applied Guidance on
                             services, COVID19 risk management practices             practices for construction site visits is available at
                                                                                 • Additional information for Councils on building and construction
                                                                                     related activities is available at
RMA plan making          •     Continuation of all plan making which can be      • Continuation of all RMA plan making which can be provided by staff
                               provided by staff working remotely at home            working remotely at home
                         • Virtual hearings for hearings with remote             • Virtual hearings for plan changes
Property & Corporate     All staff working remotely                              All staff working remotely
Facilities Management    • Working with lessees remotely
                         • Many tenants eligible for relief package

                                                                                                                          Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                 ALERT LEVEL 4                                                  ALERT LEVEL 3

                                            Eliminate                                                      Restrict

Events                 Cancelled                                           Cancelled
Community              All staff working remotely                          All staff working remotely
                       •    Community Development team supporting          •   Community Development team supporting groups virtually
                            groups virtually
Environmental Health   •    All staff working remotely                     •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
                                                                           •   Limited inspections with COVID19 risk management practices applied
                                                                           •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                                                                               may work in pairs/teams and adopt COVID19 risk management
                                                                               practices in place
Parking Services       All staff working remotely                          Normal operation with ‘stay home if unwell’ and hygiene measures in
                       • Council-owned carpark buildings open and free     place
                       • On street parking free                            • Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                       • Parking compliance team only reacting to              may in pairs/teams
                             blocked vehicle entrances and serious road
                             hazards/safety issues
Regional Council functions
Public Transport       •    For the use of:                                • Service levels increased with appropriate measures to ensure
                           o essential and emergency workers                 COVID19 risk management practices re physical distancing, and
                           o members of the public accessing essential       hygiene (refer to Ministry of Transport: Travel and Transport
                              services, specifically food, non-COVID-19      Guidance – to be placed online when confirmed)
                              related medical care and vets                • Travel is allowed for the following essential personal movement in
                           o couples with shared custody moving children     your local area:
                              between homes                                 o Accessing local services and businesses,
                                                                            o Going to work and school (only for those that have to)
                                                                            o Low-risk recreation in local area
                                                                            o To support extended bubble arrangements
                                                                            o Travelling to permitted gatherings

                                                                                                                  Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                    ALERT LEVEL 4                                                    ALERT LEVEL 3

                                               Eliminate                                                        Restrict

                                                                                • Travel between regions is allowed for some essential personal
                                                                                 o Workers travelling to do essential work,
                                                                                 o Going to work or school (only in neighbouring region),
                                                                                 o Shared bubble arrangements,
                                                                                 o Relocating a home or business,
                                                                                 o Those travelling for medical reasons,
                                                                                 o Emergencies and giving effect to court orders
                                                                                 o Those who have an exemption to travel because of compassionate
                                                                                 o Foreign nationals leaving New Zealand (except Cook Strait ferries),
                                                                                 o New Zealanders resident in the Realm returning home, and
                                                                                 o People arriving in New Zealand from overseas and returning home
                                                                                    after 14 days’ isolation/quarantine at port of arrival (except air and
                                                                                    marine crew)
Biosecurity/biodiversity   •   Essential service:                               • Normal operation with staff working remotely
programmes - including     •   Biosecurity incursion response and eradication   • Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
predator control                                                                  may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
Maritime navigational      •   Essential service:                               •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
safety                     •   Ensuring maritime navigational safety            •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                                                                                    may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
Flood and drought          •   Essential service:                               •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
management, flood          •   Flood and drought management, flood              •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
protection and land            protection and land drainage                         may in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
Natural hazard event       •   Essential service:                               •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
monitoring, response       •   Natural hazard event monitoring, response and    •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
and recovery                   recovery (including 24/7 flood monitoring            may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices

                                                                                                                         Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                  ALERT LEVEL 4                                                     ALERT LEVEL 3

                                             Eliminate                                                          Restrict

Incident/pollution      •   Essential service: Incident/pollution response      •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
response                    including related enforcement                       •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                                                                                    may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
Compliance monitoring   •   Essential service:                                  •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
programmes              •   Compliance monitoring programmes for high           •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                            risk activities as they relate to human, aquatic        may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
                            and animal health
Environmental science   •   Essential service:                                  •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
and monitoring          •   Sampling and analysing water quality for safe       •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                            human activities including drinking water               may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices
Consenting functions    •   Continuation of all consenting services which       •   Continuation of all consenting services which can be provided by staff
(resource consents)         can be provided by staff working remotely at            working remotely at home
                            home                                                •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
                        •   Virtual hearings for resource consents with             work in pairs/teams
                            remote appearances                                  •   Virtual hearings for resource consents
                        •   Virtual inspections where feasible. Where           •   Site inspections permitted provided arrangements made remotely
                            council employees are entering buildings and            with COVID19 risk management practices applied
                            other sites to complete inspections for essential
                            services, COVID19 risk management practices
RMA plan making         •   Continuation of all plan making which can be        •   Continuation of all RMA plan making which can be provided by staff
                            provided by staff working remotely at home              working remotely at home
                        •   Virtual hearings for hearings with remote           •   Virtual hearings for plan changes
Sustainable land and    •   All staff working remotely – no field work          •   Normal operation with staff working remotely
water management            undertaken                                          •   Where staff must work together, create a work group where staff
programmes                                                                          may work in pairs/teams and COVID19 risk management practices

                                                                                                                         Guidance as at 18 August 2021

Function                                   ALERT LEVEL 4                                                  ALERT LEVEL 3

                                              Eliminate                                                       Restrict

Regional parks/gardens   •   Closed                                           •   Open with warning signs re health measures e.g. social distancing
                         •   Essential park/garden maintenance occurring      •   Essential park maintenance
                                                                              •   Staff practising good physical distancing and COVID19 risk
                                                                                  management practices
Education programmes     •   All staff working remotely – no school visits,   •   All staff working remotely – no school visits, virtual delivery of
                             virtual delivery of programmes                       programmes

                                                                                                                       Guidance as at 18 August 2021
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