CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries

Page created by Carl George
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
childrens bible ministries

New Zealand

                                                                                        SUmmer 2019 volumn 53 issue 2
                         Thoughts from Mike...
                   Last month I came across a survey called “2019 State of Children’s Ministry “ by Tony Kummer, Founder of
                    Ministry-To-Children.com. Tony and his team took a closer look at when and how kids come to Christ.
                     Looking into all the old research, talking to ministry leaders, and polling their readers for fresh insights.
                        They surveyed over 400 children’s ministry leaders and analysed every available study on kids coming
                         to Christ.
                          Let me share with you a couple of key findings: Childhood conversion is the “normal” way people come
to Christ. No matter who does the survey, one fact is overwhelming. Once a person reaches adulthood, accepting Christ becomes
increasingly rare. Evangelism is most effective in the childhood and teenage years.

                66% of Christians came to faith before the age of 18. 43% came to Christ before age 12.
                        Less than 25% of current believers came to Christ after the age 21.

 This type of data has been confirmed time and again. Researchers describe childhood as a life stage when people are most
open to the gospel. This has led to a missiological focus on children aged 4 to 14: to win a people group to Christ, begin with
the children. This focus is now known as the 4-14 Window, an opportunity for the church where the harvest is plentiful.
Missiologists often speak of the need for the church to reach the 10–40 window, but

                                                                                                  Then Jesus called for the children
             The church NEEDS to be mindful of the 4–14 window.                                       and said to the disciples,
                                                                                                    “Let the children come to me.
  If the church wants to be missional with families, it must be missional with the kids.                  Don’t stop them! ”
Let’s be intentional and missional with those closest to us—the ones already within the          For the Kingdom of God belongs to
church walls. Let’s not assume!                                                                   those who are like these children.
  Another important conclusion that was highlighted was “young people often come to Jesus
thanks to a loving mother or father.” Every parent has the God-given privilege of teaching
children how to live.
  As parents, we are uniquely positioned to spiritually shepherd a child. The best
way to impact a child’s eternity is to empower their parents. This is God’s design and
is made clear in nearly every Bible passage about children.
  Please pray with CBM as we continue to encourage the Church and their families to reach
these precious lives, through our children’s camps, through our training of leaders, through
our development of life changing resources.                                                              Luke 18:16 (NLT)

Be blessed by this edition of CBM Happenings.             Mike Buckley, Director
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
CBM                Our training team has been busy encouraging children’s ministry leaders
                                    through different parts of the
                 TRAINING           country.
                                    In Auckland the Master Storytelling
                                    seminar was very well received.
                                    Here’s what one person had to say..

                                    “We should have continuous
                                    training of this kind.”

 We had a big group from the Auckland Myanmar churches
receive their certificates for completing the four basic training days
over the year.   What a wonderful commitment these teachers have
made to help them be effective in their teaching.
 Todd, Donna and Ian gave three days training at YWAM Family
Ministries teaching how to run an outreach programme.
While in Matamata they also did some training for Matamata
Baptist Sunday School teachers. Ian went on to teach at East West
College in Gordonton, focusing on how to communicate the
gospel to children.

A few other highlights from the calendar:
* We presented training at a Chinese Methodist church and nearly 100% of their Sunday School
teachers were in attendance!
*Donna Funk presented “Special to God” at a large Auckland church where over 100 church workers learnt
about ministering to children with behavioural challenges and special needs.
* Ian Fletcher presented at the national “One Million Children” conference in Wellington where he gave ideas
and encouragement to those in children’s ministry.

                                        Mark the dates for 2020 training now and make an effort
                                        to upskill yourself, your team and your children’s ministry.
If you can get a group of your teachers together to attend our basic training days, it will make a difference to
your team. Plus, you also get a discount if 5 or more from one church attend. What a fantastic investment to
make into your children’s ministry!
                                                                         29 Feb 2020 First Things First
                                                                         20 June 2020 “How-to” Day
                                                                         25 July 2020 Tool Time
                                                                         12 September 2020 Master Storytelling
          As well as these basic training days, we have two specialized trainings:
                          Special to God 4 April 2020                      Ministry to Young Children 9 May 2020
                          We look at practical ways                        A practical day for parents,
                          to minister to the needs                         grandparents, teachers and
                          of kids with learning and                        anyone working with young
                          behavioural challenges.                          children.

                             Check out www.cbm.org.nz for details of each training day
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
      in the
                                                                                            ...go into all the world...

                                                                                INDIA MINISTRY
                                                                                Travelling to this remote North Eastern State was a challenge!
                                                                                The roads were in dire need of repair! The four day training
                                                                                course was attended by 80 people from the fastest growing
                                                                                denomination in Asia, including 40 Bible College students.
                                                                                Most of what we shared was completely new to them, yet they
                                                                                 purchased and made up 30 sets of curriculum!

Rodney Devdas and David Tamang were a big help in translation and singing.
The Christian Education Director of the denomination has applied for a visa to train with us in
New Zealand. Please pray that it will be issued in time.
Then, following a fruitful India team retreat, we conducted two days of training in Mumbai.
52 switched on teachers enjoyed the teaching and the challenges it brought.
By the time you receive this newsletter the team will have also spent a week in Myanmar.

Papua New Guinea
There were 110 present from every province of the country, many brightly dressed in colours of their own province. As a keynote speaker
in a national convention, it is not always easy to know exactly what to speak on, but Hugh sensed a liberty and anointing as he shared, and
believed the messages hit the mark in many. Some of the practical issues in children’s ministry were obviously ones most of the delegates
had not considered before.
                                                                           Of his 30kg weight allowance, 23kg were books he took to sell.
                                                                           He was immediately inundated with those who wanted to purchase
                                                                            Games books and booklets on Christian Parenting and Christian
                                                                            Marriage, and soon ran out of supplies.

                                                                            It was interesting hearing the lovely slow singing that is part of
                                                                            their culture. However, Hugh was not up for the dawn prayer
                                                                             meetings! Overall, the time was very worthwhile and Hugh had
                                                                              requests to return in the future. He was even given an offering,
                                                                              which helped in covering the internal Port Moresby to Goroka
                                                                               return flight.
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
Our October holidays were packed! We are so grateful that Calvary Chapel Bible College students
joined our team in the 1st week of the holidays. The YWAM Mangere team joined us in the 2nd week
of the holidays. What a blessing these young men and women were to the leadership team with the
other regular leaders.

                                                       Thank you to all our leaders and Junior leaders
                                                       who give a week of their time to come and
                                                       love and encourage these amazing children
                                                       to whom we minister. We saw a beautiful
                                                       openness in the children resulting in 50
                                                       children receiving the Lord and many coming
                                                       out for help over specific challenges they are
                                                       facing right now.

                                    Here is some feedback from a young child we received last week:
                                       “Thank you for letting me come to camp. I really
                                      enjoyed myself! The thing I ejoyed most is learning
                                    to pray to Jesus. “ -A CAMPER

                                  With thanks from A parent:
		                        Hello to all of you amazing Uncles and Aunties,
I just cannot believe what an amazing time my two children had while with you all over the last week.
It was the first time my children had been away from us this long and also not been able to contact
us. I think I was worrying myself for nothing. The amazing things they did, what they learnt, AND
the delicious food. What an amazing experience. I really, really want to thank you all. Thank you for
looking after my babies, thank you for teaching them your values. Even today they are still talking
about you all. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
staff happenings
                                   We farewelled Nick Flood, a volunteer who has served with
                                   us faithfully over the years. Nick is retiring to be closer
                                   to his family in the Bay of Plenty. We’d like to say
                                    a HUGE “Thank you Nick!” for all the many ways
                                    you have shown love to the children and staff behind
                                     the scenes. Thank you for baking of all those amazing
                                     birthday cakes. You have been a blessing to us all!

  from Germany to raglan
 We’d like to welcome our newest volunteer support staff: Alex Zippan and Frank Steinchen from Germany. They
 arrived in August and will be serving and helping at the camps for the next 12 months. The guys have fitted in
 seamlessly with the Camp Raglan team. We are super blessed to have them onboard.

                          New Zealand’s Christian Heritage
                   We mentioned in our last newsletter that plans were underway to
                 publish a series of 7 lessons, showing our Christian history, with a Maori
                perspective. Hugh Dickey has been hard at work and has completed six
              lessons,and the last is underway. The degree of background research and
            checking with Christian Maori has taken quite some time.
           Please pray with us for the provision of a good artist, and for funding sources
for the needed artwork. Our aim is to publish towards the end of 1st Term 2020.

Kathryn Hatton has now landed in the Philippines with the view of taking
on the National Director’s role.
Both her business and missional experience, will be such a blessing to
the team. Dianne Bayley will retire after 44 years of incredible service in
February 2020.
Thank you to all who so generously responded in supporting Kathryn.
We are still believing for a few more sponsors for her monthly support.

                                           Hours: Mon-Fri 9.00 am - 5.00pm
                                 9 Walters Road, Mt Eden, Auckland (09) 630-5271
                        www.cbm.org.nz www.shop.cbm.org.nz Email: info@cbm.org.nz
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
                                                                      “ S o m e t h i n g fo r t h e e n t i r e f a m i l y”
T h e B E S T p l ac e t o s h o p f o r C u r r i c u l u m a n d t e ac h i n g r e s o u r c e s
knowing God Ages 3-6
is a two-year, fully visualised curriculum with everything you’ll need for
teaching and discipling your precious young children. Each of the 6 packs
contains 14 lessons with separate texts written for 3-4 and 5-6 year olds,
puppet scripts, crafts, activities, and prayer ideas; PLUS simple Bible
readings for the 5-6 year olds.
                                                                                A fan t $70
                                                                                value ack
                                                                                   per p

                                                                            LIFEchangers Ages 7-12
                                                                            is a fully visualised four-year discipleship curriculum.
                                                                            Comes in box sets of 12 lessons with a curriculum
                                                    A fan                   guide and visualised memory verses to help you
                                                  value tastic              build a great program that aims to bring about
                                                   per p $85                spiritual change in the lives of children.

 Ages 10-12 Dig in Discipleship
 A series of Bible study books great for small groups or individual
 study. Each book contains six studies and lots of great fun
 activities. A great value at only $6.ea 7 titles available.

   W e a l s o s t o c k g r e at r a n g e s
        of child ren's Bibles
                                                                                                          All in-stock
                                                                                                          children's novels

                                                                                                        selected DVD's and CD's
  $38                               $25              $50
                   $45                                                 GET IN QUICK! limited stock available
                                                                           Check it all out at www.shop.cbm.org.nz

                                 PRAYER & PRAISE
                                Praise God for:
                                Open hearts during training in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and India.
                                All the finances given for our training in India and Myanmar.
                                Please pray with us for:
                                2020 training course fees for Joseph and Everlyn from Kenya.
                                Artist and funding for the ‘New Zealand’s Christian Heritage” lesson series.
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
childrens bible ministries

New Zealand
                              I would like to support
                             Children’s Bible Ministries
                              I am enclosing $_____ for NZ Staff Support
                              Reference NZ A/C 03 0175 0013647 00

                              I would like to support the work of CBM in NZ with a weekly   monthly
                              automatic payment of __$25 __$50__$100____other
                             Reference {YOUR NAME} A/C 03 0175 0013647 00

                                      Special Appeal
                        I am enclosing $_______ towards the course fees for
                        Everlyn (pictured) and Joseph from Kenya as they attend the
                        16 week training in January 2020.

                        For automaic payents use A/C 03-0175-0013647-00 Reference JE

                          Childr en’s Bible Ministries
                   PO Box 8774, Symonds St, Auckland 1150
                              Phone: (09) 630 5271
                Email: info@cbm.org.nz Website: www.cbm.org.nz
CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries CBMchildrens bible ministries - Children's Bible Ministries
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