Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery

Page created by Timothy Patton
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
Celebrating the Living
A N N U A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
                                             this year, the
                                             support from
                                                                     1869 Leadership Society
                                             you, our
                                             neighbors,              We gratefully acknowledge the members of our 1869 Leadership Society for their tremendous
                                             and friends,            support. Membership is based on cumulative gifts of $1,500 or more, made during each
                                             has lifted our          fiscal year (Nov 1 – Oct 31). For more information, please contact Leah Whidden, Executive
                                             mood and                Director at 216.453.0958 / lwhidden@lakeviewcemetery.com
                                             buoyed our
strength. It has been frustrating for us not to meet with            Anonymous (2)                             Mr. Robert Hann                             Dana M. Randt
you in person to share the stories of Lake View and                  Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abbey                     Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Hartwell               Julie Rehm, Ph.D. & Mr. Bruce Szabo
express our gratitude for helping to sustain us. In other            Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Adams                 Lawrence & Linda Hatch                      Ms. Donna Reid
years we would hold events to show our thanks or meet                Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barrie                  Mr. & Mrs. Henry     R. Hatch III           Ms. Lisenne Rockefeller
for a bite at a nearby restaurant. This year, we pivoted             Ms. Cynthia Bassett                       Arlene M. Holden                            Dale & Joyce Rothenberger, Jr.
                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. William G. Batcheller          Patrick J. Holland                          Mrs. Jocelyn Ruf
to phone calls, Zoom meetings and hand-written notes.
                                                                     Jeanie & George Belhobek                  Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Jeffery                    Mr. & Mrs. John Saada Sr.
                                                                     Mrs. Elizabeth Billings                   Mr. Henri Pell Junod, Jr.                   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shafran
Regardless of the way we have communicated with you
                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Bolton              Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley                   Ms. Kim Sherwin
in 2020, the message we have received in return has                  Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Bolton               Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.                  Christopher Smythe
been clear and heartwarming. There is a deep love out                The Brandon Family Foundation             Mr. & Mrs. John D. Koch                     Mr. Jeffrey H. Smythe
there for Lake View Cemetery and the work that we do.                Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bryan                  June Louise                                 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Steindler
You have been eager to share with us what Lake View                  Nancy & Doug Campbell                     Mr. William C. McCoy                        Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stueber II
has meant to you and your families and the important                 Ruth Anna Carlson & Albert Leonetti       Mrs. Elizabeth B. Meers                     Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Swary
role our garden cemetery plays in your lives.                        Ms. Lucy Chang                            Mr. Glenn A. Metzdorf                       Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Taylor II
                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Austin Chinn Jr.               Mrs. Henry L. Meyer III                     Mr. & Mrs. John Maxwell Taylor
Your gifts to the Annual Fund not only endeavored to                 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Chisholm III             Irene & Trent Meyerhoefer                   Mr. & Mrs. Neil L. Thompson
                                                                     Clements Family Charitable Trust          Mr. John C. Morley                          Ms. Christeen Tuttle
protect Lake View now but will continue to serve as the
                                                                     Dan & Rindy Collister                     Mr. & Mrs. Warren Morris                    Mr. William O. Tuttle
bedrock for future preservation. As we embark on the
                                                                     Mr. John Corrigan                         Mrs. Jean W. Moseley                        Mr. Robert Vagi
public phase of Building on a Promise: Campaign for
                                                                     Julia D. Cox                              Creighton B. Murch & Janice A. Smith        Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vail
Lake View Cemetery, we are confident that we will see                Mrs. Ellen Chinn Curtis                   Mr. & Mrs. Latham Murfey, III               Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. H. Vail
this philanthropic spirit endure.                                    Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Cutler               Mrs. Sue Nakamura                           Fred A. & Wilma Watkins
                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Druckenbrod            O’Neill Brothers Foundation                 Sharon & Gregory Watts
We look forward to the time when we may once                         Dr. & Mrs. Michael Eppig                  Bill and Kathy O’Neill                      Mr. & Mrs. James Weaver
again gather for those in-person conversations. In the               Mr. & Mrs. Chandler H. Everett            Mr. & Mrs. Timothy & Mary Bochner Ord       Mr. Timothy Weaver
meantime, thank you, and keep sharing your love for                  Mr. David K. Ford, Jr.                    James M. & Lisa W. Osborne                  Daniel Tilles Weidenthal MD
Lake View with us!                                                   Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fulton, Jr.           David A. Osborne Jr. & Sandra A. Bergsten   Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weil, Jr.
                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gaar                    Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Osborne                   Mr. & Mrs. James F. Weiland
                                                                     John & Claudia Gherlein                   Mr. William Osborne, III & Mrs. Karen       Lucy & Chuck Weller
                                                                     Ms. Katharine Goss                           Bechtel                                  Mr. & Mrs. Blair M. Whidden
Warm regards,
                                                                     Mary A. & Thomas F. Grasselli Endowment   Jude & Richard Parke                        Mr. & Mrs. Dickson Whitney, Jr.
                                                                        Foundation                             Joe H. Payer                                Mr. & Mrs. William Witt
                                                                     Richard & Ann Gridley                     Mrs. Arnold Pinkney
                                                                     Newman T. Halvorson, Jr.                  Mr. & Mrs. Emery Prior

Katharine Goss, President & CEO   Leah Whidden, Executive Director
Lake View Cemetery Association    Lake View Cemetery Foundation
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
Staff                                              Board
Katharine Goss                                     F O U N D AT I O N
President & CEO
                                                   Mark J. Druckenbrod
Leah Whidden                                       President
Executive Director
                                                   Kathleen H. Barrie
Alicia Armstrong – Director of First Impressions   William G. Batcheller
Andrew Bales – Director of Family Services         Julie M. Rehm, Ph.D.
Kim Bihler - Director of Donor Services            Andrew L. Sikorovsky
Jeff Brack - Memorial Advisor                      Mark E. Swary
Marilyn Brandt- Vice President of Operations       Sherril Witt
Gayle Chillous – Memorial Advisor                  Andrew Zashin
Marge Dietrich – Executive Assistant
Karen Drake – Memorial Advisor
Anna Ferro – Memorial Advisor
Mary Krohmer – Director of Community Outreach      A S S O C I AT I O N
Betty Motsch – Accounts Payable
Danielle Paskowski – Chief Financial Officer
Petronilla Ragland – Interment Manager
Greta Rothman – Director of Development
Julie Semega – Accounts Receivable
                                                   David K. Ford, Jr.

                                                                                  our mission
Russ Smith – Memorial Advisor                      Peter W. Adams             The mission of Lake View Cemetery Foundation,
Bob Williams – Engineer                            Thomas C. Bolton
                                                   Richard C. Bryan            a 501 (c) (3) organization, is for the purpose of
                                                   Chandler H. Everett
                                                   David C. Fulton, Jr.
                                                                               maintaining, preserving and enhancing, for the
                                                   Lawrence H. Hatch          benefit of the general public, the historically and
Docents & Guides                                   Henri Pell Junod, Jr.
                                                   Bracy E. Lewis
                                                                              architecturally significant buildings, monuments
Lee Apple
Elva Brodnick
                       Kathy Honsberger            David A. Osborne, Jr.        and areas located within, and the horticulture,
                       Joe King                    Joseph M. Shafran
Bob Berkowitz          Dorothy Kasper Kleinweber   Howard A. Steindler          botanical gardens and landscape of Lake View
Anita F. Benedetti
Martha Bifano
                       Nancy McLaughlin            Frederick Watkins           Cemetery and to provide educational programs.
                       Donald J. Miller            Sharon Higley Watts
Wayne Bifano           Elaine Murphy
Beth Bliss             Virginia Petrie
R. Kevin Borowiak      Charleene Reed
Piero A. Capichioni                                EMERITI
                       Mary Scibana
MaryK Deep             Cathy Shambaugh             Albert A. Augustus
Pat Fernberg           Carol Staiger               Bourne P. Dempsey
Laurel Freeder         Kevin M. Sullivan           James H. Dempsey
Frank Gabbert          David Vegh                  Allen H. Ford
Tom Gamble             Sandra Vodanoff             Richard C. Garretson
                                                   Henry R. Hatch III
                                                   Heath Oliver
Contributing Photographers                         William McK.Osborne, Jr.
                                                   Alexander Taylor II
Thom Sivo Photography
                                                    Denotes deceased
Tim Smith, TRG Photography

Contributing Authors

Jessica Allen
Erika McLaughlin
Greta Rothman
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
As this new decade           PATRON PROFILE
                          began, we could not
                          possibly have foreseen       Caroline and Ed Oberndorf
                          canceling our robust
                          offerings of walks,          When Charlie Gleason assumed                                                 explained. “We would be invited
                          talks, tours, and special    the role of Executive Vice                                                   to so many feasts and Italian
                          programs. We could           President of Lake View Cemetery                                              holidays. It was wonderful!”
                          not have anticipated         in 1939, he asked the landscape
                          shuttering our two           designer Pete Knight what he                                                 Caroline spent most of her teen
historic centerpieces, the James A. Garfield           needed to do to make Lake View                                               years on the cemetery grounds.
Memorial and Wade Chapel. And we could not             a “happy place”. The answer was                                              “The Euclid gate guard and my
have predicted that the work we do every day to        simple; “Plant, plant, plant!”                                               father taught me how to drive on
ensure that our garden cemetery remains a place                                                                                     those winding roads,” Caroline
for the living, would become even more crucial.        Having served as the first male                                              says with an impish smile. “I guess
                                                       president of the former Garden                                               they thought it was a pretty safe
Where other facilities were forced to close,           Center of Greater Cleveland              Ed and Caroline Oberndorf take in   place to learn. It wasn’t like I was
outdoor spaces such as Lake View Cemetery              (a.k.a. Cleveland Botanical             the view at Daffodil Hill.
                                                                                                                                    going to hurt anybody.” The day
became an essential place for the members of our       Garden & now Holden Forests &                                                she got her license, the laborers
community to restore and rejuvenate.                   Gardens), Charlie understood the                                             met her with cheers and applause
We remained open to you as a place to walk,            value of spectacular blooms and      becoming one of Lake View’s             as she drove by their building.
jog, picnic, and visit with family and friends while   what a treasure they would be to     most popular attractions.
maintaining the social distance guidelines.            Lake View’s 285 acres.                                                       Caroline reflects on the day
                                                                                            Charlie’s daughter Caroline             of her father’s funeral in 1956.
In return, you showed your love for Lake View          Prior to working at Lake View,       Oberndorf and her husband Ed            “My father designed the space
through continued generous support, and for that,      Charlie had been the head of a       reminisce about Charlie and his         where he is buried in Section 9 ,
we are deeply grateful. Gifts to our Annual Fund       bank. When the Great Depression      time governing Lake View with           Lot 60, to mimic a small country
allowed us to continue our work to enhance and         took hold, all of the banks were     fondness and with great pride.          cemetery.
sustain our healing and historic landscape for all     shuttered. As he searched for                              “My father
our visitors to enjoy, and to prepare our events and   new work, he realized he did                               was a people      On the day of the funeral, I was
programming for the moment we are safe to resume.      not want to handle people’s                                person,”          doing just fine until I glanced up
                                                       money anymore. His friend John                             Caroline          the hill overlooking the funeral. I
It is the nature of these annual reports to look       Dempsey was on the Board of                                remembers.        saw all the workers side by side
back, but it also our nature at Lake View Cemetery     Lake View and knowing Charlie’s                            “When he          observing the service with their
to focus on the future. Your ongoing partnership       love for horticulture, invited him                         spoke to          handkerchiefs in hand. They were
                                                                                               Charles B. Gleason
and dedication will ensure that we never waver in      to consider running the cemetery.                          you it was        so fond of my father that they all
our promise to always be here for you, with open       Once onboard, Charlie took Pete’s    as if you were the only person in       showed up to say goodbye.”
gates and open arms, now and in perpetuity.            advice and the two executed an       the room.” Ed lovingly interjects
                                                       ambitious program introducing        “I think you got your personality       Ed and Caroline will eventually
                                                       thousands of flowering trees,        from him, Caroline. I’m a lucky         join Charlie as residents of Lake
                                                       bulbs, and shrubs into the largely   man!”                                   View but not any time soon.
                                                       monochromatic landscape. If you                                              “We’ve been married sixty-two
                                                       visit Lake View you will find that   Notably, Caroline recalls that          years,” Caroline reveals. Ed’s
                                                       their vision has been maintained     the labor workers hired under           eyes sparkle as he looks at her.
Mark J. Druckenbrod, President                         and enhanced throughout the          Charlie adored him. “Most               “We met on a blind date and
Lake View Cemetery Foundation Board                    cemetery, with Daffodil Hill         were from Little Italy,” Caroline       we’re still dating!”
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
                                                                                 OF LAKE VIEW

                                                                                 Peter W. Adams Trust
                                                                                 James R. Bell, Jr.
                                                                                 Mr. Thomas C. Bolton
                                                                                 Elizabeth T. Brown, PhD.
                                                                                 Marjorie L. Byers
                                                                                 Henry & Sally Chisholm
                                                                                 Marion J. Donohue
                                                                                 Thomas J. Fisher
                                                                                 Katharine Goss
                                                                                 Mary Izant
                                                                                 Herbert G. & Margaret Y. Jakob
                                                                                   Charitable Remainder Unitrust
                                                                                 Henri Pell Junod, Jr.
                                                                                 Mr. Donald Lazor
                                                                                 June Louise
                                                                                 Denny J. May
                                                                                 Anne Clark Ford McMillen
                                                                                 Marcella S. Nelson
                                                                                 Addie May O’Neill
                                                                                 David A. Osborne Jr.
                                                                                 Heidi and Nils Salvesen

   Eternal Friends                                                               Victor Sandorf
                                                                                 Elsa M. Shackleton
                                                                                 Eleanor Stefansik
                                                                                 Horace & Marjorie Thompson Trust
                 of Lake View Cemetery                                           Susan Downie Wheeler

Eternal means perpetual, enduring, and everlasting. Such is our relationship
  with friends and family who have thoughtfully chosen to remember Lake
View Cemetery in their estate planning. When you become a member of the
Eternal Friends of Lake View Cemetery, your gifts will help to ensure that our
     historic garden cemetery is preserved and protected… for eternity.

                   For more information, please contact
                  Leah Whidden, Executive Director at
            216.453.0958 / lwhidden@lakeviewcemetery.com.

Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery

    Susan Downie Wheeler
    “Having a will is important and when I made my estate
    plans a few years ago Lake View was in it right next to
    family. I did this out of gratitude for this special institution
    that will be my final resting place.

    My mom used to take my sister and me to visit Lake View
    when we were growing up. The three of us have always
    appreciated art and architecture, history and historic
    preservation, and beautiful gardens so it spoke to all of us
    on many levels.                                                    photos right now that are posted on Facebook capturing
                                                                       the first snowfall. The images of every tree and branch
    Anyone can make a planned gift. If you cannot make a               highlighted in white against the contrast of the tree are
    major gift while you are living you can make one when you          simply stunning. The photography exhibition mounted
    are gone. You need not be a major philanthropist to make           throughout the grounds is wonderful. The back-story
    this happen. Leaving gifts of any amount, whatever level           behind the work of the artist who locked himself in and
    you can do, is important. If we all made planned gifts,            photographed under the moonlight is quite moving.
    the impact would be tremendous in terms of sustaining
    institutions we care deeply about.                                 I now visit Lake View more frequently as it is a place of
                                                                       great beauty and provides personal solace. It also gives
    We are so fortunate as a community that Lake View is here          me joy to know Lake View is well cared for now and will
    in Cleveland. No matter the season it is always beautiful. I       continue to be well cared for later as others make gifts
    really love the daffodils in the spring, and I love the winter     of this kind. “

6                                                                                                                                  6
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery
2020 by the numbers
$6,067,000                                   $500,000                                   $260,756.00
Our dedicated memorial advisors              We are thrilled to receive this            Thanks to the support of friends like you,
surpassed our $6M sales goal, with three     tremendous Capital Budget                  we not only met our Annual Fund goal
out of five memorial advisors selling over   Appropriation from the State of Ohio       but exceeded it by 4%.
1M in products and services leading          and the Ohio Facilities Construction
Ohio Cemetery Association Sales Awards       Commission to support the restoration of
in first, second & third place.              the James A. Garfield Memorial.

$7M                                           Thousands                                 50,000
We hope you will leave an indelible           It was heartwarming to see so many        Additional bulbs were planted this
mark on history by making a gift to           visitors this past year who came to       past year to enhance the glory of
Building on a Promise: Campaign for           Lake View seeking respite, relaxation     Daffodil Hill, which continues to
Lake View Cemetery.                           and rejuvenation.                         attract and enthrall loyal visitors.

800                                          14                                         579
Our thanks to volunteers from The            Membership doubled last year for           Interments held at Lake View in the
Davey Tree Expert Company for                Eternal Friends, Lake View’s Planned       last year. As an active cemetery, Lake
donating 800 hours of their time to          Giving Society. It’s never too early to    View has almost 100 years of space
help us plant our magnificent bulbs for      make plans to leave Lake View in your      still available.
Daffodil Hill.                               will or arrange a bequest.

Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery

                                                        Petronilla Ragland
                                                        “If I speak with you, or if your paperwork comes across my       most of her day as a counselor, healer, and friend. “Nothing
                                                        desk, you’re family to me now. It is important to me that we     brings me more joy than hearing a smile come across a
                                                        have a connection, not just an interaction.”                     person’s face over the phone and being able to laugh a
                                                                                                                         little in the midst of pain and hurt.”
                                                        This is exactly the empathy and caring we all need when
                                                        we have experienced the loss of a loved one. How                 In fact, Petronilla knows all too well the experience of loss
                                                        heartwarming to know that when you are ready to make             and needing someone with compassion and a listening
                                                        that call to Lake View Cemetery the first voice you hear will    ear when the time comes to lay those you love to rest. Five
                                                        be waiting to greet you with sensitivity, dignity and respect.   of her family members have already been interred at Lake
                                                                                                                         View, including a sister, her grandmother, and a young
                                                         As Lake View’s Interment Manager, Petronilla Ragland            cousin. “We have about 10 lots in Section 62.” She beams
    Petronilla Ragland visits her serene family plot.   has been comforting and guiding families for three years.        with pride. “Sometimes I go and visit my family members
                                                        You only need a few moments with her, and it is clear            there on my lunch break to spend time and talk with them.
                                                        why families are immediately at ease. “I’m an explainer.”        It’s such a calming and peaceful atmosphere.”
                                                        She says in a warm and gentle tone. “I want our families
                                                        to understand the whole process so that it is no longer          As the phone rings in the background signaling a new
                                                        overwhelming.” On paper, her responsibilities range from         family in need of her special care, Petronilla takes one
                                                        gathering information about the deceased and the next of         more moment to reflect. “I believe everyone working at
                                                        kin to connecting families with a memorial advisor to being      Lake View is here for a reason. I have been blessed with
                                                        in direct contact with the funeral homes and cemetery            the patience and compassion needed to do this work and I
                                                        grounds crew. On a much deeper level, Petronilla spends          absolutely love it!”
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery

 Kathleen H. Barrie

                                                                                       to help develop the original
                                                                                       International Spy Museum in DC.
                                                                                       She also led the research, content
                                                                                       development, and design efforts
                                                                                       for the Maltz Museum of Jewish
                                                                                       Heritage and The Mob Museum
                                                                                       in Las Vegas.

                                                                                       Currently, Kathy works with her
                                                                                       husband Dennis as part of Barrie
     Kathy Barrie in front of the Schofield Mausoleum,                                 Projects, a unique museum and
     one of her favorite spots in the cemetery.                                        cultural planning firm. “We are a
                                                                                       small firm and where we excel is
                                                                                       assembling the right teams and
Lake View is extremely fortunate                you might expect from a child          resources for each project such as
to have volunteer board members                 bursting to share what they got        designers, architects, artists, and
who bring a multitude of talent,                for Christmas. “My husband and I       project managers.”
expertise, and energy to the table.             consider Lake View our great love.
Their commitment to our mission                 We walk there all the time, there      Their most recent project, The
and general love for the cemetery               is complete joy in all seasons         United States Olympic and
helps guide the work that we do                 because the horticulture is prized.    Paralympic Museum in Colorado
and continue to move us forward.                If you want to have a picnic, go       Springs, opened in July 2020.
                                                to Lake View, if you want to get       “We are so fortunate that we
Kathy Barrie was approached                     married go to Lake View!” She          were able to open despite the
about joining the board ten years               stops for a quick breath. “I guess I   pandemic. This is an effort seven
ago by Sherrill Paul Witt, who                  really have a pent-up enthusiasm       years in the making and we are
was already a member. All Sherrill              for this place!” she beams.            extremely proud!”
said was “I’d like to talk to you
about Lake View Cemetery” and                   Kathy has a long history of            There is no wonder Kathy sees her
before Sherrill could expound,                  museum, civic, and arts and            relationship with Lake View as a
Kathy eagerly answered “Sure I’ll               cultural experience beginning          perfect fit. “With all the projects
do it! Whatever it is I’ll be happy             at the Cleveland Museum of             that I do related to art and history,
to help!”                                       Art in education and exhibits,         serving as an ambassador for Lake
                                                as founding executive director         View wraps up these interests so
When Kathy speaks of Lake                       of Cleveland Public Art, and           beautifully. There isn’t another
View, it is with the same fervor                returning to the museum world          place like it anywhere!”
Celebrating the Living - Lake View Cemetery

Lake View Cemetery is deeply grateful for the grants we have received from our
community partners. This funding is pivotal in allowing us to move forward with the
restoration of the James A. Garfield Memorial and protecting our water infrastructure.

Save America’s Treasures Grant -                             one of sentimental significance. Senator Matt Dolan,
National Park Service                                        Senator John Eklund, and Representative Patton led the
                                                             charge in 2020 securing a $500,000 grant!
For several years, Lake View Cemetery explored federal
and state funding options to no avail, until Joshua
Wilks made a serendipitous visit to the James A.             Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Garfield Memorial. As an employee of the National Park
Service, Joshua was in awe of the Garfield, recognizing      As visitors drive through Lake View or stop to visit a
immediately that it’s restoration would be the perfect fit   loved one, they may be unaware of the 100-year-old
for grant money from Save America’s Treasures Grant.         infrastructure and the key role Lake View plays in the
In 2018, Lake View Cemetery was thrilled to be chosen        local storm-water and sewer system. However, this
as the top recipient in that year’s funding cycle and was    is a significant component of the cemetery, and as
awarded a $500,000 Save America’s Treasures Grant            improvements are made to the grounds, upgrading
from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by          the water infrastructure is essential. In 2020 the
the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.       Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District awarded Lake
These funds were used towards the restoration of the         View a Green Infrastructure Grant of $180,000, its
monument’s tower.                                            top award of only three allocated. With this generous
                                                             support, we may begin in the coming months to make
State of Ohio                                                improvements in Section 66 in the northern portion
                                                             of the cemetery along the East Cleveland/Cleveland
Like many Clevelanders, Ohio State Representative Tom        Heights border. “Partners such as Lake View Cemetery
Patton has enjoyed many visits to Lake View Cemetery         are instrumental in our clean water work and we are
with fond memories of exploring the James A. Garfield        always happy to collaborate on great projects,” said
with his family. They would marvel at the incredible         Crystal Davis, NEORSD Watershed Programs Specialist.
craftsmanship and stop at the top of the monument to         “Since 2014, the Sewer District’s Green Infrastructure
take in the view of Lake Erie on a clear summer day. So,     Grants Program has invested $9.2 million for local
when it came time to advocate for the preservation and       projects to reduce storm-water flows into the combined
restoration of the James A. Garfield Memorial, the drive     sewer system by more than 30.3 million gallons. It is
to pursue funding was not just a historical matter but       because of our partners that this work is possible.”


  “Our commitment of capital for the
  Garfield Memorial is a testament to       Tim & Carla Garfield
 the spirit of the American people who      Twinsburg, Ohio
  so generously built it, to the memory
 of the great Ohioan it honors, and to      “From the President, to my two brothers, to many other
 Lake View Cemetery to which we are         family members in the generations between, my family
so grateful for being caretakers of both.   is greatly represented at Lake View Cemetery. I lived in
         I was honored to help.”            Cleveland Heights for 30 years and always enjoyed the
                                            peace and solitude of my trips to Lake View to visit the
- Senator John Eklund (R-Chardon)           gravesites of my family.

                                            My wife, Carla Vondrak Garfield and I so enjoy promoting
                                            and supporting the many different programs offered
                                            throughout the year. For as long as I can remember, we
                                            have proudly participated in the annual Memorial Day
                                            service and wreath laying ceremony at the James A.
                                            Garfield Memorial to honor my great-grandfather’s birthday.

                                             I doubt looking back that the founders of this great
                                            institution would ever have believed it would become what
                                            it has as the years went by, which is a place where all walks
                                            of life come to rest! It is a jewel here in Northeast Ohio
                                            which will truly last for generations to come and a place we
                                            are proud to support!”

Lake View Cemetery is here to serve all of us, from
      all walks of life. As the world around us changes,
          there is a sense of comfort in knowing that
                 Lake View Cemetery endures.

      To continue to ensure the viability of our cemetery, now and for eternity,
     Lake View Cemetery Foundation invites you to join our capital campaign –
             Building on a Promise: Campaign for Lake View Cemetery.

       Building on a Promise is one of Lake View’s most significant undertakings
       to date. While early gifts and foundation support have provided a strong
     foundation for the campaign’s success, we now turn to you – our friends and
                 supporters – to help us continue this important work.

        Please call us to begin the conversation on how you can help to leave
                            your indelible mark on history.

            Contact Leah Whidden, Executive Director at 216.453.0958
                       or lwhidden@lakeviewcemetery.com

Key Fundraising Goals

  $5M                                   $1M                                $700K                              $300K
  Securing the Legacy of the James      Preserving our Trees               Modernizing Water Infrastructure   Enhancing the Veterans Section
  A. Garfield Memorial
                                        $ 1 M I L L I O N – Preserve our                                       $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 – Design and enhance
                                                                           $700,000     – Improve eco-
  $5 MILLION     – Complete the third   beloved gardens and trees, with    efficiency of water management     our military memorial section
  phase of the Garfield Memorial’s      a special focus on 800 trees       and modernize overall water        by erecting flags honoring each
  preservation and renovation.          that have been identified for      infrastructure.                    military branch, adding lighting and
                                        immediate care.                                                       benches, and creating a covered
                                                                                                              committal space for services and

Lake View Cemetery
     Foundation Supporters
             NOVEMBER 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2020

        Lake View Cemetery gratefully acknowledges
         those whose gifts make our work possible.
          Your support is vital to our mission as we
        continue to enhance our garden cemetery for
       our community to enjoy, now and for eternity.

denotes deceased                              Mr. John Corrigan                                                                    # LOVE 4 LAKEVIEW     Mr. and Mrs. James F. Weiland
                                                Julia D. Cox                                                                                               Lucy & Chuck Weller
$7500 +                                         Mrs. Ellen Chinn Curtis                                                                                    Mr. & Mrs. Blair M. Whidden
Anonymous (3)                                   Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Cutler                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Dickson Whitney, Jr.
Mr. Henri Pell Junod, Jr.                       Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Druckenbrod
June Louise                                     Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fulton, Jr.                                                                            $500-$999
Creighton B. Murch & Janice A. Smith            Ms. Katharine Goss                                                                                         Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Taylor II                  Mary A. & Thomas F. Grasselli Endowment                                                                    Dona M. Ashton
Sharon & Gregory Watts                            Foundation                                                                                               Mary M. Bentoff
                                                Richard & Ann Gridley                                                                                      Jane Haylor & Mel Berger
$5000 - $7499                                   Newman T. Halvorson, Jr.                                                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Bettcher
Anonymous (4)                                   Mr. Robert Hann                                                                                            Ms. Laurel Blossom
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Eppig                        Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Hartwell                                                                              Mr. & Mrs. Perry Blossom
Mr. David K. Ford, Jr.                          Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Hatch III                                                                              Elizabeth T. Brown, PhD.
Arlene M. Holden                                Patrick J. Holland                                                                                         Carleen K. Carver
David A. Osborne Jr. & Sandra A. Bergsten       Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Jeffery                                                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Homer Chisholm
O’Neill Brothers Foundation                     Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley                                                                                  Mrs. Barbara Dabb
Julie Rehm, Ph.D. & Mr. Bruce Szabo             Mr. & Mrs. John D. Koch                                                                                    Mr. Thomas J. Fisher
Ms. Christeen Tuttle                            Mr. William C. McCoy                                                                                       Ms. Mariellen Frank
Fred A. & Wilma Watkins                         Mrs. Elizabeth B. Meers                                                                                    Mr. Frederick Freeh
                                                Mrs. Henry L. Meyer III                                                                                    Mary Jo Mlakar & William L. Garrison
$2,500-$4,999                                   Irene & Trent Meyerhoefer                                                                                  Mr. & Mrs. James Gerrity
Anonymous (3)                                   Mr. John C. Morley                                                                                         John & Claudia Gherlein
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Adams                       Mr. & Mrs. Warren Morris                                                                                   Ann L. & Robert W. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barrie                        Mrs. Jean W. Moseley                                                                                       Sarah & James Gramentine
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Batcheller
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Bolton
                                                Mr. & Mrs. Latham Murfey, III
                                                Mrs. Sue Nakamura
                                                                                                                      Rob & Julie Namy                     Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hatch
                                                                                                                                                           Mr. Grant B. Hawgood & Nancy T. Hawgood
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Bolton                     Bill & Kathy O’Neill                                                  Cleveland, Ohio                      Mr. Lary A. Hawgood
Mr. & Mrs. Chandler H. Everett                  Mr. & Mrs. Timonthy & Mary Bochner Ord                                                                     Mrs. Marion Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gaar                          Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Osborne                                                                                  Dale & R. Robertson Hilton
Lawrence & Linda Hatch                          Joe H. Payer
                                                                                          “Having spent most of our lives in Cleveland Heights,
                                                                                                                                                           Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hollington, Jr
Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.                      Mrs. Arnold Pinkney                       Lake View Cemetery always held a special place in our            Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Horner
Mr. Glenn A. Metzdorf                           Mrs. Carol Prior                          hearts. Walks through the grounds, whether in the                Ms. Elizabeth B. Juliano
James M. & Lisa W Osborne                       Mr. & Mrs. Emery Prior                    Springtime when the beautiful buds were in blossom               Mrs. Malvina Klopman
Mr. William Osborne, III & Mrs. Karen Bechtel   Dana M. Randt                             or in the middle of winter when it was snow-covered,             Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Lafave, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Steindler                     Ms. Donna Reid                                                                                             Dr. & Mrs. Charles Jackson Love
Mr. & Mrs. Neil L. Thompson                     Ms. Lisenne Rockefeller
                                                                                          provided new and educating discoveries. When my
                                                                                                                                                           Robert P. Madison FAIA
Mr. Timothy Weaver                              Dale & Joyce Rothenberger, Jr.            Father passed away, it was a natural decision for our            Steve & Rebecca Madsen
Mr. & Mrs. William Witt                         Mrs. Jocelyn Ruf                          family to choose his final resting place at Lake View.           Chuck & Rita Maimbourg
                                                Mr. & Mrs. John Saada Sr.                 While there are some larger attractions at Lake View, like       Aaron H. Martin
$1,000-$2,499                                   Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shafran                 the Garfield Memorial and Wade Chapel, what is really            Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mikitin
Anonymous (7)                                   Ms. Kim Sherwin                                                                                            Mr. & Mrs. Osborne Mills, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abbey                           Christopher Smythe
                                                                                          interesting from our standpoint is the history that the
                                                                                                                                                           Rob & Julie Namy
Ms. Cynthia Bassett                             Mr. Jeffrey H. Smythe                     headstones tell of Cleveland. What you begin to realize is       Martha L. Neebes
Jeanie & George Belhobek                        Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Stueber II           that many business leaders, politicians, and community           Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Mrs. Elizabeth Billings                         Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Swary                  members who were responsible for shaping Cleveland               Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Risman
The Brandon Family Foundation                   Mr. & Mrs. John Maxwell Taylor            and Northeast Ohio have Lake View as their final resting         Georgianna T. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bryan                        Mr. William O. Tuttle                                                                                      Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Routman
Nancy and Doug Campbell                         Mr. Robert Vagi
                                                                                          place. As a result of this rich history as well as its beauty,
                                                                                                                                                           Mrs. Gretchen Smith
Ruth Anna Carlson & Albert Leonetti             Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vail                    we know how fortunate we are to have Lake View                   Barbara A. Syring
Ms. Lucy Chang                                  Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. H. Vail              Cemetery in our community.”                                      Timothy M. Tuthill & Mrs. Linda M. Tuthill
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Chinn Jr.                     Mr. & Mrs. James Weaver                                                                                    Julie Lucas Tuttle
Clements Family Charitable Trust                Daniel Tilles Weidenthal MD                                                                                Mr. Graham Whidden
Dan & Rindy Collister                           Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weil, Jr.

$100-$499                            Mrs. Cathleen Bauschatz            Ms. Donna Bowman                  Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gabbert           Eileen Judge
Anonymous (5)                        Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Bell          Mr. Donald McGregor Brandt Jr.    Ms. Bernadine Gable                Mr. Robert Kaperak
William G. Abell                     Mrs. Nadine Bendycki               Ms. Marilyn Brandt                Mr. Jeffrey Gammel                 Mr. John Kauhl
Mr. Edward Almquist                  Martin & Sue Berkens               Mr. Bradford Braude               William M. Ganger                  Mr. William Kavran
Nancy Herrick Armstrong              Mr. Paul D. Berman                 Ann Bray                           Mrs. Jenifer Garfield             Mr. John M. Kelley
Mrs. Dona Ashworth                   Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Bertin          Mr. William S. Brooks             Mrs. Ada M. Gilbert                Mr. Bruce Kendrick
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell W. Austin         Tom & Dorothy Bier                 Dr. & Mrs. William E. Bruner II   Mr. Robert W. Glenn                Ms. Susan Kent
                                                                        Mr. Timothy Burns                 Jean & Steve Gokorsch              Mrs. Lillian R. Khas
                                                                        Mrs. Mary L. Cahen                Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gombert         Dr. & Mrs. William Kiser
                                                # LOVE 4 LAKEVIEW
                                                                        Mrs. Barbara Hensley Carpenter    Charles E. Goodwill                Gary Hanson & Barbara Klante
                                                                        Jennifer Case                     Ms. Nancy Gorenshek                Ms. Katharine Kolcaba
                                                                        Cynthia Cass                      Mr. Thomas Goss, Jr.               Mrs. Ursula Korneitchouk
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Champ        Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Greenberg       Mrs. Audrey Kremm
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman           Debra & Tim Greszler               Ms. Mary Krohmer
                                                                        Mr. Peter Charman                 Anne Barstow Griswold              Tony & Susan Kurz
                                                                        Ms. Lucy Anne Christopher         Ms. Lisa Gros                      Ms. Donna L. Lalewicz
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cirillo          Edward T. Haggins                  Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lawrence
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clark          Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hall               Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lee
                                                                        Ms. Joanne Colombo                Cynthia W. Halle                   Mrs. Alfred Lerner
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Cooke        Geoff Hammond, MD                  Cathy Lincoln
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cope            Bonnie Harbaugh                    Mr. William Lindblad
                                                                        Ms. Alisa T. Cowen                Miss Delores Hargrove              Dr. & Mrs. John Lindsay
        Kathy & Bill O’Neill                                            Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Craig            Linda Mogge Hartman                Mr. Sergey Linin
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curtis          Mr. David Hay                      Mrs. Janet D. Lister
        Chagrin Falls, Ohio
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Daane        Mr. Stephen Hayden                 Mr. Chester A. Lloyd
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Frank D’Amico          Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Henkel Jr.       Drs. Susan & Todd Locke
       “We were first attracted to                                      Diane Daniels                     Dr. Thomas A. Hennie               Mr. James Lomis
       Lake View Cemetery because                                       Mrs. Carol Davenport              Mr. & Mrs. John F. Herrick         Rev. Richard S. Macha
       its ravines and wooded areas                                     Mr. Joseph DeLauro                John & Stella Hetzer               Ms. Linda Macklin
       reminded us so much of where                                     Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Delong        Mrs. Katsuko Higaki                Carol E. Magdics
       we live. We liked it so much that                                Ms. Wendy Deuring                 Mrs. Edith Hirsch                  Mr. & Mrs. William Manuel III
       we acquired a whole section,                                     Ms. Sue Donovan                   Ms. Annie T. Hitchcock             Miss Jane Martin
                                                                        Robert & Julia Dowling            Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hitchcock   Leslie & Michael Marting
       not only for ourselves but also
                                                                        Mr. David C. Dressler             Mrs. Lynette Hoehn                 Angela M. Marton-Crego
       for our descendants long into                                    Mr. Thomas Druckenbrod            Mrs. Gisela Hoffmann               Mr. Edward L. May
       the future. We now celebrate                                     Mrs. Jean R. Dugan                Mrs. Daniel Holmes                 Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. May, Jr.
       our future resting place, with                                   Gayle S. Duncan                   Mrs. John C. Hooper                Ms. Ann McConnell
       our future neighbors-to-be-in                                    Dennis M. & Cathy L. Eddie        Mr. Barron L. Hornsby              Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McGuire III
       perpetuity, with periodic ‘plot                                  Ms. Cissie Elberson               Mrs. Mildred Howell                Nancy J. McHarg
       parties’ on the site.”                                           Mrs. Geraldine Evans              Mrs. Elton Hoyt, III               Mr. Calvin McIntyre
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Morris Everett, Jr.    Mrs. Jacque Hoyt                   Judith & S. Sterling McMillan III
                                                                        Linda & Joseph Fazekas            Mark H. Hughes                     Mr. Steven Miljenovic
                                                                        Mr. Thomas Feher                  Betsy & Dudley Humphrey, Jr.       Mrs. Mary Jane Miller
                                                                        Mrs. Martha Fenn                  Marguerite B. Humphrey             Mr. & Mrs. William M. Mills
Susan Aviram                         Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bifano            Mrs. Josephine Ferrante           Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hutchinson    Mrs. Louise Frazer Mooney
Mrs. Elsa Leisy Bacher               Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bittenbender    Carol Ferrentino                  Joy Iammarino-Dushin               Marge & Dan Moore
Ms. Elizabeth Bade                   Mrs. Emily Blake                   Tamara & Stephen Fink             Ms. Sabrina Inkley                 Mr. Thomas Morley
Ms. Bonnie M. Baker                  Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Blanchard III   Mr. David K. Ford                 Mr. Robert Ivory                   Ms. Cynthia Morse
Fran & Bruce Barnes                  Mr. & Mrs. Dudley S. Blossom       Mr. & Mrs. Brad Foskey            Mary Izant                         Mrs. Sarah Mortimer
Julia Barnes                         Mrs. Susan Bole                    Dr. Fetnat Fouad-Tarazi           Richard Izant                      Kenneth D. Morton
Mr. William R. Barney, III           Kenyon C. Bolton                   Anthony L. Fox                    Mrs. Evana Jackson                 Ms. Ann Zoller & Mr. John Mueller
Eric & Cathy Barr                    Mr. Gary Boncella                  Mrs. Linda Frank                  Ms. Kathryn Jensen                 Bob & Sallie Musser
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Barratt             Mr. & Mrs. Kenyon Bonner           Lucille Freeman                   Mr. Charley R. Jones               William & Barbara Neff
Mrs. Ellen Barrow                    Mr. John M. Bourne                 Mrs. Margaret A. Fullmer          Mary & Peter Joyce                 Mrs. Carol Neville

# LOVE 4 LAKEVIEW                                                                                       Sally Neville                      Mr. James F. Soeder
                                                                                                        Mr. Thomas Nobbe                   Constance Holden Somers
                                                                                                        The Noss Family                    Ms. Glory Southwind
                                                                                                        Ms. Cynthia J. Nowak               Mrs. Alyce Spry
  Isabel Trautwein, Cleveland Heights, Ohio                                                             Mr. & Mrs. Edward Oberndorf        Mrs. Susan Stager
                                                                                                        Mr. Albert K. Oberst               Mr. Frank Stanton
   “My roommate and I used to joke, that our neighbors                                                  Mrs. Patrick O’Brien Jr.           Dr. Susan C. Stewart
   are dead. Our “rustic” apartment while we studied at                                                 Mary O’Keefe                       Mr. & Mrs. William R. Stewart
                                                                                                        Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen
   the Cleveland Institute of Music exactly 30 years ago (!)                                                                               Mrs. Dorothy Hope Stivers
                                                                                                        Martha Sue Pacini
   overlooked Lake View Cemetery. The magnificent trees and                                                                                Mr. Kevin M. Sullivan
                                                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. David Paller            James & Bethany Sutton
   funny squirrels were our calming companions during these first                                       Jude & Richard Parke               Sheldon & Rebecca Taft
   years in the United States after leaving Germany. I grew to love                                     Mrs. Danielle Caroline Paskowski   Mrs. Kathryn N. Tanno
   the cemetery as a place to exhale from the bustle of American                                        Mr. Frank P. Pasquarillo           Pamela & Timothy Taubert
   campus life and to memorize Bach Fugues in quiet.                                                    Dr. & Mrs. Hunter Peckham          Mrs. Diana Taussig
                                                                                                        Mrs. Judy Pendergast               Diane M. Taylor
  Later, when my lucky stars gave me a seat in the Cleveland Orchestra, I learned how much historic     Judy & Toby Perry                  Mrs. Laura Taylor
  importance Lake View has: embedded in the beautiful stones is a rich and fascinating history          Mrs. Ruth Perz                     Mrs. Ryburn Taylor
  of our orchestra and our city. Seeing the resting places of our founders Adella Prentiss Hughes,      Steven J. Pike                     Margaret L. Terry
  John Severance and Dudley Blossom Sr. along with their wonderfully generous and music-loving          Mr. & Mrs. John Plumpton           Ms. Laura Thomas
                                                                                                        Dr. K. Kay Potetz
  families and friends led me to a deeper interest and respect for their accomplishments and their                                         Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thompson
                                                                                                        Mr. Cristian Prada                 Mrs. Allison Osborne Titgemeier
  extraordinary musical passion. They have proven beyond any doubt, that a few people truly can
                                                                                                        Mikey Price                        Sheldon & Anne Towson
  make a huge difference for generations to come.                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Robert Price            Ms. Martha J. Tripi
                                                                                                        Ms. Mary Quandt                    Mr. Albert J. Turella
  I developed a dream of a “Musical Safari”, where guests would stop at various Cleveland Orchestra-    Thomas & Kim-Kay Randt             Ms. Nancy Tuttle
  related grave-sites to hear live music and some stories about these connections by musicians of our   Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne Rankin        Dr. & Mrs. Jane Underwood
  orchestra. On a sunny July day during this Pandemic year, I met sparkly Kathy Goss who clapped        Jeffrey Rau                        Mr. & Mrs. Jack Valancy
  her hands after I had described this and only said: “When can we do it?“ 8 weeks later it happened:   Ms. Jean Marie Revelt              Bobbi Van Dijk
  the first and hopefully not last Lake View Serenade took place on the last sunny and warm             Curt & Sigrid Reynolds             Honorable William Vodrey
  September day to wonderful and safely spaced audiences.                                               Eleanore & Robert Risman           Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade, III
                                                                                                        Ms. Marjorie B. Ritchie            Walt & Karen Walburn
                                                                                                        Ms. Julia S. Robbins               Mr. & Mrs. Frank Walworth
  A big “Thank You” to Kathy Goss for her enthusiasm and to Leah Whidden and Greta
                                                                                                         Ms. Irene F. Roberts              Mrs. Willa Washington
  Rothman for their exceptional work in putting this together and for being so much fun!                Robert & Mary Anne Rotatori        Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Wean
  And I’ve told my former roommate: “Come visit! Our neighbors have come to life, and                   Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston            John & Kristi Webster
  we’re celebrating!””                                                                                  Mr. Stephen Rudin                  Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wellman Jr.
                                                                                                        Mrs. Rita Sachs                    Ms. Susan Downie Wheeler
                                                                                                        Brian Sague                        Polly Bruch White
                                                                                                        Ms. Nicolette Salupo               Adelaide Whiteside
                                                                                                        Ms. Myra Samsa                     Mr. & Mrs. Terence L. Wickline
                                                                                                        Mrs. Martha Sanderson              William & Caroline Wigglesworth
                                                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Donald Saunders         Mr. & Mrs. Edward Williams
                                                                                                        Daniel & Martha Schipfer           Retta & Myles Winbigler
                                                                                                        Ms. Mary Beth Schwarz              Ms. Alyson Winick
                                                                                                        Ms. Mary R. Scibana                Dr. & Mrs. Terence E. Winters
                                                                                                        Mr. Warren Selman                  Mr. Richard Yeckley
                                                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sepúlveda        Mr. Dudley Yost
                                                                                                        Mrs. Katherine Shahinian           Dr. Jess Young
                                                                                                        Jill & Bob Shemory                 Mrs. Barbara Zelley
                                                                                                        Mr. Eddie Smith Jr.                Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ziering
                                                                                                        Dr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Smith           Mrs. Joan Ziska
                                                                                                        Mr. Phillip L. Smith               Mary Frances Haerr & Kal Zucker
                                                                                                        Mr. Randall D. Snure

UP TO $99                                                                            # LOVE 4 LAKEVIEW   Mrs. Doris Gorgas                     Ms. Judy Lewis
Anonymous (6)                                                                                            Dana L. Greer                         Dr. Herbert Litton
Mrs. James Abbott, III                                                                                   Lula M. Griffin                       Lillian Lodwick
Dr. & Mrs. William Annable                                                                               Mr. Dennis Groenstein                 Mrs. Lois Lorenzo
Mary Baldwin-Brown                                                                                       Arlene P. Guy                         Ms. Deborah Mahan
Paul Barlow                                                                                              Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hall            Mr. Ted Mahoney
Ms. Pauline E. Barnes                                                                                    Ms. Gretchen Hallerberg               Dr. Rita Cydulka & Dr. Marc Collin
Mr. James Bender                                                                                         Nancy Y. Hammond                      Mr. & Mrs. Edward Marconi
Mr. & Mrs. William Berman                                                                                Mr. Clarence Hammonds                 Kathlene Hetzler May-Krebs
Mike Carpinelli & Apryl M. Berry                                                                         Ms. Patricia Hanavan                  Mrs. Phyllis Mays
Danny Borah                                                                                              Ms. Ellen Harrison                    Ms. Emily McConnell
Ms. Betty Bradshaw                                                                                       Mr. Douglas A. Havighurst             Margaret Randle & James McDaniel
                                                                                                         Mrs. Dorothy Hawkes
Ms. Barbara Bright
Mr. Robert M. Brogan                             Harold &                                                Kathryn Heaney
                                                                                                                                               Mr. & Mrs. Scott McFerren
                                                                                                                                               Mr. Mark McKinney
Dorothy Johnson Broz                             Marilee Gaar                                            Mr. Clement Hearey, II                Ms. Erika McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Brunn , Sr.                                                                         Mr. Edward C. Hill                    Mrs. Carlotta Meneese
Ms. Norma Burns                                  Richfield, Ohio                                         Kevin M. Hill                         Mr. John Meyer
Lois G. Butler                                                                                           Ms. Debra Hirshberg                   George Mineff Jr.
Mrs. Charity Calabrese                                                                                   Ms. Joyce W. Hoffer                   Ms. Judith Mitchell
Ken & Melanie Carey                              “My husband and I are relatively new to                 Mrs. Karen Holtkamp                   John & Laura Molnar
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Case                           Northeast Ohio. We moved from Dallas, TX                Mrs. Christine Hongosh & J. Norbert   Bob & Sue Morecki
Edward J. Cass Family                            to Ohio in December 2013 and were first                   Hongosh                             Mrs. Keiko Nakanishi
Mr. Steve Chabra                                                                                         Kathleen Honsberger                   Mrs. Barbara D. Nathan
                                                 introduced to Lake View Cemetery about a
Mr. Otis Chapman                                                                                         Mrs. Patience Hoskins                 Mr. & Mrs. Bennie Neal
                                                 year ago by our friend Leah Whidden. Thanks             Ms. Laura Howe
Ms. Jeanie Child                                                                                                                               Mr. David Kirk Neiswander
Mrs. William Chisholm
                                                 to several walks in the landscaped grounds, we          Jeff & Laurie Huber                   Mrs. Mary Odom
Ms. Beth Choi                                    immediately recognized what a rare treasure             Mr. Roger D. Hunt                     Mrs. Doris O’Reilly-Dillon
Mr. Dale Chorba                                  Lake View is. Besides being by far the most             Mr. Vince Ianni                       Joanne R. O’Toole
Mrs. Beatrice Colage-Zukowski                    peaceful and beautiful cemetery we’ve ever              Mrs. Lois Ihnatko                     Gardner Dean Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cole                             seen, we’ve learned fascinating tidbits about           Mr. Kent Jackson                      Mrs. Karen Paul
Ms. Jeanne Conard                                Cleveland’s history and some of the many                Mrs. Derien James-Neal                Mrs. Carol Lynne Phoenix
Mr. Richard Conway                               famous and influential people who are buried            Ms. Andrea M. Jezeski                 Mr. & Mrs. Susan Pim
Ms. Marcia Cornelius                             there. Every time we walk through the grounds,          Mrs. Royce Johnston                   Mr. & Mrs. Donald Poe
Mrs. Catherine Coulter                                                                                   Chris Zarate Jones                    Mr. Martin Pope
                                                 we see and learn something new. Lake View
Ms. Margaret Cowin                                                                                       Mary Ellen Keiper                     Mr. Thomas Providenti
                                                 Cemetery is truly a treasure that is worth              Paul & Robin Kelley Sr.
Mrs. Mary Ann Cozzens                                                                                                                          Ms. Margaret Remner
Duane Michael Crockrom
                                                 preserving. Recognizing the financial challenges        Ms. Alison Kerester                   Randy & Suzanne Rife
Mrs. Beatrice Crosson                            of maintaining and restoring the monuments              Mr. Roger Kienzle                     Mrs. Amelita D. Ritz
Ms. Sally Daddona                                and trees, we are happy to contribute to the            Mr. Joseph P. King                    Paul A. Roache
Mrs. Mildred Dailey                              Foundation’s fundraising campaign.”                     Joseph & Ruth King                    Joan Roberts
Mrs. Mary Ann D’Amico                                                                                    Lyle Kirman                           Mrs. Betty Roddy
Mrs. Susan Dardis                                                                                        Miss Maxine Klein                     Bruce Rolland
Caroline A. Davenport                                                                                    Mr. & Mrs. William J. Klenoshek       Mrs. Mary Ann Root
Mrs. Delores M. Davis                                                                                    Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Knapp              Mr. Neal Rowland
Kirk & Janet Davis                                                                                       Ms. Karen Koliha                      Mrs. Rosa Ruffin
Mrs. Marion DeBrosse                                                                                     Mary LaRiccia & Steve Kordalski       Ms. Jeanne C. Ryan
                                   Richard & Sarah Drees                  Victoria L. Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Decker                                                                                   Mr. James N. Krause                   Mrs. Lina Salvatore
                                   Mrs. Janet Dreyer                      Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Frank
Albert Di Iorio                                                                                          Ms. Kathleen H. Krawulski             Mary D. Sanders
                                   Ms. Regina Eatman                      Chris Frate
Mr. Edward D. Dickson                                                                                    Ms. Jo Ann Kubicki                    Joe and Marsha Sarakaitis
                                   Ms. Beverly Edwards                    Mrs. Nanette Galysh
Ms. Dolli Dodeus                                                                                         Ms. Dorothy Lager                     Mr. Mario Scacco
                                   Debrah M. Elliott                      Mr. Fred Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Doherty                                                                               Mrs. Marjorie S. Lamprecht            Ms. Darla Schaller
                                   Elizabeth English                      Jean Gianelos
Ed Donnelly & Mary Kay DeGrandis                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. J. Langmack                Ms. Kevin Schaner
                                   Ms. Jane Eppich                        Tom & Amy Gilchrist
  Donnelly                                                                                               Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lash             Ms. Debbie Schechtman
                                   Barbara A. Erickson                    Mr. James E. Gilmore
                                                                                                         Mrs. Barbara Latini                   Ms. Karyn Schmidt

Mrs. Shirley Schneider              Mr. David Vegh                              Sears-Swetland Family Foundation                 Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Delong                  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shafran
Joanna C. Schoonover                Mrs. Patricia Velotta                       The Kelvin & Eleanor Smith Foundation            Mrs. James H. Dempsey, Jr.                  Sherwick Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schrank          Mr. Ted Vermillion                          The South Waite Foundation, est. 1953,           Florence Betty Druckenbrod. & Family        The Sherwin-Williams Company
Mr. Anthony Scott                   Mr. Robert Vishneski                          Margaret and Francis Sherwin                   Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Druckenbrod              The Kelvin & Eleanor Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. George Scragg, Jr.       Mrs. Sandra Vodanoff                        The Tecovas Foundation                           Dr. & Mrs. Michael Eppig                    State of Ohio
Mr. Craig Seabrook                  Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wachter                    The Neil L. Thompson Family Foundation, Inc.     Mr. & Mrs. Chandler P. Everett              James & Bethany Sutton
Dr. Shirley Seay                    Joyce M. Wallace                            The Triple T Foundation                          Mr. & Mrs. Morris Everett, Jr.              Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Swary
Cary Seidman                        Harriet K. Wallach                          Joshua R. Weil Search for Meaning Fund           Mr. David K. Ford                           Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Taylor II
Peter & Diane Selover               Mrs. Christine A. Waltos                    The Helen B. And Charles M. White                Mr. David K. Ford, Jr.                      The Tecovas Foundation
Ms. Kathleen Seman                  Mrs. Nancy Walworth                           Charitable Fund                                William O. & Gertrude Lewis Frohring        Mr. & Mrs. Paul Westlake, Jr.
Ms. Susan K. Sering                 Mrs. Laura S. Warner                                                                           Foundation, Inc.                          Mr. & Mrs. John G. Winklepleck
Mrs. Ruth Severiens                 Mrs. Edna Wencke                            GOVERNMENT                                       Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fulton, Jr.             Mr. & Mrs. William Witt
Mr. Charles Shea                    Mr. Evan Whidden                            Cuyahoga Arts & Culture                          Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Garfield
Joyce Shinn                         Mr. Clark Wideman                           Ohio Arts Council                                Sarah & James Gramentine
Terry & Barbara Shockey             Ms. Clarice Williams                        Save America’s Treasures Grant                   The Gramercy Park Foundation
Drs. Jerry & Linda Shuck            Mrs. Juanita Williams                       State of Ohio                                    The George Gund Foundation
Amy E. Silver                       Mr. Robert J. Williams                                                                       Mrs. John Hadden
Robert & Judy Skillicorn            Richard & Gloria Woods                      M AT C H I N G C O M PA N I E S                  Lawrence & Linda Hatch                             “Former President James
Ms. Deborah Smith                   Michael Zelenskas                           Amica Companies Foundation                       Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Hatch III
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Smith            Irene H. Zito                               KeyBank Foundation                               The Arthur & Arlene Holden Fund at the             A. Garfield was a citizen
Susie Sobel                         Mary Zoeckler                               Microsoft Corporation                              Cleveland Foundation                             of Ohio and his history
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sobelle                                                   UBS Fundation                                    The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls
Aaron W Solomon                     F O U N D AT I O N S U P P O R T                                                               Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                    is rightfully aligned with
Mrs. Germaine L. Spencer            Amica Companies Foundation                  C O R P O R AT E S U P P O R T                   Mary Izant                                         our great state. Through
Dale Stephen Spisak                 Bicknell Fund                               AAA Advanced Plumbing & Drain                    Jewish Federation of Cleveland                     this capital project, a
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sprouls           Elisha-Bolton Foundation                    Apartment Services Company, Inc.                 The Claire H.B. Jonklaas Foundation
Mr. Michael Staffrey                Cedars Legacy Fund                          Behnke Associates, Inc.                          Mr. Henri Pell Junod, Jr.                          true restoration of this
Mrs. Astrid Stahnke                 Clements Family Charitable Trust            Carron Asphalt Paving, Inc.                      Mr. Herbert Leisy, Jr.                             memorial will occur to
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stedfeld            ECP Humanities Fund                         Clearstead Advisors, LLC                         Mr. Bracy E. Lewis
Ms. Saundra K. Stemen               Mary A. & Thomas F. Grasselli Endowment     Cleveland Building Restoration, LLC              June Louise
                                                                                                                                                                                    honor the legacy this man
Mr. Timothy Stephan                   Foundation                                Donley’s, Inc.                                   Irene and Trent Meyerhoefer                        left for Ohio and our
Mr. Robert Stephens                 The Higley Fund at The Cleveland            Ensure-A-Seal                                    Microsoft Corporation                              country. I was proud to
Ms. Jacklyn G. Stich                  Foundation                                Findley, Inc.                                    Mr. & Mrs. A Malachi Mixon, III
Ms. Helen Stith                     The Edith F. Hirsch Philanthropic Fund of   Johns-Carabelli Company, LTD                     The Murch Foundation                               be the House legislative
Mrs. Marion V. Stotter                the Jewish Federation of Cleveland        Meaden & Moore, LTD                              John P. Murphy Foundation                          sponsor of this project and
Norval Stovall                      The Arthur & Arlene Holden Fund at the      McGill Smith Punshon, Inc.                       Tom Murray
Dennis Stromberg                      Cleveland Foundation                      Memorial Business Systems, Inc.                  Ohio & Erie Canalway
                                                                                                                                                                                    have many fond memories
Ms. Judy Sutherland                 Richard Horvitz & Erica Hartman-Horvitz     Microsoft Corporation                            O’Neill Brothers Foundation                        of visiting the Garfield
Ms. Staci Lowell & Mr. Joe Sweeny     Foundation                                Western Reserve Trust Company                    Mr. & Mrs. William McKinley Osborne, Jr.           Memorial at Lake View
Ms. Susan Takacs                    George M. & Pamela S. Humphrey Fund                                                          David A. Osborne Jr. & Sandra A. Bergsten
Thomas & Linda Talcott              The GSW Fund of The Community               C A P I T A L C A M P A I G N ( al l t i m e )   Jane & Jon Outcalt Foundation                      Cemetery myself.”
Ms. Antoinette Tartaglia              Foundation of the Mahoning Valley         The Abington Foundation                          Jude & Richard Parke
Mrs. Kathy Tavernelli               Kendall Charitable Giving Fund              Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Adams                        Paul & Maxine Frohring Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas             KeyBank Foundation                          Mr. Mark Ballance                                The Payne Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                     – Tom Patton,
Ms. Lisa Thomas                     The Lozick Family Foundation                Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Barrie                         Mrs. Allan Peskin                                  (R-Strongsville)
Mr. William D. Thomas               Elizabeth Ring Mather & William Gwinn       Mr. & Mrs. William G. Batcheller                 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ratner Advised Fund of
Ms. Diana Tittle & Mr. Tom Hinson     Mather Fund                               Bicknell Fund                                       the Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Laurie M. Tolle                     The Murch Foundation                        The William Bingham Foundation                   Reading 1 Foundation Trust
Anita L. Toth                       John P. Murphy Foundation                   Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Bolton                     Julie Rehm, Ph.D. & Mr. Bruce Szabo
Mrs. Frank Treco                    The Norweb Foundation                       Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Bolton                      Save America’s Treasures Grant
Ron & Carol Trivisonno              O’Neill Brothers Foundation                 Britton Fund                                     Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schneider
Herman R. Turner                    The Robinson Family Philanthropic Fund      Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bryan                         Mr. Frederick C. Schulze
John C. Vallillo                       of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland    Mr. & Mrs. Henry Chisholm III                    Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Searby
Mr. Peter Vaughn                    SCH Foundation                              The Cleveland Foundation                         Sears-Swetland Family Foundation

MEMORIAL GIFTS                             Frank & Teresa Cirillo                       Dieter                                Mr. Richard Garretson                    Helene Hetzler
                                             Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cirillo                     Mr. Robert Ivory                      Ann L. & Robert W. Gillespie             Kathlene Hetzler May-Krebs
Maxwell Adams                              Harold T. Clark Family                       Heather Kathleen Dillon                 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Taylor II         Mr. & Mrs. Naoichi Higaki
  Carleen K. Carver                          Clark Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity     Mrs. Doris O’Reilly-Dillon            Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Hatch III           Mrs. Sue Nakamura
James Andrews                                Charitable Fund                            Tom Donovan, Lisa Donovan and Brian     Mr. & Mrs. William J. Klenoshek        William H. & Verna M. Hill
  Ms. Marilyn Brandt                       Helen Bontrager Cochran                      Kegarise                              Suzanne Gepfert                            Ms. Glory Southwind
Donna Marie Anthony                          Dr. & Mrs. John Lindsay                      Ms. Sue Donovan                       Leslie and Michael Marting             James R. Hilton
  Lillian Lodwick                          Cornelia (Nikki) Corrigan                    Betty Downie                          Eddie R. Gilbert & Ella Lee Fuller         Dale and R. Robertson Hilton
Gladys Arnold                                Mr. John Corrigan                           Ms. Susan Downie Wheeler               Mrs. Ada M. Gilbert                    Annie Hodge
  Ms. Katharine Kolcaba                    Richard & Frances & Louise Coulton           Barabt G. V. Downs                    Charles B. Gleason                         Mr. & Mrs. Donald Poe
George & Tilda Barbins                       Mrs. Catherine Coulter                       Ms. Jean Marie Revelt                 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Oberndorf            Jean M. Hoffman
  Mrs. Astrid Stahnke                      Louise Salupo, Nick and Suzanne Council      Mr. & Mrs. L.M. Druckenbrod           Willard E. & Ruth M. Gombert               Mr. John Kauhl
Nancy Barlow                                 Ms. Nicolette Salupo                         Mr. Thomas Druckenbrod                Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gombert             Charles & Hildur Holmes
  Paul Barlow                              The Clausings Family                         James Richard “Dick” Dugan            Morton R. Goostrey                         Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lash
Charles Barr                                 Mr. Albert K. Oberst                         Mrs. Jean R. Dugan                    Dr. & Mrs. Hunter Peckham              Charles E. & Hildur A. Holmes; Charles
  Eric & Cathy Barr                        Thomas Cozzens                               Lathrop Fuller Duncan                 Thomas Gorgas                            E. Holmes; Jon C. Holmes
The Barstow Family                           Mrs. Mary Ann Cozzens                        Gayle S. Duncan                       Mrs. Doris Gorgas                        Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lash
  Anne Barstow Griswold                    Helen Croce                                  Robert N. Dushin                      Margaret Goss                            Mr. Walter H. Holtkamp
Helen Schock Bastian                         Martin and Sue Berkens                       Joy Iammarino-Dushin                  Ms. Katharine Goss                       Mrs. Karen Holtkamp
  Ms. Jo Ann Kubicki                       Duane Michael-John Crockrom                  Edwin Eakins                          Jacquet T. Griffin                       Mary Alice Horner (Mickey)
The Vilet & Belden Families & Decendents     Duane Michael Crockrom                       Ms. Marilyn Brandt                    Lula M. Griffin                          Ms. Mary R. Scibana
  Mr. Dudley Yost                          Jim Crytzer                                  Robert & Fannie Eddie                 Margaret Groenstein                      Frank and Paul Hornikel
Norma Bender                                 Ms. Staci Lowell and Mr. Joe Sweeny          Dennis M. & Cathy L. Eddie            Mr. Dennis Groenstein                    Richard and Sarah Drees
  Mr. James Bender                         Leo G. Cuffari & Theda E. Cuffari            Norman Edwards                        John Guy                                 Giselle Hornsby
Mr. and Mrs. Beres                           Randy & Suzanne Rife                         Ms. Beverly Edwards                   Arlene P. Guy                            Mr. Barron L. Hornsby
  Michael Zelenskas                        Susan A. Cunningham                          Betty & Dan Elliott                   Charles, Henrietta, Raymond, Reginald    Edward Howell Jr.
Chrisann M. Blankenship                      Mrs. Karen Paul                              Debrah M. Elliott                   & Ronald Haggins                           Mrs. Mildred Howell
  Mr. Phillip L. Smith                       Ms. Regina Eatman                          Julia Eppich                            Edward T. Haggins                      Joseph Salvatore Ianni
Mr. Robert Blumberg                        Gilbert Warren Daane, Mavis Benny              Ms. Jane Eppich                     Jean E. Hammond                            Mr. Vince Ianni
  Mrs. Gisela Hoffmann                     Daane & Gilbert Warren Daane Jr.             John C. Erickson, Jr.                   Geoff Hammond, MD                      George Ihnatko
Robert & Gladys Bowman                       Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Daane                   Barbara A. Erickson                 Philip A. Hammond, III                     Mrs. Lois Ihnatko
  Ms. Donna Bowman                         James A. Dailey                              Willie J. Evans                         Nancy Y. Hammond                       Eddie Jackson
Edward and Marion Boyd                       Mrs. Mildred Dailey                          Mrs. Geraldine Evans                Henrietta Harris                           Mrs. Evana Jackson
  Mrs. Ruth Perz                           Frank J. D’Amico, D.D.S.                     James E. Fenn                           Adelaide Whiteside                      Sara Jackson
A.C. Brown                                   Mr. & Mrs. Frank D’Amico                     Mrs. Martha Fenn                    Mary Jane and Shattuck Hartwell            Mrs. Barbara D. Nathan
  Mary Baldwin-Brown                       Dale Dardis                                  Anthony Ferrante                        Mr. & Mrs. John Maxwell Taylor         Ron Jezeski
Barbara Jean Brown                           Mrs. Susan Dardis                            Mrs. Josephine Ferrante             Henry Hatch                                Ms. Andrea M. Jezeski
  Ms. Jeanie Child                         John & Eleanor Davenport                     Craig C. Fitzpatrick                    Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shafran              Roy S. Jones
Brigadier General Dallas C. Brown, Jr.       Caroline A. Davenport                        Elizabeth English                   Rose DeCapite & Henry Hatch                Debra & Tim Greszler
  Elizabeth T. Brown, PhD.                 Donald E. Davis                              Edna, William, George Freeh             Mary Jo Mlakar & William L. Garrison   Ruth D. Jones
Alexander T. Bunts                           Mrs. Delores M. Davis                        Mr. Frederick Freeh                 Charlotte Hay                              Mr. Charley R. Jones
  Mrs. Elizabeth B. Lawrence               Charles DeBrosse                             The Fuller Family                       Mr. David Hay                          Ms. Hollen Jordan
Alfred Cahen                                 Mrs. Marion DeBrosse                         Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston             Lisa M. Hearey                             Dr. Shirley Seay
  Mrs. Mary L. Cahen                       Louis & Josephine DeFabio                    John Gabel                              Mr. Clement Hearey, II                 Antonio & Philomena Tartaglia, Dennis
Harry M. Cameron                             Mike Carpinelli & Apryl M. Berry             Mrs. Louise Frazer Mooney           Ola Jean Hearn                           & Lena Yeckley, Harry Yeckley, Michael
  Mrs. Patience Hoskins                    Bourne Dempsey                               Robert Galysh                           Mr. Calvin McIntyre                    & Mary Ferrara, Michael Ferrara, Jr.
Carabelli Family                             Dana L. Greer                                Mrs. Nanette Galysh                 Ben Henkel                                 Mr. Richard Yeckley
  Mr. & Mrs. Edward Williams.              James & Julia Dempsey                        Mrs. Sarah Ganger                       Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Henkel Jr.           Thomas Judge
Edna L. Carlisle                             Mr. & Mrs. James Gerrity                     William M. Ganger                   Penny L. Hennie                            Mary O’Keefe
  Mrs. Derien James-Neal                   Giovanni Vallillo, Rocco DeSantis &          Rudolph Garfield                        Dr. Thomas A. Hennie                     Eileen Judge
The Cassese Family                         Clotilde DeSantis                              Jane Haylor and Mel Berger          Theodore Pomeroy Herrick & Barbara       Annette & Dick Hollington (and) Marcia
  Mary Ellen Keiper                          John C. Vallillo                                                                 Watson Goss Herrick                      Hollington Kehres
Timothy & Florence Chang                   Edward E. Deuring                                                                    Nancy Herrick Armstrong                  Hollington Family Gifting Account
  Ms. Lucy Chang                             Ms. Wendy Deuring

Maria P. Kelley                      Amanda McPheter                       Margaret Peters
                                      # LOVE 4 LAKEVIEW
                                                             Mr. John M. Kelley                   Marla & Joseph Shafran Foundation     John & Laura Molnar
                                                             Paul and Robin Kelley Sr.            Ms. Marilyn Brandt                  Charlene Phelps
                                                           Eleanor Kerester                     Carl Meneese                            Ms. Nancy Gorenshek
                                                             Ms. Alison Kerester                  Mrs. Carlotta Meneese               Fern Press
                                                           Dr. John E.L. Keyes                  Sandra Ruggerio Meyer                   Jill & Bob Shemory
                                                             Carol Ferrentino                     Mr. John Meyer                      Richard & Helen Price
                                                           James & Dorothy Killpack             Jenot & F. Charlton Mills               Mr. & Mrs. Robert Price
                                                             Ms. Mariellen Frank                  Ms. Dorothy Lager                   Edith & Victor Providenti
                                                           Bill King                            George and Elsa Mineff                  Mr. Thomas Providenti
                                                             Mr. Joseph P. King                   George Mineff Jr.                   Mary Louise Mitchell Randt & Clark
                                                           Cathleen Kirman                      The Mitchel & McLeod Families         Thorp Randt
                                                             Lyle Kirman                          Mrs. Dona Ashworth                    Thomas & Kim-Kay Randt
                                                           Joseph Dean & Rita Faye Klein        Harriet Morgan Mogge                  Mr. George Ritz
                                                             Miss Maxine Klein                    Linda Mogge Hartman                   Mrs. Amelita D. Ritz
                                                           Gilles Klopman                       Mary Ann Morton                       Louise Nash Robbins
                                                             Mrs. Malvina Klopman                 Kenneth D. Morton                     Ms. Julia S. Robbins
                                                           Arch C. Klumph                       Mary Morton                           James E. & James W. Roberts
                                                             Mr. & Mrs. Frederick McGuire III     Kenneth D. Morton                      Ms. Irene F. Roberts
                                                           Thomas S. Knight, Jr.                The Mueller Family                    James O. Roberts
                                                             Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.         Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston                 Georgianna T. Roberts
                                                           Donald J. Kremm                      Shigeji Nakanishi                     William, Mabel, Betty & Edward Robinson
                                                             Mrs. Audrey Kremm                    Mrs. Keiko Nakanishi                  Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sprouls
                                                           The Lambert Family                   Mr. & Mrs. John Nash                  Carl Roddy
                                                             Mary M. Bentoff                      Dan & Rindy Collister                 Mrs. Betty Roddy
                                                           Mr. John W. Lamprecht                Issac & Arrie Bell Neal               Jess W. Rolland

Share your love                                              Mrs. Marjorie S. Lamprecht
                                                           Dennis S. Latini
                                                             Mrs. Barbara Latini
                                                                                                  Mr. & Mrs. Bennie Neal
                                                                                                Donald Neebes
                                                                                                  Martha L. Neebes
                                                                                                                                        Bruce Rolland
                                                                                                                                      Dale & Alma Rothenberger
                                                                                                                                        Dale & Joyce Rothenberger, Jr.

for Lake View.                                             James Parker Lilie
                                                             Mr. & Mrs. David Paller
                                                                                                Robert Neville & Ruby B. Neville
                                                                                                  Mrs. Carol Neville
                                                                                                                                      The Roulston Family
                                                                                                                                        Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston
                                                           Dorothy Lloyd                        The Norris Family                     Vernon Ruffin
                                                             Mr. Chester A. Lloyd                 Mary M. Bentoff                       Mrs. Rosa Ruffin
                                                           David Locke                          Joyce Noss                            Ralph Sachs
Celebrating the Living means shining a spotlight on          Drs. Susan & Todd Locke              The Noss Family                       Mrs. Rita Sachs
the donors, volunteers and staff, whose contributions of   Marie Lomis                          The Oberst Family                     Anthony Salvatore
time, talent and treasure, have enhanced the bedrock of      Mr. James Lomis                      Mr. Albert K. Oberst                  Mrs. Mary Ann D’Amico
Lake View Cemetery. In doing so, we wish to highlight      Mr. Alex Magdics                     Michael & Yolanda Papp                Flavio Salvatore
                                                             Carol E. Magdics                     Kirk & Janet Davis                    Mrs. Lina Salvatore
your thoughts and memories of why you love and
                                                           Michael R. Magri                     The Parra H. Family                   The Sancetta Family
support us year after year.                                  Mrs. Patricia Velotta                Robert and Judy Skillicorn            Anonymous
                                                           Phyllis & Iris Hammonds Mark         Parsons & Groll Plots                 Douglas B. Sandison
If you would like to share your quotes and stories           Mr. Clarence Hammonds                Mrs. Barbara D. Nathan                Thomas & Linda Talcott
with us so that we may feature them in upcoming            Ida Lois Martin                      Mary T. Patterson                     Betsy B. Schafer
                                                             Aaron H. Martin                      Gardner Dean Patterson                Elisha-Bolton Foundation
publications, please contact:
                                                           John A. Matsko                       Jayne Pearse Hughes & Dr. & Mrs.      Karl Schmidt
                                                             Mrs. Martha Sanderson              Arthur J. Pearse                        Ms. Karyn Schmidt
Greta Rothman                                              Mary Waterfall May                     Mark H. Hughes                      Rosina Schmol
Director of Development                                      Mr. Edward L. May                  Paul Quay, Katharine Brooks Quay        Ms. Jo Ann Kubicki
216.453.0990                                               The McCollom Family                  Pennebaker & Charles Pennebaker       John Schoonover
                                                             Mrs. Cathleen Bauschatz              Mrs. Ellen Barrow                     Joanna C. Schoonover
                                                           Mr. Richard McHarg                   Douglas Peters                        The Schroeder Family
                                                             Nancy J. McHarg                      Dr. & Mrs. Terence E. Winters         Mr. Albert K. Oberst

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