General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations

General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
FLORIDA F R E S H W A T E R                                                       2017–2018

                                                                                       See page 4

 General Statewide
 Freshwater Fishing
pages 12–14
                               Valid from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

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                                                                      Florida Fish and Wildlife
                                                                    Conservation Commission

        Please visit for the most current regulations
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
M dd le o f E V er y where
                                Y O U R V A C AT I O N I N T H E

                                 STARTS HERE

Angling for a Field and Stream dream vacation the whole family can enjoy? Chart a course for
Central Florida’s Polk County. Famed as the Largemouth Bass Capital of the World, this year-round paradise
boasts 554 lunker-loaded lakes, a boatload of outdoor opportunities and easy access to world-famous
attractions like LEGOLAND® Florida Resort. Reel in your itinerary today at

                   CHoose   EVery†hing   in                  800-828-7655
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
F ISHIN G R EG UL AT I O NS                                                                           
                                                                                                                     Visit for up-to-date
                                                                                                                     information on fishing, boating and how to

                                                                                                                     help ensure safe, sustainable fisheries for
                                                                                                                     the future.

                                                                                                                     For the latest rules, always visit
                                                                                                            FWC rules are in chapter 68.

                                                                                                                     Fish and Wildlife Alert
                                                                                                                     Reward Program
                                                                                                                     Report fishing, boating or hunting law
                                                                                                                     violations by calling toll-free
                                                                                                                     1-888-404-FWCC (3922);
                                                                                                                     on cell phones, dial *FWC or #FWC
                                                                                                                     depending on service carrier; report viola-
                                                                                                                     tions online at or text:

                                                                                                                     FREE Florida Wildlife
                                                                                                                     Magazine — Online
                                                                                       Courtesy of Take Me Fishing   Articles and tips for anglers, hunters
                                                                                                                     and other outdoor enthusiasts. Visit
                                                                                                            to subscribe
                                                                                                                     to the new electronic publication.
Commissioners’ Message......................... 2             Taking Mussels & Clams......................... 13

TrophyCatch.............................................. 4   Special Regulations for
                                                              Triploid Grass Carp, Alligator Gar,                    Florida Freshwater
Introduction & FWC Offices...................... 6            Atlantic, Gulf and Shortnose Sturgeon.... 13           Angler Newsletter
Fishing License Requirements & Fees....... 8                  Statewide Bag & Length Limits............... 14        Subscribe to FWC's free quarterly fishing
                                                                                                                     newsletter at
Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration (SFR).....9             Special Bag & Length Limits................... 14
Freshwater Fishing Tips                                       Fish Identification Chart.................... 16–17
from the Pros.....................................10–11                                                              Stop the Spread of
                                                              Freshwater Fisheries                                   Non-native Species
Freshwater License Exemptions.............. 12                Conservation Highlights.......................... 18
                                                                                                                     It is illegal to release any non-native fish
Methods of Taking Freshwater Fish......... 12                 How to Measure Your Catch.................... 18       or any other non-native organism into the
                                                                                                                     waters of the state. To find out more visit
Game & Nongame Freshwater Fish.......... 12                   Fish Management Area Regulations........ 21  
Prohibited Gear for Taking                                    Summer Fishing Camps for Youth............ 24
Marine Fish in Fresh Water..................... 13
                                                              Frequently Answered Questions.............. 27
Methods of Taking Bait........................... 13
                                                              Fish Consumption Advisory..................... 28
Release and Movement of Fish............... 13

Use of Fish for Bait................................. 13

       Buy your license online!

       When you buy your                                       You can obtain a license 24 hours a day
                                                               at and begin                    On the cover
       license online, it’s fast,                              fishing immediately!                                  Rosemary J. White caught this trophy large-
       convenient and saves                                    Licenses are also available toll-free at              mouth bass in Moccasin Lake, Clearwater.
       time and travel.                                        1-888-FISHFLORIDA (1-888-347-4356).                   Reward yourself for releasing your trophy
       Download the FWC Fish-Hunt-FL                           Processing fees apply to telephone and                bass at!
       app for your iPhone or Android for                      Internet sales.
                                                                                                                     Photo by Daryn Andrew White.
       instant access.
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations

                               Brian Yablonski                                                            Williamstown, MA | Birmingham, AL
                               Florida Fish and Wildlife
                               Conservation Commission Chairman

The familiar whizzz of the line when you cast, the plop of your bait into the water, and the sigh
of relaxation as you breathe in the balmy air and let your worries drift away. This is how great
memories start—fishing Florida’s vibrant freshwaters. These experiences unite us under the
                                                                                                     About This Guide
common goal of conserving Florida’s fisheries so that we can all fish another day. After all, the
ultimate goal is always to get out there again.                                                      This high-quality guide is offered to you by
   Freshwater fishing is convenient and makes for a fantastic family outing. It gives us a chance    the Florida Fish and WIldlife Conservation
to recharge from our busy days while feeling the quick bump of a bite and the rush of excite-        Commission's Division of Freshwater
ment that comes from reeling in that hard-fighting fish. Conserving Florida’s iconic fisheries for   Fisheries Management through its unique
future generations will be possible only through a personal commitment from each of us to do         partnership with J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC.
our part. Your purchase of a fishing license is a simple way to support conservation. This 2017-
2018 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Summary was created as a resource so that you can easily         The revenue generated through ad sales
find the regulation information you need for fishing throughout Florida, plus fishing tips from      significantly lowers production costs and
pro anglers, suggestions from biologists on the best places to fish, and information on fishing      generates savings. These savings translate
camps and angler recognition programs.                                                               into additional funds for other important
   One of those angler recognition programs is TrophyCatch, which offers great incentives            agency programs.
for the catch, document, and release of largemouth bass weighing eight pounds or heavier, in
Florida. You can register free for the program at and will automatically         If you have any feedback or are inter-
be entered to win a random drawing for a new Phoenix bass boat powered by Mercury and                ested in advertising, please contact us at
anchored by PowerPole. Unprecedented data collected from the more than 5,000 bass submit-            413.884.1001 or at
ted to TrophyCatch has assisted the FWC in making informed decisions for the conservation
of Florida’s natural resources and pursuing new research opportunities to ensure that Florida                    Graphic Design:
remains the Fishing Capital of the World.                                                                Jon Gulley, Dane Fay, John Corey,
   If you’re new to fishing Florida’s freshwaters—welcome! If you’ve fished here before, we hope         Evelyn Haddad, Chris Sobolowski
to see you out there one day. We invite each of you to explore and enjoy all that Florida’s fresh-
water habitats have to offer from the bright sun glimmering off your                                       J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC is proud to print the
                                                                                                           official Florida Freshwater Fishing Regulations
favorite lake, gliding your canoe or kayak down a crystal clear river,                                     summary on post-consumer recycled paper.
to feeling the tug of a trophy bass while fishing from the bank of
your neighborhood pond. More information about freshwater
fishing can be found at
water and you can contact a biologist at one of our
regional offices, listed on page 6. With more than
three million acres of lakes, ponds and reservoirs,
and approximately 12,000 miles of fishable rivers,
streams and canals, finding a great spot to fish
in Florida isn’t far away. So, get out there and
enjoy Florida’s excellent fishing!                                                                        Place Cover, etc.

     Freshwater Rule Changes
     • Lake Jackson (Walton County):
       The length limit has been removed
       for crappie (speckled perch).                                                                        This guide is also
                                                                                                            available online at
     For additional information:
     Check Special Regulations on page 14 and specific Fish Management Area rules
     on pages 21–26 for additional details.

2   2017–2018                                                                              Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations

TrophyCatch                                         angler data has assisted with the FWC’s recent    the top spot for the biggest bag weight so far
Catching a trophy bass in Florida is a thrill not   freshwater black bass regulation change and       this season? Visit to sign up
easily forgotten. The great thing about fishing     will continue to play a key role in manage-       for program email updates and be sure to “Like”
is that whether you’re an avid fisherman or         ment decisions for Florida’s fresh waterbod-      us on and
just a novice angler, you have an equal chance      ies. TrophyCatch citizen-scientist data also      follow us at
at reeling in the catch of a lifetime! When         influences FWC research projects such as          for the latest catches and information.
you do, be sure that you catch, document,           genetics studies on trophy bass, lake and river      The TrophyCatch program would not be
and release your largemouth bass and share          studies to determine the ecological health of     possible without you and TrophyCatch part-
your data at to receive great       Florida’s fresh waterbodies, research on the      ners! So, please keep the following partners in
incentives from program partners like Bass          waterbodies where the most trophy-sized bass      mind when you need to refill your tackle box
Pro Shops! The TrophyCatch program rewards          are caught, and a research partnership with the   or outfit your boat or vehicle: Bass Pro Shops,
its citizen-scientist anglers for documenting       University of Florida to determine the proper     Mercury Marine, Phoenix Boats, Shimano,
and releasing their                                 way to hold a trophy-sized bass for minimal       Rapala, SpiderWire, Bartow Ford, and others.
Florida largemouth                                  stress and improved recovery times, among         Many thanks to you and to our TrophyCatch
bass weighing eight                                 other studies. Details can be found at    partners for the support and investment in the
pounds or heavier. All                              TrophyResearch. TrophyCatch data enhances         conservation of Florida’s trophy bass.
that you need to par-                               the FWC’s understanding of bass population
ticipate is your fish-                              dynamics, helps inform public policy and the
ing gear, scale and a                               development of environmental regulations,
camera to capture the                               as well as fosters the public will to protect,
required weight photo                               enhance, and restore Florida’s freshwaters—so
or video of the entire                              keep submitting those catches!
fish (head to tail) on a
scale with the weight                               Stay in the Know
clearly legible.                                    Want to know which lakes are hot or who holds
                                                                                                      Big Catch and
TrophyCatch Research
TrophyCatch citizen-scientist anglers provide                                                         State Records
unprecedented and extremely valuable data                                                             Let the Big Catch angler recognition program
about trophy-sized bass to the FWC. This                                                              help you celebrate memorable-sized catches
                                                                                                      of 33 freshwater species! Turn to pages 16–17
                                                                                                      to view the Big Catch species and their quali-
                                                                                                      fying sizes, as well as state record catches. If
                                                                                                      you catch a possible state record, obtain an
                                                                                                      application at and call
                                                                                                      your nearest regional office (see page 6).

                                                     TrophyCatch Season 4 Champion Paul Desrosier
                                                     with a replica mount of his 14 lbs 10 oz bass
                                                     from Jessamine Lake in Pasco County.

Registering at automatically enters you in a FREE random drawing
to win a Phoenix bass boat powered by Mercury and anchored by Power-Pole!
Shown is Season 4 winner Andrew Bowen in his Phoenix 619 Pro.

                                                                                         Look for the FREE
                                                                                    "TrophyCatch Florida app"
                                                                                     in the App Store for Apple
                                                                                      phones or the Play Store
                                                                                         for Android devices.

4   2017–2018                                                                               Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations

This free booklet is your guide to Florida’s      and living in a healthy environment to be             taxes from the sale of outdoor recreation sup-
freshwater fishing laws and regulations. The      extremely important to Floridians and visi-           plies enhancing and promoting the resource.
Florida Wildlife Code is the final authority on   tors and are also striving to make Florida the           Fifteen percent of Florida's SFR funds went
fishing laws ( The publisher     undisputed “Bass Fishing Capital of the World.”       to boating access — building and repairing
strives to ensure this information is accurate       The FWC uses the best scientific manage-           ramps and courtesy docks. The remainder went
but assumes no liability for errors that may      ment possible to help fulfill its mission of “Man-    to fresh and saltwater fisheries conservation
occur. In addition, rules can change between      aging fish and wildlife resources for their long-     projects such as habitat restoration, fish stock-
publications. Contact the Florida Fish and        term well-being and the benefit of people.” To        ing, artificial reefs construction and youth fish-
Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) if         fund those efforts, the Legislature sets fishing      ing clinics.
you have questions not adequately covered in      license fees and exemptions, as well as penal-           The FWC encourages all anglers to buy a
this booklet. This publication is valid from      ties for violating fish and wildlife conservation     license ( Even if you
July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.                   laws. State law guarantees money from the             are legally exempt, you can contribute to the
   Florida remains the “Fishing Capital of the    sale of fishing licenses goes to the FWC and          future of our fisheries resources by buying a
World,” due to great resources and responsible    cannot be diverted.                                   license and helping the FWC keep your fed-
management. We consider the quality of life          In 1950, Congressmen Dingell and Johnson,          eral tax dollars in Florida to support sportfish
that is associated with recreational activities   at the request of anglers and the fishing indus-      restoration.
                                                  try, created the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Resto-        Recreational fishing is an enjoyable, whole-
                                                     ration (SFR) program, wherein fishing tackle       some experience that reflects a happy and
                                                        was assessed an excise fee and the monies       healthy lifestyle. Moreover, it is the No. 1 gate-
                                                          returned to the states for fish restoration   way activity to get youth connected to nature
                                                           projects. The “Wallop-Breaux” amend-         in active outdoor recreation, which can reduce
                                                           ment in 1984 added import duties on          obesity, improve grades and, most of all, add
                                                            sport fishing equipment, pleasure           enjoyment to their lives.
                                                            boats and yachts as well as taxes on           The FWC is working hard to ensure safe and
                                                            motorboat fuels. The result is one of       sustainable recreational fishing for all of our
                                                           the most successful “user-pays, public-      citizens and guests and depends on your license
                                                          benefits” programs in the world, with         fees to make sure there are fish for tomorrow.

     Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

     Managing fish and wildlife resources for their
     long-term well-being and the benefit of people.

     620 South Meridian Street                                                         NORTHWEST
     Farris Bryant Building
     Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600
     800-955-8771 TDD                                                                                             
     Commissioners                            FWC regional offices                                            christ

     Brian Yablonski                          Northwest Region                           NORTH CENTRAL
     Chairman, Tallahassee                    3911 Highway 2321                                                          
                                              Panama City, FL 32409-1658                                                                    NORTHEAST
     Liesa Priddy
     Vice Chairman, Immokalee
                                              North Central Region
     Ronald M. Bergeron
                                              3377 East U.S. Highway 90
     Ft. Lauderdale                                                                                                       
                                              Lake City, FL 32055-8795
     Richard Hanas                            386-758-0525
                                              Northeast Region
     Bo Rivard                                1239 Southwest 10th Street
     Panama City                              Ocala, FL 34471-0323                                      SOUTHWEST

     Charles "Chuck" W. Roberts III                                                                                                              
     Tallahassee                              Southwest Region
                                              3900 Drane Field Road
     Robert A. Spottswood
                                              Lakeland, FL 33811-1207
     Key West
     Staff                                                                                                                    SOUTH
                                              South Region
     Nick Wiley                               8535 Northlake Blvd.
     Executive Director                       West Palm Beach, FL 33412-3303
     Eric Sutton
     Assistant Executive Director

6   2017–2018                                                                                Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations
In Panama City, Florida,
        we fish year-round.

      Home to the Florida Pro Redfish Series Emerald Coast Division,
               Panama City offers the ideal environment for anglers.

                            Whether you prefer inner coastal, deep water or shore fishing,
                           you’ll find it here in Panama City, along with affordable hotels,
                           2 full-service marinas, some of the world’s best fishing charters,
                                                 and waterfront dining.
       FLORIDA                   Learn more and register to win a free trip at
   Where Life Sets Sail
General Statewide Freshwater Fishing Regulations - eRegulations

     Fishing license requirements and fees
     License, permit, and issuance fees and exemptions are established by the Legislature. In addition to the cost of licenses and permits specified
     in this section, license agents currently charge a 50-cent issuance fee for selling licenses or permits.
        Licensing requirements follow the species of fish you are fishing for, regardless of where you are fishing. For example, anglers fishing for and
     possessing largemouth bass in brackish water need a freshwater license; anglers fishing for saltwater species in fresh water (e.g., spotted sea
     trout, red drum, snook, or American shad) need a saltwater license to possess these species. An exception is that when fishing in fresh water
     with a freshwater license (or legal exemption) you may take mullet without a saltwater license (seasons and sizes follow the saltwater fishing
     rules). See page 12 for fishing license exemptions, but remember, anyone can buy a license to contribute to conservation.

      Resident Freshwater Fishing Licenses
      For purposes of fishing in Florida, a “resident” is defined as any person who has declared Florida as his or her only state of residence as evidenced by a valid Florida driver
      license or identification card with both a Florida address and a Florida residency verified by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV). If the person
      does not have a Florida driver license or identification card on record with HSMV, a Florida voter information card, declaration of domicile, or homestead exemption may be
      used as proof of Florida residency. Active military personnel stationed in Florida, including their spouses and dependent children residing in the household, are considered
      residents when purchasing fishing licenses.
      Freshwater Fishing (valid 12 months from specified start date)                                                                                                         $17.00
      Youth Freshwater Fishing (optional for children under the age of 16 and valid until 17th birthday—a fishing license is not required until age 16)                      $17.00

BEST 5-Year Freshwater Fishing                                                                                                                                               $79.00
BUY (valid 5 years from specified start date)

      Freshwater/Saltwater Fishing Combo (valid 12 months from specified start date)                                                                                         $32.50
      Freshwater Fishing/Hunting Combo (valid 12 months from specified start date)                                                                                           $32.50
      Freshwater/Saltwater Fishing/Hunting Combo (valid 12 months from specified start date)                                                                                $48.00
      Resident 64+ Silver Sportsman's License includes Freshwater Fishing and Hunting licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery,
      Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey and Florida Waterfowl permits                                                                                                $13.50
      (valid 12 months from specified start date)
      Sportsman's License includes Freshwater Fishing and Hunting licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow,
      Deer, Turkey and Florida Waterfowl permits                                                                                                                             $80.50
      (valid 12 months from specified start date)
      Gold Sportsman's License includes Hunting, Saltwater Fishing and Freshwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery,
      Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey, Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits                                                                               $100.00
      (valid 12 months from specified start date)
      Youth Gold Sportsman’s License
      (optional for children under the age of 16 and valid until 17th birthday—a fishing license is not required until age 16—hunter safety certificate required—           $100.00
      includes same licenses and permits as Gold Sportsman’s License)
      Military Gold Sportsman's License
      (sold only at tax collector's office—includes same licenses and permits as Gold Sportsman’s License)                                                                   $20.00
      (valid 12 months from specified start date)
      5-Year Gold Sportsman’s License
      (includes Freshwater Fishing, Hunting and Saltwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey,               $494.00
      Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits)

      Nonresident Freshwater Fishing Licenses
      Freshwater Fishing (valid 12 months from specified start date)                                                                                                         $47.00
      3-Day Freshwater Fishing (valid 3 consecutive days from specified start date)                                                                                          $17.00
      7-Day Freshwater Fishing (valid 7 consecutive days from specified start date)                                                                                          $30.00

      Lifetime Licenses (For Florida Residents Only)
      Lifetime licenses are available to Florida residents only. Funds generated from sales of these licenses are invested, creating an endowment to support long-term conservation
      of Florida’s fish and wildlife resources. Costs of lifetime licenses are less than what would be spent on annual licenses, permits and fees, and are valid in Florida even if you
      move out of state.
      (includes Hunting, Freshwater Fishing and Saltwater Fishing licenses; Deer, Wildlife Management Area,
      Archery, Turkey, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits)
      4 years or younger                                                                                                                                                    $401.50
      5-12 years                                                                                                                                                            $701.50
      13 years and older                                                                                                                                                   $1,001.50
      4 years or younger                                                                                                                                                    $126.50
      5-12 years                                                                                                                                                            $226.50
      13 years or older                                                                                                                                                     $301.50

     8     2017–2018                                                                                                Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration — A legacy of success
How often do you see                        has been the best thing for anglers since    to saltwater fisheries. In freshwater,
                                            fishing reels were invented.                 the FWC uses this money to improve
people or businesses                                                                     fisheries habitat, stock fish, conduct
                                            Today, SFR uses a small excise tax on
wanting to be taxed                         fishing reels and other fishing tackle, as
                                                                                         research and manage fish populations.
and happy about it?                         well as a motor boat fuel tax, to fund
                                                                                         We also conduct aquatic education
                                                                                         programs and provide valuable fishing
In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt    sport fish restoration and boating access
                                                                                         and conservation tips to anglers.
signed the Federal Aid in Wildlife          programs. It is working. There are now
Restoration Act. This Act has been key      at least 77 percent more anglers than
to implementing the North American          in 1950. Purchases of tax-related items
Model of Wildlife Conservation (see         by anglers have increased by nearly Between 1941 and 1950,          200 percent in dollars (adjusted for the
sport-fishing businesses paid a federal     consumer-price index) since 1955.
excise tax that was deposited in the        Anglers and fishing businesses want to
general treasury of the United States but   know the benefits they receive in return.
did not directly benefit manufacturers      To help answer this, Andrew Loftus
or anglers. In 1950, sportsmen and          Consulting and Southwick Associates
businesses teamed with conservation-        analyzed data on excise taxes invested,
minded policy makers to redirect these      fishing participation, and angler
existing federal excise taxes to the        purchases of excise-tax related products
Restoration Program (aka: SFR, Dingell-     for a 2011 report to the Association of
Johnson or Wallop-Breaux).                  Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The report
The concept was to restore sportfish        found that excise-tax related return-on-
populations and improve public access,      investment ranged from 1,585 percent
so more people can enjoy fishing and so     in 1970 to 2,643 percent in 1980.
fishing sales would increase. SFR came      In Florida alone, SFR provided
about as a result of anglers wanting to     $11 million in 2014, of which 15 percent
see more money directed toward restoring    ($1.8 million) went to boating access.
the nation’s recreational fisheries, and    Freshwater fisheries conservation            Your purchase of fishing equipment and motor
ensuring better fishing opportunities for   received $4.5 million (down from             boat fuels supports Sport Fish Restoration and
themselves and future generations. It       $5 million in recent years). The rest went   boating access facilities.

Tips from the Pros
Tips for Fishing Florida’s Crowded Bass Waters
Jesse Tacoronte, pro angler and
                                                    Earlier this year, I found myself fishing against      can flip and punch their lures down into the
                                                    over 100 of the best bass anglers in the world         lair of the bass. Oftentimes, these areas attract
                                                    in the Bassmaster Elite Series event at Lake           more than one boat at a time, and you can play
                                                    Okeechobee. These guys are experts at find-            off of other fishermen to help yourself catch fish.
                                                    ing bass. They have the best equipment, the               I like to fish the inside edges of grass with a
                                                    fastest boats and—with $100,000 on the line            jig or a flipping stick. I use a 7'11" HPT Series
                                                    for the winner—plenty of motivation to win.            Enigma rod for flipping, with 40-65 lb braided
                                                    The lake was fishing small that week, which            line and the fastest reel I can find. Because these
                                                    meant fishing in crowded areas full of other           bass aren’t migratory, if they move they move to
                                                    anglers. That part of the equation, at least, was      adjust to their surroundings. And that means if
                                                    just another Florida day on the water. It’s no         they aren’t on the inside edge, they’re on the out-
                                                    secret that the Sunshine State, where I’ve lived       side edge. Sometimes, I’ve found that the noise
                                                    for two decades now, is home to an army of             from another boat’s trolling motor will even
                                                    anglers fishing the area’s blue water, estuaries       push bass towards me. If flipping and punching
                                                    and freshwater fisheries from the panhandle to         isn’t working, you can switch to a lighter setup,
                                                    Key West. Lakes and rivers are often crowded,          something like a 7'3" Medium/Heavy Enigma
                                                    but when it comes to bass fishing, there are           Aaron’s Edge Rod with 12-15 lb fluorocarbon
                                                    a few tricks you can use to catch fish in the          and another fast reel. This will allow you to work
                                                    middle of the pack.                                    the edges of the grass with a finesse bait like a
                                                       The first thing you have to remind yourself         Tightlines UVenko or a trick worm.
                                                    about Florida bass is that they are almost always         Search for irregularities in the grass: stuff
                                                    grass-related fish: they spend their lives in the      like sharp edges and holes. Don’t overcompli-
                                                    grass, and they aren’t migratory like saltwater        cate it. And remember—if you find yourself in
                                                    species. Because of this, anglers often congre-        crowded waters, don’t be discouraged. Fish are
                                                    gate in grassy areas like hydrilla flats, where they   everywhere in this state.

Letting the Fish Tell You to Stop
JT Kenney, Bassmaster winner and four-time FLW winner.
I've been fishing my whole life. I've seen a        of them. What I mean by that is rarely are the
lot of mistakes made on the water. The most         fish scattered throughout an entire grass bed.
common mistake I see anglers making is not          Typically there will be two or three areas where
stopping or slowing down once they get a bite.      most of the fish are congregated. I like to use
This is a must in Florida. The fish really school   a spinnerbait or a lipless crankbait to cover
up in our lush grass beds. And we have a lot        water, zig-zagging back and forth across the
                                                    grass bed until I get a bite. As you are fishing
                                                    along and get that bite you need to stop right
                                                    there. Chances are there are more fish there
                                                    than just that one. Use your Power-Poles to
                                                    stop you on that spot and fan cast all around.
                                                    I'll continue to cast the spinnerbait or lipless
                                                    crank until the fish stop biting it. Then I will
                                                               pick up a stick worm, slow down and
                                                                             really work the area          slowly through the grass. Sometimes you may
                                                                                over. Fan cast the         have to move the boat a few yards one way or
                                                                                  stick worm in the        another to relocate the fish again. If you follow
                                                                                   same way you did        this simple tip, I know you will catch more fish
                                                                                   the faster lures        as you enjoy the wonderful fishing opportuni-
                                                                                   but work it very        ties Florida has to offer.

10    2017–2018                                                                                 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida Cool-Weather Fishing
Gary Clouse, pro angler and owner of Phoenix Bass Boats.
I love to come to Lake Okeechobee in Decem-            vegetation type bottom on your rod guides, I
ber leaving the cold in Tennessee behind to            usually move on. In the case of a cold front I
catch those big Florida largemouth. The                go to hyacinth mats. It can be slow going and
December weather is usually stable and the             you may not get a lot of bites, but can pay off
fish are in a pre-spawn stage. I look for hard         with bigger fish.
bottom areas and flip or pitch soft plastic at           Power-Poles are a huge advantage in Florida.
round reeds. When I pull into an area I put my         There is no question that they can help you
rod in the water and check the bottom. If you          catch more bass by being able to stop your
feel solid sandy bottom, that’s good. You can          boat and fish quietly and slowly. Find a hard
usually actually feel and hear your rod tip in the     bottom area, stick your Power-Poles, and flip
sand. If it feels soft, with your rod tip sinking in   your favorite soft plastic and good luck!
several inches and you pull up a soft decaying

Locating Prespawn Largemouth Bass
Tim Frederick, and FLW Tour Professional.
                                                       From mid-November through February one of              Try different retrieves until the fish let you
                                                       the most effective methods to find prespawn            know what they like. One of the most common
                                                       TrophyCatch bass is a lipless crankbait. Focus         mistakes new anglers make is using a fishing
                                                       on areas close to spawning areas with changes          rod that is too long and heavy an action. Ideally
                                                       in depth along with some type of structure.            you will want a rod in the 6'6" to 6'9" range with
                                                       Types of structure to target include timber,           a medium-fast action.
                                                       hydrilla, eelgrass, shell beds and bridge pilings.        The other bait I will have tied on this time
                                                       Water temperature is a major factor this time          of year is a Carolina Rig. Normally I will set
                                                       of year. You should be looking for temperatures        up my Carolina Rig with a ¾ ounce weight
                                                       from 45-60 degrees. With colder water tem-             and a trick worm or a Senko type bait. When
                                                       peratures you will want a silent lure with a tight     you slow down and drag the Carolina Rig it
                                                       wobbling action. When the water temperature            can catch you large numbers of bass and the
                                                       reaches 55 degrees you will want to switch to a        TrophyCatch you are looking for. All of these
                                                       loud, rattling lipless crankbait. One of the most      baits I am throwing on fluorocarbon line. I
                                                       important techniques for this type of fishing is       believe that fluorocarbon line is critical to a
                                                       to reel your lure as slowly as possible.               successful trip this time of year. These tips
                                                          This time of year another effective lure is a       will help you land your TrophyCatch across
                                                       suspending jerk bait. The key to fishing a sus-        the Sunshine State.
                                                       pending jerk bait is the cadence of the retrieve.

                                                                            Note: Neither the FWC nor the State of Florida endorse any individual company or product.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission                                                                                            2017–2018           11

Game and nongame                                     size not greater than 1 inch, a length not more         spillway of the Jim Woodruff Dam on the
freshwater fish                                      than 20 feet and a depth not more than 4 feet;
                                                     and minnow traps not more than 24 inches in
                                                                                                             Apalachicola River or in Miami-Dade
                                                                                                             County canals south of the C-4 and east of
Game Fish: black bass, crappie, bluegill, redear     length and 12 inches in diameter, with a fun-           the L-31N and L-31W canals inclusively.
sunfish, warmouth, redbreast sunfish, spotted        nel entrance not more than 1 inch in spread.         ■■ By the use of cast nets in the South and
sunfish, flier, mud sunfish, longear sunfish,           *NOTE: Statutory provisions (790.052(3),             Northeast regions, in Citrus County, and in
shadow bass, peacock bass, white bass, striped       F.S.) made it lawful for persons to own, possess,       the Southwest Region, except that posses-
bass and sunshine bass.                              and lawfully use firearms and other weapons,            sion or use of cast nets in waters adjoining
                                                     ammunition, and supplies for lawful purposes            Saddle Creek Fish Management Area, Polk
Nongame Fish: all freshwater fish are defined        including fishing, camping, or lawful hunt-             County, confined by Morgan Combee Road,
as nongame fish, except grass carp and fish          ing or going to or returning from a fishing,            U.S. Highway 92 and Fish Hatchery Road
defined as freshwater game fish. Note: Alliga-       camping, or lawful hunting expedition. Conse-           are prohibited.
tor gar require a scientific collector’s permit      quently, although firearms may not be used to        ■■ Using a bow and light at night. Night bow-
to take.                                             take fish, they can be in possession of someone         fishing tournaments do not require a permit
                                                     with legally taken fish.                                in the Northwest Region.
Methods of taking freshwater fish                                                                         ■■ By netting and impounding at night from
Game fish may only be taken with pole-and-           Nongame fish may be taken:                              Sept. 1 to May 1 in specified waters of
line or rod-and-reel. There is no limit on the       ■■ With pole-and-line, or rod-and-reel, and by          Northwest Florida. Nets used to take non-
number of rods an angler may use.                       bush hook, setline or trotline baited with           game fish (typically suckers) in these speci-
   Freshwater fish may not be taken by use of           cut bait or other substance; but not includ-         fied waters must be less than 100 feet in
any free-floating, unattached device, or by tak-        ing live game fish or any part of any game           length, have a minimum 3-inch stretched
ing of fish or wildlife with firearms, explosives,      fish; bush hooks, setlines or trotlines (lim-        mesh and shall be continuously attended to
electricity, spear gun, poison or other chemi-          ited to 25 hooks total) are permitted for            ensure immediate release of any trapped
cals. The taking of fish by underwater swim-            taking nongame fish for personal use, but            game fish. Contact the Northwest Regional
ming or diving is prohibited. It is unlawful to         only in those areas where trotlines may be           office for details (page 6).
sell, offer for sale or transport out of the state      lawfully used in accordance with the Wild-        ■■ For personal use by any person possessing
any freshwater game fish unless specifically            life Code of the State of Florida. Refer to the      a valid freshwater fishing license by the use
permitted by the FWC, except that licensed              “Commercial Freshwater Fisheries Rules and           of not more than one slat basket or one wire
anglers may transport two days’ bag limit of            Regulations Summary.” Bush hooks, setlines           trap, made as specified in Rule 68A-23.003,
legally harvested game fish.                            and trotlines must be clearly and legibly            FAC, and used only in those waters where
   It is illegal to possess any freshwater fish         marked with the harvester’s name and                 use of wire traps or slat baskets is permitted
along with gear that cannot legally be used             address while being used or possessed in or          for commercial purposes. Refer to the “Com-
to take freshwater fish, including gear types           upon the waters of the state.                        mercial Freshwater Fisheries Rules and
listed above and below for taking nongame            ■■ At night by bow and arrow, and gigs.                 Regulation Summary.” Passive fishing gear
fish or bait. An exception is game fish may          ■■ During daylight hours by manually operated           such as slat baskets or wire baskets must be
be possessed together with cast nets having             spears, gigs, snatch hooks, crossbow or bow          clearly and legibly marked with the har-
a stretched mesh size not greater than 1 inch;          and arrow from a boat or from shore except           vester’s name and address while being used
minnow dip nets not more than 4 feet in diam-           at the spillways of the Eureka and Rodman            or possessed in or upon waters of the state.
eter; minnow seines having a stretched mesh             dams on the Oklawaha River or on the

      License Exemptions: You do not need a freshwater fishing license if...
      • You are a child under 16 years of age.         • You freshwater fish in your county               • You possess a Resident Freshwater
                                                         of residence on your homestead or                  Commercial Fishing License.
      • You are a Florida resident 65 years of
                                                         the homestead of your spouse or
        age or older and you possess proof of                                                             • You are freshwater fishing on
                                                         minor child, or if you are a minor child
        age and residency, such as a Florida                                                                License-Free Freshwater Fishing Days:
                                                         hunting or freshwater fishing on the
        driver’s license or ID, or an optional                                                              first weekend in April (April 7–8, 2018)
                                                         homestead of your parent.
        no-cost Resident Senior Citizen                                                                     and the second weekend in June
        Hunting and Fishing Certificate.               •         You are a Florida resident                 (June 9–10, 2018).
                                                                  certified as totally and
      • You are a resident who is fishing with
                                                           permanently disabled and you possess           A fish pond is a man-made pond
        live or natural bait, using poles or lines
                                                           a Florida Resident Disabled Person             constructed for the primary purpose
        that are not equipped with a fishing-
                                                           Hunting and Fishing Certificate.               of fishing, entirely within the property
        line-retrieval mechanism, and you are
                                                                                                          lines of the owner and with no surface
        fishing for noncommercial purposes in          • You are a resident who is a member of
                                                                                                          water connection to public waters.
        your home county. However, you must              the Armed Forces of the United States,
        have a valid fishing license to fish by          you are not stationed in this state, and         • You are fishing in a fish pond of 20
        any method in a fish management                  you are home on leave for 30 days or               acres or less that is located entirely
        area. This is often referred to as the           less, upon submission of orders.                   within the private property of its owner.
        cane-pole exemption.
                                                       • You have been accepted as a client               • You are fishing in a fish pond of 20
      • You are fishing in the St. Mary’s River          for developmental disabilities services            acres or more, whose owner has
        or Lake Seminole (but not including              by the Agency for Persons with                     purchased a fish pond license at a fee
        tributary creeks in Florida) and have a          Disabilities. The agency must furnish              of $3 per surface acre.
        valid Georgia fishing license.                   proof to such clients.

12    2017–2018                                                                                 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Prohibited gear for taking                               be taken for bait by the following methods,          ■■ Taking of bait for the purpose of sale requires
marine species in freshwater                             unless specifically prohibited:                         a commercial fishing license.
■■ Spearfishing: Use of any hand or mechani-             ■■ Cast nets having a stretched mesh size not
   cally propelled, single or multi-pronged                 greater than 1 inch in fresh waters of the        Use of fish for bait
   spear or lance, barbed or barbless, to harvest           state, unless specifically prohibited.            ■■ Black bass, peacock bass or any part thereof
   or attempt to harvest any marine species              ■■ Minnow dip nets not more than 4 feet in              may not be used as bait.
   while diving in freshwater is prohibited.                diameter.                                         ■■ Live non-native fishes (including goldfish
■■ Spearfishing for mullet in fresh water is             ■■ Minnow seines having a stretched mesh size           and carp) may not be used as bait, except for
   prohibited; however, gigging from above                  not greater than 1 inch, a length not more than      variable platys and fathead minnows.
   water is permitted.                                      20 feet, and a depth not more than 4 feet.        ■■ Whole pickerel or panfish (e.g., bluegill,
                                                         ■■ Minnow traps not more than 24 inches in              redear sunfish, redbreast sunfish, spotted
Methods of taking bait                                      length and 12 inches in diameter, with a funnel      sunfish, flier, warmouth) or parts thereof may
Freshwater shrimp and golden shiners of any                 entrance not more than 1 inch in spread.             be used as bait for sportfishing by the angler
size, or other freshwater nongame fish, includ-          ■■ Any game fish taken by these methods must            who caught them. Whole pickerel or bream
ing catfish, less than 8-inches total length may            be released immediately.                             or parts thereof may not be used as bait for
                                                                                                                 trotlines or bush hooks or any method other
                                                                                                                 than by rod and reel or pole and line.
                                                                                                              ■■ Panfish less than 4 inches in total length
     Taking and possession of freshwater mussels                                                                 raised by a licensed aquaculture facility may
                                                                                                                 be purchased and used for bait.
     Certain families of freshwater mussels may be                          Sizes indicated are average
     collected for personal use. The bag limit for                              adult dimensions for          Release/Movement of fish
     freshwater mussels from these families is 10 per                      identification purposes only.      Possession and transport of nonnative fishes
     person (or 20 half shells). The possession limit is                                                      is prohibited.
     two days bag limit (see images to right and FAQ,                                                            Northern black bass (Micropterus salmoides
     page 27).                                                                                                salmoides) are on the conditional non-native
                                                                                                              species list. Stocking of northern black bass
     Mussels shall be taken by hand-picking only. Use                                                         south and east of the Suwannee River is prohib-
     of brailles, crowfoot bars, or other mechanical                        3 inches           3½ inches
                                                                                                              ited. Pure Florida bass (Micropterus salmoides
     methods is prohibited. Freshwater mussels, live                         Florida             Paper
                                                                           Shiny Spike                        floridanus) may only be purchased from per-
     or dead, may not be taken for later sale.                                                 Pondshell
                                                                                                              mitted hatcheries with pure Florida bass stocks
                                                                                                              authenticated by the FWC. (See
     Other clams                                                                                              Fishing, select "Freshwater Fishing," then select
     Species of freshwater mussels from other families, such                                    1½ inches     "Pond Management" and "Commercial Sources
     as the Asian clam, have no bag or possession limits.                                                     of Fish." For details see Chapter 68-5, F.A.C. at

     Protected Sturgeons
     The species of sturgeon found in Florida—Atlantic (Acipenser oxyrinchus), Gulf
     (A. o. desotoi), and shortnose sturgeons (Acipenser brevirostrum)—are protected
     both federally and in the state of Florida. No
     person shall take, possess or sell any sturgeon
     or parts thereof, or their nests or eggs, except
     as allowed by specific federal or state permit or
     authorization. People who inadvertently catch one
     must immediately release it alive back to the water.

     It is illegal to possess grass carp
     or alligator gar without a permit.
     Triploid grass carp are used for                      Alligator gar are found only in the
     aquatic vegetation control and may not                panhandle rivers and grow to more than
     be stocked or harvested without a                     120 pounds. Their gator–like snout is
     permit. They grow to over 40 pounds.                  distinct. Due to their limited numbers,
                                                           harvest is restricted to individuals with
                                                           a valid scientific collector’s permit.

                                                                                                                   Bass • Crappie • Blue Gill • Stripe
                                                                                                                        In Your Local Stores or Contact Us
     Grass carp illustration by Ted Walke; Alligator gar by Duane Raver, Jr.                                           “Finessee Fishing Began Here”
                                                                                                                         ***Free Catalog***

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission                                                                                          2017–2018         13

Statewide bag                                         ■■ It is illegal to possess grass carp or alligator      Hammock creeks lying between Lake
                                                                                                               Talquin and State Road 267, those por-
and length limits                                        gar without a permit; these fish must be
                                                         released immediately (see page 13).                   tions of Blount's, Freeman [Stoutamire],
Special bag and length limits apply to some           ■■ Anglers participating in TrophyCatch, who             and Harvey and Polk creeks lying between
lakes, rivers (this page) and Fish Management            are in compliance with TrophyCatch rules              Lake Talquin and State Road 20): Crappie
Areas (pages 21–26). Other fishes considered             and fish handling guidelines, may be in tem-          less than 10 inches in total length must be
to be nongame fishes have no bag or posses-              porary possession of one bass 13 pounds or            released immediately.
sion limits, except as noted in individual Fish          greater over the legal length limit and bag        ■■ Silver Glen Springs in Lake and Marion
Management Area regulations.                             limit while waiting for FWC staff certifica-          counties and Salt Springs in Marion
   No person shall take in any one day more              tion. The fish must then be live-released in          County: Fishing is prohibited in and within
than the following bag limits of freshwater              the water body where it was caught.                   50 yards of the springs.
game fish:                                            ■■ Keep game fish intact: black bass, striped         ■■ Rainbow Springs, Marion County: Fishing
■■ 5 Black bass (including largemouth, Suwan-            bass and white bass or their hybrids, peacock         is prohibited from the headwaters of Rain-
   nee, spotted, Choctaw and shoal bass, indi-           bass, or black crappie and panfish (for black         bow Springs to a point one mile downstream
   vidually or in total), only one of which may be       crappie and panfish, only in waters where             on Rainbow River within Marion County.
   16 inches or longer in total length. There is no      minimum-length or slot-size limits for these       ■■ Wildcat Lake, Marion County (Ocala
   minimum length limit for largemouth bass.             fish apply) may not be filleted, nor their head       National Forest): Black bass must be
   »» No person shall kill or possess any Suwan-         or tail fin removed, until the angler has com-        released immediately.
      nee, shoal, spotted, or Choctaw bass that          pleted fishing for the day.                        ■■ St. Johns River Water Management Area
      is less than 12 inches in total length.                                                                  (Farm 13, including the Stick Marsh),
   »» Chipola River: No person shall kill or                                                                   Indian River and Brevard counties: Black
      possess any shoal bass in the section           Special bag                                              bass must be released immediately.
                                                                                                            ■■ S.N. Knight Tract, Indian River County
      between Peacock Bridge (Peacock Bridge
      Road; County Road 278, Jackson County)          and length limits                                        (locally known as Kenansville Lake): Black
      and Johnny Boy Landing (Johnny Boy              See Fish Management Area regulations for bag             bass must be released immediately.
      Landing Road, Calhoun County).                  and length limits for lakes in the Fish Manage-       ■■ Lake Okeechobee: Crappie (speckled perch)
■■ 50 Panfish including bluegill, redear sunfish      ment Area system (Pages 21–26).                          less than 10 inches in total length must be
   (shellcracker), flier, longear sunfish, mud        ■■ Jim Woodruff Reservoir, Lake Seminole.                released immediately. Lake Okeechobee, for
   sunfish, shadow bass, spotted sunfish                 In the waters of and on the banks of the              purposes of these rules, is defined as any
   (stumpknocker), warmouth and redbreast                waters of Lake Seminole — bounded on                  point lakeward of a boundary line delineated
   sunfish, individually or in total.                    the west by Florida State Road No. 271,               by the following points:
■■ 25 Crappie (speckled perch).                          on the south by the Jim Woodruff Dam,                 »» Intersection of St. Rd. 78 and U.S. 441
■■ 20 Striped bass, white bass, and sunshine             on the east by a line immediately east of             »» U.S. 441 SE to St. Rd. 5 (“80”)
   bass (individually or in total), of which only        the Chattahoochee Marina, also known                  »» St. Rd. 5 (“80”) to St. Rd. 25 (U.S. 27)
   6 may be 24 inches or longer in total length.         as the Booster Club, running northwest                »» St. Rd. 25 (U.S. 27) to St. Rd. 78
   »» In the Suwannee River, areas north and             across the lake to the tip of land at the             »» St. Rd. 78 to U.S. 441
      west of the Suwannee River, and in any             junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee               Including:
      tributary, creek or stream of the Suwannee         Rivers, west of Spring Creek; and on the              »» Harney Pond Canal (C-41) north of St.
      River: the bag limit for striped bass is 3,        north by the Herman Talmadge Bridge                      Rd. 78 to South Florida Water Mgmnt.
      each of which must be at least 18 inches           across the Chattahoochee River: 10 black                 District (SFWMD) structure S-71
      in total length (20 fish combined bag limit)       bass, each must be 12 inches or greater in            »» C-41-A Canal, southeast of S-84
      (See map page 20).                                 total length; 15 striped bass, white bass and         »» Indian Prairie Canal (C-40) north of St.
■■ 2 Butterfly peacock bass, only one of which           sunshine bass (individually or in total), of             Rd. 78 to SFWMD structure S-72
   may be 17 inches or longer in total length.           which no more than two may be 22 inches               »» All of Taylor Creek and Nubbin Slough
■■ 25 American eels, must be nine inches or              or longer in total length; 30 crappie (speck-            in Okeechobee County
   greater in total length. The recreational bag         led perch); 50 panfish (does not include crap-        »» C-38/Kissimmee River south of SFWMD
   limit for American eels is 25 per angler per          pie); 15 pickerel (chain, grass and redfin).             structure S-65E to St. Rd. 78
   day. Wholesale/Retail purchase exemption.             Possession limit is 50 fish total, regardless         »» All of L-50 Canal in Glades County
   Recreational anglers purchasing American              of species.                                           »» Fisheating Creek to U. S. 27
   eel as bait may possess more than the legal        ■■ St. Marys River and its tributaries: 10               »» All of Sportsman’s Canal (LD-3) in Glades
   bag limit provided that the eels were pur-            black bass, each must be 12 inches or greater            County
   chased from a licensed dealer.                        in total length; two striped bass, sunshine        ■■ Perdido River: 10 black bass; 15 striped
                                                         bass or white bass, both of which must be             bass, white bass and sunshine bass (only 5
Notes:                                                   at least 22 inches in total length; 30 crappie        of which may be 22 inches or longer in total
■■ No person shall have in his possession more           (speckled perch); 50 panfish (does not                length); 30 crappie (speckled perch, all of
   than two days’ bag limit of freshwater game           include crappie); 15 pickerel (chain, grass           which must by 9 inches or longer); 50 panfish
   fish (see Rule 68A-23.005 for details).               and redfin).                                          (does not include crappie, possession limit
■■ Each angler is responsible for his or her own      ■■ Lake Talquin, Leon and Gadsden counties               is 50 fish total, regardless of species).
   bag limit. It is illegal to transport or possess      (including that portion of the Ochlock-            ■■ Lake Jackson (Walton County): 5 black
   more than two days’ bag limit of fish per             onee River lying between Lake Talquin                 bass (all of which must be 12 inches or
   licensed angler without a commercial license.         and the railroad trestle that is located              greater in total length, only one of which
   Exceptions are fish legally acquired from             immediately below U.S. Highway 90, that               may be longer than 22 inches in total length);
   aquaculturists (fish farmers) for use in              portion of the Little River lying between             15 striped bass, white bass and sunshine
   aquaria, for brood stock, pond stocking, or           Lake Talquin and County Road 268, that                bass (only 5 of which may be 22 inches or
   properly marked for the market.                       portion of the Rocky Comfort Creek lying              longer in total length); 30 crappie (speckled
■■ No native freshwater fish or their eggs may           between Lake Talquin and County Road                  perch); 50 panfish (does not include crappie,
   be taken or possessed except as permitted by          65-B, and that portion of Bear Creek lying            possession limit is 50 fish total, regardless
   these rules nor shall anyone wantonly or will-        between Lake Talquin and Bear Creek                   of species).
   fully waste the same.                                 Road, those portions of Ocklawaha and

14    2017–2018                                                                                   Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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 Florida freshwater fishes are divided into game fish that have specific bag and length limits and may only be taken with pole-and-line or rod-
 and-reel, and nongame fish, which are all others. A license is required to take nongame fish, but additional gear types are allowed (see Page 12).
 Non-native fish are those that do not occur in Florida naturally; most should be harvested and never released. Exceptions are peacock bass,
 which is a game fish, and triploid grass carp, which are stocked for vegetation control (see Page 13). Where applicable, state record (SR) weights
 and the Big Catch (BC) qualifying length or weight for adults are provided. See Page 4 or for more details including
 youth qualifying sizes, slams, specialist, master, elite angler and the TrophyCatch citizen-science rewards program.

                                                                                                                                                                      Fish art by Duane Raver, Jr.; and Diane R. Peebles.
               BLACK BASS

                      Largemouth bass:                    Spotted/Choctaw bass:                      Shoal bass:                         Suwannee Bass:
                  SR 17.27 lbs; BC 24"/8.0 lbs           SR 3.75 lbs; BC 16"/2.0 lbs           SR 5.20 lbs; BC 16"/2.0 lbs           SR 3.89 lbs; BC 14"/1.5 lbs


                                     Black crappie:                              Bluegill:                               Redear sunfish:
                                SR 3.83 lbs; BC 14"/2.0 lbs              SR 2.95 lbs; BC 10"/1.0 lb                 SR 4.86 lbs; BC 11"/1.25 lbs

                          Flier:                        Redbreast sunfish:                          Warmouth:                                Spotted sunfish:
                 SR 1.35 lbs; BC 8"/0.5 lb            SR 2.08 lbs; BC 9"/0.5 lb               SR 2.44 lbs; BC 9"/0.5 lb                   SR 0.83 lbs; BC 7"/0.5 lb

               TEMPERATE BASS                                                                                                     CICHLID

                         Striped bass:                          White bass:                        Sunshine bass:                  Butterfly peacock bass:
                  SR 42.25 lbs; BC 30"/12.0 lbs           SR 4.69 lbs; BC 15"/2.5 lbs         SR 16.31 lbs; BC 20"/5.0 lbs         SR 9.08 lbs; BC 18"/4.0 lbs


                        Channel catfish:                       White catfish:                       Yellow bullhead:                     Brown bullhead:
                   SR 44.50 lbs; BC 25"/12.0 lbs         SR 18.88 lbs; BC 22"/5.0 lbs           SR 5.05 lbs; BC 14"/1.5 lbs          SR 7.02 lbs; BC 16"/2.0 lbs

               BOWFIN, SHAD, PICKEREL & GAR

                                                                                                                Longnose gar:
                                                   American shad:                                         SR 41.00 lbs; BC 40"/15.0 lbs
                                              SR 5.19 lbs; BC 18"/3.0 lbs
                        Bowfin:                                                  Chain pickerel:                                       Florida/Spotted gar:
               SR 19.00 lbs; BC 28"/8.0 lbs                                 SR 6.96 lbs; BC 22"/3.0 lbs                              SR 9.44 lbs; BC 28"/4.0 lbs

                   For details on state records and angler recognition programs visit:
 16             2017–2018                                                                                     Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
                                      Flathead catfish:                             Blue catfish:                               Tapered

                                 SR 57.50 lbs; BC 36"/25.0 lbs               SR 69.50 lbs; BC 36"/25.0 lbs
                                                                                                                                FLEX Fillet
                                                                                                                                    High carbon steel with
                                                                                                                                    full tang construction
                                                                                                                                    Razor sharp serrated blade
                               Jaguar guapote:                    Mayan cichlid:                     Oscar:
                                                                                                                                    with non-stick coating
                         SR Open 2.0 lbs; BC 13"/1.5 lbs     SR 2.37 lbs; BC 11"/1.0 lb    SR 2.34 lbs; BC 11"/1.25 lbs
                                                                                                                                    Big red no-slip-grip
                                                                                                                                    handle with safety
                                                                                                                                    guards and trigger grip
                                                                                                                              “one cut and
                                                                                                                              you’re Through™”
                               Yellow perch:                     Common carp:                    Blue tilapia:
                         SR 1.47 lbs; BC 12"/0.75 lb       SR 40.56 lbs; BC 30"/20.0 lbs   SR 9.57 lbs; BC 18"/5.0 lbs
                                                                                                                              SEE THE FULL LINE OF FISHING AND HUNTING
                                                                                                                                  KNIVES AT WWW.BUBBABLADE.COM
                                                                                                                               OR ORDER BY PHONE AT 1-844-486-7265

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Working Together to Ensure Great
Fishing Now and Into the Future
The Division of Freshwater Fisheries Man-            Regulations Summary on page 14 or visit www.            Florida’s black bass species and our anglers.
agement ensures the best freshwater fishing for           The BBMP included management strategies for
opportunities in Florida’s lakes and rivers          an electronic copy.                                     habitat, public access, new fishing opportuni-
through stocking desirable sportfish, effec-                                                                 ties, stocking, genetics, harvest management
tively managing fishing effort and harvest,                                                                  and outreach and education. The BBMP can be
enhancing habitats and maintaining our 80                                                                    viewed at
fish management areas. Throughout the past                                                                   black-bass/.
year, FWC staff have forged new partnerships,                                                                   The future of fishing relies on introducing
engaged anglers and communities, completed                                                                   people to the sport. You can help by taking
many innovative aquatic habitat enhancement                                                                  someone out fishing with you! Inviting someone
projects, and stocked a total of five million fish                                                           you care about to explore, enjoy, and conserve
into Florida’s freshwaters.                                                                                  your local resources will help ignite a love for
   The FWC operates two freshwater hatcher-                                                                  the sport of fishing and an appreciation for its
ies that produce seven freshwater fish species                                                               conservation. Check out fishing camps and clin-
which are stocked into lakes, rivers, and ponds                                                              ics with the Florida Youth Conservation Center
to provide anglers with more chances to create                                                               Network at and Becoming an
great fishing memories. The Florida Bass Con-                                                                Outdoors Woman classes at
servation Center at the Richloam Fish Hatchery                                                               education/outdoor-skills/outdoors-woman/.
features a visitor center and observation area,                                                                 The mission of FWC’s Division of Freshwater
and produces the majority of freshwater fish                                                                 Fisheries Management is “To manage, enhance
that are stocked in public freshwaters through-                                                              and conserve Florida’s freshwater aquatic life for
out peninsular Florida. The Blackwater Fish                                                                  public benefit” and the staff in this Division are
                                                     For largemouth bass only one may be 16 inches
Hatchery is located in Santa Rosa County and                                                                 continually striving to find new ways to make
                                                     or longer in total length per angler per day, with no
is primarily responsible for stocking waters in                                                              that mission a reality. Please reach out to FWC
                                                     minimum length limit.
the panhandle, and the production of striped                                                                 staff that you may see while enjoying the out-
bass and sunshine bass.                                 New bass regulations and other innovative            doors! We want to help make your fishing expe-
   One of the most innovative conservation           programs resulted from the adoption of the              riences as wonderful and memorable as possible.
projects that is currently underway is the his-      Black Bass Management Plan (BBMP), which                Please visit the inside cover of this Regulations
toric stocking of one million Florida largemouth     included extensive stakeholder input and out-           Summary to find a list of our regional offices
bass into Lake Apopka—which was the first            lined strategies for the long-term benefit of           to plan a visit or contact your local FWC staff.
experimental endeavor of its kind for the lake.
Lake Apopka is Florida’s fourth largest lake
and was once a renowned fishery. This unprec-
edented two-year stocking effort required a
unique method of spawning bass that will pro-              How to measure your catch
duce 1 million largemouth bass to be stocked
into the lake in an effort to restore the fishery.         Total Length is the straight line distance from the most forward point of the head
   The Division of Freshwater Fisheries Manage-            with the mouth closed to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail squeezed or
ment also introduced a new set of black bass               compressed. Girth is the circumference around the fattest part of the fish. For a
regulations in July 2016 that simplifies state-            bass weight calculator based on length and girth visit
wide bass regulations and provides the greatest
potential for high quality bass fishing and tro-
phy bass abundance. The new black bass regula-
tions allow the daily possession of only one bass                           Measure Girth around the fattest part of the fish
over 16 inches and organizers of bass tourna-
ments can apply for exemptions at www.myfwc.
com/license/freshwater/bass-tournament/. The
new black bass regulations can be found in this

                                                                Measure Total Length with mouth closed and tail squeezed together

18    2017–2018                                                                                    Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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