Northern Alaska - Alaska ...

Page created by Andy Brooks
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
Northern Alaska     Sport Fishing Regulations Summary                               2020
                        Effective until the 2021 Summary is issued                   #wefishak

          Get Out and Fish. Together.                     
Licensing &    Kuskokwim       North Slope   Northwestern   Yukon River   Tanana River   Upper Copper -
  Regional     - Goodnews       Drainages      Drainages     Drainage       Drainage     Upper Susitna
Regulations     Drainages                                                                  Drainages
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
                    Table of Contents
                                                                                                                  Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Booklet Instructions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                                                                     Alaska Board of Fisheries
                                                                                                                                      DIVISION OF SPORT FISH
                                                                                                                                           1255 W. 8th Street                  The Alaska Board of Fisheries (Board) adopts
LICENSING & REGIONAL REGULATIONS:                                                                                                           P.O. Box 115526                  Alaska’s fishing regulations under statutory authority
    Licensing:                                                                                                                         Juneau, Alaska 99811-5526             from the Alaska Legislature. The Board sets fishing
      License Requirements and Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5                                                                             (907) 465-4180                  seasons, bag limits, and methods and means. It also
      King Salmon Stamp Requirements and Fees. . . . . 5                                                                               Mike Dunleavy, Governor               sets policy and provides direction of the management
      Harvest Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5                                                        Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner          of the state’s fishery resources through regulatory
    Regional Regulations:                                                                                                                 Dave Rutz, Director                management plans. The Board consists of seven
      Prohibited Acts, Liability for Violations.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6                                         The Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)                   members that are appointed by the governor,
      Methods and Means .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6-7                       is responsible for managing fish and game under              confirmed by the Legislature, and serve 3-year terms.
      Use of Sport-Caught Fish as Bait .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                               statutory authority from the Alaska Legislature. By
      Possession of Sport-Caught Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                                             law, the mission of the Department of Fish and Game             The Board process is one of the more open systems
      Definitions.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8-9   is to protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game,         for incorporating public input into state fisheries
                                                                                                                and aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage         policy. The Board meets four to six times per year
                                                                                                                their use and development in the best interest of the        to consider proposed changes to fishing regulations
REGULATIONS BY AREA:                                                                                            economy and the well-being of the people of the state,       in specific areas of the state. Any individual or
    Northern Alaska Waters Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11                                               consistent with the sustained yield principle.               organization may submit a proposal to change a
    Kuskokwim-Goodnews Drainages.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12-15                                              The Division of Sport Fish is one of six divisions in     fishing regulation. The Board uses biological and
      General Regulations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12-13                      the department. By law, the mission of the Division of       socioeconomic information provided by the Alaska
      Special Regulations.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14-15                    Sport Fish is to protect and improve the state’s sport       Department of Fish and Game, public comment,
    North Slope Drainages .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16-17                      fisheries resources. Division of Sport Fish operations       and guidance from the Alaska Department of Public
    Northwestern Drainages .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18-19                        are largely funded by anglers and recreational boaters       Safety and Alaska Department of Law when creating
    Yukon River Drainage.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20-21                     through contributions to Federal Aid in Sport Fish           regulations.
                                                                                                                Restoration and Fish and Game license funds. At least
    Tanana River Drainage.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22-27                                                                                       The Board meets on a 3-year cycle. It most recently
                                                                                                                15 percent of the state’s federal aid apportionment
      General Regulations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22-24                      must be used for improvement of recreational boating         addressed Arctic, Yukon, Kuskokwim fishing regulations
      Special Regulations.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25-27                    facilities and access.                                       in January, 2019.
    Upper Copper/Upper Susitna Drainages . . . . . . 28-36
                                                                                                                 ADF&G may change fishing regulations at                     Alaska Board of Fisheries Current Members
      General Regulations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28-29
      Special Regulations.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30-36                         any time by emergency order.                                Reed Morisky (Chair) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Fairbanks
      Chitina Dipnet Personal Use Salmon Fishery. 37-38                                                                                                                          John Jensen .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Petersburg
                                                                                                                   Statewide, numerous emergency orders may be issued            Israel Payton .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Wasilla
                                                                                                                to open or close seasons or areas, modify bag limits and         Fritz Johnson.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Dillingham
OTHER INFORMATION:                                                                                              methods and means in any given year. Most, but not all,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Märit Carlson-Van Dort.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Anchorage
   Shellfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-40                                    affect salmon fishing, as opposed to fishing for resident
                                                                                                                species. Emergency orders may also be posted at key              John Wood.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Willow
   Stocked Waters and Species Stocked. . . . . . . 41-42                                                                                                                         Gerard Godfrey.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Eagle River
   Species Information and Identification.  .  .  .  .  . 43-45                                                 access points. All emergency orders are widely announced
   Trophy Fish Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46                                           via news media, and are accessible on recorded ADF&G           For more information on the board process, contact
                                                                                                                hotlines, at ADF&G offices (see a list on the back cover),   the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Boards
   Transfer of Possession Form.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 47
                                                                                                                and online at .                          Support Section at: (907) 465-4110.
   Regional Offices/Commissioner's Message. . . . . 48
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
How to Use This Book                                                                                                       Catching Our Emails?
Licensing Requirements - Read licensing and harvest recording
requirements on pages 4 and 5.

Regional Regulations - These outline allowable sport fishing gear, possession requirements for sport
caught fish, and other general regulations, as well as prohibited acts.

General Regulations - Read the general regulations for seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and
methods and means for the area in which you intend to fish.

Special Regulations - Check the Northern Alaska Waters index on pages 10-11. If a special regulation
exists for the species when and where you plan to fish, follow the special regulation; special regulations               Fishing Reports Emergency Orders
prevail over the general regulations listed for that area. If the waters you plan to fish DO NOT APPEAR in
the index or within the special regulations, follow the general regulations for seasons, bag, possession, and                   Advisory Announcements
size limits, and methods and means for that area.
                                                                                                                     Sign Up Today!   visit
This summary of Alaska sport and personal use fishing and shellfish regulations is published by the Division of
Sport Fish as a service to anglers. It is not intended to be a complete digest of all fishing regulations.

                                                                                                                     Got Pics?
For a complete list of all sport fishing regulations, see the Alaska Administrative Code, Title 5 at: .

                                                                                                                     We are looking for good quality
 Some regulations in this booklet may be changed by the Alaska Board of Fisheries during its
                                                                                                                     fishing photos. Pack your camera
 regular meetings, by emergency regulation, or by emergency order at any time.
                                                                                                                     along with your rod and reel, and
                                                                                                                     capture those memorable images
                                                                                                                     of your family and children fishing in Alaska, and
                                                                                                                     please send us your photos. More information at:
u Emergency Orders: Inseason changes to regulation
  Regulations in this booklet may be changed by emergency order at any time. If an inseason change

  has been made by emergency order for the species when and where you plan to fish, follow the inseason
  regulation; inseason regulatory changes prevail over the regulations listed in this booklet. All such
                                                                                                                     Cover Photos
  changes can be found by contacting any ADF&G Sport Fish Office or online at the ADF&G website.                     • Main Image: Theron Pamperin and Luke Decker with their
                                                                                                                     Tanana River burbot. Photo by Nate Pamperin.

 8        You can sign up to receive emergency order notifications via email.
          Visit: for more information.
                                                                                                                     • Top Right: Coho salmon. ADF&G photo.
                                                                                                                     • Bottom Right: Rainbow trout. ADF&G photo.
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
STATEWIDE REGULATIONS - LICENSING, KING SALMON STAMPS & HARVEST RECORDS                                                                                                                                   4

An Alaska sport fishing license is required for all resident                                         License Fees                                    Alaska Residents
anglers 18 and older and nonresident anglers 16 and older                                            Annual sport fishing license	��������������������������������������������������������������� $29
to fish in all fresh and salt waters of Alaska.                                                        Alaska residents 18 or older. Valid for the calendar year.
                                                                                                     ADF&G Permanent (Senior) ID Card (PID)...... Free to qualifying residents
  • In accordance with the regulations outlined in this summary booklet, a sport fishing               Alaska residents 60 or older may apply for a PID for hunting, fishing, and
    license allows you to take, or attempt to take, finfish or shellfish in the fresh or salt          trapping. For residents only - if you become a nonresident, your PID is no
    waters of Alaska. Additionally, you may need a King Salmon Stamp or a Harvest                      longer valid, requiring you to purchase a nonresident sport fishing license.
    Record Card (see page 5).                                                                        ADF&G Disabled Veteran Card (DAV)................ Free to qualifying residents
  • Your sport fishing license, PID or DAV must be in your possession while you are sport fishing.     Alaska residents who are disabled veterans (with disability of 50% or
  • All persons engaged in sport fishing or in possession of sport caught finfish or                   greater that was incurred during military service), may apply for a DAV for
    shellfish must show their sport fishing license, required harvest record and/or                    hunting and fishing. If you become a nonresident, your DAV is no longer
    stamp, and their harvest to any representative of ADF&G or any peace officer of the                valid, requiring you to purchase a nonresident sport fishing license.
    state, upon request.                                                                             Sport fishing license for the blind	�����������������������������������������������������$0.50
  • No person may alter, loan, or transfer to any other person any sport fishing license;              Affidavit required—available from license vendor or ADF&G.
    and no person may use any license issued to another person.                                      Income restricted..................................................................................... $5
  • If your sport fishing, hunting, or trapping license is revoked in any state, you may                To be eligible for a low income license, an Alaskan resident must have an
    not obtain an Alaska sport fishing license.                                                         annual family or household income equal to or less than the most recent
                                                                                                        poverty guidelines for the state set by the U.S. Department of Health and
                                                                                                        Human Services for the year preceding application. A.S. 16.05.340 (a)(6)
A Resident of Alaska is a Person Who...                                                                 Visit:

                                                                                                     License Fees
 For the preceding 12 consecutive months, has maintained a home in Alaska with the
 intent to stay, and who is not claiming residency (or receiving benefits under a claim of
 residency) in another state, territory or country. Benefits include but are not limited to,
 applying for a resident fishing or hunting license in another state, obtaining a driver’s           1-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$25
 license in another state, or receiving benefits or paying taxes as a resident of another state.     3-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$45
Active Duty Military Personnel and Their Dependents...                                               7-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$70
                                                                                                     14-day sport fishing license.................................................................................... $105
 • Stationed in Alaska for the preceding 12 months may purchase a resident sport
 fishing license regardless of benefits received in another state. Resident sport fishing            Annual sport fishing license................................................................................... $145
 regulations apply.                                                                                  Residents of Yukon Territory may purchase nonresident licenses at Alaska resident license fees.
 • Permanently stationed in Alaska for less than 12 months may purchase a nonresident
 military license and nonresident military annual king salmon stamp at reduced rates                                  Nonresident Military License and Fee
 and are considered nonresidents. Nonresident sport fishing regulations apply.                       Nonresident annual military sport fishing license............................ $29
                                                                                                       Only for active duty members of military service permanently stationed in
If you have questions about your residency, call your local Alaska Wildlife Troopers (telephone
                                                                                                       Alaska for less than 12 months or for dependent(s) of such.
                                numbers listed on page 93).
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
HARVEST RECORD                                                                                       KING SALMON STAMP
Harvest records are required by ALL anglers when harvesting any species with an             Anglers sport fishing for king salmon (except
annual limit. Species with an annual limit are listed in the General Regulations section.   king salmon stocked in landlocked lakes)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 L E
                                                                                            must purchase a current year’s king salmon
•   Areas to record harvested species
                                                                                            stamp. Stamps purchased online can be

    with an annual limit are printed on                                                     printed immediately. If you purchase a

    each sport fishing license.                                                             physical stamp, it must be signed across the                                    This is an example of a king
•   A harvest record card is required                                                       face of the stamp, in ink, and stuck to the back                                salmon stamp purchased online.
    for resident anglers under 18,                                                          of your sport fishing license.

    nonresident anglers under 16, and
    PID or DAV licensed anglers.
                                                                                              King Salmon Stamp Fees
•   Immediately upon landing and

    retaining a fish that has an annual                                                      Resident king salmon stamp.........................................................................$10
    limit, all anglers must enter the

    species, date, and location, IN INK,                                                     Nonresident 1-day stamp......................................................................................................$15

    on the harvest record form on the                                                        Nonresident 3-day stamp......................................................................................................$30
    back of their sport fishing license
                                                                                             Nonresident 7-day stamp......................................................................................................$45
    or their harvest record card.
                                                                                             Nonresident 14-day stamp....................................................................................................$75
•   A person obtaining a duplicate or
    additional license or harvest record                                                     Nonresident annual stamp................................................................................................. $100
    card must transfer their harvest                                                         Nonresident military annual stamp...................................................................................$30
    records of species with annual
    limits previously landed during the                                                      Duplicate stamp.......................................................................................................................... $5
    current year to their new license or
    harvest record card.                     Harvest Record Card
                                                                                                   The following persons do not need a king salmon stamp:
           LICENSES/STAMPS/HARVEST CARDS                                                            •     Resident anglers under 18 and nonresident anglers under 16.
                                                                                                    •     Residents who possess an ADF&G PID or a DAV card.
Sport fishing licenses and King Salmon Stamps may be purchased online at: or from a license vendor (most sporting goods stores).
                                                                                                    •     Residents with the $5 income restricted license.
                                                                                                    •     Residents with the 50¢ license for the blind.
Harvest Record Cards are available online at: ,
from ADF&G offices, and from fishing license vendors.                                                               Use our secure server to buy your
                                                                                                                    licenses, stamps, and tags online!
PID/DAV licenses – Apply online at:                                                                        .

                             LICENSING, KING SALMON STAMPS, AND HARVEST RECORDS                                                                                                                                                      5
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
REGIONAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                6

    HARVEST RECORD REQUIREMENTS                                   POSSESSION OR MARKING OF LIVE FISH OR LIVE                                 METHODS AND MEANS
                                                                  FISH EGGS:
•    Harvest records are required when angling for any            • It is unlawful to possess, transport, release live fish        FRESHWATER SPORT FISHING:
     species with an annual limit.                                    or live fish eggs, or in any way mark any live fish          Fish may not be taken in fresh water by means of:
•    A harvest record form is printed on the back of each             prior to release;                                            • Fixed or weighted hooks and lures (except those of
     sport fishing license. For anglers under age 16 and             • Except in accordance with the terms of a permit that            standard manufacture);
     others not requiring a license, free harvest reporting              may be issued by the Commissioner under                   • Multiple hooks with gap between point and shank
     cards are available from ADF&G offices and from                     5 AAC 41 or AS 16.05.930(a),                                  larger than one-half inch;
     fishing license vendors.                                        • Or in accordance with sport fishing provisions listed
                                                                                                                                   • Spear, unless permitted by area regulations; or arrow,
•    Annual limits are listed in the General and Special                 on page 7 under “Use of sport-caught fish as bait.”
                                                                                                                                       unless permitted by area regulations.
     Regulations for each area.                                   FELT-SOLED BOOTS PROHIBITED:
•    Immediately upon landing and retaining a fish that                                                                            SPORT FISHING GEAR:
                                                                  • The use of footgear with absorbent felt or other fibrous       Unless otherwise provided in regulation, sport fishing may
     requires harvest recording, anglers must enter the               material on the soles is prohibited while sport fishing in
     species, date, and location, IN INK, on the back of their                                                                     be conducted only by use of:
                                                                      fresh water.
     sport fishing license or on the harvest record card.                                                                          • A closely attended single line attached to not more
                                                                  GAFFS PROHIBITED:
                                                                                                                                       than one plug; one spoon; one spinner or series of
                                                                  • A gaff may not be used to puncture any fish intended or            spinners; two artificial flies; or two hooks.
    DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS                                      required to be released.
                                                                                                                                   • The line must be closely attended, unless unattended
•    Upon request by a Department representative or state         MOLESTING OF FISH:                                                   setlines for burbot are allowed per area regulations.
     peace officer, anglers must forfeit the heads of any         • Molesting or impeding spawning or the natural                  USE OF ATTRACTOR (BEAD):
     salmon or trout with external or internal tags and all         movement of fish contrary to lawful methods and
     fish that are adipose finclipped along with the date                                                                          An attractor, including a bead, when used with an artificial
                                                                    means of sport fishing is prohibited.                          fly, artificial lure, or bare hook, must be:
     and location of where caught.
                                                                  SNAGGING IN FRESH WATER PROHIBITED:                              •   Either fixed within two inches of the bare hook,
      LIABILITY FOR VIOLATIONS                                    • It is unlawful to intentionally snag or attempt to snag            fly, or lure,
                                                                     any fish in fresh water.
•    Unless otherwise provided by regulation or statute, a                                                                         •    Or be free sliding on the line or leader.
     person who violates a provision of these regulations         •   "Snag" means to hook a fish elsewhere than in its
                                                                      mouth. A fish unintentionally hooked elsewhere than          •    A bead fished on the line above a bare single hook is
     is strictly liable for the offense, regardless of that                                                                             legal gear in waters where only flies may be used.
     person’s intent.                                                 its mouth must be released immediately.
                                                                  •   Unless otherwise prohibited under area regulation,
              PROHIBITED ACTS                                         snagging is allowed in saltwater.
• Unless otherwise provided by area regulations:                  • The intentional waste or destruction of any species of
   (a) the waters within 300 feet of a fish weir or fish ladder      sport-caught fish is prohibited.
   are closed to sport fishing, unless a lesser or greater        USE OF EXPLOSIVES OR TOXICANTS:
   distance is indicated by Department markers; and (b) it        • The use of any toxicant or explosive is prohibited
   is unlawful to cast, drift, or place by any means a hook,         in the taking of any fish in the waters of Alaska.
   bait, lure, or fly into waters closed to sport fishing.           Except that a shaft tipped with an explosive charge
SALE OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH PROHIBITED:                                (commonly known as a bangstick or powerhead) or a
• No person may buy, sell, or barter sport-caught fish or            firearm may be used on board a vessel in saltwater to
   their parts.                                                      dispatch a fish caught with legal gear.
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
METHODS AND MEANS (continued)                                                                                                  POSSESSION OF SPORT-CAUGHT HALIBUT
                                                            Unless otherwise provided by area regulations, burbot
                                                            may be taken in fresh water with more than one line and
                                                            hook, provided:                                                    •     Pacific halibut fisheries are managed by the federal
USE OF UNDERWATER SPEAR (SALTWATER):                                                                                                 government under international treaty.
• In salt water, spears and spearguns may be used to        • The total aggregate number of hooks may not exceed
                                                               15 or the daily bag limit for burbot in the waters being        •     Federal possession and landing requirements for
   take fish, subject to applicable seasons and limits,        fished, whichever is less;                                            sport-caught halibut differ from state regulations.
   by persons who are completely submerged, provided        • Hooks are single hooks with gap between point and                      Possession includes unpreserved AND preserved fish
   that the spear or speargun is not tipped with an            shank larger than ¾ inch;                                             for halibut.
   explosive charge.                                        • Each hook is set to rest on the bottom of the lake or            •     Consult federal regulations for: bag, size, and
ICE FISHING GEAR:                                              stream;                                                               possession limits for guided (charter) anglers;
                                                            • Each line is identified with angler’s name and address;                possession and landing requirements.
• Sport fishing through the ice is permitted using
                                                            • Each line is physically inspected at least once in each          •     Federal halibut regulations are available from:
    two closely attended lines, provided only one hook
    or artificial lure is used on each line, except that       24-hour period.                                                       NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region, (907) 586-7228
    additional gear may be used for northern pike and                                                                    
    burbot as specified in statewide or area regulations.       POSSESSION OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH
                                                                        (EXCEPT HALIBUT)
• The maximum number of lines/hooks that an
    angler may deploy is not cumulative and is equal                                                                               USE OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH AS BAIT
                                                            •    Sport-caught fish, their parts, and articles manufactured
    to the maximum number of lines/hooks allowed                 from such fish may be possessed within the state
    for any species. The number of lines/hooks used                                                                            •     Unless provided for in this section, fish taken under
                                                                 by any person at any time, and may be transported
    to target a species may not exceed the number                within and exported out of the state by any person                  sport fishing regulations may not be used as bait,
    allowed for that species. An example would be                at any time, except that no person may possess any                  except:
    in a lake where regulations allow 5 set lines for            unpreserved fish, or part of one, not legally taken by             • Herring and whitefish may be used as bait,
    burbot and 2 lines under the ice for lake trout, the         the angler, unless the angler furnishes, upon request of           • Species for which bag limits, seasons, or other
    maximum number of lines you may fish is 5 (3 set             any peace officer of the state, a statement signed by the             regulatory methods and means are not provided in
    lines and 2 closely attended lines under the ice for         person taking the fish stating the type of fish, number
                                                                                                                                       sport fishing regulations may be used as bait,
    lake trout or other species).                                of fish, location, date taken, and license number. See
                                                                 Transfer of Possession Form on page 47. The statement              • The head, tail, fins, and viscera of legally taken
SPORT FISHING GEAR FOR NORTHERN PIKE:                                                                                                  sport fish, may be used as bait.
                                                                 is unnecessary if the person possessing the fish is
• Unless otherwise provided by the area regulations,             accompanied by the person who took the fish. No               •     Live herring and other species for which no seasonal or
    northern pike may be taken by spear.                         person may possess fish which were not legally taken.               harvest limits are specified in sport fishing regulations
SPORT FISHING GEAR FOR HERRING AND SMELT:                   •    A person may possess only the limit of fish allowed                 may be used as live bait, except that live fish may not
• In salt water, herring and smelt may be taken with             for the water on which that person is fishing.                      be used as bait for sport fishing in fresh water.
   the use of 15 or less unbaited single or multiple        •    Upon request by an employee of the Department, or                  • Live bait may be possessed, transported, or released
   hooks attached to a single line.                              a peace officer of the state, a person must present for               only in the salt waters of the regulatory area in which
                                                                 inspection any fish taken or possessed by the person
                                                                                                                                       it was taken. 
                                                                 in a sport fishery.
                                                            •    Upon request by an employee of the Department or a
                                                                 peace officer of the state, a person while taking fish must
                                                                 present for inspection any apparatus designed to be or
                                                                 capable of being used to take fish in a sport fishery.

                                                                 REGIONAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                    7
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
DEFINITIONS                                                                                           88

The following are some of the definitions set forth in AS      CLOSED WATERS—waters designated by the board                  MARK OR MARKING—all forms of skin alteration,
16.05.940, 5 AAC 75.020, and 75.995                            wherein it is illegal to take fish.                           fin clipping, or other mutilation, or insertion of foreign
                                                               CLOSELY ATTENDED LINE—that the line or strike                 materials in live fish that permit later identification.
AREA—means a regulatory management area as de-
scribed in 5 AAC 47-5 AAC 74.                                  indicator is within the view of and is accessible to the      MESH SIZE (STRETCH MESH SIZE, STRETCH
                                                               angler at all times.                                          MEASURE)—the average length of any series of 10
ARTIFICIAL FLY—a fly which is constructed by common                                                                          consecutive meshes measured from inside the first knot
methods known as fly tying, including a dry fly, wet           DRAINAGE—all of the waters comprising a watershed             and including the last knot when wet; the 10 meshes,
fly, and nymph, or a bare single hook that is free of bait     including tributary rivers, streams, sloughs, ponds,          when being measured, shall be an integral part of the net,
as defined in 5 AAC 75.995. Materials and chemicals            and lakes which contribute to the water supply of the         as hung, and measured perpendicular to the selvages;
designed and produced primarily to cause flies to float or     watershed.                                                    measurement shall be made by means of a metal tape
sink may be used on artificial flies.
                                                               FISHING ROD—a tapered, flexible rod typically used for        measure while the 10 meshes being measured are
ARTIFICIAL FLY (UNWEIGHTED)—a fly which weighs                 sport fishing, equipped with a hand grip and a line guide     suspended vertically from a single peg or nail, under five
less than one-fourth ounce in its entirety.                    system that guides the line from the reel to the tip of the   pound weight, except as otherwise provided in this title.
ARTIFICIAL LURE—any lure which is man-made, free               rod, and upon which is mounted a fishing reel used to         MOLESTING—the harassing, disturbing, or interfering
of bait as defined in 5 AAC 75.995, and is used to attract     deploy and retrieve the sport fishing line.                   with fish by any means, including the use of any missile
fish. This includes an artificial fly.                         FLOWING WATERS—means all fresh waters, excluding              or object not established as legal gear; molesting includes
BAG LIMIT—the maximum legal take of fish per person            lakes and ponds, that have detectable current, including      dragging, kicking, throwing, striking, or otherwise
per day, in the area in which the person is fishing, even      creeks, streams, and rivers draining into, between, and       abusing a fish which is intended to be released.
if part or all of the fish are immediately preserved; a fish   out of all lakes and ponds, and all intertidal waters         MULTIPLE HOOK—a fish hook with two or more points
when landed and not immediately released becomes a             upstream of the stream mouth.                                 with or without barbs.
part of the bag limit of the person originally hooking it.
                                                               FRESH WATER—all inland waters; inland waters are              OPEN SEASON—the time during which fish may
BAIT—any substance applied to fishing gear for the             separated from salt water at the mouths of creeks,
purpose of attracting fish by scent, including fish eggs                                                                     lawfully be taken; each period of time prescribed as an
                                                               streams, and rivers at a line between extremities of          open season shall be construed to begin at 12:01 a.m. on
in any form, natural or preserved animal, fish, fish oil,      the latter’s banks at a mean low tide or at a point to be
shellfish, or insect parts, natural or processed vegetable                                                                   the first day and end at midnight of the last day thereof.
                                                               determined and adequately marked by the Department.
matter, and natural or synthetic chemicals.                                                                                  PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE—(a) an employee of
                                                               LENGTH OF FISH—the length from the tip of the snout
CHAR—all char, including Dolly Varden, Arctic char,            to the tip of the tail (total length).                        ADF&G authorized by the Commissioner; (b) a police
lake trout (Mackinaw), and eastern brook trout.                                                                              officer in the state; or (c) any other person authorized by
                                                                                                                             the Commissioner.
CHARTER VESSEL—a vessel licensed under
AS 16.05.490, used for hire in the sport, personal use, or                                                                   POSSESSION LIMIT—the maximum number of
subsistence taking of fish or shellfish, and not used on                                                                     unpreserved fish a person may have in possession.
the same day for any other commercial fishing purpose; a                                                                     POWER ASSISTED FISHING REEL—a reel used
charter vessel does not include a vessel or skiff without a
                                                                                                                             to deploy and retrieve the sport fishing line that is
charter vessel operator.
                                                                                                                             operated or assisted by any electronic hydraulic, or other
CHARTER VESSEL OPERATOR—a person engaged in                                                                                  mechanical power source other than by hand-cranking a
carrying passengers on a charter vessel for any valuable                                                                     handle attached to the reel.
consideration that passes directly or indirectly to the        LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DEPARTMENT—
vessel’s owner, operator, or a person with a financial         (a) the nearest most accessible professional employee         PRESERVED FISH—fish prepared in such a manner, and
interest in the vessel, in consideration of the carriage of    of the Department, (b) a person designated by the             in an existing state of preservation, as to be fit for human
any person on board.                                           Commissioner or by a professional employee of the             consumption after a 15-day period, and does not include
                                                               Department to perform specific functions for the              unfrozen fish temporarily stored in coolers that contain
 CLOSED SEASON—the time during which fish may not              Department, or (c) a law enforcement officer of the           ice, dry ice, or fish that are lightly salted.
b e taken. Includes no catch-and-release fishing.             Department of Public Safety.
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
DEFINITIONS (CONTINUED)                                                                            THE FISH & WILDLIFE
REEL SEAT—an attachment mechanism that holds                     SPORT FISHING SERVICES—the indirect provision of
                                                                                                                                      SAFEGUARD PROGRAM
the fishing reel to the rod using locking, threading             assistance, for compensation or with the intent to receive
rings, sliding bands, or other attachment devices and is         compensation, to a person engaged in sport fishing in
designed to allow the reel to be readily detached from the       taking or attempting to take fish or shellfish by a business
fishing rod.                                                     that employs a sport fishing guide to provide sport fishing
ROCKFISH—includes all fish of the genus Sebastes, and            guide services to the person during any portion of a
does not include Irish lords, other sculpins, greenlings or      sport fishing trip; sport fishing services does not include
lingcod.                                                         an activity for which a sport fishing guide license is
                                                                 required, or booking and other ancillary services provided
SALMON—all salmon, including the five species of                 by a tour broker or agent to a sport fishing services
Pacific salmon: coho, chum, king, pink, and sockeye.             operator.
SALT WATER—all marine waters; marine waters are                  STREAM MOUTH—the downstream point defined as a
separated from fresh water at the mouths of streams,             straight line running from the most downstream extremity
rivers, and creeks.                                              on one stream bank to the most downstream extremity on
SET LINE—an unattended line or lines that have been              the other stream bank, or a point defined and marked by
                                                                 the Department.
                                                                                                                                                      Report Violations
set, staked, anchored or otherwise fixed.
SINGLE HOOK—a fish hook with only one point with or              TAKE—taking, pursuing, fishing, or in any manner                                      1-800-478-3377
without a barb.                                                  disturbing, capturing, or killing or attempting to take,
                                                                 pursue, fish, or in any manner capture or kill fish or         If you witness or suspect that a fish or wildlife
SNAG—to hook a fish elsewhere than in its mouth.
                                                                 shellfish.                                                     violation has occurred, please call our toll-free
SPORT FISHING—the taking of or attempting to take for                                                                           number. You will not have to reveal your name,
                                                                 TOXICANT—any material or chemical that upon
personal use, and not for sale or barter, any freshwater,                                                                       testify in court, or sign a deposition. You will
                                                                 introduction to the waters of Alaska by direct or indirect
marine, or anadromous fish by hook and line held in the                                                                         remain anonymous, and you may receive a reward.
                                                                 means will kill, stun, or drive fish from their natural
hand, or by hook and line attached to a pole or rod which
                                                                 repose.                                                        Local Alaska Wildlife Troopers’ office phone
is held in the hand or closely attended, or by other means
                                                                 TRANSPORT—ship, transport, carry, import, export, or           numbers are as follows:
defined by the Alaska Board of Fisheries.
                                                                 receive or deliver for shipment, transportation, carriage,     Anchorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-5954
SPORT FISHING GUIDE—a person who is licensed to                                                                                 Anchor Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235-8239
                                                                 or export.
provide sport fishing guide services to persons who are
                                                                                                                                Cantwell .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 768-4050
engaged in sport fishing.                                        TROUT—includes rainbow, steelhead, and cutthroat.
                                                                                                                                Cordova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424-3184
SPORT FISHING GUIDE SERVICES—assistance, for                     WATERS OF ALASKA—has the same meaning as set out               Fairbanks. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 451-5350
compensation or with the intent to receive compensation,         in 5 AAC 39.975(13).
                                                                                                                                Glennallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822-3263
to a sport fisherman to take or attempt to take fish by           YEAR—the calendar year from January 1 through                 Mat-Su West.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 373-8305
accompanying or physically directing the sport fisherman         December 31.                                                  Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745-4247
in sport fishing activities during any part of a sport fishing
                                                                                                                                Seward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224-3935
trip; however, the term does not include sport fishing
services or services provided by an assistant, deckhand, or                                                                     Soldotna .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 262-4573
similar person who works directly under the supervision                                                                         Valdez.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 835-4307
of and on the same vessel as a sport fishing guide.                                                                                                                                                                                 9
Northern Alaska - Alaska ...
NORTHERN ALASKA WATERS INDEX                                                                                                                                                         10

KUSKOKWIM-GOODNEWS DRAINAGES                                                       YUKON RIVER DRAINAGE                                                                  Tanana River Drainage Continued...                                             Page
Fresh and Salt Waters Special Regulations                                 Page     Fresh and Salt Waters Special Regulations                                  Page       Shaw Creek drainage...................................................             26
Aniak River drainage.................................................. 14          Dall River area............................................................. 21       Stocked lakes...............................................................       26
Holitna River drainage................................................ 14          Innoko River drainage.................................................. 21            T Lake..........................................................................   27
Kasigluk River drainage............................................. 14            Little Dall River drainage............................................ 21             Tanana River................................................................       27
Kisaralik River drainage............................................. 14           Nome Creek (Beaver Creek drainage)......................... 21                        Tangle Lakes drainage.................................................             27
Kuskokwim River drainage (downstream of and                                        Nowitna River drainage............................................... 21              Toklat River drainage...................................................           27
                                                                                                                                                                         Tok River drainage.......................................................          27
including Holitna R & Kuskokwim Bay)................... 14                         Trans-Alaska Pipeline Corridor................................... 21
                                                                                                                                                                         Tolovana River drainage .............................................              27
Kwethluk River drainage ........................................... 14             Yukon River drainage (Tanana R to Hodzana R)......... 21
                                                                                                                                                                         Volkmar Lake............................................................... 27
Arolik River drainage................................................. 15
Goodnews River drainage .......................................... 15
                                                                                   TANANA RIVER DRAINAGE
Kanektok River drainage............................................ 15
                                                                                   Special Regulations                                                         Page      UPPER COPPER - UPPER SUSITNA DRAINAGES
                                                                                   Badger/Chena Slough.................................................. 25              Special Regulations
NORTH SLOPE DRAINAGES                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page
                                                                                   Chatanika River drainage............................................. 25              Chitina River drainage................................................. .30
Fresh and Salt Waters Special Regulations                                 Page
                                                                                   Chena River drainage................................................... 25            Chokosna River............................................................ .30
Trans Alaska Pipeline Corridor................................... 17
                                                                                   Clearwater Lake drainage............................................ 25               Copper River drainage ................................................ .30
                                                                                   Delta River drainage.................................................... 25           Copper River mainstem............................................... .30
                                                                                   Delta Clearwater River................................................ 25             Fish Creek (Mentasta Lake tributary).......................... .30
Fresh and Salt Waters Special Regulations                                 Page
                                                                                   Fielding Lake............................................................... 25       Gakona River drainage................................................ .30
Cripple River drainage................................................. 19
                                                                                   Five-Mile Clearwater Creek........................................ 26                 Gilahina River.............................................................. .30
Kobuk River drainage.................................................. 19
                                                                                   George Lake.................................................................     26   Hanagita River drainage ............................................. .30
Nome River.................................................................. 19
                                                                                   Goodpaster River drainage..........................................              26   Hudson Lake................................................................ .30
Northern Norton Sound drainages............................... 19
                                                                                   Grizzly Lake ................................................................    26   Indian Creek (Copper River drainage)......................... .30
Penny River.................................................................. 19                                                                                         Lake Louise.................................................................. .30
                                                                                   Harding Lake...............................................................      26
Pilgrim River drainage................................................. 19         Jack Lake ....................................................................   26   Lakina River................................................................. .30
Salmon Lake................................................................ 19     Kantishna River drainage.............................................            26   Mendeltna Creek drainage........................................... .30
Selawik River drainage................................................ 19          Piledriver Slough.........................................................       26
Snake River drainage................................................... 19         Rainbow Lake..............................................................       26
Solomon River............................................................. 19      Richardson Clearwater River drainage........................                     26
Unalakleet River drainage............................................ 19           Salcha River drainage..................................................          26
Upper Copper-Upper Susitna Continued...                                    Page
                                                                                     Paxson Lake Outlet stream.......................................... .33          Klutina River drainage lakes........................................ .36
Mendeltna Creek drainage lakes.................................. .30
                                                                                     Summit Lake (Gulkana River drainage)...................... .33                   Little Tonsina River..................................................... 36
Moose Creek (Tazlina River drainage)........................ .30
                                                                                     Tenmile Lake (Gulkana River drainage)...................... .34                  Manker Creek (Klutina River drainage)...................... .36
Moose Lake (Tazlina River drainage).......................... .31
                                                                                     Twelvemile Creek (Gulkana River drainage).............. .33                      Tonsina Lake tributaries............................................... 36
Our Creek (Moose Lake tributary).............................. .31
Sinona Creek................................................................ .31     Klutina &Tonsina River Drainages Special Regulations Tonsina River drainage................................................ .36
Slana River................................................................... .31   Bernard Creek.............................................................. 36   Tonsina River drainage – downstream of lake............. .36
Slana River drainage.................................................... .31         Klutina Lake and tributaries......................................... .36        Tonsina River drainage – downstream of pipeline...... .36
Stocked lakes............................................................... .31     Klutina River drainage................................................. .36      Tonsina River tributaries.............................................. .36
Summit Lake & Bridge Creek..................................... .31
Susitna Lake................................................................. .31                       NORTHERN AL A SKA MANAGEMENT AREA S
Susitna River drainage (upstream of Oshetna River).. .31
Tazlina Lake tributaries................................................ .31
Tebay River ................................................................. .31
Tolsona Lake................................................................ .31
Tyone Lake................................................................... .31
Tyone River drainage flowing waters.......................... .31
Tyone River drainage lakes.......................................... .31
Gulkana River Drainage Special Regulations
Crosswind Lake........................................................... .34
Dickey Lake................................................................. .33
Fish Creek and Fish Lake (Gulkana River drainage)... .33
Gulkana River drainage............................................... .32
Gulkana River – East Fork........................................... .33
Gulkana River mainstem – lower river........................ .34
Gulkana River mainstem – upper river........................ .34
Gulkana River – Middle Fork...................................... .34
Gulkana River – West Fork.......................................... .34
Gunn Creek drainage................................................... .33
Hungry Hollow Creek (Gulkana River drainage)........ .33
Paxson Lake................................................................. .33

    Licensing &                           Kuskokwim                           North Slope                    Northwestern                        Yukon River                     Tanana River                      Upper Copper -
      Regional                            - Goodnews                           Drainages                       Drainages                          Drainage                         Drainage                        Upper Susitna 11
    Regulations                            Drainages                                                                                                                                                                 Drainages
KUSKOKWIM AND GOODNEWS DRAINAGES                                                                                                                       12

                                                                                                                                                             I   O
                                                                                                                                                                               Tanana River
                                                                                                                                              R EG
                                                                                                                                                                               See pages 22 - 27

                                                                             Yukon River Drainage

                                                                             See pages 20 - 21                                             McGrath




                                                                                                    A   TI
                                                                L                                       Ri
                                                   SP                   m
                                                                                                                                                                         See the Southcentral
                                                                                                                                                                         Alaska Sport Fish
                                                                                                                                                                         Regulation Summary

                              Baird Inlet               sk   ok                            Doestock Cr.
Naskonat Peninsula                              Bethel
                     Nelson          Kasigluk R.                K is
                       I.                                                a               Aniak                 Holitna River

    Nunivak                                                                              River


                                                   Eek River                       Kwethluk River
                                                                              Kanektok River
                                 Arolik River

                                                                                                                    See the Southwestern
                                                                    Goodnews River                                  Alaska Sport Fish
     Kuskokwim                                                                                                      Regulation Summary

                     Cape Newenham                                                                                                                                                         Miles
                                                                                                                                                            0             40             80
General Regulations - Kuskokwim                      OTHER FINFISH                                                       Methods and Means - Kuskokwim
                                                           •   No limit.
Inclusive waters: The Kuskokwim - Goodnews Area                                                                         Hook Size:
consists of all waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage,    SHELLFISH
                                                                                                                        •   Multiple hooks with a gap between point and shank
and all waters draining into, and including, the Bering    •   See pages 38-39.
                                                                                                                            larger than ½ inch may be used for taking fish other
Sea and Kuskokwim Bay south of the westernmost point
                                                           HALIBUT                                                          than salmon, except where noted.
of the Naskonat Peninsula and north of Cape Newenham.
Fishing for all species is open year-round unless          Pacific halibut fisheries are managed by the federal         Use of spears or bow and arrows:
otherwise noted below or in Special Regulations.           government under international treaty. See page 7 for
                                                                                                                        •   Suckers and burbot may be taken with spear or bow
                                                           federal contact information.
                                                                                                                            and arrow the entire year.
KING SALMON                                                • Season: February 1 - December 31.                          •   September 1–April 30: Northern pike or whitefish
•   20 inches or longer—3 per day, 3 in possession—        • Unguided anglers: 2 per day, 4 in possession.                  (excluding sheefish) may be taken by spear or bow
    only 2 of which may be 28 inches or longer.
                                                           • Consult federal regulations for the following:                 and arrow during any open season for northern
•   Less than 20 inches—10 per day, 10 in possession.
                                                               • 1) Bag, size, and possession limits for guided 		          pike or whitefish, or may be speared by persons
OTHER SALMON                                                        (charter) anglers.                                      completely submerged during any open season for
•   5 per day, 5 in possession, no size limit.                 • 2) Possession and landing requirements.                    northern pike or whitefish.
                                                               • 3) Inseason changes to the regulations.
•   All lakes:
                                                           • Filleting requirements for fish cleaned at sea:
                                                               No person shall possess on board a vessel, including                 Get the latest fishing info
    • 2 per day, 2 in possession—in combination, no

       size limit.
    Flowing and salt waters:
                                                               charter vessels and pleasure craft used for fishing,
                                                               Pacific halibut that have been filleted, mutilated, or                    emailed to you.
                                                               otherwise disfigured in any manner, except that each
    • 10 per day, 10 in possession—only 2 of which
       may be 20 inches or longer and only 2 may be
                                                               Pacific halibut may be cut into no more than 2 ventral            Sign up at:
                                                               pieces, 2 dorsal pieces, and 2 cheek pieces, with a
       lake trout.
                                                               patch of skin on each piece, naturally attached.             Fishing Reports   Advisory Announcements   Emergency Orders
•   2 per day, 2 in possession—only 1 of which may be
    20 inches or longer.

•   5 per day, 5 in possession, no size limit.

•   10 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.

•   10 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.

•   15 per day, 15 in possession, no size limit.          A remote stream in Interior Alaska.

                          KUSKOKWIM AND GOODNEWS DRAINAGES - GENERAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                    13
KUSKOKWIM AND GOODNEWS DRAINAGES - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                       14

       Special Regulations - Kuskokwim                            Kasigluk River drainage:                                      Kwethluk River drainage:
                                                                  •   Open to fishing year-round.                               •      Open to fishing year-round.
Aniak River drainage:                                             •   Rainbow trout limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, only    •      Rainbow trout limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession,
•   Open to fishing year-round.                                       1 of which may be 20 inches or longer.                           only one of which may be 20 inches or longer.
                                                                       • There is an annual limit of 2 rainbow trout 20                 • There is an annual limit of 2 rainbow trout 20
•   Salmon limits (all species): In the Aniak River
                                                                         inches or longer. Immediately upon landing and                   inches or longer. Immediately upon landing and
    drainage, the per day aggregate bag limit for salmon
                                                                         retaining a rainbow trout 20 inches or longer, you               retaining a rainbow trout 20 inches or longer,
    is 3 fish (combination of king, sockeye, chum, coho,
                                                                         must fill out a harvest record; see page 5.                      you must fill out a harvest record; see page 5.
    and pink salmon), of which no more than 2 may be
    king salmon.                                                  •   In all flowing waters:                                    •      In flowing waters upstream of the confluence of
                                                                       • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly          the Kwethluk River and Pulamaneq (Pocahontas)
•   King salmon limits: 20 inches or longer—2 per day,
                                                                         may be used year-round.                                       Creek (60° 31.96’ N, 161° 05.47’ W):
    2 in possession.
     • There is an annual limit of 2 king salmon 20                                                                                     • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly
                                                                  Kisaralik River drainage:                                               may be used year-round.
       inches or longer. Immediately upon landing and
                                                                  •   Open to fishing year-round.
       retaining a king salmon 20 inches or longer, you
                                                                  •   Rainbow trout limits:                                     Kuskokwim River drainage (downstream of a point
       must fill out a harvest record; see page 5.
                                                                       • In all flowing waters upstream of the Akiak            located ¼ mile upstream of the confluence of the Kuskokwim
•   Sockeye, chum, coho, and pink salmon (in
                                                                          Village Lodge site (60° 49.5’ N, 160° 55.0’ W),       River with the Holitna River, and all waters draining into
    combination) limits: 3 per day, 3 in possession. 	
                                                                          rainbow trout retention prohibited. All rainbow       Kuskokwim Bay south of the Kuskokwim River):
•   Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,
                                                                          trout must be released immediately.                   • King salmon: Open to fishing year-round. However,
    3 per day, 3 in possession no size limit.
                                                                       • In all flowing waters downstream of the Akiak               king salmon may only be retained May 1–July 25.
•   Rainbow trout: Rainbow trout retention prohibited.
                                                                          Village Lodge site (60° 49.5’ N, 160° 55.0’ W),       • Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,
    All rainbow trout must be released immediately.
                                                                          2 per day, 2 in possession, only one of which may          5 per day, 5 in possession, only 2 of which may be
•   Arctic grayling limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no                be 20 inches or longer.                                    20 inches or longer.
    size limit.                                                          • There is an annual limit of 2 rainbow trout 20       • Sheefish limits: 5 per day, 5 in possession, no size limit.
•   Sheefish limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.             inches or longer. Immediately upon landing and
                                                                                                                                • Northern pike limits: 5 per day, 5 in possession,
•   In all flowing waters upstream of Doestock                              retaining a rainbow trout 20 inches or longer,
                                                                                                                                     only 1 of which may be 30 inches or longer.
    Creek:                                                                  you must fill out a harvest record; see page 5.
     • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly       •   In flowing waters upstream of the Akiak Village
       may be used year-round.                                        Lodge site (60° 49.5’ N, 160° 55.0’ W):
                                                                       • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly
Holitna River drainage:	                                                 may be used year-round.
•   Open to fishing year-round.
•   Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,
    3 per day, 3 in possession, n o size limit.
•   Arctic grayling limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no
    size limit.
•   Sheefish limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.
                                                                                                                                    Arctic grayling.
Arolik River drainage:
    Open to fishing year-round.
    Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,
                                                                                                               Kuskokwim Bay drainages
    3 per day, 3 in possession, no size limit.	                                                                                                   w   im       River
•   Rainbow trout limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, only                                                                                     ok

    one of which may be 20 inches or longer.


    • There is an annual limit of 2 rainbow trout 20 inches
       or longer. Immediately upon landing and retaining a
       rainbow trout 20 inches or longer, you must fill out a                                                                                                       Doestock Cr.
       harvest record; see page 5.                                                   Miles
•   Arctic grayling limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.     0   10   20
Goodnews River drainage:                                                                                                    Akiak Village Lodge                                               Holitna River
•   Open to fishing year-round.                                                                                             "                Kis
•   Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,                                                                                          a
                                                                                           Kwethluk                                                               Aniak

    3 per day, 3 in possession, no size limit.

                                                                                                                                Ka s
                                                                                              River                                                                 River

                                                                                                                                                   ik R.
•   Arctic grayling limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.

•   In all flowing waters:
     • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly                             (Pocahontas)


       may be used year-round.
•   In all flowing waters downstream of the Togiak
    National Wildlife Refuge wilderness boundary:                                                 Eek River
     • No person may sport fish from a boat or the river bank
       within 300 ft of a legally operating subsistence gillnet.
                                                                                                                                                                             See the Southwestern
Kanektok River drainage:                                                               Kanektok River                                                                        Alaska Sport Fish
                                                                                                                                                                             Regulation Summary
•   Open to fishing year-round.
•   Rainbow trout limits:                                                                    Ar
     • June 8–October 31: Rainbow trout retention                        Kuskokwim                ik
       prohibited. All rainbow trout must be released                                                  Ri
                                                                            Bay                           ve
       immediately.                                                                                           r
                                                                                                                                                                   In the Kisaralik, Kasigluk, Kwethluk,
     • November 1–June 7: 2 per day, 2 in possession—
       only one of which may be 20 inches or longer.
                                                                                                                                s   R.                     N       and Arolik river drainages, there is an
                                                                                                                                                                   annual limit of two (2) rainbow trout 20
•   Arctic char/Dolly Varden limits: In flowing waters,                                                              odn
    3 per day, 3 in possession, no size limit.                                                                     Go                                      inches or longer, and a harvest record is
•   Arctic grayling limits: 2 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.                                                                   Togiak National   required. Immediately upon harvesting a
•   In all flowing waters:                                                                                                               Wildlife Refuge   rainbow trout 20 inches or longer, you must
     • Only 1 unbaited, single hook, artificial lure or fly                                                                                                fill out the harvest information, in ink, on the
       may be used year-round.                                                                                                                             back of your license. If you are not required to
•   In all flowing waters downstream of the Togiak                       Newenham                                                                          be licensed, you must use a harvest record card
    National Wildlife Refuge wilderness boundary:                                                                                                          (provided free of charge at ADF&G offices).
     • No person may sport fish from a boat or the river bank
       within 300 ft of a legally operating subsistence gillnet.

                              KUSKOKWIM AND GOODNEWS DRAINAGES - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                                   15
NORTH SLOPE DRAINAGES - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                        16

                              ARCTIC OCEAN
                                                                                                                              BEAUFORT SEA

                                                                                                                                          Prudhoe   Sagavanirktok


             CHUKCHI SEA



                                                                                                                                                                                           CAN A
                                                                                                                                                                                            A LA S

                                                                     Col              River
     Point                                                               v ille


                                                       Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
        Northwestern Drainages                                                                                                             Yukon River Drainage                         Miles
        See pages 18 - 19                              Trans-Alaska Pipeline Corridor                             Dietrich Camp            See pages 20 - 21            0      30      60

       General Regulations - North Slope                         ARCTIC GRAYLING                                                      BURBOT
                                                                 •      5 per day, 5 in possession, no size limit.                    •     15 per day, 15 in possession, no size limit.
Inclusive waters: The North Slope Area consists of all
northerly flowing waters, including lakes, draining into, and    SHEEFISH                                                             OTHER FINFISH
including, the Arctic Ocean, the Beaufort Sea, and the Chukchi   •      10 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.                  •     No limit.
Sea, west of the Canadian border and east of Point Hope.                                                                              SHELLFISH
Fishing for all species is open year-round unless                ARCTIC CHAR, DOLLY VARDEN & LAKE TROUT
                                                                                                                                      •     See pages 38-39.
otherwise noted below or in Special Regulations.                 •      All lakes:
                                                                        • 2 per day, 2 in possession—in combination, no size limit.
KING SALMON                                                      •      Flowing and salt waters:
•   20 inches or longer—3 per day, 3 in possession—                     • 10 per day, 10 in possession—only 2 of which
    only two of which may be 28 inches or longer.                          may be 20 inches or longer and only 2 may be
                                                                           lake trout.
•   Less than 20 inches—10 per day, 10 in possession.
                                                                 NORTHERN PIKE
                                                                                                                                      Get the latest fishing info emailed to you.
•   10 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.
                                                                 •      10 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.                          Sign up at:
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