CENTRAL VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l - Monroe-Woodbury Central School ...

Page created by Javier Evans
CENTRAL VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l - Monroe-Woodbury Central School ...
 DRAMA CLUB presents

Super Happy Awesome News is presented through special arrangement with and all
 authorized materials supplied by Beat By Beat Press www.bbbpress.com

 An Online Event
 Premiering Saturday, June 12th at 7:00 PM
 Youtube channel: @MWCSD1
CENTRAL VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l - Monroe-Woodbury Central School ...
 (in order of appearance)
Joey………………………………………………………Justin Landusky
Weather Reporter…………………………………….. Nicholas Thomas
Animal Reporter…….………………………..…………..Sophia Caprara
Sportscaster…………………………………………...…….......Jake Bond
Parker…………………………………………………..….Jenna Rouchon
EKEA Representative…………………………………….. Phoebe Militar
Spicy Water Salesman…………………………………...…....Johan Davis
Politics Reporter 1……………………………………………....Elsa Lajqi
Politics Reporter 2……………………………………….….Scarlett Gold
Chef 1………………………………………………………….. Nana Ofori
Chef 2………………………………………………………....Zoey Gaviola
Community reporter……………………………………..….Scarlett Gold
Blair ……………………………………………………....Karlyn Fateman
Dylan……………………………………………….......Ariel Iraheta Santa
Tanner……………………………………………...………...Caitlyn Coyle
LaShawn………………………………........ ...Ange Mekontchou Dongmo
Desi…………………………………………………...………...Julia Cirillo
Sage……………………………………………....Citlali Moya Hernandez
Jaylen……………………………………………..………... Shakti Kublall

 Director: Michele George
 Assistant Director: Dylan O’Brien
 Production Manager: Jeannie Krill
 Choreography: Jennifer and Sydney Waldner
 Video Editor: Jarek Jabczynski
 Sound Editor: Mark Weglinski
CENTRAL VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l - Monroe-Woodbury Central School ...
Super Happy Awesome News……………………………………….Joey
Super Awesome Weather………………………….... Weather Reporter
Good Game…………………………………………………. Sportscaster
Leave Them Alone………………………………... EKEA Representative
Super Happier Awesomer News………………………………… Parker
You’re My BFF……………………….. Politics Reporter 2 and Company
It’s An Art …………………………………………………………..Chef 1
It Was Good, Part 1…………………………………………………. Blair
It Was Good, Part 2 ………………………………………………....Dylan
It Was Good, Part 3 ……………………………………………….Tanner
Honestly, Part 1……………………………………………….... Lashawn
Honestly, Part 2 ……………………………………………………....Desi
Honestly, Part 3…………………………………………………….... Sage
Honestly, Part 4 …………………………………………………….Jaylen
Honestly, Part 5…………………………………………………….... Joey
It Was Good, Part 4……………………………………………….. Parker
Super Honest Awesome News………………………………... Company

 Super Happy Awesome News is presented through special
arrangement with and all authorized materials supplied by Beat By
 Beat Press www.bbbpress.com

 Super Happy Awesome News was written to be rehearsed remotely,
 performed virtually, and shared with audiences online. This show was
created during the COVID-19 pandemic, and was made specifically for all
 the young performers and communities affected by this unprecedented
 circumstance. It was written to offer kids a space to process and express
 their emotions, and help the young performers feel heard and
 understood.The Central Valley cast all recorded their scenes individually
 and have never even been in a room together as a group!
JOEY welcomes viewers to the Super Happy Awesome News broadcast – Joey’s new
show that only features extremely happy news! (“Super Happy Awesome News”)
The WEATHER REPORTER reports on the super happy awesome weather – sure there
may be rain, wind, and even an impending heat wave, but it’s all good news if you spin it
properly. (“Super Awesome Weather”)
An ANIMAL REPORTER broadcasts from a safari, showcasing a dangerously
awesome wild animal!
A SPORTSCASTER reports from a sports arena. The biggest game of the year was
cancelled… which is great news! After all, when nobody plays, everybody wins! (“Good
PARKER, Joey’s little sister, breaks onto the broadcast to say hi!
JOEY takes over the broadcast, reprimanding Parker for interrupting and banning Parker
from the show. We go to commercial.
A public service announcement showcases the EKEA REPRESENTATIVE (the Every
Kid Everywhere Association) who urges parents to leave their kids alone and give them
whatever they ask for, including tons of screen time. (“Leave Them Alone”)
In the next commercial, a SALESMAN introduces viewers to a new product that will
make their water more exciting: Spicy Water!
PARKER takes over the feed and introduces Super Happier Awesomer News! – Parker’s
new show that promises to be even happier than Joey’s. (“Super Happier Awesomer
JOEY assures viewers that Super Happy Awesome news is still the best news program
and promises to out-happy Parker’s broadcast.
POLITICS REPORTER 1, from Super Happy Awesome News, shares a happy update
from the senate – they all made friendship bracelets!
POLITICS REPORTER 2, from Super Happier Awesomer News, reports on the
escalating friendship bracelet situation and joins in as politicians sing about being BFFs.
(“You’re My BFF”)
CHEF 1, a sophisticated chef from Super Happy Awesome News, teaches viewers how
to craft the perfect gourmet meal – a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (“It’s An Art”)
CHEF 2, from Super Happier Awesomer News, teaches viewers how to make an even
awesomer sandwich with lots of toppings – the PBJGBCSWC!
A pompous COMMUNITY REPORTER from Super Happy Awesome News
interviews community members, inviting them to share happy stories. First, BLAIR
shares a funny story about her parents dancing to Beyoncé then she passes the
microphone to her neighbor, Dylan. DYLAN shares a joyful story about going on long
walks with her mom and then throws the microphone to her sister, Tanner. TANNER gets
very excited about being on tv! Then, she passes the microphone back to the reporter,
who confidently wraps up the segment. (“It Was Good”)
PARKER doesn’t have a spare reporter, so she goes out into the community to interview
people directly. Parker asks LASHAWN how she’s feeling. LaShawn opens up and
shares her honest feelings: She’s overwhelmed by the upsetting stuff she’s seen on the
news. (“Honestly, Part 1”)
JOEY interrupts the feed and yells at Parker for including an unhappy story in the
broadcast. We go to commercial.
In another public service announcement, the EKEA REPRESENTATIVE reports some
surprising new findings. Rumor has it, tons of screen time may not be the best thing for
your child. Who knew?
Remorseful, JOEY returns to the feed, asking Parker for forgiveness and playing some
surprising viewer submissions. In the first submission, DESI thanks the broadcast for
airing more vulnerable content and opens up about feeling lonely and excluded. Then
SAGE talks about the passing of her grandfather and JAYLEN expresses gratitude for
the broadcast, which has emboldened her to be more vulnerable. Finally, Joey shares a
submission, apologizing to Parker and sharing the real reason for starting this show:
cheering up their stressed-out parents. (“Honestly”)
PARKER calls Joey and encourages her to keep opening up. Then the two of them come
up with an idea! (“It Was Good, Part 4”)
In this final public service announcement, the EKEA REPRESENTATIVE exuberantly
hugs a tree and encourages viewers to do the same!
PARKER launches the new Super Honest Awesome News broadcast – where all feelings
are welcome! – and introduces submissions from viewers. The FULL CAST is invited to
shed their roles and share how they’re feeling. Then everyone closes out the broadcast,
singing the new Super Honest Awesome News theme song!
 Jake Bond (Sportscaster) Caitlyn Coyle (Tanner) is
 appeared last year in the making her CV Drama Club
 CV Drama Club debut in Super Happy
 production of The Wizard Awesome News! She
 of Oz as Nikko the Flying enjoys swimming,
 Monkey, Apple Tree 1 and gymnastics, and riding her
 Lollipop Guild. Jake has bike. Caity would like to
 performed in piano thank her mom for her
recitals, and he enjoys playing baseball, support.
being outside, and hanging out with his
family. Jake would like to thank his Mom,
Dad, and brother Dylan. Johan Davis (Spicy Water
 Salesman) is making his CV
 Drama Club debut in Super
 Sophia Caprara (Animal Happy Awesome News!
 Reporter) is making her Johan was a member of the
 CV Drama Club debut in stage crew last year for The
 Super Happy Awesome Wizard of Oz. In his spare
 News! Sophia enjoys time, Johan enjoys reading.
 playing lacrosse and He would like to thank his mom and dad
 soccer and watching for their encouragement.
 TikTok videos. She would
like to thank her family and friends.
 Karlyn Fateman (Blair)
 appeared in last year’s
 Julia Cirillo (Desi) is production of The
 making her CV Drama Wizard of Oz as a
 Club debut in Super Jitterbug, Winged
 Happy Awesome News! Monkey, and Lullaby
 Julia enjoys dancing and League. Karlyn has
 singing, and she would played Marie in The
 like to thank her family. Aristocats, and is currently working on a
 production of Junie B. Jones. She enjoys
 playing outside and playing video games.
 She would like to thank her mom and dad,
 and brothers.
Zoey Gaviola (Chef 2) Shakti Kublall (Jaylen) is
 appeared last year in the making her CV Drama
 CV Drama Club production Club debut in Super Happy
 of The Wizard of Oz as a Awesome News! Shakti
 Munchkin and Ozian. Zoey has also appeared in
 has taken Jazz and Ballet Jahajis Rising and
 class and performed in performs dance music.
 dance recitals. She enjoys Shakti enjoys playing
making TikTok dances. She would like to basketball, playing with her family, and
thank her mother and her grandma!! practicing for a show. She would like to
 thank her dad, mom, grandma Satya Shiv
 and great grandma.
 Scarlett Gold (Community
 Reporter/Politics Reporter Elsa Lajqi (Politics
 2) appeared last year in the Reporter 1) is making her
 CV Drama Club production CV Drama Club debut in
 of The Wizard of Oz as a Super Happy Awesome
 Munchkin and Winkie News! This is her first
 Guard. Scarlett has production ever. She
 appeared in The Greatest enjoys doing gymnastics
Showman and Mary Poppins at camp. She and dance. Elsa would like
loves cheerleading, singing and playing to thank her family because they are the
with her dog, Parker. She would like to ones who got her into acting in the first
thank her parents, sister, and brother for place. They also helped her become better
listening to her constant singing around at it.
the house. Justin Landusky (Joey)
 Ariel Iraheta Santa appeared last year in the
 (Dylan) appeared last year CV Drama Club
 in the CV Drama Club production of The Wizard
 production of The Wizard of Oz as Apple Tree 3, a
 of Oz as a Munchkin and Winkie Guard and
 Winged Monkey. She was Lollipop Guild. Justin
 in her first grade play, enjoys playing goalkeeper
 “Vacation to Mars” and in soccer, riding his bike, and spending
even appeared in a cheer competition on time with his dog. He would like to thank
tv. Ariel enjoys acting, singing, sports, and his mom and his brother.
games. She also likes to spend time with
friends. She would like to thank her mom
for always encouraging her to do fun
things like this play, and would like to
thank Ms. George for giving her the
opportunity to be in this play.
Ange Mekontchou Nana Yaa Ofori (Chef
 Dongmo (LaShawn) 1)appeared last year in
 appeared last year in the the CV Drama Club
 CV Drama Club production of The Wizard
 production of The Wizard of Oz as a Jitterbug, Ozian,
 of Oz as a Munchkin and and Lullaby League. Nana
 Winkie Guard. Ange is very active in
 performs with dance and competitive dance, which
gymnastics. She would like to thank her she loves, and she would like to thank her
family (especially her mom.) mom.
 Jenna Rouchon (Parker)
 Phoebe Militar (EKEA appeared last year in the
 Representative) is making CV Drama Club production
 her CV Drama Club debut of The Wizard of Oz as a
 in Super Happy Awesome Munchkin and Ozian. Jenna
 News! Phoebe has enjoys cooking and baking
 performed in music and really likes reading
 recitals and competed as a and drawing. She
 member of CV’s Odyssey sometimes writes in her free time and
of the Mind team. For fun, Phoebe enjoys really likes talking to her friends. She
singing and hanging out with friends. She would like to thank her mom and dad and
would like to thank her family and her her older brother David (who was in
best friends Erin, Naomi, and Mia. Honk and Peter Pan at CV) for supporting
 her and always being there for her.

 Citlali Moya Hernandez
 (Sage) is making her CV Nicholas Thomas
 Drama Club debut in (Weather Reporter) is
 Super Happy Awesome making his CV Drama Club
 News! For fun, Citlali debut in Super Happy
 enjoys art, crafting, Awesome News! Nick has
 making bracelets, playing, participated in other
 spending time and goofing performances with his
around with her parents, watching her church. He enjoys playing
phone, sleeping, doing homework (which soccer and would like to thank his mom
is one of the best), and researching. She and dad for pushing him to do this.
would like to thank her parents, siblings,
aunt, uncles, cousins, friends, teachers,
grandparents and anyone else who she
can’t remember.
Ms. George (director) has directed 12
musicals with Central Valley Drama Club
and has appeared in over 20 local
productions in the last 15 years. Favorite Special Appearances by:
roles include Adelaide in Guys and Dolls
and The Chaperone in The Drowsy
 Badger Caprara
Chaperone. In her spare time, Ms. George
enjoys baking, sewing, watching The
Office, and playing with Oscar and Toby Phillip Militar
(her cats!) Ms. George would like to thank
Mark and Jarek for all of their time and
technical support, Mr. O’Brien for all of his Bernadette Militar
hard work, and the cast for embracing this
new way of performing and giving it their
all! Pepper Fateman

Mr. O’Brien (assistant director) is excited Andrew Fateman
to be part of his first production with the
CV Drama Club. For the past four years, Hatzel Iraheta
Mr. O’Brien spent most of his free time
performing with Time Check A Cappella.
They recently released their album, 25 Mark Weglinski
Years Late, on Spotify and other music
streaming platforms. Mr. O’Brien would
like to thank Ms. George for the
opportunity to work on this show and all
the students for their passion and hard
The Cast of Super Happy Awesome News

Justin Landusky Nana Yaa Ofori Julia Cirillo Elsa Lajqi Phoebe Militar Johan Davis

Sophia Caprara Jenna Rouchon Karlyn Fateman Citlali Moya Zoey Gaviola Ariel Iraheta Santa

 Scarlett Gold Jake Bond Ange Mekontchou Nicholas Thomas Shakti Kublall Caitlyn Coyle
Shout-outs to our stars!
To Ange Mekontchou Dongmo: We are so proud of you! Remember to not give up and that
when you fall, get back up. BREAK A LEG -Jacqueline & Fabuis Mekontchou

To Zoey Gaviola: So proud of you Zoey! You did very well and you are the actress of the
Gaviola clan! -Indira Gaviola

To Justin, Sophia, Elsa, Ariel, and Ange : I am so excited and proud of all of you! Break a
leg! -Mrs. Barry

To the CVE Drama Club: Great job on this year's production!! Love, Mrs. Miller
To Nana Yaa Ofori: People come to see beauty, and you dance to give it to them. You rise, you
fall, you spin, you crawl, you flow and glow. We’re all so proud of you. -Mom, Dad and

To Jake Bond: We are so proud of all the hard work you put into this year's show. So proud of
you for breaking out of your comfort zone, and trying something new! You are awesome!!
Can't wait to see the show. We love you! Love - Dad, Mom, Dylan and Scout

To Nicholas, Jenna, Phoebe, Johan, Scarlett, Nana, and Zoey: We are so happy that you all
got to participate in something so exciting! We can't wait to see your performance come
together. We are proud of you all. Break a leg! -Mrs. Breheny and Mrs. Borner

To Ariel Iraheta Santa:We are so proud of you.You are very “super, happy, awesome” and

so much 
will always be our Ray of sunshine!!! Congratulations on your great performance! Love you
 Love: Mommy, Daddy, Bill, Dante, and the rest of the family!

To Nicholas Thomas: we’re so proud of you and amazed at how awesome you are at
everything you do! So excited to see your performance! Break a leg! Love Dadda, Mama, JJ
& Natalie

To the entire cast of Super Happy Awesome News: Congratulations! I can't wait to see
you all perform. Break a leg! -Mr. Lang

To Jake Bond: I am so excited to see you in the school play. Break legs! -Ms. Dubner

To Karlyn Fateman: Break a leg. I can't wait to see your performance in the school show!
-Ms. Dubner

To Shakti Kublall: Congratulations Shakti, We love you and are so proud of you. You are a
powerful shining star— lighting up our lives. -Manauvaskar, Taij, Satya, Shiv and JoJo
To Sophia Caprara: We wanted to tell you how proud we are of you (and Badger) for your
hard work toward the school play! We know how excited it made you to be a part of it and
we hope you continue the hard work and to always have fun! We love you! Mom, Dad,
Kayla, Jake & Badger

YOU GUYS ROCK! Thank you for an AWESOME, AMAZING play! Our whole school and
community can't wait to see it! Thanks for making this the BEST super, awesome happy
news we get to share with everyone!!!!! Fondly, Dr. Arlt

To Caitlyn, Julia, Citlali, and Shakti: This was such an amazing show! I am sure it wasn't
easy, but you all managed to make it work. You should be very proud. Love, Mrs. Morgante

To Karlyn Fateman: We are so excited for you to be part of this totally awesome
performance, and your last one with Central Valley drama club! You are our star! Break a
virtual leg! Love you! Mom, dad, Jaden and Asher

Break a leg! I can’t wait to see all of you in action! Be sure to come visit your 3rd grade
teacher before the end of this year. I miss you all! Mrs. Trevorah

To Caity Coyle: Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying,
sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing. Always dream big. You can achieve
anything. Love, Mom, Dad, and Liam

To Julia Cirillo: You are awesome! I'm so proud of you! Pursue your happiness!
Love always, Mom

To Justin Landusky: We are so proud of you and all your hard work and dedication! Never
doubt yourself and keep being the amazing person you are!
We love you! Mom, Dad, & Tyler

To the entire cast: I am so proud of each of you, and amazed at the amount of talent we
have here at CV! Break a leg! Mrs. Krill

To Scarlett Gold: We are so proud of you and all of your hard work! Next stop, Broadway!
Love, Mom, Dad, Payton, Jake, and Parker

To Phoebe Militar: You’ve practiced hard, and you’re going to do great! We are sending
you good-luck hugs and can't wait to hear all about it! We love you, Ninang Sara, Ninong
Vernon, Naomi and Olivia

To Phoebe Militar: You are awesome and amazing as well. so proud of you and we cannot
wait to see the play/movie! We love you! -- Mom, Dad and Philip
To Phoebe Militar: I am sure you will do great. Proud of you, Phoebe. :) -Maeden Militar

To Jenna Rouchon: Mom, dad and your brothers are so proud of you Jenna. We love you
so much. You are awesome! Break a leg!

To Citlali Moya Hernandez: Felicidades Citlali! Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ti ya que
este año ha sido muy difícil para todos, pero tu has sido una persona positiva y has podido
lograr muchas cosas. Felicidades por todo el esfuerzo que has puesto a tus estudios. Tus
papás y hermanos se pueden sentir muy orgullosos de ti. ¡Te queremos mucho Citlali!

To Johan Davis: Mommy is so proud of you!!! You are extremely talented, never stop
trying and getting involved, the sky is the limit. Love you lots!!

To Johan Davis: I am encouraged by your boldness and enthusiasm to try and excel in
new things. I'm so proud of you Johan! Keep reaching for the stars. You can do ALL things....
-Melonie Miller

To Johan Davis: I’m so proud of you, champ!!! -Esther Glasgow

To Johan Davis: Way to go Johan, we’re proud of you, keep up the awesome work...sky’s
the limit...Uncle Robert.

To Johan Davis: GO JOHAN! We Are So Proud Of You! Love You Always! God Bless You!!!
-Uncle D, Auntie Andrea, Deana and DJ

To Johan Davis: I’m proud of you and all the good things you’re doing.LOVE YOU ❤️ -DJ
To Johan Davis: I’m so proud of you!! You ROCK. love you -Deana Cowen
To Johan Davis: You are truly a talented kid and I am proud to be your father. The sky is
the limit, son. Great job.

To Johan Davis: Go Johan..... you did awesome!!!! We are so proud of you!!! God has
blessed you with many talents!!! -Simone Lawrence

To Johan Davis: Go Johan! I'm super proud of you, your hard work and dedication. Keep
using your gifts to bring joy to everyone. Love Josan!

To Johan Davis: To the Big man on campus!!! Johan Davis !!! You are full of greatness and
continue to excel in all you do !!! Always proud of you young man!! Keep shining!!!
-Mardio Leard

To Johan Davis: I’m proud of you Johan, you are a blessing! -Jewel Whyte
To Johan Davis: Super proud of you Johan, continue to excel in whatever you do. Good job!
-Pearleen Smikle

To Johan Davis: Johan, you have matured so much since I met you. Keep on excelling in all
 that you do and God will always take you to the next level! Love you, Tiffany and Gregory

Check out Pine Tree Check out North Main
Elementary School’s Elementary School’s
presentation of presentation of

 Premiered June 11 on
 Premiered May 1 on
 Youtube channel:
 Youtube channel:
Central Valley Elementary Administration
 Dr. Christine Arlt, Principal
 Mr. Michael Barone, Assistant Principal
 Mr. Christopher Taborsky, District Music Coordinator

 Board of Education
 Mrs. Staci McCleary, President
 Mr. Daniel A. Ezratty, Vice President
 Mr. Anthony Andersen
 Mr. Donald Beeler
 Mr. Michael Ciriello
 Mrs. Suzanne Donahue
 Dr. Sergey Koyfman
 Mrs. Dawn Tauber
 Emily Wang, Student Representative

 Central Office Administration
 Mrs. Elsie Rodriguez
 Superintendent of Schools
 Mr. Patrick Cahill
Assistant Superintendent for Business and Management Services
 Mr. Matthew Kravatz
 Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
 Dr. Eric Hassler
 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
 Dr. Bhargav Vyas
Assistant Superintendent for Compliance and Information Systems
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