Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS

Page created by Cindy Brady
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS

First Lutheran Church
420 North Washington Street
Papillion, Nebraska 68046

In God We Trust

Mission statement: Sharing and living a changeless Gospel with a changing world.
(John 8:58, Heb. 13:8)

   • Faithful to the Word of God in both proclamation and teaching. (Matt 28:19-20,
     2 Tim. 2:15, Heb. 4:12)

   • Intentional in caring for God’s people both locally and throughout the world.
     (Luke 10:25-37, 1 John 4:21, James 2:14-17)

   • Responding to God’s Call to be salt and light where He has placed us. (Matt.

   • Supporting the Mission of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) through our time,
     talent and treasure. (2 Cor. 9:6-15)

   • Training God’s people for lives of joyful service. (Eph. 4:11-13)


                                     Mission of the Month:
                              Missionary Caitlyn Worden de Ramirez
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
                               Butterfly       JULY 2015

                                     “Born anew to a living hope!”          1 Peter 1:3

                                              March 2021

Out of the depths I cry to thee, O Lord! 2 Lord, hear my voice!
Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications! 3 If thou, O Lord,
shouldst mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? 4 But there is forgiveness
with thee, that thou mayest be feared. 5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and
in his word I hope; 6 my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the
morning, more than watchmen for the morning. 7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plenteous
redemption. 8 And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Psalm 130

Psalm 130 is one of my favorite psalms. It’s a waiting psalm. I am especially drawn to verses 5-6,
which read, “5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; 6 my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.”

Sometimes you and I get placed in waiting periods, they seem like holding patterns, and usually we
don’t like them. I think we are in one now. Whether that waiting period involves waiting for test
results we dread, or some kind of process to work its self through, like waiting to get a vaccine, or
waiting for normal; waiting for us seems like a cage, like a restraint that we cannot wait to free
ourselves from, and we want to take action, we want to DO something so we have an answer, a result,
an outcome, but sometimes all we can do is wait. The answers have to come in their (God’s) time.

A question that I have been asking myself lately, is where is God amid all this waiting? Well, God is
ever present, offering His most important gifts, forgiveness, steadfast love, and redemption. In faith
we wait, sometimes we wait in darkness waiting more than a watchmen for the morning to dawn, but
here’s the deal -- the dawn comes, light breaks through the darkness, and God answers. He answers
most profoundly in the form of a cross, and then an empty tomb, which for us means forgiveness and
the promise of resurrection, but God always answers our waiting, and His answer is always linked
inseparably to Jesus and His work for us.

Just some thoughts on waiting.

God’s peace to you my dear friends,

Pastor Ziegler
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
  Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fulton                           TO OUR
  10636 Ellison Plaza Apt 4
  Omaha, Nebraska 68134                            YOUNG-AT-
  Mr. Harold Reimann
  Veterans Home                                                Randy Penke – March 3
  600 East Benjamin Avenue
  Norfolk, Nebraska 68701                                    Doug Schuessler – March 4
                                                               Joanne Stilen – March 6
Communication is very important in First                      Nadine Palmer – March 8
Lutheran Church. If we can’t get information to
you, then how can you plan to participate in the             Marilyn Paulsen – March 10
activities? Should you move or know someone else               Shirley Risk – March 11
who has, please inform the church office at 402-
339-3668 or drop us a line at 420 North                       Arla Johnson – March 15
Washington Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68046, or
                                                                Wes Rase – March 17
via email
                                                           William Rasmussen – March 22
                                                             Cynthia Schwer – March 22
                                                              Colleen Bode – March 23

  Ladies Aid will not meet in March.                          Bonnie Glover - March 27
                                                              Diane Franzen – March 29
For information about Ladies Aid or a
ride, please call Sharon Beeks at 402-                         Allan Roth – March 30


For more information please contact
                                                   I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing
Beeks, 402-592-2341, Charlene                      sound they make as they go flying by.
Marchand, 402-339-2178, Stilens, 402-              Deadline for the April BUTTERFLY is:
733-3403 or Hansens, 402-891-0607.                               Monday, March 22nd
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
                         March 2021

Day                   Date               Time              Name

Wednesday             March 3            7:00 PM           Abby Nemec/Grant Gilbreath

Saturday              March 6            5:30 PM           McKenzie Riley/Frank Ziegler
Sunday                March 7            8:00 AM           Annika Bannworth/Brynn Friedrich
                                         10:30 AM          Talia Brehm/Kaden Curtis

Wednesday             March 10           7:00 PM           Gavin Leggett/Samuel Glesman

Saturday              March 13           5:30 PM           Cherish Hoaglund/Will Irvine
Sunday                March 14           8:00 AM           Alex Krenzer/Bennett Shirck
                                         10:30 AM          Audrey Elmer/

Wednesday             March 17           7:00 PM           Chyann Sheffield/Kaylee Merchant

Saturday              March 20           5:30 PM           Joshua/Aaron Buike
Sunday                March 21           8:00 AM           Mikey Covrig/Will Garcia
                                         10:30 AM          Myles/Mason Hansen

Wednesday             March 24           7:00 PM           Cole/Sam Wineinger

Saturday              March 27           5:30 PM           Kaelin Karl/Sylvia Williamson
Sunday                March 28           8:00 AM           Blake Nissen/Paige Kramer
(Palm Sunday)                            Crucifer:         Bella Moran
                                         10:30 AM          Hailey Pold/Taegan McCormick
                                         Crucifier:        Jaleana Roth

If you are unable to acolyte on the date scheduled, please find a replacement and notify the
church office at 402-339-3668. If all else fails, call Stephanie Sobotka at 402-715-4869 or email
her at
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
Lori Doll made the motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Jim Melcher. Motion carried.
Meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaylene Nienhueser, Secretary
Board of Directors

                           PRESCHOOL NEWS
                   News from Ms. Mindy’s Class
                    February has flown by and the 3s class is looking forward to spring. We
                    started out the month talking about friendship and creating art with friends.
                     In one art activity we did with a friend, we learned about mixing colors. Our
favorite book on friendship was "Should I Share My Ice Cream" by Mo Willems. We colored
pictures for Pastor Ziegler and Pastor Josh to take to our shut-ins. Of course we talked about
Valentine’s Day and we celebrated because we have so many people who love us, and most
importantly Jesus loves each one of us. We wrapped up the month of February learning about
dental health, healthy eating, and exercise, which for preschoolers is playing. This month our
Bible stories were Jesus Calms the Storm, Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar, The Good Samaritan,
and The Lost Sheep.

News from Ms. Kathy’s Class
Friendship, Valentine’s Day and Dental health have all been themes we have explored in
February! The 4/5’s have had so much fun exploring art this month. Some of our favorite art
techniques have included painting with shaving cream, drawing with melting crayons and finger
painting with foaming paint. We are learning to match upper and lowercase letters, counting by
10’s to 100 and learning colors and numbers in Spanish! We are finishing the month by sharing
our favorite books with each other, as we prepare for Dr. Seuss’s birthday in March.

                     IS NOW OPEN FOR 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR
                            FEE IS $40 (full registration fee is $75)
                                  402-339-3668, 402-339-1178
                        OR PRESCHOOL@1ST-LUTHERAN.ORG
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
                                  If you are not currently involved in a Bible
                                  study, I want to encourage you to join one of
                                  our many Bible study opportunities offered
                                  here at First Lutheran.

 1.   Sunday Morning – Fellowship Hall @ 9:15 a.m. (All welcome)
 2.   Jim Melcher – 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. (Men’s Bible Study)
 3.   Thursday “ZOOM” @ 7:00 p.m.

                                   If you have any questions regarding any of
                                   these studies, please give me a call at the
                                   church #402-339-3668. God’s promise to
                                   us is that He will richly bless us as we join
                                   together in study, for His Word has power.
                                   Connect yourself to His power source of
                                   Life in Jesus.

In His Peace and Joy
Pastor Karl Ziegler

  Mission of the Month for March is Missionary Caitlyn Worden de
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
March 7:         Kyle Baardson
March 14:        Kyle Baardson
March 21:        Terry Krupp
March 28:        Kyle Baardson

                       8:00 a.m.                             10:30 a.m.

March 7:            Bryan Clark                       Stefanie Williamson
March 14:           Maxine Igou                       Jo Stricklett
March 21:           Cliff Mosteller                   Doug Schuessler
March 28:           Doug Krasue                       Kaylene Nienhueser

(If there are any changes, please contact Doug Krause at

                                      Altar Guild:
                                      March 7:    Josie Washburn & Christina Washburn
                                      March 14:   Josie Washburn & Christina Washburn
                                      March 21:   Angie Miller
                                      March 28:   Karen Baardson & Ruth Benson

I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make
as they go flying by. Deadline for the April BUTTERFLY is:
                       Monday, March 22nd

We’re looking for some audio-visual support volunteers to help record and live-stream our
services. Training will be provided. Please contact the Church Office, 402-339-3668, or email
Dan Colwell,, if you’re interested.
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
                                 LCMS Stewardship Ministry
                                            March 2021
Hudson Taylor, a Nineteenth Century British missionary to China, is reported to have said,
“God’s work, done in God’s way, will not lack God’s supply.” To know God’s way, we need to
know His Holy Word. Or to say it another way: you need to know your Bible.

St. Paul, before he spends two chapters on giving, wrote that every thought is to be taken captive
to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Doctrine matters. And doctrine matters because the
Scriptures matter. And the Scriptures matter because this is where we learn the teaching of
Christ. Our thoughts must be brought into line with the teaching of Scripture so that our work is
what God wants done and so that we do this work in His way.

A good tree bears good fruit. A bad tree bears bad fruit. We have been made good trees in holy
baptism. We are fertilized and pruned for bearing good fruit by constantly hearing God’s Word
preached and taught in sermon and Bible Class and in receiving the life-giving, faith-sustaining
food of the Lord’s Supper. Remember your doctrine, hold on to the Lord’s teaching, and your
thoughts will be taken captive to the obedience of Christ.

Bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ is recognizing that God does provide.
The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to pray for daily bread. Praying this day in and day out reminds us
that the Lord is the giver of our daily bread, and that we are to gives thanks for His daily
provision of it. God is rarely early and never late in His work, as Abraham learned on the mount
of the Lord it will be provided. The Lord’s generosity forms our generosity in return.

Thus, we set aside for the work of God a generous, first-fruits, proportion of the daily bread that
God has given to us. This act of trust in the Lord’s provision is the working out of our faith in
Him. When budgetary discussions pop up our natural reaction is to point fingers. But remember
your doctrine, and what your mother taught about pointing fingers. Our first natural reaction is
not always right. In fact, when our thoughts are brought into captivity of Christ, our first reaction
should be repentance. It should raise questions in our own lives. As good trees in Christ who are
to bear good fruit, we should ask whether our thoughts have been taken captive by obedience to
Christ. Have we given generously? Have we given our first-fruits? You know. And God knows.
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on
behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chron 16:9).

God will provide. He always has and He always will. He gives His meat in due season. He has
not left you as orphans but has grafted you into His own family. You belong to Him. Remember
this, letting this thought dwell in you richly. And you will then be rich toward others.

               The Lutheran Thrift Shop: The items being accepted at the Thrift Shop are listed on the
               Thrift Shop box located in the entryway to the Fellowship Hall by the kitchen. The
               Thrift Shop is located at 720 South 24th Street, Omaha, phone 402-578-5117. Needed:
               Shoes, men’s gloves, coats, socks, underwear and jeans, large backpacks and furniture!
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
Papillion, Nebraska 68046 In God We Trust - Amazon AWS
Christian Passover
   First Lutheran Church
   Youth Ministry

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love…We love because He first loved us.’” – 1 John 4:8, 19
While English limits the concept of love to a simple four-letter word, Greek uses several different terms to describe unique
types of love. In Four Loves, C.S. Lewis describes four words (storge, philia, eros,
agape) that speak of love in various relationships. We experience storge, the love of
affection, in our families, explore attraction, or eros, with romantic partners, and
enjoy philia as the accepting love between friends. While these types of love are
good, they pale when compared to the true love shown to us by God: unconditional
agape love. God is love, and all love flows from the love He first shows us. While the
love between other people is tainted by sin, God’s love remains pure. Though Greek
and English may use different terms to speak of love, simply put, God is love. We
love others first and foremost because He loves us.

– Brady Laib, Director of Christian Education

                           This Month’s Events
   3/3 = FUNDRAISER: Serve Lent Meal from 5:00-7:00 PM
   The Mission Trip Team will serve the first Lenten meal. Students are asked to
   bring a dozen dessert bars to share.

   3/14 = FELLOWSHIP: Youth NERF Wars from 6:00 – 8:00 PM
   Both Confirmation and High School students are encouraged to join in NERF gun
   battles and games throughout the church. Bring a NERF gun if you have one!

   3/17 = SERVE: Spring Cleaning from 6:00 – 6:45 PM
   High School Youth will serve their church with a little bit of spring cleaning
   followed by games.

   3/21 = Mission Trip Meeting #3 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM
   The Mission Trip Team will gather for their third team-building activity and
   discussion about our book Everybody Always.

   3/27 = 8th Grade “Retreat” from 1:00 – 6:00 PM
   8th Grade students will undergo a challenging high ropes course, meet with their
   Faith Sponsors, and enjoy fellowship together.

             First Lutheran Papillion Youth                                                 flcyouthpap
“Together as one body, we will learn God’s Word and its impact in us as we grow
in our Lutheran faith. We will serve God through loving our neighbors. We will
share Christ’s love across generations.” – Youth Ministry Purpose Statement

                        Pictures from Last Month

                               Youth Late Night!
                             Egg My Yard Fundraiser               Upcoming
                            Beginning in March, families   BreakfastEvents…
                                                                     Prep/Egg My
                             can sign-up to have youth       Life-sized CLUE
                            hide eggs in their yards for     August
                                                           Apr. 3rd 1 = 6:00–7:30 PM
                                  Easter morning.            PapioBreakfast
                                                           Easter   Fun Park
                                                           Apr.      8th7:00
                                                                4 from   = 6:00–8:00  PM
                                                                             – 10:30 AM
                                                             Pizza Party
                                                           Mission   Trip Meeting #4
                                                           Apr.   th  15th =1:00-2:00
                                                                18 from       6:00–7:30
  Mission Trip 2021
Green Bay, Wisconsin                                         Rally Feud
                                                           Family  Sunday
                                                           Apr.      26th 6:00-7:30 PM
                                                                25th from
   June 19-27, 2021                                          ConfirmationCelebration
                                                           Apr.   th
                                                                     29 =6:00-7:30
                                                                28 from   6:00–7:30PMPM                            402-339-3668
Sunday                           Monday                   Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday                   Friday                 Saturday
                                           1                       2                      3                         4                        5                         6
                                                                                                                    9 – Handbells
                                                                                          5:15 – Lenten meal        10 - Handbells                                     1:30 – Mann Memorial
                                                                                          6 – Youth Night                                                              Service
                                                                                          6:00 – Midweek &                                                             Luncheon in Fellowship
                                                                                          Confirmation Classes      7 – Handbells            4 – William Mann          Hall following service
                                                                                          7 – Lenten Worship        7 - ZOOM                 visitation at church
                                                                                          7:45 – Choir Rehearsal                                                       5:30 pm-Worship
7 Third Sunday in Lent                     8                       9                      10                        11                       12                        13
8 & 10:30 - Communion Worship                                                                                       9 – Handbells                                      1 – Fellowship Hall
9:15-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class                                                  5:15 – Lenten Meal        10 - Handbells                                     reserved for Jourdan
9:15 – New Member Class begins             7 – Men’s Bible Study   7 – Board of Elders    6 – Youth Night                                                              birthday party
                                                                   7 – Board of Finance   6:00 – Midweek-&
                                                                                          Confirmation Classes      7 – Handbells
                                                                                          7 – Lenten Worship        7 - ZOOM                                           5:30 pm-Worship
                                                                                          7:45 – Choir Rehearsal
14 Fourth Sunday in Lent                   15                      16                     17                        18                       19                        20
        Daylight Savings Time Begins
                                                                                                                    9 – Handbells
8 & 10:30 – Worship & Holy Communion                                                                                10 - Handbells                                     1 – Fellowship Hall
9:15-Sunday School & Adult Bible Class                                                    5:15 – Lenten Meal                                                           reserved for Hart baby
9:15 – New Member Class                                                                   6 – Youth Night                                                              shower
                                                                   7-Board of Directors
                                                                                          7 – Lenten Worship        7 – Handbells
                                                                                          7:45– Choir Rehearsal     7 - ZOOM                                           5:30 pm-Worship
21 Fifth Sunday in Lent                    22                      23                     24                        25                       26                        27
                                                                                                                    9 – Handbells
8 & 10:30 - Communion Worship              BUTTERFLY Deadline                                                       10 - Handbells                                     1 – 6 pm – 8th Grade
9:15-Sunday School & Adult Bible Class                                                                                                                                 Retreat
9:15 - New member Reception                                                               5:15 – Lenten Meal
1 – Mission Trip Meeting #3                                                               6 – Youth Night
                                                                                          6:00 – Midweek- &         7 – Handbells                                      5:30 pm-Worship
                                           7 – Men’s Bible Study                          Confirmation Classes      7 - ZOOM
                                                                                          7:45 – Choir Rehearsal
28 Palm Sunday                             29                      30                     31                         Elders: Saturday – Kyle Baaradson (6, 13), Zack Irvine (20)
                                                                                                                                       Terry Krupp (27)
8:00 & 10:30 - Communion Worship                                                                                        Sunday: 8:00 am – Eric Grelson (7, 21), Joe Griffith (14)
9:15-Sunday School & Adult Bible Class                                                                                                     Doug Krause (28)
9:15 – New Member Class                                                                       SEDER MEAL                       10:30 am – Aaron Caughey (7), Mark Lohmeyer (14),
                                                                                                   6 pm                                     Dale Seiber (21), Zack Irvine (28)
6:30 – First Communion Class                                                              (Reservations required)
                                                                                                                     Altar Guild: Josie Washburn, Christina Washburn, Angie Miller
                                                                                                                                   Jen Rench, Karen Baardson, Ruth Benson
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