The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert

Page created by Frances Greene
The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert

The Measure of My Days
     Virtual Concert
        Summer 2021
The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
convivium musicum
                       Michael Barrett, music director

 The Measure of My Days
                              — program —

Audi, o Domine, meum clamorem                             Giovanni Croce

Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam                              Giovanni Gabrieli

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine                        Josquin des Prez

Unser Leben währet siebnzig Jahr                Johann Hermann Schein
                                                          (1586 - 1630)

Lehre uns bedencken                                                Schein

Tu as esté, Seigneur, nostre retraicte         Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
                                                             (1562 - 1621)

Domine, exaudi orationem meam                             Orlandus Lassus
(selected verses)                                           (1530/2-1594)

The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 6 pm
  The Measure of My Days: A Virtual Concert

Convivium Musicum:
  Soprano: Jaime Riggs, Kristina Jackson, Sarah Spinella, Katie Yosua^
 Alto: Deanna Biddy, Sarah Gore, Dylan Hillerbrand,
     Anne Kazlauskas, Ruthie Miller, Monika Otter
  Tenor: Ron Lacro, Andrej Savol, Dan Schenk, Josh Smith
  Bass: Christopher Chase, Michael Dettelbach,
     Saul Frankford, John Nesby
  ^assistant conductor

Board of Directors:
  Sarah Spinella, President; Ruthie Miller, Treasurer; Gabriel Ellsworth, Clerk;
  Michael Barrett, Music Director; Michael Dettelbach, Dylan Hillerbrand
  Ron Lacro, Anne Matthews, Dan Schenk, Katie Yosua

Special thanks to our sponsors for this virtual concert
   Michael Barrett, Ron Lacro and John Shum, Michael McDonald, and John A. Carey

for more information
   web: · phone: 617-320-7445 · email:
The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Texts & Translations
    Francesco Bembo’s paraphrase of
     Psalm 102 (101 Vulgate)

    Audi, o Domine, meum clamorem,          Hear, o Lord, my cry,
    faciem tuam a me ne absconde,           and do not hide your face from me.
    namque ut fumus sunt dies mei,          For like smoke are my days.
    cor meum ad te, aures tuas a me cur     Why would you turn my heart
      vertis?                                towards you, but turn your ears away
                                             from me?

    Amicus nullus est qui me non neget,     There is no friend who does not
                                              disown me.
    pro panibus in cinere me pavi & fletu   I have fed on ashes instead of bread,
     multo,                                   and much weeping,
    nec tamen latui ab ira tua,             and yet have not been able to hide
                                              from your ire.
    cur denuo non precer?                   Why should I not pray to you again?

    Ergo Deus, ad quem omnes gentes         Therefore, O God, to whom all
     confugiunt,                             peoples flee,
    & reges se demittunt,                   before whom kings have humbled
    qui meritis tuis se frui norunt.        knowing that they were benefiting
                                             from your kindness.
    Ah ne me deferas, tu es defensor &      Oh do not take me away from what
      Dominus,                               you have created.
    rei abs te creatae,                     You are my defender and my Lord,
    atque semper eris in omne aevum.        and will always be so for all ages.

    Psalm 86 (85 Vulgate):1-2.
    Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam et          Incline thine ear, O Lord,
     exaudi me, quoniam inops et pauper     and hear me, for I am needy and poor.
     sum ego.
    Custodi animam meam, quoniam            Preserve my soul, for I am holy; save
     sanctus sum; salvum fac servum          thy servant, o my God, who trusts
     tuum, Deus meus, speramus in te.        in thee.

The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Psalm 130, Vulgate 129
    De profundis clamavi ad te,                 Out of the depths have I cried to thee,
      Domine;                                     O Lord.
    Domine, exaudi vocem meam.                  Lord hear my voice.
     Fiant aures tuae intendentes in            Let thy ears be attentive to the voice
      vocem deprecationis meae.                   of my supplication.
    Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine,        If thou, O Lord, will mark iniquities:
      Domine, quis sustinebit?                    Lord, who shall stand it.
    Quia apud te propitiatio est;               For with thee there is merciful
    et propter legem tuam sustinui te,          and by reason of thy law, I have waited
      Domine.                                     for thee, O Lord.
     Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus:         My soul hath relied on his word.
    speravit anima mea in Domino.               My Soul hath hoped in the Lord.
    A custodia matutina usque ad noctem,        From the morning watch even until
     speret Israël in Domino.                   let Israel hope in the Lord.
    Quia apud Dominum misericordia, et          Because with the Lord there is mercy,
      copiosa apud eum redemptio.               and with him plentiful redemption.
    Et ipse redimet Israël ex omnibus           And he shall redeem Israel from all its
      iniquitatibus ejus.                         iniquities.
    Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto,   Glory be to the Father and to the Son,
                                                  and to the Holy Spirit.
    Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et         As it was in the beginning, is now and
      semper,                                     ever shall be,
    Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.             world without end. Amen.

    Psalm 90:10 (Luther translation)
    Unser Leben währet siebnzig                 Our life lasts seventy years,
    Und wenn es hoch kömmpt so sinds            and at most eighty years.
     achtzig Jahr,
    Und wenn es köstlich gewesen ist,           And if it has been delightful,
    So ist es Müh’ und Arbeit gewesen.          it has been sorrow and toil.
    Denn es fehret schnell dahin als            For it passes swiftly, as if we were
     flögen wir davon.                            flying away.

The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Psalm 90:12-14
    Lehre uns bedenken,                        Teach us to consider
    Daß wir sterben müssen,                    That we must die,
    Auf daß wir klug werden.                   so that we may become prudent.
    Herr, kehre dich doch wieder zu uns,       Lord, turn to us again
    Und sey deinen Knechten genädig.           and be merciful to your servants.
    Fülle uns früh mit deiner Gnade.           Fill us in the morning with your grace,
    So wollen wir rühmen und fröhlich          and we shall give praise and be merry
    Unser Leben lang.                          all our lives long.

    Psalm 90:1-2 (paraphrase by
     Clément Marot)
    Tu as esté, Seigneur, nostre               You, Lord, have been our retreat
    Et seur recours de lignee en lignee:       and secure refuge from generation to
    Mesmes devant nulle montagne nee,          Even before any mountain was born
    Et que le monde et la terre fust faicte,   and before the world and the earth
                                                were made,
    Tu estois Dieu desia comme tu es,          you already were God as you are now,
    Et comme aussi tu seras à jamais.          and as you will be for ever.

    Psalm 102 (101 Vulgate): 2-3, 9,
       13-14, 19-23
    Domine, exaudi orationem meam,             Hear, o Lord, my prayer,
      et clamor meus ad te veniat.             and let my cry come to thee.
    Non avertas faciem tuam a me:              Turn not away thy face from me;
      in quacumque die tribulor, inclina ad    when I am in trouble, incline thy ear
       me aurem tuam;                           to me.
      in quacumque die invocavero te,          What day soever I shall call upon thee,
       velociter exaudi me.                     hear me speedily.
    Tota die exprobrabant mihi inimici mei,    All day long my enemies reproached
      et qui laudabant me adversum me          and they that praised me did swear
       jurabant:                                against me.
    Tu autem, Domine, in aeternum              But thou, O Lord, endurest forever;

The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
et memoriale tuum in generationem              and thy memorial to all generations.
      et generationem.
    Tu exsurgens misereberis Sion,                  Thou shalt arise and have mercy on
      quia tempus miserendi ejus, quia              for it is time to have mercy on her, for
       venit tempus:                                  the time is come.
    Scribantur haec in generatione altera,          Let these things be written unto
                                                      another generation,
     et populus qui creabitur laudabit              and the people that shall be created
      Dominum.                                        shall praise the Lord
    Quia prospexit de excelso sancto suo;           Because he hath looked forth from his
                                                      high sanctuary;
     Dominus de caelo in terram aspexit:            from heaven the Lord hath looked
                                                      upon the earth
    ut audiret gemitus compeditorum;                That he might hear the groans of them
                                                      that are in fetters:
     ut solveret filios interemptorum:              that he might release the children of
                                                      the slain:
    ut annuntient in Sion nomen Domini,             That they may declare the name of the
                                                      Lord in Sion
    et laudem ejus in Jerusalem:                    and his praise in Jerusalem
    in conveniendo populos in unum,                 when the people assemble together,
      et reges, ut serviant Domino.                 and kings, to serve the lord.
    Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto,       Glory be to the Father, and to the
                                                      Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
    Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et             as it was in the beginning, is now, and
      semper,                                         ever shall be,
    Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.                 World without end. Amen


The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Current Donations During the 2020-2021 Season
Thanks to Michael Barrett, Ron Lacro, and Michael Dettelbach for spearheading the tech-
nologies that have allowed us to present to you virtually this season. We are grateful to
Harvard-Epworth Church and John Nesby for hosting our recording session. Special thanks
to Cole Barbour for his fantastic recordings, and to Sarah Spinella for the extraordinary video
editing work that made this presentation possible. Many thanks to those who have continued
to help us fulfill our financial obligations during this second year of the pandemic. We are
immensely grateful that we have been able to continue making music in any form, and know
that it is completely due to your generosity. Our heartfelt thanks to our family of donors.

Convivium Musicum is a non-profit organization largely supported by membership
dues and tax-deductible donations. Please join us in our effort to bring this beautiful
music to all by considering a donation this season. Many thanks!

Guarantor                                       Evan Ingersoll
John A. Carey                                   Cynthia Lacro
Ron Lacro and Jon Schum                         Joan Logan
Michael McDonald                                Charlene and Ron Nilson
Anne Matthews and Edward Fay, Jr.               Jaime Riggs
Ruthie Miller                                   Sarah Riskind
Sarah Spinella                                  Irving Rockwood
Ruth S. Westheimer                              Joseph Spector
                                                Kathleen Spinella
                                                Fred and Dianne Yosua
Robert Henry
Richard Tarrant                                 Sponsor
                                                David Bryant
                                                Roger Cleghorn and Lise Foss
Grand Patron                                    Martha Davidson
Rebecca and Thom Barrett                        Ellen and Gary Fox
Robert Cochran                                  Polly and Jameson Marvin
Luther and Iris Miller                          Scott Metcalfe
Holly Rothermel and Michael Dettelbach          Dennis and Anne Moore
                                                Cheryl Ryder
                                                Michal Truelsen and Jody Wormhoudt
David Knudsen
Monika Otter                                    Friend
Andrew Sigel                                    John Becker
John Stewart and Susan McGee                    Evan Boudreau
Robert B. Strassler                             Ellen Browning
                                                Marianne Duddy-Burke
                                                Jane Mead
Benefactor                                      Michael Wark
Karen and Steve Bernacki
Marissa Coutts
Sheila Donahue                                  List updated July 2021
The Measure of My Days - CONVIVIUM MUSICUM - Virtual Concert
Fall 2018
A Cappella Singers,      Kings Chapel Concert Series,   A
Andover Choral Society,    Koleinu, Boston’s Jewish Community Chorus           A
Arlington-Belmont Chorale,                              A
Back Bay Chorale,                      Labyrinth Choir,            B
Belmont Open Sings,                                  Lexington Pops Chorus,                              B         
Boston Cecilia,                Master Singers of Lexington,                        B
Boston Choral Ensemble,                           B
Boston Gay Men's Chorus,                Masterworks Chorale,     B
Boston Saengerfest Men's Chorus,     Meridian Singers,             B
Braintree Choral Society,                            Metropolitan Chorale,   B
          Mishawum Choral Society,
Brookline A Cappella,     MIT Women's Chorale,                                B
Cambridge Chamber Singers,                              C
            Mudville Madrigal Singers
Cambridge Community Chorus,                                C
                    Musica Sacra,
Cantata Singers,              Mystic Chorale,               C
Cantemus,                           Nashoba Valley Chorale,      C
Cantilena - a woman's chorale,     Neponset Choral Society, Inc.,    C
Cappella Clausura,                  New England Classical Singers,                      C
Charles River Chorale                   C
Choral Art Society of the South Shore,               New World Chorale,          C
                   Newton Community Chorus,
Chorus North Shore,                      C
Chorus pro Musica,           Night Song                            C
CircleSinging Boston,                                Oriana Consort,            C
       Persephone's Daughters,
Commonwealth Chorale,                                              C
                    Pilgrim Festival Chorus,
Concord Chorus,                             C
Concord Women's Chorus,                              Polymnia Choral Society,           C
                Quincy Choral Society,
Coolidge Corner Community Chorus,                    Reading Community Singers,                          C
Coro Allegro,                    Seraphim Singers,           C
Coro Dante,        Sharing A New Song,              C
Dedham Choral Society,          Somerville Community Chorus,                        D
Exsultet!                                              E
First Unitarian Society in Newton,          Sounds of Stow Chorus & Orchestra,                  F
Golden Tones,                                              G
Greater Boston Intergenerational Chorus,             Spectrum Singers,           G
                       Tremble Clefs,
Halalisa Singers,                   Vocal Revolution,               H
Harvard Choruses,    Voices Rising,                 H
Harvard pro Musica,         Wellesley Choral Society,                           H
Highland Glee Club,                     H
In Choro Novo,                   Westford Chorus,             In
Jameson Singers,              Zamir Chorale of Boston,              J

Convivium Musicum is a member of the Greater Boston Choral Consortium, a cooperative association of
diverse choral groups in Boston and the surrounding areas.
About the Artists
Founded and run by its singers, Convivium Musicum has been dedicated to
concerts of uplifting beauty since 1987. Praised in The Boston Musical Intelligencer
for our “radiant and full sound ... complete interpretive assurance and a palpable
sense of dedication to this music,” Convivium is known for performances of
Renaissance choral music that shimmer with precision, fine intonation, rhyth-
mic accuracy, and lively attention to text. Over three decades we have offered
rarely-heard gems alongside stirring masterworks, and we have collaborated with
the Boston Camerata, the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras, The Cape Cod
Symphony Orchestra, and the Viola da Gamba Society of New England. The
2017-2018 season saw Convivium undertake our first international tour, singing
concerts in Boston and Montreal in a collaboration with Montreal’s Ensemble
Bellechose. As we enter our thirteenth season with Music Director Michael Bar-
rett, our programs continue to be informed by careful research and scholarship,
and our performances devoted to bringing to life the complex and profound
emotional texture of this repertoire. Early Music America has acclaimed our per-
formance as “the kind of transforming experience that concert junkies are always
seeking.” This is what Convivium strives for in every concert program.

Music Director Michael Barrett is a Boston-based conductor, singer, multi-
instrumentalist, and teacher. He has performed with many professional early
music ensembles, including Blue Heron, the Boston Camerata, the Huelgas En-
semble, Vox Luminis, the Handel & Haydn Society, Nederlandse Bachvereniging
(Netherlands Bach Society), Seven Times Salt, Schola Cantorum of Boston, and
Nota Bene.

Michael serves as music director of The Boston Cecilia, Convivium Musicum,
and the MIT Meridian Singers. He is also an Assistant Professor at the Berklee
College of Music, where he teaches courses in conducting and European music
history. Michael holds degrees in music (AB, Harvard University), voice (First
Phase Diploma, Royal Conservatory in The Hague, The Netherlands), and cho-
ral conducting (MM, Indiana University; DMA, Boston University).

Assistant Conductor Katherine Yosua is a Brookline-based church musician.
This season is her tenth as a singer with Convivium Musicum and her third as its
assistant conductor. She holds a Master of Sacred Music from Boston University,
where she studied organ with Peter Sykes, and a Bachelor of Arts in Music from
Williams College, where she studied voice with Kerry Ryer-Parke and choral
conducting with Brad Wells. She is currently the Music Director of Green Street
Baptist Church in Melrose, Massachusetts.

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