St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church

St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church
6481 Faussett Road      Founded 1843
Howell, Michigan       (517) 546-9807
 Sunday January 17, 2021

                           Cover Art
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Date                                    Time      Intention                                                    Req'ed by
   Saturday, January 16, 2021                        Insert
                                                      5:00  Mass  intentions
                                                              Julie Trzcinski here                                    Pat & Karen Schroeder
    Sunday, January 17, 2021                           8:00            Jeanne Lanigan                                 Dennis & Judy Donovan
                                                                 No Mass Monday & Tuesday
   Sunday, January 17, 2021                           10:30            Claude Centers                                     K of C 13450
 Wednesday, January 20, 2021                           8:30           Bill Schauwecker                                 Conrad & Bea Niester
 Thursday, January 21, 2021                            8:30          Madison Wegener                                    Teresa McDaniels
   Friday, January 22, 2021                            8:30            Fr Louis Madey
  Saturday, January 23, 2021                           5:00              Larry Gagne                                   Pat & Karen Schroeder
   Sunday, January 24, 2021                           8:00        For the people of the parish
   Sunday, January 24, 2021                           10:30           Michelle Szafran                                   Ernie & Gina Good

Bishop Boyea has dispensed the obligation of Sunday Mass            Online & Television Mass for Sunday, January 17, 2021 and beyond
for all Catholics in the Diocese of Lansing through February 16, and online spiritual resources
2021 “The faithful are reminded that while the Sunday obligation          EWTN has daily and weekend Mass on television—
to attend Mass is dispensed, all are nevertheless obligated to keep                check your cable/satellite listings.
the Lord’s day holy. It is especially recommended to engage in       As you aim to keep your household safe, please know that your
prayer, either personally or as a family.“                                  company is missed around our eucharistic table.

     January 23 - January 24                                 Server                                Lector
                                                                                                                            Please note that while the ministry
                                                        Rose Gillman                           Evelyn Allen                 scheduler app has names listed
         Saturday 5:00 PM                               John Gillman                           Dave Martens                 for all roles we will not need
                                                     Scott Hall (sub req.)                                                  Eucharistic Ministers at this time.
                                                         Jacob Nester                            Tom Rey                    If you or anyone in your home is
          Sunday 8:00 AM                                Keegan Sergent                        Karen Trzcinski               ill, please do not attend, even to
                                                         Jesse Sergent                                                      fulfill your assignment.
                                                       Vivian Gerwolls                           Bill Barz
         Sunday 10:30 AM                                Blake Myers                             Bill Reichert
                                                       Clayton Myers

                                   Parish Directory                                    WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES
                                                                                       Readings for the week of January 17, 2021
Fr Gregg A Pleiness ...................................................Pastor
                                                                                       Sunday:          1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/ 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/
Parish House.................................................... 810-750-0354                           Jn 1:35-42
  8011 Faussett Rd, Fenton, MI 48430                                                   Monday:          Heb 5:1-10/ Mk 2:18-22
Parish Office ................................................... 517-546-9807         Tuesday:         Heb 6:10-20/ Mk 2:23-28         Wednesday:       Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/ Mk 3:1-6
Deacon Bill Sirl .............................................. 810-750-2669           Thursday:        Heb 7:25—8:6/ Mk 3:7-12
Deacon Jeff Southerland ............................... 810-730-9444                   Friday:          Heb 8:6-13/ Mk 3:13-19
   ............................................................     Saturday:        Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/ Mk 3:20-21
Family Faith Formation                                                                 Next Sunday:     Jon 3:1-5, 10/ 1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
Shannon Scherba                           Observances for the week of January 17, 2021
  Pastoral Associate........................................ 810-588-7665              Sunday:          2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tim Asher.................................                   Monday:          January 18-25 is the Week of Prayer for
  Coordinator of Youth Ministries                                                                       Christian Unity; Martin Luther King Day
Robert Kehn .................................................... 517-546-9807          Tuesday:
  Bookkeeper...............                           Wednesday:       St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr; St. Sebastian,
Carole May                                                                                              Martyr
  Bulletin Editor                      Thursday:        St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Christinna Masters RN, MSN, FP-C ................ 517-545-4902                         Friday:          Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of
  Parish Health Ministry                                                                                Unborn Children
St. Vincent de Paul .......................................... 810-220-9741            Saturday:        St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr; St. Marianne
Martha Ministry.....................................................................                    Cope, Virgin; BVM
   ............................                   Next Sunday:     3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time         ©LPi

Confession: Saturday 4:00 pm                                                                                  Our Parish Support
   and Upon Request
Baptism: Call Parish House
                                                                                       Adult Envelopes (74) ................................... $4532.00
Anointing of the Sick: As Requested                                                    Electronic Giving (73) .................................. $4618.00
Marriage: Call Parish House For                                                        Loose Collection ............................................ $156.00
   Preparation Before Setting a Firm Date
AA meets Sundays 7:00 pm                                                               Total ............................................................. $9306.00
                                                                                       St. Vincent de Paul (22) ............................... $1747.00
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
From the Pastor                                                         Sunday, January 17, 2021
                                                                 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B
    Men’s retreat next weekend. Let’s keep them in our
prayers.                                                                           Gospel Reading
    Family Faith Formation resumes today.                                          John 1:35–42
    Note in bulletin today a message from the Bishops
                                                              John the Baptist recognizes Jesus as the Lamb of God, and
of Michigan regarding our moral responsibility and the                    Jesus receives his first followers.
Covid-19 vaccine. Apparently some are being
constructed from fetal tissues. Unless that vaccine is the     Although the liturgical season of Ordinary Time begins this
only one available, we are asked to select one of the          week, today’s reading continues with the celebration of the
vaccines that didn’t rely on abortions.                            Baptism of the Lord, which concludes the Christmas
                                                              season. Today’s reading from the Gospel according to John
    TV stated that the vaccine would begin to be                 immediately follows John the Baptist's testimony about
administered to ordinary people this Monday. But I             Jesus and his identification of Jesus as the Lamb of God.
called the pharmacy and they told me                             Having been baptized by John, Jesus begins to gather
that they are not expecting the vaccine                        followers. The first followers sought out Jesus because of
until June/July. What can you do...                                  the testimony and witness of John the Baptist.

                 ST. VINCENT de PAUL CONFERENCE                                Next Membership Meeting
                     In the Gospel Jesus asks "What are                       Wednesday, February 10, 7pm
               you looking for?" Often, we are looking for
               happiness in very selfish ways, but we find               December Knight of the month: Jon Bokuniewicz
                                                                                   December Family of the month:
 that when we look for ways to make others happy, it is                             Chuck & Kathy Fick
   then that we truly become happy. As you make your             If you want to find new ways to help this parish and our
                                                                            community, please consider joining
              gift to St. Augustine Society of                                   the Knights of Columbus.
  St. Vincent de Paul, know that you are a sign of God's          For information on becoming a Knight please contact
    love to those who are suffering, and you give them                                    Larry Quinn
                                                                                    Membership Director
               reason to believe and to trust.                       
      Our next meeting is Thursday Jan 21 at 7 PM.                                    C:. (989) 859 5997
                                                                                     H:. (517) 518 8973
To our St. Augustine Family/Parishioners: During                                    Check us out online:
this Covid 19 Pandemic your St. Vincent de Paul is          
here to assist you! If you have loss of income or                    
any other need we are here to help you. All calls/                   Twitter: @KofC13450         Instagram: KofC13450
information from you will be kept confidential.
Call Deacon Bill/Pat Sirl (810 750-2669) for our
SVDP care, support and love.

                            January 22, 2021                 Monday January 18
                                                                  6:30pm                      WWP
                                                                  7:00pm                      Troop 381 Meeting
                                                                  7:00pm                      Needleworkers
                                                             Wednesday January 20
                                                                    6:30pm                    Parish Rosary via Zoom
                                                             Thursday January 21
                                                                    7:00pm                    SVdP
                                                             Friday January 22
                                                                    6:00pm                    MS/HS Youth Night
                                                                                              Men's Retreat
                                                             Saturday January 23
                                                                                              Men’s Retreat
                                                                    7:30am                    Men’s Fellowship
                                                                    2:30pm                    Reconciliation Prep # 2
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
                     Aaron Denison E1 USA
                   Carolyn Kehn, 1LT, USA
                   Adrian Roedel SrA USAF
                  Mark Lepczyk CPT USAF                               54 Years Roy & Grace Gramer Jan 21
               Nicklas Ramljak, CPL USMC
                                                                      47 Years Joseph & Toni Asher Jan 18
            Anthony J. Diamond ITS3, USN
         Joshua Scheib, MM(SW/AW), USN                             36 Years Timothy & Christine Roche Jan 19
       Benjamin Kehn BM1 (SW/AW), USN                             Please join our St. Augustine Parish Community
             Jonathan Horwath, CTR1, USN                                   and Catholics nationwide in the
                 Terry McGowan, SGT USA                                      Nine Days for Life Novena
                  Brian Murphy, CS1 USCG
                   Mitchell Adams SN USN
                  Thomas Barz, A1C, USAF
               Nikolas Masters, PFC USMC
               Please call or email the office if there are any
               additions or corrections for our service members

           PRAY FOR OUR SICK:
Terrence Brown, Brian Carless, Cathy Diamond,
Jacob Hutton, Kelsi Spurlin, Stephanie Taylor,
Dolores Tuccini, Dolores Dunk,
Judy Dow, Gregory Salinas,
LuAnn Burgett, Lareina
DePalma, Barbara Clinsmith,
Julie Trombley, Karen Schroeder,
Wendy Spurlin, Jason Raines

17 Stephanie Taylor
18 Lorraine Dodds, Christopher Anderson,
   Jennifer Overly, Erin Loomis, Kaitlini Dunn
19 Lisa Dunville, Dana Hawes, Nicholas Errer,
   William Errer
20 Jason Raines
21 Evelyn Allen, Charles Chrispell,
   Charles Fick
22 Morgan Watt
23 Duane Bartlett, Gary L Culicerto
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Family Faith Formation
Our confirmation candidates had their second preparation segment devoted to the Holy Spirit on Friday. The segment was offered in-
person and online. For those that attended in-person we had a bonfire and enjoyed some s’mores outside. Please continue to pray for
our seven candidates and their families as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Fall.

Middle and high school youth nights have started back up in person at St. Augustine. Youth nights are held on the first, second and
fourth Fridays of the month. This past Friday we started with the white elephant gift exchange that had been planned for the youth
Christmas party and rescheduled until our first in-person youth night. After the gift exchange we watched Despicable Me. The next
youth night is Friday, January 22nd from 6 to 8 pm. We will either be having a Super Smash Bros tournament or a Mario Kart
tournament based on popular vote so be sure to come help decide.

  Sharing the Gospel
  Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter. Peter means rock. He
  knew that Peter would be strong enough to hold his church
  together. Pretend that God is changing your name today. God
  might choose a name that says what he wants you to become:
  Patience, Courage, or Honesty. God could choose Bible
  names: Moses, Noah, Mary, or Joseph. Choose a name for
  yourself. God will call you by your new name. He will be
  proud of you.
  Lord, call me by name. I am listening.
  Something to Draw
  Draw Jesus at home giving Simon the new
  name, "Peter."
  Mission for the Week
  I will tell others about how God has been good to me. © LPi

                           COFFEE & DONUTS
                           Sunday, January 31, 2021
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
LCUI is now at a combined total of 1,882 Babies Saved
within the now TWENTY TWO Ultrasound Machines
we have assisted in placing throughout the State of
Michigan through December 2020. We are currently
engaged with TWO additional Pregnancy Resource
Center, Life Choices of Central Michigan (Portable
Unit) and Pregnancy Help Clinic (Flint). None of this
would be possible without your generous donations,
thank you for your continued support.
 Also, during these challenging times please continue to
pray now more than ever knowing and trusting that
God will prevail
Please follow our progress for a complete list of these
Pregnancy Centers at: or at
 LCUI is a 501 C3 Non-Profit Organization.

                                                                                  Virtual Worldwide
                                                                              Marriage Encounter Weekend
           MEN’S FELLOWSHIP                                                 Get your new year off to a great start!
   Please consider joining the men of St. Augustine                        Enrich your marriage and your faith by
                                                            attending a weekend from the comfort of your own home
Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:00am for fellowship,                       Jan. 29-31 or Feb. 12-14, 2021.
       food, inspirational videos, and wonderful                           Apply today at
 conversation (including “guy talk”). Only together        For questions or more info, contact Chris & Darla Vinton at
can men prepare themselves to assume the roles that                               269-953-8287.
  God has created them to fulfill. Together men can
 strengthen each other to be spiritual leaders in their
        homes, the church and throughout their
    communities. As Proverbs 17:27 says, “Iron is
        sharpened by iron; one person sharpens
another.” The meeting takes place back in the youth
room on the comfy sofas or via the Zoom link below
    in the comfort of your own home. Please call
Deacon Jeff at (810) 730-9444 for more information.
Join Zoom Meeting
                                                                      St. Joseph Parish in Howell
                                                                           is accepting applications for a                                       full-time Business Manager.
pwd=Y041VEdTaGIxSWthZzczSGZCODdOQT09                              To read more about the position description, the job
                                                                requirements, and to apply, please visit the Diocese of
Meeting ID: 709 666 002                                                           Lansing website at
Password: 012544
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
                                                             February 5, 2021
                                                              Here at St. Augustine!
                                                    Exposition will be at 9:00 am.
                                                         Live worship music
                                                       during the 6:00pm hour
                                                  Benediction will be at 7:00pm
                              Please sign up in the white binder as we will need
                              each hour covered from 9 am to 7:00 pm. Even if
                              you don’t sign up, ALL are welcome and
                              encouraged to come for any portion of an hour.
                                 Allow yourself time in adoration with our Lord.
                                 You may wish to pray, bring scripture to read, a
                                  journal to write or simply rest in the silence.

                            New to the Parish? Change of Address?
     Make a friend,         Name: ...........................................................
      Be a friend,          Phone:...........................................................
Bring a friend to Church.   Drop in collection basket and we’ll call you.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
December 18, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Peace be with you!

As vaccines for COVID-19 are now becoming available, we wish to address the moral questions that have arisen, insofar as some
vaccines are developed using cell lines that have originated from the tissue taken from babies who were aborted decades ago.
  Abortion is a grave evil, and we must avoid complicity in abortion. Let us also pray for God’s peace, healing, and mercy for all
those who have had abortions.

At the time of this writing, the Food and Drug Administration has given approval for the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine
developed by Pfizer. Two other vaccines, one developed by Moderna and the other developed by AstraZeneca, might also gain FDA
approval. 2

It is morally permissible to receive the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna. Neither of these vaccines have used cell lines
originating in tissue taken from aborted babies in their design, development, and production. However, both the Pfizer and the
Moderna vaccine did use such a cell line in the confirmatory testing. This connection to the abortion is very remote, however, and it
is important to keep in mind that there are varying levels of responsibility. Greater moral responsibility lies with the researchers than
with those who receive the vaccine. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has indicated that it is morally permissible to be
vaccinated if there are no alternatives and there are serious health risks. 3 Such serious health risks are present due to the current

The vaccine developed by AstraZeneca is more morally problematic, however. It did utilize in the design, production, development,
and confirmatory testing a cell line that originated from tissue taken from an aborted baby. This vaccine may be received only if there
are no other alternatives. If one does not have a choice of vaccine and a delay in immunization may bring about serious consequences
for one’s health and the health of others, it would be permissible to accept the AstraZeneca vaccine. It is somewhat similar in produc-
tion to the Rubella vaccine, which the Pontifical Academy of Life indicated could be received for grave reasons and if there are no
other alternatives.4

If one were to choose not to be vaccinated, one would have a moral responsibility to embrace the necessary precautions to avoid
spreading the disease to others.

At this same time, we join our voices to call for the development of vaccines that have no connection to abortion. Our consciences
must not be dulled, nor may we imply in any way that abortion is acceptable.

Let us implore the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that God may bring and end to the pandemic and that all esteem and
respect the dignity of human life

  For more on the morality of COVID-19 vaccines, see the joint statement of the chairmen of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine and Pro-Life Ac-
tivities on which our statement is based: moral-considerations-covid-vaccines (
  For more information about specific vaccines being developed for COVID-19 see this reference chart from the Charlotte Lozier Institute: COVID-
19-Vaccine-Candidates-and-Abortion-Derived-Cell-Lines.pdf (
  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on Certain Bioethical Questions (Dignitas Personae) (2008), nos. 35-36: Instruction Digni-
tas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (
  Pontifical Academy for Life, “”Moral Reflections on Vaccines Prepared from Cells Derived from Aborted Human Foetuses,” (9 June 2005) in
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6:3 (2006): 541-49
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
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