St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -

Page created by Russell Hughes
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
St. Roch Parish
Sister Parish—St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti

         Hand in Hand with Haiti
         in good times and in bad.

      St. Anne’s Church after earthquake on August 14, 2021.
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA        THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            August 29, 2021

                     A Prayer in Time of Pandemic                                      ST. ROCH NOVENA
                  O God, whose Only Begotten
                  Son bore the weight of human suffer-                              Let us all continue to recite the Novena to
                                                                                    St. Roch, the patron saint of those afflicted
                  ing for our salvation, hear the prayers                           with infectious diseases, daily at home with
                  of your Church for our sick brothers                              the following prayers ~
                  and sisters and deliver us from this
                  time of trial open our ears and our                                In the Name of the Father and of
                  hearts to the voice of your Son:                                    the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  Be not afraid, for I am with you always.                                            Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...
  Bless all doctors and nurses, researchers and public
  servants; give us the wisdom to do what is right and                           Litany in Honor of St. Roch
  the faith to endure this hour, that we might gather            God our Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth ...Have mercy on us
  once again to praise your name in the heart of your            Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior…                  Have mercy on us
  Church, delivered from all distress and confident in           Most Holy Spirit of God…                        Have mercy on us
  your mercy.                                                    Holy Mary, Mother of God…                             Pray for us
  Through Christ our Lord. Amen                                  Holy Mary, Mother of the Church…                      Pray for us
                                                                 Holy Mary and all the Saints…                         Pray for us
                                                                 Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven…                           Pray for us
      SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK                            Holy Mary, Patroness of those in danger…              Pray for us

Aug 29—Dt 4:1-2, 6-8, Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27, Mk 7:1-23         Holy Mary, Protectress of our seas and land…          Pray for us
Aug 30—1 Thes 4:13-18, Lk 4:16-30                                Holy Mary, Comfort of the dying and sorrowing…        Pray for us
Aug 31—1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11, Lk 4:31-37                            St. Roch devoted servant of God…                      Pray for us
Sept 1—Col 1:1-8, Lk 4:38-44                                     St. Roch, Patron of those afflicted with
Sept 2—Col 1:9-14, Lk 5:1-11                                                infectious diseases…                       Pray for us
Sept 3—Col 1:15-20, Lk 5:33-39                                   St. Roch, Patron of the poor and hungry…              Pray for us
                                                                 St. Roch, our brother in Christ…                      Pray for us
Sept 4—Col 1:21-23, Lk 6:1-5
                                                                 St. Roch, Healer and caregiver…                       Pray for us
Sept 5—Is 35:4-7a, Jas 2:1-5, Mk 7:31-37
                                                                 St. Roch, our brother in suffering and illness…       Pray for us
                                                                 St. Roch, our advocate in time of pain and
             PARISH DIRECTORY                                              human misery…                               Pray for us
              334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540                     St. Roch, Patron of the addicted…                     Pray for us
                                                                 St. Roch, Patron of the terminally ill…               Pray for us
Rectory Office …………………………..……(508) 987-8987                      St. Roch, Patron of those in jails and prisons…       Pray for us
Fax ……………………………...……..……. (508) 987-8938                         St. Roch, Intercessor for the homeless…               Pray for us
Religious Education Office……………..…….(508) 987-2382               St. Roch, Patron of the afflicted…                    Pray for us
Pastor                                 Rev. Michael J. Roy       St. Roch, Patron of our parish community…             Pray for us
Deacon                              Rev. Mr. Paul Connolly       St Roch, faithful witness to the healing
Director of Religious Education    Mrs. Terry Ann Renaud                  power of God…                                Pray for us
Administrative Assistant (M-TH 9-4)      Mrs. Teri Rawson
Director of Music                       Ms. Anna Pizzolato        Lord God,
St. Vincent de Paul Society.…..………Arlene (508) 987-2813             make me an instrument of your healing;
Cemetery ……..…………..Contact rectory at (508) 987-8987                when I am weak and in pain, help me to rest;
                                                                    when I am anxious, help me to wait;
                                                                    when I am fearful, help me to trust;
                         Mass Schedule                              when I am lonely, help me to love;
                         Sat 4:00 PM                                when I place you apart from me, help me to know you
                                                                       are near.
                     Sun 8:30 & 10:00 AM                            Healing God, grant me not so much to demand every
                     M-W-TH-F 8:30 AM                                  thing from myself as to let others help me;
 The Sunday 10:00 Mass will also be LIVE-Streamed                      nor to expect others to cure me
              on the parish website.                                   as to do my own part toward getting better.
                                                                    Grant me not so much to seek escape, as to face my
                     Office Hours                                      self and learn the depths of your love.
            Monday-Thursday 9 am—4 pm                               For it is in being uncertain and not in control that we
                                                                       find true faith; in knowing the limits of mind and body that
WEBSITE:                                              we find wholeness of spirit; and in passing through death
EMAILS:                                                                that we find life that lasts forever.
Teri Rawson—Rectory Office:                 We ask this, through the intercession of our patron,
Terry Renaud—Rel. Ed. Office:                   St. Roch and your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA            THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                           August 29, 2021

                           Mass Intentions for the Week
 Saturday, Aug 28           4:00 pm         Fr. Gulber Brutus and the People of St. Anne’s in Chardonnieres, Haiti
 Sunday, Aug 29             8:30 am         Raymond Reynolds by the family
                           10:00 am         Barbara Wyman by Ed & Terry Ann Renaud
 Monday, Aug 30             8:30 am         James W. Powers by the family
 Tuesday, Aug 31            8:30 am         No Mass
 Wednesday, Sept 1          8:30 am         Vernon L. Laverdure by Paula Miner & Ken Mills
 Thursday, Sept 2           8:30 am         For those struggling with cancer
 Friday, Sept 3             8:30 am         No Intention
 Saturday, Sept 4           4:00 pm         No Intention
 Sunday, Sept 5             8:30 am         Henry Smolenski (24th Anniversary) by wife Frances
                           10:00 am         No Intention

                       The 2021 Worcester Catholic                       Your Sacrificial Offering             AUG 21 & 22
                          Women's Conference
                          September 11th, 2021,                          Offertory Envelopes                         2,502.00
                      at St. Joseph School in Webster, MA                Online Giving                                195.00
                         Other sources of income                       486.00
                  Theme—“Joan Up with the Armor of God"                  Total                                       3,183.00
                     SCHEDULE September 11, 2021                         Weekly Goal                                 5,872.00
7:00 AM - Registration/Coffee & Pastries/Exhibitors                      Result             Thank you!          -    2,689.00
8:30 AM - Music Program and Rosary
                                                                                        Online Giving Available
9:00 AM - Sr. Deirdre Byrne                                                    on our website
10:00 AM - Break/Coffee/Exhibitors
10:30 AM - Fr. David Gunter
12:00 PM - Lunch/Exhibitors/Confessions                                                All parishes in the Diocese of Worcester
2:00 PM - Jesse Romero                                                                 will be taking up a second collection this
3:00 PM - Mary Rice Hasson                                                             weekend, Aug 28 & 29 for disaster
4:00 PM - Brown Scapular Enrollment                                     assistance for the Diocese of Les Cayes, Haiti. St. Roch’s
5:00 PM - Holy Sacrifice of the Mass St. Joseph Basilica                donations will exclusively benefit our sister parish.
Registration forms also available at the entrances to the church.
                                                                        St. Anne’s of Chardonnieres, our sister parish,
                    AMERICAN CHOP SUEY                                  is among those that were directly affected by
                                                                        the recent 7.2 earthquake. Please be as generous
              may be dropped off in the church kitchen on               as you can and continue to pray for all those in
              Monday, September 13th before 3:00 PM.                    Haiti.
                                Thank you!

                                                                                                      Kathy Perry, Al Sinkis,
                                                                                                     Andrew Rivers, Raymond Joseph,
                                                                        Craig Ladd, Chloe Barbara Jones, Roseanne Ferlito, John
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Tuesday,                   Barton, Carol Violette, John & Bev Makowski, Dale Mahota,
September 7th at 6:00 PM in the chur ch hall.                           Liz Iandolli, Stephen Rice, Maddy Desrosier, Phyllis Day,
                                                                        John Hickman, Timothy Bowes, Anita Prunier, Judy Rodier,
            OXFORD ECUMENICAL FOOD SHELF                                Roger St. George, Ed Carpenter, James Sumerlin, Francis
           Open on Thursdays from 4:15-6:45. A sign up                  DeSimone, Robert & Beverly Burns, Dawn Hoeg, Sean
           sheet is available in the front of the church.               Bushey, Richard Fleming, Noelle Silverstein, Edward
           The volunteer coordinator will contact you to                Wissell, Eric Lambert, James Quaiel, Yvonne Mathurin,
           set up the date that you can volunteer. Please               Deborah Mancini, Susan Gallant, Doris Prouty, Maureen
note the new time to volunteer. Face masks are required.
Thank you for your support of the Oxford Food Shelf.                    Germain, Dave Boucher, Daniel Ivascyn, Barbara Quaiel,
                                                                        Pamela Rossley, Gary Ryan, Kathy B., Anne Englehard,
                                         Karen Cowperthwaite, Jon Moore, Dave Shuster, Floyd
 FORMED                             Easy and Free!
                                                                        Supernault, B.J. Lapierre, Barbara Wessell, Cameron
                                                                        Michael Sweeney, Dawn Clarkson.
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA        THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                       August 29, 2021

My Dear Parishioners,

              This is the Lord’s Day assembly when we have the opportunity to stand in solidarity with the parishioners
of our sister parish, St. Anne’s in Chardonnieres. The pictures in last week’s bulletin tell the tragic truth of the conse-
quences of the earthquake that leveled their church and left many of them without a safe place to live. Our Bishop has
allowed us to designate all the money collected here at St. Roch’s to go directly to Fr. Gulber Brutus and the people of
St. Anne’s. A collection for the Diocese of Les Cayes is being taken up in all the parishes of the Worcester Diocese.

               While they are facing the daunting task of rebuilding their church, I trust that Fr Brutus will also use some
of the funds to meet the crushing immediate needs of the families and children in Chardonnieres and the chapels in some
of the smaller villages. The good Lord would want them to have a roof over their heads and not all of the resources spent
on the roof of the church. How discouraging it must be for them considering the church had just been repaired following
hurricane Matthew. The faith of these people is truly remarkable and this faith is what they relay upon to help them
cope with such difficult lives. Rebuilding the church building where they can gather to pray together will, I’m sure, be
a priority for them.

              I would like to re-establish an Outreach to Haiti Committee that would help me to organize a way to keep
the lines of communication open with St. Anne’s and perhaps send out a quarterly or bimonthly newsletter to which
would be attached an envelope so we’d have a steady flow of donations and perhaps commit ourselves to a monthly
amount. I just can’t do this on my own, I’ll need volunteers.


          On another subject closer to home and while not as urgent as the situation in Haiti, it is one close to my heart.
The Serra Club of Southern Worcester County is being re-established. During the pandemic with meetings and gather-
ings being suspended the Serra Club almost disbanded. This would have been an awful loss to our diocese and especially
our seminarians. For over sixty years Serrans have been called to pray for vocations and to encourage those who are
responding to the call of the Lord. How important it is for our seminarians to know that they are appreciated and
encouraged as they discern a desire to give their lives in service to Jesus and the people of the Diocese of Worcester.

          The initial meeting of this newly formed Serra Club will be here at St. Roch’s on Wednesday, September 15
at 5:00 PM, beginning with a half hour of Eucharistic Adoration as we intercede for our men now in the seminary and
pray for an increase of vocations. This will be followed by Mass and an opportunity to share a meal together at a local
restaurant, Point Breeze. I hope many of my own parishioners will come and see for yourselves the benefit of prayer
together and the social company of good Catholic people from our local parishes. Give it a try and help this ministry
survive the pandemic.

                                   Let Us Continue to Love and Pray for One Another,
                                                          Fr. Roy

St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA       THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                     August 29, 2021

                                                               IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT!
                                                              Register now for Fall 2021—Spring 2022 Sessions and
                                                              send fees, as you are able.
                                                              Despite growing costs, registration fees remain
                                                              $85 per student & $110 per family of 2 or more.
Fees for Sacramental Preparation and/or Retreats are discussed at the parent meetings.
Scholarship money is accepted for retreats. As always, no student is ever refused due to financial hardship.
PLEASE NOTE: it is required all children grades 1-12 take part in some form of religious study. Please notify
the Religious Education Office where they are enrolled. Parochial school student’s registration form is required to keep
records current at the parish. All students attend the parish program for sacramental preparation. Questions call
508-987- 2382 or e-mail Terry Ann Renaud
HELP WANTED EVERY WEEK!!! You ar e needed to help clean, set up, & pr epar e lessons for all ages.
Please call 508-987-2382 or E-mail to discuss your schedule & your talents to shar e with
the Office of Religious Education.
Office of Religious Education is Closed All Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays throughout the Summer.

                                   TEACHER TRAINING & RECRUITING
                                       YOU CAN HELP AS TEACHERS AND/OR AIDES IN CLASSES.
                 It is important to have many helpers in our programs. Dedicated adults and teens work together with
                 catechists to bring love of God to our families. Can you spare an hour or two?
                 Fall classes at all levels will be scheduled according to the needs of the volunteers. We are currently
                 preparing materials for training new and returning catechists: sessions on the The Learner, Methods
                 Grades K-3, Methods Grades 4-6, Methods for Youth, Scriptures, Creed, Church History, Sacra-
ments, Prayer & Worship for ourselves & for our students, Morality & Safe Environment sessions for all involved in
church ministry.
Classes will be held on a flexible schedule & all are welcome to attend sessions. Please call 508-987-2382 or E-mail discuss your schedule for any of these classes.

                                           Family of Friends Youth Ministry
Youth and adults get together for many projects & events that benefit the people themselves as well as others, we are
looking for people to join together to make these events come together for our parish & the community.
Teens willing to take part in St. Roch’s Family of Friends Youth Service Team, call Terry Ann Renaud 508-987-
2382 or email We’ll plan youth events & help our parish & community.

                  Ongoing Faith Formation is part of the Catholic Christian journey that br ings each of us
                  towards our goal of life: to know God, love God, and serve God in this life, and be happy with God
                  in the next.
                 The Sacraments given to us by Jesus Christ help us to make our journey, by His grace, an easy trip.
                 Parents bring children to Baptism, First Reconciliation & First Eucharist so they may choose Confir-
                 mation in the Faith themselves. Friends and family members invite adults to come into the Faith
                 through RCIA.
                 Together the whole Church prays for candidates continue always to know God, love God, and serve
                 God in this life, and be happy with God in the next.
                Children grade 2 or above are invited to register now for Sacraments, of Reconciliation & Eucharist.
                High School candidates for Confirmation are invited to write a letter to Father Roy by Sept 1, 2021, to
                request acceptance into the fall sessions. Second year candidates will return in September.
                Parents, Please Call 508-987-2382 or E-mail Terry Ann Renaud at;
                Adults, Please Call 508-987-8987 Fr Roy for Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Matrimony.
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA      THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                          August 29, 2021

                  It is a little more than coffee &, but a             What is the Light of the World Retreat?
                  just few hours together with a few other                        At the Light of the World Retreat you will
                  people can become a cornerstone to                              encounter Jesus & the message of the Gos-
                  build community among our parish                                pel in a truly fresh way. The opportunity to
                  family. We are able to do more togeth-                          meet Jesus personally allows you to allow
                  er to bring about good for our parish                           Him give new purpose, meaning, & direc-
and the whole community.                                                          tion to your life. It is a chance to make a
If you like to have fun, have an idea of how to be a             retreat right in your own backyard on a weekend away to
more welcoming parish, are willing to help plan                  renew your faith while still sleeping in your own bed!
breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, and other social                 Topics Covered: God’s Love for Us,
events call 508-987-2382, or email strochox-                                              Our Enemies,                                                              Jesus Christ: The Light of the World,
Help with the 334 Club Dinner needed! Please call                             Making Jesus the Lord of Your Life,
Teri Rawson in the rectory office at 508-987-8987.               Surrendering Your Life to the Holy Spirit, Renewing your
                                                                                 Retreat Dates – Weekend of
                    DATE           YARD SALE
                  CHANGED           October 2!!                                    September 24-27
                                                                               Hosted at St. Roch Parish
                                    Donations will be                      334 Main Street, Oxford, MA 01540
                             accepted until Sept 26th.                            Friday: 6:30 - 9 PM
                    Items accepted include clean undam-                         Saturday: 8 AM to 8 PM
aged gently used household items, books, tools, yard                             Sunday: 8 AM to 8 PM
equipment, sporting equipment, children’s toys & games,                         Monday: 6:30 - 9:30 PM
clean quality clothing or shoes. Furniture—on review for
approval.                                                                       LIGHT OF THE WORLD RETREAT
No electronics—no TV’s, computers, printers, monitors,                                 REGISTRATION
keyboards, etc. No mattresses of any size or tires. These                             SEPTEMBER 24-27
items incur a cost to us for disposal. Thank you!                 Name_____________________________________________
             VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!                                  Phone_____________________________________________
Name_________________________________________                    Cell_______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________                  E-mail _____________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________                   Male [ ] Female [ ]
                                                                 Married [ ] Single [ ]
E-mail ________________________________________
                                                                 Age: 16-25 [ ] 26-30 [ ] 31-40 [ ] 41-50 [ ] 51-60 [ ]
 I want to help…                                                      61-70 [ ] 71 + [ ]
  As crew members                                                Who recommended the retreat to you?__________________
 To work in garage every Wednesday 6-8 PM                       What do you expect to gain from this retreat?
    for pricing / sorting / ticketing, etc. ______               ___________________________________________________
 Friday, October 1 TBA                                          Special needs: dietary…wheelchair... childcare… transporta-
          to set tables out ______                               tion…______________________________________________
 Saturday, October 2 to set up, 7 - 9 AM ______                 I am a returning retreatant; I wish to help at the retreat…
 Saturday, October 2 to work the tables:                            yes [ ] not this time [ ]
              8-10 AM _______                                        Return to St. Roch 334 Main Street, Oxford, MA 01570
              10-12 noon ________                                          Attn: LOTW Coordinator Terry Ann Renaud
              Noon to 2 PM _______                                             or E-mail
              2-4 PM _______
 Saturday, October 2 to breakdown 3-5 PM _______                                334 CLUB WINNERS — Week 13
 Saturday, October 2 to prepare & serve food                                      # 345 Deborah Guskey
                                                                                   # 123 Glenna Cloutier
              Morning _______ Lunch ________                                       # 105 Lynne Jalbert
              Clean up _______                                                     # 103 Rachelle Cyr-Cloutier
              Pickup & deliver supplies ________                                  CONGRATULATIONS!!
St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti - St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti - St. Roch Parish - Hand in Hand with Haiti in good times and in bad - Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
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