Page created by Micheal Steele
LENT 2020
                                                           PRAYER BOOKLET
                                                           PUKAPUKA KARAKIA

Caritas in Action:                 Acknowledgements

Restoring Hope
                                   Writing – Michael Stewart and Teresa Shanks
                                   Contributions – Jane Dravitski and previous

and Spreading Love
                                   authors from earlier booklets
                                   Editing – Amanda Gregan and Graeme Siddle
                                   Design – Rose Miller (Kraftwork)
Caritas e Kōkiri ana i ana Mahi:   Images – Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief

Te Whakapiki i te Tūmanako,        Services and Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
                                   Sketches – Tamaralee, Emily, Sophie and Joshua
te Tuku Whānui hoki i te Aroha     (students from the 2017 prayer booklet)
How to use this Prayer Booklet                                          Prayer Menu
    Me Pēhea te whakamahi i tēnei Pukapuka Karakia                          Tahua Karakia

    A collection of more than 20 short prayers have been included in        Inspirational Quotes
    this booklet to complement lessons and themes from the Caritas          Prayer for Those in Poverty
    resources for Lent 2020 entitled Caritas in Action: Restoring Hope
                                                                            Praying with Candles
    and Spreading Love. Many of the lessons found in the lesson packs
                                                                            Take Action
    link to a particular prayer, however, there are opportunities for
    prayers to be chosen at times.                                          The Grail Prayer
                                                                            Water for All
    The prayers in this booklet generally get progressively more            Prayer for Solidarity
    complex. Primary students will likely find the earlier prayers easier   Light and Love
    to read and secondary students will likely connect more with the
                                                                            Children in Need
    prayers towards the back of the booklet. As each prayer fits a
    separate page and the orientation is landscape it should make it
    easier for students to see the prayers on a device or a smartboard.     Working Together
                                                                            Wanting Justice for All
    The last page of this booklet highlights different prayer styles.       Prayer of Solidarity
    This has been added to help support teachers and students in
                                                                            Jesus is the Bread of Life
    differentiating their daily prayer routine. A particular style has
                                                                            A Prayer for Global Solidarity
    been recommended for each prayer. This is merely a suggestion.
                                                                            A Prayer for Reducing Poverty
                                                                            Breath of Difference
                                                                            A Prayer for our Earth
                                                                            A Moment for Grace: A Prayer for Refugees
                                                                            Climate Justice Prayers of Intercession
                                                                            Longing for Peace
                                                                            The Government and Leaders of the World
                                                                            Prayer Styles

Inspirational Quotes
    He Pokanga Kōrero Whakahihiri
    Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
    Yours are the only hands with which he can do his work.
    Yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world.
    Yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine
    forth upon a troubled world.
    Christ has no body on Earth but yours.
    Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
    You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them.
    This is how prayer works.
    I used to pray that God would feed the hungry, or do this or that,
    but now I pray that he will guide me to do whatever I’m supposed
    to do, what I can do.
    Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But
    since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the
    one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.
    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask
    anything according to his will, he hears us.
    1 JOHN 5:14                                                                                 Recommended
                                                                                                 prayer style:
                                                                          PHOTO: DAVID O’HARE

                                                                                                 Lectio Divina

Prayer for Those in Poverty
    He Īnoi mō te hunga e noho ana i te Rawakore
    God of Justice,
    Te Atua o te Tika,
    open our eyes
    to see you
    in the face of those in poverty.
    Open our ears
    to hear you
    in the cries of those exploited.
    Open our mouths
    to defend you
    in the public squares
    as well as in private deeds.
    Remind us
    that what we do to the least ones,
    we do to you.

                                                                           PHOTO: Joost Bastmeijer (CI)
    Prayer adapted from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops                                   prayer style:
                                                                                                            In silence

Praying with Candles		                                                    You will need …
                                                                               A large candle
    Te Īnoi me ngā Kānara 			                                                 Tea light candles
    John 8:12

                       One of the wonderful things about God
                     is that he knows what we want to pray for
                         even when we can’t find the words.
                                He can read our hearts
                            as well as hear our thoughts.

                              Sometimes we light a candle
                                    as an act of prayer.
                              We remember that Jesus said,
                               “I am the light of the world.”

                     Light a candle and place it on the table.
                    Use one of the prayers within this resource.

    Then sit in silence, allowing God to receive the spoken prayer and those unspoken in your heart.


                                                                                                       PHOTO: Sam Phelps (CRS)
                                                                                                                                  prayer style:
                                                                                                                                  With candles

Take Action
    Te Whakatinana

    God of life,
    Te Atua o te ora,
    Help us to see that your gifts
    are meant to be shared by all,
    not just exploited by a few.

    Lead us to take action
    to make a change
    not just for ourselves,
    but for all creation.

    We ask this through your Son,
    Jesus Christ our Lord,
    Amen.                                                              ORIGINAL SKETCH BY TAMARALEE RODWELL – YEAR 8 STUDENT

    Flashback from 2017 – excerpt from Climate Change Prayer Booklet                                                           Recommended
    Adapted from the Global Catholic Climate Movement                                                                           prayer style:
                                                                                                                                While moving

The Grail Prayer
    Te Īnoi o te Karihe Tapu
    Lord Jesus,
    Te Ariki a Hēhu,
    I give you my hands to do your work.
    I give you my feet to go your way.
    I give you my eyes to see as you do.
    I give you my tongue to speak your words.
    I give you my mind that you may think in me.
    I give you my spirit that you may pray in me.
    Above all, I give you my heart
    that you may love in me
    your Father and all mankind.
    I give you my whole self
    that you may grow in me
    so that it is you Lord Jesus
    who lives and works and prays in me.
                                                     PHOTO: Caritas Internationalis

    Adapted from www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk                                     prayer style:
                                                                                       While moving

Water for All
    He Wai mā te Katoa
    E te Atua,
    Loving God,
    Thank you for everything
    that you have given to us.
    We thank you for the food
    and water we have in the world.
    We pray that you will help us
    to remember those around the world
    who struggle to have enough food;
    who are thirsty
    and don’t have enough water.
    Help us to help others
    to have enough food
    and enough water,
    so that we all
    have everything we need.
                                                                        prayer style:
    Flashback from 2017 – excerpt from Climate Change Prayer Booklet    Outside close
                                                                          to nature

Prayer for Solidarity
    Te Īnoi mō te Kotahitanga
    Almighty and ever-living God,
    E Te Ariki, e te Atua ora tonu,
    empower your one human family to join hands
    on our journey of faith.
    Send us your spirit of hope,
    so that we may work
    to alleviate human suffering
    and foster charity and justice
    in our world.

                                                                                             prayer style:
                                                                 PHOTO: Valérie Kaye (CI)

    Prayer by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops                                 Through

Light and Love
    Te Māramatanga me te Aroha
    Christ our Lord,
    Your light shines into the shadows,
    and shows us where the obstacles to change lie.
    We know that often they are in our own hearts,
    in the way we live,
    and in our daily choices and actions.

    We pray that we may accept the light of your love
    as a challenge to change ourselves and our world.

    We pray that, each day,
    we make the choices and take the actions
    that will bring an end to poverty and hunger.
    And lead us all towards a fairer world.

    Be with us Lord,
    as we face your challenge
    and learn how to live our lives in love.

                                                               prayer style:
    Flashback from 2016 – Caritas Challenge Prayer Resource   Before a prayer

Children in Need
     Ngā Tamariki e Mate Awhi ana
     E te Atua kaha rawa,
     Almighty God,
     we give You thanks for Your endless love.
     Thank You for our time as children,
     a time to grow and learn.
     Thank You for the fun and laughter,
     when we enjoy life and people.
     We remember children who live in hard places.
     May Your love be ever present,
     so they may enjoy their childhood,
     that all may have a chance to learn at school.
     May every child enjoy enough food
     and water to help them grow.
     We pray that they will stay healthy
     and that they may be loved
     and kept safe in their families.
     E te Matua,
     God, great parent of all,
     Be present with all the children of the world.
                                                                              PHOTO: Ismail Ferdous (CRS)

     Flashback from 2016 - Hear the cry of the earth and the poor [Adapted]                                  prayer style:
                                                                                                              With music

Thankfulness                              You will need …
     Te Ngākau Whakamoemiti                      Playdough
     (Colossians 3:16-18)

             At communion people receive the bread
           and hear the priest say, “The body of Christ.”
             We remember that Christ gave his body,
              his life, because he loved us so much.
                  We call communion the EUCHARIST,
                    which means THANKSGIVING.
                  There is so much to be grateful for!
                   Share the prayer Water for All.
                     Take a piece of playdough.
                   Think of something or someone
                      that you are grateful for.
               Make something out of the playdough
              that reminds you of that thing or person.

                                                                 PHOTO: Caritas Internationalis

                                                                                                   prayer style:
                                                                                                  With an added
Working Together
     Te Mahi Tahi

     E Hēhu Karaiti,
     During your life on earth you drew people together,
     to live together, to work together, to pray together.
     You understood that people are happier
     when they know and experience the love of others.
     Teach us always to include everyone
     in our work, in our games,
     in our joyful times, and in our sad times.
     Pope Francis said,
     the only future worth building
     includes everyone.
     May we play a part
     in building stronger
     and happier communities.

     Flashback from 2018 – Let Us Go Together:                                       Recommended
                                                             PHOTO: Helen Reynolds

     Journeying to Peace and Hope in Timor-Leste                                      prayer style:
                                                                                       With music

You will
     Wanting Justice for All                                                         need …
     Te Hiahia kia Whiwhi te                                                    Paper Love hearts
                                                                                 (hole punched)
     Katoa i te Tika                                                              A tree branch
     (Isaiah 1:17)                                                                     Pens

     Did you know that if you…                       Lord, help me to forgive.
     • have food in your fridge, clothes on your     Help me to offer mercy in
        back, a roof over your head and a place to   the face of every wrong I
        sleep then you are richer than 75% of the
        world’s population.
                                                     encounter. May the mercy
                                                     You place in my heart be the
     • have money in the bank, your wallet and
       some spare change you are among the
                                                     source of Your own divine
       top 15% of the world’s wealthy.               justice.
     • wake up this morning with more health         I entrust to You all that I
       than illness, you are more blessed than       cannot comprehend in this life
       the million people who will not survive
                                                     and know that, in the end,
       this week.
     • have ever experienced the danger of           You will make all things new in
       battle, the agony of imprisonment             Your light. Jesus, I trust in You.
       or torture, or the horrible pangs of
       starvation, you are luckier than 500
       million people who are suffering.             Take a heart and write one thing in the
                                                     world you would like to pray for, then
     • are able to read, you are more fortunate      attach it to the branch or display on your
       than the 3 billion people in the world that   class prayer table.                            Recommended
       cannot read.                                                                                  prayer style:
                                                                                                       In bursts
                                                                                                     (using paper
Prayer of Solidarity
     Te Īnoi mō te Toipoto
     God of all peoples,
     Te Atua o ngā iwi katoa,
     Give me the courage to move beyond hopes
     and dreams to work with others
     to make justice a reality for all peoples.
     Give me an open heart and listening ears
     to understand the challenges which face those
     who are marginalised, lacking the basic necessities
     for a dignified life.
     Help me to work with others to make a new reality,

                                                           PHOTO: Philipp Spalek (CI)
     so that those who suffer injustice are heard
     and feel the impact of our solidarity
     as they confront challenges in their communities.
     May I respond generously to your call
     so that all may have life and have it to the full.
     God of all peoples,
     we ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus.

     Adapted from a prayer by Caritas Australia                                          prayer style:
                                                                                          In silence

You will need …
     Jesus is the Bread of Life                                      A loaf of bread
     Ko Hēhu te Taro o te Ora                                      (broken or cut into
                                                                    bite-sized pieces)
     (John 6: 25-59)                                                      A bowl

     Bread is simple.
     When we think of wonderful food,
     we may think of things that are
     sweet, tangy and full of flavour that   Read and Listen to words
                                             from the Gospel of John.
     makes our mouths water in delight.
     Yet, if you are truly hungry and do     Take one piece of bread and
                                             chew it very slowly. Think
     not know where your next meal is
                                             about being fed each day and
     coming from, you want food that         knowing where your meals
     will fill you.                          come from so you can live.
     Bread will fill you.                    As you chew, think about
     Bread will not sicken you.              those who begin each day full
     Bread will SATISFY you.                 of hunger.
                                             Ask yourself, why did Jesus
     Imagine that you are starving,          call himself ‘The Bread of
     living somewhere like South Sudan       Life’?
     which has faced famine.                 Take a moment to share with
     Imagine that, suddenly someone          the person next to you about
                                             your thoughts on Jesus as
     gives you a plate of bread like the
                                             the Bread of Life after today’s
     one in our prayer space.                prayer time.
                                                                                          prayer style:
                                                                                         With an added
                                                                                         object (bread)

A Prayer for Global Solidarity
     He Īnoi mō te Kotahitanga mō te Ao Katoa
     O Creator,
     Te Kaihanga,
     Our world is large, and yet the global community is so fragile.
     We glimpse the needs of our sisters and brothers,
     and those needs are great.
     We want to turn away, but you call us back.
     We want simple solutions,
     but you want us to help solve the complex problems.
     Through your Church, you call us to listen,
     to learn, to reflect and to act.
     Give us a deep sense of our place in this web of Creation.
     Give us the wisdom of mind and generosity of heart
     to seek your will in the world today.
     Inspire us to respond to the call
     to live in solidarity with impoverished countries of the world,
     so that all children of God might live in dignity and peace.

                                                                                                   prayer style:
                                                                       PHOTO: Valérie Kaye (CI)      Before a
     Prayer adapted from Education for Justice
                                                                                                  prayer journal
A Prayer for Reducing Poverty                                   You will need …
                                                                        A globe or
     He Īnoi hei Whakaheke                                              world map
                                                                       Post it notes
     i te Noho Rawakore

     Creator God,                        Think of the countries where Caritas
                                         Aotearoa New Zealand is helping
     Your image is alive in every
                                         communities unite and build a
     human person, giving to each of     sustainable future.
     us a sacred dignity.                Think of a country in the world
     Create in us a desire to live       that is suffering from conflict and
     by Catholic social teaching         violence and does not know the
                                         hope and life that Jesus brings.
     principles to help those in need.
     Make us willing to share with       Think of how Caritas Internationalis
                                         brings people across the world
     others our time, our energy, our    together to answer the call from
     talents and our wealth.             Jesus working to restore his
     As we share and enjoy the fruits    creation.
     of your creation,                   Place post it notes on a globe/world
     Restore in us your vision of a      map to pray for a specific country.
     world made whole and united         You may wish to write the name of
                                         the country on the piece of paper
     by love.
                                         first and maybe why you want to
                                         pray for them.

                                                                                PHOTO: Valérie Kaye (CI)    prayer style:
                                                                                                           In bursts (using
                                                                                                            Post it notes)

Breath of Difference
     He Whakahā, kia Rerekē
     God of peace,
     Te Atua o te rangimārie,
     Breathe on this fractured world
     and heal the divisions that grow wider each day.
     Breathe on leaders,
     that they might respect
     the right of all human beings
     to live in peace.
     Breathe on those who hate,
     opening the hand clenched in a fist,
     that it might embrace.
     Breathe on the influential,
     that their power might be used
     for the common good of all.
     Breathe on the individual,
     and bring freedom from conflict,
     and a life that’s free from fear.
     God of peace,
     breathe on your fractured world.
     Prayer adapted from www.faithandworship.com                                prayer style:
                                                        PHOTO: Caritas Nepal

                                                                                With candles

A Prayer for our Earth
     He Īnoi mō tō tātou Ao
     All-powerful God, Te Atua kawa rawa,
     you are present in the whole universe
     and in the smallest of your creatures.
     You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
     Pour out upon us the power of your love,
     that we may protect life and beauty.
     Fill us with peace,
     that we may live as brothers and sisters,
     harming no one.
     O God of the poor,
     help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth,
     so precious in your eyes.
     Bring healing to our lives,
     that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
     that we may sow beauty,
     not pollution and destruction.
     Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain
     at the expense of the poor and the earth.
     Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
     to be filled with awe and contemplation,
     to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature
     as we journey towards your infinite light.
     We thank you for being with us each day.
     Encourage us, we pray,
     in our struggle for justice, love and peace.
     Flashback from 2017 – Climate Change Prayer Booklet              ORIGINAL SKETCH BY SOPHIE HUNTER – YEAR 8 STUDENT
                                                                                                                           prayer style:
     [Prayer of Pope Francis, Laudato Si’]                                                                                Outside close to

A Moment for Grace: A Prayer for Refugees
     He Wā Poto mō te Wairua Tapu: He Īnoi mō te Hunga Manene
     God of our Wandering Ancestors,                                                              Ears will no longer turn deaf to their voices.
     Long have we known                                                                           Eyes will see a moment for grace
     that your heart is with the refugee:                                                         instead of a threat.
     that you were born into time                                                                 Tongues will not be silenced
     in a family of refugees                                                                      but will instead advocate.
     fleeing violence in their homeland,                                                          And hands will reach out —
     who then gathered up their hungry child                                                      working for peace in their homeland,
     and fled into alien country.                                                                 working for justice in the lands
                                                                                                  where they seek safe haven.
     Their cry, your cry, resounds through the ages:
     “Will you let me in?”                                                                        Lord, protect all refugees in their travels.
                                                                                                  May they find a friend in me
     Give us hearts that break open
                                                                                                  and so make me worthy
     when our brothers and sisters
                                                                                                  of the refuge I have found in you. Amen.
     turn to us with that same cry.
     Then surely all these things will follow:

                                                       PHOTO: Aurélie Marrier d’Unienville (CI)

     Prayer by Catholic Relief Services                                                                                                          Recommended
     (a Caritas agency in the United States)                                                                                                      prayer style:
                                                                                                                                                  While moving

Climate Justice Prayers of Intercession
     He Karakia Tāpae Īnoi mō ngā Tika Huarere
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for the waters of the world, that they may be restored to health and filled with bountiful life.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for the Earth’s soil, that its richness be protected to ensure abundant harvests for all.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for all creatures who share Earth with us, that their beauty and diversity will be preserved.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who have been and will be directly impacted by the effects of climate change.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for future generations, may they learn from our environmental irresponsibility, and be good stewards living simply and in
     harmony with all your creation.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for all human beings, that we will be filled with a spirit of concern for the future of our environment, bring an end to the
     exploitation of the earth’s scarce resources, and live as responsible stewards protecting and respecting this gift of creation God has
     placed in our hands.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     We pray for wisdom for decision makers in Aotearoa and around the world, that wealthy nations may make amends for the harm they
     have done to the environment and find creative and just solutions to protect all of creation and ensure climate justice.
     Response: God of Creation, help us to respect and renew the Earth.

     Flashback from 2017 – Climate Change Prayer Booklet                                                                              prayer style:
     [Adapted from Education for Justice and Caritas Australia]                                                                       Outside close
                                                                                                                                        to nature

Longing for Peace
     He Mānakonako ki te Maungārongo
     God of love,
     You created us and call us to live as brothers and sisters.
     Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace.
     Enable us to see everyone who crosses our path as our brother and sister.

     Make us sensitive to the plea for us to turn our weapons of war into implements
     of peace, our trepidation into confident trust, and our quarrelling into forgiveness.

                                                                                                                                  PHOTO: Caritas Internationalis
     Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance
     we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation.

     In this way, may peace triumph at last, and may the words: division, hatred and war,
     be banished from the heart of every man and woman.

     In places of conflict, we pray that the people’s cries will be heard, that a lasting peace will be found.
     May weapons of evil be replaced with forgiveness and love.
     May dialogue and reconciliation see the end of division, hatred and war.

     May your Kingdom come,
     on earth as it is in heaven,
     especially in South Sudan and Syria, and other parts of the world torn by conflict.
     Flashback from 2019 – Peace, Love and Life: Hope and Challenges in South Sudan [Adapted]                    Recommended
     [Parts adapted from a prayer by Caritas Australia, adapted from Pope Francis’ Invocation for Peace, 2014]    prayer style:
                                                                                                                   In silence

The Government and Leaders of the World
     Ngā Kāwanataga me ngā Kaiarahi o te Ao
     E te Atua,
     God of nations,
     We pray for the leaders and politicians around the world,
     May You guide them in the decisions they make,
     to always remember their people,
     Your people, that they may put first the common good.
     We specifically pray for leaders in war torn countries.
     Open their eyes,
     so they may see the real needs of their people,
     that they will value love over power,
     that the rights of the people will not be denied
     and that peace will be a reality soon.
     Help those involved in politics,
     to reject corruption and work for justice.
     We pray for influential voices,
     that they will continue to call for peace and equality.
     E te Atua o te rangi me te whenua,
     God of heaven and earth,
     may Your will be done in all the world.

                                                                              PHOTO: Petterik Wiggers (CI)
     Flashback from 2016 – Hear the cry of the earth and the poor [Adapted]                                   prayer style:
                                                                                                               With music

Prayer Styles
     Ngā Momo Tikanga Karakia
     Prayer has been defined in many ways: a conversation with God1, a simple
     glance directed to heaven2, or simply paying attention to God3. Like all
     good forms of communication, we can gain a lot from using different styles
     at different times. Prayer is no different. During Lent this year, use the
     selected prayers in this booklet to pay attention to God. For each prayer, a
     particular style has been recommended. You may choose, however, to use
     whatever style will work for your given audience and situation.
         •   In silence
         •   Through song
         •   With music
         •   With candles
         •   Rote prayer
         •   Formula prayer
         •   In bursts (post it notes etc...)
         •   Outside, close to nature
         •   While moving
         •   In writing (journal etc…)
         •   With an added object (such as playdough)
         •   Through drawing
         •   Prayer circle (taking turns passing object around)
         •   Lectio Divina4 (reading Scripture multiple times)
         •   Ignatian contemplation5

     1   Max Lucado
     2   St Therese of Liseiux
                                                                                        PHOTO: Lukasz Cholewiak (CI)

     3   Dr Ralph Martin
     4   Watch this short video to find out more: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKYEOc3ik9k
     5   Find out more at www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-contemplation/

24       PRAYER MENU
You can also read