Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...

Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...
September Newsletter

                      T O M A H AW K A N D S P I R I T U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U RC H E S

                            Becoming One, Being One
  Inside this Issue
     NOW News
     UMW News

I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have
been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body
and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one
baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:1-6

The word that leaps out of this passage of scripture is “one.” Bear with one another. One body.
One Spirit. One hope. One Lord. One faith. One baptism. One God. I shake my head when I
hear people question and challenge the concept of unity in our scriptures – “making every effort
to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” My blessed siblings in Christ, this is why
we are here. This is why we exist. We are the one body of Jesus Christ, incarnate and empow-
ered by the Holy Spirit, to participate in God’s holy work of the transformation of the world. We
do this together. In the spirit and teaching of John Wesley -- Solitary religion is not to be found
there. “Holy Solitaries” is a phrase no more consistent with the gospel than Holy Adulterers. The
gospel of Christ knows of no religion, but social; no holiness but social holiness. Faith working by
love, is the length and breadth and depth and height of Christian perfection. (Hymns and Sacred
Poems, 1739)– where he explains that we cannot be truly Christian in isolation from a faith com-
munity, we need each other. The trend toward personal and individual holiness so prevalent and
popular in recent times is completely foreign to the understanding of ancient Hebrew culture,
early Christian culture, and our Wesleyan heritage. We are Christian together.

In recent months, unity in the church has become not only a topic for discussion, not only the
battleground for debate, but the focal point of a real effort to divide the church. Again, John
Wesley offers clear and precise opinion on the matter: “Itis evil in itself. To separate ourselves
from a body of living Christians with whom we were before united, is a grievous breach of the
law of love. It is the nature of love to unite us together; and the greater the love, the stricter the
union. And while this continues in its strength, nothing can divide those whom love has united. It
is only when our love grows cold, that we can think of separating from our brethren. And this is
certainly the case with any who willingly separate from their Christian brethren.” (On Schism,
1786) There is no goodness or grace in separation, only an admission that we lack the love that
can unite us together.
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...                                 Page 2

                     United Methodism proudly offers an open communion table. We do not deny
                     the grace and acceptance of God to anyone who wishes to partake of this
                     holy meal. And in our standard liturgy, we proclaim and request together that
                     “through the power of your (God’s) Holy Spirit, make us one with Christ, one
                     with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.” This is who we are.

But I am concerned about how different our actions are from our words and our core values and
beliefs. Do our racial and ethnic minority people feel they are one with us? Do many women feel
they are truly one, with equal voice and power and respect as many of their male counterparts? Do
our gay and lesbian siblings feel they are one with us? And even because of our theological and
political differences, I question how many of our same culture, same background, same gender
baptized children of God feel they are one with each other? In a Christian fellowship where God
works constantly to forgive, redeem, unite, and reconcile people, we choose instead to focus on our
differences. In a denomination defined by prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace, many
choose instead to focus on sins, and faults, and failings.

My distress over these realities led me to create a Bishop’s Task Force on a Wisconsin way for-
ward – leadership dedicated to discerning a Wisconsin Option as alternative to schism and split.
We cannot solve all the challenges and problems facing our church today, but we can work to-
gether to create a space for prayer, discernment, humility, and hope – a grace margin – that allows
us to slow down, not be overly reactive, and to engage with one another in mutual respect and re-
gard, to hold each other accountable to the highest standards of civility and dignity, and to put our
Christian faith and values into action. We want to be a people who do not attack, do not insult or
assault, and who “do no harm” in the ways they treat one another. We are making a commitment
to “do all the good we can,” embracing a Golden Rule code of conduct, and seeking to think the
best of one another instead of the worst.

Make no mistake, the Task Force is not doing this for the conference. They will be leading the con-
ference – all of us together; clergy and laity, younger and older, of every status of education, eco-
nomics, ethnicity and heritage – to make a fundamental paradigm shift. The Wisconsin Option is a
choice of unconditional love and forgiveness. We will live faithfully into the Wesleyan understand-
ing of God’s grace for all who confess Jesus as Christ and Lord. We will hold our disagreements
as a sacred trust – to love those with whom we disagree and formerly judged as beloved children of

Let us pray for God’s presence and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we truly, deeply, and hon-
estly seek healing, wholeness, and oneness as the body of Christ. Let us spend time in contempla-
tive reading of our scriptures and the teachings of John Wesley. Let us enter into true and faithful
Christian conference and conversation – both with those with whom we agree as well as those with
whom we don’t. By God’s grace, God’s will is done in us, and together we can witness to God’s mi-
raculous work of grace. Thanks be to God.

Grace and Peacce,

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...                          Page 3

  It’s coming! The Annual Charge Conference is
       getting closer. This year the date will be
                  Saturday, Oct. 5th
     Starting things off will be an SPRC Meeting
                at 1:00 pm with the DS.

The Fall Rummage sale is coming, September 27th &28th from 8:00 am —
4:00 pm. Your items can be dropped off in the church Rainbow Room beginning
on Thursday September 26th.
Please bring Fall & Winter clothing only . Please make sure the clothing is in
good repair, Clean, without Rips, Stains or Missing Buttons! We also will
not accept electronics as if they do not sell we have to pay to get rid of
                          Big cookies are requested to help with our bottom line,
                          so if you are in the mood to bake, please bring some.
                            Any and all help is much appreciated!

         Nurture Outreach Witness
      Come help us out at the Fall Ride booth.
 We will be open Friday & Saturday September 13th      Pies & More
 & 14th from 11:00 am—11:00 pm. Sign up sheet is
               posted in the Narthex
                Monthly Meeting
 Our next meeting will be September 30 at 1:00 pm
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...
Hills of Grace                                         Volume 1, Issue 1

God Made it Grow

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So, neither he who plants nor
he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
(1 Corinthians 3:6~7)
    Each of us has a role to play within our church. Paul has a role as planter and Apollo
has a role as waterer. But it is only God who makes things grow. It means that Paul planted
the seed, but it is God who causes the root to take root. It means that Apollo watered hard,
but it is God who causes the leaves and stems to grow.

    Within our family, church, and our community we all have roles to play. Somebody has
to plant, somebody has to water, but it is God who make them grow. The birth and growth of
life is entirely God’s matter. As I serve with our churches, I think about my roles and respon-
sibilities as a minister. Apparently, the owner of the church is only God. I cannot say, “I
made it” in front of God. But I may say with our churches, “We did faithfully what we have to
do with joyous and grateful hearts.” It is God who sent each precious person to our
churches, and it is God who builds up our churches through those people.

    The Charge Conference is getting closer. Having prepared for the conference, I give
thanks to God because we have many people like Paul and Apollo, who faithfully take on
their roles and responsibilities in our churches. With these people, we could go through the
hot and muggy summer and we may anticipate the season of fruits. Because God is the
One who makes His church grow based on our love and faithful commitment.

    We are turning in the corner of late summer. I Hope that coming fall may be full of fruits
of the Spirit for all.

                                                                              Pastor InSun Lee
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...
Coffee with Ethel                                                                Page 5

                          Hum diddle dee, Hum diddle doe, I’m working in the garden and I wish I had a
                        hoe! Ha, Ha, Haahh, Oh my, this pot is way too big for me to lift. Where are the men
                        when you need them?
                           Oh GEEZZ!... Hi there. You scared me a bit, I didn’t see ya standing over there.
                        Sure is a beautiful day today, isn’t it? You kind of caught me at a bad time, well not a
                                                        bad time, I was just kinda busy trying to get my little
                                                        plot of paradise looking ship shape. Figured as how it
                                                        was so nice out this morning, I would putter around
                                                        out here for a few hours. As I was drinking coffee out
                                                        on the back porch this morning, I took notice that my
                                                        maple tree is just starting to give up the green. That’s
                                                        code in these parts for saying the leaves are starting
                                                        to turn, which means I best get things straightened up
                                                        for the winter.
                                                                Lots of time left? It goes by so fast, seems the
                                                            older I get, the faster it goes, and before you know it,
                                                            there’s not much summer left. I figure I have about two
                                                            weeks left before everything goes brown. What’s that
                                                            you say? Summer is your favorite time of year? Ahhh,
well it’s alright, old maids like myself prefer the fall. There’s more baking, cooking, and get-togethers be-
cause there are more holidays, which in turn requires more baking and cooking. You did get it, that ladies
like myself like to bake and cook!

   There’s something kinda hearty-like about the atmosphere, when the heat of summer is over and the
coolin’ fall air is here. Of course, I miss the flowers, and the blossoms on the trees, and don’t forget the
sounds of the hummingbirds and the buzzin’ of the bees. The air’s so appetizing and the morning landscape
takes on a certain haze, there’s nothing better than a crisp, sunny morning of an early autumn day! Sorry
about that, days like today sometimes make me wax poetic-like from the mouth.

   Why do I work so hard and spend so much time on this little plot, you ask? Well, it’s enjoyable to work
the earth with my hands, feel the warm summer breeze flow through my hair, and feel the sun on my back. I
get to think about things with no interruption, and best of all, if I am lucky, I get to see the fruit of my labor
grow into beautiful creations.

   You see in the summertime and early fall, I don’t get to the church much. Some of the people in these
parts seem to think that a person needs to be in a house of worship to talk to God, but when I am out here
tending to my little patch of paradise, I feel I am in a house of worship! In my book, the great outdoors is the
biggest cathedral of all! After all, God is responsible for all this, right? So, I figure I can communicate with
God just fine while I am outside tending to my little garden. I ask questions, I tell God my concerns and we
even take a few moments to pray. It’s so nice and quiet. When I am out here, I feel like it is just me and
God, and I have his undivided attention. Just think, all this communication is going on while I am tending to
my little patch of paradise and working the earth with my hands. After all, I am not to old too multi task!

   Now, where did I put that little hand shovel I always seem to misplace it.
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...

                 All Spirit and Tomahawk
                      UMC Ladies
                        are invited to attend
                    “Ladies Lunch Out”
               High Point Village Hill of Beans
                Tuesday, September 17th at noon
                         order from menu
           table games, business meeting & door prizes
            meet at church at 11:30amk to share rides
          Mary Johnson 715-453-8559 to make reservations

  We now have our signage committee formed and             New Sign
     they will be meeting very soon. They will be
  gathering ideas and then gather bids for the new
sign. Please be patient with them as this is a process
                that takes a bit of time.
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...
Page 7

                            September 2019
                              Sunday                Monday                Tuesday               Wednesday             Thursday                Friday             Saturday
                                   1                     2                      3                      4                    5                     6                    7
                            Worship Service         Labor Day             Pastor Retreat         Pastor Retreat       Pastor Retreat        Pastor Retreat       Pastor Retreat
                             SUMC 8:30am           Church Office
                            TUMC 10:30am             Closed                                     Tops Meets every                          Food Demonstration
                            Holy Communion                                                     Wed. 10:00-11:00am                            Food Pantry
                                   8                     9                     10                     11                    12                    13                  14
                            Worship Service      Strong Bones Meets     Trustee’s Meeting        SPRC Meeting       Strong Bones Meets      Fall Ride Booth     Fall Ride Booth
                             SUMC 8:30am         Mon.& Thurs.7:30am,          2:00pm             1:00pm TUMC        Mon.& Thurs.7:30am,
                             TUMC 10:30am         9:00am, 10:30am,       Visitation SUMC                             9:00am, 10:30am,
                             Pastor Retreat        3:30pm & 5:30pm                                                    3:30pm & 5:30pm
                                                                         Church Council
                              Jean Randall         Pastor Retreat
                                                                           SMUC 2:pm
                            Preaching at both

                                   15                    16                    17                     18                    19                    20                  21
                            Worship Service                             Ladies Lunch Out         Church Council
                             SUMC 8:30am                                   Hill of Beans         1:00pm TUMC
                            TUMC 10:30am                                 11:30am Meet at
                                                                       church for ride share
                                   22                    23                    24                     25                    26                    27                  28
                            Worship Service                              Visitation TUMC                                                  Fall Rummage Sale    Fall Rummage Sale
                             SUMC 8:30am
                            TUMC 10:30am
                                   29                    30                     1                      2                    3                     4                    5
                            Worship Service     NOW Meeting 1:00pm
                             SUMC 8:30am
                            TUMC 10:30am
Becoming One, Being One - Spirit/Tomahawk United ...
Lectionary Readings
                                                     September 1, 2019
                                                      Jeremiah 2:4-13
                                                     Psalm 81:1, 10-16
                                                   Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
September Birthdays                                   Luke 14:1, 7-14
   2        Jack McCarthy                            September 8, 2019
   5        Dennis Rosenthal
                                                     Jeremiah 18:1-11
   8        Mike Wendland
                                                    Psalm 139:1-6,13-18
   14       Nancy Baltz
                                                       Philemon 1-21
   14       Mary Johnson
                                                       Luke 14:25-33
   16       Nikki Savada
   26       Nancy Moran
   26       Paige Bartz                             September 15, 2019
   28       Nicklaus Nelson                       Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28
                                                         Psalm 14
                                                     1 Timothy 1:12-17
                                                       Luke 15:1-10

                                                    September 22, 2019
                                                     Jeremiah 8:18,9:1
                                                  Psalm 79:1-9, or Psalm 4
                                                      1Timpothy 2:1-7
                                                       Luke 16:1-13
September Anniversaries                              September 29, 2019
    1        Don and Ardell Stelter                Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15
    5        Nathan & Alica Pierce                  Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16
    28       Scott and Traci Swan                     1Timpothy 6:6-19
                                                       Luke 16:19-31

          Val Steininger Update:
          Val’s address is below If you care to
          write or send a card. Her personal
          number is 715-612-4186. If you did
          either, I’m sure it would put a smile
          on her face

            The Address is:
          Capital Lakes Rehab
              Room 231
         333 West Main Street
          Madison, WI 53703                                         Page 9

                TUMC Worship Volunteers September
             Liturgists         Greeters                       Ushers            Coffee Hour
     1       Barb Turnbull        Carolyn               Ron & Elaine Larson         Aleta Piper
                               Weizenicker &
                                Marge Juno
     8        Aleta Piper    Gene Sickles & Pat          Dorothy & Al Dean      Don & Marie Schultz
 15          Terri Derleth     Gail Uebele &            Ron & Elaine Larson       Mary Johnson
                              Lorna Coffman
 22         Mary Johnson     Char Andreachi                   Barb Turnbull        Coral Rickel

 29          Terri Roberts     Don & Ardell             Evan & Terri Derleth        NOW Cake
                                 Stelter                                           Val Steininger

       1                      8                      15                  22            29
 Elaine Larson          Marion Coey &           Mary Johnson           Elaine    Marion Coey &
                       Nancy Langeberg          & Patti Ward           Larson   Nancy Langeberg

                              Communion Steward - Mary Johnson

             SUMC Worship Volunteers August
            Liturgist             Greeter                        Baker               Altar
 1        Jean Randall          Diane Nelson                   Jean Randall     LaVonne Meier
 8       Kristal Blomberg       Jim Blomberg                   Lois Johnson     Linda Watkins
15        Linda Watkins         Diane Nelson                  LaVonne Meier     Linda Watkins
22         Mary Baltich         Lois Johnson                   Mary Baltich     Linda Watkins
29        Linda Watkins          Nancy Baltz                  Linda Watkins     Linda Watkins

                               Communion Steward — Lois Johnson
     United Methodist Churches
1104 School Rd Tomahawk, WI 54487

                                                       UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
                                                           SPIRIT and TOMAHAWK
                                                                1104 School Road
                                                          Tomahawk, Wisconsin 54487
                                                                 Worship Services
                                                    Spirit 8:30 AM Tomahawk 10:30 AM
                                                        Holy Communion is Served on the
                                                           First Sunday of each Month
                                         Rev. Dr. InSun Lee…………………………………...Pastor
                                         Pastor’s Phone………………………………….909-575-7896
                                         Church Office…………………………………..715-453-4378
                                         Website…………………… …
                                         Hee-Soo Jung, PhD…………………………..Resident Bishop
                                         Rev. Tsuker Yang……………………..District Superintendent

                  The NEWSLETTER    DEADLINE is: The 18th of the Month
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