Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence

Page created by Diana Oliver
Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021
      of the Celtic Orthodox Church

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Liturgical Calendar of the Celtic Orthodox Church 2020-2021
Translated from the French, published by Éditions Hol Levenez
Le Bois Juhel
56130 Saint-Dolay, France

Cover page: Icon of Saint John the Baptist



The calendar of the Celtic Orthodox Church begins on the first Sunday of November after
All Saints Day (November 1st). This choice reconciles two traditions, one linked to the
Syrian Orthodox Church tradition, which begins the liturgical year on the first Sunday of
November (after All Saints Day), and the other according to an ancient Western non-
Roman custom. It presents the Saints of the Universal Church as well as the principal
Saints who have illuminated the history of the Celtic Orthodox Church.

The Liturgical year opens before us as a permanent invitation to deepen our spirituality.
The calendar answers, “present,” to the call to deepen our faith in Christ Jesus. The
Sunday and feast-day readings are an inheritance of many centuries that belongs to our
spiritual heritage.

The liturgical cycle was developed over a period of time and set up by our Fathers under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is both a divine and human work, providentially
proposed to our generation, in order that we may rediscover our spiritual roots in a world
that is becoming more and more dechristianized.

In this sense this calendar is prophetic for, drawing from ancient Western sources from
before the Carolingian reforms, it is surprisingly suited to our times. This appears very
clearly when we let ourselves be guided by this grouping together of feasts and readings
that give rhythm to our daily life.

We hope that the liturgical cycle, experienced day after day by biblical readings—and
understood as being the Word of God—continuing to guide and situate its people in
history, may be a source of grace and strength throughout this year.


From the first day of Advent to Christmas Eve.
From the Sunday before Ash Wednesday to the eve of Pascha (Easter).
For the Liturgies of the deceased and of the sick.

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Feasts of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

From Christmas to the Sunday of the Wedding of Cana inclusively.
From Pascha (Easter) to the eve of Pentecost.
On the feasts of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Mother of God, and non-martyr saints.

Pentecost Sunday.
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
All Saints’ Day.
At the Liturgies of the Holy Spirit.
At the Liturgies of the Holy Martyrs.

From the first Sunday to the last Sunday after Pentecost.
From the Monday after the Sunday of the Wedding of Cana to the Saturday before the
Sunday preceding Ash Wednesday.

Good Friday.


Epiphany – January 6
Theophany: 1st Sunday after Epiphany – January 12
Presentation of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple – February 2
Ash Wednesday – February 26
Annunciation to the Most Holy Mother of God – March 25
Palm Sunday – April 5
Pascha (Easter) – April 12
Feasts of Rogations – May 18, 19 and 20
Ascension of Jesus Christ – May 21
Pentecost – May 31
Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ – August 6
Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God – August 15
Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God – September 8
Exaltation of the Most Holy Cross – September 14
Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God – November 21
Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – December 25


Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch – February 22
Symeon the New Theologian – March 12
Aristobulus – March 15
Patrick – March 17
Columba – June 9
Restoration and feast of all the Saints and Righteous of the C.O.C. – June 15
This is the date of the consecration of Bishop Jules Ferrette by Metropolitan Boutros of
the Syriac Orthodox Church; it took place in Damascus on June 2, 1866, according to the
Julian calendar.
Nativity of John the Baptist – June 24
Peter and Paul – June 29
Dormition of Saint Anne – July 26
Joseph of Arimathea – July 31
Tugdual of Saint-Dolay – August 11
Clare of Assisi – August 11
Feast of Creation on the eve of the solemnity of Saint Francis of Assisi
Francis of Assisi – October 4
Clothilde of California – October 25
Gregory of Parumala – November 3
Columban – November 23
Nicholas of Feltham – December 31

For pastoral reasons, feasts with fixed dates may be celebrated on the
nearest Sunday.

A community meal where we share what each one has brought follows
the Eucharistic Liturgy of Pascha, Pentecost, the feasts of Saint Tugdual,
Saint Francis, Our Lady of the Sign, and Christmas Eve.


Notre-Dame-du-Signe Parish (Saint-Dolay – 56)
Francis of Assisi: October 4
Notre-Dame-du-Signe, dedication of Sainte-Présence monastery cathedral: November 27

Sainte-Aure Parish (Paris – 75)
Sainte Aurea: October 4

Saint-Gwenolé Parish (Beuzec-cap-Sizun – 29)
Saint Gwenolé: March 3

Saint-Tugdual Parish (Saint-Hilaire – 44)
Saint Tugdual: August 11

Saint-Nicolas-de-Flüe et Saint-François-d’Assise Parish (Switzerland)
Saint Nicolas de Flüe: 31 March

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Saint Francis of Assisi: October 4

Saint Gwenn Parish (Bridport, Dorset – England)
Sainte Gwenn: October 18

Saint Michael the Archangel Parish (Toms Brook, VA – United States)
Saint Francis of Assisi: 29 September
Sainte Clotilde of California: October 25

Saint Joseph the Just Parish (Florence, KY – United States)
Saint Joseph: May 1st

Saint Moses the Black (Swansea, SC – United States)
Saint Moses: August 28

Saints Peter and Paul Parish (Sellicks Beach – South Australia)
Saints Peter and Paul: June 29

Other Feasts for Great Britain

David: March 1st
George: April 23

Opening of Saint-Syméon and Saint-Tugdual School of Theology
(Variable date, beginning of October)

Reading for the Liturgy
Eph 1:16-19; 3:19-21
Hb 13:7-9
Eph 3:20-21
Mt 5:13-20

Rules for fasting:

♦ Bread and water every ordinary Friday

♦ Exaltation of the Cross: fast day, unless it falls on a Sunday

♦ Advent begins on November 12. The fast is partially lifted on Sunday. Everyone,
except monks who observe a strict fast until the Feast of the Nativity, is allowed to eat
animal sub-products (eggs or milk products).

♦ Great Lent begins on Ash Wednesday – strict fast (no animal products).

♦ Eucharistic:

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Morning Liturgy – begins at midnight.
   Liturgy during Lent (5:30 P.M.) – begins at noon.

No fasting:

From Christmas to the closing of the Theophany
From Pascha (Easter) to Pentecost

Lenten Services:

The Eucharistic Liturgy replaces Vespers every Wednesday and Friday from Ash
Wednesday to Pascha (Easter).

The Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian is recited at the end of every office during Lent
from Ash Wednesday to Palm Saturday. They are omitted on Fridays after Vespers and
Sundays until None inclusively. No Angelus is recited during Holy Week.

The Prayer of Saint Ephrem (recited kneeling down)

                              O Lord and Master of my life,
                             take from me the spirit of sloth,
                      faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk.
                           But give rather the spirit of chastity,
                       humility, patience and love to Your servant.

                                Yes, O Lord and King,
                          grant that I may see my own errors
                             and not to judge my brother,
                      O You who are blessed unto the Age of ages,

              (Performing a Metany each time we repeat the prayer 3 times:)
                              O God, purify me a sinner!

How to use this calendar:

Reading of Biblical References:

For example:
2Co 3:4-15, 18; 4:1; 6:13-15a
2Co: refer to the Biblical abbreviations on page 7;
The first number: the chapter;
The following numbers: the verses;
A dash between 2 Arabic numerals (4-15) means that verse 4 is read to verse 15
A comma (15,18) means that we read verse 15 and then skip to verse 18;

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
A semicolon means a change of chapter;
[a] means the first part of the verse; [b] the second.

For the example above we read:
2nd Epistle to Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 4 to verse 15 inclusively; then verse 18 to
Chapter 4, verse 1; then to chapter 6, verse 13 until the first part of verse 15 inclusively.

We remind you that the Psalms in this calendar are numbered according to the
Septuagint—that is, the Greek translation of the Old Testament.

                      Alphabetical Abbreviations of Biblical Books

Ac Acts of the Apostles
Am Amos
Ap Apocalypse or Revelation
Ba Baruch Cant Canticle of Canticles or Song of
1Ch 1 Chronicles
2Ch 2 Chronicles
1Co 1 Corinthians
2Co 2 Corinthians
Col Colossians
Dn Daniel
Dt Deuteronomy
Eccles Ecclesiastes or Qoheleth
Eph Ephesians
Es Esther
Ex Exodus
Ezk Ezekiel
Ezr Ezra
Gal Galatians
Gn Genesis
Hab Habakkuk
Hb Hebrews
Hg Haggai
Ho Hosea
Is Isaiah
Jas James
Jb Job
Jdg Judges
Jdt Judith
Jer Jeremiah
Jl Joel
Jn John

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
1Jn 1 John
2Jn 2 John
3Jn 3 John
Jon Jonah
Jos Joshua
Jude Jude
1Kg 1 Kings
2Kg 2 Kings
La Lamentations
Lk Luke
Lv Leviticus
1Mc 1 Maccabees
2Mc 2 Maccabees
Mi Micah
Mk Mark
Ml Malachi
Mt Matthew
Na Nahum
Ne Nehemiah
Nm Numbers
Ob Obadiah
1P 1 Peter
2P 2 Peter
Phil Philippians
Phm Philemon
Prov Proverbs
Ps Psalms
Rm Romans
Ru Ruth
Si Ecclesiasticus or Sirach
1Sm 1 Samuel
2Sm 2 Samuel
Tb Tobit
1Th 1 Thessalonians
2Th 2 Thessalonians
Ti Titus
1Tm 1 Timothy
2Tm 2 Timothy
Wis Wisdom (of Solomon)
Zec Zechariah
Zep Zephaniah, Sophronias

                                Liturgical Year 2020-2021
                              of the Celtic Orthodox Church

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Beginning of Liturgical Year

23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday 8 November 2020

Cybi of Caenarvon, Founder of Caer Cybi Monastery, Anglesey, Wales (6th c.)
Moroc of Scotland, Bishop of Dunblane (9th C.)
Maur, 2nd Bishop of Verdun (383)
Gervat of Kinnedor, recluse at Holyman Head near Elgin (ca. 934)
Tysilio, Welsh bishop, prince and scholar (640)

♦ Matins:
Mt 16:1-8
♦ Liturgy:
Prov 3:1-10
Rm 7:14-25
Mt 5:38-48

24th Week after Pentecost
Monday 9 November 2020

John the Dwarf, or Colobos, hermit at Scetes (ca. 405)
Nectarius Kephalas, Metropolitan of Pentapolis, Abbot-Bishop of Aegina (1920)
Benen of Ireland, Saint Patrick’s psalm-singer (467)
Ursinus, 1st Bishop of Bourges (3rd c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Ml 3:13-20a
1Th 1:1-10
Mt 20:29-34

Liturgical Calendar 2020-2021 - of the Celtic Orthodox Church - Monastère Sainte-Présence
Tuesday 10 November 2020

Erastus, Olympas, Herodian, Sosipater, and Tertius, Apostles of the Seventy (1st c.)
John, Bishop of Ratzeburg, Germany (1066)
George, 1st Bishop of Puy-en-Velay (unknown)
Aedh, Bishop of Meath, Ireland (589)
Elaeth of Anglesey, monk under Saint Seiriol (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2
1Th 2:1-12
Mt 21:1-10

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours (397)
Bertuin of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Malonne Monastery (698)
Cynfran of Wales, founded a church in Gwynedd (5th c.)
Rhedius of Llanllyfni, in Carnarvonshire, Wales (unknown)

♦ Liturgy:
Jl 4:12-21
1Th 2:13-20
Mt 21:12-22
♦ Vespers of the beginning
of the Advent fast:
Is 35:1-10

Thursday 12 November 2020
(Beginning of the Advent Fast)

Renatus, Bishop of Angers (422)
Cunibert, Bishop of Cologne (663)
Cadwaladr, King of Wales, founder of Kilcummin (682)
Cummian the Fada, abbot of Kilcummin Monastery (662)
Machar, of Iona, came there with St Columba (6th c.)
Sinell of Cleenish, disciple of St Finnian of Clonard (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 12:1-6
Hb 1:1-14
Mk 13:1-8

Friday 13 November 2020

John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople, Father of the Church (407)
Chillien, monk in Ireland, hermit at Aubigny-en-Artois (7th c.)
Caillin of Ferns, Bishop (7th c.)
Denick of Caithness, Scotland, bishop (6th c.)
Gredifael, Abbot of Whitland of Dyfed, in Wales (7th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 10:17-21
Hb 2:1-4
Mk 13:9:13

Saturday 14 November 2020

Gregory Palamas, Bishop of Thessalonica, Father of the Church, defender of hesychasm
   and theosis (1360)
Dyfrig, 1st Bishop-Abbot of Llandaff, hermit (c.550)
Sidonius of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Saint-Saëns-en-Bray (c.690)
Modan of Scotland (possibly 8th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 18:3-5
Hb 2:5-9
Mk 13:14-18

1st Sunday of Advent
Sunday 15 November 2020

Malo, Bishop-Abbot of Llancarfan, 1st Bishop of Aleth (630)
Desiderius, Bishop of Cahors (655)
Paisius Velichkovsky, monk in Moldavia (1794)
Machell [Machudd] of Llanfechell, Anglesey (7th c.)

♦ Matins:
Jn 20:1-18
♦ Liturgy:
Is 2:1-5; 4:2-3
Rm 11:25-31
Mt 3:1-10

Monday 16 November 2020

Emilianus, monk at Saujon, hermit at Saint-Emilion (767)
Afan, Bishop-Abbot at Llanafan (6 c.)

Othmar, Abbot of Saint Gall (759)
Alfrick, Archbishop of Canterbury faced with Norse invasions (1105)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 24:7-16a
Hb 2:10-18
Mk 13:19-23

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Hilda, nun at Chelles Monastery, Abbess-Foundress of Whitby (680)
Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea (270)
Gregory, Bishop of Tours (595)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 14:1-8
Hb 3:1-6
Mk 13:24-31

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Maudez, Prince of Ulster, Abbot of the Isle of Lavret (5th or 6th c.)
Mummolus [Momble] of Ireland, 3rd Abbot of Lagny (690)
Mawes, Welsh hermit and abbot, founded churches in Cornwall and Brittany (6th c.)
Keverne of Cornwall (6th c.)
Mabyn of Cornwall (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 16:1-10
Hb 3:7-19
Mk 13:32-37

Thursday 19 November 2020

Obadiah, Prophet in Samaria (9th c. BC)
James, hermit at Sasseau (865)
Ermenburga, foundress of convent of Minster, on Thanet Island (700)
Ronan, 1st Abbot of Drumshallon (665)
Medana, virgin of Galloway (8th c.)
Egbert, established the archdiocese of York (766)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 24:16b-23
Hb 4:1-13
Lk 17:20-24

Friday 20 November 2020
(Forefeast of the Entry in the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God)

Autbodus of Ireland, hermit near Laon (690)
Maxentia, princess of Ireland, virgin and martyr (death unknown)
Gregory the Decapolite, monk at Constantinople (8th – 9th c.)
Colman, born at Dalriada, Argyllshire, Wales (death unknown)
Edmund, King of Norfolk, martyr (870)
Humbert of East Anglia, martyr (870)
Eval, Bishop of Cornwall (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 27:1-3; 12-13
Hb 4:14-16
Mt 8:5-11
♦ Vespers:
Ps 44 and 45
♦ 1st Nocturn:
Ex 40:1-5, 9-16, 34-35

Saturday 21 November 2020

Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God (1st c.)
Columbanus the Younger, monk of Bangor-on-Dee (615)
Wendelin, monk of Luxeuil, 1st Abbot of Lèse (650)
Digain, Prince of Cornwall, confessor (5th c.)

Entry in the Temple
♦ 3rd Nocturn:
1K 7:51 – 8:1,3-7, 9-11
♦ Matins:
Lk 1:39-49, 56
♦ Liturgy:
Ez 43:27 – 44:4
Hb 9:1-7
Lk 10:38-42; 11:27-28
♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 25:1-9
Hb 5:1-6
Lk 10:21-24

2nd Sunday of Advent
Sunday 22 November 2020

Philemon, Apphia, Archippus and Onesimus, disciples (1 c.)

Cecilia, Valerian and Tiburtius, martyrs at Rome (230)

♦ Matins:
Mt 28:1-15
♦ Liturgy:
Is 28:16-17; 29:17-24
2Co 4:1-6
Mt 11:2-15

Monday 23 November 2020

Columban of Ireland, Abbot-Founder of Luxeuil and Bobbio (615)
Clement I, Bishop of Rome, martyr, Father of the Church (101)
Trudo (or Trond), monk at Stavelot-Malmedy Abbot-Founder de Saint-Trond (695)
Deiniol the Younger, Abbot of Bangor, in Wales (621)
♦ Vespers:
Ps 15 and 18
♦ Liturgy:
Wis 18:1a, 3-4
Col 3:12-17
Jn 15:12-17
♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 40:21-31
Hb 5:7-10
Mt 15:29-37

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Leopardinus, Abbot of Saint Symphorian de Vivaris (7th c.)
Pourçain, Abbot de Miranda (527)
Walata Petros of Ethiopia (1643-1694)
Colman, 1st Bishop of Cloyne (600)
Eanfleda, wife of King Oswy of Northumbria (700)
Paulinus of Wales (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 29:9-24
Hb 5:11-14
Mt 7:21, 24-27

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Catherine, martyr at Alexandria (310)
Mercurius, martyr at Caesarea of Cappadocia (250)
Alnoth, hermit and martyr at Stowe (700)
Teilo, Abbot-Bishop of Llandaff (560)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 5:1-7
Hb 6:1-8
Mt 9:27-31

Thursday 26 November 2020
(Forefeast of Our Lady of the Sign)

Romphaire, of Northumbria, Bishop of Coutances (728)
Basolus (also called Basle), Founder of Verzy (620)
Egelwine, Prince of Wessex, hermit at Athelney, Somersetshire, England (7th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 33:15-22
Hb 6:9-15
Lk 5:17-26
♦ Vespers:
Ps 44 and 121
♦ 1st Nocturn:
Akathist Hymn

Friday 27 November 2020

Our Lady of the Sign
Gregory the Sinaite, monk of Mount Sinai (1260-1346)

Acharius, monk of Luxeuil, Bishop of Tournai and Noyon (640)
Fergus of Glamis, bishop and martyr in Scotland (c. 730)
Virgilius, from Ireland, Bishop of Salzburg (784)
Congar, Welsh abbot and Bishop of Somerset (520)
Edwold, hermit of Cerne, Dorset (9th c.)

Our Lady of the Sign:
♦ 3rd Nocturn:
1K 8:22-23, 27-30
Si 24:22-31
♦ Liturgy:
Is 7:10-14
Ap 12:1-6
Lk 1:39-49
♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 38:10-20
Hb 6:15-20
Mt 9:35 – 10:1, 5b-8

Saturday 28 November 2020

Herman, apostle of Alaska (1836)
Fionnchu, 2nd Abbot of Bangor (6th c.)
Juthwara, martyr at Lanteglos-by-Camelford (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 63:7-16
Hb 7:1-3
Jn 1:35-42

3rd Sunday of Advent
Sunday 29 November 2020

Jacob of Sarugh, Bishop of Batnan, in Syria (521)
Saturninus, 1st Bishop of Toulouse, martyr (257)
Brendan the Younger, Abbot of Birr (573)
Sadwen, confessor in Wales (6th c.)
Ethewin [Egelwine] of Athelney, Somersetshire, England (7th c.)

♦ Matins:
Mk 16:1-8
♦ Liturgy:
Is 62:10-12; 45:8
Rm 8:3-6
Jn 1:15-28

Monday 30 November 2020

Andrew the First Called, Apostle at Patras, martyr (62)
Tugdual, Wales and Brittany, 1st Bishop of Treher (Treguier) (564)
Frumentius, 1st Bishop of Aksum, Abyssinia (380)

♦ Vespers:
Ps 18
♦ Liturgy:
Wis 9:17; 10:4-6; 14:5-7; 16:8
Gal 2:19-20; 6:14, 17-18
Jn 1:35-41
♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 51:1-3
Hb 7:4-10
Mt 4:12-22

Tuesday 1st December 2020

Nahum, prophet (600’s BC)
Eligius, Bishop of Tournai and Noyon (660)
Nessan, 2nd Abbot of Cork (7th c.)
Grewst of Denbighshire (7th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 63:17 – 64:3
Hb 7:11-17
Mt 4:23-25

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Prophet Habakkuk, author of Book of Habakkuk (7th c. BC)
Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, Father of the Church (450)
Chromatius, Bishop of Aquileia (406)
Bibiana (or) Viviana, martyr at Rome (4th c.)
Trumwin of Whitby, bishop over southern Picts (c. 700)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 42:1-8
Hb 7:18-28
Lk 5:1-11

Thursday 3 December 2020

Prophet Zephaniah (500s BC)
Attalia, Abbess-Foundress of Strasbourg (741)
Eloque (or) Eloquius of Ireland, 2nd Abbot of Lagny (666)
Jumael, Metropolitan of Dol (c. 1076)
Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester and Apostle of Wessex (650)
Lucius of Britain (c. 200)
Ethernan of Scotland (7th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 43:8-13
Hb 8:1-5
Lk 7:18b-23

Friday 4 December 2020

John of Damascus, monk of Saint Sabbas of Jerusalem, Father of the Church (749)
Barbara, martyr at Nicomedia (235)
Juliana, martyred at Hierapolis (304)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 48:1-6
Hb 8:6-13
Lk 7:24-30

Saturday 5 December 2020

Sabbas the Sanctified, Abbot-Founder of Mar Saba (532)
Lua, monk of Luxeuil (7th c.)
Justinian of Wales, hermit at Ramsey (560)
Cawrdaf of Wales, monk and disciple of St Illtyd (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 44:1-9, 21-23
Hb 9:1-7
Mt 18:12-14

4th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 6 December 2020

Nicholas, Bishop Wonderworker of Myre (350)
Constantine, King of the Scots, Abbot of Saint Andrew (576)
Auxilius, Isserninus and Secundinus, workers with St Patrick (5th c.)

♦ Matins:
Lk 24:1-12
♦ Liturgy:
Ml 3:1-4, 10c-12
Jas 5:7-12
Lk 3:10-18

Monday 7 December 2020
(Forefeast of the Conception of the Most Holy Mother of God)

Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Father of the Church (397)
Fare, Foundress of Faremoutiers (657)
Buithe of Monasterboice, missionary (521)
Dima, Bishop of the Mercians and Middle Angles (658)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 51-9-16
Hb 9:8-15
Mt 11:16-19

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Conception of the Most Holy Mother of God by Saint Anna
Sosthenes, disciple at Corinth, 1st Bishop of Colphonia (1st c.)
Romaric, monk at Luxeuil, 2nd Abbot of Remiremont (653)
Eucharius, 1st Bishop of Trier (250)

♦ Vespers:
Ps 44 and Ps 86
♦ Liturgy:
Proto Gospel of JC
Composed Reading
Prov 8:22-35
Gal 4:22-27
Lk 8:16-21

♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 52:1-10
Hb 9:16-23
Mt 11:28-30

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Anna, Prophetess in Israel (1st c.)
Budoc, bishop in Ireland, 3rd Bishop of Dol (6th c.)
Balda, 3rd Abbess of Jouarre (7th c.)
Ethelgiva, Abbess of Shaftsbury (896)
Lesmo, hermit at Glentamire, Scotland (unknown)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 54:10-13
Hb 9:24-28
Mt 17:10-13

Thursday 10 December 2020

Eulalia, martyr at Merida (304)
Huon, Founder of Lannion (unknown)
Deiniol, Founder of monastery at Bangor Fawr and Bangor-on-Dee (c. 584)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 55:3-7
Hb 10:1-10
Jn 5:33-36

Friday 11 December 2020

Daniel the Stylite, priest in Anatolia (493)
Victoricus, Fuscian and Gentian, martyrs at Amiens (304)
Cian the Hermit of Wales (6th c.)
Peris of Llanberis, Wales (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 58:10-11
Hb 10:11-18
Mt 20:29-34

Saturday 12 December 2020

Corentin (or) Corentinus, 1st Bishop of Quimper (490)
Spiridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Cyprus (384)
Finnian, Bishop of Clonard (ca. 549)
Colman of Glendalough (659)
Edburga, Abbess of Minster-in-Thanet (751)
Agatha of Wimborne (790)
Cormac, abbot (6th c.)
Columba, Abbot of Tyrdaglas [Terryglass], disciple of St Finian (522)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 2:2-5
Hb 10:19-27
Mt 21:23-27

5th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 13 December 2020

Herman of Alaska, Wonderworker of All America (1836)
Lucy, martyr at Syracuse (304)
Odilia, Abbess-Foundress of Hohenburg (720)
Lucy, virgin and martyr of Syracuse (4th c.)
Judoc, confessor (669)
Edburga of Lyminge, virgin (7th c.)

♦ Matins:
Jn 20:1-18
♦ Liturgy:
Ez 36:6-11
Col 3:4-11
Mt 21:1-9

Monday 14 December 2020

Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers (610)
Fingar, Abbot-Founder of Pluvigner, martyr (407)
Nicasius, Bishop of Reims, martyr (407)
Hybald, Abbot of Hibaldstow of (7th c.)
♦ Liturgy:
Is 66:1-2
Hb 10:28-39
Mt 21:28-32

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Maximinus (also called Mesmin), 2nd Abbot of Micy (250)
Valerian, Bishop of Abbenza in North Africa (457)
Flann [Florentius], Abbot of Bangor (7th c.)
Offa, King of Essex, monk (c. 709)
Nothelm, Anglo-Saxon Archbishop of Canterbury (739)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 19:19-25
Hb 11:1-7
Mk 1:2-5

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Prophet Haggai (500s BC)
Judicael, King of Domnonée, monk of Gaël (658)
Irenaeus, Bishop of Gaza (389)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 45:2-7
Hb 11:8-16
Mt 3:1-3

Thursday 17 December 2020

Lazarus, disciple of Bethany, 1st Bishop of Marseille (1st c.)
Daniel, prophet, Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael (6th c. BC)
Brioch [Briach] of Brittany, disciple of St Tudwal (6th c.)
Tetta, Abbess of Wimborne (8th c.)
Tydecho of Merionethshire (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 33:1-17
Hb 11:17-30
Mt 3:4-12
♦ Vespers:
1st Divine Name:

Friday 18 December 2020

Flannan, Bishop-Founder of Killaloe, apostle of the Hebrides (7th c.)
Gatian, 1st Bishop de Tours (337)
Winnibald, abbot and missionary in England and Heidenheim (761)
Mawnan [Maunanus] of Cornwall, monk (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 41:8-16
Hb 12:1-13
Lk 1:5-25
♦ Vespers:
2nd Divine Name:

Saturday 19 December 2020

Gregentios, Bishop of Axoum (6th c.)
Samthann abbess-foundress of Clonbroney (739)
Manirus, bishop and apostle of the north of Scotland (unknown)
Boniface the Merciful, apostle of northern Scotland (unknown)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 42:1-13
Hb 12:14-29
Lk 1:26-38
♦ Vespers:
3rd Divine Name:

6th Sunday of Advent
Sunday 20 December 2020

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, hieromartyr at Rome, Father of the Church (c. 107)
Urcisinus of Ireland, founder of Saint Ursanne (625)

♦ Matins:
Mt 28:1-15
♦ Liturgy:
Is 11:1-10
Rm 15:8-13
Mt 24:27-36, 42-44
♦ Vespers:
4th Divine Name:

Monday 21 December 2020

Thomas, Apostle and martyr (1st c.)
Juliana, martyr at Nicomedia (304)
Elgiva of Shaftsbury, nun (971)
Beornwald of Bampton (8th c.)

♦ Vespers:
Ps 67
♦ 1st Nocturn:
1Jn 1:1-7
♦ 2nd Nocturn:
Jas 1:1-12
♦ 3rd Nocturn:
Jude 1-7, 17-25
♦ Liturgy:
Si 39:6-11
Eph 2:19-22
Jn 20:19-31

♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Is 51:4-8
Hb 13:1-8
Lk 1:39-45
♦ Vespers:
5th Divine Name:

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Ethernan of Ireland (also known as Adrian of May), apostle of the Picts (875)
Ischyrion, martyr (250)
Ernan of Donegal, monk (c. 640
Ernan, Founder of community on island of Hinba (6th c.)
Amaethlu of Llanfaethlu, Welsh founder and hermit (6th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 64:1-11
Hb 13:9-15
Lk 1:57-66
♦ Vespers:
6th Divine Name:

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Dagobert II, King of Austrasia, founder of Haslach (679)
Victoria and Anatolia, martyrs at Tribulano (304)
Frithbert, Bishop of Hexham (766)
Mazota of Abernethy (8th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Is 66:7-12
Hb 13:16-25
Lk 1:67-79
♦ Vespers:
7th Divine Name:

Thursday 24 December 2020
(Forefeast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Delphinus, Bishop of Bordeaux (404)
Venerandus, Bishop of Clermont (423)

♦ Liturgy of the Forefeast:
Is 55:1 – 56:1
Ti 2:11-15
Mt 1:18-25
♦ Vigil:
Ps 141 and 2
8th Divine Name:
♦ 2nd Nocturn:
Ps 45 and 66
Is 54:1-17
Homily of Saint Augustin

♦ 3rd Nocturn:
Ti 3:4-7
Ps 2, 94, 95, 109
Is 7: 10-14; 8:9-10

♦ Liturgy of Christmas Eve:
Ba 3:36 – 4:4
Hb 1:1-13
Lk 2:1-20

Week of the Nativity
Friday 25 December 2020

Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Anastasia the Pharmakolytria (“Deliverer from Potions”), martyr at Sirmium (303)

♦ Solemn Vespers:
Ps 84 and 88 (vs 21 to 30 inclusively)

Saturday 26 December 2020

Stephen Protomartyr, deacon (35)
Tathan, prince of Ireland, founder of Llandathan (6th c.)
Jariath of Tuam, Founder of monastery and college near Tuam (c. 540)

♦ Vespers:
Ps 84 and 88 (vs 21-30)
♦ 3rd Nocturn:
Jer 17:7-18
♦ Liturgy:
1Kg 21:1-29
Ac 6:8-10; 7:54-60
Mt 23:34-39

♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Wis 1:1-5
Eph 1:1-8
Lk 5:12-16

1st Week after the Nativity
Sunday 27 December 2020

John the Theologian, Apostle, Evangelist (100)
Alan, Bishop-Abbot of Quimper (c. 670)
Maximus, Pope of Alexandria (282)

♦ Liturgy:
Si 15:1-6
2Co 5:1-5
Jn 21:20-24

♦ Matins:
Lk 2:41-52
♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Si 45:1-4
Col 3:14-15, 17
Mt 2:19-23

Monday 28 December 2020

The Holy Innocents, martyrs at Bethlehem (1st c.)
Cade, Bishop in Berry (472)
Gowan of Wales, wife of King Tewdrig of Glamorgan (5th c.)
Maughold of the Isle of Man, Bishop of MacCaille (c. 488)
Romulus and Conindrus, missionaries and bishops, first evangelizers of the Isle of Man
Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr (1012)

The Holy Innocents
♦ Vespers:
Ps 8
♦ Liturgy:
Jer 31:15-20
Hb 2:9-18
Mt 2:13-2

♦ Liturgy of the Day:
Wis 1:6-11
Eph 1:9-14
Lk 5:17-26

Tuesday 29 December 2020

David, King and Prophet of Israel (c. 970 BC)
Trophimus, Bishop of Arles (3rd c.)
Ebrulf (also known as Evroult) founder of Mortain (596)
Marcel, Abbot of the Acemetes (5th c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Wis 1:12 – 2:5
Eph 1:15-23
Lk 5:27-32

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Timon the Deacon, Apostle of the Seventy (1st c.)
Liberius III, Bishop of Ravenna (200)
Sabinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyr (303)
Exuperantius and Marcellus, martyrs at Assisi (303)
Egwin, Bishop of Worcester and Founder of Evesham Abbey (717)

♦ Liturgy:
Wis 2:6-23
Eph 2:1-10
Lk 5:33-39

Thursday 31 December 2020

Nicholas of Feltham the Blesser (1998)
Melania the Younger, Abbess at Jerusalem (439)
Sabinian (390), martyr, 1st Bishop of Sens; Altinus and Columba, of Sens, martyrs (2nd c.)
Potentian, 2nd Bishop of Sens, martyr (2nd c.)

♦ Liturgy:
Wis 3:1-9
Eph 2:11-22
Lk 6:1-5

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