Page created by Kimberly Gilbert
JANUARY 24, 2021


         508 WEST DAVIS STREET

Please join in reading
                                         G ATHERING A ROU ND TH E W ORD
  aloud those parts of     WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS
the service printed in          The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
                 bold.              And also with you.
                                Let us now prepare our hearts to worship God.

  The congregation is
      invited to reflect
                           MUSIC FOR PREPARATION
   silently during the          A Clarinet Tune                                       Harrison Oxley (1933-2009)
             Music for
           Preparation     CALL TO WORSHIP
   as a time of prayer          Christ is calling us as disciples.
       and meditation.          Lord Jesus, let us follow you faithfully.
                                We will be led into fields of mission and service.
                                Lord Jesus, where you lead us, we will go.
                                Listen for Christ’s call to you.
                                We are ready to serve the Lord. Amen.
When this symbol (*)
 precedes an element       *CONGREGATIONAL HYMN – NO. 720
 of the service, please         Jesus Calls Us                                                          GALILEE
rise in body or spirit.                           (Text and Tune are printed on page 7)

                           *CALL TO CONFESSION

   We lay before God       *CORPORATE PRAYER OF CONFESSION
         our own sins,          Christ Jesus,
          the sins and
                                   we hear your invitation: “Follow me.”
    brokenness of our
   fellow worshipers,           And we want to follow,
the church universal,              but we also want to stay where we are.
        and the world.          We want to receive what you offer,
                                   but we also want to cling to what we already have.
                                We believe that we are too busy.
                                We believe that we are not worthy to follow you.
                                And so we are stuck.
                                Holy One,
                                   calm our fears.
                                Forgive our selfishness.
                                Loosen our grip and liven our feet.
                                Help us to feel your grace so that we may be strengthen to follow you.

                           *SILENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION
     Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie eleison)                             John Weaver (b. 1937)

                                                                                          The astoundingly
                                                                                          good news of our
                                                                                          reconciliation to
*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE                                                                  God through Jesus
     Glory to God!                                                      GELOBT SEI GOTT   Christ frees our
                                                                                          tongues to sing
                                                                                          mighty praise to

                                                                                          We exchange
*PASSING THE PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY OF CHRIST TO OTHERS                                     reconciling words
     The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.                                      and gestures
     And also with you.                                                                   among the people
                                                                                          of God.
                          LISTENING FOR THE WORD


     The Word of the Lord.
     Thanks be to God.

     I’m Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger         American Folk Song, arr. Horace Boyer
                                    Kenneth Lee, baritone

     I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger, I’m traveling through this world below;
     There is no sickness, toil, nor danger, in that bright world to which I go.
     I’m going there to see my father, I’m going there no more to roam:
     I’m just a going over Jordan, I’m just a going over home.
We listen for what         I know dark clouds will gather o’er me, I know my pathway’s rough and steep;
   God is saying to        But golden fields lie out before me, where weary eyes no more shall weep.
      God’s people         I’m going there to see my mother, she said she’d meet me when I come.
 through scripture,
song, and sermon.          I want to sing salvation’s story, in concert with the bloodwashed band;
                           I want to wear a crown of glory, when I get home to that good land.
                           I’m going there to see my brothers, they passed before me one by one.

                           I’ll soon be free from every trial, this form will rest beneath the sod;
                           I’ll drop the cross of self-denial, and enter in my home with God.
                           I’m going there to see my Saviour, who shed for me His precious blood.

                      GOSPEL READING: Mark 1:14-20
                           The Gospel of the Lord.
                           Praise to you, O Christ.

                      SERMON: “I’m sooo busy”                                                         Rev. Carrie Tuttle

                                             R ES P ONDING TO T HE W O RD
                      *HYMN OF RESPONSE – NO. 726
   Our response to         Will You Come and Follow Me                                                   KELVINGROVE
     hearing God’s                            (Text and Tune are printed on page 8)
    Word includes
singing and saying
                      *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH                                            - from A Brief Statement of Faith
   what we believe.
                           In life and in death we belong to God.
                           Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
                              the love of God,
                              and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
                              we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel,
                              whom alone we worship and serve.
                           We trust in Jesus Christ,
                              fully human, fully God.
                           Jesus proclaimed the reign of God:
                              preaching good news to the poor
                              and release to the captives,
                              teaching by word and deed
                              and blessing the children,
                              healing the sick
                              and binding up the brokenhearted,
                              eating with outcasts,
                              forgiving sinners,
                              and calling all to repent and believe the gospel.

                      PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE

                      LORD’S PRAYER
                           Our Father, who art in heaven,
                             hallowed be thy name.
                           Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
                             on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
        and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
        and lead us not into temptation,
        but deliver us from evil.
     For thine is the kingdom
        and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

                       ACTS OF GIVING AND RECEIVING

     Witness                                                         arr. Hall Johnson (1888-1970)
                                      Kenneth Lee, baritone

     Oh, Lord, what manner of man is this? All nations in Him are blest;
     All things are done by His will; He spoke to the sea and the sea stood still.
     Now ain’t that a witness for my Lord? My soul is a witness for my Lord.
     Now there was a man of the Pharisees, his name was Nicodemus and he didn’t believe.
     The same came to Christ by night, wanted to be taught out of human sight.
     Nicodemus was a man desired to know how a man can be born when he is old.
     Christ told Nicodemus, as a friend, “Man, you must be born again.”
     Said “Marvel not, man, if you want to be wise, repent, believe, and be baptized.”
     Then you’ll be a witness for my Lord! Soul is a witness for my Lord.
     You read about Samson, from his birth. Strongest man that ever lived on earth.
     ‘Way back yonder in ancient times, he killed ten thousand of the Philistines.
     Then old Samson went wandering about; Samson’s strength was never found out
     ‘Till his wife sat upon his knees. She said, “Tell me where your strength lies, if you please.”
     Now Samson’s wife, she talked so fair, Samson said, “Cut off my hair.
     Shave my head just as clean as you can, and my strength will become like a natural man.”
     Old Samson was a witness for my Lord. Soul is a witness for my Lord.
     That’s another witness! My soul is a witness for my Lord!

     Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                                 LASST UNS ERFREUEN
                  *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION

                  *CONGREGATIONAL HYMN – NO. 733
                       We All Are One in Mission                     ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN
God blesses and                          (Text and Tune are printed on page 9)
    sends us in
 mission to the   MUSIC AT THE VOLUNTARY
                       Fugue in C Major (“Jig”)                           Diettrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

                                                Ronald L. Shive, D. Min., Pastor
                                   Carrie Tuttle, M. Div., Parish Associate for Pastoral Care
                                         J. Patrick Murphy, M. Mus., Organist-Choirmaster
                    Charlotte Nance-Allbright, M.A, C.C.E., Director of Christian Formation and Education
An n o u n c e m e n t s
A Warm And Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship with us this Sunday. We hope in this service you will encounter the
living Christ and experience the warmth of our caring family of faith.

Cover Art: Calling Disciples, He Qi

Live Telephone Worship
To listen to the worship service, simply call 888-969-5508 at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. You will also be given an option of receiving a
weekly call prior to each worship service.

Please help us and pass this information along to any church member or community member who would benefit from this opportunity.

Live Video Streaming Service: Boxcast will not only stream to our website at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings, but also to
our Facebook page. The service will be available to view on our website and on the FPC Facebook page.

Church Office Closed: Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Church Office remains closed. The staff will be working
in the office from 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Monday—Thursday and from home the remainder of the day. Please contact all staff by phone
or email only.

Music Notes: Music texts and impressions, along with streaming music, are provided with permission from One License, License #A
-715495. All rights reserved.

Pastoral Care Information
If you have a personal emergency, hospitalization, or pastoral care need, please call the church office. If it is after office hours or on
the weekend, you may call the minister on call: 1/22-1/24 Carrie Tuttle (336-708-0451)

Taize Worship, Sunday, January 31 at 6:30 p.m. – Join us for a Livestream worship service in the Taize tradition, as we offer a time
of quiet, prayers, contemplative music, times of silence, and scripture in the midst of these challenging days. Simply call 888-969-
5508 (for telephone access) at 6:30 p.m. or access our livestream link on the church website or on our Facebook page for a live
experience, or later through the music page on the website.

FPC Talent Survey
The FPC Burlington church staff and Session are asking the congregation to complete this very short survey: https:// Within this survey, you will find questions whose answers will be extremely valuable to
the life of our church.
In the fall of 2020, the elders adopted a change as to how the Session will operate, beginning in 2021. With this change, the want and
the need to engage more members of our congregation is paramount as our church continues to adapt and evolve. Please take a
minute or two and provide us with your feedback. The questions are designed so that we have an understanding as to the talents and
skills of our members. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send a note to either Dr. Shive ( or
Trip Durham, Session class '21 (

Church-wide Book Read during Lent 2021 (Ash Wednesday, February 17 through March 21)
Our Lenten devotional book this year is The Hope of Glory: Reflections on the Last Words of Jesus on the Cross by Pulitzer Prize-
winning author Jon Meacham. As with our Advent devotional schedule, we will read a chapter the week before the topic is presented
in the upcoming Sunday sermon. An at-home faith formation sheet will also be given to you when you pick up your book to help you
with weekly wondering and reflection. We have 50 copies of the book that you can purchase for $10 each and pick up on Sunday,
February 14, and please do not let the cost of the book prevent you from getting one. Funds are available to make sure everyone is
able to join in the read. Contact Charlotte Nance-Allbright to reserve your copy!

Selected Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979) via Zoom each Sunday through March 7 at 11:30 a.m.
Elizabeth Bishop, whose reputation has been steadily rising since her death in 1979, is a major American poet. Born in Worcester,
Massachusetts, she was an only child, losing her father at eight months and, effectively, her mother who was institutionalized when
Bishop was five. Throughout her life Bishop suffered from asthma, allergies, depression, and alcoholism. While at Vassar she
became friends with Marianne Moore, and later with Robert Lowell, who helped her obtain the position of consultant in poetry to the
Library of Congress (which position later became Poet Laureate). Bishop liked to travel; she lived in New York City, Key West, San
Francisco, Brazil, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she taught at Harvard. When she became ill in Brazil, she was cared for by
Lota de Macedo Soares, whom she had known at Vassar, and remained in Brazil for some fifteen years. Bishop wrote about travel,
place/location, exile, nature and the physical world, emotions, and personal experience. Although she was not religious, there are two
critical studies about the use of Christianity in her work. She won a Pulitzer (1956), the National Book Award (1970), the Neustradt
International Prize, and the National Book Critics Circle Award (1976). We will use Elizabeth Bishop’s The Complete Poems: 1927-
1979 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), which can be reasonably purchased in used paperback on Contact Harry Brown
( for more information or to sign up for the class.

"Rejoice, Find Strength, Give Thanks" Please join our study of Philippians! Rev. Amanda Anderson will lead a 4-week adult
study of the book of Philippians in January 2021. The study will take place via Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. We will
gather on January 27. If you wish to sign-up for e-mail reminders and the weekly class Zoom link, go to Sign-Up Genius at https://
“A New Year’s Spiritual Workout.” Join Rev. Evan Harrison at 7:00 p.m. Thursdays in January via Zoom for “A New Year’s
Spiritual Workout.” We will discover which spiritual practices breathe Christ’s wholeness into our lives. During every session we will
develop tools and practices for our spiritual journey such as centering prayer, laughter, scripture, and the Enneagram (a faith-informed
personality discovery). Watch a video from Rev. Harrison and sign up to participate
hlLk55 . Rev. Harrison will send a zoom link to everyone who signs up.

John Knox Fellowship: Coming soon “A New Look at the Creation Story” led by Dr. Jim Pace. Class will be at 9:00 a.m. via
Zoom. If you do not receive the John Knox Fellowship class emails, and would like to be kept up to date on all the wonderful offerings,
please let Charlotte Nance-Allbright ( know.

Make Your Mark in 2021
As we close out this most unusual year, are you thinking about how 2021 will be different or better? Why not use this time to make
your mark in the New Year by making your pledge to FPC-Burlington? This action shows that:
· · · Your generosity is a priority; you return to God a share of His blessings to you.
· · · Your sharing of financial resources is an expression of love and care for your FPC-Burlington family.
You are open to receiving the benefits of your generosity.
To make your pledge, you may pledge online or email Lacey Way in the church office:
Thank you!
                                                       Mission and Outreach
Local Mission Opportunity During the COVID 19 Crisis
Feed the Hungry Food Collection - Our church can still reach out to help those in need by donating food. Collection boxes are
located outside the church entrance adjacent to the main parking lot and all you have to do is drive by and drop off your food
donation. Thanks for doing whatever you can!

Social Worker's Closet at Andrews Elementary School
As you know many populations have been and continue to be hit hard by this pandemic. Every time we talk with Pam Burney, Andrews
Elementary School’s social worker, she shares another story about a family that is hurting. Moms and Dads have been laid off and a
family was evicted out of their home last week. Pam continues to distribute toiletries, under clothes and cleaning supplies to those in
need, even though the children haven’t been in school. January is the month we collect for Pam’s Closet! We often receive heartfelt
emails thanking First Presbyterian for all we do for Andrew’s Elementary School. They are so grateful for our partnership. Here is a list
of their immediate needs.

                                                             January 24-28

 Sunday, January 24
 9:00 a.m.      John Knox Fellowship Gathers via Zoom with Dr. Jim Pace
 10:00 a.m.     Worship Service — Live Streaming
 11:30 a.m.     PreK-5th Grade Children Gather — Playground
 11:30 a.m.     Selected Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop via Zoom with Harry Brown
 4:00 p.m.      Confirmation Interest Meeting via Zoom
 4:30 p.m.      Diaconate Meeting via Zoom
 5:00 p.m.      Middle School and High School Youth Group Meets
 7:00 p.m.      Stated Session Zoom Meeting

 Tuesday, January 26
 10:00 a.m.     Staff Meeting via Zoom

 Wednesday, January 27
 10:00 a.m.    "Rejoice, Find Strength, Give Thanks" Zoom Class
 5:30 p.m.     Re-Entry Committee Meeting via Zoom
 7:00 p.m.     Enrichment Class Meets via Zoom

 Thursday, January 28
 9:00 a.m.      Staff Meeting via Zoom
 7:00 p.m.      Online Enneagram Retreat with Rev. Evan Harrison
 7:30 p.m.      UKIRK Meets via Zoom
Staff Directory

Ron Shive, Pastor and Head of Staff                          Kathleen Seagroves, Church Office Administrator                           
        336-228-1703 X214                                            336-228-1703 X213
        336-263-1884 (cell)
                                                             Jane Cunningham, Communications Coordinator
Taylor Barner, Associate Pastor for Student Ministries                                      336-772-5063
         336-228-1703 X216
         412-613-0835 (cell)                                 Boyce Bishop, Building Superintendent
Carrie Tuttle, Parish Associate for Pastoral Care                    336-228-1703 X222
         336-708-0451 (cell)                                 Daria Hedrick, Director, Child Development Center
Patrick Murphy, Organist — Choirmaster                               336-226-7055
         336-228-1703 X218                                   Eddie Lee Lipscomb, Buildings and Grounds Member
Charlotte Nance-Allbright
         Director of Christian Formation and Education       Robert Jeffers, Buildings and Grounds Member                                336-228-1703 X222
         336-228-1703 X223
                                                             Suzy Schut, Part-Time Administrative Assistant
Lacey Way, Financial Administrator                                   336-228-1703 X210
       336-228-1703 X217
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