Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
           March 28, 2021
       St. Joseph Catholic Church
         Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Diocese of Austin The Catholic Church of Central Texas
234 San Gabriel St. - P.O. Box 548, Rockdale, TX 76567
512-446-2049 Fax: 512-446-0411 |
Office Hours: TUE & THURS: 10AM-3PM /WED: 10AM-6PM/FRI: 10AM-12PM
Father Pedro Castillo: 512-429-3364
Office is open following 6 foot social distancing and one person in the office at a time.
La oficina ahora está abierta sigiendo las reglas de distancia social de 6 pies y una persona en la oficina a la vez.

Mass Schedule    | Horario de misa                                      Devotion|Devoción
SAT: 5 PM        | SAB: 7 PM                                            First Friday Mass and Eucharistic Adoration|
                                                                        Misa del Primer Viernes y Adoración Eucarística
SUN: 9 AM *      | DOM: 11:15 AM *                                      12:15PM
MON-THUR: 8 AM | JUE: 6 PM                                              Eucharistic Adoration| Adoración Eucarística
FRI: 12:15 PM                                                           Thursday/Jueves - 6:40PM
                                                                        Sacrament of Reconciliation |
FACEBOOK LIVE                                                           Sacramento de Reconciliación
      Please note: per the Diocese of Austin’s instruction,             Confessions are being held in the chapel.
 livestream Masses will no longer be re-watchable after the             Confesiones son en la capilla.
 stream ends. If you are watching via livestream, we encour-            After First Friday Mass |
 age you to join our congregation and the Mass live with us!            Despues de Misa del Primer Viernes
Tenga en cuenta: según la instrucción de la Diócesis de Austin,         SAT |Sábado 4:00PM -4:45PM
las Misas en vivo ya no serán re-observables después de que             By appointment also | Con cita previa
  finalice la transmisión. Si usted está viendo a través de la          también
     transmisión en vivo, le animamos a unirse a nuestra                Call Father Pedro|Llamar Padre Pedro
         congregación y la Misa en vivo con nosotros!                   at 512-429-3364

Our Parish Mission Statement
“We the people of St. Joseph’s Parish open our hearts and doors to those from all walks of life so that they too may share in
the everlasting presence of God. Together we strive to grow closer to Jesus Christ through the Holy Eucharist. We keep
Christ as our only option in communion and participation to the new evangelization, building one church, alive and
dynamic. We also make present the values of the Kingdom of God following the example of the Magi, the first witnesses of
Declaración de la Parroquia
"Nosotros, la parroquia de San Jose, abrimos nuestros corazones y puertas a los de todos para que tambien puedan
compartir la presencia eterna de Dios. Juntos nos esforzamos por acercarnos a Jesucristo a traves de la Santa Eucaristía.
Mantenemos a Cristo como nuestra unica opcion en comunion y participar en la nueva evangelizacion, construyendo una
iglesia, viva y dinamica. Tambien hacemos presentes los valores del Reino de Dios siguiendo el ejemplo de los Reyes Magos,
los primeros testigos de la fe."
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord/Domingo De Ramos De La Pasión Del Señor March 28, 2021

     MASS INTENTIONS                                                        The                                      Remember
    MARCH 29-APRIL 4, 2021
                                                                      Sanctuary Light                                 in Prayer
Monday - St. Joseph Church
Tuesday – 6PM † Anne Kouba                                               is Burning
(No Mass at 8AM due to Chrism Mass                                       in Honor                    Martha Jeffcoat*Alvin Sulak*
Wednesday— † Anne Kouba                                                      of                     Kathy Smith*Josie Milberger*
Thursday – 6PM – †Raymond Gubas                                                                   Maria Teresa Mora*Evelyn Janak
8PM— † Manuel Escobar Juarez                                     Helen Zapata’s Birthday
                                                                                                   *Joe R. Ruelas*Carolyn Kocian*
Friday– 3PM – Stations of the Cross                                          by
(Bilingual) followed by Divine Mercy Novena                                                      Richard Facundo*Bill & Avis Luckey
6PM—Good Friday (English)                                          Jeff & Kelley Zapata
                                                                                                  *Josefina Quintanilla*Mary Vega
8PM—Viernes Santo ( Spanish)
                                                                                                 *Janie Santellano*Diana Martinez
Holy Saturday – 8:45PM                               Stewardship Report                           *Fernando Flores *Alyzza Varela
Sunday - 9AM— For All St. Joseph
Parishioners                                             March 20-21, 2021                         *Juanita Greene *Cruz Martinez
11:15AM - † Maria Luisa Castillo                Weekly Collection……………. $1,861.00                  *Teresa A. Shaw*Karen Eckert *
Readings for the Week of                        Building Fund (Envelopes)……$130.00                 Lera Mae Matous*Fred & Molly
March 29-April 4, 2021                          Online Giving (3/18-3/24)...$1,297.40                   Marquez*Bernie Doud*
Monday             Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1, 2, 3,    Black Bag (Bldg Fund)..………..$218.00              Deacon Gus Coelho*Florian Skubal
                   13-14; Jn 12:1-11
                                                 Parish Weekly Assesment..$520.00                    *Larry Garrison*Mary Garcia
Tuesday            Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-2, 3
                   4a, 5ab-6ab, 15 and 17;        (Catholic Spirit, Parish Database System,       *Ruby Gardenhire*Abram Drake
                   Jn 13:21-33, 36-38                  Cathedraticum, Priest Pension)               *Nick Guzman*Familia Reyes*
Wednesday          Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10,                      Acts 20:35
                   21-22, 31 and 33-34;          “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”     Mike Morris*Charlie J. Watson*
                   Mt 26:14-25                    Please remember St. Joseph in your will.        Barbara Hormuth*Rachel Cervan-
Thursday Holy Thursday Chrism Mass:                                                                tes*Emelia Cerritos *Milton Frei
Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27;                  Lector Schedule
Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-2                                                                                   *Susie Maldonado*Al Pesl*
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper:              Sat., Mar. 27 – 5PM— Linda Masur                 Moises Ruelas*Alexandria Sandoval
                   Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps                       7PM— Lupe Tristan
                                                                                                      PLEASE Call the office at
                   116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17       Sun., Mar. 28 – 9AM— Minnie Pesl
                                                           11:15AM—Martha Hernandez                          512-446-2049
                   -18; 1 Cor 11:23-26;
                   Jn 13:1-15                   Sat., April 3 – 5PM—Fawn Simpson                        if you’re needing to be
Friday             Good Friday                  Sun., April 4 – 9AM—Amy Caffey                      remembered on the prayer list.
                   Is 52:13—53:12; P                      11:15AM—Claudia Hernandez
                   31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16,
                   17, 25; Heb 4:14-16;
                   5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42                               We all know that these are extraordinary times and our
Saturday Holy Saturday Vigil:
Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a; Ps 104:1-2, 5-                             stewardship of God’s church remains an essential part of
6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 or Ps 33:4-5, 6-7,                           our ministry. We do this because we love the Church.
12-13, 20-22; Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10
-13,15-18; Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11; Ex 14:15—                            Thank you all so much for your continued faithfulness
15:1; Ex 15:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18; Is 54:5-14;                         and dedication to our parish now and always.
Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Is 55:1-11;Is
12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Bar 3:9-15, 324:4;Ps19:8, 9,                          Todos sabemos que estos tiempos son extraordinarios y
10, 11; Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5;                              que nuestra administración de la iglesia de Dios es una
43:3, 4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-
13, 14-15, 18-19; Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118:1-2,                             parte esencial de nuestro ministerio. Hacemos esto
16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7                                              porque amamos la iglesia. Muchas gracias a todos por su
Sunday Easter Sunday Solemnity of the
Resurrection of the Lord                                             continua fidelidad y dedicación a nuestra parroquia,
Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-                           ahora y siempre.
23;Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or
Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord/Domingo De Ramos De La Pasión Del Señor March 28, 2021

 Office closed/Oficina cerrada
 Parish office will be closed April 1 -5 (Holy Thursday at Noon through Easter Mon-
 day) so that our employees can observe the Triduum and celebrate the joy of Easter
 with their families.
 La oficina parroquial permanecerá cerrada del 1 al 5 de abril (Jueves Santo al medi-
 odía hasta el Lunes de Pascua) para que nuestros empleados puedan observar el
 Triduo y celebrar la alegría de la Pascua con sus familias.

Ashes to Easter is an annual Lenten mission project that affirms and encourages local
missionary groups and other mission activities of the Diocese of Austin.
Remember to return your boxes to the parish next weekend or you can make a one time
donation on the Diocese of Austin website.
De Cenizas a la Pascua es un proyecto misionero anual de Cuaresma que afirma y anima a los
grupos misioneros locales y otras actividades misioneras de la Diócesis de Austin.
Recuerden de devolver las cajas a la parroquia el proximo fin de semana o si desea hacer
una donación única, puede encontrar el enlace en la pagina web de la diocesis de Austin.

Catholic Social Teaching Corner

March 27-28 -- Passion (Palm) Sunday
Our Lenten journey climaxes in this celebration of Holy Week. Throughout these days we
are called to experience with Christ a journey of unselfish love; to die to all that is sinful in
us and to rise to new and renewed life. Will justice and charity be renewed in us through this
journey? Will we make room for those in need as we let selfishness die in us?
Marzo 27-28 – Domingo de Ramos
Nuestro viaje Cuaresmal llega a su clímax en esta celebración de la Semana Santa A lo
largo de estos días estamos llamados a experimentar con Cristo un viaje de amor
generoso; a morir a todo lo que es pecaminoso en nosotros y a levantarnos a una vida
nueva y renovada ¿Serán la justicia y la caridad renovadas en nosotros durante este viaje?
¿Haremos espacio para aquellos necesitados mientras dejamos que el egoísmo muera en
                  LADIES SOCIETY~Easter Lilies will adorn our worship space throughout the Easter
                  Season. Making a $10 donation in memory of a loved one who has died or in honor of a
                  special person in your life is a wonderful way to remember those you love while creating a
                  beautiful atmosphere in which to worship. If you wish to donate please call the church of-
                  fice or place in envelope in donation box. Deadline is Thursday, April 1st.
                    Lirios de Pascua adornarán nuestro espacio de adoración durante toda la temporada de
                    Pascua. Pueden dar una donación de $10 para un lirio de pascua en memoria de un ser
                    querido difunto o en honor de una persona especial en su vida. Esta es una manera
                    maravillosa para recordar a quienes amamos y al mismo tiempo crear un hermoso
                    ambiente en que adorar. Si usted desea dar una donacion, por favor llame la oficina de la
iglesia o puede poner su donación y información en un sobre y colocarlo en la caja de         donaciones en
la iglesia. Ultimo dia para ordenar es el jueves, 1 de abril.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord/Domingo De Ramos De La Pasión Del Señor March 28, 2021

In preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday on April
11, 2021, you are invited to pray the Divine Mercy
Novena at St. Joseph Catholic Church after the Stations of
the Cross at 3:00PM beginning Good Friday, April 2. Each
day afterwards, the Novena will be prayed in the church at
3:00pm. In her diary, Saint Faustina wrote that Jesus told
her: “On each day of the Novena, you will bring to My heart a
different group of souls and you will immerse them in this
ocean of My mercy... On each day you will beg My Father, on
the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls.”
Copies of the Novena prayer will be on table at entrance of
En Preparación del Domingo de la Divina Misericordia el
11 de Abril de 2021, ustedes están invitados a rezar la
Divina Misericordia Novena aqui en nuestra paroquia
despues de las Via Crucis a las 3PM comenzando el Viernes          Special Collections /Colectas Especiales
Santo, 2 de abril. Cada día despues, la Novena sera rezada en        Good Friday/Viernes Santo, April 2, 2021
la iglesia a las 3:00pm.                                                      Holy Land/Santa Tierra
En su diario, Santa Faustina escribió que Jesús le dijo: "Cada
día de la Novena, traerás a mi corazón un grupo diferente de
almas y seransumerjalas en este océano de mi misericordia...
                                                                                    St. Joseph Ladies Society
Cada día le pidaras a mi Padre, con fuerza de Mi Pasión, por las
                                                                                         Altar Duty—April
gracias por estas almas". Pueden encontrarse copias de la
                                                                                Lucy Labay & Elizabeth Buchanan
Novena en la mesa a la entrada de la iglesia.

                                OFFICER & COUNCIL 7014 MEETINGS
             for the rest of 2021 (for now) will be held only on the usual first Thursday officers meeting night
                                      at 6:15pm. All members are encouraged to attend.
             There will no meal served, and a face mask is required. The meeting will be informal with social
                                                   distancing precautions.

 Couples invited to Marriage Encounter
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a chance for married couples to focus on their marriage, improve their
communication, deepen their intimacy and spend quality time together, free of distractions. Every marriage deserves
such tender, loving care – in a private setting where couples share only with each other. Come and experience the
beauty of this sacrament in a whole new way – and see how couples and priests all over the world have benefited from
this life-giving weekend! Sign up today to attend the upcoming WWME Experience on April 9-11. Early registration is
highly recommended. For more dates, information and to apply go to or contact
or call (512) 677-WWME (9963).

                              AMAZON SMILE Support us while shopping online! Simply log on to
                     and search St Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale Texas and
                              Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to our parish!
                              AMAZON SMILE ¡ Apóyennos mientras compran en línea! Simplemente inicie
                              sesión para y busque St Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale
                              Texas y Amazon donará una porción de su precio de compra a nuestra
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord/Domingo De Ramos De La Pasión Del Señor March 28, 2021

   St. Joseph Catholic Church
         Holy Week Schedule
  Horario de la Semana Santa

 Sat./Sab. , March 27, 2021 - Palm Sunday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigil de Domingo de Ramos
 5PM English—7PM Spanish
 Sun./Dom., March 28, 2021- Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord/
 Domingo de Ramos De La Pasión Del Señor
 9:00AM - English - Livestreamed
 11:15AM— Español (a traves de la transmision en vivo)
 Tues./Mar., March 30, 2021 – Holy Tuesday – Diocesan Chrism Mass (Not open to the
 public) (Livestreamed on Diocese of Austin website and their
 Facebook page)
 Thurs., April 1, 2021 – Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo De La Cena Del Señor
 English - 6 P.M. (Livestreamed) Followed by Adoration in Chapel till midnight.
 Español –8PM (a traves de la transmision en vivo) En seguida, Adoracion Eucaristica en
 la capilla hasta media noche
 Parishioners are invited to spend time in Adoration.
 Los feligreses están invitados a pasar tiempo en Adoración.
 Fri., April 2, 2021 – Good Friday—Viernes Santo De La Pasión Del Señor
 3 P.M. -Stations of the Cross/Via Crucis and (Start of Divine Mercy Novena/
 Empieza la Novena A La Divina Misericordia)
 English – 6 P.M. (Livestreamed) - Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
 Español – 8 P.M. (a traves de la transmision en vivo) - Viernes Santo De La Pasión Del
 Sat./Sab., April 3, 2021 – Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual En La Noche
 Santa – 8:45 PM English (Livestreamed)
 Sun., April 3, 2021 – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord/
 Domingo De Pascua De La Resurreción Del Señor –
 9 A.M. English (Livestreamed)
 11:15 A.M. Español (a traves de la transmision en vivo)
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
                                                                                          Pope St. Gregory the Great-
                         RE Calendar:
                                                                                            Feast Day: Sept. 13
Mar. 28    Sunday lesson #22 due for 1st-5th, FC-I grades                                   Patron: Musicians, Singers,
Mar. 28    1st Communion session #4 (10:10-11:10 am)                                        Students, Teachers
Mar. 30    Confirmation Reconciliation/Interviews                                           …(con’t.) Pope St. Gregory is widely
Mar. 30    Tues. Class - 6th & 7th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)             considered the be the first medieval pope, and he was a prolific
Mar. 31    Confirmation Reconciliation/Interviews                     writer. He made many changes to the Mass, some of which
                                                                      remain today - the position of the Our Father in the Mass re-
Mar. 31    Wed. Class - 8th & 9th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)
                                                                      mains where he placed it. He established the singing known
April 4    NO Sunday Lessons due (1st-5th) - Easter                   as Gregorian Chant, which gives us the oldest music we still
April 6    Tues. Class - 6th & 7th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)             have in the original form. His great respect for the poor, caused
April 7    Confirmation Reconciliation/Interviews                     the Church to become an obeyed force across Italy. From the
April 7    Wed. Class - 8th & 9th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)              time of Gregory onwards, the people looked to the Church for
April 10   CONFIRMATION (student, sponsor, 2 guests)                  government rather than the distant emperors in Constantinople.
                                                                      Pope St. Gregory suffered from arthritis in his last years and
                                         - KC Hall, 9am
                                                                      died on March 12, 604 AD. He was im-
April 11   Sunday lesson #23 due for 1st-5th, FC-I grades
                                                                      mediately proclaimed a saint by means
April 11   1st Communion session #5 (10:10-11:10 am)                  of popular acclaim, and his relics remain
April 13   Tues. Class - 6th & 7th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)             in St. Peter's Basilica to this day. In
April 14   Wed. Class - 8th & 9th graders (6:30-7:45 pm)              1969, the Second Vatican Council
April 18   Sunday lesson #24 due for 1st-5th, FC-I grades             moved his feast day from March 12 to
                                                                      Sept. 3 so it would not fall during Lent.
April 18   1st Communion session #6 (10:10-11:10 am)
                                                                      ... (cont.) El Papa San Gregorio es amplia-
                                                                      mente considerado el primer Papa medieval y fue un prolífico
                                                                      escritor. Hizo muchos cambios en la Misa, algunos de los cuales
                                                                      permanecen hoy; la posición del Padre Nuestro en la Misa per-
              Attention Confirmation Parents                          manece donde la colocó. Él estableció el canto conocido como
                                                                      Canto Gregoriano, que nos da la música más antigua que todavía
Below is the revised calendar for the rest of our Confirmation pro-
                                                                      tenemos en su forma original. Su gran respeto por los pobres hizo
gram. This includes ALL students who will be getting confirmed
                                                                      que la Iglesia se convirtiera en una fuerza obedecida en toda
                (last year’s & this year’s teens). Thank you for
                                                                      Italia. Desde la época de Gregorio en adelante, la gente miró a la
                your continued        patience with the changes
                                                                      Iglesia para el gobierno en lugar de los emperadores distantes de
                we’ve had to make.
                                                                      Constantinopla. El Papa San Gregorio sufrió de artritis en sus
                                Schedule:                             últimos años y murió el 12 de marzo de 604 d.C. Inmediatamente
                 March 27 Retreat (students) - Noack Ranch, 9:30      fue proclamado santo por aclamación popular, y sus reliquias
                 am - 9:30 pm                                         permanecen en la Basílica de San Pedro hasta el día de hoy. En
                                                                      1969, el Concilio Vaticano II movió su día festivo del 12 de marzo
                 Mar. 30, 31, April 7 Reconciliation / Interviews
                                                                      al 3 de septiembre para que no cayera durante la Cuaresma.
              (students) - Fr.’s office, 5– 6:40 pm
                                                                                           Why Reconciliation?
April 10   Confirmation (student, sponsor, 2 guests) - KC Hall, 9am
                                                                                      Lent is a time for self-reflection and
              Atención Padres de Confirmación                                         repentance. There’s no better way
                                                                                      to prepare for the joy that is Easter
A continuación se muestra el calendario revisado para el resto de                     than to seek forgiveness in the
nuestro programa de Confirmación. Esto incluye a TODOS los                            confessional. Through the sacra-
estudiantes que serán confirmados (los adolescentes del año                           ment of reconciliation, God
pasado y de este año). Gracias por su continua paciencia con los
                                                                                      forgives, and we are renewed!
cambios que tuvimos que hacer.
                                                                                ¿Por qué Reconciliación?
                                                                      La Cuaresma es un tiempo para la autorreflexión
27 de marzo Retiro (estudiantes) - Noack Ranch, 9:30 am - 9: 30 pm    y el arrepentimiento. No hay mejor manera de
30, 31 de marzo y 7 de abril Reconciliación / Entrevistas             prepararse para la alegría que es la Pascua que
                 (estudiantes) - Oficina del Padre, 5 - 6:40 pm
                                                                      buscar el perdón en el confesionario. ¡Por el
10 de abril    Confirmación (estudiante, padrinos, 2 invitados) -     sacramento de la reconciliación, Dios perdona y
                 KC Hall, 9am
                                                                      somos renovados!
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28, 2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rockdale, TX 76567
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