Lesson #3-29 (Extended) - Pillar Church

Page created by Dale Harris
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Lesson #3-29 (Extended)

Luke 24:1-12, Luke 24:13-35

 Key Verse:
       “He is not here; he has risen!”
       Luke 24:5

       Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.
       Luke 24:31
 The Point:
       The risen Jesus appears to his disciples.
 Making Connections:
       Birth of the Church
 Bible Nuts & Bolts:
       Images of God
 Spiritual Practice:

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                                    April 11, 2021

                                                                               Activity Sheet #3-29.A
                                                                               Markers or crayons
       Decorate the phrase “He is Risen.”

                                                                               Activity Sheet #3-29.B
                                                                               Plastic Eggs
       Find and hide eggs for others.
                                                                               Scissors

                                                                               Activity Sheet #3-29.C
                                                                               Markers or crayons
       If we dress up Jesus paper dolls, can we still
                                                                               Scissors
       recognize him?

                                                                               Dinnerware play items
       Set-up mealtime and role-play eating together.

                                                                               None
       Share the good news of Easter.

                                                                               None
       Learn different images of God through

                                  © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved

Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                                          April 11, 2021

                                                                               Bibles
                                                                               Activity Sheet #3-29.D
       Looking for emotions.
                                                                               Pens or pencils

                                                                               Soda or other large crackers
                                                                               Napkins
       Jesus is revealed in the breaking of the bread.
                                                                               Juice or water
                                                                               Small cups

                                                                               Optional: Internet-connected device
       Move to a simple song.

                                                                               White construction or watercolor paper
                                                                               White crayon
       Demonstrate that Jesus is always with us.
                                                                               Watercolor paints
                                                                               Brushes
                                                                               Paper cups
                                                                               Water
                                                                               Paper towels
                                                                               Optional: paint shirts

                                                                               Activity Sheet #3-29.E
                                                                               Paper
       The empty tomb is good news.
                                                                               Markers or crayons
                                                                               Glue
                                                                               Scissors

                                  © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved

Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                                       April 11, 2021

                                                                             None
       Find Jesus on a walk around the church.

                                                                             Activity Sheet #3-29.F
                                                                             Craft sticks
       Make masks that show different emotions.
                                                                             Glue
                                                                             Markers or crayons

                                                                             Bible Book page (found at end of lesson)
                                                                             Cardstock or plain paper
       Optional ongoing activity.
                                                                             Markers or crayons
                                                                             Optional: three-ring binders, hole punch

                                                                             None

                                © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved

Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                                         April 11, 2021

   Note for Leaders                                              When they arrive at the tomb, they are very confused.
   As many congregations do not hold Christian                   The stone that sealed the tomb has been rolled away.
   education the week of Easter, this Teacher’s                  They enter the tomb, and are even more confused
   Guide has been extended, or lengthened, and is                and frightened to discover that Jesus’ body is gone!
   designed to be used flexibly. If your class does not          Their fear grows when two men in clothes “gleaming
   meet on Easter Sunday, this lesson is to be used              like lightening” appear next to them. The men ask,
   the following Sunday. As usual, you will not be               “What are you doing? Don’t you remember what
   able to cover all components, but you can pick                Jesus said? He is risen!” (Luke 24:5-8).
   and choose what you can accomplish in the time
   frame you have. If you do meet on Easter Sunday,              The women do remember Jesus’ words and go to tell
   there are enough components, and the                          the apostles the good news. The apostles do not
   components are slightly more involved, so they                believe the women, and Peter goes to the tomb to see
   will easily extend over two weeks.                            for himself.

                                                                 Revealed at Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
   Making Connections                                            Later that very same day, two disciples are walking to
   Throughout this unit, we will look at how the                 Emmaus. They are talking with each other, trying to
   ministry of Jesus is carried on by his followers. We          make sense of all that has happened. Jesus
   will see how their sharing of the resurrection story          approaches them and they are kept from recognizing
   marks the beginning of the church. The church                 him. Cleopas, filled with grief, tells Jesus the story of
   has not been perfect, and it has had a lot of                 the crucifixion. Jesus responds by putting the Passion
   struggles. But by learning the stories of Jesus and           story—his story—in light of the Scriptures. The
   how to share them with the world, we are part of              disciples invite Jesus to stay with them for dinner.
   an amazing story, empowered by love and the                   They need to hear more from this stranger. When
   Holy Spirit.                                                  they all sit down to eat, Jesus breaks the bread with
                                                                 them, their eyes are opened, and they recognize Jesus.
   Story Summary:
   Jesus, Risen and Revealed                                     The Point
                                                                 The risen Jesus appears to his disciples. Jesus is
   Jesus Has Risen (Luke 24:1-12)                                with us always. The story of Jesus’ resurrection, and
   Today’s story begins in sadness. Jesus has died.              of the beginning of the early church, is crucial to our
   His body was laid in the tomb. On the morning of              faith identity. The women approach the tomb in
   the third day, some of his female followers are               sadness. The disciples walk the road to Emmaus in
   coming to the tomb. They are bringing spices to               confusion, trying to make sense of their loss and
   anoint the body. The Jewish tradition for burial              despair. And then they are reminded: Jesus is with
   required that bodies be embalmed; this process                them. Death does not have power over Jesus. In
   preserved the body, and was a sign of respect.                sadness and confusion, in joy and certainty, Jesus is
                                                                 still with us.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                          April 11, 2021

   Bible Nuts & Bolts:
   Images of God
   God is so much bigger and more that we can ever
   understand. However, in order to understand and
   interact with God, the faithful throughout time
   have used metaphors and images to discuss God.
   God is not encompassed by these images (Rock,
   Mother, Father, Shepherd, Fire, Eagle, etc.), but
   each reveals something about God and God’s
   relationship with us. The power and use of images
   depends on your context, so images are not
   universal. God is not male or female, but more
   than and beyond gender.

   Spiritual Practice: Worship
   In today’s Scripture, the disciples do not recognize
   Jesus until they sit down and break bread with
   him. We will look at communion as a component
   of and way to worship. We will focus on how
   pausing to share a meal and connect with each
   other, in both small and large communities, is an
   opportunity to notice God in our presence and to
   celebrate what that means for the world.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

   Story Centers are mini-activities designed specifically for preschool and kindergarten students.
   Depending on the size of your class, you can set these up as centers for in-class rotations or
   do them as a whole class one after another. In most preschool and kindergarten classes, these
   centers along with a snack, the “Learning the Story” activity, and the “Living the Story”
   activity will fill the education time, but feel free to choose any activity you think would be fun
   and appropriate for your class.

        Students decorate the phrase “He is Risen,” which they can then take home and share with
        their families. Make copies of Activity Sheet #3-29.A. Lay out the Activity Sheets and
        markers or crayons at a table. If possible, have a teacher read the phrase for them, and
        encourage them to share this good news. Jesus is risen, he is with us always!

        Students search for plastic eggs containing the phrase “Jesus is with me!” Make copies of
        Activity Sheet #3-29.B. Cut the paper where indicated and insert the message in plastic
        eggs. Hide the eggs around the area. Encourage students to find some and then to hide
        them again. Remind them that part of Easter joy is sharing the news!

        Students dress up Jesus paper dolls, trying to disguise him so others cannot recognize him.
        Copy and cut out the paper doll templates (Activity Sheet #3-29.C). Even when Jesus’
        followers do not recognize him, he is still with them!

        Students set up and role play eating a meal together. Gather dinnerware such as
        plates, cups, and flatware. If possible, sit with the students, talking them through
        the experience. What things do we need at a table for our meal? What do you
        like to talk about? What do you think Jesus and his followers would talk about?

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   Share the good news of Easter.

   You will need:
       Nothing

   During class:
     1. This activity can be repeated f you are dividing this lesson over two class periods.
     2. Have students sit in a circle.
     3. Teach the Easter greeting used by your congregation or use the following:
         Leader: Jesus is risen!
         People: Hallelujah! He is risen indeed!
     4. After repeating as a group several times for practice, students can pass the message
         around the circle, taking turns as the leader. For added challenge, send it around the
         circle both ways.
     5. Challenge the students to share the good news with one person after they leave class

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                   April 11, 2021

   Learning the different images of God through movement.

   You will need:
       Nothing

   During class:
     1. Gather students in a place with room to move. Throughout the whole Bible, God
         appears to people in many different ways. God came to Moses as a burning bush,
         and when Jesus was baptized, God appeared as a dove. With the many images of
         God in the Bible, we can remember that God is everywhere. Today we are going
         to act out some of the images of God. Spread out and let’s get started.
     2. I am going to say a few of the images of God and you act like that word. For
         example, if I say cat, then you will pretend to be a cat. Ready? After each word,
         give time for students to act the word out. God has appeared to us as:
              • A burning bush
              • A dove
              • People
              • Bright light
              • God’s Son Jesus
              • Wind
     3. When done, gather students and say: Great job! Do not forget to keep your eyes
         open and see if you can see God throughout this week.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                      April 11, 2021

   Looking for emotions.

   You will need:
       Bibles
       Activity Sheet #3-29.D
       Pens or pencils

   Before class:
       1. Make one copy of Activity Sheet #3-29.D for each student.

   During class:
     1. Give each student an Activity Sheet and something to write with.
     2. Have any of you ever been on a roller coaster before? What was it like?
         Sometimes, people talk about being on an emotional roller coaster. What do you
         think this might mean? [Sometimes people feel up—happy, content; or sometimes feel down—sad,
         confused. Emotions change quickly, often without warning.]
     3. In today’s Bible story, Jesus’ followers are on an emotional rollercoaster. They experience
         many emotions.

       For Luke 24:1-12 – Week One (10 minutes)

       4. When the story begins, Jesus followers are feeling sad. They know he died and
          are missing him.
          PK/K action: Let’s try making sad faces.
          First/Second action: On your roller coaster, where would sadness go? [On a low
          point.] Let’s draw a picture of a sad face on the roller coaster.
       5. Some women are coming to bring spices to the tomb. They feel sad. But, when
          they arrive at the tomb, the stone is rolled away! Now they feel surprised and
          PK/K action: Can you make a surprised face? How about confused?
          First/Second action: Where do you think these emotions should go on the
          roller coaster? Draw a confused or a surprised face wherever you think
          it should go.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                    April 11, 2021

       6. Inside the tomb, the women discover Jesus’ body is not there! They are confused
          and scared.
          PK/K action: Now, let’s try to make a scared face.
          First/Second action: Add a scared face where you think it belongs on the roller
       7. While they are in the tomb, confused, scared, and wondering what has happened
          to Jesus, two men appear in clothes “gleaming like lightening.”
          PK/K action: Now, let’s try to make a scared face again.
          First/Second action: Add another scared face where you think it belongs on the
          roller coaster.
       8. The two men are there with some reminders and good news for the women.
          They should not be looking for Jesus in the tomb! They should remember what
          Jesus said? He is risen! The women, probably still a bit confused and scared,
          have a new feeling growing in them. What do you think it might be? [Happiness and
          PK/K action: Now, can you change your scared face to a happy face?
          First/Second action: Where does happiness and joy belong on our roller coaster?
       9. The women go to share the good news with the apostles. But, the apostles do not
          believe them, and Peter has to go see for himself.
          PK/K action: What face do you think the apostles might be making?
          First/Second action: Draw an apostle’s face where it belongs on the roller coaster.

       For Luke 24:13-35 – Week Two (10 minutes)

       1. Later that same day, two disciples are walking to Emmaus, a nearby town. They
          are still feeling really confused, and they are busy talking to each other when
          Jesus appears to them. They are so busy talking, and so confused about
          everything, that they do not even realize that it is Jesus.
          PK/K action: We are back to a confused face. Do you remember what that looks
          First/Second action: Up and down, up and down. This is a roller coaster,
          remember? Let’s put in another confused face.
       2. They tell Jesus about all that has been happening, and about how upset they are
          about Jesus’ crucifixion.
          PK/K action: What do you look like when you are feeling very upset?
          First/Second action: Add an upset face where you think it belongs on the
          roller coaster.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                    April 11, 2021

       3. Jesus tells them to slow down, and helps them understand how things all fit
          PK/K action: What face do people make when they finally understand things? Do
          you think they feel relieved? Calm?
          First/Second action: Have you ever seen a cartoon with a light bulb above the head
          when a person finally understands something? This might be what happens with
          the disciples. Jesus’ explanation helps things start to make sense for them, like a
          light coming on. Add this to your roller coaster.
       4. The disciples invite Jesus to eat with them, and when he breaks the bread, they
          realize who he is.
          PK/K action: How do you think the disciples felt when they realized it was Jesus
          with them? Show me!
          First/Second action: How do you think the disciples felt when they realized it was
          Jesus with them? Draw it on the roller coaster.
       5. They celebrate and share the good news.
          PK/K action: Show me your happiest face. This must have been how the disciples
          felt when they realized this good news and understood that Jesus was still with
          First/Second action: Realizing that Jesus had beaten death and was still with them
          must have been the most incredible feeling. How are you going to show this on
          your roller coaster?

                           © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             12
Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                      April 11, 2021

   Jesus is revealed in the breaking of the bread.

   You will need:
       Soda or other large crackers
       Napkins
       Juice or water
       Small cups

   Before class:
       1. Before serving any food, always check with participants or caregivers for students who
           have food allergies. Provide an alternative if necessary.
       2. Gather supplies.

   During class:
     1. The disciples did not recognize Jesus until he blessed and broke the bread when
        they sat down to eat.
     2. Christians all around the world remember Jesus when they eat or “break bread”
        together. Many say prayers over meals at home, and many break bread together
        during communion in worship services. You will have to tailor this part of the
        explanation to reflect when and how your congregation celebrates communion.
        Whenever we sit down together to eat, we can remember that Jesus did this with
        his friends. We do this with our friends and family, and remember that Jesus’ love
        is all around us.
     3. We are going to break bread by sharing a snack together like Jesus did with the
        disciples. But first, we are going to pray. Say a common table prayer like “Come,
        Lord Jesus,” or perhaps sing “Johnny Appleseed.”
     4. Serve students the crackers and juice or water.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                       April 11, 2021

   Move to a simple song.

   If you are not familiar with this song, you can search “hallelu, hallelu” on YouTube. It is simple
   and involves movement, so being comfortable with the words and tune allows you to lead the

   We are going to learn a song today that is a celebration song. For the song, I am going
   to need to split us into two groups.

   It is best to have a leader for each group. When a group sings their lines, they will stand up
   quickly, and when they are finished, they sit down.

   Group 1:
   Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah!

   Group 2:
   Praise ye the Lord!

   Repeat this part twice.

   Group 2:
   Praise ye the Lord!

   Group 1:

   Repeat two more times.

   All (standing):
   Praise ye the Lord!

   If your class picks this up quickly, you can increase the tempo to make it more

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   Make a craft to demonstrate that Jesus is always with us.

   You will need:
       White construction or watercolor paper
       White crayon
       Watercolor paints
       Brushes
       Paper cups
       Water
       Paper towels
       Optional: Paint shirts

   Before class:
       1. Use a white crayon to write the word “Jesus” on each sheet of white paper. Make
           enough so each child has one, plus extras.

   During class:
     1. We have been talking about how sad Jesus’ friends were when they thought that
         he was dead and would not be with them. But the amazing part of this story is
         that Jesus IS with us! Jesus is always with us, even if we do not know that he is!
     2. Sometimes it is hard to remember that Jesus is with us because we cannot see
         him. Let’s make something that will help us remember that Jesus is with us, even
         when we cannot see him.
     3. Distribute the white papers with the word “Jesus” written in white crayon.
     4. Use your paints to start painting on this white paper. As you go, watch for a
     5. Encourage students to paint the entire page so that they see the word “Jesus” clearly.
     6. Who can read that word? Were you surprised to find the word “Jesus” on this
     7. We did not know that Jesus was written on that paper because we could not see
         it, but it there. In the same way, Jesus is always with us, even when we
         cannot see him.

                            © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             15
Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   The empty tomb is good news.

   You will need:
       Activity Sheet #3-29.E
       Paper
       Markers or crayons
       Glue
       Scissors

   Before class:
       1. Make a copy of Activity Sheet #3-29.E for each student.
       2. For younger students, you might choose to pre-cut the tombs.

   During class:
     1. Cut the tomb template along the lines. This will provide an opening in the middle of the
         paper. Students can color on the Activity Sheet if they like. The stone is created by the
         cut flap. Students can also decorate this.
     2. Glue the template directly on top of the blank paper. Make an outline of glue around
         the blank sheet (not in the middle!) and lay the template on top of the blank sheet.
     3. When the stone flap is open, there should be a blank space underneath. This is where
         the students write the message “Jesus is risen!”

                            © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             16
Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   Find Jesus on a walk around the church.

   You will need:
       Nothing

   Before class:
       1. Check with a church leader to determine if there are any places off-limits to you and
           your class during your class time. Students will be walking through the building to
           observe what is happening on a typical Sunday morning.

   During class:
     1. As possible, take students in small groups on a walk around your church building or
     2. In the second story, Jesus’ disciples are walking seven miles to Emmaus. They
         are busy talking and do not recognize Jesus when he approaches them.
     3. This morning, we are going to go for a walk through our building. A church is
         one place where we can do the work of Jesus. Let’s take a walk and see if we can
         find this happening. Make sure we are not too busy talking, like the disciples
         were! Let’s look carefully at what people are up to.
     4. As you walk through the church, stop to point out what is happening in different places.
         Are people worshipping, teaching, sharing, talking, serving, and celebrating?
         How are they doing Jesus’ work?
     5. When you return to the classroom, talk with the students about anything they saw that
         they would like to do. How might they offer their help?

                            © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             17
Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   Make masks that show different emotions.

   You will need:
       Activity Sheet #3-29.F
       Craft sticks
       Glue
       Markers or crayons

   Before class:
       1. Make multiple copies of Activity Sheet #3-29.F, enough for two or three per student.
       2. For younger students, you may want to pre-cut the faces.

   During class:
     1. Talk about some of the different emotions you heard about in the story today, such as
         sadness, confusion, fear, and joy.
     2. I want each of you to pick two (or three) emotions, and we are going to make
         masks. Each face is for one emotion.
     3. Give students time to color a face for each emotion they pick.
     4. Glue the faces to a craft stick.
     5. These could also be used in the Sending the Story instead of kids making actual faces.

                            © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             18
Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                     April 11, 2021

   Optional ongoing activity.

   You will need:
       Bible Book page (found at end of lesson)
       Cardstock or plain paper
       Markers or crayons
       Optional: three-ring binders, hole punch

   Before class:
       1. Make copies of this week’s Bible Book page on cardstock or copy paper for each

   During class:
     1. Pass out Bible Book pages.
     2. Read the bottom of the Bible Book page aloud, reminding students of what they
         learned in the lesson.
     3. Have them put their names on their pages, and draw a picture of something they
         particularly liked or remember from story in the middle of the page.
     4. Optional: Collect and three-hole punch the pages, and put them in individual binders for
         each student to be kept at church until the end of the year. If you wish, you can
         investigate other options for binding the Bible books through a local print shop at the
         end of the year instead of using a three-ring binder.

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Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd)                                                                       April 11, 2021

    Encourage students to make the appropriate face or use the masks from the “Emotion Masks”
    activity any time you name an emotion. Make sure to pause to embellish the emotion. In
    today’s story, we began in sadness, and then moved quickly through confusion, fear,
    and relief, until we eventually found joy. Easter is all about joy! It is about the good
    news that the angels shared with the scared women, and it is about the good news that
    the women shared with the confused apostles. Easter is about the good news that the
    apostles finally understood when Jesus broke bread with them. Do you remember our
    greeting from the start of today? Let’s try it again to say goodbye:

    Leader: Jesus is risen!
    People: Hallelujah! He is risen, indeed!

   Before ending class, make a point to come together to pray.

    Lord, thank you for the glorious gift of your resurrection. Help us to always be aware
    of your presence as you walk beside us and live within us. Amen.

                              © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved             20
Activity Sheet #3-29.A                                                          Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                                Decorate the phrase, “He is Risen.”

                         © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Activity Sheet #3-29.B                                                             Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                         Find the hidden eggs, and then hide the eggs for others.

           Jesus is with me!                                  Jesus is with me!

           Jesus is with me!                                  Jesus is with me!

           Jesus is with me!                                  Jesus is with me!

           Jesus is with me!                                  Jesus is with me!

           Jesus is with me!                                  Jesus is with me!

                            © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Activity Sheet #3-29.C                                                               Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                         If we dress up Jesus paper dolls, can we still recognize him?

                              © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Activity Sheet #3-29.D                                                          Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                                        Looking for emotions.

                         © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Activity Sheet #3-29.E                                                          Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                                    The empty tomb is good news!

                         © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Activity Sheet #3-29.F                                                          Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                            Make masks that show different emotions.

                         © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
Bible Book                                                                      Lesson #3-29 (PK-2nd) ⚫ April 11, 2021

                                   Luke 24:1-12, 13-35

       The risen Jesus appears to his disciples.

                         © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved

Living the Word: Teaching Kids God’s Story                                                             Lesson #3-29
Narrative Lectionary, Year 3 (2020-2021)                                                          Luke 24:1-12, 13-35

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey to great celebration. But later that week, Judas agrees to betray Jesus, Jesus
shares a last supper with his disciples, and Jesus dies on a cross, mocked and rejected (Luke 19:29-40; 22:1-6,
14-23; 23:32-47).

Jesus is laid in a tomb, but three days later women hear the good news from angels that Jesus is alive! The risen
Jesus walks with two disciples to Emmaus, but they do not recognize him until later (Luke 24:1-35).

 The risen Jesus appears to his disciples.                       Images of God
                                                                 We know that God is so much bigger than we can
                                                                 ever understand. To discuss and interact with God,
                                                                 people use images to discuss God such as rock,
                                                                 mother, father, shepherd, fire, and eagle. Each image
Jesus, Risen and Revealed                                        reveals something about God and God’s relationship
On the third day after Jesus died, some female                   with us. But no single image can describe everything
disciples come to anoint Jesus’ body. But Jesus’ body is         about God. The power and use of images depends on
gone! Two men in dazzling clothes appear next to                 your context, so images are not universal.
them and remind the women what Jesus had said. The
women tell the apostles the good news.

Later, two disciples walk to Emmaus, trying to make              In today’s Scripture, the disciples do not recognize
sense of Jesus’ death. Jesus approaches them and they            Jesus until they sit down and break bread with him.
are kept from recognizing him. One tells Jesus what              Eating together, in communion and at home, is a way
had happened. Jesus responds by teaching his story               to worship. Share a meal together as an opportunity
from Scripture. When they all sit down to eat, Jesus             to notice God in our presence and to celebrate what
breaks the bread, and they recognize Jesus.                      that means for the world.

 After Pentecost, a disciple named Stephen teaches about Jesus and does miracles. He preaches to the
 religious leaders, but then he is stoned to death. (Acts 6:1–7:2a, 44-60).

                                 © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
@ HOME                                                             Lesson #3-29
                                                                                         Luke 24:1-12, 13-35
Family Discussions
Use the questions below or other questions you think of to discuss today’s Scripture reading (listed
above) with your family.
 When have you felt completely surprised by something? How did this make you feel?
 What is something that you find hard to believe?
 How can we get better at seeing God at work in the world?

Family Devotions
As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you and your family.
What is God’s message to us? How should we respond?

Week 1
Sunday—Read Luke 24:1-12
The women arrive on Easter morning and find Jesus’ body gone from the tomb. Angels remind them of Jesus’ promise, and
tell them he is risen! They share the good news with the apostles. Think of one way you can share the good news of Easter
with the world.
Monday—Read Romans 5:12-21
Sin came into the world through Adam, but affected everyone. Jesus, on the other hand, brought grace and love. It is this
gift, not the sin, that reigns. What are ways each of you can bring love to the world?

Tuesday—Read Romans 6:1-11
Through Christ, we have a new life in which we should turn our back to sin and live fully into God’s love. Pick one old
negative habit to stop, and a new positive habit to start. Hold each other accountable!
Wednesday—Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Paul briefly outlines the why and how of communion and encourages us to make it part of our lives. Make time for a family
meal. While eating, share one way you sense God in your life.
Thursday—Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Paul tells how Jesus appeared after his resurrection to many followers, and to Paul, who previously persecuted the church.
God’s love is for all! Talk about bullying and about ways we can stand up for each other in the face of bullying.

Friday—Read Hebrews 1:1-4
We learn about God and about God’s plan for us and for all of creation first through the prophets, and then more fully
through Jesus. Talk about what you know about God’s plan by looking at what you know about Jesus.
Saturday—Read Hebrews 10:1-10
Christ’s sacrifice is all that we need. There is no need to give burnt offerings and sacrifices. Wash a window (or other
household item that needs attention) together and reflect on how God’s love cleanses us.

                                     © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
@ HOME                                                             Lesson #3-29
                                                                                            Luke 24:1-12, 13-35

Family Discussions
Use the questions below or other questions you think of to discuss today’s Scripture reading (listed
above) with your family.
 When have you felt completely surprised by something? How did this make you feel?
 What is something that you find hard to believe?
 How can we get better at seeing God at work in the world?

Family Devotions
As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you and your family.
What is God’s message to us? How should we respond?

Week 2
Sunday—Read Luke 24:13-35
Some of Jesus’ apostles encounter him while walking to Emmaus, but they do not recognize who he is until he breaks bread
with them. During mealtime, go around the table and have each person name one thing they appreciate about each family
Monday—Read Luke 24:36-49
Jesus appears to the disciples, dispels their fears, and then gives them understanding and a mission. How do we know things
are real? Talk together about how love is made real to us.

Tuesday—Read Luke 24:50-53
Jesus blesses his disciples and ascends to heaven. They return to Jerusalem with great joy. Have each person share one thing
that brings them great joy.
Wednesday—Read Acts 1:1-11
Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will come upon the apostles, and then ascends into heaven, leaving the apostles with the
Great Commission. Look at a map together as a family. Where have you traveled? Where would you like to travel? How
might you spread God’s love to all the ends of the earth?
Thursday—Read Acts 1:12-17, 21-26
Matthias is chosen to be the twelfth apostle, taking the place of Judas. Casting lots is a bit like flipping a coin, and there are a
number of times in the Bible when it is used to reveal God’s will. Talk about how we figure out God’s will in our lives today.
Friday—Read Acts 3:11-26
Peter explains how Jesus fulfilled the promises of God that the prophets had foretold. Pray together for all people to know
God’s love through Jesus, and for each person to do their best to make good choices.
Saturday—Read Acts 4:32-37
The early church took care of each other by sharing possessions and resources so that no one needed anything. Think of a
way your family can share its resources (money, talents, or time) to help do God’s work in the world.

                                      © 2015-2020 Spirit and Truth Publishing—All Rights Reserved
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