Lyn and Fgr are activated in distinct membrane fractions of human granulocytic cells - Nature

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Lyn and Fgr are activated in distinct membrane fractions of human
granulocytic cells

Heidi Welch and Isabelle Maridonneau-Parini
Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Centre National de la Recherche Scienti®que, UPR 9062, 205 route de
Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse Cedex, France

We have previously shown that the src-family protein-              lysacharide (Stefanova et al., 1993); (iv) both Lyn and
tyrosine kinase Hck is localized on the azurophil                  Hck are associated with the immunoglobulin G
granules of human granulocytes, translocates towards               receptors (FcgRs) I and II in monocytic cells
the phagosomes during phagocytosis of opsonized                    (Ghazizadeh et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1994; (v) even
zymosan and is activated during this process. Hck is               four src family PTKs are found in a complex with the
also activated upon cell stimulation with the calcium              urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (Bohuslav et
ionophore A23187, but not with PMA or the chemotactic              al., 1995); and (vi) neutrophils from mice de®cient in
peptide fMLP. Here, we investigated whether the src-               both Fgr and Hck show a de®ciency in the immune
family kinases Lyn and Fgr are activated under the same            responses against infections with Listeria monocyto-
conditions. Upon stimulation of human neutrophils or               genes and defective integrin signalling, whereas cells
retinoic acid-di€erentiated NB4 cells with fMLP, only              from mice de®cient in only one of these kinases do not
Lyn is activated. Cell stimulation with opsonized                  (Lowell et al., 1994, 1996).
zymosan or A23187 leads to simultaneous activation of                 Generation of src-family PTK-de®cient mice has
Lyn and Fgr. In cell fractionation experiments with                shown that the loss of one kinase can often be
di€erentiated NB4 cells, the kinases show a similar                compensated for by other family members (Varmus
subcellular localization: Both co-fractionate quantita-            and Lowell, 1994), suggesting partial redundancy in the
tively with plasma-membrane marker in two fractions                functions of these kinases. Together with the fact that
that sediment at 11 000 g and 200 000 g. Lyn is                    several src-family PTKs are expressed within a cell type
selectively activated in the 200 000 g fraction, whereas           and involved in the same signal transduction processes,
Fgr is activated in the 11 000 g fraction and distinct sets        this observation has even led to the proposal that their
of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins are found in these             co-expression might be super¯uous and nonfunctional
fractions. The results suggest that these kinases exert            (Erickson, 1993). However, many reports have demon-
their functional roles in distinct cellular compartments in        strated speci®city in the functions of src-family PTKs.
human granulocytic cells.                                          In the human neutrophils, Hck can be activated upon
                                                                   FcgRIIIB ligation, while Fgr is activated via the
Keywords: Fgr; Lyn; Src; Hck; neutrophil; NB4 cells                FcgRII (Hamada et al., 1993; Zhou et al., 1995), and
                                                                   oxygen radicals activate Lyn and Frg but not Hck
                                                                   (Yan and Berton, 1996; Welch and Maridonneau-
                                                                   Parini, 1996). Further, in electroporated neutrophils
Introduction                                                       stimulated with GTPgS, Hck becomes activated,
                                                                   whereas Lyn and Fgr do not (Brumell et al., 1996).
Protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) of the src family are              In human monocytes, engagement of MHC class II
involved in the regulation of a great variety of signal            molecules by staphylococcal superantigens activates
transduction processes. Several src-family PTKs are                Hck and Fgr, but not Src and Fyn (Morio et al., 1994);
expressed within each cell type, and often more than               and in HL60 cells, ionizing radiation activates Lyn, but
one of the kinases associate with a single membrane                not Src or Fyn (Kharbanda et al., 1994).
receptor or are activated by the same stimulus (Hardie                A further indice for speci®city of function of src-
and Hanks, 1995). Of the ten known src-family                      family PTKs in myeloid cells can be found in their
members, seven (Fgr, Fyn, Hck, Lyn, Src, Yes and                   subcellular localization: Fgr which is associated with
Yrk) are expressed in phagocytes (see references in                the neutrophil speci®c-granules, translocates towards
Welch et al.,1996), and many reports have shown that               the plasma membrane upon cell activation induced by
several of them can be involved in a given signal                  the chemotactic peptide formyl-methyl-leucyl-phenyla-
transduction process: (i) Both Lyn and Yes are                     lanine (fMLP) (Gutkind and Robbins, 1989), and we
activated during GM-CSF receptor-mediated neutro-                  have shown that Hck is mainly associated with the
phil signalling and are recruited into a complex                   membrane of azurophil granules in human neutrophils
containing phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) (Cor-              and granulocytic NB4 cells (MoÈhn et al., 1995; Welch
ey et al., 1993); (ii) inhibition of Lyn and Fgr                   and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). Together with the
production by the antisense technique induces apopto-              observation that human neutrophil granule exocytosis
sis in granulocytic HL60 cells (Katagiri et al., 1996);            can be inhibited by PTK inhibitors (Welch et al., 1996),
(iii) Hck, Lyn and Fgr are activated simultaneously                these results suggest that Hck and Fgr might regulate
during stimulation of human monocytes with lipopo-                 granule mobilization. Moreover, when cells are
                                                                   stimulated with opsonized zymosan (OZ), Hck
Correspondence: I Maridonneau-Parini                               translocates with the azurophil granules towards the
Received 31 January 1997; revised 11 June 1997; accepted 19 June   phagosomes (MoÈhn et al., 1995, and during this
1997                                                               process, Hck is selectively activated in the azurophil
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                               H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
       granule-enriched fraction and in the phagosomal                            not (Figure 1). Activation of Lyn by fMLP and
       fraction (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997).                             A23187 was about 1.7-fold, while the e€ect of OZ
          Although Hck is mainly associated with azurophil                        was slightly weaker. Activation of Fgr was more
       granules, it is also present in a granule-free, plasma                     dicult to detect than that of Lyn, since it was
       membrane-enriched fraction and in the cytosol (MoÈhn                       weaker and variations between di€erent experiments
       et al., 1995). Since stimulation with the calcium                          were quite high. On average, it was about 1.5-fold with
       ionophore A23187 leads to Hck activation both in the                       A23187 and 1.3-fold with OZ. The expression levels of
       azurophil granule-enriched and the granule-free mem-                       Lyn and Fgr did not change during these experiments
       brane fraction (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997),                       as assessed by Western blotting (data not shown). The
       this has suggested that di€erent subcellular fractions of                  results suggest that, in human neutrophils, Lyn might
       Hck might regulate distinct signalling processes. Under                    be involved in signal transduction events elicited by the
       identical conditions, we investigated here whether, and                    stimuli fMLP, OZ and A23187, while Fgr might play a
       in which subcellular fraction, Lyn and Fgr can be                          role in OZ and A23187-induced signalling, but possibly
       activated, with the aim to identify new functional                         to a minor extent than Lyn.
       di€erences between phagocyte src-family PTKs.                                 As we have reported earlier, OZ and A23187 lead,
                                                                                  under identical conditions, also to activation of Hck to
                                                                                  about 1.7-fold over its basal activity (Welch and
                                                                                  Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). Therefore, we have identi-
                                                                                  ®ed two stimuli, OZ and A23187, that simultaneously
                                                                                  activate all three kinases in human neutrophils, and we
       Activation of Lyn and FGr in human neutrophils
                                                                                  could use them to determine in which subcellular
       First, we searched for stimuli that could activate Lyn                     fraction the increase in kinase activity occurs.
       and Fgr. For this, human neutrophils were stimulated
       with the receptor agonists OZ or fMLP, or with agents
                                                                                  Expression and localization of Lyn and Fgr in human
       that bypass receptors, phorbol-myristate acetate
                                                                                  granulocytic NB4 cells
       (PMA) or A23187. These stimuli elicit to various
       degrees the granulocyte responses of NADPH oxidase                         In our previous study, we have shown that the pro®le
       and degranulation, and OZ induces also phagocytosis.                       of Hck activation is similar in human neutrophils and
       Lyn and Fgr became activated during stimulation of                         di€erentiated NB4 cells (Welch and Maridonneau-
       neutrophils with OZ or A23187, but not during                              Parini, 1997). To study Hck activation in subcellular
       stimulation with PMA. Lyn was, in addition, activated                      fraction, we have used NB4 cells, fractionated by
       by the chemotactic agent fLMP as previously described                      di€erential centrifugation, rather than neutrophils,
       (Gaudry et al., 1995; Ptasznik et al., 1995), but Fgr was                  since Hck is highly susceptible to degradation by

                        67 —                                                          67 —

                     Lyn                                                            Fgr
                    Enol.                                                          Enol.
                       43 —                                                           43 —

           Figure 1 Activation of Lyn and Fgr in human neutrophils. Human neutrophils were stimulated with 4.5 mg/ml OZ, 5 mM A23287,
           5 mM fMLP or 100 ng/ml PMA for the indicated periods of time, and then Lyn and Fgr were solubilized, immunoprecipitated from
           the whole-cell lysates and submitted to in vitro PTK activity assay as described in Materials and methods. The autoradiograms show
           the autophosphorylation of immunoprecipitated Lyn or Fgr (16107 cell equivalents/lane) and the phosphorylation of the exogenous
           substrate enolase (Enol.) of one representative experiment. The histograms show the quanti®cation by b-counting of three
           experiments for each kinase (plotted is the mean amount +s.e.m. of [32P] incorporated into enolase)
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                                                                H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
neutrophil proteases (MoÈhn et al., 1995; Welch and                             localized on azurophil granules (MoÈhn et al, 1995). In
Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). To be able to compare the                            cell fractionation experiments, about 60% of the total
results on Lyn and Fgr with those obtained for Hck,                             Hck per cell are found in the azurophil-granule
we used here the same cell line and fractionation                               enriched fraction, while the remainder of Hck is
protocol. Therefore, we studied next the expression                             equally distributed between the granule-free mem-
and subcellular localization of Lyn and Fgr in NB4                              brane fraction and the cytosol (MoÈhn et al., 1995;
cells.                                                                          Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). Therefore, the
   Upon di€erentiation with all-trans retinoic acid                             subcellular localization of Lyn and Frg is similar, but
(Lanotte et al., 1991), NB4 cells acquire the major                             di€ers from that of Hck.
neutrophil-typical responses, NADPH oxidase activity,
degranulation and phagocytosis (Testa et al., 1994;
                                                                                Lyn is selectively activated in the 200 000 g membrane
Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1996). Lyn and Fgr
                                                                                fraction of NB4 cells
activities were found in non-di€erentiated NB4 cells,
but increased 2.2-fold and 3.8-fold, respectively, during                       Next, we examined in which of the subcellular
di€erentiation (Figure 2a). This increase in kinase                             fractions Lyn becomes activated during stimulation
activity re¯ected a rise in Lyn and Fgr protein                                 of retinoic-acid di€erentiated NB4 cells with fMLP,
expression (Figure 2a, upper panel). At day 6, the                              and whether translocation events can be detected.
kinase activity decreased and the cells were used at day                        Lyn was exclusively activated in the 200 000 g
5 in the following experiments.                                                 membrane fraction, but not in the 11 000 g
   Lyn and Fgr were both mostly membrane-bound                                  membrane fraction or in the cytosol (Figure 3). Lyn
594%). They were both present to about the same                                 activation was rapid (evident within 30 s of cell
extent in the 11 000 g membrane fraction and in the                             stimulation) and transient (decrease after 2 min of
200 000 g membrane fraction. Their localization                                 cell stimulation). There was little translocation of Lyn
correlated largely with the distribution of the plasma                          between any of the three subcellular fractions upon
membrane marker HLA class I (Figure 2b). In                                     cell stimulation with fMLP as shown on the Western
contrast, we have reported earlier that Hck is majorily                         blots (Figure 3).


                                         0    1       3   4     5                                            0 1    3 4 5

                    67 —
                                                                                        67 —

                 Lyn                                                                 Fgr
                   43 —                                                             Enol.
                                                                                        43 —

                               0   1      2       3        4        5      6
                                                                                                0      1      2      3      4     5      6
                                   Day of NB4-cell differentiation
                                                                                                       Day of NB4-cell differentiation


                                                              67 —                                         67 —

                                                          Lyn                                          Fgr

                                                               43 —                                        43 —

                                                                         M11 M200   C
                                                                                                                    M11 M200       C
                                                                        % 47   47   6
                                                                                                                   % 49      45    6
    Figure 2 Expression and localization of Lyn and Fgr in NB4 cells (a) The expression and activity of Lyn and Fgr were determined
    by Western blotting using 125I-labelled protein A for detection (upper panels; 26105 cells/lane) and by in vitro PTK activity assay
    (lower panels; 16106 cells/lane) in whole-cell lysates of human promyelocytic NB4 cells during di€erentiation with 1 mM all-trans
    retinoic acid for the indicated period of time. (b) The subcellular localization of Lyn and Fgr were examined in retinoic acid-
    di€erentiated NB4 cells (at day 5). Cells were disrupted in a nitrogen bomb, and the post-nuclear supernatant was fractionated by
    di€erential centrifugation into the granule-enriched 11 000 g membrane fraction (M11), the granule-free 200 000 g membrane
    fraction (M200) and the cytosol (C), as detailed in Materials and methods. The fractionation was monitored by ELISA using MPO
    as azurophil-granule marker and HLA class I as plasma-membrane marker. Data are mean+s.e.m. of three experiments. The
    presence of Lyn and Fg in the NB4 cell fractions was determined by Western blotting (2.56106 cell equivalents/lane).
    Autoradiograms are from one experiment representative of three
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                                     H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
          When the cells were stimulated with A23187 or OZ                                    of Lyn in any of the NB4 cell fractions. Also, none of
       instead of fMLP, Lyn was also selectively activated in                                 the stimuli had an e€ect on the minor portion of Lyn
       the 200 000 g membrane fraction and not in the                                         that is cytosolic (data not shown). Therefore, all the
       11 000 g membrane fraction (Figure 4). As with                                         stimuli that lead to the activation of Lyn selectively
       fMLP, the activation of Lyn by A23187 or OZ in the                                     a€ect the 200 000 g membrane fraction of the kinase.
       200 000 g membrane fraction was rapid, transient, and
       between two- and two-and-a-half-fold. We checked
                                                                                              Fgr is selectively activated in the 11 000 g membrane
       further, whether the lack of e€ect of PMA on Lyn
                                                                                              fraction of NB4 cells
       activity observed in the whole-cell lysates of neutro-
       phils (Figure 1) might have been due to simultaneous                                   The PTK activity of Fgr was measured under the same
       activation and inhibition of Lyn in di€erent fractions.                                conditions as that of Lyn, in samples issued from the
       However, PMA neither altered signi®cantly the activity                                 same experiments. Unlike in the case of Lyn, when the

                                                    M11                                        M200                           C

                                  67 —
                 PTK activity


                                   43 —

                                          0   0.5      1     2     5            0       0.5      1    2   5         0   0.5   1    2   5
                 Western blot

                                  67 —


                                  43 —

                                          0   0.5       1     2     5            0      0.5      1    2   5         0   0.5   1   2    5

                                                                                        Time (min)
           Figure 3 Activation of Lyn in subcellular fractions of fMLP-stimulated NB4 cells. Retinoic acid-di€erentiated NB4 cells were
           stimulated with 5 mM fMLP for the indicated periods of time, and then fractionated by di€erential centrifugation into the 11 000 g
           membrane fraction (M11), the granule-free 200 000 g membrane fraction (M200), and the cytosol (C), as detailed in Materials and
           methods. Lyn was then solubilized and immunoprecipitated from the fractions, and its in vitro PTK activity was measured (56106
           cell equivalents/lane). The quantitiy of Lyn in each fraction was monitored by Western blotting. The autoradiograms are from one
           experiment representative of three

           Figure 4 Activation of Lyn in subcellular fractions of OZ, A23187, fMLP or PMA-stimulated NB4 cells. Retinoic acid-
           di€erentiated NB4 cells were stimulated with 4.5 mg/ml OZ, 5 mM A23187, 5 mM fMLP or 100 nM PMA for the indicated periods of
           time, and then further processed to determine the activity of Lyn as described in the legend to Figure 3. Data are mean+s.e.m. of
           three experiments for each stimulus
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                                                       H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
cells were stimulated with A23187 or OZ, Fgr was                       the quantitated Western blot data. It demonstrates
exclusively activated in the 11 000 g membrane fraction                that, in all cases, Lyn and Fgr activation was largely
and not in the 200 000 g membrane fraction (Figure 5).                 due to an increase in speci®c activity.
Activation of Fgr in the 11 000 g membrane fraction
both with A23187 or OZ was about 1.8-fold, and, like
                                                                       Lyn and Fgr activation is paralled by increased tyrosine
in neutrophils, the activation of Fgr in NB4 cells was
                                                                       phosphorylation of proteins in the 11 000 g and
weaker than that of Lyn. The expression level of Fgr
                                                                       200 000 g membrane fractions
did not change during these experiments, a typical
immunoblot on membrane fractions from A23187                           Stimulation of di€erentiated NB4 cells with opsonized
stimulated cells is shown (Figure 5). As the absence                   zymosan led to a strong increase in tyrosine
of Fgr activation by fMLP and PMA in neutrophils                       phosphorylation of a large number of cellular proteins
had suggested (Figure 1), neither of these two stimuli                 within minutes. In the membrane fractions, distinct sets
had an e€ect on Fgr activity in any of the NB4 cell                    of proteins become phosphorylated on tyrosine (Figure
fractions (Figure 5). Further, as with Lyn, none of the                7, arrows) : in the 11 000 g fraction, phosphorylation
stimuli had an e€ect on the minor cytosolic portion of                 of a doublet at 32 kDa (molecular mass estimated from
Fgr (data not shown). Therefore, the stimuli that                      gel electrophoresis data) is especially prominent and a
activate Fgr selectively a€ect the 11 000 g membrane                   minor band was found at 45 kDa; in the 200 000 g
fraction of the kinase. These results demonstrate that                 fraction, proteins of 55, 60 and 69 kDa became
Lyn and Fgr can be simultaneously activated by the                     tyrosine phosphorylated. Since the increases in
same stimuli, but their activation occurs in di€erent                  tyrosine phosphorylation were as rapid as the
subcellular compartments.                                              activation of Fgr and Lyn, it is likely that Fgr is
                                                                       among the kinases that phosphorylate the proteins of
                                                                       the 11 000 g membrane fraction, while Lyn could be
Lyn and Fgr activation is due to increased speci®c
                                                                       one of the kinases responsible for the tyrosine
activity rather than protein translocation
                                                                       phosphorylation observed in the 200 000 g fraction.
As shown in Figure 3 by Western blotting, there was
little translocation of Lyn between the two membrane
fractions upon cell stimulation with fMLP. Densito-                    Table 1    Quantity and speci®c activity of Lyn and Fgr in peak
                                                                                         fractions of stimulated NB4 cells
metric scanning of the Western blots showed that
changes in the quantity of Lyn protein in each of the                                                                  Total    Speci®c
                                                                       PTK       Stimulus   Fraction   Time Quantity activity   activity
fractions at any timepoint of cell stimulation never
                                                                                                       (min)    (X-fold over basal)
exceeded 20% over the basal level in resting cells (see
also Table 1). We investigated whether this was also                   Lyn       fMLP        M200         1    0.91   2.40+0.68     2.64
                                                                                 A23187      M200         1    0.94   2.10+0.78     2.23
true for its activation by the other stimuli and for the                          OZ         M200         1    1.03   1.55+0.16     1.50
activation of Fgr (Figure 6). Densitometric scanning of                Fgr       A23187      M11          2    1.13   1.74+0.45     1.54
the Western blots con®rmed that the translocation of                              OZ         M11         10    1.12   1.70+0.32     1.52
Lyn and Fgr protein between di€erent membrane                          Quanti®cation of Lyn and Fgr was performed by densitometric
fractions did not exceed 20% over the basal level in                   scanning of the bands from the Western blots shown in Figures 3 and
resting cells, whatever stimulus was utilised.                         6 and comparison of each timepoint to the respective zero-time
                                                                       control. Relative speci®c PTK activity in the fractions showing peaks
    Table 1 shows the relative speci®c activity of Lyn                 of activation was calculated, dividing the mean activity (shown in
and Fgr in the fractions showing peaks of activation,                  Figures 4 and 5) by the relative quantity of the Lyn or Fgr in the
calculated from the total activity (Figure 4 and 5) and                respective samples

    Figure 5 Activation of Fgr in subcellular fractions of OZ, A23187, fMLP or PMA-stimulated NB4 cells. Retinoic acid-
    di€erentiated NB4 cells were stimulated with 4.5 mg/ml OZ, 5 mM A23187, 5 mM fMLP or 100 nM PMA for the indicated period of
    time, and then further processed to determine the activity of Fgr as described in the legend to Figure 3. Data are mean+s.e.m of
    four experiments for each stimulus. Samples in Figures 4 and 5 were derived from the same experiments. The autoradiograms shown
    are from one representative A23187- experiment (upper panel=M11, lower panel=M200). The bands correspond to the timepoints
    indicated at the X-axis except that timepoint 0.5 min is omitted
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                               H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
                                                      M11                                                         M200

                         67 —                                                            67 —



                         43 —                                                             43 —

                                  0         0.5         1       10     30                         0       1        5       10   30

                                                  Time (min)                                                    Time (min)

                         67 —                                                             67 —

                       Fgr                                                             Lyn

                         43 —                                                             43 —

                                 0      0.5            1        2      10                         0     0.5       1        2    10

                                              Time (min)                                                      Time (min)
          Figure 6 Western blots of Lyn and Fgr in subcellular fractions of OZ or A23187-stimulated NB4 cells. Samples (56106 cell
          equivalents/lane) of the 11 000 g membrane fraction (M11) or the 200 000 g membrane fraction (M200) that showed activation of
          Fgr and Lyn, respectively, were chosen from representative experiments of those shown in Figure 4 and 5 for the stimuli A23187 or
          OZ and subjected to Western blotting with anti-Lyn or anti-Fgr antibody as detailed in Materials and methods


                      94 —                                                        We have shown here that Lyn and Fgr are both
                                                                                  expressed in human granulocytic NB4 cells, that they
                      67 —                                                        have a similar subcellular localization, and that they
                                                                                  become simultaneously activated during cell stimula-
                                                                                  tion with OZ or A23187, but that their activation takes
                                                                                  place in di€erent membrane fractions.
                      43 —
                                                                                  Expression and localization of Lyn and Fgr
                                                                                  Lyn and Fgr were already expressed in non-
                                                                                  di€erentiated NB4 cells, whereas we found in our
                                                                                  previous study that Hck is not present at that stage of
                                                                                  cell maturation (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini,
                                                                     — 31         1997). Therefore, Lyn and Fgr are expressed earlier
                                                                                  than Hck. Their expression moderately increased
                                                                     — 27.5
                                                                                  during cell di€erentiation with retinoic acid, which is
           Time (min)        0   1     10         0        1   10                 in line with the generally accepted notion that PTKs of
                                 M11                   M200
                                                                                  the Src family exerce their functional roles in mature
       Figure 7 Tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in the 11 000 g
       and 200 000 g membrane fractions of OZ-stimulated NB4 cells.
       Retinoic acid-di€erentiated NB4 cells were stimulated with OZ for             Both Lyn and Fgr were mostly membrane-bound,
       1 or 10 min, fractionated by di€erential centrifugation, and the           which is consistent with other reports on their
       proteins from the 11 000 g membrane fraction (M11) and                     subcellular localization (Notario et al., 1989; Parolini
       200 000 g membrane fraction (M200) were subjected to Western               et al., 1996). They were present to about the same
       blotting (26106 cell equivalents/lane) with anti-phosphotyrosine           extent in the granule-enriched 11 000 g membrane
       antibodies (PY72). Proteins were separated on 8% (upper panel)
       or 15% (lower panel) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.                   fraction and in the granule-free 200 000 membrane
       Molecular weight markers are shown on the left of the upper                fraction of di€erentiated NB4 cells. In contrast, we
       panel and on the right of the lower panel                                  have shown earlier that Hck, which is mainly
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                                           H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
associated with azurophil granules, is found to about      underestimated the importance of Fgr in cell activation
60% in the granule-enriched fraction, while the            by studying the kinase in NB4 cells. However, Fgr
remainder is equally distributed between the granule-      activation was also weaker than that of Lyn when
free membrane fraction and the cytosol (MoÈhn et           studied in neutrophils (See Figure 1). Several reports
al.,1995; Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). It is       have shown that Fgr is involved in the activation of
unlikely that Fgr or Lyn present in the 11 000 g           adherent neutrophils (Berton et al., 1994; Yan et al.,
membrane fraction are associated with azurophil-           1995b; Lowell et al., 1996). When adherent cells are
granule membranes in NB4 cells, since (i) Lyn and          stimulated by fMLP or PMA, Fgr is activated but this
Fgr both co-distributed quantitatively with the plasma     was abrogated when the cells were treated with anti-
membrane marker HLA class I, whereas Hck does not          integrin antibodies that inhibited cell adhesion (Berton
(Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997), and (ii) OZ          et al., 1994). This ®nding is consistent with our results
induced the degranulation of the azurophil granules in     that PMA and fMLP did not modify the activity of
NB4 cells and a concomitant decrease of Hck protein        Fgr in non-adherent cells.
in the granule-enriched membrane fraction (Welch and          Having identi®ed stimuli that can induce the
Maridonneau-Parini, 1997), whereas neither the quan-       simultaneous activation of Lyn and Fgr in human
tity of Lyn nor Fgr changed signi®cantly in any            granulocytes, we used them to determine in which
fraction under these conditions. Therefore, it is likely   subcellular fractions the kinases are activated, in order
that Lyn and Fgr are found in the 11 000 g membrane        to compare the results to those obtained for Hck in our
fraction due to the presence of plasma membrane in         previous study (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997)
this fraction. We have tested the possibility that a       and so to show potential functional di€erences between
portion of the plasma membrane might sediment at           these kinases. Upon stimulation of NB4 cells with any
11 000 g because of its association with the cytoskele-    of the e€ective agents, Lyn and Fgr were activated in
ton. However, treatment of NB4 cells with cytochalasin     distinct fractions: Lyn was exclusively activated in the
D did not alter the fractionation pro®le (data not         200 000 g membrance fraction, whereas Fgr was
shown), so that this hypothesis seems unlikely, and the    selectively activated in the 11 000 g membrane frac-
reason why the plasma membrane sediments in the            tion and, concomitantly, distinct sets of proteins
11 000 g fraction remains to be identi®ed.                 became tyrosine-phosphorylated in these fractions.
   A partial association of Lyn and Fgr with Triton X-     This is in contrast to the situation with Hck, which,
100 insoluble cytoskeleton-associated proteins has been    under identical experimental conditions, is activated in
suggested (Parolini et al., 1996; Yan et al 1995a,b).      distinct subcellular fractions depending on the stimulus
However, under our solubilization conditions with          utilized: OZ activates Hck selectively in the azurophil
Nonidet-P40, Fgr and Hck are solubilized to comple-        granule-enriched faction and in an OZ-containing
tion. A small portion of Lyn is detergent resistant, but   phagosomal fraction, whereas A23187 activates Hck
it does not change during cell stimulation.                both in the granule-enriched and the granule-free
                                                           membrane fraction (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini,
Activation of Lyn and Fgr
                                                              Furthermore, neither of the agents that we utilized
We have determined the e€ects of the stimuli OZ,           to stimulate the cells caused major translocation of Lyn
A23197, fMLP and PMA on the PTK activity of Lyn            and Fgr between any of the NB4 cell fractions. In
and Fgr, and compared them to the results obtained         contrast, OZ caused a major translocation of Hck from
for Hck in our previous study (Welch and                   the azurophil granules to the phagosomal fraction and
Maridonneau-Parini, 1997). As observed for Hck,            A23187 caused an increase of Hck in the granule-
PMA did not modify the kinase activity of Lyn or           enriched fraction (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini,
Fgr. fMLP strongly activated Lyn but no Fgr or Hck,        1997). In consequence, the activation of Hck induced
suggesting a certain degree of speci®city of Lyn for       by OZ and A23187 was a combination of translocation
fMLP-signalling, whereas OZ and A23187 simulta-            events and increases in kinase activity, whereas the
neously activated Hck (Welch and Maridonneau-              activation of Lyn and Fgr was almost exclusively due
Parini, 1997), Lyn and Fgr (this report). All three        to increases in the kinase activity.
kinases are activated rapidly and transiently, suggest-       In conclusion, the three src-family kinases Lyn, Fgr
ing that each might be involved in early transduction      and Hck are co-expressed in the same cell type and
signals elicited by these stimuli. The activation of Lyn   simultaneously activated by the agents OZ and A23187
by fMLP is a con®rmation of earlier reports (Gaudry        during the stimulation of human granulocytes. How-
et al., 1995; Ptasznik et al., 1995), whereas the          ever, they show distinct spatial patterns of activation,
activation of Lyn and Fgr by OZ and A23187 has             and this could give them access to di€erent sets of
not been described before. The level of Lyn and Fgr        substrates and e€ectors. Therefore, our results provide
activation is of similar magnitude as that previously      new evidence for the functional speci®city of src-family
observed for Hck, and those found for Lyn and Fgr          PTKs that are co-expressed and co-activated within a
in other reports (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini,            cell type.
1997; Wang et al., 1994; Berton et al., 1994; Ptasnik
et al., 1995).
   We found the activation of Fgr was generally
weaker than that of Lyn. Since Fgr is partially            Materials and methods
localized on the speci®c granules in normal neutro-
phils (Gutkind and Robbins, 1989), and NB4 cells lack      Reagents and antibodies
this granule population (Khannagupta et al., 1994;         All-trans-retinoic acid was dissolved and stored at 10 mM
Lanotte et al., 1991), it is possible that we have         in ethanol at 7808C. Cell stimulating agents (from Sigma)
Lyn and Fgr in granulocyte activation
                                            H Welch and I Maridonneau-Parini
       were prepared and stored as described (Welch and                        enriched in azurophil granules was obtained by centrifuga-
       Maridonneau-Parini, 1996). Sodium orthovanadate (from                   tion of the post-nuclear supernatant at 11 000 g for
       Amersham) was prepared according to (Krypta et al.,                     10 min, followed by separation of the granule-free
       1988) and stored in the dark at 48C for maximally two                   membranes and the cytosol at 200 000 g for 45 min.
       months. Rabbit anti-Fgr antiserum was prepared against                  Marker proteins, human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA;
       the N-terminal residues 15 ± 27 speci®c for Fgr. In                     plasma membrane marker) and myeloperoxidase (MPO;
       immunoprecipitation, it recognized speci®cally a PTK of                 azurophil-granule marker), were assayed by ELISA (MoÈ hn
       55 kDa. The signal was abolished when the serum was                     et al., 1995).
       depleted of reactive antibody by preincubation with the
       immunogen peptide, or when pre-immunization serum was
                                                                               Solubilization and immunoprecipitation of Hck and in vitro
       used for immunoprecipitation. Rabbit anti-Fgr antiserum
                                                                               PTK-activity assay
       for Western blotting was a gift from G Berton (Berton et
       al., 1994). Anity-puri®ed anti-Lyn IgG was from Santa                  Lyn and Fgr were solubilized from NB4 cell fractions with
       Cruz Biotechnology and anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies                  a bu€er containing 1% Nonidet P40, then immunopreci-
       (PY72) from Transduction Labs.                                          pitated and assayed for their in vitro PTK activies in the
                                                                               presence of acid-treated enolase as exogenous substrate,
                                                                               10 mM MnCl2, 10 mM MgATP and 10 mCi [32P]gATP
       Cells                                                                   (6000 mCi/mmol) essentially as described (MoÈhn et al.,
       Human promyelocytic NB4 cells were cultured in suspen-                  1995; Welch and Maridonneau-Parini, 1997; Welch et al.,
       sion as described (Welch et al., 1996). For di€erentiation              1996). For solubilization and immunoprecipitation of Lyn
       into neutrophil-like cells, they were maintained in the                 and Fgr from human neutrophils, the 200 000 g super-
       presence of 1 mM all-trans-retinoic acid for 5 days, unless             natant of a sonicate of non-di€erentiated NB4 cells was
       otherwise indicated (Welch and Maridonneau-Parini,                      used (at 500 mg protein/ml) instead of water in order to
       1997). Non-adherent cells were used for experiments.                    compete-out potential proteolysis of the PTKs as described
       Human neutrophils from healthy donors were isolated by                  (MoÈhn et al., 1995; Welch et al., 1996).
       Dextran sedimentation and centrifugation through Ficoll-
       Hypaque as described (Maridonneau-Parini and de                         Western blotting
       Gunzburg, 1992), and were resuspended in mimimal
       essential medium bu€ered with 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4                       For Western blotting of Lyn and Fgr, proteins were
                                                                               separated by 8% SDS ± PAGE, transferred to nitrocellu-
                                                                               lose, blotted with anity-puri®ed rabbit anti-Lyn IgG or
       Cell activation                                                         rabbit anti-Fgr antiserum, and revealed with ECL
       Before cell activation, neutrophils were incubated for 5 min            (Amersham) or with 125I-labelled protein A (Maridon-
       at 48C with 1 mM diisopropyl-¯uorophosphate and then                    neau-Parini and de Gunzburg, 1992), as indicated.
       washed once. For activation, retinoic acid-di€erentiated                Quanti®cation of Lyn and Fgr on ECL-Western blots
       NB4 cells or neutrophils were taken up at 16107 cells/ml                was done by densitometric scanning of autoradiograms
       in mimimal essential medium bu€ered with 20 mM HEPES,                   using the Elecphor program (CRIS, Labege, France).
       pH 7.4, prewarmed for 20 min at 378C and then stimulated                Quanti®cation of 125I-protein A blots was performed by g-
       for various timepoints with either 4.5 mg/ml OZ                         counting.
       (opsonized by incubation with human serum) 5 mM
       fMLP, 100 ng/ml PMA or 5 mM A23187 (®nal concentra-
       tions). Activation was terminated by transferring the tubes
       to a melting-ice bath and immediate addition of 5 vols                  Abbreviations
       icecold HEPES-bu€ered mimimal essential medium con-                     FcgR, receptor for the Fc-region of IgG. fMLP, formyl-
       taining 1 mM EDTA. The cells were then sedimented to a                  methyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. MPO, myeloperoxidase. PTK,
       300 g for 10 m at 48C, and either whole-cell lysates were               protein-tyrosine kinase. OZ, serum-opsonized zymosan.
       prepared or the cells were fractionated as described below.             PMA, phorbol-myristate acetate.
       For all experiments, cell activation was monitored in
       parallel by measurement of the NADPH oxidase and
       degranulation activities as described (Welch and Maridon-               Acknowledgements
       neau-Parini, 1997).                                                     We thank Giorgio Berton for the gift of the anti-Fgr
                                                                               antibody that we used for Western blotting. HW has
                                                                               successively received scholarships from the Boehringer
       Cell fractionation
                                                                               Ingelheim Foundation, Germany, and the Ligue Nationale
       Retinoic acid-di€erentiated NB4 cells were fractionated by              contre le Cancer, France. This study was funded in part by
       di€erential centrifugation as described (Welch and Mar-                 grants from the Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer,
       idonneau-Parini, 1997). Brie¯y, the cells were sonicated,               Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer, Assocation
       and the nuclei, cell debris and resting intact cells were               de Recherche sur la Polyarthrite and the Association
       sedimented at 300 g for 10 min. A membrane fraction                     Recherche er Partage.


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