Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury

Page created by Denise Hines
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
Charity Golf               December

                   Street Appeal p4
                Golf Tournament p5
          Parkinson’s Conference P7

                         Phone: (03) 366 2857
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
Multiple Sclerosis
    & Parkinson’s
    Canterbury (Inc)
                                 President's Message
    Unit 3, 49 Sir William
    Pickering Drive, Burnside    The Society is moving along well thanks      next few years.
                                 to Robin Furley and the excellent team       This is always an
    PO Box 20567,                she manages. Our Annual Street Appeal        important focus
    Christchurch 8543            was extremely well organised and again       and we try to
    Phone: (03) 366 2857         improved on the previous year’s total, so    ensure that our
    Fax: (03) 379 7286           a special thank you to Lynne Trowbridge      service delivery
                                 and Deb Parker. However, fundraisers         aligns with the             alone cannot bring in all the dollars and    big picture goals
                                 we rely heavily on our members, who          we have set for
                                 turn out in force every year, as well as     ourselves. Our objectives are financial
                                 schools and service clubs. These groups      sustainability, service development and
    Patron                       expand the numbers on the street and
                                 increase our ability to cover as many
                                                                              relationship development.
    Hon. Ruth Dyson                                                           The committee has been involved in
    MP Port Hills                sites as possible. A sincere thank you to
                                                                              much more than simply attending the
                                 all who helped.
                                                                              regular monthly meetings. With the
    President                    At the time of writing we are looking        guidance of committee member Lindsay
    Malcolm Rickerby             forward to our Charity Golf Day at           Daniel, they reviewed and updated the       Clearwater. We have very good team           ‘Rules’ under which we operate as an
                                 numbers representing some outstanding        incorporated society. We held a Special
    Vice President               Christchurch businesses. We have             General Meeting where the new rules
                                                                              were adopted. The next project has been
    Dawn Baker                   attracted very generous sponsors, in
                                 particular, our major sponsor Isaac          a guiding document for the smooth
    Treasurer                    Construction Ltd. The company has met
                                 the cost of hiring the course, entered a
                                                                              running of the committee – Governance
                                                                              Purpose, Principles, Policies and Procedures,
    Ann Morrison
                                 team and supplied several auction items      also known as G4P.
                                 and prizes. The money raised from the
    Committee                    event will help to meet the expense of
                                                                              Best wishes to all for a happy and safe
                                                                              festive season.
    Lindsay Daniel, Glenn        operating our gym, which costs about
    Sparrow, Ingrid Robertson,   $70,000 to run annually.                     Warmest regards
    Rachel Bladon, Tessa Kain,
    Eamon Reyn, Sharon Blair
    and David Rowe
                                 The committee and staff have been
                                 working on our new Strategic Plan which      Malcolm Rickerby
                                 sets the organisational direction for the
    Our Team
    (03) 366 2857
    Robin Furley, ext 2
    Annette MacFadyen, ext 6
    Judy McKeown, RN, ext 3
                                 We have recently communicated with           not knowing that our Canterbury         our Parkinson’s members to clarify about     society is independent from
                                 ‘donor letters’ sent to you by Parkinson’s   Parkinson’s NZ, and as such, does not
    Anna Fraser, RN, ext 4                                                    receive any of these donated funds.
                                 New Zealand. We completely respect any                                                       Once you have made a donation to
                                 decisions about which organisations you
    Lynne Trowbridge, ext 8      choose to support with donations.            another organisation, we cannot ask                                                   them for those funds. If you don’t wish
                                 Parkinson’s NZ sends out several             to receive ongoing ‘donor letters’ from
    Deb Parker, ext 9
                                 letters each year requesting funds for       Parkinson’s NZ, we suggest that you
                                 their organisation which has a national      contact them directly and advise them
    Nicola Morrison, ext 7       office based in Wellington. Currently        to remove your contact details from          we have an informal affiliation with         their database. 0800 473 4636 or
    Lesley Williams ext 9        Parkinson’s NZ. We do not send you           ‘donor letters’.
                                                                              All funds raised by our team at MS and
    Kim Veenings, ext 1          We know from feedback that some              Parkinson’s Canterbury support our local
                                 local members made donations to the          organisation and we warmly thank you for
                                 most recent Parkinson’s NZ campaign,         your help with time, energy and money.

                                 Cover photo: Charity golf tournament

Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
Manager's Message
                                               and wanted to reconnect. This was a
                                               wonderful opportunity for us all, and we
                                               appreciated the effort people made to
                                               come and visit us.
                                               Over the last few months we have run
                                               Living Well With Parkinson’s, Living Well With
                                               MS, and Minimise Fatigue, Maximise Life.         Pat Lyons has resigned from
                                               These courses consistently receive positive      early November, which means we
                                               feedback, so if you have not participated        don’t currently have a qualified
                                               in one and would like to, or want to find        physiotherapist in our team.
                                               out more, please make contact.
                                                                                                However we do have some
                                               The movie Mamma Mia was a fun event              excellent group exercise leaders
                                               in July, where we pretty much filled a           who are helping as follows:-
                                               movie theatre. I, for one, had catchy            Rocio Guerra from Chile is
                                               Abba music ringing in my ears for many           supervising Open Gym sessions
                                               days. Thanks to everyone who got                 on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Kia ora tatou. Isn’t it amazing how quickly    on board with this fundraiser to help
                                                                                                Carmyn Barnes, a registered
we can adapt to a ‘new normal’? We are         provide the nurses with tablets. These           biokineticist from South Africa
now quite at home here at Sir William          are now up and running thanks to some            is leading the Thursday MS
Pickering Drive to the extent that the         very generous donors. Your wonderful             exercise group.
café staff not only know us by name            support really will transform work for
                                                                                                Pieta Aitken, currently
but they also know our preferred hot           the nurses by dramatically reducing
                                                                                                working towards a Return To
drink. Our sharing arrangement with            paper work. Our heartfelt thanks for
                                                                                                Practice Programme under
Dementia Canterbury is working well and        your support.                                    the Physiotherapy Board of
we appreciate having colleagues on site.                                                        NZ, is supervising and leading
                                               In the last few weeks we have been
We are fortunate that our other upstairs                                                        some Open Gym sessions and
                                               invoicing people who have not paid
neighbours, Mitchellcorp, are launching a                                                       exercise groups.
                                               their membership subscriptions. We
fundraising initiative which will benefit us
                                               know that sometimes things can be                Tara Martin from On The Go
– more details in our March newsletter.                                                         Physio will be doing member
                                               overlooked, so this is a reasonable way
As we expected, once we had settled in         of reminding members, and checking in            assessments as needed over the
our year has been full steam ahead with        to see whether people want to continue           next few weeks.
new, different, or changed services.           their memberships. We believe that our           YOGA
                                               sub is excellent value for the range of
We held a Parkinson’s Information Day                                                           Yoga sessions on Tuesdays, 1.30
                                               professional services we provide.
in June, with Lesley Livingstone from NZ                                                        – 2.30 are now held at St Martins
Brain Research Institute presenting on         Before we know it we will be looking at          Community Centre, 122 Wilsons
the Parkinson’s research in which many         2019. I hope we all manage to avoid end          Rd, St Martins.
of you are involved. There was a lot of        of year crazy busy stresses, and instead         The Thursday session 1.30 –
interest in Lesley’s session, with a very      focus on a smooth gentle winding down            2.30 continues at 49 Sir William
full seminar room.                             to summer relaxation.                            Pickering Drive as usual.

Our Open Day later in June attracted a                                                          Tim Webster, an exercise
stream of visitors, many of whom had           Robin Furley                                     professional, is providing a new
not been involved with us for some time                             exercise group as advertised on
                                                                                                page 9.
                                                                                                Tim is trained in PD Warrior and

                 We are hosting an ‘Open day members Christmas
                 cheer’ function on Tuesday 11 December, 12.30
                 – 4.30pm. This will be a ‘rolling’ afternoon tea. The
                 Christmas Cake raffle will be drawn at 3pm.

                                                                                                          Phone: (03) 366 2857

Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
From the Fundraising Office
    We are pleased to report that                                            I admired the mother for introducing
    our 2018 Street Appeal was                                               her young daughter to volunteering at
                                                                             such a young age and for volunteering
    another record breaker with                                              with her, because she set a good
    over $65,000 raised to date.                                             example for her daughter to look up
    THANK YOU TO ALL of you who                                              to. Overall, I thought this was an
    contributed to this successful outcome                                   extremely worthwhile activity which
                                                                             really challenged me both physically
    STUDENT VOLUNTEERS REFLECT ON                                            and mentally.
    Bella and I volunteered to help
    collect donations for Multiple Sclerosis
    and Parkinson’s Canterbury 2018
    Street Appeal.
    I was surprised that some people who
    did not have cash actually came up to
    us and apologised. Also, the number
    of people donating was higher than I
    actually expected. Compared to past
    experience when I volunteered in a                                       TABLETS
    similar role overseas, I realised how
                                                                             In our last newsletter we appealed for
    warm and generous the people in New            A woofing big thank       donations to assist with the purchase of
    Zealand were. During our shift, there
                                                                             tablets for Judy and Anna, our nurses.
    were numerous people who came up to            you from Mungo            What an amazing response we received.
    us, thanking us for volunteering. This was
    heart-warming, as we felt that our efforts
                                                   to our incredible         Our grateful thanks to those who came
                                                                             forward with very generous donations,
    were appreciated, and it encouraged us         supporters and a          covering the cost of the tablets and
    to continue our shift enthusiastically.
                                                   Merry Christmas to all.   some training for the nurses. Judy and
                                                                             Anna are already noticing the benefits
    When our shift ended, a mother and
    daughter came to replace us.                                             of using the tablets.

    Golf Tournament Team Sponsors

4                                                VISION: All people in Canterbury with Multiple Sclerosis  
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
     Despite a change in the weather, the           Photos can be ordered from John by
     rain stayed away and the mood at               phoning 3595850.
     the Society’s Clearwater Golf Day was
                                                    Twenty teams of four players entered.
     cheerful, fun and enthusiastic. Feedback
                                                    The winners were the Isaac Construction
     was unfailingly very positive so on that
                                                    II team of Gary Wood, Adrian Kilian,
     basis alone, the event has been judged         Antonio Chadinha and Kim Masina.
     a real success.                                Runners-up were THC, comprising Al
     At time of going to print, the final count     Killick, Ken Harris, Mike Sharp and Kerry
     had not been made but it is estimated          Chuck. Sam Kumbaroff from team The
     around $15,000 has been raised                 Bealey and Victoria Moore from team
     towards the cost of operating the gym.         Saunders Robinson Brown won closest
                                                    to the pin awards.
     Lynne Trowbridge, the Society’s Funds
     Development Manager said she was               The event attracted extensive
     delighted with the result, “but it isn’t all   sponsorship, with Isaac Construction Ltd
     about the money”.                              the main sponsors, covering the cost of
                                                    hiring the course, entering two teams             Winning team, Isaac II, left to right
     “The golfers all seemed to have a great        and providing items for both the auction       Gary Wood, Adrian Kilian and Antonio
     time, which as well as raising money, was      and the raffle. Other sponsors and                   Chadinha (absent Kim Masina).
     a major aim for us ... we really wanted        teams are listed by logo on this page.
     people to have a good experience.”
                                                    More than $600 was raised by PGA golf
     The fundraising team of Lynne and Deb          professional Oscar Cadenhead offering       Lynne says the Society will definitely
     Parker were well supported by golf events      to tee off for teams to improve their       run the event again next year. “When
     organiser Mike Godinet plus a number of        score and the raffle of several items was   we mentioned to the teams that we
     volunteers. Photographer for the day was       well supported as was a short auction of    might have it next year they were very
     Society member John Nichols.                   donated goods at the end of the evening.    enthusiastic about taking part again.”

     Golf Tournament Sponsors

                                                                                                     MOUNTAIN MASTER E – BIKES              NEW ZEALAND
                                                                                                     Website      e-mail:
                                                                                                     ………………………………………………ph: 021 400 424……………………………………………


                                                                                                                  Phone: (03) 366 2857

     and Parkinson’s have the opportunity to reach their full potential.                                                                                   5
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
Nurses’ Corner
    FROM JUDY MCKEOWN MS NURSE                  and neurologists presented a case
    Recently I was lucky enough to attend       to PHARMAC. “PHARMAC has made
    the Brisbane MS Nurses Australasia          the decision to limit eligibility for the
    conference. I have been attending           drug to people with RRMS and not,
    these conferences since I started 6         at this stage, for those with PPMS.”
    years ago and I very well remember          Roche, neurologists and MSNZ are
    the first conference when I had only        resubmitting evidence to PHARMAC for
    been here a month. There were MS            their reconsideration for those with
    nurses from Australia getting up on         PPMS. The cost is $60,000 per person
    the podium presenting their research        per year.                                                            Judy and Anna
    or case studies or anything MS nurses
    may learn from. I sat in the audience
    of 120 nurses thinking “I will never ever
                                                Self management groups
    know as much as these people about                                                       Peer support groups. We send email
                                                What are the groups?                         reminders – all are welcome, and there
    MS”. I realized I needed to make a
    commitment to myself and my clients to      Living Well With MS (6 weeks) Each           is no need to book in. The only criteria is
    educate myself fully about this extremely   week covers a different topic with time      that you or your significant other has MS.
    complex neurological disorder. I also       for group interaction and discussion.        Christchurch
    realized that working in this role is       Numbers are always limited to keep
    a long term commitment because it           groups small. Topics include What is MS?     South Library and Service Centre board
    takes time to build relationships with      What is a relapse? Symptom check list,       room, 66 Colombo St
    my clients, their families and health       Employment, Fatigue, Diet and Exercise,
                                                                                             6 – 7pm
    providers. Now 6 years later there is       The Mental Battle (mood\depression\
    always something new, I am still learning   anxiety), Planning for the Future. If you    Every 6 weeks
    and I enjoy sharing this learning with      are interested, let Judy know so you can
                                                                                             NB: In 2019 this group will be held at
    our members.                                be registered for the next group. We
                                                                                             our centre.
                                                suggest that you come along with your
    Since that time, I have myself been up      partner or a significant person. This will   Ashburton
    on the podium presenting my topics of       help them with increased knowledge and
    interest. Our Canterbury Neuro Nurses                                                    Terrace View Retirement Village (evening)
                                                understanding of this significant long
    group won the poster award 3 years          term neurological disorder. MS doesn’t       Alternates with
    ago about sexuality and MS.                 only affect the person with the diagnosis
                                                                                             Columbus Café (afternoon)
    I am fortunate that some of the             but also other people close to you.
    drug companies fund my conference                                                        Every 6 weeks
                                                Six months after Living Well With MS
    attendance. To have this generous           finishes, we follow up by bringing people    Rangiora
    support for conference registration,        together again for a 2-hour session. This
    flights, and accommodation means                                                         John Knox Church hall
                                                is an opportunity to discuss changes
    that I am able to network regularly         people have made in relation to Living       10.30 – midday
    with my colleagues.                         Well With MS and it’s a good time for
    NZ MS Nurses have been meeting              people to re-establish group connections.
    annually to share professionally for                                                     Every 6 weeks
                                                Minimize Fatigue, Maximize Life (6
    the past 3 years. We sometimes have         weeks) helps to manage MS fatigue.           Under 40s
    a guest speaker and these days are          We run this 2 weeks after LWMS
    a good time to find out about what’s        finishes. Places are limited so please       New group being planned to start early
    happening in other regions.                 ensure you register with Judy or our         2019.
    In November I will be going to an           Physiotherapists.                            Contact Judy if you are interested.
    education day about treatment and           “Judy thank you so much, your passion for    The groups often have a theme as a
    management of MS with Ocrelizumab           the MS community is amazing you’re an        focus – from 2018 – Mindful breathing
    - a new drug on the horizon which is        inspiration to me and you have provided      techniques; Taking charge of your health;
    promising news for people with RRMS.        this group with hope. Thank you for          What is resilience and how do we use it;
    Ocrelizumab is the latest Disease           that.” This member’s comment sums            Share your hobby; What are the needs of
    Modifying Therapy (DMT) being               up feedback received from those who          partners?; Why exercise is important; Helen
    considered for use in NZ. It has            attend the self-management groups.           Skene – discussion re MS questions.
    been approved by Medsafe. MSNZ

6                                               MISSION: Providing professional support and services to  
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
     WRITTEN BY BELINDA BUTTERFIELD              worsened by being unwell with some            because they are badly affected by
     RN, FIELD OFFICER AND COMMUNITY             other illness, as anyone with PD and a        worry or panicky feelings, or because of
     NURSE EDUCATOR MS &                         bad cold knows. Fatigue may also be           increasing avoidance of situations that
     PARKINSON’S SOCIETY WEST COAST              simply the result of poor sleep, which        might give rise to anxiety. Depression
     At the recent Parkinson’s Conference        is a common problem in PD as the              and anxiety can occur together or
     in July 2018, the biggest take home         illness progresses. It may also result as     separately in PD.
     message was that exercise is as             a symptom of the changes within the
                                                 brain “fatigue of neuropsychiatric origin”.   LOW SELF-ESTEEM
     important as medication in the
     management of Parkinson’s. People with      Although this is poorly understood, it        Somewhat separate from being unwell
     Parkinson’s NEED TO BE ACTIVE. There        occurs in a number of neurological            with depression or anxiety, Parkinson’s
     are many symptoms of Parkinson’s            conditions and seems to be separate           symptoms may lead to the development
     that can make this difficult to achieve.    from the other factors discussed.             of low self-esteem. One can feel useless,
     Parkinson’s frequently leads to reduced                                                   worthless or ugly, and withdraw from
     activity. The direct effects upon           PAIN                                          living as actively as previously. Our
     the areas of the brain that control         Pain can lead to reduced activity.            sense of self-worth is tied up with our
     movement cause rigidity and slowing,        Parkinson’s can give rise to pains in         mood but low self-worth can lead to
     but reduced activity is more complex        the legs and feet directly because of         reduced activity without growing into a
     than that. Here we will review other        its effects on parts of the brain that        full depression. Sometimes people with
     common but less well known factors          deal with pain messages. The muscles          PD might temporarily ‘shut down’ more
     that can reduce our ability to be active    and joints may painfully stiffen up from      dramatically, as part of adjusting to some
     if we have Parkinson’s.                     immobility, especially overnight or in the    new situation or threat. We all cope with
                                                 morning. Parkinson’s and osteoarthritis       severe challenges differently and it is
                                                 of the hips or knees is a particularly        important to be sensitive to this and not
     Causes of reduced activity                  difficult combination for some people.        react hastily or with blame. Sometimes
                                                                                               people just need time to regroup.
     in Parkinson’s                              Severe Parkinson’s immobility can mean
                                                 that skin becomes sore in pressure
     This list is not meant to be a litany       areas. However, it is always prudent to
     of disasters – many people with             discuss the presence of pain with one’s         The Power of Dance.
     Parkinson’s do not have any of the          own doctor.
     problems listed below. However, it is
     better to know what is occurring if you     DEPRESSION
     develop problems with reduced activity,     Depression may occur in Parkinson’s
     or when this happens in someone you         not only because of the stress of
     care for.                                   having thecondition but because of
                                                 the changes that occur in the brain
     FATIGUE                                     from the illness. When people are
     Parkinson’s can be exhausting! It can       depressed, they frequently become
     be a struggle mentally and physically       less active through loss of their sense
     to make bodies do what is required of       of enjoyment, an inability to see the
     them because of rigidity, tremor and        point in starting anything with loss of
     slowed or clumsy movements. It can be       motivation, and because depression
     difficult for people with PD and others     can sometimes slow thoughts and
     to accept that it may be necessary to       movement down directly by the way
     have more realistic goals for each day.     it affects the brain. This “psychomotor
     By ignoring fatigue related to trying       retardation” is an increasingly common
     to do too much, it is possible to get       symptom in depression as people age.
     stuck in a “boom or bust” cycle and
     end up achieving less than what could       ANXIETY
     be attained with better pacing. Fatigue     Anxiety is another potential problem
     is more complex than simply getting         in PD that can prevent people from
     physically tired by doing too much. It is   engaging in their usual activities, either

                                                                                                             Phone: (03) 366 2857

     people with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s in Canterbury.                                                                          7
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT                        to diagnosing this problem is that the
    Parkinson’s raises the risk of changes in   affected person is not at all bothered           Why should reduced activity
    memory and thinking power, “cognitive       by their reduced activity – they are not         be a concern?
                                                tired, sad, guilty or regretful about it,
    impairment”. If this worsens into a         they are neither happy nor sad about             Everyone knows the saying “Use it or
    dementia, people can become less active     the fact that they sit around a lot. What        lose it!” This is very true for people
    because it is more difficult to plan and    seems to be occurring is that the ability        with PD, not only in terms of the
    think through activities outside the home   of the person to respond to internally           nerves and muscles, but probably in
    or out of a normal routine. People can      generated cues to produce behaviour              terms of how our brains work as well,
    become less active and more reliant         is impaired. What is preserved, often to         as brain cells and circuits struggle to
    on others to engage with various tasks      the consternation of carers, is the ability      adjust to the changes caused by the
    that need to be done each day. In this      to respond to externally generated               disease. If a reduced ability to engage
    case, the spirit and body may be willing    cues. For example, when a person with            in a certain activity is prolonged, the
    but the brain has trouble providing the     PD and apathy is asked by a person in            window of opportunity to rehabilitate
    computing power to enable things to         authority e.g. the Specialist, to get up         and recover function may close. This,
    engage. If a delirium occurs (a temporary   and walk down the corridor, they will            by itself, is a sufficient reason to pay
    acute state of confusion, usually caused    walk down the corridor! Apathy can be            close attention to reduced activity in
    by some other condition such as an          a neuropsychiatric symptom of PD just            Parkinson’s. Reduced ability to be active
    infection), some people will become quite   as fatigue can.                                  increases disability and dependence
    inactive for most of every day until they                                                    upon others, it increases carer stress,
    are well again.                             OVERMEDICATION                                   it lowers the person with PD’s sense of
                                                Overmedication can be a problem,                 self esteem,and can lower the threshold
    APATHY                                                                                       for depression because there is less
                                                especially when sedative drugs are being
    Apathy is a reduction in motivation         used, even more so when alcohol is also          sense of mastery and less experience of
    related to not caring enough about          part of the mix. Sometimes reducing or           pleasurable things in each day.
    things, either because we can’t feel        stopping medicines is warranted, even
    strongly enough about something to                                                           Knowing the contributing factors is
                                                when they have been previously useful.
    act, or because we don’t think that                                                          important because it can provide the
                                                It is important to discuss this with the
    it is important enough. Scientists                                                           necessary clues for planning a response.
                                                doctor prescribing them rather than
    are beginning to understand the                                                              It is also important because carers
                                                experimenting on your own.
    brain circuits involved in linking our                                                       might fall into the trap of assuming
    instincts, feelings and thoughts to the     WORSENING MOTOR SYMPTOMS                         that people with Parkinson’s are being
    “motivational engine” that generates                                                         lazy or somehow deliberately choosing
                                                Finally, sometimes reduced activity does         to “give up” or “be difficult” when this
    the spark to produce behaviour of all       all come down to worsening motor
    kinds. It appears that the areas of the                                                      is absolutely not the case. If carers
                                                symptoms – the spirit and mind are               understand what is going on more fully
    brain affected by PD critically affect      willing and able but it is the body that
    this circuit and can lead to significant                                                     it can help them to cope.
                                                is weak. We suggest you discuss these
    apathy, quite separate from the causes      symptoms with your doctor or PD Nurse            Apathy is a particular problem because,
    listed above. In fact, one of the clues     who is treating your Parkinson’s.                by its very nature, the person who

                                                                       AMPLITUDE is a fun exercise class that focuses on the key areas
                                                                       for Parkinson’s, including BIG movements, BIG voice, intensity,

                                                                       complexity, balance, coordination and repetition. Tim Webster is
                                                                       trained in PD Warrior and boxing for Parkinson’s and he brings
                                                                       elements of both to the AMPLITUDE programme. There are two
                                                                       levels of AMPLITUDE:

                                                                       LEVEL 1 is for PD people who want a moderate level of exercise,
                                                                       and it takes place from 9.30am – 10.15am on Wednesdays.

                                                                       LEVEL 2 is for PD people who want to work a little harder, and it
       think BIG                                                       takes place from 10.30am – 11.15am on Wednesdays.

       move                                                            Venue: MS & Parkinson’s Canterbury, 49 William Pickering Drive
               BIGGER                                                  Cost: $8 per session

                                                                       Contact Tim to reserve your place:
       starts WEDNESDAY NOV 28TH                                       or call 021 0228 2551

8                                                         OUR VALUES :                                                  COMMUNITY
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
is becoming increasingly apathetic is
unconcerned, unlike any of the other
causes of reduced behaviour listed            LIVING WELL WITH                               PARKINSON’S UPBEAT
above. It is not always the right thing
to do to interfere and try to enforce
                                              PARKINSONS 2019                                UNDER 60 GROUP 2019
“treatment”, but sometimes carers need        This is a Self-Management course               Upbeat was first established in
to intervene because if the problem           run over 6 weeks, aimed at giving              2000 by Parkinson’s New Zealand
continues it will lead to the person          information and tools to help you              to provide a forum for people
losing so much function that dearly-held      and your family live better with               with early-onset Parkinson’s and
wishes are threatened, such as the wish       Parkinson’s. Spouses/Partners or               their whānau and friends to
to remain independent at home.                support workers are encouraged                 communicate with other people
                                              to attend.                                     and to share ideas, experiences
                                                                                             and have some fun! In 2018 the
What can help?                                It is ideal for people who are newly
                                              diagnosed, or those wanting to
                                                                                             Upbeat group enjoyed Ten Pin
                                                                                             Bowling followed by a meal out at
The management of reduced activity            learn more about self-management
                                                                                             “Hello Vietnam”.
is challenging, in part because there         of Parkinson’s. Self-management
are so many things that can cause this        involves setting goals and being               In 2019 Anna has booked
problem. Several factors may be acting        actively involved in your healthcare.          Petanque.
simultaneously so it may be hard to see
                                              This course has been run by the                Venue: Papanui Club
smaller contributing factors because
                                              society for over 7 years, with very            Date: Tuesday 19 March
they are drowned out by the noise from
                                              positive feedback from participants.
some main factor.                                                                            Time: 5.30pm -7.30pm
                                              2019 Dates: Wednesday 6th March
Also, the clinicians involved may be less                                                    RSVP: Anna Fraser (pnurse@
                                              until Wednesday 10th April
experienced with one or other of the                                                Lemonade and
above factors and either not notice their     Time: 10am until Midday                        nibbles supplied by the society.
presence or feel unconfident about
                                              Please register your interest with             Please pencil in Upbeat dinner
advising on treatment. People with PD
                                              Anna Fraser (             TBC for Tuesday 22nd October
and their supporters need to share their
                                                                                             2019. Ideas for Restaurants are
observations with health professionals
                                                                                             very welcome.
so they can understand more fully what
is going on and accurately gauge any
response to various treatments.
                                            routine and structure, even to the point
Management often aims to preserve           of a timetable for each day. It is easy       Summary
or regain function rather than to           to see how this can help if the problem       Reduced activity is a common problem
eradicate the problem entirely. Medical     is related to the psychological and           in Parkinson’s, but it is much more
treatment may help, including adjusting     cognitive factors outlined above. When        complex than simply not being able to
dopaminergic treatments such as             depression, self esteem and anxiety are       get our body to move as well as it used
Madopar or Sinemet, trialling an            key factors, planning enough activities       to. By understanding the many causes
antidepressant or an anti-anxiety drug,     that it is clear in advance are achievable    more deeply, people with Parkinson’s
using a pain-killer or a Cholinesterase     and that will be enjoyable is critical. No-   can help themselves, with the support
Inhibitor (cognitive enhancing medicine)    one ever died wishing they’d had less         of carers and health professionals, to
may help, or perhaps stopping some          harmless fun, or wishing they’d taken         maintain their abilities and place in the
offending agent.                            on a greater number of impossible             world despite the effects of this illness.
                                            challenges. When apathy is a key
Drugs are not the whole answer                                                            If you are finding it difficult to get some
                                            feature, having a written plan reinforced
however. The key strategy is planning                                                     activity into your daily lives, please
                                            by carers to help people to ‘get up and
activity. This is more than the                                                           contact Anna for advice and support to
                                            go’ is helpful: the more external cues
hopefully familiar idea of organising                                                     get you exercising, it is one of the best
                                            to do things, the better. For example,
activity around medication timing and                                                     things you can do for your Parkinson’s!
                                            an alarm clock or phone call to mark
scheduled rest periods. It is also about
                                            the time to do something, step-by-step
thinking carefully about whether goals                                                    References:- Dr Matthew Croucher, Older
                                            instructions to carry a person through a
for the day are realistic. Don’t bite                                                     Person’s Psychiatrist, CDHB.
                                            task, or working on something together
off more than can comfortably be
                                            so that you are both doing the same
chewed – aim to do what you can, not
                                            thing side by side.
what you ‘should’. Also, people with
Parkinson’s frequently do well with

                                                                                                         Phone: (03) 366 2857

                 Service                                         INTEGRITY                                                              9
Charity Golf Tournament - Street Appeal p4 Golf Tournament p5 Parkinson's Conference P7 - Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury
                                                  various times of the year, depending on
                                                  what produce is available.
                                                  “We’re coming into the fun season

                                                  now ... soon there’ll be an abundance
                                                  of tomatoes and fruit and we’ll be
                                                  producing seasonal products as well as

                                                  the four main products we have year-
                                                  round.” Products include Chilli Lime and
                                                  Ginger Sauce, Pomegranate Molasses
                                                  Dressing, Tomato and Ginger Jam and
                                                  Moroccan Apricot Chutney.
     With a lengthy background in hospitality
     in New Zealand and overseas, Nicky           It’s a team effort with husband Aki and
     Jenkins had to take a major step back        mum Sally. On the day we visit, Sally has
     from that competitive world following        been out foraging elderflower and Nicky
     her diagnosis with Parkinson’s               already has a large pot on the stove with                              Nicky and Aki
                                                  a sugar syrup ready for infusion with the
     But, quite obviously being an innovator,
                                                  cuttings to make a delicious cordial.
     Nicky has found a way to continue her
     connection with food by starting Kakariki    She also loves working with other            the products are well-liked and we would
     (green in Te Reo) Kitchen.                   suppliers. Aki works at The Laboratory,      like to sell more, but mainly online. I find
                                                  brewers of Twisted Ankle beer. Nicky         the markets quite exhausting and we are
     Their motto is “Seasonal, Sumptuous
                                                  uses it in her Dark Beer Chutney             not aiming to produce enough to supply
     and Sustainable”.
                                                  (which just cries out for teaming up         supermarkets.”
     After diagnosis five years ago, Nicky says   in a ploughman’s platter). They also
     it became apparent that she was no                                                        “We’re not trying to make millions ... but
                                                  make “bark” from the spent grain left
     longer able to work quickly enough in                                                     we’d like to get the word out there.”
                                                  over from the brewing process. The
     the fast-paced, pressured environment        bark provides a great platform for their
     of a restaurant kitchen.                     selection of chutneys. She has also been       Kakariki Kitchen offers a range
                                                  experimenting with Peckham’s Cider             of gift packs that are perfect
     “I was looking for something that would
                                                  from the Upper Moutere Valley, Nelson,         for Christmas presents and
     fit me, and the post-earthquake rebuild
                                                  using it to produce Kakariki Kitchen’s         will donate 10% to MS and
     of our house was a perfect opportunity
                                                  Spiced Cider Jelly.                            Parkinson’s Canterbury for every
     to look at doing something from home.”
     She was granted a home kitchen license       “I’m very fussy about quality, love to use     pack sold. To view and order go
     from the Selwyn District Council, and        whatever is in season and like to use          to
     now her kitchen is a hive of activity at     good, solid recipes with a twist. We know

     E B Milton Trust, William Toomey Charitable Trust, Jones Foundation, PAC Fund and MU Welfare Trust Board

                                                                                                 Harvey Weir
                                                                                                Charitable Trust

                                      DECEMBER/JANUARY                        NEW LIBRARY BOOKS
                                      CLOSING DATES                           Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ – by John
                                                                              C. Coleman ND (donated by Phyllis
                                      We will be closed during the            Briggs)
                                      Christmas Holidays as follows:
                                                                              Live Now – Die Later: Starkhealth –

                                      Last day: Thursday 20 December          by Dr Patterson Stark (donated by
                                      Reopen: Monday 7 January                Phyllis Briggs)
                                      If you need medical assistance          Multiple Sclerosis: Answers at Your
                                      during this time, please contact your   Fingertips, 2nd Edition (donated by
                                      GP or one of the after hours clinics.   Malcolm Rickerby)

2019 PSP/MSA SUPPORT                  The last dates for Gym and Exercise
                                      Classes are as follows:
                                                                              Beyond the Gate – by Graeme Reid

GROUP                                                                         Does my bum look big with this stick?
                                                                              – by Shona Daubé
Please diary Tuesday 12 February,      Group               for Last Class
14 May, 13 August and 12
November, 49 Sir William Pickering     Open Gym
                                                           14 December
Drive from 6-7pm. The group will
again be free and Frances Young,       Parkinson’s         Thursday
                                                                              CHRISTMAS CAKE RAFFLE
the Wellbeing Therapist and            Exercise Group      13 December        Due to unforeseen circumstances
Counsellor will be the co-ordinator                        Thursday           the wonderful member who
for these sessions. Anna and           Yoga                                   normally makes the delicious cakes
                                                           14 December
Frances appreciate your attendance.                                           for our raffle is unable to do so.
                                       Nordic Walking                         Someone else has volunteered to
                                                           14 December
                                                                              step in for this year.
                                       MS Thursday         Thursday
SMART ALTERNATIVE TO                   Group               13 December        The raffle will consist of 6 small
                                                                              Christmas cakes.
TRACK PANTS                            MS Friday Group
                                                           14 December
Barbara Greasley                                           Tuesday
hated going                            Power of Dance
                                                           11 December
out with her
husband in track                      All groups will resume the week of
pants and spent                       14 January, 2019
ages tracking                         Except
down a smart
alternative.                          Yoga
Eventually she                        – resumes Tuesday 5 February
found what she                        Power of Dance
wanted. They                          – resumes Tuesday 29 January            Demand for tickets is always high so
are made from
                                      Nordic Walking                          don’t delay, get yours today.
Tencel and cost
approximately $80. Barbara is         – resumes Friday 25 January             Ticket price: $2 each, 3 for $5 or
more than happy to take orders                                                6 for $10
and talk to anyone about them.
                                                                              Pick up your tickets from the
You can contact Barbara on                                                    office, or if you are unable to
03 3083937.                           SPOUSES MORNING TEA                     come in, contact Annette and
                                                                              she will assist you. If you can sell
                                      Venue: Salt on the Pier, Pier           tickets on our behalf that would
                                      Terminus, New Brighton                  be most appreciated.
ASHBURTON PARKINSON’S                 Date: Tuesday 18 December               Phone 03 366 2857 ext 6 or email:
MORNING TEA                           Time: 10.30am                           support
                                      Gaynor Morris has kindly offered        Closes: 12pm Monday 10 December,
Venue: Hotel Ashburton                to co-ordinate Spouses Morning          Drawn 3pm Tuesday 11 December
Date: Thursday 6 December             Teas for 2019 and both Gaynor           at the Christmas function.
Time: 10.30am – 12pm.                 and Anna Fraser look forward to
                                      seeing spouses at this wonderful,
Anna and Lesley look forward to       social event.
seeing members there.                                                                      Phone: (03) 366 2857

The golf event’s only ladies team, representing Saunders Robinson Brown, with PGA golf pro Oscar
Cadenhead, from left Pam Bowden, Anita Bateman, Oscar, Victoria Moore and Marie Saunders.

                                       IN SUPPORT OF OUR STREET APPEAL

Cashmere High Students.                                       Sarah Lattimore collecting in Culverden.

Cathedral Grammar Choir performed at South City.

                                                                                     Multiple Sclerosis
                                                                         & Parkinson’s Canterbury (Inc)
                                                                              Unit 3, 49 Sir William Pickering Drive
                                                                                PO Box 20-567 Christchurch 8543
                                                                                                   Phone: (03) 366 2857
                                                                                                     Fax: (03) 379 7286
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