Page created by Ann Murphy
January 2020

RDaSH leading the way with care
    from the Chief Executive
                                  Welcome to our first edition of                    I am delighted that we are sharing a real success
                                                                                     story this month; a former patient Greig, who
                                  Trust Matters for 2020 which is                    is helping others to cope better with their
                                  full of your news and stories.                     mental health both as a peer support worker in
                                                                                     Rotherham and also through his book in which
                                  As you know our vision at RDaSH is to lead the     he talks about his life experiences. We have
                                  way with care and coupled with this we want        included Greig’s inspirational story in this edition.
                                  RDaSH to be the best possible place to work. In
                                  this month’s Trust Matters we want to showcase As an organisation we have pledged our
                                  some of things you are doing that support the   commitment to support armed forces’ veterans,
                                  delivery of both these ambitions.               reservists and their families and signed the
                                                                                  Armed Forces’ Covenant. We were honoured
    Kathryn Singh                 In Doncaster our teams have been working with to be presented with a Bronze Award which
    Chief Executive               our partners to provide a brand new service to  acknowledges our efforts to become a forces-
                                  improve the physical health and wellbeing of    friendly employer with the future aim of
     If you’ve a story            people who have serious mental illness.         reaching Silver Award status later this year.
     to tell let our
     Communications Team
                                  We are one of the members of the Doncaster         Once again we celebrated our fantastic GEM
     know. Email rdash.
     rdashcommunications@         Alcohol Alliance and as such we are supporting     award winners – all of you who go the extra
     nhs.net                      the Alliance with its new campaign to              mile for your patients and colleagues. These
     or ring them on              encourage people to rethink their drink and live   awards really show just how much great work
     01302 796204.                healthier lives. You can read more about this      is going on at RDaSH and it’s a small way for
     Don’t forget you can         campaign inside this edition.                      us to say thank you for your compassion and
     also follow us on social                                                        dedication.
     media:                       One of the benefits of working with us is the
            @Rdash_nhs            way we encourage and support colleagues to         As ever, thank you for everything
                                  keep fit and healthy. This in turn improves the
                                                                                     you do each and every day here at
            Rdash nhs             quality of care for our patients. There are lots
                                  of complementary therapies and fitness classes
            @rdashnhs             available to colleagues throughout RDaSH to
                                                                                                                       Kind regards.
            Youtube               help support wellbeing and which ultimately
            rdashcommunications   benefits the people we are here to care for.
                                                                                                                          Kathryn .

                                                     RDaSH YouTube
                                                     Watch all of our People of RDaSH and
                                                     recruitment videos on YouTube.

                                                     Follow this link: https://bit.ly/2S8iJur


2   www.rdash.nhs.uk
News matters
New appointment
We welcomed a new Non-Executive Director to our Board.

Dave Vallance, of Nottingham, was appointed by our Council of Governors and
took up the new role in December 2019.

Dave brings with him a vast range of HR experience after working for over 20 years
with Walgreen Boots Alliance and also in the NHS for The Audit Commission.

Dave, who loves sport, said: “I recently retired early from a corporate career and
wanted the opportunity to put something back into an area that matters to a lot
of people.”

Chairman Alan Lockwood said: “On behalf of the Board I warmly welcome Dave
into our Trust. He brings with him a wealth of experience to help benefit our
patients and staff.”

Pictured from the left is Dave Vallance being welcomed by Alan Lockwood,

Meet Helen Oldknow #YearoftheNurse
    Research Nurse Dr Helen

    Oldknow tells us what

    nursing means to her

    and how she discovered

    research and value it

    brings to people’s lives.

Since starting as a student nurse in 1981     a Research Nurse is the people and staff.     One of the highlights of my career
I have always felt privileged to be part      All those who take part in research do so     is being a member of the Grounded
of the profession and to work with and        not for themselves but to improve the care    Research team and contributing towards
meet some of the most inspiring people        and treatments for others in the future. An   the team receiving national recognition in
in the world.                                 example of this a lady, whose husband had     2019, by winning the prestigious Nursing
                                              dementia and who is now donating her          Times award for clinical research on
Throughout my 39 year career in the           brain for research into the disease.          behalf of the Trust.
NHS I have been supported to progress
both academically and to develop in my      Research is carried out across a wide           Everything we do as research nurses
nursing career. I began as a registered     range of specialities including children’s      couldn’t be achieved without our
learning disability nurse, then did further care, neuro-rehabilitation, school nursing,     colleagues – all those nurses and staff
training to become registered mental        infection prevention and control, child         who tell patients about research.
health nurse, working on wards and in       and adolescent mental health, older
the community.                              people’s mental health. I work with             Being a nurse has given me a chance to
                                            universities, the National Institute of         meet inspiring and remarkable people
The move into research nursing is a perfect Health Research and all those fantastic         and all nurses should be aware of
example of the opportunities that the       people who are our Patient Research             research and the opportunities it offers.
profession offers. The best part of being   Ambassadors.
Staff matters
    Successful practice development day
    Nurses and allied health professionals came together on January 28 to focus on finalising the
    development of the Trust’s Nursing and Allied Health Professionals’ Strategy.

    It was a successful event and helped the Trust to shape the delivery of new ways of working for the future.

    Here are the photos from the day:

Staff matters
Happy first birthday BAME

Our Black Asian Minority Ethnic staff network turned celebrated its first anniversary in December. Many
congratulations all!

If you’d like to join this network or want more information go to the Culture and Improvement section in this newsletter.

Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) graduates
Congratulations to three of our staff who’ve recently graduated from the QSIR College.

Judith Graham, Deputy Director for Organisational Learning and Development; Paula Rylatt, Head of Improvement and Culture; and
Sue Statter, Leadership and Organisational Development Facilitator, have all been included in QSIR Yearbook 2019/20.

You can read their features in the yearbook on ages, 71, 178 and 200 via this link: https://bit.ly/2ulGUNO

If you are interested in doing the QSIR Practitioner Programme yourself details are included in the Improvement and Culture section of
this publication.

        Jude Graham                          Paula Rylatt                        Sue Statter

Staff matters
    Pledging support to armed forces veterans
    We’ve pledged our commitment to support armed
    forces’ veterans, reservists and their families.

    Trust Chief Executive Kathryn Singh, together with Chairman
    Alan Lockwood, made a formal commitment to Britain’s
    military by signing the Armed Forces’ Covenant.

    They were also presented with a Bronze Award under the
    Government’s Defence Employer Recognition Scheme in
    acknowledgement of our efforts to become a forces-friendly
    employer, with a promise to do further work to reach Silver
    Award standard in the future.

    Chairman Alan Lockwood, said: “As an armed forces
    veteran it gives me great pleasure to sign this covenant.
    It highlights that we are forces-friendly, supporting the
    employment of reservists, armed forces veterans, including
    the wounded and injured, cadet instructors and military
    partners. I’d encourage armed forces veterans or those in
    the process of leaving the armed forces to look at our job
    opportunities as we strive to do all that we can to positively
    support transition into civilian roles, recognising the value of    Pictured from the left is (back) Richard Lenton, Regional
                                                                        Employer Engagement Director of the Reserve Forces’ and
    their skills and experience to the NHS.”
                                                                        Cadets’ Association for Yorkshire and The Humber (RFCA),
                                                                        and Pauline King, Assistant Regional Employer Engagement
    The Government’s Defence Employer Recognition Scheme                Director of the RFCA, together with (seated) Kathryn
    is supported across the region by the Reserve Forces’ and           Singh, RDaSH Chief Executive, and Alan Lockwood, RDaSH
    Cadets’ Association for Yorkshire and The Humber.                   Chairman.

      Have you served in the armed forces?
      We are asking our staff if they have served in the armed forces or who are a reservist or
      have close family members serving in the forces? If so we want to hear from you!

      We are seeking to understand our current staff network. We are exploring the ways in which
      we support the armed forces community and are keen to involve veterans, reservists and
      the wider armed forces community of those close to service personnel to help us to
      develop what this might look like here.

      We are also looking for staff from this network to appear in a short video about
      why they chose to work with us and explain the importance of the Trust becoming
      a forces-friendly employer has been to them. The videos will be used to encourage
       ther armed forces veterans, reservists and wider armed forces community
      members to come and work with the Trust.

      Anyone volunteering will be fully supported by The Communications Team, who
      carry out the filming.

      Interested? If so please email rdash.rdashcommunications@nhs.net

Staff matters
Windows-10 Upgrades pass the 3,000 mark!
Our Windows-10 team has                        Windows-10 Upgrade or have not yet
reached a significant milestone                had your device upgraded please could
                                               you either book them into a Hub or
with 3,000 computers now                       contact Martin Wilson in IT who will
successfully upgraded to
Windows-10. Thank you to
                                               then try to arrange a suitable time to
                                               come and upgrade your devices. Martin             4000
everyone who has had their
computer updated!
                                               can be contacted by emailing
                                               martin.wilson10@nhs.net                           3650
This represents 82% of all computers                                                             3000
across the Trust now running on
Windows-10.                                                     RDaSH                            2000
                                                               Windows 10
With only two months left before the
NHS Digital deadline the Windows-10                             upgrades                         1000
Team is working hard to upgrade the
remaining 650 computers.                                         82%                              500
If you have recently received an email
stating that your device requires a

 CEO calls in for laptop upgrade
 Our Chief Executive Kathryn
 Singh called in for her laptop to
 be updated to Windows 10! Have
 you? If not, why not?

 All of our computers need to this update
 by March this year – so it’s vital to get
 yours booked in now!

 There are that have a ‘stash’ of laptops
 that are not necessarily attached to a
 specific user. This could be spare devices,
 devices left in cupboards, devices from
 staff who’ve left the Trust.

 If you have any of these, especially if you
 have a few of them in your area of work,
 please could you either book them into         time to come and upgrade these devices.   Pictured are members of our IT Team
 a Hub or collect them together and let         Martin can be contacted by emailing       with Kathryn.
 Martin Wilson in IT know what you have         martin.wilson10@nhs.net
 – he will then try to arrange a suitable

For information about the upgrades please click: https://bit.ly/2sLiBrZ

Staff matters

     Well done to our GEM Award winners!
    				                               Here are our Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award winners for January,
                                       presented by Phil Gowland, Director of Corporate Assurance / Board Secretary and
                                       Alan Lockwood, Chairman.

              Michael Ashton                             Liua Booker                                 Karen Brown
          Memory Therapy Service               Workforce and Human Resources                            Project 3
               Doncaster                                 Corporate

            Jane Charlesworth                            Abby Eades                                    James Firth
            Corporate Assurance                          Safeguarding                           Trainee Nursing Assistant

              Kerry Friskney                            Tracy Hatfield                               Jill Holdridge
                 Children's                             Brambles Ward                               Magnolia Lodge
                                                          Rotherham                                   Doncaster

             Noma Makhanda                                Nuala Nice                                 Sandra Powell
    Improvement and Cultural Development                   Children's                                Doncaster IAPT
Staff matters

             Chris Pym                             Kerry Tanner                           Debbie Tipper
     Assessment and Formulation-                                                       District Nursing East
       Home Treatments Team                       Magnolia Lodge
             Rotherham                              Doncaster                               Doncaster

                                                   Robert Ward
                                                   Osprey Ward

GEMS feedback from the day...what you said:

                                                                                      ble event.
           Excellent to come as a +1                             A very enjoya                    of
         and hear such amazing                                                    , felt so proud
                                                              Plenty of tears                       s.
         nominations of thanks.                                  d a u g h te r a n d all candidate

To download your photograph from the day visit: https://bit.ly/2S0bHrE

Keep your GEM nominations coming in!
Why not enter a colleague for a Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award?
Many of you go the extra mile while you are living and breathing our values of being Passionate; Reliable; Caring
and Safe; Empowering and supportive of staff; being Open, transparent and valued; and by being Progressive.
If you work with a colleague who is always Going the Extra Mile, please nominate them for a GEM award here:
Staff matters
     Health and Wellbeing update
     One of the perks of working with us is our health and wellbeing offer to staff and best of all, it’s free.

     Here’s a reminder of some of the things that our Health and Wellbeing team is doing to keep you fit and healthy.

        Slimming World
       Last September, the Health and Wellbeing team partnered up with
       Slimming World to offer you a 12 week programme of a Slimming
       World group of your choosing for free. This programme complements
       the fitness classes and holistic therapies which are also available,
       making the Slimming World a natural next step in supporting you with
       your health and wellbeing.

       Fifty-five members of our staff have already signed-up and accessing
       the programme. Between them they have achieved a combined weight loss of 437lbs, that’s equivalent to over 31 stone.
       Ninety-six percent either lost weight or maintained their current weight by being on the programme.

       Fourteen of those have already seen their hard work pay off and have achieved a fantastic BMI loss of over 5%.

       Well done everyone!

       Here’s some feedback from those who’ve tried the scheme:

       “Over the past few months I have lost 26lbs in weight. My lifestyle and thinking around food is completely changed
       and I am now enjoying making healthy meals for me and my family on a daily basis. I am really grateful that the
       Trust gave me this opportunity.” – Jo

       “The Slimming World programme is going really well, I cook the recipes for my whole family and they love it too.
       Until now I have lost 11½ pounds. Weight loss is something I have been advised to do for my own health as I have
       high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had a check-up just before Christmas and my cholesterol is back within
       normal range. It is such a good incentive to be able to do without thinking of the cost.” – Angela

       “I have found Slimming World has helped me with losing over 2 stone in the last 12 weeks. I have been supported
       to lose weight by Slimming World group support. Thank you for the opportunity you have given to improve health
       and wellbeing.” – Andrea.

       “I just wanted to say a big thank you to the Trust for caring about its employees enough to embark upon the
       Slimming World voucher scheme. I have yo-yo dieted all my life and was just over 5 stones overweight for my
       height. Your initial email gave me the push to begin to do something about my weight. I enrolled on the 12 week
       scheme in October with the aim of losing a stone by Christmas. My Slimming World group and Consultant Helen are
       a fantastic support and an inspiration and I enjoy going to group every week. I have fully embraced the programme
       and in the 10 week run up to Christmas I am thrilled to report I lost 1 stone 8.5 lb, smashing my initial target to lose
       10% of my body weight! I can hardly believe how the weight has come off as I have enjoyed cooking and eating
       good healthy meals.”– Melanie

       Well done to all of those who have been involved and have made some great progress through the scheme, here is what
       our Trust lead for health and wellbeing says about it:

       Lisa Earnshaw, Lead for Staff Health and Wellbeing, said: “Health and Wellbeing continues to be a high priority within the
       Trust and this is a really good way to support staff to kick start a healthy lifestyle. The results and comments from staff have
       been fantastic. Keep up the good work.”

       Do you think that Slimming World could be beneficial to your health and wellbeing?
       The team has just re-launched this programme email them to find out more information on how you can access it:

Staff matters

PAM Health Genie
Have you been pondering about making healthy changes recently?

Look out for the PAM Health Genie, which is on its way round the Trust.

The ‘Health Genie’ kiosk can help you understand your health with a five minute assessment
covering weight, height, Body Mass Index, blood pressure, body temperature and much more.

You even get a handy print off with all your information so you can refer back to it later. If you have a PAM Life account
you can enter your health kiosk code and it will pull all the information through to add to your overall wellness score.

The genie will be stopping at a location near you over the next few months – travelling to North Lincolnshire and then
Rotherham. Keep an eye out for more dates soon!

Smoking cessation
Have you made a resolution to quit smoking this year?
Don’t forget there are services that can help you to quit.
If you live in South Yorkshire, the Yorkshire Smokefree service can help you to stop. If you live
in North Lincolnshire, contact the Healthy Lifestyles Team!

The Health and Wellbeing team can now refer you into the service to help you make the
first steps, email them on rdash.healthandwellbeing@nhs.net or telephone 01302 796235.

Employee Assistance
Remember if you need someone to talk to or to listen to you please contact the Vivup 24 hour
helpline anytime. The friendly professionals at the other end of the phone can offer free
telephone counselling and support for a range of issues including relationship issues, debt,
mental health and stress. Call them on 03303 800 658 calls charged at a local rate.

Got an idea that will benefit the health and wellbeing of your team or

colleagues, email the Health and Wellbeing team now to see how it can

support you in making this a reality. rdash.healthandwellbeing@nhs.net
Staff matters
     Buying and selling
     of annual leave
     The application window to buy
     or sell annual leave for the year
     2020/21 is now open!

     We are committed to improving the
     health and wellbeing of our employees
     and the introduction of this staff benefit
     will help us to find a better balance
     between our personal and our work
     commitments. There may be instances for        contracted on the 1 April 2020 to work 3       Approval of any
     example where you are:                         days a week (22.5 hours), you will be able     additional annual
                                                    to sell a maximum of 3 days (22.5 hours).      leave purchase/
     • planning a special trip or event                                                            selling of annual
     • need extra leave for personal reasons       Any additional leave bought through this        leave is not
                                                   scheme would have to be used by the 31          guaranteed and
     • would like more annual leave                March 2021. The cost of which would be          would always be
     • would like to sell some of your annual      deducted from your salary spread over           ubject to the operational
        leave.                                     the April 2020 to March 2021 annual             requirements of the service, which must
                                                   leave year. This will ensure you continue       remain a priority. The application form
     For the 2020/21 annual leave year you         to receive a monthly salary but at an           must be completed and signed by you,
     will be able to buy up to 12 days/ 90 hour appropriately reduced rate to reflect the          your Line Manager and Service Manager.
     (pro rata) of additional annual leave or sell unpaid leave you’ve purchased.
     a maximum of 5 days/37.5 hours pro rata.                                                      The deadline to apply is February 12 at
                                                   Should you leave the Trust prior to the         12noon, so please ensure if you wish
     The maximum amount of annual leave            end of the financial year any over or           to make an application that you do
     that you can buy will be based on your        undertaking of annual leave will be             so before this date. Your completed
     weekly contracted hours as at the 1 April     calculated based on your revised annual         application form must be submitted to
     2020. For example, if you are contracted      leave allocation.                               your manager for consideration by the
     on the 1 April 2020 to work 3 days a week                                                     deadline.
     (22.5 hours), you will be able to purchase a We are keen to support colleagues to
     maximum of 7.2 days (54 hours).               maintain regular attendance at work             The applications form and guidance can
                                                   and therefore levels of attendance will         also be accessed on the intranet under
     The maximum amount of annual leave            be considered in relation to buying and         the HR Section at: https://bit.ly/2uIAf0c
     which you can sell will also be based         selling annual leave.
     on your weekly contracted hours as at
     the 1 April 2020. For example, if you are

     The Royal College of Speech and Language
     Therapists (RCSLT) 75th Anniversary
     This year is the 75th Anniversary of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).
                                                                                                                            75  years
     Each month Rotherham Learning Disability Service’s Speech and Language Therapy team and others around the UK will be celebrating with
     a different theme. January’s theme is ‘firsts’.

     Charlie Millership, Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist, told us when she first knew she wanted to work in Speech Therapy.

     Charlie said: “I knew I wanted to become a Speech Therapist when I met a young lady with learning disabilities using a communication
     aid controlled by her eyes. I was amazed at how this young lady used the device to communicate with others. She told me about how her
     Speech Therapist had helped her and given her a voice. I knew then I wanted to help others have a voice.”

     Check out Rotherham Learning Disability Service’s facebook page for further updates throughout the year as they continue to celebrate.

Their opinion counts
It boosts our morale when we get a thank you from colleagues, managers but
especially patients and service users.

Here, in ‘Their opinion counts’, is a selection of comments and compliments from the
Your Opinion Counts forms.

                                                Wheelchair and Specialist
                                                  Seating (Doncaster)
                p l e ’s Ment es                “Excellent first class service and
            Peo               ervic                                                          Haw
    Older mmunity S lity)                              very helpful staff.”             Comm thorn W
        h Co                Loca                                                                unity        ard
  Healt ster-North                                                                                       Healt ,
   (Donc                             care                                             “Frien                  h Car
                     m  y service,                                                          dly sta
           ks to X             ll been                                                 encou           g
                                                                                             raged ood food a
     “Than atment has a                                                                              to get         n
       and tre ularly good
                                  .”                                                                        better d
               tic                                                                                                .”
            par                               Osprey Wa
                                                             rd, Adult M
                                             Health Inp                    ental
                                                        atients (Ro
                                             “Very kind a
                                                          nd helpful. M
                                             we are comfo               ade sure
                                                            rtable and th
                                              medications                 at right
                                                            are given. All
                                              know what                    staff        Specia
                                                           they are doin                        list Nu
                                                  are brilliant d        g and                          rse, D
                                                                 octors.”                                        iabete
                                                                                        “Every                          s
                     nd Alco                                                                    th  ing
           Drug a                                                                    perfect             w
                                                                                            ly. All q as explained
            Service                                                                      in deta       uestion
                                                                                                  il and a s discussed
                       g, everyth
                                 ing                                                          satisfac nswered
             ver y thin                                                                                 torily.”
   “I liked e s perfect.”
                                                         ccess to
                                            Improving A
                                                         l Therapies -
                                              Long Term C
                                              “Listened and
     Psycholo g Access to                                                     Child and
                gical Th                                                                   Ad
            (Doncas                                                            tal Health olescent Men-
                      ter)                                                                  Service L
                                                                              After Chil              oo
      “X has be                                                                            dren (Don ked
                 en absolu                                                                           caster)
     amazing.               te
               Treatmen ly                                                      “Excellent
     prompt a
                          t w as                                             carer to pro pport to foster
    beneficial has been so                                                   wellbeing o
                                                                                         mote the e
              in resolvin
                         g the                                                           f a young p onal
          depressio                                                                                 erson.”

Rotherham Matters
     Former patient writes book to help others
     A Rotherham man, who has
     been living with a mental illness
     for the past 15 years, has written
     a book about his experiences in
     a bid to help others in the same

     Greig D Beadle, who volunteers at
     Swallownest Court in Rotherham,
     which is a hospital that provides adult
     mental health services and run by this
     Trust has had his first book published
     by the mental health publisher

     In his book called ‘Stickies’ Grieg
     talks about his personal journey of
     dealing with paranoid schizophrenia, a
     mental health condition that can cause
     hallucinations, delusions, disorganised
     thinking, lack of motivation and lack of
     interest in social activities.

     Greig, Peer Support Worker, said:
     “This book is about letting go of all
     the bad times. Setting your mind to do
     something and achieving it, even if you                                                          Greig is pictured in Swallownest Court
                                                     Copies of the book are available at
     didn’t think you could. I always said                                                            reception with a copy of his book.
                                                     the reception at Swallownest Court,
     that I should write a book and now I
                                                     Aughton Road. The cost is £10 and the
     have and I hope that if it helps those
                                                     proceeds are put towards the printing
     who read it, then it would have been
                                                     of more books.

     New team in place
     Our new Assessment and Formulation (A&F) Team is now in place meaning better services for
     our patients in Rotherham!

     Our Single Point of Access Team has split and will shortly be part of bigger local area teams in the North and South
     of the borough.

     Assessment and Formulation is the new name for the Single Point of Access Team. Our A&F team is currently based at Swallownest Court
     but longer term part of the team will remain here with the other half of our staff moving to Ferham House, who will work with our patients
     in the North area.

     It means our staff can provide more holistic care to our patients and more responsive and quicker treatment.

Rotherham Matters
Big boost to charities
Our big hearted staff who work
on one of our mental health units
in Rotherham have all trekked 27
miles to raise more than £1100.
Staff who work on the Kingfisher Ward
at Swallownest Court raised £1142 by
walking the White Peak Walk in Derbyshire
in their own time.

The money will now be split between the
charitable funds at Weston Park Hospital,
Sheffield, and Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

The team, who all work on an inpatient
psychiatric unit, decided to take on the
challenge after a colleague died of cancer
and because many of the staff have

The magnificent seven who took part in            Amy added: “We really enjoyed it even
the walk were Amy Bennett, Zoe Charles,           though towards the end of the challenge
Martin Hobbs, Dave Evans, Angela                  it was a long hard slog, but we’ve raised
Keyworth, Mick Seddon and Emma                    a fantastic amount for two excellent
Atherton and they have already signed up to       charities.”
do the walk next year.
                                                  Staff from Kingfisher Ward are pictured
Dave said: “It was a really tough walk but        with their cheque for Weston Park and
                                                  Sheffield Children’s Hospitals.
was really good.”

‘Stress Buster’ classes in Rotherham
Are life’s pressures getting you down and making you feel stressed and anxious?
Do you worry a lot? Then a stress buster class could help you.

After the success of the last stress buster class, a local health trust is taking bookings for its free six-week
educational programme in January which teaches Rotherham people how to control their stress and worry.
Stress Buster classes are designed for people who are feeling stressed or think that they might be suffering from
problems such as anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties and panic. The classes are run by our staff.
James Bell, who is involved in organising the classes, said: “One in six people suffer from stress or anxiety during their lives.
                       “This course aims to teach people to understand the triggers of their stress and anxiety and provides them with the
                         support and self-help techniques to be able to manage it. We also provide an information pack and activities for
                           people to work through in their own time.”
                                   The classes will run on Wednesday evenings from 6 until 7.30pm at New York Stadium, Rotherham,
                                       February 19.
                                                                   Stress Buster is available to anyone over the age of 18, who are registered
                                                                         with a Rotherham GP practice. It is not suitable for people who have
                                                                          major alcohol or drug issues, people with thoughts of self-harm or
                                                                              already open to a mental health team. Please contact your GP for
                                                                                help with any of these problems.

                                                                                            For more information, or to book a place,
                                                                                            please ring 01709 447755.

Children’s Matters
     Visit to services
     In December we welcomed colleagues from NHS England. The team visited our children’s services and met with
     staff, children, young people and their families and commissioners.

     The visit was part of the Rotherham and Doncaster Child and Young People review.

     Tracey’s been published
     Our Community Practice
     Educator and PhD Researcher
     Tracey Long from the 0-5 Health
     Visiting Service has recently had
     an article published in a peer
     reviewed journal.

     Tracey’s article called ‘Why undertake
     a clinical academic internship? A novice
     researcher’s reflection’ was published
     in the Nurse Researcher.

     Well done Tracey.

North Lincolnshire Matters
Time to Talk about mental health event
The team on Laurel and Mulberry wards at Great Oaks is holding a Tea and Talk event on
Thursday February 6 for patients, family and friends to chat and share their thoughts
about mental health.

Theresa Hepworth, Reablement support worker, on Laurel Ward, said: “On Time to Talk Day we are encouraging
everyone who works in the unit and visitors to take time out to chat and mingle socially over a cup of team and cake.
There are many benefits of talking and sharing experiences which promotes wellbeing and has a positive impact on our mental health.”

The event is being held in the main dining room at Great Oaks between 2 and 4pm.

Celebrating Chinese New Year
Staff and patients at Great Oaks have been celebrating the 2020
the Year of the Rat with lots of Chinese themed activities and
craft making.

Chinese New Year officially started on January 25 with the spring festival.

   The Big Garden Birdwatch                                                   Celebrating Burns Day
   Patients on Laurel Ward have been making birdfeeders and                   To mark the birth of Scottish poet Robert Burns
   crafts to mark the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend to invite
   lots of birds into their garden area.                                      patients on Mulberry Ward enjoyed a Burns’ day
                                                                              lunch. On the menu was Haggis, scotch sausage,
                                                                              shortbread and Scottish tablet. Patients took part in a
                                                                              quiz with a of traditional Scottish goodies.

Doncaster Matters
     Is it time to Rethink your Drink?
     Doncaster residents are being asked
     ‘Is it time to Rethink Your Drink?

     If the answer is yes, then there’s a new
     website and three social media sites to
     support them to help reduce or stop their
     drinking habit.

     The Rethink your Drink Doncaster
     campaign is being run by Doncaster’s
     Alcohol Alliance – made up of a range
     of partners across Doncaster and South

     These partners include Doncaster Public
     Health; Rotherham Doncaster and
     South Humber NHS Foundation Trust;
                                                      A brand new website                            Anyone wanting to talk about alcohol
     Aspire Drug and Alcohol Service; South
                                                      www.rethinkyourdrinkdoncaster.co.uk/           issues can also ring Aspire Drug and
     Yorkshire Fire and Rescue; NHS Doncaster
                                                      has been launched to support the               Alcohol Services on 01302 730956.
     Clinical Commissioning Group; Doncaster
                                                      campaign, which includes an online self-
     and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS
                                                      assessment tool for people to complete
     Foundation Trust; South Yorkshire Police;
                                                      anonymously to find out if their drinking
     Doncaster Pharmacy Committee; and
                                                      is a problem. There’s also information on
     other voluntary partners.
                                                      what kind of support is available along
                                                      with useful links to facts about alcohol.
     Together they to raise awareness of the
     dangers of drinking too much alcohol
                                                      Pages have also been launched on
     and encourage people to seek advice and
                                                      Twitter and Facebook – simply search
     support if required to help them reduce
                                                      RYD_Doncaster and on Instagram at RYD
     their intake, or give up all together.

     ‘Stress Buster’ classes in Doncaster
     Are life’s pressures getting you down and making you                      pack and activities for people to work through in their own time.”
     feel stressed and anxious? Do you worry a lot? Then a                     The classes run in a central venue on a Monday morning, Tuesday
                                                                               afternoon, Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening.
     stress buster class could help you.
                                                                               Stress Buster is available to anyone over the age of 18, who
     After the success of the last stress buster class, a local health trust
                                                                               are registered with a Doncaster GP practice. It is not suitable
     is taking bookings for its free six-week educational programme
                                                                               for people who have major alcohol or drug issues, people with
     in January which teaches Doncaster people how to control their
                                                                               thoughts of self-harm or already open to a mental health team.
     stress and worry.
                                                                               Please contact your GP for help with any of these problems.
     Stress Buster classes are designed for people who are feeling
                                                                       For more information, or to book a place, please ring 01302
     stressed or think that they might be suffering from problems such
                                                                       565556 or visit http://iapt.rdash.nhs.uk/
     as anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties and panic.

     Tim Godley, from this Trust, who is involved in organising the
     classes, said: “One in six people suffer from stress or anxiety
     during their lives.

     “This course aims to teach people to understand the triggers of their
     stress and anxiety and provides them with the support and self-help
     techniques to be able to manage it. We also provide an information

Doncaster Matters
Health Action Team raising awareness
Colleagues from our Health Action Team
presented at TARGET to east and north
locality practice nurses.

The team raised awareness about annual health
checks, cancer screening and health action plans for
people with learning disabilities.

The team raised awareness about annual health
checks, cancer screening and health action plans for
people with learning disabilities.

Pictured left to right are: Simon McFarlane, Trainee
Nurse Associate; Glynis Smith, Acute Liaison Nurse/
Health Action Team Manager; Louise Darling, Co-
Trainer; and Catherine Magee, Health Facilitator

New Physical Health and Wellbeing Service
A new service has launched in Doncaster that aims
to support the physical health and wellbeing of
people who have a serious mental illness (SMI).

GPs across the borough and mental health staff at this
Trust are working together to provide Physical Health and
Wellbeing Clinics throughout Doncaster.

The aim of this new service is to support and encourage
patients, currently on the SMI register to live healthier
lifestyles. In addition, the service will support antipsychotic
monitoring for patients who are prescribed antipsychotics by
primary care.

Andrea Little, Team Leader, said: “This new service means
that we can reach out to this vulnerable group of people
to help them to overcome some of the barriers that they
may face when accessing health services. We take a holistic
approach to support both their mental illness and physical

Emma Butterworth, Programme Manager, said, “It has been a great opportunity for the Programme
Management Office to work closely with operational services to support development and implementation
of this fantastic new service for people living in Doncaster.”

The new service consists of multidisciplinary teams working in primary care settings and community hubs
located in Conisbrough, Thorne and central Doncaster.

The service is led by Primary Care Doncaster Ltd and this Trust in consultation with Doncaster Local
Medical Committee.

The Physical Health and Wellbeing team pictured from left to right: Trina Gilbert, Christopher Andrews, Zoe Down and Amy
Scholfield Registered Mental Health Nurses; Joanne Lowndes, Paula Brown, Sarah Smith and Lydia Reynolds, Health Care
Assistants; and Andrea Little, Team Leader.
Volunteering Matters
     Fancy volunteering?
     Do you have baking skills to rival Mary Berry?
     Fancy driving patients to appointments? Or
     helping to man a reception? These are just a
     few jobs dedicated volunteers carry out at our

     Now our staff are on the hunt for more volunteers in
     Doncaster to get involved and help support patients.

     Volunteers can give as much or as little time as they
     wish and are needed to support baking, crafts,
     gardening and musical activities, including dancing – so
     if you have the skills or can get people up on their
     feet to join in an activity, they would love to hear
     from you.

     St John’s Hospice in Doncaster, also part of RDaSH,
     needs volunteers for a range of roles including driving
     and reception duties.

     Interested? If so, from February 5 our volunteering staff
     will be taking part in a monthly recruitment drive in the
     WellBean Coffee Lounge, Tickhill Road Hospital, Tickhill
     Road Site, off Weston Road, Balby, Doncaster.

     Carol Bowyer, Voluntary Services Manager, said:” Are
     you considering a career in Mental Health Services
     and would like to gain some work experience? If so,
     this would be an excellent opportunity for you. Or
     do you have spare time and would like to volunteer
     with us? We’ve a number of varied volunteering roles

     Lindsey Richards, who manages volunteers at St
     John’s Hospice, added: “Did you know that helping
     others and volunteering has been shown to have a
     positive impact on the lives of volunteers, helping
     them to gain new skills and to boost self-esteem.
     We really value our volunteers – they’re fabulous.
     Why not come and join them?”

     Anyone who would like more information but
     can’t make the events can

                                ME IN !
                                 RDaSH Volunteers

Hospice matters
Kind-hearted golfers support St John’s Hospice
Kind-hearted golfers have raised £2566.65 for St
John’s Hospice in Balby to benefit local people and
their families who use its services.

The funds were raised by Doncaster Golf Club as one of its
charities for 2019. Lady Captain Carole D O’Neill chose St John’s
Hospice as her charity of the year in memory of a member of her
family who had used its services.

Carole said: “I wanted to support a local charity and chose the
hospice in memory of my husband Patrick. He was keen golfer
and member of the club and used the care of the hospice. It is
only at times of need that you realise just how important the
hospice is and it’s a mark of appreciation for the care that they
                                                                        us over the last year. Every penny raised will go towards making
                                                                        our patients and their carers lives more comfortable.”
The Balby-based hospice provides a comforting environment for
people with life limiting illnesses and their families. It includes a   Pictured from Doncaster Golf Club (left to right) are: Geraldine
day hospice where people can come and take part in therapeutic          Kaill; Judith Hudson; with Lindsey Richards, St John’s Hospice;
activities to improve their wellbeing. The staff support patients       Carole D O’Neill, Kay Vickers; Denise Andrew and Vanessa
and families to live with their illness.                                Woodward.

St John’s Hospice Fundraiser Lindsey Richards, said: “It’s fantastic
that Doncaster Golf Club, their family and friends have supported

Tin Pot Theatre supports St John’s Hospice
A South Yorkshire theatre company has presented four
collection buckets full of money from its performances
of Aladdin for St John’s Hospice in Balby.

Two of the main characters from the Tin Pot Theatre’s Aladdin
pantomime Suzy Dix and Jacob Sykes travelled to the hospice on
Weston Road in Doncaster to hand over the buckets filled with
£870.47 to Lindsey Richards Fundraiser at St John’s Hospice.

Suzy, who played the Princess in the pantomime, said: “We
wanted to show our appreciation to the hospice for everything
they did for my mum while she was in their care. The collection
buckets were displayed at each of our eight performances at
Montgomery Hall, Rotherham and we are all very grateful to
those who donated thank you.”
                                                                        Left to right are: Janet Wilkinson, Nursing Assistant; Suzy Dix
St John’s Hospice Fundraiser Lindsey Richards, said: “A big thank and Jacob Sykes from Tin Pot Theatre and Lindsey Richards, St
you to Suzy and Jacob and everyone from the Tin Pot Theatre for John’s Hospice Fundraiser.
supporting us. Every penny goes towards the comfort of those
who use our services.”

                                               If you would like to become a sponsor of St John’s Hospice or fundraise by
                                               holding an event, please get in touch with the fundraising team on 01302 796662
                                               or 01302 798391 to help the hospice this year. Alternatively you can donate here:

                                             Follow us on:                @stjohnsappeal                  stjohnshospicedoncaster
Improvement Matters

       • Quality             • Culture                • Improvement                        • Compassion                      • Leadership

     Agile working programme
     The Trust has been investing in a programme of agile working to enable community clinical staff to work
     in a more flexible way with full access to the IT systems that they need.

     This agile working continues to be rolled out across community teams and although this programme is still
     in progress, we have been monitoring the benefits and want to share with you some of the feedback.

                                                in  ally tho                e easy
                                   we    o  r ig              ay not b t we did
                          “While         to pra    c tic  e m
                     p ut tin g this in not have the                    uch as w e
               tha t               e  m  a y                 tim   e s s
                              at w                        nt                       hav
                    ense th am at importa r team things and                                         “I am findin
           in the s       o ur te                 r o s s o u                ll s afe                             g agile a go
                                                                                                                               dsend when
               ve fr o m             v is it , a c                 e  a re  a                    h aving to bala
            ha              ifficult                  e sure    w                a t                              nce the hom
                    ad  a d                 e  m  a k                     ay  th              ca n  ba la                        e/work life.
              we h                    .W                            aw                                   nce more ea                           I
                   r eally  positive r each other in                                          w ith  m y
                                                                                                                      sily work co
                                                                                                                                    m m
            b e en                 re  f o                     s .”                                      ca ring re                      itm en  ts
                     we are
                               the                 ell for u                             compared to               sponsibilitie
                                                                                                                                s at home a
                                     works w ster.                                                         how the role
                                                                                                                          was structure       n  d
                                            Donca                                           it has reduce
                                                                                                             d my stress si               d before,
                                                                                           though I ha                     gnificantly.
                                                                                                          ve more cho                   I feel as
                                                                                          this gives m                  ice and flexi
                                                                                                          e more confi                bility and
                                                                                         do a great jo                  dence of my
                                                                                                          b and keep                  ability to
                                                                                                                       my family h
                                                                                                           North Linco               appy too.”

                  “My portfolio of community services have
             been agile for a number of years now but the agile
               training for existing teams was useful to be able
            to access the updates and support on offer and share
           with new members of the team. The new Agile Toolbox
                  on the intranet is also a welcome addition.”                          Remember, if you experience any connectivity
                                   Rotherham                                            issues which affect the quality of patient
                                                                                        contacts please ensure that these are raised
                                                                                        via IR1 process so that the intelligence can be
                                                                                        gathered, evaluated and acted upon. Thank you.

      If you have any queries regarding the agile working programme please email Louisa Redhead on louisa.redhead@nhs.net

Improvement Matters

Axe the Fax
You should all be aware that the NHS has been instructed by the Department of Health and Social Care to stop using fax machines by
the target date of April 2020.

This means that health and care services across the NHS will no longer be using fax machines to send or receive NHS or patient

NHS organisations will be required to use alternative communication methods such as secure email, to improve patient safety and
enhance cyber security. The PMO team is working collaboratively with colleagues in Information Governance to ensure that the Trust
and its health partners will be supported in the process of safely implementing the Department of Health directive. We aim to end fax
usage across the Trust by March 31.
If you require any support in axing the fax, please get in touch: rdash.ig@nhs.net

LEAN – clinical caseloads
We are working on a time limited piece of work exploring clinical caseload standards and sizes within adult mental health services.
This work will initially be focused on the Rotherham Mental Health clinical treatment teams. The aim of this project is to define a set of
clinical caseload standards based on safe best practice standards, with clearly defined accepted variations.

This project will also include an understanding of processes for the allocation and management of caseloads and management
processes to address any variance (too small or large a caseload). Comparative analysis with other trusts will be carried out alongside
any national guidelines. Overall this project can support existing demand and capacity work and has clear safety and quality benefits
and supports workforce wellbeing.

We are looking forward to working with colleagues in Rotherham to progress this piece of work. For further information about this
piece of work please email Anthony Benson on anthony.benson@nhs.net

Improvement Matters
     Updates from the Improvement and Culture Team
     Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) Practitioner programme

     Are you currently involved in improvement and service redesign work or planning to do so in the future? Then
     the QSIR programme will be of benefit to you.

     This programme is approved by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement and also the Royal College of Nursing. On completing the
     programme you will gain a recognised qualification with further opportunities to develop by becoming a QSIR Teaching Associate.
     The eight modules which will be covered in the course are shown in the diagram below.

     The first cohort has already started. The second cohort starts on February 6 in Almond Tree Court, Woodfield Way, Doncaster
     with further cohorts throughout the year.

     Here are some comments from those who have completed the programme:

     Judith Graham, Deputy Director for Organisational Learning and Development, pictured right, said: “The QSIR programme goes
     beyond the technical aspects of change, really focusing on the human dimensions of changes and human factors that can support or
     hinder change.”

     Paula Rylatt, Head of Improvement and Culture, said: “So much passion, wisdom and experience in the room was really inspiring, and
     gave me more than one idea to pinch with pride.”

     Sue Statter, Leadership and Organisational Development Facilitator, said: “Sharing and learning with colleagues from my own and
     other trusts has been really valuable and inspiring.”

     Interested in this programme then email the RDaSH Academy
     at rdash.learninganddevtraining@nhs.net

Improvement Matters
Rainbow badge training
Like to raise your awareness of the issues surrounding LGBTQ+ people when accessing
healthcare and how we can make a positive difference to their experiences, and, in turn
on their physical and mental health.

This training session offers you a safe place to talk about and raise concerns that you might otherwise
feel embarrassed asking.

Wednesday February 26 at St John’s Information Centre, Tickhill Road Site

Choose one of the following sessions:

9.15 to 10.45am or 11am to 12.30pm.

Please email Amanda.ambler@nhs.net to book a place.

Freedom To Speak Up
Did you know that we have a new Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Guardian Noma
Makhanda who has joined our team of FTSU champions?

Speaking up about a worry or concern you have at work improves our services for patients
and also your working environment. There are many ways to raise concerns, please print this
poster which shows you how to do this.

If you feel that you can’t raise a concern in your team or with your line manager please
contact one of our FTSU champions or Noma herself.

You can also go to one of our champions below:

 Jan Greaves, Nicola Dyke
 and Joanne Rimmington (Children’s)

 Kim Goddard and Jennie Pearce (Safeguarding)

 Laura Clarke and Sarah Pinder (Specialist Services)

 Sarah Persad Collen and
 Takunda Zizhou (Community Mental Health)

 Lisa Groundcourt and Ian Higgins (Estates/Catering)

 Niall Finn (Health Informatics)

 Gillian Moore (Great Oaks)

 Carlene Holden (HR)

 Robert Maginnis (Patient safety

 Lisa Barker (Single Point of Access).

If you’d like to become a champion yourself please email rdash.ftsu@nhs.net

Improvement Matters
     New Supervision Policy and paperwork
     You may recall that last year one of our Listening into Action work strands focused on improving our staff supervision and PDR

     You told us that you wanted a more meaningful way to record and align both the supervision and PDR processes. We listened and set
     up a working group to take forward some of the suggestions made. Since then work has been taken place looking at several features
     including the PDR policy, the supervision policy, the paperwork templates for both AND the development of the electronic staff portal

     We are really pleased to share that the new supervision policy is complete and ready to use and that the templates within it have been
     co-produced with our staff, to ensure they are as meaningful and useful as possible.

     You’ll see that there are no longer two separate supervision policies, both clinical and management supervision is incorporated into
     one policy with the template suitable for both. There is an appendix that staff can opt to use during clinical supervision as a guide for
     their supervision discussion.

     You will find the new policy and documentation here: https://www.rdash.nhs.uk/57503/supervision-policy/

     2020 staff network meeting dates
     Like to join our staff networks, here are the dates for this year.

         Black Asian and Minority Ethic (BAME)

      February 26          2 to 4pm                Seminar 1 St John’s Information Centre
      March 26             1 to 3pm                Seminar 1 St John’s Information Centre
      April 25             11am to 1pm             Board Room 2, Woodfield House
      May 28               1 to 3pm                Seminar 1 St John’s Information Centre
      June 25              1 to 3pm                Graeme Fagan Room, Meridian House, Scunthorpe
      July 30              1 to 3pm                Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
      August 27            1 to 3pm                Seminar 1 St John’s Information Centre
      September 24         1 to 3pm                Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
      October 22           1 to 3pm                Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
      November 19          1 to 3pm                Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
      December 10          1 to 4pm                Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre

Improvement Matters
   Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Q+ (LGBTQ+)

 February 10      1.30 to 3.30pm       Conservatory Opal Centre, Tickhill Road Site
 March 9          2 to 4pm             Conservatory Opal Centre, Tickhill Road Site
 April 14         1.30 to 3.30pm       Conservatory Opal Centre, Tickhill Road Site
 May 13           1.30 to 3.30pm       Conservatory Opal Centre, Tickhill Road Site
 June 16          1.30 to 3.30pm       Conference Room, Honeysuckle Lodge
 July 15          9.30 to 11.30am      Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 September 16     10am to 12noon       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 October 13       1 to 3pm             Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 November 11      1 to 3pm             Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 December 9       10am to 12noon       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre

   Disability And Wellness Network (DAWN)

 February 4        1 to 3pm             Conference Room, Honeysuckle Lodge, Tickhill Road Site (THR)
 March 4           1.30 to 3.30pm       The Conservatory, Opal Centre (THR)
 May 6             1.30 to 3.30pm       The Conservatory, Opal Centre (THR)
 June 4            10am to 12noon       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 July 6            1.30 to 3.30pm       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 September 9       10am to 12noon       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 October 7         10am to 12noon       Seminar 1, St John’s Information Centre
 November 5        1 to 3pm             Seminar 2, St John’s Information Centre
 December 3        10am to 12noon       Seminar 2, St John’s Information Centre

To know more about our staff networks please email rdash.equalityanddiversity@nhs.net

To contact the Improvement team please email rdash.improvement@nhs.net

Trust services for all...
Did you know that these services are available to the public too?
                         Sew & Sew
        sewing service
                         From curtain making, soft furnishings, embroidery, to garment repairs and alternations, why not
                         contact them today for more information or a quote on 01302 796009.

                         The Laundry
                         Laundry washing and ironing service. Staff and the public can drop their dirty laundry with us and
                         collect them within two working days, clean and folded. We offer 48 hour turn around on a bag
          service        of 20. For further information call us on 01302 796014. Or visit the laundry website for details and
                         prices: http://www.thelaundryservice.org.uk

                         Print Services
                         Based on the Tickhill Road Hospital site, our in-house print service offers a quick turnaround,
                         printing: business cards, invitations, flyers, greeting cards, calendars, catalogues and large format
                         pullup banners contact the team for a quote on 01302 796125.

                         Catering on our sites:

                         Food and Drink Café based on the Tickhill Road Hospital site. Serving breakfast, lunch and snacks
                         to eat in or takeaway.

                         WellBean Coffee Lounge based in the main entrance of Tickhill Road Hospital. Serving a range of
                         barista coffees, speciality teas and healthy snacks and sandwiches to eat in or takeaway.

      We’re hiring...
 all levels of clinical and non clinical staff.
 Know someone who would like to join
 our team of great people!                                                                     Scan the QR
                                                                                               code for a
                                                                                               direct link to
 Call our new recruitment hotline                                                              jobs available or visit:

 ✆ 01302 796272
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