Chief Medical Officer Collaborative - 2021 dates: 19-22 October - Francis Health

Page created by Grace Kennedy
Chief Medical Officer Collaborative - 2021 dates: 19-22 October - Francis Health
Chief Medical Officer Collaborative
2021 dates: 19-22 October             + POWERED BY
Chief Medical Officer Collaborative - 2021 dates: 19-22 October - Francis Health
Innovate           Collaborate

“Best thing about                                                 Relating

the past 3 days?”
                                                                   • Getting to know other CMOs
                                                                   • Having knowledge reinforced and learning
                                                                     new approaches
What participants said about the October 2020 CMO Collaborative    • Respect for each other, openness
                                                                   • Networking
                                                                   • Having discussions with my peers about
                                                                     important issues, good facilitated
                                                                   • Time to hear each other.

                                                                   • Learning from each other, hearing the
                                                                   • Sense of collegiality and shared purpose
                                                                   • Shared experiences with colleagues who
                                                                     brought frank and diverse views to a safe
                                                                   • Team management profile and the impact
                                                                     of my profile on how I work
Francis Health                                                     • Clarity about what support I need
CMO Collaborative                                                  • Content - loved coming away with tools
19-22 October 2021
                                                                     that are immediately applicable for
Nugget Point Boutique Hotel,
                                                                     efficient work.
New Zealand
Chief Medical Officer Collaborative - 2021 dates: 19-22 October - Francis Health
We are Francis Health

Change Collaborative grew out of inspirational clinical leaders
seeking to learn with like minded peers while building personal
and professional competencies to help them lead.
Topics suggested by the first CMO Collaborative for discussion:
  • What is the role of CMO post Simpson implementation?
  • Managing the CMO role within the ELT
  • Conflict, negotiation, empathy
  • Evidenced leadership and management practices within the
     Health Sector
  • Efficient management practices such as using Teams
  • Consolidating data from multiple sources, identify what is
     important and sharing across the organisation.
  • Learning how to say no in a role which is boundless
  • Real stories to maximise learning from others’ successes and
  • Media management.
Chief Medical Officer Collaborative - 2021 dates: 19-22 October - Francis Health
The Programme

With a wealth of experience across New                               Objectives                                       Who should attend?
Zealand's District Health Boards, Chief Medical                      COLLABORATE AND SHARE:                           The programme is designed as a safe and
Officers are the frontline of ensuring quality                                                                        confidential space for executive level
                                                                     • Leadership journeys, experiences and
care for patients. Held for the first time in                          insights from your peers                       clinical leaders who wish to grow their
2020, our CMO Collaborative offers the means                         • Common challenges and initiatives
                                                                                                                      leadership, self-confidence, peer network
to share experience, insights, challenges and                                                                         and take some time for self-care.
                                                                     • Effectiveness and resilience at the
opportunities facing New Zealand's health                              Executive table
system.                                                                                                               Participants should have:
                                                                     • Strengthen a lasting network of peers
                                                                     • Record formal 'peer review' time.              • Attained, or be about to attain a
The past few years have seen earthquakes, mass shootings,                                                               position as a Chief Medical
volcanic eruptions and global pandemics and the New Zealand          FORMAT:                                            Officer, deputy or associate.
health system has never been as challenged.                          Suggestions from the first Collaborative in      Francis Health will approve applications
Now facing a sustained period of reform, changes in who we           October last year helped shape the 2021          based on the above criteria and the need
                                                                     programme:                                       to balance participant mix.
work and who we lead will continue to challenge system leaders
- no one more so than CMOs and their executive partners.             • 19-22 October - 3 days/3 nights. Two days
                                                                       facilitated learning and reflection, one day
The CMO Collaborative Participants will learn through the
practical exploration and sharing of case studies. Facilitated
sessions will explore specific topics to will reinforce case study
discussion and individual readings.

The immersive experience allows participants to pause, reflect,      We would be delighted to have your
strategise and grow their roles as clinical leaders of their         participation in Francis Health’s CMO
organisation.                                                        Collaborative where you can take time to
                                                                     reflect and enjoy stimulating conversation
                                                                     and good company.
Invigorate        Grow

                                                                                             Chief Medical       3-4 day Peer-based
The Chief Medical Officer's Collaborative is
                                                                                                  Officers       Learning
the pinnacle of our graduated suite of                                                       Collaborative       Advanced system-level
programmes for clinical leaders wishing to                                                                       focus

advance their career leading clinicians,
services and organisations in health.                                   Clinical Directors        5 day ʻNinja’ level
                                                                               - Advanced         ʻDeeper dive’ into topics
                                                                                                  from CDC
Intentionally a 'collaborative' and not a                                                         CDC is a pre-requisite
'course', the CMO Collaborative acknowledges
the wealth of experience amongst CMOs, while
                                                           Clinical Directors    5-6 day Signature Programme
at the same time recognising the variable                              Course    Peer-to-peer based learning,
experience as CMOs within the group.                                             International Faculty & Speakers Leadership,
                                                                                 Skills, System Improvement, Change Platform

                                               Clinical Leaders   2.5 day Foundation
                                                         Course   Basics of Clinical Leadership
                                                                  Customisable by Client
Potential Topics for Shared Exploration and Case Studies

Leadership                      System performance                  Personal skills                           Building Change Platforms
• Team work preferences:        • Complex complaints and the Code   • Models of clinical leadership and       • Cultural change
  speaking the same language      of Rights                           supporting leadership behaviours
                                                                                                              • Health Service Transformation
• Leadership Behaviours 360°    • Expectations of a CMO             • Stakeholder maturity model and          • Re-imagining your model for change
• Leadership of Self                                                  stakeholder engagement
                                • Clinical governance                                                         • Influencing change (within a
• Leadership of Teams                                               • Being a sponsor of change                 complex adaptive system)
                                • Getting Organisational Design
                                                                      projects and programmes
• Executive Team membership       right                                                                       • Linking through story-telling
                                                                    • Dealing with the worst of
• Working across the system

                                                                    Aside from facilitated learning and reflection time, participants from the
Final topics will be selected
                                                                    first Collaborative in October 2020 recommened some time was dedicated
after consultation with those                                       to workshoping specific topics common to CMOs:
registered to attend each
                                                                      •   Integrated governance
Collaborative                                                         •   Credentialling
                                                                      •   Strategy and advocacy as a CMO collective
                                                                      •   Defining CMO role and relationship with the board
                                                                      •   Developing a more influential national CMO group
                                                                      •   Managing DHB change as HDSR recommendations are implemented
                                                                      •   Mentoring
                                                                      •   Creating a place for the CMO group at the CE group table
                                                                      •   Learning how to say no, in a role which is potentially without boundaries
                                                                      •   Engaging successfully with General Practice.
We are Francis Health

“An incredible and intense journey
 of self discovery and improvement
 to enable strong clinical leadership”
Clinical Director Course Participant
Our Team

  NAILA NASEEM                    STUART FRANCIS

Executive and Inner Game        Change Strategist &
Coach. Partner Francis Health   Organisation Designer.
and Lead Partner for the        Honorary NZ Editor Asia
Change Collaborative.           Pacific Journal of Health
Organisational Development      Management. Fellow
and Change lead Francis         Australasian College of
Health. 30 years experience     Health Service Management.
in health and leadership.       Executive Chair Francis
The Venue

Nugget Point Hotel is located in Arthur’s Point,
New Zealand.
The closest hotel to stunning Coronet Peak Ski Area, within easy
reach of central Queenstown. Perched high above the stunning
Shotover River, with sweeping views of the surrounding mountain
ranges, this non-smoking boutique hotel is a spectacular
hidden gem.
The secluded location offers you peace and tranquility.
Guests benefit from complimentary access to a Roman baths
style spa, complete with steam room, sauna, indoor heated
pool and hot tub. Trained Massage Therapists are on-hand to
provide you with a full range of treatments (incurs a charge).
An onsite gym and squash courts are also available to guests
– free of charge.

           Arthur’s Point,
           New Zealand.
How to register

How to register                               Programme fee                                      Travel dates
Register your interest at:                    Programme fees include tuition, course             Please arrive at the venue the evening prior for
                                              materials, accommodation and meals:                dinner before the next morning's start (full
                                                                                                 directions included in pre-course information
registration-2021aproct                         • 19-22 October: $4,950 plus GST
                                                                                                 pack). Thus, arrival by 6pm:
Please attach a photo of yourself with your                                                        • Tuesday 19 October
application.                                  Personal items such as miscellaneous hotel
                                              expenses (laundry, toll calls, mini bar) will be
                                              invoiced separately.                               Programme concludes Friday afternoon and you
Registration due date
                                                                                                 should plan to depart Friday after 2.00pm.
Please reserve your place as soon as          Travel to venue is the responsibility of the
possible to facilitate preparation.                                                              Cancellation policy
If you have any queries regarding                                                                Cancellation or withdrawal from the programme
                                              Payment method
registration or any other aspect of the                                                          may be made until 1 month prior with full refund
course please contact Naila Naseem on         By direct debit to FGI (NZ) Ltd account            of fee. After that date there is a 50% refund.
                                                      Bank: Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)            If Covid-19 travel restrictions impact any aspect
                                                      Account: 02-0108-0314490-000               of the course full fees will be refunded.
                                              Invoice provided for accounting purposes on
                                              GST number 112-623-469.
“...everything is born from
change... there is nothing
nature loves more than to alter
what exists and make new things
like it.”
Marcus Aurelius

Francis Health
CMO Collaborative
19-22 October 2021,
Nugget Point Boutique Hotel,
New Zealand
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