ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College

Page created by Philip Vega
ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Welcome to Our Competitions

Dear Educators and Students,

The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College offers high school     Our goals for these competitions are:
juniors and seniors an opportunity to demonstrate their skills          • To encourage students to compete.
in the kitchen and to earn a scholarship by participating in
our Chocolate Competition and/or our Culinary Competition.              • To provide a showcase for students
Both competitions are held on a Saturday in the spring to allow           to exhibit their talent and creative style.
parents and educators to attend the event.                              • To inspire future chefs through example.
                                                                        • To provide recognition of excellence
The agenda for the competition includes a welcome
                                                                          through scholarships.
continental breakfast, a chef demonstration and an awards
luncheon for participants, their parents and their instructor.      Please review the general guidelines that pertain to both
Scholarships will be awarded to the first, second and third         competitions as well as the specific guidelines for each
place winners in the public high school and vocational/             competition.
technical high school divisions. The scholarships are to be
used within six months of a winning student's high school           Each participating high school may send one student
graduation date and can only be applied toward tuition at The       to compete in both competitions or have two students
Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College. In addition to the        compete (one in the Chocolate Competition and the
student scholarships, each first place winning high school          other in the Culinary Competition). The registration form
(public high school and vocational high school) will receive a      must be completed by the instructor and submitted
bonus of $500.00 to be used in its Family Consumer Science          by the deadline date. Participants must adhere strictly to
Department or Culinary/Baking program.                              all guidelines set forth in this booklet in order to qualify
                                                                    for a scholarship. If you have any additional questions, please
We are excited to present high school juniors and seniors with      contact us at (215) 222-4200 extension 3011.
an opportunity to showcase their skills during our Chocolate
Competition and our Culinary Competition. Our purpose is to         Thank you in advance for your interest in and support of
make the competitions more feasible with regard to time and         our competitions.
cost and to give the students the opportunity to learn from their
ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Competition Guidelines
Both the Chocolate Competition and the Culinary Competition                facility equipment: food processors, ovens, and
are events in which the student competitors will prepare and               cooktops. They are not allowed to assist any student
present their food item to be tasted and critiqued. How well               competitor with his/her recipe in any way. They will be
they execute their skills and how their food product is presented          introduced during the welcome breakfast. They will be
is also part of the overall evaluation.                                    in their full culinary uniform with name badge for easy
    • Dress Code: If you have a chef uniform, please wear it.              recognition by the student competitors.
      If not, please wear long black pants with a white shirt.           • Student competitors will have two (2) hours to complete
      Chef hats will be available for those who need them.                 their food product.
    • Student competitors will be assigned a workspace                   • Students are required to plate two (2) individual servings
      in a kitchen. No instructors, parents or assistants are              for the judges. One will be for tasting, and the other will be
      allowed in the competition kitchens.                                 a showpiece for the display. Two (2) individual plates must
    • Students will be split into two kitchens designated for              be provided by the student competitor.
      the public high school and vocational/technical high               • The food product made should demonstrate the
      school divisions. They will all have access to the following:        student’s preparation techniques, ability to follow a
      refrigerators, cooktops, ovens, sinks, cutting boards, food          recipe, and creativity in presentation.
      processors, mixers, pots, pans, baking sheets and bowls.           • NO ADVANCE PREPARATION is allowed. Please see
      General pantry items such as spices, herbs, salt and                 specific guidelines for each competition.
      pepper will also be available.
                                                                         • No books or printed material is allowed.
    • All student competitors must work in an organized
      manner, keeping their workspace clear and sanitary at              • Assessment: The critiquing and scoring of all food
      all times to prevent cross-contamination. Frequent hand              products will be performed by the judge(s) selected by
      sanitizing is a must.  Gloves will be made available for             The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College. Following
      students who wish to use them and must be changed                    the competition, the judge(s) will meet individually with
      when coming into contact with different foods to prevent             each student competitor to review their evaluation.
      cross-contamination.                                               • All food products displayed must be appetizing; tastefully
    • Students must bring their own tools, including knives,               appealing to the eye, with no overelaborate or impractical
      spoons, ladles, spatulas, lighters, pastry equipment, pastry         garnish; properly proportioned (not oversized for an
      bags and tips, decorating tools and two (2) presentation             individual serving); and display a mastery of basic skills.
      plates for tasting and display.                                      The food product will also be evaluated for taste, correct
                                                                           seasonings and a balance of flavors.
    • Student competitors are responsible for their own ware
    • Students from The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill
      College will be assigned to the kitchens to assist with

                      It takes an exceptional person to have the courage to compete
                      with their peers and be judged. It's exciting to see the next
                      generation put themselves out there and be willing to learn.
                                  KATHY GOLD, Executive Chef and Owner of In the Kitchen Cooking School

       The guidelines in this booklet have been adapted to reflect the standards used by professional culinary organizations.

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Scoring and Judging Components

                               Do not be afraid to fail! Keep pushing forward
                                   and believe in your talent and vision!
                                       ROCCO CIMA, Founder and Owner of Fuel Restaurant

General Guidelines for                                               • All competitors will be able to finish their dish or cake
Competitors and Judges                                                 in the time allowed, and it is at the judges’ discretion to
                                                                       determine if points will be taken off the final score for
 • Competitors must follow the exact recipe given for the
                                                                       late turnout.
   Chocolate Competition and the exact recipe given for the
   Culinary Competition. There are no exceptions in either
   competition.                                                      Additional Guidelines for
 • Unnecessary ingredients should be avoided and practical            the Chocolate Competition
   cooking methods should be applied.                                Judges will be looking at the following criteria:
 • Dressing the rim of the display plate results in an               • Icings and glazes should be applied cleanly and have the
   unacceptable appearance.                                            proper thickness and shine.
 • Plate arrangement and decoration should be
                                                                     • All chocolate work should be done at the proper temperature.
   practical and appealing.
                                                                     • All piping work should be thin and delicate and
 • Plated individual servings must be proportional to
                                                                       demonstrate the skill level of the competitor.
   the dish itself. Oversized portions are unacceptable.
 • Proper color, presentation and flavor combination is a must.      • Smudges and fingerprints on chocolate work must
                                                                       be avoided.
 • Punctual presentation: Competitors must finish their
   display item within the given time frame for the
   competition. Lateness will result in a deduction of points.     Additional Guidelines for
                                                                   the Culinary Competition
 • Competitors should avoid using inedible materials, plastic
   ornaments, flowers, etc.                                          Judges will be looking at the following criteria:

 • Avoid overdressing or decorating the presentation table.          • Execution of skills in preparing the chicken entrée.
 • China, ceramic, porcelain dinner/dessert plates or                • Level of skill demonstrated in preparing the sauce.
   Earthenware (oven proof for Culinary Competition) are
                                                                     • Level of skill demonstrated in preparing one (1) side dish
   recommended as serving pieces. Avoid plastic ware.
                                                                       (starch or vegetable).
 • Dress Code: Competitors must wear a chef uniform or
   black pants and a white shirt with an apron. Closed toe           • Knife cuts: Demonstrate two (2) different cuts using
   shoes are required.                                                 raw carrots (1/2 cup of each cut).

 • Competitors must abide by sanitation and food handling            • Hot foods may not be plated until the 10-minute turnout
   regulations.                                                        window has begun.

 • The student will be responsible for his/her own ware
   washing and may return to the kitchen for minor cleanup
   after the dish or cake has been turned out.

                                  Visit us online at

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Chocolate Competition
                                Score Sheet



Criteria                                                                Max Points	Actual Points

1. Safety/Sanitation/Food Handling                                         20

2. Mise en Place/Organization                                              20

3. Fillings/Taste/Texture                                                  20

4. Finishing/Decorative Work                                               20

5. On Time/Overall Presentation                                            20

Total Combined Score                                                    100 points

                                  To receive Top Score, please review the qualifiers:

Safety/Sanitation/Food Handling                                     •  Filling is of correct consistency and taste.
•  Student demonstrates excellent level of safety                      The taste must complement the cake flavor.
    precautions in the kitchen.                                     •  Cake is cut evenly.
•  Uniform is clean, neat, pressed and white, with no stains       •  Cake is filled and coated evenly and smoothly.
    or marks.
                                                                    Finishing/Decorative Work
•  Knowledge and demonstration of procedures that
    minimize time/temperature abuse and cross-                      •  Excellent coating skills are evident.
    contamination and also maintain personal hygiene.               •  Student’s piping skills are carefully crafted and
Mise en Place/Organization
                                                                    •  The level of difficulty in decorating is high.
•  Organization is demonstrated with effective workstation
                                                                    •  Uniformity and consistency are evident in decoration
    setup, systematic use of measuring tools and containers
                                                                        sizes and pattern.
    and orderly arrangement of ingredients and workstation.
    Station remains free of clutter.                                On Time/Overall Presentation
•  Consistent and steady work pace is observed                     •  Student completes competition turnout plate on time
    throughout the competition.                                         and within the boundaries of the 10-minute window.
Fillings/Taste/Texture                                              •  Presentation is visually appealing, clean and neat,
                                                                        without smudges. The cake is sliced correctly and
•  The cake is baked correctly and has a moist, pleasing
                                                                        arranged on the plate with carefully arranged garnishes.

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Chocolate Competition
The chocolate competition is an event in which a high school         • S
                                                                        pecific Equipment: Mixers, cake turntables, pots, pans,
student prepares and presents food that he/she has prepared            baking sheets, cutting boards and several sizes of bowls.
from scratch within a period of 2 hours. How well the student          Sanitation buckets will be available.
executes his/her skills and how the food is presented is part of
the overall evaluation.                                              • P
                                                                        rep Space, Refrigeration and Stove/Oven Space:
                                                                       Each student will have a numbered section on a prep table
The critiquing and scoring of all food will be performed by            to work, space in the refrigerator and assigned space at
judges selected by Walnut Hill College.                                stovetops and ovens as needed. You will have 10 minutes
                                                                       before the competition to set up your station and be ready
What you make for the competition:                                     when the competition starts.
Competitors will be asked to create one chocolate cake (baked
previously at home using the Walnut Hill College recipe only)        • S
                                                                        ome Pantry Items: A few things will be available to students
and demonstrate their skills in decorating, finishing work and         in small quantities such as spices, sugars, salt, oil and butter.
presentation. The cake is to be decorated for a festive occasion     • S
                                                                        tudent Helpers: Students from Walnut Hill College will be
reflective of the competitor’s personal choice and point of view.      assigned to the kitchens to assist with school equipment
What you are responsible for bringing:                                 and the needs of the competitors. Please note that student
                                                                       helpers will not be allowed to assist any competitor with his/
• C
   hef’s Uniform: You must have a clean, pressed, white chef          her recipe in any way.
  coat. Chef pants may be black or checkered. You must wear
  closed toe, non-slip shoes. Hair below the collar should be        Expectations during competition:
  completely tied back and off your face and neck. A cloth hat       • 2
                                                                        -hour window: Student competitors will have 2 hours to
  may be worn; the school will provide a paper hat if needed.          complete their cake. Any competitor late with turnout
• A
   ll Small Equipment: To include knives, lighter, and pastry         must understand that it will be at the judges’ discretion to
  equipment including spatulas, pastry bags and tips, decorating       determine what points will be taken off the final score.
  tools, spoons, ladles, whisks, measuring cups and spoons.          • Printed Materials: No books or printed material allowed.
• C
   hocolate Cake: One unsliced master cake using only the           • O
                                                                        rganization: Students will be expected to work in an
  Walnut Hill College recipe — no exceptions. The cake must be         organized manner, keeping workspace clear, free of clutter
  baked ahead of time and brought to the college on the day            and sanitary at all times. Frequent hand sanitizing is a must.
  of the competition. No advance preparation is allowed other          Gloves will be available throughout the competition.
  than the baking of the cake. The cake may be any shape,
  including rectangular, square, round or tube. Avoid seasonal,      • W
                                                                        ashing up: Students will be responsible for washing their
  holiday or novelty shapes (i.e. Teddy Bear cakes).                   own dishes and cookware.
    lease note: No small, individual cakes, cupcakes or other       • S
                                                                        afety and Sanitation: Students must abide by sanitation
   extra desserts will be allowed.                                     and food handling regulations.
  – T
     wo slices: At the time of turnout, 2 slices will be cut from   • F
                                                                        inished Cake: Student competitors will demonstrate their
    the master cake for presentation and tasting.                      skills in decorating, finishing work and presentation. The cake
                                                                       is to be decorated for a festive occasion reflective of the
• A
   ll Ingredients: Anything you will be using to fabricate your       competitor’s personal choice and point of view.
  cake should be brought with you, including all ingredients
  for fillings, frostings, decoration and garnishes. All should be     – Icings and glazes: Should be the correct thickness and
  raw ingredients, with the exception of 1 pre-done product:              have proper shine.
  unshaped marzipan. No pre-made items will be allowed.
                                                                       – Chocolate work: Should be done at the correct temperature.
• No fondant may be used.
                                                                       – Piping work: Should be thin and delicate and
• P
   resentation Plates: You will be plating 2 individual servings         demonstrate the skill level of the competitor.
  for the judges. One will be for tasting, and the other will be a
                                                                       – Special note: Smudges and fingerprints on chocolate
  showpiece for the display. You must provide both plates. They
                                                                          work must be avoided.
  can be china, ceramic, porcelain, dinner or dessert plates.
  Please avoid plastic plates.                                         – Plated arrangement: Must be proportional to the dish
                                                                          itself. Oversized portions are unacceptable. Plate arrangement
Walnut Hill College
                                                                          and decoration should be practical and appealing.
will provide for you the following:
• A
   pron, Hand Towels, Paper Hat and Gloves: Each student              – Inedible materials: Competitors should avoid using
  will receive a fresh, white apron and 2 side towels. A paper            inedible materials, plastic ornaments, flowers, etc.
  hat will be available if needed. Gloves will be provided for you
  throughout the competition.

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Culinary Competition
                                  Score Sheet



Criteria                                                                Max Points	Actual Points

1. Safety/Sanitation/Food Handling                                         10

2. Mise en Place/Organization                                              10

3. Cooking Techniques                                                      10

4. Taste/Texture/Doneness                                                  10

5. On Time/Finishing                                                       10

Total Combined Score                                                    50 points

                                  To receive Top Score, please review the qualifiers:

Safety/Sanitation/Food Handling                                     Cooking Techniques
•  Student demonstrates excellent level of safety                  •  Student demonstrates excellent and well-practiced knife
    precautions in the kitchen.                                        skills, using correct grip and cutting/slicing consistently
•  Uniform is clean, neat, pressed and white, with no stains          into well-shaped pieces.
    or marks.                                                       •  An excellent level of technical ability is observed through
•  Knowledge and demonstration of procedures that                     the superior application of appropriate techniques used
    minimize time/temperature abuse and cross-                         to complete competition objectives.
    contamination and also maintain personal hygiene.
Mise en Place/Organization                                          •  An excellent level of food quality is observed and
•  Organization is demonstrated with effective workstation            sampled. This includes appropriate temperature, intense
    setup, systematic use of measuring tools and containers            flavors and appropriate seasoning.
    and orderly arrangement of ingredients and workstation.         •  Food is cooked to the correct doneness and has a
    Station remains free of clutter.                                   pleasing texture.
•  Consistent and steady work pace is observed
                                                                    On Time/Finishing
    throughout the competition.
                                                                    •  Student completes competition turnout plate on time
                                                                       and within the boundaries of the 10-minute window.
                                                                    •  Presentation is visually appealing in that foods are shiny,
                                                                       well balanced and aesthetically arranged on the plate.

ChoColate and Culinary - Competition - Walnut Hill College
Culinary Competition
The culinary competition is an event in which a high school          • R
                                                                        ecipe: Competitors will be given a printed recipe to use for
student prepares and presents food that he/she has prepared            the competition (the same one as in this booklet). Students
from scratch within a period of 2 hours. How well the student          will also receive a knife cut sheet as guidance for the knife
executes his/her skills and how the food is presented is part of       skills portion of the competition.
the overall evaluation.
                                                                     • P
                                                                        antry Items: Many items will be available to all students
The critiquing and scoring of all food will be performed by            such as fresh and dried herbs, spices, onions, garlic, potatoes,
judges selected by Walnut Hill College.                                stock, oil and butter.
What you make for the competition:                                   • S
                                                                        tudent Helpers: Students from Walnut Hill College will be
Competitors will be asked first to demonstrate 2 distinct knife        assigned to the kitchens to assist with school equipment
skills using raw carrots. Competitors will then be asked to create     and the needs of the competitors. Please note that student
2 portions of a chicken entrée (using Walnut Hill College recipe       helpers will not be allowed to assist any competitor with
only) and an accompanying side dish consisting of either a             his/her recipe in any way.
starch or vegetable (students’ choice).                              Expectations during competition:
What you are responsible for bringing:                               • 2
                                                                        -hour window: Student competitors will have 2 hours to
• C
   hef’s Uniform: You must have a clean, pressed, white chef          complete their dish. Any competitor late with turnout
  coat. Chef pants may be black or checkered. You must wear            must understand that it will be at the judges’ discretion to
  closed toe, non-slip shoes. Hair below the collar should be          determine what points will be taken off the final score. Hot
  completely tied back and off your face and neck. A cloth hat         food may not be presented more than 10 minutes prior to
  may be worn; the school will provide a paper hat if needed.          turnout time.

• A
   ll Small Equipment: To include knives, lighter, spatulas,        • P
                                                                        rinted Materials: Competitors will be given a recipe
  ladle, grater, peeler, whisk, wooden spoon, slotted spoon,           presented on a printed sheet from Walnut Hill College.
  tongs, measuring cups and spoons, small strainer and any             Students will also receive a knife cut sheet.
  other small equipment needed.                                      • O
                                                                        rganization: Students will be expected to work in an
• P
   resentation Plates: You will be plating 2 individual               organized manner, keeping workspace clear, free of clutter
  servings for the judges. One will be for tasting, and the other      and sanitary at all times. Frequent hand sanitizing is a must.
  will be a showpiece for the display. You must provide both           Gloves will be available throughout the competition.
  plates. They can be china, ceramic, porcelain, dinner or des-      • W
                                                                        ashing up: Students will be responsible for washing their
  sert plates. Please avoid plastic plates.                            own dishes and cookware.
Walnut Hill College                                                  • S
                                                                        afety and Sanitation: Students must abide by sanitation
will provide for you the following:                                    and food handling regulations.
• A
   pron, Hand Towels, Paper Hat and Gloves: Each student
  will receive a fresh, white apron and 2 side towels. A paper       •	Knife Skills: Using carrots, students will be asked to make
  hat will be available if needed. Gloves will be provided for you      1 cup each of julienne and small dice.
  throughout the competition.                                        • S
                                                                        ide Dish: One side dish (starch or vegetable) is required
• S
   pecific Equipment: Pots, pans, baking sheets, cutting              to accompany the chicken entrée. Students will create a
  boards and several sizes of bowls. Sanitation buckets will be        vegetable or starch side dish without the use of a printed
  available.                                                           recipe. Competitors will be judged on their level of skill
                                                                       and creativity. A variety of seasonal vegetables along with
• P
   rep Space, Refrigeration and Stove/Oven Space:                     potatoes and starches will be provided for each student.
  Each student will have a numbered section on a prep table
  to work, space in the refrigerator and assigned space at           • C
                                                                        hicken Recipe: Students are required to execute the
  stovetops and ovens as needed. You will have 10 minutes              school’s recipe as is, with no additions or embellishments.
  before the competition to set up your station and be ready           Plate styling will be left to the discretion of the student
  when the competition starts.                                         competitors.

• F
   ood Bin: Each competitor will be given a food bin that will      •	Plated Arrangement: Must be proportional to the dish itself.
  have 1 full boneless chicken breast to be sliced in half as well      Oversized portions are unacceptable. Plate arrangement and
  as a variety of vegetables.                                           decoration should be practical and appealing.

Chocolate Cake

    Ingredients                       Preparation

    2 cups buttermilk                 Spray the cake pans with non-stick spray.
                                      Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
    2 large eggs
                                      NOTE: Follow the directions EXACTLY.
    2 cups sugar                      Do not deviate. Use a hand whisk to mix.

    2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour      1. Mix the buttermilk, sugar and eggs
                                         together briefly to break up the eggs
    1-3/4 tsp. baking soda               and blend.

    1/2 cup cocoa powder              2. Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda,
                                         and cocoa powder. Mix into the liquid
    1/2 tsp. salt                        until combined. DO NOT OVERMIX.

    4 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted   3. Stir in the melted butter.

                                      4. Scale equal amounts into the 3 pans.

                                      5. Bake at 375 degrees until the cake springs
                                         back or a toothpick inserted into the cake
                                         comes out clean.


Ingredients                     Preparation

2 tbsp. butter                  1. Heat butter and oil in sauté pan over medium
                                   heat. Add chicken and onions; cook for
1 tsp. olive oil                   12 minutes. Turn chicken and do not let
                                   onions burn.
1 large whole skinless and
boneless chicken breast,        2. When chicken is cooked, remove from pan
split in half                      and keep warm.

3 green onions, chopped         3. Add stock to pan and cook for 2 minutes over
1/4 inch                           high heat.

1/2 cup chicken stock           4. Stir in Sauce Supreme and tarragon.

1 cup Sauce Supreme             5. Adjust seasoning and allow to simmer
                                   4 minutes.
1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon
                                6. Stir in mustard, return chicken to pan,
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
                                   and simmer for 3 minutes over low heat.

salt and pepper to taste
                                7.   Serve. Plating and presentation style is
                                     an individual component and an excellent
                                     opportunity to make visual impressions.

                                     2 portions

                                     Prep & Cooking Time
                                     40 minutes

     Ingredients                 Preparation

     3 tbsp. butter              1. Heat butter in saucepan over medium heat.
                                    Add flour and mix well; cook for 1 minute.
     3 tbsp. all-purpose flour
                                 2. Whisk in chicken stock, season, and cook for
     2 cups chicken stock           12 minutes over low heat. Stir occasionally
                                    during cooking.
     1/2 cup heavy cream
                                 3. Strain sauce.
     1 tbsp. chopped parsley
                                 4. Whisk in heavy cream.
     salt and pepper to taste
                                 5. Stir in parsley.

                                 6. Adjust seasoning and consistency.

                                     2-1/2 cups

                                     Prep & Cooking Time
                                     20 minutes
Chocolate / Culinary
                                                           Competition Registration

Please complete the following registration form and return no later than three weeks prior to competition.

Instructor’s Name:

High School:

High School Address:

         City:                                                                   State:    Zip:

Phone:                                               Email Address:

Participant’s Name:

Participant’s Address:

City:                                                                            State:    Zip:

Participant’s Phone:                                 Email Address:

Do you attend a vocational technical high school?      ❏ Yes (Name of School)
                                                       ❏ No

What academic year are you currently in?               ❏ Junior       ❏ Senior

Which competition will you be competing in?            ❏ Chocolate       ❏ Culinary

                                        If you have any questions, please contact:
                                              215-222-4200 ext. 3011

           The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College  •  4207 Walnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 19104
The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College
4207 Walnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 19104

                                               Oct. 2016
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