Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team

Chorus Collaborates with
Leading SAP Partner, Zag,
to Transform its Billing
Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
Chorus partners with Zag to deliver a fit-for-
       purpose billing system, independent from
       Spark, that transforms the billing process for
       business users and wholesale customers.
       When it comes to billing your customers, having a reliable yet flexible system
       is crucial. When it’s your revenue on the line, there’s no room for second-best
       solutions or providers.

       Chorus was ready to progress from its 20-year old legacy billing system
       shared with Spark, to achieve greater flexibility, independence and speed to
       market for its customers and business users.

       Who is Chorus?
       Chorus NZ Limited (Chorus) builds        Company snapshot:
       and manages New Zealand’s largest        · 1.1+ Million broadband connections
       telecommunications infrastructure        · 1.4+ Million fixed-line connections
       network so Kiwis can connect to and      · 11,000 Cabinets & 280,000 poles
       enjoy greater broadband.                 · 100+ Wholesale customers
                                                · $1 Billion annual turnover
       Labelled one of the world’s best,        · 900 Staff headcount
       Chorus provides open access
       internet networks and rolls out ultra-
       fast, congestion-free broadband via
       Fibre and Copper to urban and rural
       areas of New Zealand. The country’s
       phone and broadband providers, like
       Spark, Vodafone and 2Degrees,
       access Chorus’ network to offer
       innovative products and services to
       their end customers.

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
Seeking independence and flexibility
       “Chorus had been using a legacy billing system that was over 20 years old. It
       was inflexible, out of date and didn’t meet our needs,” explains CTO Finance
       Manager Paul Kerr.

       Whilst Chorus separated from Spark in 2011, its billing runs were still being
       performed on Spark’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system until just
       recently. The key reasons for developing a new solution were remediation of
       the billing process from Spark as part of the formal Chorus/ Spark split, to give
       Chorus control of billing its wholesale customers from its own SAP ERP and to
       provide Chorus with flexibility and agility around billing.

       “We really wanted a modern billing system that fitted our wholesale business
       and provided a lot of flexibility. Something that we didn’t have to customise a
       lot but was configurable to our needs,” says Kerr. “A solution that was easy to
       useand integrated well with our existing systems,” adds Program Manager
       Adrian Blair.

                   “Chorus wanted to transform customer
                   experience - provide customers with a better
                   bill - and transform the business process at
                   the same time.”
                                        - Adrian Blair, Program Manager

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
The winning proof of concept
       Chorus brought Zag in to discuss         “There was a real
       potential solutions for its billing
                                                commitment and focus on
       requirements. Zag delivered a quick
       and effective Proof of Concept           wanting to get an outcome
       (POC) by extending Chorus’ existing      through this process and it
       SAP platform functionality to bill its   gave me a lot of confidence
       customers through Zag development
       and configuration services.
                                                going through to our
                                                Executives to get the
       This option averted the need for         business case sign-off, just
       Chorus to purchase new software
                                                to see that Zag could make
       (only additional user licenses) which
       made the solution very cost-
                                                this happen for us.”
                                                - Paul Kerr, CTO Finance
       “Our engagement with Zag
       throughout the POC was really good,
       the technical guys from Chorus really
       appreciated the work that they did,”
       says Kerr.

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
Why did Chorus engage Zag?
       “We’d previously worked with Zag on     "There is nothing like a proven track
       the implementation of our financial     record of getting things done.”
       systems, including the development
       and enhancements therein. Zag had       Zag was appointed to deliver the
       supported us in this area and has       billing solution and provided services
       been supporting our systems, so it      for project management, solution
       made sense to engage with Zag on        architecture, technical architecture,
       this project,” explains Kerr.           development, Basis, testing and
                                               security. Chorus engaged Zag on
       “If we were looking for a supplier in   test support right through to
       SAP, Zag would certainly be the first   production implementation and
       partner we would go to," says Blair.    production support.

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
Working together to achieve the best outcome
       To deliver a project of this size and     The regularity and quality of the
       complexity in only a year, with quite a   engagement meant that Chorus had
       tight budget, it had to be a              full trust in Zag to guide them
       collaborative effort with Chorus and      through the implementation. “Zag’s
       its vendors working together on an        people are professional,
       outcome.                                  knowledgeable and were always
                                                 willing to help,” says Hunter.
       “We started off working around a
       whiteboard in the Zag offices             Blair adds “A key part of that trust
       discussing and drawing components         was due to our active risk
       of the design. Quite often we would       management on the project. Zag
       address the same thing a couple of        fully participated in that and
       times and challenge each other's          understood how important it was to
       thinking but, at the end of the day,      mitigate risk throughout the
       we respected each other's opinions        process.”
       because it was clear we had the
       same goal in mind - a great outcome       “Zag is a really easy supplier
       for Chorus and its customers,” says
                                                 to work with, we didn’t
       Principal Solution Architect Dafydd
       Hunter.                                   sweat the small stuff and
                                                 everything went well. When
       Over the project, Chorus’ trust in        we had things to change it
       Zag’s recommendations grew,
       including the suggestion to follow a
                                                 was easy. Having them
       phased implementation approach.           onsite, co-locating and
       The project team did a number of          working as one team with
       sprints, showing demonstrations and
                                                 Chorus and our other
       playbacks every month to give
       Chorus confidence that things were
                                                 suppliers was awesome.”
       happening.                                - Adrian Blair, Program Manager

Chorus Collaborates with Leading SAP Partner, Zag, to Transform its Billing - CASE STUDY - Zag Team
The new bill and its benefits
       The project delivered a working SAP billing solution that Kerr describes as a
       “fit for purpose modern system that works for us.”

       “It’s a simpler solution, a lot less manual - the processes in the background run
       a lot smoother. It really helps that we were able to integrate the billing system
       with our SAP finance system as well as the portal our customers use.”

       As part of this project, Zag supplied Chorus with a Disputes Portal, where
       service providers can collaborate with Chorus around invoicing issues. This
       facilitates quick invoice dispute resolution.

       The benefits and advantages of the new billing solution are:

           A simpler, more accurate and robust billing process without reliance on
           Mitigates risk to Chorus’ revenue collection.
           Full control over the end-to-end billing process.
           Ability to alter pricing easily to adapt quickly to market conditions.
           Increased agility meaning new products and services can be
           brought to market faster.
           More efficient reconciliation with better visibility over the
           entire billing process and easier invoice tracking.
           Simplified month and year-end processes.
           Increased employee productivity due to process
           New insights from information handling for better
           reporting and analytics.
           Ability to easily enhance, build and develop
           on the new billing platform.

An outcome only teamwork can achieve
        “Overall the project was viewed as very successful at Chorus, it
        came in on time, under budget and covered all of the functionality
        required. All of our revenue was captured, we’ve had no cases of
        any revenue leakages since go-live which is awesome given all of
        our revenue was at stake.”
                                                 - Adrian Blair, Program Manager

        Kerr says “We have reduced our           "This project has been a success and
        costs and saved a substantial amount     one of the key reasons for that has
        of money by decommissioning our          been that we’ve worked so closely
        costly legacy system and billing from    and well with Zag. I always felt
        our new SAP platform.”                   throughout the project that Zag
                                                 wasn’t just interested in fulfilling its
        Importantly, “Customer satisfaction      contract but was dedicated to
        has improved and we’ve received a        delivering and driving through a
        lot of positive feedback,” adds Blair.   successful project, which they did
        “It’s a simpler solution that's easier   through collaborating with Chorus,”
        for our customers to understand as it    concludes Kerr. “I can’t thank them
        provides more information about          enough, Zag was fantastic.”
        what they’re being billed for - which
        is great,” says Hunter.

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