Page created by Irene Santiago
    654 South 86th Street      402-391-3606
  Omaha, NE 68114           December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021 † 4th Sunday of Advent                                                               Page 2
       From Your Pastor’s Desk...
                        I Would Like to Invite Everyone to “Come Home” for Christmas!
                I would like to invite everyone to “Come Home “ to Christ the King for Christmas! Let’s all
                celebrate Christmas as a parish “family” as we praise Almighty God for sending His Son,
                Jesus into our world and our lives! Jesus is the REASON we gather week after week around
                the Altar, to be fed by HIM, loved by HIM, sent by HIM to live lives of Faith, Hope and Love!
                All families are invited to this special “Birthday Party” and the best gift we can give to Jesus is
                our heart, mind and soul! Let HIM fill our hearts with HIS love! Let HIM fill our mind with the
                knowledge of HIS life! Let HIM fill our soul with HIS grace! You need not make a reservation:
just “Come Home” for Christmas and the Lord’s Banquet table will have a place for you. Come and taste the
goodness of the Lord as we celebrate Christmas as the parish family of Christ the King...

             Advent Baby Shower for “Christ’s Little Ones” Ends This Weekend…
Our Advent Baby Shower to shower Christ’s little ones as they come into our world ends this weekend. Your
donations will be given on behalf of our parish family to those Pro-Life agencies in the Omaha area who
support young single mothers. Some items they are always in need of are: diapers (all sizes), baby wipes,
baby shampoo, baby oil, pacifiers, baby bottles, onesies, baby blankets, rattles and all types of fun things for
infants. Please bring your items and place them in the crib in church. Thank you for your generous donations!

         I Have Listed Some Year End Giving Opportunities for You to Consider...
In today’s bulletin, I have a listed a few end-of-year giving opportunities available in addition to your
regular Sunday church support. We have many ways to support our parish and me for other
                   Thank You for Your Support for the Annual Cookie Caper!!!
A special THANK YOU goes to all of the Parish “BAKERS” who made so many delicious Christmas Cookies
for the Annual Ladies Guild Cookie Caper! Also, thanks to those who packaged them and sold them and of
course, all who purchased them! This “TRADITION” has been part of our Parish for many years. I am so glad
that our Ladies Guild carries on this annual event! God bless all who made this a success!

           Today we Invite Everyone to Help Prepare our Church for Christmas ...
At 1:00 pm this Sunday, December 19th, we will do some deep cleaning of our church and finish decorating for
Christmas. Please bring your vacuum, extension cords, dust mops and rags, etc. to “shine” up our church for
Christmas. We then will put the final touches on our Christmas decorations! Please give us one hour of your

                      Our 2021 Annual Archbishop’s Appeal Goal So Far...
We all received an invitation from Archbishop George Lucas to participate in the 2021 Archbishop’s Annual
Appeal. Our support for the Archdiocese is critical as we continue the Mission of the Catholic Church within
the Archdiocese of Omaha. Christ the King parishioners have always went over our “Parish Goal” for
past Annual Archbishop Appeals. Our 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal goal is $210,000, with a 28%
Parish family participation goal. I would like to invite all our parish families to prayerfully consider a
gift to the 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. No gift is too small or too large; each gift will help us
reach our “Parish Goal for 2021” and help the Archbishop George Lucas and to further mission of the
Archdiocese of Omaha.
As of the printing of this bulletin, we have 188 Christ the King Parish Households that have made gifts totaling
$142,225 toward our parish goal! (Due to an early holiday bulletin submittal date, new financials were not
received from chancery at time of publication.)

            Your humble and grateful pastor,                  Fr. John L. Pietramale
Music & Liturgy                                                                                                                          Page 3

                                                                                                          ~ One Church ~
                 Fourth Sunday of Advent                                                Encountering Jesus, Equipping Disciples, Living Mercy
                    19 December 2021
                                                                                          Saturday Vigil Mass:
Readings ................................................ Hymnal p 42                           5:00 pm
                        Introductory Rites                                                      8:00 am
                                                                                               10:00 am
Entrance Hymn ..................................... Hymnal #41                                  5:00 pm
                                 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
                                                                                            DAILY MASSES
                       Liturgy of the Word                                                  Monday - Friday:
                                                                                          8:15 am and 12:10 pm
Responsorial Psalm                                          Psalm 80
  R. Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face                                            Saturday:
     and we shall be saved.                                                                     8:15 am
Alleluia (Murray)
                    Liturgy of the Eucharist                                                  First Fridays
                                                                                           11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Preparation of the Gifts
                                                                                            3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Hymn ....................................................... Hymnal #38
                                      O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Eucharistic Prayer                                                             Readings for the week of December 19, 2021
                                                                           Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 [4]/Heb 10:5-
Holy ....................................................... Hymnal p 14
                                                                           10/Lk 1:39-45
                                                                           Monday: Is 7:10-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 7c and
Mystery of Faith ................................... Hymnal p 17
                                                                           10b]/Lk 1:26-38
  R.. Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and
                                                                           Tuesday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-
     Resurrection, you have set us free.
                                                                           21 [1a; 3a]/Lk 1:39-45
                                                                           Wednesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd [cf.
Communion Rite                                                             1a]/Lk 1:46-56
Lamb of God .........................................Hymnal p 27           Thursday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14
                                                                           [cf. Lk 21:28]/Lk 1:57-66
Communion Antiphon ....................... Hymnal p 35                     Friday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-
Sung by the Choir/Cantor                                                   5, 27 and 29 [2]/Lk 1:67-79
  R. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son;                       Saturday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29 [2a]/
     and his name will be called Emmanuel.
                                                                           Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25
                                                                           Night: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13 [Lk 2:11]/Ti 2:11-
Communion Hymn ............................. Hymnal #694
                                                                           14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12/Ti 3:4-
                                  Holy Mary, Revealing Your Son
                                                                           7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6 [3c]/
                                                                           Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14
                         Concluding Rites
                                                                           Next Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [cf. 1]/Col
Hymn ...................................................... Hymnal #43     3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:41-52 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28/Ps
                                           O Come Divine Messiah           84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10 [cf. 5a]/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24/Lk 2:41-52
Page 4
            Our Prayers                                                                  Mass Intentions
                                                                               “†” indicates deceased “Intention of” indicates living

                                                                                          Monday, December 20
                 Prayer Intentions                                 8:15 am         Intentions of Mary Heldridge
                                                                   12:10 pm        † Dr. Steven Franco
                                                                                          Tuesday, December 21
                                                                   8:15 am         Intentions of the Peters Family
                                                                   12:10 pm        Intentions of Matt and Alena Moore
                                                                                        Wednesday, December 22
Parishioner Intentions: Jerry Cole, Bridget Marie                  8:15 am         † Patrick Garland
                                                                   12:10 pm        † Joan Bailey
Crowell, Dan Halm, Michal Hyiko, Patricia Moore,
Laura Niehaus (CTK 1997), John Soliz, Lizzy                                               Thursday, December 23
Swoboda, Lily Zierke.                                              8:15 am         † Margaret J. (Flynn) Haller
                                                                   12:10 pm        † Sebastian Sofio
                                                                             Friday, December 24
Zachary Adler, James Carl, Max deMayo, Alex
                                                                   8:15 am         † Anthony L. Miloni, Sr.
Dworak, Jamila Jahic, William Kelly, Jason Kwong,
Madelin L., Jonathan L., Joo Lee, Michael Maides,                  4:00 pm          † Nancy McMenaman
Caleb Pflug, Nick Shanahan, Bill Seidler, Sr., Harold              6:00 pm          † Sharon Massara
Sorrell, Will Spellman and Jonathan Yerby.                                  Saturday, December 25
Police, Fire and Rescue:                                           12:00 am         Our Parish Family
                                                                   8:00 am          † Michaline L. Groller
Steve Oseka, Ron Woitaszewski and Carl Johnson.                    10:00 am         † Jean Korff
                                                                   12:00 pm         Intentions of Gerald Owen
This current list of prayer intentions lasts for a month.
                                                                                   Masses for Sunday, December 26
This does not include the military, police, fire and
                                                                   5:00 pm         † Bette L. Bremser
rescue individuals. If you or your loved one should
                                                                                           Sunday, December 26
need to be listed for a longer period of time or you
                                                                   8:00 am          † Dr. James and † Colleen Donovan
would like us to add someone, please email
                                                                   8:00 am            Our Parish Family                                            12:00 pm         † Carl Ancona
                                                                   5:00 pm          † Deceased and Living Members of the
                                                                                        David J. and Joseph S. Kaplan Families

Monday, December 20                          Thursday, December 23                           Saturday, December 25, cont’d
8:15 am Mass                                 8:15 am Mass                                    3:30-4:30 pm Confessions
12:10 pm Mass                                9:00 am Prayer Group for Priests                5:00 pm Mass
3:00 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (KC Rm)             & Seminarians (PC Library)
7:00 pm City wide Homeschool Confirma-       12:10 pm Mass
tion Prep and Prayer Meeting                 Friday, December 24
7:00 pm KofC Officers Meeting (KC Rm)        8:15 am Mass
Tuesday, December 21                         4:00 pm     Mass
8:15 am Mass                                      (with Children’s Choir)
9:00 am Prayer and Praise Group (PC)         7:00 pm     Mass
12:10 pm Mass                                11:00 pm Christmas Choir
3:00 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (KC Rm)       (before Midnight Mass)
7:00 pm Salvifici Doloris (Guild Rm)         Saturday, December 24
                                             12:00 am Mass
Wednesday, December 22                       8:00 am Mass
8:15 pm Mass                                 10:00 am Mass
12:10 pm Mass                                12:00 pm Mass
6:45 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church)
Parish News
                                                                                                            Page 5

                                    2021-22 “REAL GAP” FUND NEWS
Recently you received a letter from Fr. Pietramale for the 2021-2022 “REAL GAP” Fund. As a reminder, this fund
helps the parish bridge the gap between the actual cost of educating students at Christ the King School and the
income received through tuition.
We are grateful for the generosity of many in the Christ the King Community who continue to ensure we are able
to provide a Catholic education for those desiring it. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help support
the 2021-2022 “REAL GAP” Fund so we can reach our goal.
       As of the printing of this bulletin, we have received $52,260.49 towards our goal of $265,000.
                                                 THANK YOU!

                                                               Christ the King School Christmas wish list…
                                                               We invite you to make a Christmas donation to
                                                                  any of these items to help our school!!!
                                                                   A donation to purchase Library books…
                                                                    A donation for the Science lab items…
                                                                     A donation for Technology needs…
                                                                       A donation for PE equipment…
                                                                        A donation for Recess items…
                                                                        A donation for Art supplies…
                                                                     A donation for Spanish resources…
                                                                   A donation for Sacramental resources…
                                                                     A donation for Religious Art work…
                                                                     A donation for our School Musical…
                                                                    A donation for our Children’s choir…
                                                                   A donation for our Preschool program…
                                                                  A donation to our After school program…
                                                                      A donation to Tuition Assistance…
                                                               A donation to the CTK Educational Trust Fund…
                                                                You can write a check and in the memo line,
                                                               indicate which fund you would like to help this
                                                               Christmas. Drop it off at the Rectory or mail to
                                                                        the Parish Office. Thank You!
Page 6
                    Parish News, continued
                       All young adult women ages (about ages 19 - 39) are welcome to join our monthly
                       3rd Sunday brunch that will happen now through May 2022 (April brunch is moved
                       to the 10th due to Easter).
                       NO RSVP needed. Invite others for fellowship! Food (at least eggs, pancakes, some
                       type of fruit, milk & coffee) will be provided. Email to get to the
                       address of the location that month or if you have any specific dietary needs. We will
                       start in December (this Sunday, December 19th) at Christine's house right after the
                       10 am Mass (approximately 11:30am).

                                                            Observances for the week of December 19, 2021
                                                         Sunday: 4th Sunday of Advent
                                                         Tuesday:St. Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church
                                                         Thursday: St. John of Kanty, Priest
                                                         Friday: Christmas Eve
                                                         Saturday: The Nativity of the Lord
                                                         Next Sunday:     The Holy Family
       If You Look For Me at Christmas…
You won’t need a special star
I’m no longer just in Bethlehem,
I’m right there where you are.
You may not be aware of Me
amid the celebrations --
You’ll have to look beyond the stores                       We thank Heafey Hoffman Dworak Cutler
and all the decorations.                                   Mortuaries and Crematory for donating our
But if you take a moment                                          2022 Catholic Calendars for
from your list of things to do                                    our parishioners this year.
and listen to your heart, you’ll find
I’m waiting there for you.                                      We appreciate their support for our
                                                                Christ the King parish community.
You’re the one I want to be with,
you’re the reason that I came,                              We invite all of our
and you’ll find me in the stillness                         parish families to
as I am whispering your name
                  Love,                                      take a calendar.
Page 7
                Parish News and Faith Formation
     End of Year Giving Ideas Right Here for our Parish Needs…
     As we approach the year end giving for 2021, I realize that we are all receiving
    requests for donations in the mail and even in person. At this time of the year all
     nonprofits rely on the generosity Christmas donations for the majority of their
              yearly budget and capital projects! CTK is also a NONPROFIT!
         Here are just a few ideas for you to help our parish and its mission!
                                       The Christ the King Educational Trust Fund
                                                Christ the King Maintenance Fund
                                   Christ the King School Tuition Assistance Fund
                                            Msgr. Robert P. Hupp Scholarship Fund
                                               Msgr. Robert Gass Scholarship Fund
                                               Fr. Steve Stillmunks Scholarship Fund
                                                Fr. Tom Fangman Scholarship Fund
                                   NEW Fr. John L. Pietramale Scholarship Fund
             Christ the King Mercy Fund / CTK Saint Vincent DePaul Conference Fund

                       CTK Family Faith Formation
Looking ahead for Family Faith Formation Sessions:
                                                                           Christ the King Parish Youth Group
19 December: 11:15 AM Adult Session
                                                                                  Grades 9th thru 12th
    Important Sacramental Dates and Times                                 We meet on the scheduled Sundays in the
   Confirmation Enrollment Meeting - January 19, 2022, in the Par-       Parish Center from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Please drop
    ish Center from 6:00-7:00 pm. This meeting is for current 7th         off and pick up from the Parish Center. Dinner
    grade students and their parents. Students will be officially en-     is provided each night! Bring all of your high
    rolled in the formation for our November 20, 2022 Confirmation.       school friends and join in the fellowship!
   First Communion Priest/Parent Meeting – Wednesday,
                                                                              January 9           January 23
    February 16, 2022, at 6 pm in the Parish Center
   First Communion Priest/Parent/Student Retreat – Wednesday,                February 6          February 20
    March 16, 2022, at 6 pm in the Parish Center.                             March 6             March 20
                                                                              April 3             May 1
       First Communion Mass will be at 12 Noon                                May 15
                on Sunday, May 1, 2022
Page 8
     Parish Resources
                                                                                                 CHRIST THE KING PARISH AND SCHOOL
                                                                                                 656 South 86th Street
                                                                                                 Omaha, NE 68114
                                                                                                 402-391-3606 (Parish) 402-391-0977 (School)
                       Parish Support                                                  

Budgeted for the week ending December 12thh                     $ 80,000
                                                                                           Staff Information
Support received         God bless you!                         $ 85,145   Pastor:
                                                                                     Rev. John L. Pietramale (ext. 203)
Variance-positive (negative)                                     $5,145    Part-Time Associate Pastor:
Fiscal Year 7/1/2021 — 6/30/2022                                                  Rev. Stephen A. Hilgendorf (ext.205)
                                                                           Permanent Deacons:
Year to date Budget Giving                                     $ 839,000         Jon Fulcher
Year to date Support                                           $ 823,165         John Pflug
                                                                           Parish Secretary:
Variance—positive (negative)                               $ (15,825)             Mary Greguska (ext. 200)
                                                                           Business/Finance Director:
          We are grateful for everyone's weekly stewardship.
                                                                                 Rick Kucirek (ext. 212)
   We truly need your faithful weekly/monthly                                    Mary Drake (ext. 201)
 stewardship to Christ the King Parish as we keep
                                                                           Mass Intentions Coordinator:
  up with our monthly utility bills, and especially                               Gretchen Mack (ext. 202)
        salaries for our Parish and School                                 Stewardship & Mission Development Coordinator:
                teachers and staff.                                               Lori Dvorak (ext. 214)
                                                                           Parish Center Manager:
    Sacrament Information                                                         Rebecca Pietramale-Hazel (ext. 207)
                                                                           Director of Sacred Music & Liturgical Ministries:
Sacrament of Matrimony:                                                           Laura Rau (ext. 210)
Please contact Fr. Pietramale at 391-3606 to begin                         Facilities Maintenance Supervisor:
the process for wedding preparation at least six                                    TBD
months in advance of your proposed wedding date.                           Technology Administrator:
The actual date of your wedding will be set at the                               Brandon Odom (ext. 313)
initial meeting with your Priest. Please visit our web-                    Principal of Christ the King School:
site for more information, including our wedding and                              Chris Segrell (402-391-0977)
music policies.                                                            Director of Religious Education:
                                                                                  Julie Kaftan, interim (402-391-0977)                                                  Athletic Director:
                                                                                   Tod Kellen (402-392-1052)
Sacrament of Baptism:
Please contact Fr. Pietramale at 391-3606 to begin
the process for your baby’s baptism.                                                 Follow us on Social Media
Anointing of the Sick:
A healing sacrament for the aged, children seven                                 
and over, the seriously or terminally ill.
Call the Parish Office 402-391-3606 and one of our
priests will gladly offer the Sacrament.                                                  @ctkomaha

Page 9

       Christ The King School News
A note from our Principal, Mr. Chris Segrell ~
Winter weather has definitely arrived in Omaha with some pretty cold temperatures lately. Below are some special school
events taking place this past week and some events coming up in the near future:
   1st Grade Letters to Mary…with the Immaculate Conception being celebrated on Wednesday, December 8th, Mrs. Kee-
    nan’s 1st grade students took some time to write special letters to Mary. Students did such a fantastic job! Their letters
    were absolutely beautiful and so enjoyable to read.

   Preschool Students Perform for the Urban Council of Catholic Women…preschool students practiced their Advent pro-
    gram songs in a special performance for the Urban Council of Catholic Women this past week. Our students ranged in
    age from 3 to 5 years old and their performance was truly amazing…the Ladies thoroughly enjoyed this very special per-
    formance! As a reminder, don’t forget to stop by and see all of our preschool – 8th grade students as they perform dur-
    ing the Advent program on Friday, December 17th. A dress rehearsal will held in the church from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. and
    the evening performance will be held in the church at 7:00 p.m. As an FYI…the dress rehearsal will be delayed until 1:30
    p.m. if a morning funeral is scheduled in the church on December 17th. This year’s theme for the Advent program is
    “Christmas Around The World” and students will present information describing how Christmas is celebrated in various
    countries throughout the world followed by musical performances that represent each of those countries. The Advent
    program dress rehearsal and performance are open to all school and parish families who would like to attend.

   Kindergarten & Early Childhood Parent Information Night” sure to mark your calendar for our “Kindergarten &
    Early Childhood Parent Information Night” scheduled for Tuesday, January 25th, at 6:30 p.m. in the school. All families,
    including children, are welcome to attend this very special event full of fun activities for the kids, tours of the school,
    and information for parents about our Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten programs. If you have a current
    or soon to be Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, or Kindergarten student, be sure to attend on January 25th to meet our won-
    derful teachers and to see how Christ the King Catholic School Kindergarten and Early Childhood programs can be the
    right fit for your child! Bring a friend or two for a truly enjoyable evening. More specifics and information will be pro-
    vided in upcoming church bulletins and School Update newsletters.
Have a great weekend and God Bless…Mr. Segrell, Principal

                                        We LOVE Our School!
Page 10
               Parish and Community Events
LIVE THE LITURGY ~ Inspiration for the week
Did you ever find yourself wishing that God would just step in and fix all that is wrong with the world? After all, how
much longer can all of this go on? There is so much inequity in life. Our world’s political, economic, and environmen-
tal systems do not always serve the best interests of people. We read stories about injustice, disregard for human life,
greed, heartache, and people being hurt and deprived every day. People are still starving and there is often little re-
gard for human life. This is not the way God intended it to be. Realizing that we have caused most of these problems
ourselves, we look to God for an answer and a way out of the difficulties we have created. Taking responsibility for
our actions is not something that comes easily. What we fail to see is that God has already sent the answer in the per-
son of Jesus Christ. God did fix our problem! Mary had to set her needs aside in order for the Son of Justice to come
into the world. We need to do the same. It is only by believing in, listening to, and acting upon what God has spoken
that true peace will ever come to be, and God’s fix be made known.                                          ©LPi

                                                                 Christ the King
                                                                Women’s Retreat
                                                         April 2, 2022 ~ 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
                                                        Please join us for a day of faith, prayer, and fellowship this
                                                        Spring. More information coming in early 2022 regarding
                                                        location and further details. Hosted by the Ladies Guild.

The Omaha Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (OACCW) and its Deaneries are accepting scholarship applica-
tions from high school senior girls who are Catholic and plan to attend a public or private college or university.
Each deanery may award a scholarship, and the application and essay of the winner of each deanery scholarship
will be sent to the OACCW Scholarship Chair to compete for a $500 OACCW scholarship. Requirements and mail-
ing addresses for each deanery contact are available from high school guidance counselors. Scholarship applica-
tion forms are available on the OACCW Facebook page in "Photos" in the menu bar on the left side of the page.
All documentation should be submitted to the applicant's Deanery Council of Catholic Women contact and be Post-
marked by January 15, 2022. Late applications will not be considered.
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