Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...

Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...
Coming Events (please advise the office of any changes)
                Every Monday 9:30am Cards, Ed Cen                                                          Christ Church Lutheran
       Every Tuesday 10am Bible Study Friendship Group, Ed Cen                                             31 Swanport Rd , Murray Bridge
  Every Wednesday Office Closed & Confirmation 3:45pm, Holy Cross
Sun 20th         9:30am           Christ Church Service
                                  Soup Fundraiser after Church
                                  Congregation meeting after service
                                                                                                                Zion Lutheran
                 10:30am          Monarto Service                                                      427 Schenscher Rd, Monarto
Mon 21st         7:30pm           Leadership Team, Ed Cen
Tues 22nd - Fri 25th Kairos Prison Ministry                                                                           Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Tue 22nd         11am             Ecumenical Service Resthaven, Holy Cross                                             Sunday 20th June 2021
Thurs 24th       10:30            Ecumenical Service Lerwin, Holy Cross
                                                                                                  Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that
Fri 25th         6pm              Youth, The Cave
                                                                                                   All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ
Sun 27th         9am              Monarto Service
                 9:30am           Christ Church Service
July                                                                                                                             Christ Church
Sat 3rd          7pm              SMG Trivia Night, JDH                                                                          Worship Today
Mon 5th                           Roster Advice due
                 7pm              Worship Team meets, Ed Cen                                                                     Thank-you to
                 7:30pm           Property Meet, Ed Cen                                                                    Pastor David Eckermann
                  Monarto Congregation Contacts                                                                                 for leading our
Monarto Elders Haydn Hein 8532 3176 / Maurice Wegener 8531 1060                                                             Worship Service today.
Monarto Chairman Trevor Hilton          0439 839 022
Monarto Treasurer Colin Wegener         8538 5444                                                       Bible readings & Songs for Today:
Monarto Secretary Jan Brodde            8532 5050                                                     Readings: 1 Samuel 17; Mark 4: 35 -51
              Christ Church Congregation Contacts                                              Songs: Yet not I but through Christ in me, God with us,
Christ Church Elders         Dawn Hampel              8532 4138                                        Keep my eyes on You, You never let go
                             Denise Lohmeyer
                             David Pech
                                                      8531 0935
                                                      0420 849 344
                                                                                             Have a Blessed week walking with Jesus this week!
                             Janelle Traeger          8535 4290
                             Ian Kluge                0427 313 537, 8531 3449
Chairman                     Warren Doecke            0417 804 663, 8572 6019                    OFFICE HOURS 9am-12noon Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Cong. Secretary              Cheryl Doecke            0427 804 663, 8572 6019                                CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
Treasurer                    Cynthia Frahn            0419 826 707                                 Ph 8532 6553 5 Marchand St, Murray Bridge SA 5253
Church Secretary             Yvonne Stiller           8532 3445                                          email:
Prop. & Maint.               Nathanael Mann           0439 506 826                                             Website:
                                                                                           After Hours please phone: Chairperson, Warren Doecke - 0417 804 663
For anybody experiencing domestic and/or family violence please call Centacare 8531 8888
Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...
Welcome to all visitors, please feel free to fill in our
 Visitor information forms available from the sign in area.
                                                                          Christ Church Rosters               Attendance 6th June Hall 94

  These can be placed in the offering basket, handed to                               Sunday 20th June 9:30am Hall             Pr David Eckermann
 one of the leaders/volunteers on the day or dropped into                 COVID Marshal     Carl Beauglehall
the letterbox on the Church office building behind the hall.              Elder Assist      Janelle Traeger
                                                                          Wardens           David Doecke
       From the Leadership Team                                           Greeters
                                                                          Tea & Coffee
                                                                                            Bob & Joan Mar n
                                                                                            Sabine Jericho & Joyce Herrmann
Pastoral Call Process - Christ Church, Monarto & Holy Cross               PA                Bob Mar n           Video    Ron Jericho
working together - All three Congregations have passed the Mur-           Data Projector    Chris Beauglehall Counter Basil Schubert
ray Bridge-Monarto Shared Ministry Proposal. Next step if for the         Water & Care      Yole e Koch         Grounds Tim Koch
Leadership Teams of each Congregation to meet together to formal-                      Sunday 27th June 9:30am Church Pr Paul Calnan
ise the set up of a Call Committee. Please pray that we may be led        COVID Marshal     Bob Mar n, Janelle Traeger
by God’s will and not of our own.                                         Elder Assist      Warren Doecke, David Doecke
                                                                          Wardens           Allan Hampel, Marie Mueller
                  Christ Church Treasurer                                 Greeters          Joyce Hermann, Kathy Franklin, Sue Kuchel
Due to personal commitments Cynthia has resigned as Christ Church         Tea & Coffee       Doreen Borchardt, Lorna Penhall
Treasurer as from 31st May 2021.                                          PA                Wes Taylor          Video    Ron Jericho
We are in urgent need for someone to take on this role!                   Data Projector    Joan Mar n          Counter Delton Schiller
                                                                          Water & Care      John Schirmer       Grounds Tim Koch
The roles and responsibility for Treasurer is available from the Of ce.
Please have a look and see if this is something you can help with.                     Sunday 4th July 9:30am Hall Pr Ken Pfitzner
                                                                          COVID Marshal     Janelle Traeger
       Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that                           Elder Assist      Ian Kluge
                                                                          Wardens           Kathy Franklin
        All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ                            Greeters          Bruno & Yvonne Lablack
                                                                          Tea & Coffee       Chris Beauglehall & Diane Kluge
At our last Leadership meeting worship services for                       PA                Nathanael Mann Video         Ron Jericho
Christ Church were discussed. It was agreed that no                       Data Projector    Jasamine Irvine     Counter Valerie Jaensch
changes would be made until after July. We would love to                  Water & Care      Tim Koch            Grounds
hear from our members in regard to worship. Currently we
have three contemporary worship services in JD Hall and                     Urgent help required with grounds roster. Get a group together
one traditional worship in the Church/Hall. Please let us                       and contact the office to advise when YOU can assist.
know in writing (if you have not done so already) your
thoughts & feelings, what is working well and what is not.
   The Leadership & Elders Team met on                                      Rosters                 It is time again to let the office
                                                                                                   know if you are able to help with
 Monday 14th to discuss this further. Please                                any of the duties with worship in the hall or church. The
forward your thoughts in writing and pass it                                next roster from August to October is being prepared so
                                                                                   please let us know by Monday 5th July.
 to the office or Leadership before the next
    leadership meeting on Mon 21st June                                                           Many thanks
Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...
Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge                                       Lutheran Subscriptions
                                                                                                               Monarto Rosters
                                                                            Subscriptions are now sent out
     Check our Facebook Page                                                  for direct payment by the         20th June 10:30am
     YouTube channels                                                      customer. They are due at the        L/R (Pastor Andy) 
                                                                                    end of the month.           Wardens: Robert Thiele
      Take Away Church                                                                                          Reader: Trevor Hilton
                                                                              Any queries please contact
                                                                             Dennis Pfeiffer 0437 506 345           27thJune 9am
      Christ Church Services                                                                                         Lay Reading                                                Wardens: Trevor, Joy, Tyson
     Christ Church Web page:
                                                                                                Next              Reader: Haydn Hein
                                                                                                              Cuppa: Jan & Klaus Brodde
                                                                                                                  4th July 10.30am
Music Ministry Online                                                          Fri 25th June, The Cave                             
                                                                                 From 6pm to 8:30pm            Wardens: Rob & Liz Frahn
  (second Sunday of the month)                                                                                    Reader: Pam Hilton                     Please bring tea to share
                                                                                  All Youth Welcome
Holy Cross hold a traditional service 1st & 3rd Sun of the Month, 9:30am
            For TV Options and Radio and Internet
          options please contact the of ce for details

                                  Save the Date
                        Sunday July 25th 2021 at 2pm                       Nepal: COVID CRISIS
                     An afternoon of music with Andre Rieu                 News reports are warning
                                                                           Nepal faces a COVID-19
                         Proceeds to Myanmar Mission                       human catastrophe:
                        Contact Di Kluge 0408 807 008                        “… as bad, if not worse,
                                                                           than in neighbouring India.”
                                                                                   The Guardian
                                                                             The good news is the Aust.
                                                                            Gov. will match 5:1 donations
                                                                                $5 becomes $50!
                                                                            Go to:
                                                                            Or contact the church office on
                                                                                      how to give
Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...
District comes together for Convention                                                 Jacob’s Ladder Coffee Lounge. Do you remember going
The 49th District Convention of Synod, held in Tanunda, was the site
                                                                                        there in the 1970s? It was definitely a different way of doing
 of some important decisions for the church moving forward, as well                     church. Yet it brought people to Jesus, praise God. At the
as being a great opportunity for the nearly 300 attendees to connect                    Friends of Lutheran Archives meeting on Monday 21st
  with friends and acquaintances face-to-face. If you'd like to catch                   June, 7.30 pm in Bethlehem House
up on what happened at Synod, the 2021 Convention of Synod Pop-                         in the city, retired pastor, Steen Olsen will talk about his ex-
      ular Report is now available online. The report details the                       periences being involved with Jacob’s Ladder. He’ll also
    decisions, business and presentations that occurred over the
weekend. Please contact the office for a copy or use the link below.
                                                                                        have his book about Jacob’s Ladder for sale. 7.30 pm, all
                                                                                        welcome, supper, gold coin donation.
                                                                                                                      Can you help with preparing
Australian Lutheran College has launched                                                                             and serving tea for the Youth
its annual appeal: 'Connecting through faith'                                                                           on Friday 25th June?
Your response to ALC's appeal will help support ALC's many                                                             We can provide the food,
ways of connecting more broadly with the Lutheran community,                                                            just needs to be heated
provide fresh opportunities to participate in ALC's education                                                                and prepared.
programs, and fund our existing offerings and new training                                                             Due to COVID we always
initiatives. If you don't have our appeal pack, ask your pastor or                                                  have one or two of the leaders
church office, or hear from Pastor James Winderlich at https://                                                      serve the food but would love and consider donating online                                                           to have help with this.
at All donations over $2.00 are tax-                                  If you can help on Friday or any time in the future please
deductible; those received by 30 June may be claimed in                                                let Yvonne in the office know.
this financial year. Thank you for your ongoing support.
                                                                                                   FLOWERS Ladies and Gentlemen, we would
                             Can you help the Kindy?                                               love to enhance our worship experience with
                      They are still looking for donations for                                     some sort of fresh plants, flowers or greenery on
                      bibles for the children. Any amount you                                      the “altar”. It does not have to be fancy!! Do you
                          can give would be a great help.                                          want to take a turn?
             Are you are Gardener or Handyman?                                                     Please let Sabine know by phone 0417 008 869
The Kindy is looking for someone who is handy with a hammer,                                       or email
 for a couple of small projects . If you can help please contact                                   If you have helped in the past and cannot do so
           Toni Turci, Kindy Director, Ph. 85321840                                     anymore, let me know as well.
                                                                                        To make it easier to access the vases we will keep some in
                      LCA/NZ PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS                                     the kitchen at the Office.
               Reflecting God's Love ~ KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE
If you think a child is at risk of harm … In an emergency, call 000 - If it is not an   If you would like to help but know you’ll be away at certain
          emergency, call your local police and child protection authority.
                                                                                        times, we can dodge around them. Thanks Sabine
Reaching out with the Love of Jesus that All may Know, Worship & Grow in Christ - Christ Church Lutheran, Murray Bridge ...
Kairos Prison                                 Christ Church Lutheran Book Shop
                                                  Ministry                                  The bookshop will generally be opened before
                                                                                            services held in the hall - mainly cards for sale.
                                                                                        Due to COVID restrictions only two customers at a time.
                                               22nd - 25th June
 Kairos is a community-based Christian ministry that
 reaches out to male and female inmates, saying “You have
 a choice.” It operates in men’s and women’s correctional
 centres around Australia, and is based on a 3 to 5 day
 ‘Short Course’ run inside the centre by a team of highly
 trained volunteers. The inmates who take part in Kairos
 can chose whether they want to attend or not. The
 program is completely voluntary.
      Can you help by praying for this ministry!
            To register your time slot click on (or go to):
             h ps:// on2/
            secure/7160200700119/false#/invita on
                                                                                                               Trivia Night
                                                                                                            Sat 3rd July 7pm
                    Listen to Messages of Hope at
                                                                                                           JDH $7 per person
4th July Being Well (Discussion) How is your well-being going, especially                    Or $60 for table of 8-10 players
through these times? Listen to Anna, Celia and Richard talk about well-being and
offering insights to help your well-being.                                                To book phone Christ Church office 85326553
11th July Happiness (Pastor Mark Doecke) What makes you happy? Mark
Doecke will be talking about the pursuit of happiness. Is there a recipe for lasting
18th July Single but not lonely (Interview) Emma, almost 40, with no partner
or children constantly faces questions like "why aren't you married" "you better hur-
ry up if you want children", "are you on Tinder?" How do you navigate society's ex-
pectations as a single person, and thrive.
25th July Alone (Pastor James Winderlich) Loneliness isn’t a feeling restrict-
ed to people who are single. It can affect anyone. James Winderlich talks about
how we can feel alone and unconnected, even when we’re surrounded by people.
But there is hope to feeling connected again.
Pray Continually                         1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV                                          Pray Continually
Please Pray for… (Please note, before visiting check with family                                    Baptismal Birthday Celebrations This Week
                    for any visitation allowances and/or restrictions)
                                                                                                  13th Michael Doecke (CC)               Glynniss Taylor (CC)
Christ Church: Martha Aartsen, Lores Frahn, Audrey Jaensch, Irene Kuchel,
Margaret Kuchel, Bryan Lees, Joy Lienert, Andy & Colleen Nicholls, Oscar,                              Jeremy Jackson (CC)          22nd Benjamin Doecke (CC)
Amelia & Josh Noye, Peter Paech, Joyce Pope, Leo Schulz, Dirk Stegmeyer,                               May Schubert (HC)                 Morgan Klemm (CC)
Sandra Thiele, June Walker, Rodney & Jeanette Zanker & also for their
                                                                                                  14th Flic Leske (CC)                   Maxine Paech (Mon)
Holy Cross: Ian & Fay Baxter, Judy Brereton, Olga Burgemeister, Lila                                   Kathleen McAlister (HC)      23rd Teresa Kruger (CC)
Grocke, Bert & Nita Hyam, Leila Koehler, Glen Koop, Matt Kruschel, Joy                            15th James Courtney (CC)               Rick Paech (HC)
Leighton, Jim & Marion Poole, Erwin Rohrlach, Neil Schubert, Reg Schwartz,
                                                                                                  16th Faye Stephens (HC)           24th Merilyn Schultz (CC)
Clarita Venn, Matt Woidt, Felicity Woods & also for their Carers.
Resthaven: Joyce Ahrns (CC), Norm Bensch (HC), Lorna Burrett (HC), Doris                          17th Lorna Peltz (HC)             25th Luke Doecke (CC)
Hein (Mon), Dot Noller (CC), Helen Paech (Mon), Murray Piltz (CC)                                 18th Dennis Kuchel (CC)                Joyce Herrmann (CC)
Lerwin: Glad Hausler (CC), Stewart Jaensch (CC), Dorothy Klitscher (HC),                          19th Emily Frahn (CC)                  Peter Paech (CC)
Alice Kowald (HC), Betty Paech (HC)
                                                                                                       Dwayne Barolo (Mon)               Lorna Hein (HC)
Aminya Village, Mannum: Val Stevens (CC)
                                                                                                       Dallas Rothe (HC)            26th Bella Brown
Golden Grove Helping Hand: Joyleen Rosenzweig (CC)
        (209 The Golden Way, Golden Grove 5125)                                                        Eunice Wegener (HC)          27th Luke Kirpensteyn (CC)
Jallarah Homes Meningie: Noleen Kluge (CC)                                                        20th Ethan Fiegert (CC)                Bruce Kuchel (CC)
Warner Close, Murray Bridge: Colleen Fawcett (CC)                                                      Carolyn McLaughlin (CC)           Shirley Schubert (CC)
Meningie Hosp Aged Care: Kurt Unger (HC)                                                               Neville Mueller (CC)
Strathalbyn Nursing Home: Margaret Pfeiffer (HC)
Tailem Bend Hospital: Pat Gogel, Phyllis Koop, Bevan Schulz (All HC)                                         Please pray for everyone celebrating their
                                                                                                                         Baptismal Birthday
 Prayer of the Day:
 Almighty God, we thank you that you love and care for all your people.                             If you would like to be included in our Prayers or have your
  When storm-clouds loom and troubles threaten, bring peace and calm to                                   Birthday or Anniversary announced, please contact
  us, because we know that everything is in your hands. We ask this                                               Yvonne in the office on 8532 6553 .
  through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
  and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.                                           Ivy Roennfeldt has shifted permanently
Also Pray...                                                                                     to Resthaven Aged Care Craigmore.
 Continue to pray for the teachers, children & families at Kindy including; Jess J., Xander,    Her new address is:
  Hannah, Alexander, Samuel, Jayden at Concordia Kindy. Pray also for the Yrs 6 & 7
  students at Unity and surrounding schools & for the confirmation class, their parents &
                                                                                                 200 – 208 Adams Rd, Craigmore, 5114.
  families and Pastor Paul as he prepares them for confirmation: Bethany Calnan, Holly           Phone: 8254 4008.
  Elliott, Layla Hearne, Cooper & Brady Lienert, Harry & Edward Rigney, Archer Stephens,         Ivy will be 98 years old on Thursday 1st July 2021.
  & Marni Woidt
                                                                                                 Ivy says thank you to all for the love, care and support
 Heavenly Father, we pray for the church. Continue to guide it, so that it may grow in faith,
  despite all opposition, and that it might always know that you have a plan for eternity,
                                                                                                 from members of the Christ Church family and misses us
  even when this plan is hard to see.                                                            all very much.
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