The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS

Page created by Edith Flynn
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
The Emmanuel Epistle
                   August 2021
Emmanuel Lutheran Church               Office – (785) 890-6161
222 West 13th St.            
Goodland, KS 67735                     Pastor Don – (785) 890-6110          

Worship Services       Sunday 9 a.m.
Sunday School          On recess
Adult Bible Study      On recess
Confirmation Class     On recess

                     Leadership of Emmanuel

                       Pastor Don F. McMillan
       Marla Harrison, Organist       Shelly Willems, Secretary

                      Church Council 2021
                         President – Lawrence Musil (899-2642)
                         Vice President – Harold Snethen (899-5858)
                         Secretary – Carol Deeds (821-1584)
                         Treasurer – Shelly Willems (890-5847)
                         Financial Sec.-Mary Ann Snethen (899-5858)
                         Tara Avelar (728-7076)
                         David Branda (821-0811)
                         Robin Deeds (821-1569)
                         Mike Harrison (821-0258)
                         Donna Miller (728-8287)
                         Roger Snethen (899-5817)
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
On recess for Summer       Adult Bible Study
On recess for Summer       Confirmation Class

2nd – 6th     7-11 p.m.    Ring Toss Booth at Fair
8th           9:00 a.m.    Noisy Offering
9th           1:30 p.m.    Care Committee
10th          7:10 p.m.    Church Council
12th          12-6 p.m.    Bloodmobile at Methodist Church
13th          11:30 a.m.   Lunch Group @ The Bricks
15th          9:00 a.m.    Blessing of Backpacks
17th          9:00 a.m.    Lutheran World Relief
24th          8:00 a.m.    Newsletter Deadline
25th          10:00 a.m.   Worship @ Wheat Ridge
25th          7:00 p.m.    Lutheran Brotherhood
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS

As I write this, I have just passed the one-year mark since I came here to
meet everyone at Emmanuel; that was July 2020. That was a beautiful
weekend and I recall driving back to the Denver airport that Sunday
afternoon, thinking, “I might be moving to Kansas.” And I will just say it;
“It was weird relocating during a pandemic.” Wow!

Wasn’t 2020 an interesting year? (And it looks like 2021 is following
close behind.) Life got so unpredictable! Where I lived everything was in
short supply: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, milk products, cereal,
pastas, bottled water; each week it was something different. It forced us
to get creative. We got creative with church too.

The church I served was shuttered for 10 weeks. We had an audio/visual
tech who recorded each element of worship every week, and with
editing, produced a seamless video to put on YouTube and on the
church website. Those who had computer resources could worship at
home. Many people shared how much they enjoyed worshipping in
their pajamas with a cup of coffee. Those of us without internet at
home (including me) had to get creative; find something on TV, or do
our own. I did my own worship using a green hymnal each week, and
played CD’s of Christian music; older hymns and contemporary music. I
enjoyed it but I was glad to get back to worship in the company of

It is time to get back to church!! Here are several opportunities for us
ALL to gather for worship:

Sunday, August 15 we will do our annual Blessing of the Backpacks.
School starts that week and we want to send our kiddos off with a
prayer and blessings for a fantastic, God guided, school year. That
blessing will happen during our worship service at 9 am.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
Sunday, September 12 will be our traditional “rally day.” We gather and
begin to learn and start Sunday School. Come one and come all, all ages
and let’s worship and learn.

On Sunday, September 19 is National Back to Church Sunday. Existing
many years before we ever heard of Coronavirus, it is a day to commit
ourselves to being together. And while we might say, “Well, that’s fine,
but we don’t really have to, do we?” and the answer is, Yes! And it is
important; more important in 2021 than ever before.

As human beings we are created to be together with others, from the
very beginning. It is a basic human need. And when we use the Bible as
our guide we are called, even commanded to gather to worship, sings
Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We are commanded to gather for
communion. We are urged to come together to worship and encourage
one another in prayer. So, let’s do it! I look forward to seeing more and
more of you, so that, by September 19, we are all Back to Church.

Joyfully serving with you,

Pastor Don McMillan

Congratulations to April & Devan Selby on the birth of their son, Miles
Davis, on Sunday, May 30th! Miles was welcomed home by his older
sister, J.J.! Proud grandparents are Trina & Rodney Mays, Jr. and Lonnie
& Patricia Selby. Great grandparents are Rodney & Karen Mays.

           Check out the Manufacturing Victory Exhibit
                   At the High Plains Museum
                  Now through September 24th.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
Thank You to everyone who provided snacks, supplies, and their time to
make Sky Ranch VBS a success last week! The kids had a great time!
Thank You for the Military Gift Box! We received a verbal thank you
from Josh Whisnant and D.J. Glassman via their mothers. They were
very grateful to be thought of!

Thank You to the Cleaning Crew that cleaned the church for the Sky
Ranch VBS! Your hard work is greatly appreciated!

Dear Emmanuel Lutheran Church, I’m truly grateful to have received
this scholarship. I appreciate your generosity and all of the support I
have received. Thank you, Alexis Wynn

Thanks to the generosity of the congregation and others, the May
missions project of mailing gifts to those serving in the military have
sent filled-to-the-brim boxes to four young men associated with
Emmanuel. It is rewarding to acknowledge those serving our country
and let them know they are appreciated! Not only were gifts included,
but also a prayer and invitation to watch our services online and a copy
of daily devotional booklets. Thank you to each of you who gave to this
project and let us continue to keep these servicemen in our prayers!

Dear Church Family, Sending you hello from Montana. I’m missing you
all & watch our service at church on Facebook, so nice! Hope everyone
is as healthy & happy as can be & a good harvest is being had! Fondly,
Mona Marrs

We would like to thank those who have continued to remember the
church with offerings when they are not able to attend worship service.
Your support is greatly appreciated! Offerings can be mailed to the
church or you can donate online at You
can also donate through to email address or Venmo @EmmanuelLutheran-Church.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
Ring Toss Game at the Fair: Emmanuel has been asked to operate the
Ring Toss game at the Fair this year. There are 2 shifts each night, 7 – 9
p.m. and 9 – 11 p.m. on Saturday, July 31st and Monday, August 2nd
through Friday, August 6th. Shifts still needing filled are: 7-9 pm on
Thursday – August 5th (1 person) and 9-11 pm on Thursday – August
5th, and Friday-August 6th (1 person). Please sign up for a shift on the
sheet in the volunteer book or let Shelly know in the office when you
can help. Check in at prize booth at 6:45 pm; Gather ticket bucket &
accounting sheet for the evening at prize booth; There will be tokens in
the bucket if your game booth requires them; Fill out accounting sheet
at closing (We have a new system, you will no longer have to count
tickets!); Return ticket bucket and accounting sheet to prize booth at
the end of the night.

Sunday School: We are in need of volunteers to help with Sunday
School this year. Sunday School is scheduled to begin Sunday,
September 12th. If you are willing to volunteer for this ministry, please
let Pastor Don or Shelly know! Thank you in advance for your time and

Reception of New Members - We had planned to receive new
members into the Emmanuel Lutheran family on June 27th.
Unexpectedly, those new members were unable to be here. We will
reschedule receiving new members to a date later this summer. If you
missed the membership classes and wanted to attend, make-up
sessions can be scheduled. Contact the church office or Pastor Don to
sign up for these make up sessions.

100th Anniversary: We will be celebrating our 100th Anniversary in
December 2022. While this seems far off, the time will pass quickly! We
would like to put together a committee to start planning a celebration.
If you would be interested in helping to plan this exciting celebration,
please let Shelly know.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
Online Services: The new equipment is installed! We will continue to
stream worship services on Facebook. If you do not have Facebook and
would like to view the service, please send me your email and I will send
you a link to watch the service. If you are watching online & would like
a copy of the bulletin emailed to you, please let me know.

Emmanuel has a confidential prayer chain for special/urgent needs. If
you would like to be part of this ministry or would like to have someone
lifted up in prayer, please call Helen Musil (899-2642 or 728-7091), Mid
Gutsch (785-890-2783), Cheryl Peck (785-890-5528), Tara Avelar (785-
728-7076), Mike Harrison (785-821-0258), or Shelly Willems (785-728-

Saturdays                8-11 a.m.        Goodland Farmers Market
July 21 to Aug. 7                         Annual Book Sale @ Goodland
                                          Public Library
Now to Sept. 24                           Manufacturing Victory Exhibit
                                          @ High Plains Museum
July 31 to Aug. 6                         NWKS Free Fair
Aug. 1                   1:30 p.m.        Cornhole Tournament GHS BB
Aug. 7-8                 6:30 p.m.        Stock Car Races
Aug. 12                  5:30 p.m.        NWKTC Main Street Crawl
Aug. 19                                   First Day of School
Aug. 19                  7:00 p.m.        City Council Meet & Greet at
                                          Rosewood Park
Aug. 21                  6:30 p.m.        Bill Gray Memorial Races

VFW Auxiliary Quilt Raffle: The VFW Auxiliary is selling tickets for a quilt
raffle. Tickets are $5.00 each or 10 tickets for $25.00. Drawing will be
held during Flatlander Festival in September. If you would like to
purchase raffle tickets, contact Shelly Willems or Jo Ann Wahrman.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
2-Nicki Owens, Felix Sieck; 4-Diana
                                       Spinney; 5-Everly Smith, Sullivan
                                        Smith; 7-Randy Gausman, Nick
                                         Kreger; 11-Trapper Cantrall;
                                       14-Helen Musil; 17-Brenda Hahn;
                                       19-Landri Howard; 22-Katherine
                                           Dorn; 25-Evelyn Finegan;
                                              29-Dorothy Roeder

                                       5-Pastor Don & Janis McMillan;
                                       8-Harold & Mary Ann Snethen;
                                          13-Robin & Carol Deeds;
                                          14-Nick & Crystal Kreger;
                                          26-Stuart & Kerry Bassett

         WE PRAY FOR:

 Avonell Spomer, Kenny Griffith,
 Norman Kirby, Donald Johnson,
 Kat Snethen, Jean Russell, Mary
 Harper, Glendening Family, Lori
Willems, Sandy Jamison, Opal Van
Donge, Jeanne Johnston, Evelyn
 Kowalke, and our Military: D.J.
   Glassman, Samuel Garland,
          Adam Rector.

   If you have any questions or
concerns regarding the prayer list,
         please contact us.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
August – Wycliffe Bible Translator
               Ministry of Bill & Rachel Chesley
No one should have to learn another language to understand God's
Word. And yet millions of people are still waiting for a single word of the
Bible's life-transforming power. For more than 75 years, Wycliffe has
helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own
languages. They believe that Bible translation is most transformational
as a locally led, sustainable ministry of the church. Wycliffe USA serves
together with churches and Bible translation organizations around the
world so that local churches have Scripture and other resources to meet
their spiritual needs, along with the capacity to continue to meet those
growing needs in the future. Let's help churches and communities
around the world get Scripture in their language ... until all the nations
worship! Bill & Rachel Chesley are serving with Wycliffe Bible
Translators in the US. They have three adult children: Emily, Lydia and
David. Rachel is the Director of the Wycliffe USA Care Team. Bill is
serving with the French Translators' Notes Team which publishes
translation commentaries in French on Old and New Testament books.
For more information on their ministry, visit their website at

             July Update – Lutheran World Relief
                        Benevolence $100.00
                        Noisy Offering $162.55
                        Donations      $ 50.00

September – Military BibleSticks. October – Operation Christmas Child.
November – Our Daily Bread. December – Undecided.
The Emmanuel Epistle August 2021 - AWS
If your group makes any changes in meeting times, please let the office

ALTAR GUILD: Serving in August are Amber Farris & Carole Jarrett.

CARE COMMITTEE will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, August 9th.

CHURCH COUNCIL will meet at 7:10 p.m. on Tuesday, August 10th.

LUNCH GROUP will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, August 13th @ The

LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
August 25th.

LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF WORKERS will meet at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday,
August 17th.

Ruth Circle will not meet in August.

WOMEN OF EMMANUEL Board does not meet in August.

WORSHIP COMMITTTEE will not meet in August.

                                               Another wonderful Citizen
                                                in Goodland issued us a
                                               $300 Walmart Gift Card to
                                               raffle off. Let Kim Smades
                                                know if you need tickets


                                                  Venmo. Cash. Check
Church Council Minutes
                            June 8, 2021

President Lawrence Musil called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

Pastor Don McMillan opened the meeting with a prayer.

Present: Tara Avelar, David Branda, Robin Deeds, Mike Harrison, Pastor
Don McMillan, Donna Miller, Lawrence Musil – president, Harold
Snethen – vice-president, Roger Snethen, Shelly Willems – treasurer,
and church member Carol Deeds.

Absent: Rose Snethen – secretary

Rose would like to resign her position as secretary. Mike made a
motion to regretfully accept her resignation. Harold seconded and
motion passed. Carol Deeds has volunteered to replace Rose for the
remaining of her term. David made a motion to appoint Carol as
secretary. Mike seconded and motion passed.

Secretary’s Report: Carol read the minutes from the May 11th meeting.
Minutes stand approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report: Shelly presented the treasurer’s report. Harold
made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Robin seconded and
motion passed.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Don presented the pastor’s report. The First
Annual Confirmation Croquet Game and Quiz was a fun activity for the
confirmation students. Pastor made a motion to approve the six new
members taking the new membership class. Harold seconded and
motion passed.
Committee Reports

Worship Committee: Donna reported that they will be meeting June
10th. There was discussion regarding communion at the altar rail. Robin
made a motion to resume communion at the altar on the first Sundays
of the month. Mike seconded and motion passed. We will continue to
only use the individual cups and not the common cup at this time.

Christian Education Committee: Shelly reported that we are still
working on Sky Ranch Day Camp to be held July 19-23rd. Pastor has
offered for the staffers to stay in the parsonage basement.

Scholarship Committee: No report.

Care Committee: Pastor reported that they met June 7th. He is working
on a college student outreach program. Services at Wheatridge are
going well with the next service on June 23rd.

Memorial Committee: Harold reported that he is still working on a bid
for the bell tower.

Buildings and Grounds: Shelly reported that the furnace and air
conditioner project is completed. Robin reported that the window
project is almost complete. The double-paned glass to cover the
stained-glass windows have been installed. One window is left.

Women of the Church: No report.

Lutheran Brotherhood: They met on May 26th. They discussed having a
booth at the fair again this year.

Mission of the Month: Shelly reported that the items for the military
gift boxes will be packed and mailed to our three members of the
military this week. June’s Mission of the Month is the Home-Owned
Carnival, and July is Lutheran World Relief.

Centennial Committee: No report.
Unfinished Business: Items on the parsonage repair list are getting
completed. Due to prior conflicts Pastor will not be attending the
Heartland District Meeting in June. Pastor Don plans to attend the
LCMC Annual Gathering in October. Two additional members of our
congregation are invited to attend.

New Business: None

Comments: Mike thanked the congregation for all the prayers for
Bradley during his hospitalization. Marla has decided to wait until
sometime after wheat harvest to have her back surgery.

Tara made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Donna seconded. Motion

Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. with the Lord’s Prayer. Next
meeting will be July 13th at 7:10 p.m.

Council Minutes recorded by Carol Deeds.
2021 income through June 30th                $57,516.43
2021 expenses through June 30th              $60,317.84
Net income for 2021                          -$ 2,801.41

General Fund balance June 30, 2021           $67,510.37
Restricted Fund balance June 30, 2021        $65,592.94

                     GENERAL FUND GIVING
     Date          Amt.    Offering  Over/Short         Attendance
 June 27          $2,199.00    $2,485.00    +$286.00       43
 July 4           $2,199.00    $5,665.00   +$3,466.00      42
 July 11          $2,199.00    $2,080.00     -$119.00      47
 July 18          $2,199.00   $2,011.75      -$187.25      51
 July 25          $2,199.00   $1,897.00      -$302.00      51
Altar Guild – Amber Farris & Carole Jarrett

                             August 1

Worship Leader: Pastor Don McMillan
Worship Assistant: David Branda
Greeters: Ken & Virginia Palmgren
Lector: Joanne Swan
Communion (Altar): Virginia Palmgren

                             August 8
                           Noisy Offering

Worship Leaders: Rev. Dr. Kent Scott
Worship Assistant: David Branda
Greeters: Roger & Marilyn Snethen
Lector: Marilyn Snethen
Flowers: Roger & Marilyn Snethen in memory of Ed & Dorothy Savacool
and Bob Snethen
August 15
                      Blessing of Backpacks

Worship Leader: Pastor Don McMillan
Worship Assistant: David Branda
Lector: Deb Boyle
Communion (continuous):

                            August 22

Worship Leader: Pastor Don McMillan
Worship Assistant: David Branda
Lector: David Branda

                            August 29

Worship Leader: Pastor Don McMillan
Worship Assistant: David Branda
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