CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...

Page created by Armando Fitzgerald
CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
“Et Petrus Quidem Servabatur in Carcere Vinctus Catenis”
    And Peter was kept in prison, bound in chains. Acts 12:5


            Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
                       August 22, 2021
CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains                                                        Cincinnati, Ohio
             +PRAYER                                          HOLY MASS & INTENTIONS
                                           The Eucharist is the source and summit of all Christian life. In the Eucharist, the
                                        sanctifying action of God in our regard and our worship of him reach their high point. It
           Sunday Masses                 contains the whole spiritual good of the Church, Christ himself, our Pasch. Communion
 Sat      3:00pm                        with divine life and the unity of the People of God are both expressed and effected by the
 Sun      9:00am | 11:00am | 5:00pm     Eucharist. Through the Eucharistic celebration we are united already with the liturgy of
                                                             heaven and we have a foretaste of eternal life.
          Weekday Masses               Saturday, August 21, 2021 – Saint Pius X, pope        Ru 2:1-3, 8-11, 4:13-17; Mt 23:1-12
                                       11:30   Bob Kispert                                      Father Raymond Larger
 Mon-Fri 7:00am | 11:30am | 5:15pm     Saturday, August 21, 2021 – Vigil
 Sat     11:30am                                                 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32 OR 5:2a, 25-32; Jn 6:60-69
                                       3:00    †David Hannaford                                 Father Steve Angi
   National Holiday Masses             Sunday, August 22, 2021 – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32 OR 5:2a, 25-32; Jn 6:60-69
                9:00am                 9:00    †James Thomas                                    Father Raymond Larger
                                       11:00   Parishioners & Friends of the Cathedral          Father James Bramlage
                                       5:00    Jayne Murphy                                     Father Raymond Larger
          Holy Day Masses
                                       Monday, August 23, 2021 – Saint Rose of Lima (optional)
   5:15pm Vigil + Weekday Mass                                                               1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Mt 23:13-22
              Times                    7:00    †Mary Bergs                                   Father Raymond Larger
                                       11:30   Blake Callahan                                Father James Bramlage
                                       5:15    Tess Miller                                   Father Raymond Larger
                                       Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – Saint Bartholomew, apostle         Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51
   WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS                   7:00     Charlie Hengehold                            Father Raymond Larger
                                       11:30    †Fidel Perez                                 Father Steve Angi
                                       5:15     Cardinal Burke                               Father Tom Snodgrass
             Reconciliation            Wednesday, August 25, 2021 – Saints Louis & Joseph Calasanz (optional)
                                                                                                 1 Thes 2:9-13; Mt 23:27-32
 Mon-Fri       After the 7:00am Mass   7:00   †Louis Edward Carlo                          Father James Bramlage
                                       11:30  Sue Reichardt                                Father Raymond Larger
                                       5:15   Archbishop Schnurr                           Father Raymond Larger
 Sat           12:00-2:00pm            Thursday, August 26, 2021 – Weekday                            1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51
                                       7:00    Blake Callahan                                    Father Raymond Larger
                                       11:30   Bob Kispert                                       Father James Bramlage
         Eucharistic Adoration         5:15    †Neal Aquino, anniversary                         Father Raymond Larger
                                       Friday, August 27, 2021 – Saint Monica                            1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13
       Fridays 12:00-5:00pm in the     7:00     †Bill Milazzo                                    Father James Bramlage
        Blessed Sacrament Chapel       11:30    The Dunlap Family                                Father Steve Angi
                                       5:15     The Trimble Family                               Father Tom Snodgrass

 CONTACT INFORMATION                   Saturday, August 28, 2021 – Saint Augustine, bishop & doctor of the Church
                                                                                                   1 Thes 4:9-11; Mt 25:14-30
                                       11:30   †Vinson & Rachel Reynolds                     Father Steve Angi

           Cathedral Basilica          Saturday, August 28, 2021 – Vigil
                                                                 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32 OR 5:2a, 25-32; Jn 6:60-69
          of St. Peter in Chains       3:00    The Roy Family                                   Father Steve Angi
         325 West Eighth Street        Sunday, August 29, 2021 – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32 OR 5:2a, 25-32; Jn 6:60-69
          Cincinnati, OH 45202
                                       9:00    †Amador Calada                                   Father Raymond Larger
            (513) 421-5354             11:00   Parishioners & Friends of the Cathedral          Father Steve Angi
                                       5:00    Afghanistan                                      Father Jan Schmidt
  E-mail:       If you would like to have a Mass offered for the repose of the soul of a deceased
                                         loved one, or for the intentions of the living – please contact the parish office.

CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                  August 22, 2021
                    RECTOR’S RAMBLINGS                                           CATHEDRAL STAFF

                                                                                      Cathedral Office
                                                                                      (513) 421-5354
                                                                              Rector            513-263-6653
                                                                              Reverend Jan Kevin Schmidt
                                                                              Parochial Vicar 513-263-3351
                                                                              Reverend Raymond E. Larger
                                                                              Priest in Residence
                                                                              Reverend Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S.
                                                                              Deacon Michael Trimpe
                                                                              Deacon Larry Day 513-263-3389

                                                                              Music Director     513-263-5162
                                                                              Mr. Matthew Geerlings
                                                                              Music Box Office 513-421-2222
                                                                              Organist           513-263-3372
                                                                              Mr. Blake Callahan

                                                                              Business Manager 513-263-3371
                                                                              Mr. Ed Birck

                                                                              Pastoral Associate 513-263-3370
                                                                              Mrs. Debbie Birck
 Our annual parish picnic is a wonderful opportunity for us all to get to
 know one another better. Worshipping together each weekend is a              Maintenance      513-263-3377
 beautiful thing and for that we are grateful. However, it is not the
                                                                              Mr. Joe Kennedy
 proper place for us to talk, visit, make new friends and share a plate of
 our favorite food. That’s what is so important about our picnic – we can
                                                                              Secretary         513-263-3374
 do all of that which helps us to complete our identity as a community.
                                                                              Ms. Stephanie Ramsey
 I do hope you will invite friends and family to join us. I look forward to
 being with you all and expect it to be a great evening.
                                   In Christ,                                 Sacristan        513-263-3373
                                                                              Mr. Robert Harpenau

CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains                                                                    Cincinnati, Ohio
                                                             FAITH & OUTREACH
                       SACRAMENTAL LIFE                                                    PARKING AT THE CATHEDRAL

 INFANT BAPTISM                                                                                                   Parking in the
 Baptisms for children under the age of 7 are held privately at the convenience of
 the family and presiding clergy. Please contact the Cathedral Basilica Office for                             cathedral lots is free
 details and to make arrangements.                                                                                for our guests
                                                                                                                during Mass times,
 CONFIRMATION                                                                                                      including 30
 Catholic adults, whom for various reasons have not received the Sacrament of
 Confirmation but would like to do so, please contact the Cathedral Basilica Office                            minutes before and
 to make an appointment with one of the priests on staff.                                                        after each Mass.

 Communion to the homebound can be arranged by simply calling the Cathedral                            WELCOME
 Office for details and to make arrangements. Parishioners who require low-gluten
 hosts due to allergies or other medical conditions may contact the Cathedral
 Basilica Office and we will be happy to make the proper arrangements for you to
 be able to receive Communion at Mass.

 If you are an adult (over the age of 7) and are already baptized in another                     BECKY & JOE HENSLER
 Christian tradition the process for “Full Communion” with the Catholic Church
                                                                                                 MATTHEW POHLMAN
 is as simple as contacting the Cathedral Basilica Office for an appointment with
 the Rector, Fr. Jan Schmidt. In the event you are not Baptized, the process for
 becoming Catholic is called the RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
 that requires a more in-depth preparation and period of study. For further
 information please contact Mrs. Debbie Birck through the Cathedral Basilica

 Please do not wait until the point of death to receive this sacrament. A careful
 judgement about the serious nature of the surgery or illness is sufficient. This
 sacrament may be repeated in the event the illness worsens. For those who are
 near death the Church offers Confession, Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist
 as Viaticum or “Food for the Journey.” Contact the Cathedral Basilica Office to
 make arrangements or in an emergency please feel free to call the Rector, Fr. Jan
 Schmidt at 513.520.7442.

 Any resident Catholic of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati may celebrate their
                                                                                               PARISHIONER STATUS
 marriage in the Cathedral with permission of their rightful Pastor. Please contact
 the Cathedral Basilica Office for details and to make arrangements. Please                        Who is a Parishioner?
 contact us at least 6 months (minimum) prior to the tentative wedding date.
                                                                                       If you are regularly attending Mass here at the
 FREEDOM TO MARRY                                                                      Cathedral you are a Parishioner. However, if
 An annulment is more accurately described as a “Declaration of the Freedom to
 Marry.” If you are a Catholic or are planning to marry a Catholic and you have        you are not registered then it is a bit difficult for
 been previously married and divorced we would like to assist you in the healing       us to communicate with you and without
 that is necessary in order to move forward with your life. Part of this healing is    communication there really isn’t much of a
 the effort to obtain an “annulment” or a “Declaration of Nullity” that then           relationship. So, please register by calling the
 provides you with the freedom to marry in the Catholic Church. We want to help,       Cathedral Office so that we may count you
 it doesn't cost anything so, please contact the Cathedral Basilica Office to set an   amongst the elect and more importantly please
 appointment with one of the priests on staff.                                         be with us regularly at Mass for Sundays and
 PRIESTHOOD,          RELIGIOUS         LIFE     AND      THE      PERMANENT           Holy Days, participate in Cathedral ministries
 DIACONATE                                                                             and activities when possible and yes, please
 If you think you may have a vocation to priesthood, religious life or the             support the community financially through
 permanent diaconate please speak with one of the priests on staff or contact Fr.      EFT, Direct Deposit, or the parish envelopes
 Dan Schmitmeyer for priesthood and religious life or Deacon Mark Machuga for          placed each week in the collection.
 the Permanent Diaconate at 513.263.6641.

CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                              August 22, 2021
                                               COMMUNITY NEWS

                                 MOVIE NIGHT

               It’s a Potluck Movie Night!
 Save the date: Saturday September 11th at 6:00 PM in the
   Synod Hall. Please bring a snack, a dish, or dessert to
 share. Soft drinks and water will be provided. Feel free to
                   bring adult beverages.

 Are you struggling with additions and unhealthy
 attachments? Come to the undercroft south on
 Sundays at 6:30pm! If you have questions, reach out
 to   Stephanie   at      or

                                     20 Years Later …
                                  9/11 reminds us to be
                                   kind to one another
 This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist
 attacks on September 11, 2021. P & G executive, Glen
 Prasser, lived 5 days in a church in Gander, Newfoundland
 when his plane from Europe was diverted away from New
 York. Glen will share his story on Thursday, September 9 at
 7 pm at Xavier University in Bellarmine Chapel. There is no                           IS GOD CALLING YOU?
 charge; goodwill donations for the Little Sisters of the Poor-       Join us for the RCIA process that is available to anyone
 Cincinnati will be gratefully accepted. To register:                 who would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
                                                                      You might be Catholic but have questions. You might
                                                                      have been baptized Catholic but have not completed
                                                                      your sacraments. You might have been baptized in a
                                                                      different faith tradition but would like to become
                                                                      Catholic, or you may never have been baptized and
                                                                      desire to join the Catholic Church. This year we will
                                                                      begin our sessions of Monday September 13th from
                                                                      6:00 PM-7:30 PM in Undercroft South. You are
 Our Rosary Society meets on the last Friday of each                  welcome to join us! Please contact Debbie in the
 month at 6:00pm in the Undercroft South and the                      office       at      513-263-3370          or       email
 pray the rosary at 10:20am on the 4th Sunday of each        We look forward to
 month. All are welcome!                                              meeting you!

CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF ST. PETER IN CHAINS - Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 22, 2021 - Parishes ...
Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains                                                          Cincinnati, Ohio
            MINISTRIES                                            PRAYER AND MINISTRY
                                          Let us pray for those in our parish who are sick or in need of prayer …
 Baptism Preparation for Infants &
 Deacon Trimpe           513-263-3380              Blake Callahan | Charlie Hengehold | Bob Kispert | Mary Kispert

 Eucharistic Adoration                      Divine Healer, God of Wholeness, we place our parishioners in your hands; we ask for
 Bob Harpenau            513-263-3373     healing, but also for acceptance of their situation and of your holy plan. Help them and us
                                           to embrace whatever you have in mind for them. Support them in their anxieties, fears,
 Liturgical Ministries                     pains, and the frustrations of their situation. Support them with the strength of the Holy
 Deacon Trimpe           513-263-3380      Spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus, compassionate healer of those in need of health
                                                                                 and hope. Amen.
 Finance Commission
                                           Prayer requests can be made one of two ways: fill out the “prayer
 Ed Birck                513-263-3371
                                              request” form on our website or phone the Prayer Line at:
 Pastoral Council                                                  859-304-2144.
 Fr. Jan Schmidt         513-263-6653
                                                         MINISTERS FOR AUGUST 28/AUGUST 29
 ProLife Group
 Stephanie Ramsey 513-263-3374              Saturday,                  UNDER             CONSTRUCTION          CHECK BACK
                                            3:00pm                                                                 SOON!
 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults     Sunday,               Matt Schwarz,         Lora Jacobs &         Celebrant &
                                            9:00am                Servers               Alana Albers,         Deacon, EMHC
 Debbie Birck            513-263-3370
 Rosary Society                             Sunday,               Murphy Family,        Ramon Ruiz de         Celebrant,
                                            11:00am               Servers               Luzuriaga,            Deacons & Kim
 Stephanie Ramsey 513-263-3374
                                                                                        Readers               Smith, EMHC
                                            Sunday,               Santoleri Family,     Alice Rogers Uhl      Celebrant &
 Sacristans/Altar Setup                                           Servers               & Mary Jacobs,        Deacon, EMHC
 Bob Harpenau            513-263-3373                                                   Readers
 St. Vincent de Paul (Helping the
 Mike Schwarz            513-260-2270                                                    Ways to more closely align
 Ushers & Greeters                                                                       your life to the Immaculate
 Bob Harpenau            513-263-3373                                                    Heart of Mary this month!
 Welcome New Parishioners
 Stephanie Ramsey 513-263-3374                •    Spend time in prayer with the prophecy of Simon. The beautiful
    Before you begin your online
                                                   scripture of Luke 2:35 reminds us of the sword that would pierce
 shopping, use the link below and a                Mary’s heart. Spend time reading, meditation, praying on and
  percentage of your purchase will                 contemplating this scripture. This prophecy of Simon is also the first
     help support the Cathedral                    sorrow of Mary.
              Basilica!                       •    Pray the Seven Sorrow Rosary.
                                            AUGUST 2021 INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER
                                             In seeking an indulgence on one of the designated days that you visit the
                                                    cathedral basilica you are asked to pray for the intentions of
                                                                          the Holy Father.
                                          Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit
                                           the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                    August 22, 2021
    PARISH CALENDAR FOR August 21 – August 29, 2021                             STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURER
Saturday, August 21
8:00am           EOHSJ Mass & Tour                   Church
9:00am           St. Vincent de Paul Conference      Undercroft South
10:00am          Grapevine AA Meeting                Undercroft                  The Sunday Collection
                                                     Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                     Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                                                      amounted to
3:00pm           Mass                                Church
Sunday, August 22 – Collection for the Poor at all Masses
                                                                                 $6,338.18, the Mission
9:00am           Mass                                Church                          Collection was
10:00am          Donut Sunday                        Narthex/Plaza
10:20am          Pray the Rosary                     Blessed Sacrament Chapel     $2,335.75 and $500
                 Donut Sunday
                                                     Church & Live-stream
                                                     Narthex/Plaza                was collected for the
                 Catholic in Recovery Meeting
                                                     Undercroft South
Monday, August 23
7:00am           Mass & Confessions                  Church & Live-stream
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel            FRIENDS OF THE
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel          CATHEDRAL BASILICA
4:30pm           Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
5:15pm           Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                                                We invite you to join hundreds of
Tuesday, August 24
7:00am           Mass & Confessions                  Church & Live-stream       others who want to help preserve
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel   the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel      in Chains as one of the great
12:00pm          Serra Club for Vocations            Undercroft South            treasures of the Archdiocese of
4:30pm           Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
5:15pm           Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                                                 Cincinnati. Your contribution of
Wednesday, August 25                                                                $25 or more entitles you to
7:00am           Mass & Confessions                  Church & Live-stream       membership in the Friends of the
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel           Cathedral Basilica.
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
4:30pm           Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel    ARCHBISHOP KARL J. ALTER
5:15pm           Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel            SOCIETY
6:15pm           Father Bill’s AA Meeting            Undercroft
Thursday, August 26
7:00am           Mass & Confessions                  Church & Live-stream       You are invited to become a
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel   member of the Archbishop Karl J.
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel   Alter Society by contributing an
4:30pm           Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                                                annual gift of $1,000 or more. All
5:15pm           Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel
7:00pm           Mass for Artists & Reception        Church & Undercroft        contributions help to insure the
Friday, August 27                                                               preservation of the Cathedral
7:00am           Mass & Confessions                  Church & Live-stream       Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, one
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel   of the finest examples of Greek
12:00pm          Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Chapel
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
                                                                                revival architecture and the
5:15pm           Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel   second oldest cathedral in
6:00pm           Rosary Society                      Undercroft South           continuous use as a cathedral in
Saturday, August 28                                                             the United States.
9:00am           St. Vincent de Paul Conference      Undercroft South
10:00am          Grapevine AA Meeting                Undercroft                 Become a member at any of these
11:30am          Mass                                Blessed Sacrament Chapel   levels:
12:00pm          Reconciliation                      Blessed Sacrament Chapel
3:00pm           Mass                                Church                        •    Bronze $1,000-$2,499
Sunday, August 29                                                                  •    Silver $2,500-$4,999
9:00am           Mass                                Church
11:00am          Mass                                Church & Live-stream          •    Gold $5,000-$9,999
5:00pm           Mass                                Church                        •    Platinum $10,000+
6:30pm           Catholic in Recovery Meeting        Undercroft South

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