4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Lester Morrison
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
4 July 2021
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
1. House Of Prayer

Wednesdays, 7.30pm:
7 July—Charis Hall (L4)
14 & 21 July—Online via Zoom*

House Of Prayer meetings are the
intercessory prayer times set aside to
discern the Lord’s heart and pray that His
will, purposes, ways and timing be done
within the Faith Family and beyond!
Please refer to the dates above for
whether the session will be conducted
in-person or via Zoom.

Zoom Session Details                         3. Alpha Online Labs—Alpha Facilitator
Zoom Link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop                Online Training
Meeting ID: 935 1657 5641                    Wed, 7 Jul, 8pm-9.30pm via Zoom
Passcode: 676605
                                             Calling all worshippers at Faith and Small
2. The World Needs A Father: Impact Of       Group F.A.I.T.H. Champions!
Fatherlessness—Register By Tuesday!
Sat, 10 Jul, 9am-11am via Zoom               Are you curious about how Alpha works as
                                             an effective evangelism programme, and
Calling all fathers seeking to build godly   how you could be involved? Do you have
families and bring heaven home! Join this    seeker friends who need a suitable space
seminar by The World Needs A Father, and     to freely ask questions about Christianity?
learn about the Impact of Fatherlessness
on our children, and how to make the         If your Small Group is interested to reach
most of every opportunity to engage,         out to pre-believers by hosting Alpha,
deepen your relationship with, and           either within your SG or in combination
disciple your children in the Lord!          with other SGs; or if you would like a
                                             refresher or update about the latest on
This seminar is organized by our Family      Alpha at Faith, Alpha Online Labs is for
Life Ministry as part of raising a           YOU!
community of like-minded fathers
committed to bringing heaven home. Sign      Visit tinyurl.com/AlphaOnlineLabs and
up at faithmc.sg/twnaf by Tuesday, 6 July!   sign up to discover this personalized,
Zoom session details will be provided to     interactive, and engaging way of doing
registrants 3 days before the event. For     outreach! For enquiries, please
enquiries, email wendyvoon@faithmc.sg.       email alpha@faithmc.sg.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
4. D6 Family Conference 2021: Next              ANNOUNCEMENTS
Steps, Next Level, Next Generation
Fri & Sat, 30 & 31 Jul, 9.30am-3pm              1. Today’s Second Offering: Local Missions
via Zoom
                                                Today’s second offering will be taken for
D6 2021 is fully dedicated to equipping         organizations which our local missioners
parents, pastors, church & ministry             are attached to:
leaders, and volunteers with practical
Next Steps and Next Level strategies for         Cru Asia (cru.org/sg/en.html)
discipling the Next Generation. Join this        Eagles Communications (eagles.org.sg)
year's conference and keynote speaker            Interserve Singapore (interserve.org.sg)
Tim Goodyear in his sharing on Creating A        Operation Mobilisation (om.org/en)
Culture Of Intentional Families & Marriages!     Singapore Youth For Christ (syfc.org.sg)
Choose from breakout sessions such as            The Navigators (navigators.org.sg)
Marriage 101—Communication, and                  Youth With A Mission (ywam.org)
Sexuality—Getting Real, Safe Spaces For
Conversations, Porn.                            2. Faith 55th Anniversary
                                                Know Your Church 55 Quiz
Tim Goodyear, COO of HomePointe Inc.
Tim loves to help leaders explore and           Take our Know Your Church 55 Quiz and
implement strategies to Drive Faith Home        get to know our church history better
and has had the opportunity to partner with     —visit faithmc.sg/55quiz to join!
over 600 churches of every size and tradition
across the country. After 18 years in the       Prizes:
corporate world, Tim earned a ThM from
                                                 Top 3 entries with the most correct
Dallas seminary and served in pastoral roles
                                                  answers will each receive a special
at Lake Point Church and Mountain Park
                                                  prize worth $100
Community Church. He currently serves as
the Chief Operating Officer of HomePointe        Next 52 entries received with the
and as Discipleship Pastor of Valley View         most correct answers will each
Bible Church in Paradise Valley, AZ. Tim and      receive a $20 voucher
Laura have two teenage sons.                     ALL quiz participants who submit
                                                  completed entries will each receive
Sign up now! Faith worshippers enjoy a            a special 55th Anniversary souvenir!
special Faith-subsidised rate of $20/pax
(u.p. $60/pax). To redeem this special rate:    This Quiz runs from 27 June—31 July
 Visit bible.org.sg/registration/?e=37 to      2021, and is open to everyone (young
  register by 15 July                           and old, pastors, staff, leaders, church
 Enter promo code D6FM20 at checkout           members) except members of the
                                                Archives & History Committee.
 This special rate is only applicable for      Participate at faithmc.sg/55quiz now!
  Faith worshippers who register by 15 July

For more details, visit d6family.sg. For
enquiries, email wendyvoon@faithmc.sg.

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
3. LoveSingapore 40.Day 2021                  5. Full-Time Ministry
Prayer Guide: From The Ground Up
                                              Have a desire to serve God full-time? The
The LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer guide         following positions are currently available
is a 40-day devotional that leads you         at Faith:
through a prayer journey through the
Book of Nehemiah (starting with Ezra) in a     Administrator (Part-Time)
Spirit-inspired intercession for the Church    Pastoral Team Member (Missions)
and our Nation.                                Pastoral Team Member (Witness &
Access both the English and Mandarin
editions of the prayer guide—one day at       Visit faithmc.sg/jobopp for details. We
a time starting from Thursday, 1 July at      regret that only shortlisted applicants will
lovesingapore.org.sg/40day/2021!              be notified.

4. Pledge Sunday 2021                         6. COVID-19 Care Package
Pledge Sunday is on 25 July! In               Faith invites members and regular
preparation for Pledge Sunday, submit         worshippers whose personal or family
your pledge commitment:                       member’s income is impacted due to
                                              COVID-19 to apply for the Faith Methodist
 Online at faithmc.sg/pledges                Church COVID-19 Care Package:
  - Follow the steps at the link
  to complete your pledge online               Those who have been retrenched or
  - This online form remains open               have suffered a pay reduction or income
  for submissions throughout the year           loss (for self-employed) of more than
 Via hardcopy pledge card                     Limited to S$500 per household and is
  - If you have not submitted your pledge       open for application until 30 June 2022
  online by 4 July, a hardcopy pledge card     Applicants have to be 13 years old and
  will be mailed to you. You may mail the       above
  pledge card back in the self-addressed
  envelope enclosed                           To apply, please visit faithmc.sg/ccp.
Monthly pledge envelopes will not be          7. Staff Movement
mailed out, but will be available outside
service venues when in-person services        Juliana Ong, Receptionist, will be leaving
resume.                                       our staff team on 14 July after 3 years of
                                              faithful service.
More information related to Pledge
Sunday (Pledge Letter 2021, Standing          Jocelyn Choo, Pastoral Team Member
Instructions for Online Bank Transfers) are   (Witness & Evangelism), will be leaving
available at faithmc.sg/pledges. Do submit    our staff team on 13 July after 6 years of
your pledge either online or via hardcopy     faithful service.
before Pledge Sunday (25 July), when all
submitted pledges will be consecrated         Jimaia Wong, Pastoral Team Member
and dedicated to God.                         (Missions), will be leaving our staff team
                                              on 31 July after 7 years of faithful service.
All submitted information related to
pledges are kept strictly private and         We thank them for their service and wish
confidential. For all enquiries, please       them the very best.
email pledges@faithmc.sg.

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
10. Online Giving                             9. Subscribe To Our News Broadcast
Online giving via PayNow is available for
offerings and pledging, should you feel       We now have news broadcast channels on
led to give to God’s work.                    WhatsApp and Telegram! Subscribe to us
                                              for news updates and church life
i) Offerings                                  highlights:
                                              WhatsApp (faithmc.sg/whatsapp):
 Open your ibanking app                      - Save 8895 4129 in your phone contacts
  and scan the QR code                          as “FaithMC News”
  on the right with the                       - Send a WhatsApp message to “FaithMC
  ibanking in-app                               News” with your Full Name & No.
  scanner. The Reference                        (e.g. John Doe 9123 4567)
  Number will be auto-
  filled for you.                             Telegram (t.me/faithmcsg):
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,      - Search for “faithmcsg” on Telegram
  and key in the following details:           - Join Channel
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G808
Reference Number—OFFERING                     Let’s get connected as One Family!

i) 2nd Offering (Local Missions)              10. Pastoral Team Movement
                                              Annual Leave
 Open your ibanking app                      4—13 Jul:           Jocelyn Choo
  and scan the QR code
  on the right with the                       11. TRAC Sister Church Anniversary
  ibanking in-app
  scanner. The Reference                      Holland Village Methodist Church
  Number will be auto-                        celebrates her 9th Anniversary today,
  filled for you.                             4 July 2021. Join us in wishing our TRAC
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,      sister church a very blessed Anniversary!
  and key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G808      12. Condolences
Reference Number—LOCALMISSION
                                              Our deepest condolences to Karen Chew
ii) Pledges                                   Tuan Poh and family on the demise of her
                                              father, the late Mr Chew Choon Beng on
 Open your ibanking app                      29 June 2021. Karen and her husband,
  and scan the QR code                        David Tan Hock Liang are members of
  on the right with the                       Faith.
  ibanking in-app                             Our deepest condolences to the family of
  scanner. The Reference                      the late Mr Paterson Goh Ngoh Kiong,
  Number will be auto-                        who passed away on 29 June 2021.
  filled for you.                             Paterson was a member of Faith.
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,
  and key in the following details:           13. Online Viewership (27 June 2021)
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G647
Reference Number—PLEDGE                       8am English Service:               297
                                              10.15am Mandarin Service:          90
For more details, visit our website at        11.15am English Service:           699

                                   HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Pastor-in-Charge            Pastoral Team                  Mrs Pearly Sim
Rev Reuben Ng               Ms Chong Ming Li               (Children)
96808580 (HP)               (Counselling)                  96949774 (HP)
reubenng@faithmc.sg         64719414 (DID)                 pearlysim@faithmc.sg
Pastors                                                    Mr Peh Oon Thian
Rev Eddie Ho                Ms Dawn Lee                    (Small Groups, Mandarin)
97571262 (HP)               (Youth)                        92314720 (HP)
eddieho@faithmc.sg          96182564 (HP)                  pehoonthian@faithmc.sg
Rev John Benedict Foo
                                                           Ms Tammy Ang
91181621 (HP)
                            Ms Gloria Fumiyo Wangsaputri   (Small Groups)
                            (Worship & Music)              90276881 (HP)
Rev Peter Koh               97231106 (HP)                  tammyang@faithmc.sg
91767585 (HP)               gloriawang@faithmc.sg
peterkoh@faithmc.sg                                        Ms Tenny Pang
                            Ms Godiva Ysip                 (Discipleship & Nurture)
Assistant Pastors           (Baptism / Membership)         90067906 (HP)
Rev Shannon Chan Mei Ming   98330543 (HP)                  tennypang@faithmc.sg
96284341 (HP)               godivaysip@faithmc.sg
                            Ms Janice Ong
Director                    (Prayer)
Mr Jason Goh                97413675 (HP)
(Operations & Admin)        janiceong@faithmc.sg
90889600 (HP)
jasongoh@faithmc.sg         Mr Jeffrey Woo
                            (Small Groups, Young Adults,
Preacher                    Community.Youth.Family,
Mr Yeh Thiam Pieng          Hospitality)
(Mandarin)                  90174037 (HP)
91718777 (HP)               jeffreywoo@faithmc.sg
                            Ms Jimaia Wong
Ms Glynisia Yeo
                            97661075 (HP)
97994006 (HP)
                            Ms Jocelyn Choo
Ms Rachael Sim              (Witness & Evangelism)
(Finance)                   98339317 (HP)
97819340 (HP)               jocelynchoo@faithmc.sg
                            Ms Ng Soh Lan
Mr Timothy Wong             (Prayer)
(Human Resources)           93802068 (HP)
90998180 (HP)               ngsohlan@faithmc.sg

                             HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 5
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
LCEC Chairperson            Hospitality                  FaithActs
Mr Lim Boh Chuan            Ms Tan Lee Hia               Executive Director
lcecbohchuan@faithmc.sg     lcecleehia@faithmc.sg        Ms Shirley Ng
                                                         63397611 (O)
Lay Leader                  Library/Communications/
Mr Liaw Chun Huan           Media                        Faith Methodist Preschool
lcecchunhuan@faithmc.sg     Mrs Audrey Lim-Mok           Principal
                            lcecaudrey@faithmc.sg        Mrs Janice Lim-Raj
Associate Lay Leaders                                    64795409 (O)
Ms Tan Lee Hia              Mandarin
(Children)                  Mr Allan Poh                 Garden of Eternal Peace
lcecleehia@faithmc.sg       lcecallan@faithmc.sg         Columbarium
                                                         Facilities Manager
Mr Patrick Pang             Missions                     Mr Paul Lai
(Youth)                     Mr Chen Kah Min              64798122 (O)
lcecpatrick@faithmc.sg      lceckahmin@faithmc.sg

Finance                     Outreach & Social Concerns
Mrs Lok-Loey Lai Lin        Mr Jason Tan
lceclailin@faithmc.sg       lcecjasontan@faithmc.sg

Church Treasurer            PPRSC
Ms Amy Kwok                 Mr Paul Ong
lcecamy@faithmc.sg          lcecpaul@faithmc.sg

Recording Secretary         Property Management
Mr Alvin Lua                Mr Albert Teng
lcecalvin@faithmc.sg        lcecalbertteng@faithmc.sg

Assistant Secretaries       Small Groups
Mrs Yeo-Lin Yiting          Mrs Monica Leong-Tan
lcecyiting@faithmc.sg       lcecmonica@faithmc.sg

Ms Winnie Png               SUN JAM
lcecwinnie@faithmc.sg       Ms Lim Bee Choo
Church Archivist
Mr Edmund E                 Witness & Evangelism
lcecedmund@faithmc.sg       Mrs Christine Pan-Cheah
Church Governance
Mr Lee Gee Aik              Worship & Music
lcecgeeaik@faithmc.sg       Mrs Edna Bumanlag-Seah
Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Khoo Tse Horng           FaithActs
lcectsehorng@faithmc.sg     Dr Lee Wee Leong
Faith Methodist Preschool
Mr Tan Chow Boon            Honorary Stewards
lcecchowboon@faithmc.sg     Mr Gerald Liew
Family Life
Mrs Alison Lim-Ang          Mr Charlie Chia
lcecalison@faithmc.sg       lceccharlie@faithmc.sg

                             HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 6
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
 Sun 4 Jul   Missions Sunday
             8am, 10.15am, 11.15am Worship Services
             on Live Stream (faithmc.sg/livestream)

Wed 7 Jul    House Of Prayer (7.30pm, L4 Charis Hall)
             Alpha Online Labs (8pm via Zoom)

Sun 11 Jul   Faith 55th Anniversary
             Resumption of In-Person Worship Services
4 July 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Released 4 July 2021

The following in-person services and activities will resume from next Sunday, 11 July onwards:

1) 8am Traditional English Service
Faith Methodist Church
Sanctuary, Level 1
Registration required: faithmc.sg/attend
Subject to capacity limit of 250 pax on first-come-first-served basis. Attendees must have valid PET
results*, or be fully vaccinated, or be exempted from PET

2) 11.15am Contemporary English Service
Faith Methodist Church
Worship Hall, Level 4
Registration required: faithmc.sg/attend
Subject to capacity limit of 250 pax on first-come-first-served basis. Attendees must have valid PET
results*, or be fully vaccinated, or be exempted from PET

3) 10.15am Mandarin Service
Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC)
School Hall, Level 2
Registration required: clairebang@faithmc.sg
Subject to capacity limit of 50 pax on first-come-first-served basis

4) The TackleBox (TTB) Small Groups
Time: 9am – 10.30am (Years 1 – 3), 11am – 12.30pm (Years 4 – 6)
Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC)
Level 4 – 7 Classrooms
Refer to respective SGLs for more details

5) God Enables Me (GEMs) Special Needs Children’s Programme
Time: 10.30am – 12pm
Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC)
Lecture Theatre 3 (LT3), Level 2
No registration required, walk-ins welcome

All prevailing safety measures will be observed at in-person events and activities, including
TraceTogether Checking In/Out, temperature scanning, and social distancing in groups of 5. All
guidelines for in-person services and activities at Faith are in line with prevailing safety measures by
the Ministry Of Health (MOH). For more details, please visit the MOH website at

*Pre-Event Testing (PET) results must be valid for 24 hours until end of service time
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Vaccination & PET-Exemption

1. Will on-site pre-event testing be provided?
No, on-site pre-event testing will not be provided. Worshippers will need to visit any clinics offering
ART or PCR testing services (https://www.moh.gov.sg/licensing-and-regulation/regulations-
guidelines-and-circulars/details/list-of-covid-19-swab-providers) to undergo their own pre-event
testing. Costs of pre-event testing will be borne by the worshipper. Please note that DIY Home Kit
swab tests cannot be used in lieu of clinic-conducted pre-event testing.

2. How will my vaccination / PET-exemption status be verified?
Worshippers are encouraged to upload their vaccination reports to our Worshippers’ Database at
https://faithmc.sg/myparticulars for pre-verification. You can obtain your vaccination report via the
Singpass App under HealthHub -> COVID-19 Records -> Vaccination Records -> Download PDF.
Worshippers can also submit a hardcopy of their COVID-19 Vaccination Report at our service / event
venues for inclusion in our Worshippers’ Database. Please note that only vaccination reports
showing a fully vaccinated status will be accepted for pre-verification (i.e. no “In Progress” reports).

Pre-verified worshippers will then be granted entry to our service / event venues upon verification
of your name or by showing your vaccination status on the TraceTogether App.

Worshippers who have not been pre-verified can either:
i) Show their vaccination status on the TraceTogether App, or
ii) Present a hardcopy of their COVID-19 Vaccination Report, COVID-19 Test Result Notice (ART),
COVID-19 Test Result Notice (PCR), or PET Exemption Notice. Please click here for examples of
acceptable documents for entry to service / event venues

3. What can I do if I am not PET-exempted and have yet to be fully vaccinated?
Worshippers who are not PET-exempted and have yet to be fully vaccinated can either:

i) Visit any clinics offering ART or PCR testing services (https://www.moh.gov.sg/licensing-and-
regulation/regulations-guidelines-and-circulars/details/list-of-covid-19-swab-providers) to undergo
their own pre-event testing, and bring along their test results for entry (refer point 2ii). Please note
that DIY Home Kit swab tests cannot be used in lieu of clinic-conducted pre-event testing

ii) Attend services online via YouTube live stream. All our in-person services are also available via live
stream at https://faithmc.sg/livestream

4. Who is exempted from PET?
The table below summarises the cases where a worshipper is exempted from PET:

    CASES                                    EXEMPTION POLICY

    No PCR, pooled PCR- or,                  Not Exempted from PET

    PCR- (> 24 hrs), ART- (> 24 hrs)

    Serology-positive (S+) only              Not Exempted from PET

    Discharge memo only (without PET         Not Exempted from PET
    Exemption Notice)

    Recovered Attendees/Patrons with PET Exempted from PET
    Exemption Notice

    a) 270 days from the date of the
       earliest PCR+ result performed in
       Singapore or

    b) 270 days from overseas PCR+ result
       if S+ result obtained in Singapore

    Recovered Attendees/Patrons who do Not Exempted from PET
    not fall into either of the two categories
    in the row immediately above

    Vaccinated Attendees/Patrons who have Exempted from PET
    completed the full vaccination regimen
    in Singapore and have had sufficient
    time to develop sufficient protection (i.e.
    two weeks after the second dose of the
    Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccination)

5. Are children exempted from PET?
All children planning to attend our in-person worship services are not exempted from PET.

6. Where can worshippers obtain a PET Exemption Notice?
i) Worshippers who have recovered from COVID-19 can obtain a PET Exemption Notice from any
clinics offering ART or PCR testing services (https://www.moh.gov.sg/licensing-and-
regulation/regulations-guidelines-and-circulars/details/list-of-covid-19-swab-providers). For
worshippers who had been infected with COVID-19 in Singapore, the exemption period will be 270
days from the date of the earliest positive PCR result

ii) For worshippers who have been infected with COVID-19 overseas, you are required to present
proof of your overseas positive PCR test result and accompanying local positive serology test result.
If the serology test has not been performed, the provider can conduct the serology tests and if the
worshipper has tested serology positive, the exemption period will be 270 days from the date of the
earliest positive PCR result obtained overseas

7. What are the penalties for failing to comply with PET-related requirements?
Failure to comply may result in breach of Control Order Regulations where a person who, without
reasonable excuse, contravenes a control order, commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction

i) to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both;

ii) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding $20,000 or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both

8. What about worshippers who fail to bring the required documents at point of entry?
The church can work with you to help acquire or retrieve the documents. If worshippers are not able
to provide these documents, the church can deny them entry into the service / event venue.

9. What about worshippers who are unwilling to provide the required documents or fail to adhere
to the PET-related requirements?
The church may inform them that it is an offence to do so and he / she may be subjected to the
penalties as listed in Q7.

Acceptable Documents for entry into any event, business or activity requiring PET

Acceptable Documents        Images
COVID-19 Test Result Notice

This is a weblink that will be
sent via SMS to those who
undergo an ART test.

Ensure result is Negative and
within the required validity
period before permitting
COVID-19 Test Result Notice

This will be issued by clinics
in printed, hard-copy form.

Ensure test result is within
the required validity period.

PET Exemption Notice

This will be issued by any
clinics offering ART or PCR
testing services in printed,
hard-copy form.

Ensure      that   the PET
Exemption Notice is within
the validity period.
PRPP ART Result Slip

This will be issued by clinics
in printed, hard-copy form.

Ensure the result is Negative
and within the required
validity period.

PET Status Check Function
on SafeEntry (Business) app

This will appear on your
screen if the attendee/patron
has been checked-in and
does not require PET.

If ‘Entry Restricted’ appears,
Event Organisers/Relevant
Enterprises     must    verify
against     the    Acceptable
Documents and the validity
period before allowing entry.
You can also read