City of Charleston Funding Guide and Application for

Page created by Ted Richards
City of Charleston Funding Guide and Application for
          City of Charleston
 Funding Guide and Application for the
HOME Investment Partnerships Program

                       City of Charleston
      Department of Housing and Community Development
            75 Calhoun Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 3200
               Charleston, South Carolina 29401
                        (843) 724-3766
City of Charleston
                 Department of Housing and Community Development

                         APPLICATION FOR
             (Instructions for this application begin on page 10 of this document.)

The following information constitutes a complete application. Applications missing
required elements (as listed below) will not be considered for funding.

Agency submitting application: ________________________________
By signing below, I certify that all of the items listed below are included in this
application package or marked “not applicable” below:

              (Please print name)                   (Date)

Required elements                                             Location in this document

   1 Application checklist                                             p. 2 - 3

   1 Section I – Agency Information                                    p. 4 - 5

   1 Section II – Project Information                                  p. 6 – 7

      1      Project Budget Summary                                    p. 8

      1      Grant Budget Summary                                      p. 9

   1 Section III – Project Narrative                                   p. 10

      1      Description of Proposed Activity

      1      Program Evaluation Criteria

      1      Organizational Capacity

             Budget Narrative
   For rental units:

      1      HOME Rental Program Certifications
             and Requirements

      1      HOME Program Rental Application                  See file “HOME Program
                                                               Rental Application 2020.xls “

      1      HOME Program Rents                             See file “HOME Rents 2020.xls“

1 Attachment A:       Articles of Incorporation and/or by-laws

1 Attachment B:       Non-profit 501(c)(3) letter of determination from the
                      Internal Revenue Service

1 Attachment C:       Current list of Board of Directors (names, addresses,

1 Attachment D:       Designation/approval from Board of Directors for
                      submission of application for HOME funds (specify the

1 Attachment E:       Financial statement and/or most recent audit

1 Attachment F:       Agency’s current operating budget (sources and uses)

1 Attachment G:       Annual Report (if available)

1 Attachment H:       Resume of Program Administrator and Fiscal Officer

1 Attachment I:       Statement that describes the agency's           previous
                      experience administering grant programs.

1 Attachment J:       Letters showing pursuit of additional funding for project
                      (commitment and/or denial letters)

1 Attachment K:       Drawings, plans, specifications

1 Attachment L:       Pro forma (including all funding sources and estimated
                      project costs)

1 Attachment M:       Project Location map

1 Attachment N:       Appraisal(s) of land or property (if project involves the
                      acquisition of land or property with the requested funds)

1 Attachment O:       Names, addresses and qualifications of key project
                      persons such as architect, developer, contractor, etc.

1 Attachment P:       Project schedule

1 Attachment Q:       Two written references detailing the organization’s
                      programmatic and financial capacity; a reference should
                      be provided from the organization’s CPA, bookkeeper,
                      and/or an agency that has provided funding to your
                      organization, etc.

                           City of Charleston

Department of Housing and Community Development
                        Application for HOME Funds

Section I - Agency Information
1. Submitted by (person responsible for application): ______________________
   Title: __________________________________________________________

2. Agency name: __________________________________________________

3. Address: _______________________________________________________

4. Telephone number: ____________________ Fax Number: _____________

5. Email address: _________________________________________________

6. DUNS Number: _________________________________________________

7. Tax identification number: _________________________________________

8. Years in operation: _________________________

9. Total number of full-time employees: ______      Part-time employees: ______

10. Total amount of most current annual operating budget: $ _______________
    (Please include a copy of the agency’s operating budget as Attachment F.)

11. Agency’s purpose/mission: _________________________________________

12. Describe services provided: _________________________________________

13. Is the agency currently receiving CDBG or HOME funds from the City of
   Charleston? __Yes __No

   If yes, identify amount and project/program $____________________________

   Has the agency expended at least 60 percent of this funding? __Yes __No

14. Has the agency received HOME funds in the past? __Yes __No

If yes, what was the total amount? $_____________
    Did you implement a successful activity or project? (Provide
15. Is the agency receiving funding from the City of Charleston other than CDBG or
    HOME funds? ___

   If yes, identify amount and project/program $____________________________

16. Does your agency allocate costs across multiple grant programs? ___________
    If yes, please describe the methodology used to allocate costs. _____________

17. Please provide the number of clients/beneficiaries served by agency between
June 1, 2020 and May 31, 2021: ___________

18. Has the agency submitted quarterly and annual financial and programmatic
   reports to the City on time? _____Yes        ______No        If not, why?

19. In the past year, has the agency expended $750,000 or more in federal grant
   funds? ____

20. Does the agency have an audit conducted annually?       __Yes __No

21. Has the agency had audit or monitoring findings in the past?   __Yes __No

    If yes, what was the nature of the finding and was it resolved? _________

22. Does the agency have liability insurance? ___yes ____no
      Pay payroll taxes and worker's compensation? ___yes ____no
      Have fidelity bond coverage? ___yes ____no
23. What type of financial management system does your agency use?

  Applications are due on or before Thursday, January 13, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.

City of Charleston
             Department of Housing and Community Development
                        Application for HOME Funds

Section II – Project Information

1. Project name: ____________________________________________________

2. Brief description of the project: _______________________________________

3. What staff or consultant will oversee the program/ development?
4. How does this project relate to the agency’s mission? _____________________

5. Location of project: ________________________________________________

6. Project location TMS Number(s): _____________________________________

7. Has the Neighborhood Association/community where the project is located been
   notified of this project. If not, when do you plan to contact them about your
   project? ________________________________________________________

8. Amount of HOME funds being requested (requests should not exceed $50,000):
   $ ________________

9. How will the funds be utilized? _______________________________________

10. Which one of the City’s Consolidated Plan strategies does the proposed project
    most closely address? Please see list in Exhibit A.

11. Indicate the appropriate numerical output for the project (listed with strategies
     found in Exhibit A): ____________________________________________
     (Example: “10 housing units developed” if Strategy 1A.5 is specified above.)

12. Target population to be assisted by project/program (check all that apply):
1 Potential homebuyers         1 Homeless                    1 Households at or below 80% AMI
1 Renters                      1 Persons with disabilities   1 Households at or below 60% AMI
1 Current homeowners           1 Persons with HIV/AIDS       1 Households at or below 50% AMI
1 Other, please specify: _________________________

13. Is all required funding in place for project implementation? Yes___ No___

14. Can implementation begin within 60 days (Admin) or 90 days
      (Construction/Rehab) of contract execution?
     Yes____ No___ If not, why? _______________________________________

12. Indicate which HOME-eligible category this project falls into:

      1 Rehabilitation of rental units
      1 Rehabilitation of homeowner-occupied units
      1 New construction of rental units
      1 New construction of homeownership units
      1 Property acquisition for affordable rental or homeownership housing

      1 Direct subsidies to homebuyers
      1 Tenant-based rental assistance (Note: The City of Charleston does not
        fund this activity)

      1 CHDO operating expenses (only in conjunction with a qualified housing

      1 Other, please specify from list on page 13: _________________

City of Charleston
              Department of Housing and Community Development
           Proposed Budget for Program Year Beginning June 1, 2022

                             Project Budget Summary

Name of project: ___________________________________________________

Agency: _________________________________________________________

Please note that the City of Charleston gives priority to proposals that leverage other
sources of funding.       Applicants must include copies of letters and/or
applications evidencing other funds pursued to support the project as
Attachment J.
                                                 % of Total       Commitment Status
   Funding Sources           Amount           Proposed Project    (“awarded,” “applied
                                                  Budget               for,” etc.)
   City of Charleston
 HOME funds requested

 City of Charleston HOME
     funds previously

 City of Charleston CDBG
     funds requested

 City of Charleston CDBG
     funds previously
     State of SC
     HOME funds
      SC Housing
      Trust Fund

 SC Community Loan

   SC Low-Income
  Housing Tax Credit

 Other federal funding

    Private funding

   In-kind donations


City of Charleston
             Department of Housing and Community Development
          Proposed Budget for Program Year Beginning June 1, 2022

                              Grant Budget Summary

Name of project: ___________________________________________________

Agency: _________________________________________________________

HOME amount requested: $ ___________

Below, please indicate the proposed uses of the HOME funds requested (e.g.,
down-payment assistance, construction costs, staff salaries, etc.). In addition to
the chart below provide a Budget Narrative (Section III, #4). The Budget
Narrative should show a clear rationale and justification for the funding request. The
narrative should support each of the proposed budget items against measurable
units of services to be delivered in response to the statement of need.

                                                                  % of total grant
        Proposed use of funds               HOME amount
                                                                 amount requested

                TOTAL                                                   100%
**NOTE:      This is the last page of the application form.             A complete
             application consists of the following:

                  (1)   Completed and signed checklist (pages 1-2);
                  (2)   Section I (pages 3-4);
                  (3)   Section II (pages 5-8);
                  (4)   Section III (project narratives described on the following
                  (5)   Rental unit requirements (if applicable – detailed on the
                        checklist); and
                  (6)   Attachments detailed on the checklist.

City of Charleston
              Department of Housing and Community Development
                         Application for HOME Funds

Section III – Project Narrative

Attach a brief narrative which addresses the following items:

1.   Description of Proposed Activity – The narrative should include the following
     information in the order in which it is requested:

       (a) Statement of Need – Define the nature, extent and impact of the need that
           this proposal addresses.
       (b) Proposed Accomplishments – What will the project accomplish? Please
           describe clearly and concisely. Also describe the project’s overall goals
           and objectives. Explain how the proposed project assists in meeting one
           of the City’s Consolidated Plan goals (Please see list in Exhibit A.).
       (c) Location – Where will the project be located? Will the project be located in
           the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA). Have residents
           been informed of the project and offered their support?
       (d) Beneficiaries – Who are the beneficiaries of the project? Provide
           information on anticipated clients and how it will be documented that the
           clients are income-eligible. (Subrecipients must maintain records to
           document that the beneficiaries of the project meet eligibility guidelines.)
       (e) Project Schedule – When will the project begin? Provide a detailed time
           frame and work plan for the project. The schedule should include a list of
           tasks to be completed and anticipated dates of completion. Please note
           that any agency applying for funds must be able to begin expending funds
           within 60 days(Admin) or 90 days (Construction/Rehab)of contract
           execution or funding may be withdrawn.

2.   Program Evaluation Criteria – Describe how desired outcomes will be
     measured. The program outcomes must address the specific impact on the
     need being addressed. The performance standards should measure the impact
     of the outcomes on the program’s stated goals. If funding is awarded, the
     recipient will be monitored and evaluated according to these criteria along with
     the New Subrecipient Monitoring Requirements; Uniform Guidance for Federal
     Awards (2 CFR 200) and related initiatives of the City of Charleston.

3.   Organizational Capacity – Provide a detailed description of the agency including
     its mission, goals, and objectives. In addition, describe its capacity to implement
     the proposed project. Also, provide a description of previous experience in
     administering grant-funded projects/programs.             Provide examples of
     projects/programs implemented under the City of Charleston’s programs as well
     as other programs.

4.   Budget Narrative -- Per the Grant Budget Summary chart on page 8, provide a
     Budget Narrative that shows a clear rationale and justification for the funding
     request. The narrative should support each of the proposed budget items
     against measurable units of services to be delivered in response to the
     statement of need.

City of Charleston
             Department of Housing and Community Development
                              APPLICATION FOR

The City of Charleston anticipates receiving approximately $545,666 in HOME
Investment Partnerships Program funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) for the 2022-2023 program year. These funds will be
used to support projects that accomplish the goals and objectives outlined in the
City’s 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan.

Applications are received once a year and must support the ongoing neighborhood
revitalization efforts currently underway in the City of Charleston. Funding
requests should not exceed $50,000.00.

The City of Charleston will hold a Public Hearing scheduled, Monday, January
24, 2022 via an electronic meeting platform that will be confirmed later. The
purpose of this public hearing is to allow applicants an opportunity to make a brief
presentation to the Community Development Citizens’ Advisory Committee.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. This will be the
only opportunity to present your proposal to the Community Development
Citizens’ Advisory Committee.
Please review the attached guidelines carefully before completing the application.
For questions about the application package, its requirements, or the HOME
program guidelines, please contact Matt Ojala at (843) 724-7351 or Applications must be submitted on or before
Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.

Application Submission Guidelines

1.   Use the application checklist (found on pages 1-2 of this document) as the cover
     page for the application. Please note that applications which do not contain all
     required elements – such as copies of applications for funding or
     commitment/denial letters from other funding sources – will not be considered
     for funding. All elements listed on the checklist should be present or marked
     “not applicable,” and the page should be signed by the person responsible for
     the application.

2.   Submit an original application and one copy.

3.   Do not put applications in binders or staples – use binder clips.

4.   Be clear and concise – there is no need for lengthy text if the project is clearly
     defined and the question has been answered.

5.   Applications may be mailed or hand-delivered to:
           Geona Shaw Johnson, Director
           City of Charleston Department of Housing and Community Development
           75 Calhoun Street Suite 3200
           Charleston, South Carolina 29403
     Applications must be received in the Department of Housing and Community
     Development on or before Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 4:00pm. –
     postmarks will not be considered. NO EXCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED.

6.   Include the name and phone number of the person best suited to answer
     questions about the application should City staff require additional information or

The HOME Program
The HOME Program is authorized by Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National
Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended. (Program regulations can be found at
24 CFR Part 92.) The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) and administered by the City of Charleston Department
of Housing and Community Development. HOME Program funds can be used for a
range of housing activities, including building, buying, or rehabilitating affordable
rental or ownership housing. Fifteen (15%) percent of each jurisdiction’s HOME
allocation is set-aside for qualified, non-profit community housing development
organizations (CHDOs). Local governments are given the authority to determine
local needs, objectives, and goals consistent with the objectives of the program.
HUD published a Final Rule in the Federal Register on July 24, 2013 to amend the
HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program regulations. These amendments
to the HOME regulations represent the most significant changes to the HOME
Program      in    17    years.     Additional    guidance     is     provided    at;

HOME Program Requirements
1. Any organization applying for funds for construction work of 12 or more HOME-
   assisted units must agree to comply with the federal Davis-Bacon labor
   standards provisions and requirements.

2. Any applicants awarded HOME funds must provide worker's compensation
   insurance for employees and comply with bonding and insurance requirements
   of OMB Circular A-110. (OMB Circulars can be found at;

3. Applicants awarded funds must comply with the following Civil Rights laws and

          Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended

   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended
         Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of
          1974, as amended
         Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
         Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
         Age Discrimination Act of 1975
         Executive Order 11063
         Executive Order 11246, as amended
         Executive Order 11375
         Executive Order 12086

4. Applicants awarded funds must agree to carry out an affirmative action program
   in keeping with the principles of Executive Order 11246. The organization shall
   further agree to use its best efforts to afford minority- and women-owned
   business enterprises the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the
   performance of the project awarded HOME funds. In addition, the organization
   shall comply with the provisions of Section 3 which requires that, to the greatest
   extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment be given to lower-
   income residents and that contracts for work will be awarded to business
   concerns owned by persons residing in the project’s area.

5. The organization must agree to abide by the provisions of 24 CFR 570.611 with
   respect to conflicts of interest and covenants. The organization must presently
   have no financial interest and shall not acquire any financial interest, direct or
   indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of
   services required. The organization must further agree that no person having a
   financial interest shall be employed or retained by the organization.

6. The organization must ensure that all subcontracts let in the performance of the
   project funded with HOME shall be awarded on a fair and open competitive

7. Applicants awarded funds must agree to comply with the Uniform Relocation
   Act. This act relates to the acquisition and disposition of all real property
   utilizing grant funds and to the displacement of persons, businesses, non-profit
   organizations, and farms occurring as a result of any acquisition of real property
   using grant funds.

8. Applicants pursuing HOME funds must comply with the environmental
   conditions and requirements of the HOME program. Please note that once an
   application has been submitted for funding, no further choice-limiting
   actions should occur. Choice-limiting actions are defined by HUD as property
   acquisition, demolition, movement, rehabilitation, conversion, repair or
   construction prior to the environmental clearance. In accordance with 24 CFR
   Part 58, recipients, owners, developers, sponsors or any third-party partners
   cannot undertake any physical actions on a site, commit, expend, or enter into
   any legally binding agreements that constitute choice-limiting actions for any
   HUD or non-HUD funds before the environmental review process has been

completed and the City has received a Release of Funds from HUD, if required.
     Any violation of this provision will result in the automatic denial of this
     funding request (or de-obligation of the CDBG/HOME funds, if already

9.   The organization must also agree to comply with the lead-based paint provisions
     of the HOME program in the construction or rehabilitation of any residential

10. Agencies awarded HOME funds must comply with the accounting standards of
    OMB Circular A-110 and agree to adhere to the accounting principles and
    procedures required, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary
    documentation. The organization must further agree to administer its program in
    accordance with OMB Circular A-122 relating to cost principles for all costs
    incurred, whether direct or indirect. (OMB Circulars can be found at;

11. Eligible Activities: The HOME regulations specify which activities are eligible and
    ineligible for HOME funding. Eligible activities include the following:
      (a) Rehabilitation of rental homes
      (b) Rehabilitation of homeowner-occupied homes
      (c) New construction of rental apartments
      (d) New construction of ownership homes
      (e) Property acquisition for affordable rental or homeownership housing
      (f) Site improvements (is undertaken in conjunction with rehabilitation, new
          construction, or property acquisition)
      (g) On-site infrastructure (is undertaken in conjunction with rehabilitation, new
          construction, or property acquisition)
      (h) New, off-site utility connections (is undertaken in conjunction with
          rehabilitation, new construction, or property acquisition)
      (i) Demolition (is undertaken in conjunction with rehabilitation, new
          construction, or property acquisition)
      (j) Direct subsidies to homebuyers
      (k) Tenant-based rental assistance
      (l) Energy-related repairs or improvements
      (m) Improvements necessary for persons with disabilities
      (n) Abatement of lead-based paint hazards

(o) CHDO operating expenses
      (p) Relocation costs pursuant to the Uniform Relocation Act and the Barney
          Frank Amendments

      (q) Acquisition of vacant land

      (r) Conversion of an existing structure from another use to affordable housing

      (s) To purchase and/or rehabilitate a manufactured house, or purchase the
          land upon which a manufactured home is located.
12. Ineligible Activities: The following activities are ineligible and cannot be funded
    by the HOME program:
      (a) Emergency repairs to properties that are not up to standards
      (b) Assistance to public housing
      (c) Source of match for other federal programs (except McKinney Act funds)
      (d) Project-based rental assistance
      (e) Assistance to projects that received HOME funding more than one year
      (f) Assistance to ownership housing that have previously been assisted with
          HOME funds

    Additional resources can be accessed at:

13. HOME-funded agencies must certify that no federal funds have been paid or will
    be paid, by or on behalf of any person, for influencing or attempting to influence
    an officer or employee of any agency, member of Congress, an officer or
    employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection
    with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the
    making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and
    the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal
    grant, contract, loan, or cooperative agreement. This provision also applies to
    any subcontracts that the awarded organization may enter into.
    HOME-funded agencies must certify that no conflict of interest exists in the
    procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services; the acquisition
    of and disposition of real property and the provision of assistance by the
    recipient to individuals, businesses, and other private entities under eligible
    activities which authorize such assistance, i.e., rehabilitation, preservation, and
    improvement of private properties or facilities, grants, loans, and other
    assistance to businesses, individuals, and other private entities.

Additional Considerations
1. Applications will be considered based on the project's contribution to the
    accomplishment of the goals of the Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan
    goals and objectives are detailed in Exhibit A of this document.

2. Any agency applying for funds must be able to begin expending funds within 60
   days (Admin) or 90 days (Construction/Rehab) of contract execution.

3. Any agency previously awarded HOME funds must have expended at least 60
    percent of those funds at the time of submission of this application.

4. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate the ability to impact the
    Community Development Target Area.
5. Applicants must demonstrate that they have attempted to obtain funds from other
    sources. Evidence of this should be included as part of the project narrative and
    submitted with the application. Letters of approval and denial should be
    included in the application package (Attachment J).

6. Applicants must report all other sources of funds being used for the proposed
    project, the amount of funds, and how the funds will be used.

7. Applications which include requests to utilize HOME CHDO operating funds for
    administrative costs must demonstrate that funds are absolutely necessary to
    continue operations, that other funds have been solicited, and clearly show how
    the funds will be used in the operating budget. Salaries and fringe benefits must
    also be included. Applicants must also include a plan to reduce dependency on
    the City of Charleston for administrative expenses after a maximum of three (3)

8. A separate application       must   be   completed    and   submitted   for   each

9. Applicants’ offices may be located outside of the City of Charleston; however, the
    proposed project must serve the City of Charleston’s targeted

Evaluation Criteria
The Community Development Citizens’ Advisory Committee is a group of committed
volunteers who work with City staff to review proposals and make funding
recommendations to City Council.

The City of Charleston has developed an objective set of criteria to be used in
making funding recommendations. The following information will be used by
Housing and Community Development staff to review and rank proposals received

for funding. A summary of this information will be made available to the Community
Development Citizens’ Advisory Committee members as they review proposals and
make funding recommendations.        Additionally, the Advisory Committee also
depends heavily on the monitoring reports prepared annually by Housing and
Community Development staff for organizations previously awarded funding.

The factors considered are:
1. Proposed project addresses a critical need in the community according to the
   2020-2025 Consolidated Plan;

2. Proposed project is clearly described, achievable, and ready to be implemented
   with funding in place;

3. Proposed project has measurable and realistic goals and objectives;

4. Applicant has the capacity and a proven track record in completing neighborhood
   revitalization projects;
5. Proposed project leverages requested funds with volunteers, cash contributions,
   and other in-kind documented contributions. Sponsoring agency must be able to
   show evidence of committed funds. Agency must also demonstrate that it has
   applied for funding for the proposed project from other sources.
   Applications will also be reviewed for completeness, eligibility, and positive
   previous experience in administering City grant funding.

   Funding recommendations will be based on the committee’s scoring results
   utilizing the following criteria and scoring:

  CRITERIA                                                         MAXIMUM POINTS
  Organizational Experience                                              20
  Organizational Capacity                                                20
  Statement of Need                                                      10
  Project Description                                                    10
  Goals                                                                  10
  Leverage, In-Kind and other Financial contributions                    15
  Budget                                                                 10
  Budget Narrative                                                        5
                                              TOTAL POINTS              100


       October 12, 2021     Availability of funding advertised.

      *January 13, 2022     4:00 p.m. deadline for submitting applications to the City of Charleston
                            Dept. of Housing and Community Development. Late applications will
                            not be considered for funding.

     **January 24, 2022     4:30 p.m. Public Hearing: Applicants will present proposals to the
                            Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee.

        *March 31, 2022     Notification of funding awards to applicants

  **September 15, 2022      Sub-Grantee workshop. Attendance is mandatory to receive funds.

*All dates are subject to change.

The City of Charleston
                                                           Department of Housing and Community Development

                                                                               Income Limits
                                                                                 FY 2021

                                                                                                                                                           City of Chas.     Beazer
                              Extremely            Very low                                                         Low             Median family        Homeownership       Homes
                             low income            income                                                         Income              income             Initiative income   [Daniel
                                                                                                                                                                 limit       Island]

                                 30%                  50%                 60%                  65%                80%                    100%                   120%          150%

           1                   $17,300              $28,750             $34,500             $37,375               $46,000              $57,500                $69,000        $86,250

           2                   $19,750              $32,850             $39,420             $42,705               $52,600              $65,700                $78,840        $98,550

           3                   $22,200              $36,950             $44,340             $48,035               $59,150              $73,900                $88,680        $110,850

           4                   $24,650              $41,050             $49,260             $53,365               $65,700              $82,100                $98,520        $123,150

           5                   $26,650              $44,350             $53,220             $57,655               $71,000              $88,700                $106,440       $133,050

           6                   $28,600              $47,650             $57,180             $61,945               $76,250              $95,300                $114,360       $142,950

           7                   $30,600              $50,950             $61,140             $66,235               $81,500              $101,900               $122,280       $152,850

           8                   $32,550              $54,200             $65,040             $70,460               $86,750              $108,400               $130,080       $162,600

To establish consistent income limits, the City of Charleston is using the HOME Program's published limits for the 30, 50, 60, and 80 percent limits. The 65, 120 and 150
percent limits are calculated using the 100% area median income adjusted for family size.

                                                                      Effective June 1, 2021


Annual Verification and Re-certification of Tenant Income
I/We understand that it is the borrower’s responsibility to annually verify the incomes
of the occupants of each “HOME-assisted” unit and to also certify in writing that the
“HOME-assisted” units’ tenants’ incomes are in compliance with the HUD regulations.
The verified initial incomes of tenants must not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the area
median income (please see attached income limits chart). In the event that a tenant’s
income increases and exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the area median income, the
tenant will be allowed to remain in the unit provided the “over-income tenant” pays no
less than thirty percent (30%) of their adjusted monthly income for rent and utilities.
Additionally, the first subsequent “HOME-assisted” unit which becomes vacant must
be leased to another eligible tenant at a low or high HOME rent (whichever is
appropriate) to replace the over-income unit.


Annual Rent Reviews
I/We understand that I/we will be required to annually re-examine rents charged to the
“HOME-assisted” units to ensure that the rents charged do not exceed the maximum
HUD rent control limits. I/We also understand that HUD may change the rents at any
time, and HUD may also adjust the rents up or down on an annual basis. The
adjusted rent limits will be made available by the City.


Lease Prohibitions
I/We certify that we have received a copy of the prohibited lease provisions and agree
not to include any of the prohibited lease provisions in the lease agreement with
tenants occupying the “HOME-assisted” units.


Annual Housing Quality Standards Inspections
I/We understand that the City will be required to make annual inspections to ensure
that the “HOME-assisted” units are being properly maintained and meet, at minimum,
the City’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS). If it is determined by the City that the
units do not meet the City’s HQS, I/we will immediately upon notification make the
necessary repairs in order to be in compliance with the City’s HQS


Affirmative Marketing Policy
I/We hereby verify that I/we have received, read, and understand the City of
Charleston’s Affirmative Marketing Policy, and we further agree to abide by the
requirements as set forth in the policy.


Layering and Future Federal Subsidy Waiver
I/We acknowledge that the City is required to ensure that excessive federal funds
have not been awarded to the project. As a result, the City has the right to, at any
time before or after the loan closing, review the funding sources and uses to ensure
that layering is not in effect. I/we understand that by accepting the HOME Program
subsidy, I/we are waiving the right to apply for future federal assistance for the
rehabilitation of the property during the term of the HOME Rental Program loan.


I/We agree to all the before-mentioned certifications and requirements and understand
that these requirements will remain in effect the full term of the loan as indicated on
the note and mortgage. I/We further agree to adhere to any subsequent policies and
or regulations as established by the City or HUD in order to remain in compliance with
the rules and regulations which govern the HOME Rental Program.

____________________________                   ______________
BORROWER                                       DATE

____________________________                   ______________
CO-BORROWER                                    DATE

HOME Rental Program
                       Affirmative Marketing Policy

Statement of Policy
In accordance with the regulations outlined in the HOME Program’s Affirmative
Marketing (92.351) and Equal Opportunity and Fair Housing (92.350) sections of the
HUD Federal Register, and in furtherance of the City of Charleston’s commitment to
non-discrimination and equal opportunity in housing, the City of Charleston
establishes procedures to affirmatively market units constructed or rehabilitated under
the HOME Program. These procedures are intended to further the objectives of Title
V111 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Executive Order 11063 and the City of
Charleston’s local Fair Housing Ordinance.

The City will also ensure that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, age, or handicap be excluded from participation in, denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in
whole or in part with HOME funds.

It is the affirmative marketing goal of the City of Charleston to assure that individuals
who normally might not apply to purchase newly constructed or rent vacant
rehabilitated units because of their race or ethnicity:

             -   know about vacancies,
             -   feel welcome to apply, and/or
             -   have the opportunity to purchase or rent the units.

The City of Charleston is committed to the goals of affirmative marketing which will be
implemented in the HOME Program through a specific set of steps that the City and
program participants will follow. These goals will be reached through the following

1. Information. All brochures and other printed materials produced by or for the City
   in order to publicize the HOME Program shall contain information on the
   applicability of federal Fair Housing laws and of this policy on all HOME projects.
   All public announcements will mention the applicability of fair housing standards to
   the program. Groups with a known or anticipated interest in fair housing or the
   HOME program will be provided with information copies of all printed materials and

2. Requirements. Property owners and their managing agents, if applicable, who
   apply for funds under the HOME Program through the City will be required to
   adhere to the information standards of the preceding paragraph as they apply to
   the marketing program or tenant-seeking efforts of the owner or manager of the
   rental project in question. The City will arrange with the Housing Authority of the
   City of Charleston to offer appropriate assistance to affected owners and
managers in their marketingprograms, as well as offer its own assistance. This will
   be done in order to inform and solicit rental applications from perspective tenants
   in the housing market area who are not likely to apply for the housing without
   special outreach efforts. The City of Charleston will require that the property
   owners selected for participation in the program comply with affirmative marketing
   requirements by means of an agreement which will be applicable for the life of the
   subsidy. Failure to carry out the agreement could make an owner ineligible to
   participate in the program with future projects as well as cause the HOME Subsidy
   Note to become immediately due and payable. Owners or rental properties newly
   constructed or rehabilitated under this program shall be responsible for renting
   assisted units without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or
   handicap of the tenant. Additionally, property owners shall agree to carry out an
   affirmative marketing program to attract tenants of all groups. Such a program
   shall typically involve publicizing to minority persons the availability of housing
   opportunities through the type of media customarily utilized and by using the
   “Equal Housing Opportunity” logo.

3. Records. Chronological records by project will be kept by the City regarding efforts
   by the owners, managers, Housing Authority, and the City to market vacant units
   according to affirmative marketing standards. The owner, or manager as
   applicable, will be required to keep records of the following tenant characteristics
   of households filling vacant units subject to this marketing system.

             1.)   Name the tenant
             2.)   Annual income of tenant
             3.)   Race and ethnicity of tenant
             4.)   Household family size
             5.)   Rent charged
             6.)   Elderly, blind or handicap
             7.)   Gender of head of household

   Such records will also include:

             - Copies of advertisements placed in the local newspapers.
             - Owner’s involvement with the local public housing authority.

4. Assessment of Effort. The advertising and marketing programs owners and
   managers of affected dwelling units will be monitored to ensure: 1) compliance
   with the information standard, 2) cooperation with the Housing Authority in
   outreach programs, and 3) accuracy of record-keeping regarding new occupancies
   of vacant units. In situations where the owners or managers fail to keep a
   reasonable standard of compliance with the system, those responsible will be
   informed of the deficiencies and offered the opportunity to correct problems. City
   staff will discuss way to improve owners’ efforts prior to taking corrective actions.
   If owners continue to fail to meet the affirmative marketing requirements, the City
   of Charleston, after fair warning and an opportunity to correct identified
deficiencies, may disqualify an owner from further participation in future HOME
programs administered by the City.

Prohibited Provisions in Tenant Leases

The lease between the owner and tenant in a HOME-assisted property cannot contain
any of the following provisions:

   Agreement to be sued. Agreement by the tenant to be sued, admit guilt, or
    consent to a judgment in favor of the owner in a lawsuit brought in connection with
    the lease.

   Agreement regarding treatment of property. Agreement by the tenant that the
    owner may take, hold, or sell personal property of household members without
    notice to tenant and a court decision on the rights of the parties. This prohibition
    does not apply to an agreement by the tenant concerning disposition of personal
    property remaining in the unit after the tenant has moved out. The owner may
    dispose of personal property in accordance with state law.

   Agreement excusing the owner from responsibility. Agreement by the tenant
    not to hold the owner or the owner’s agents legally responsible for actions or
    failure to act, whether intentional or negligent.

   Waiver of notice. Agreement by the tenant that the owner may institute a lawsuit
    without notice to the tenant.

   Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the tenant that the owner may evict
    the tenant or household members without instituting a civil court proceeding in
    which the tenant has the opportunity to present a defense or before a court
    decision on the rights of the parties.

   Waiver of a jury trial. Agreement by the tenant to waive any right to a jury trial.

   Waiver of right to appeal a court decision. Agreement by the tenant to waive
    the tenant’s right to appeal or otherwise challenge in court a decision in connection
    with the lease.

 Agreement to pay legal costs, regardless of outcome. Agreement by the
tenant to pay attorney fees or other legal costs even if the tenant wins the court
proceeding by the owner against the tenant. The tenant, however, may be obligated
to pay costs if the tenant loses.

City of Charleston
                                                               Tenant Information Form

          Owner’s name:  _______________________________ Owner’s address _____________________________
          Project name:  _______________________________ Project address: ______________________________
          # HOME/CDBG-assisted units: ______________________              ______________________________

CERTICATION                                                                                      Signature of owner or property manager:
I/We understand that it is the borrower’s responsibility to annually verify the incomes of the
occupants of each “HOME-assisted” unit and to certify that the “HOME-assisted” units’            _______________________________________________
tenants’ incomes are in compliance with HUD regulations. I/We certify that I/we have             Date:
Source of rental
                                                                  Amount of       assistance          Tenant-    Monthly   Is head of
          Name of    # bdrms       Is       Total     Monthly       rental      (for example,          paid       family   household     Race of       # of       Single-     Female-       Elderly
          head of       in        unit     monthly    utilities   assistance       Section 8          net rent   income    Hispanic/     head of    people in     parent       headed       head of
Unit #   household     unit    occupied?   rent ($)     ($)           ($)          or none)             ($)         ($)     Latino?     household   household   household?   household?   household?

   verified the incomes of all tenants occupying HOME/CDBG-assisted units and certify that
   their incomes do not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the area median income.                               _______________________________________________

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