The progression of an LNG project - Canadian LNG Projects -

Page created by Jeffrey Tyler
The progression of an LNG project - Canadian LNG Projects -

                        The progression
                        of an LNG project
Canadian LNG Projects
and how our extensive   Canadian LNG Projects
global LNG experience
can help you assess
and manage your LNG
The progression of an LNG project - Canadian LNG Projects -
Canadian LNG projects

Approved Canadian LNG export projects
(listed in order of NEB filing status)

Project                                                           Planned capacity (mtpa)               Proposed start date   NEB approval
Kitimat LNG                                                                     10                      2017                  Approved
BC LNG Export Cooperative (Douglas Channel)                                    1.8                      2015                  Approved
LNG Canada                                                                      24                      2019                  Approved
Pacific Northwest LNG                                                           12                      2019                  Approved
West Coast Canada LNG                                                           30                      2021–2023             Approved
Prince Rupert LNG                                                               32                      2020                  Approved
Woodfibre LNG                                                                  2.1                      2017–2021             Approved
Triton LNG                                                                     2.3                      2017                  Approved
Aurora LNG                                                                      12                      2021–2023             Approved

To date, two further projects involve export of gas to the U.S. and nine further projects are pending with the NEB.

Source: National Energy Board

PwC Canada has extensive local and global experience to help
joint venture partners to select, evaluate and progress with
their investment choice.
LNG: An overview of growth
   Liquefied natural gas has become an important part of the
   global energy supply chain. Currently representing just over
   10% of natural gas volumes delivered, LNG is now exported by
   18 countries and imported by 27. Many more are preparing or
   considering both exports and imports.

   Canada is new to the LNG sector, one of the        The majority of the LNG projects with export
   countries presently gearing up to export           licenses are West Coast based, taking advantage
   product to Asia, and perhaps beyond. Over          of the relative proximity of British Columbia’s
   the last few years, and more particularly in the   shale gas basins, an integrated North American
   past year, export licenses have been granted by    gas market and the relatively short distance to
   the Canadian National Energy Board to several      the Asian market.
   LNG developers.
                                                      With a global supply gap forecast of
   This sudden surge in project development           approximately 150 million tonnes per annum
   has been brought about by changes on               (mtpa) by 2025, Canada’s planned LNG project
   global demand, market changes in North             capacities total more than that amount. The
   America and abundant natural gas resource          conclusion would be that not all the Canadian
   availability in Western Canada. These factors      developments will successfully move forward.
   have combined to boost an emerging industry
   that will compete for market share with other
   established producers or new entrants.
The major Canadian projects are mainly           with First Nations and familiarity with the
integrated, meaning the feedgas supply comes     various gas formations make the Canadian
from within the consortium that develops         LNG industry somewhat different from other
the LNG project. This is in contrast to the US   jurisdictions.
approach where the gas is sourced from the
                                                 PwC Canada has assisted several joint
open market and a tolling fee is charged to
                                                 venture partners with an appreciation and
liquefy it.
                                                 understanding of these unique characteristics
For joint venture partners, evaluating and       of the Canadian LNG sector and advised those
selecting the right project then becomes a       partners how to execute the business plan and
matter of some importance. Certain unique        avoid potential issues in the future.
elements, like consultation and participation
The timeline, level                                                                Breaking down what’s involved
                                                  of effort and cost                                                                 in an LNG project

Broadly, for Canadian LNG projects these          The complexity of major LNG projects is reflected in their time                        Evaluating a potential LNG project is
events and activities fall into two distinct      scales to completion. It is not unusual for an elapsed time of                         a difficult undertaking. Historically,
                                                  10 years between inception and first gas delivery, especially
project phases: pre-Final Investment Decision                                                                                            completed LNG projects have been
                                                  when greenfield projects are contemplated, where no previous
(FID); and post-FID. Whereas an owner has                                                                                                complex, reliable, operationally sound,
                                                  infrastructure exists to shorten the construction period.
to follow the sequence in its entirety, a joint                                                                                          profitable, but always very challenging
venture partner can opt in at several points.                                                                                            to move from inception to operation. No
                                                  The elapsed time is roughly equally split between
                                                  pre- and post-Final Investment Decision:                                               two are the same, as the commercial and
PwC is able to assist with both the pre- and                                                                           5 years           technical aspects vary from project to
post-FID activities and help you consider the
                                                                                                                                         project and from country to country.
risks and rewards that accompany a major
                                                                                    2 years       2 years     FID
LNG project. Unlike many other capital                                1 year                                                             However, it is possible to break down the
projects in the oil and gas industry, these                                                                                              sequence of events that must occur during
projects must spend a considerable amount                             Feasibility    Pre FEED      FEED               Construction       the progression of the project and the major
of time, effort and money before the final                                                                                               inputs that contribute to the final decisions
investment decision is made.                      From experience with actual projects, the level of effort and                          and results. This systematic approach is
                                                  spending can also be approximately quantified as follows:                              required to ensure confidence in the project,
                                                  PEAK STAFFING        ~200         400–500       500 +                6,000+            as each segment of the LNG value chain is
                                                   Cost estimates      Tens of      Hundreds of   Billions               Tens of         planned, assessed and sanctioned.
                                                                       millions      millions                            billions


                                                                      Feasibility    Pre FEED      FEED           FID Construction

                                                                     As a rule of thumb 1 trillion cubic foot (tcf) of proven
                                                                     gas reserves is required for every 1 million tonnes per
                                                                     annum (mtpa) liquefied for a 20 year period.
The progression of an LNG project
Pre-FID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Post-FID
The lines of inquiry that might accompany each pre-FID activity could include the following types of questions and topics:                                                                                                                                                                                            Similar topics for the post-FID activities might include these types of questions and topics for consideration:

Feasibility: is the Memorandum of Commerciality: Markets: what                                  Pre Front End                            Permits: what are Location: where                         Reserves: can the               Sales and                   FEED: engineering           Finance: meeting           Pipeline build:              EPC contracts:            Drilling: providing            Construction:                 Utilities: mostly           Marine                        Liquefaction                  Commissioning: Operations:                               Shipping: securing Regasification:
initial idea sound and can Understanding: what structure will it      are seen as the possible  Engineering                              the legal, regulatory and exactly can we site the         capacities be backed up         Purchase                    work to cost project for    lenders criteria for       not always an easy task      execute contracts awarded the production required        greenfield situation for      greenfield builds and       terminal: size,               plant: major capital          standard post-build          long term operational       LNG carriers and rates, or   end user facilities either
a value chain be built?    establishing the basic  take to make money markets and sales prices? Design (FEED):                           permitting requirements? marine and onshore               by proven gas reserves?         Agreements                  accurate decision making    financing                  in Canada                    pre-FID based on FEED     for feedgas                    Canadian LNG projects         installations on the        timing of construction of     expenditure and labor         procedures                   capability, in some cases   taking delivery of custom    expansion of existing, or
                           parameters for partners and defer risk?                              progression of technical                                           facilities for the project?                                     (SPAs): initial             and tendering                                                                       input                                                                                  West Coast                  coastal facilities            sourcing                                                   with train additions        built boats                  new plants
                           to proceed                                                           work to the next level                                                                                                             agreements with LNG off
                                                                                                of detail                                                                                                                          takers to guarantee sales                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Will the project run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “When should First            “Will the timing of the    “How will the shortened      “What exactly will the        “How much power can         “Should this be built early   “What are the economics       “What are our risks at                                   “What does the forward       “Are we working with
“What are the            “Has the right project        “Has the allocation of risk “What are the future     “How site specific are       “Are there likely to be any   “What local issues must be “Has the availability of         “What are the risks         “Are we confident that      “Do we have an             Nations be first engaged      long lead items delay      Western Canadian drilling    construction and labor        the local grid supply, or   so that complete process      of adding future trains?”     this stage and can they be   successfully to ensure      market for LNG carriers      the optimal tariffs for
unavoidable local issues structure and correct         between the participating global LNG supply and      our costs?”                  significant changes in the    taken into consideration in drilling rigs to prove up gas   involved in the pricing     the FEED work will          investment grade           and consulted over            the project?”              season affect feed gas       situation be in Western       do we have to generate      units can be shipped in?”                                   mitigated?”                  generation of revenues to   look like?”                  regasification?”
that must be addressed?” range of partners been        parties been satisfactorily demand characteristics?”                              regulatory or permitting      the choice of a suitable site reserves been examined?”      formulae used in the SPAs   provide enough detailed     project?”                  pipeline routes?”                                        production and upstream      Canada in these remote        our own?”                                                                                                            service debt and provide
                         chosen?”                      achieved?”                                                                        processes?”                   for plant location?”                                        to be signed?”              information for an FID?”                                                                                        development?”                areas?”                                                                                                                                            returns?”
“How can we achieve        “How will the agreements “Do we understand             “ How will markets         “Stick built liquefaction   “What exactly are the         ”How will the site          “Will the shale gas fields      “Do the SPAs ensure         “Have all the risks been    “What will be our          “Should we own the            “Was the FEED work         “What is the local           “How can we ensure that       “What are the local       “Will a breakwater or           “Do we have a final           “Has the commissioning       “What is the best way to    “What level of control over “Should the buyer or the
the lowest cost in the     operate to create the    the tax and regulatory          evolve in the future?”   plant or a modular          permitting requirements       chosen affect the local     deliver the production          that the project could      surfaced and addressed?”    overall cost of            pipeline, or not?”            sufficient to tender the   level of acceptance of       our schedule will be met      regulations and standards dredging be required for        assessment of the             been carried out             include local communities   shipping is most suitable   seller take responsibility
shortest schedule?”        value chain?”            regime in place?”                                        design approach?”           for LNG in British            community going             volumes required over           proceed?”                                               financing?”                                              EPC contracts?”            fracking techniques and      and that we have all the      regarding utilities       the chosen site?”               environmental and             satisfactorily to ensure     in the operation of the     – charter, ownership or     for delivery?”
                                                                                                                                         Columbia?”                    forward?”                   the time period to be                                                                                                                                                       procedures?”                 right controls in place and   operation?”                                               social impacts?”              efficient and effective      plant?”                     avoid participation in
                                                                                                                                                                                                   contracted?”                                                                                                                                                                                             working correctly?”                                                                                                   future operation?”                                       transportation?”

How we can help with pre-FID and post-FID activities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PwC can also provide the following services for pre-FID and post-FID activities
PwC’s experience in the LNG industry can be of assistance to developers or joint venture partners wanting to evaluate                                                                                                                                                                                                 PwC’s experience can be of assistance to developers or joint venture partners wanting to evaluate Canadian LNG projects.
Canadian LNG projects. We have provided the following services to projects proponents on a global basis:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Domestic tax                            International tax and                   Transfer pricing                        Indirect tax and GST                    Human resources services (HRS) and legal                                          Accounting advisory                    Market assessment
Commercial structuring                     Due diligence and                           Tax structuring                           Carve-out                                     Investment advisory                           Project assessment                            LNG model due diligence                    compliance and                          structuring                             Our transfer pricing practice           Our indirect tax professionals can      immigration and expat personal tax issues                                         services                               We can help you understand the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      draws from a global pool of 1,100       assist in determining what taxes                                                                                                                                 business environment and strategic
and financing                              agreement negotiations                      The tax structuring analysis of an        Analysis on behalf of new investors           Support on the development of LNG             External project advisory services            PwC was engaged by a large publicly        consulting services                     Our international tax structuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      professionals in more than 150          are imposed by a jurisdiction,          We can help ensure your                   competitive payroll, compensation       We specialize in complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               investment opportunities, bring
                                                                                       existing LNG regasification seeking       into an existing LNG business being           strategy in the context of expected           in relation to the client’s world-            listed energy company to perform                                                   professionals can help you to                                                                                           international assignment policies         and benefits packages, manage the       accounting matters to help you
The commercial structuring and             The financial and tax due diligence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We can help better manage tax                                                   countries to efficiently meet the       whether the activities of a                                                                                                                                      you a comprehensive overview of
                                                                                       new equity and debt financing to fund     carved out of a corporate parent              market development and trading                wide LNG construction program,                model due diligence on the financial                                               structure your international                                                                                            are tax-compliant, meet the needs of      risks associated with deployment        develop a corporate response to
financing of LNG import terminals and      in connection with an investment to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        risk through timely filings, reduce                                             cross-border tax challenges of          company are enough to subject                                                                                                                                    the issues, challenges and thought
                                                                                       the development and construction of       into a new entity which intends to            options. We compared and contrasted           including assessments on projects in          model and supporting assumptions                                                   business in a tax efficient manner,                                                                                     the business and are cost-effective.      and help ensure you’re selecting        technical accounting developments
competitive tender for LNG supply. This    fund the proposed development and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          your internal resources spend on                                                globalization. We can help you          it to the tax, and how to either                                                                                                                                 leadership specific to the Canadian
                                                                                       new LNG liquefaction trains; provided     build a new LNG liquefaction facility.        the economics of alternative                  China, the United Kingdom, Peru,              developed for the purpose of obtaining                                             both locally and globally. We can                                                                                       We can also help you with your            the right staff for an international    including the transition to IFRS
involved: market analysis and evaluation   construction of an LNG liquefaction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        compliance, reduce your exposure                                                establish and document the              structure the company’s activities                                                                                                                               energy industry and connect you
                                                                                       the accounting and tax restructuring,     Our work included analysis of the             development schemes including the             Australia, Chile, and Angola that             financing for the development of                                                   help you construct effective cross-                                                                                     mobility delivery structure, develop      assignment.                             accounting policies. We can
of demand for gas; constructing            terminal within an entity operating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to penalties, be abreast of the                                                 appropriate Canadian transfer           to eliminate the tax or assist                                                                                                                                   to networks and the right advisors
                                                                                       financial and tax due diligence in        carve-out, labor matters, financial           sizing of LNG regasification terminals        were in excess of $6B. Our work               its liquefaction facility. The model                                               border strategies and manage                                                                                                                                                                              help you evaluate and develop
a financial model of the proposed          existing LNG regasification assets.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        most relevant information and                                                   pricing policies and evaluation of      in complying with the filing                                                                                                                                     such as lawyers and engineers.
                                                                                       connection with an investment in the      and tax due diligence structuring             and a range of options for future             included a comprehensive review and           included detailed cash flow and                                                    your global structural tax rate.                                                                                                                                                                          accounting policies for both
project(s); economic assessment            Our work included evaluating forecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      control your compliance costs.                                                  tolling structures.                     requirements.
                                                                                       proposed development.                     and valuation of the assets to be             capacity expansions; and undertook            implementation of project control             operational forecasts for each of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            conventional and unconventional
of the value chain; risk mitigation        cash flows and working capital
                                                                                                                                 contributed by the corporate parent.          a market analysis of US and European          tools related to cost, time, and change       the natural gas liquefaction trains                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          oil and gas operations.
requirements for project finance           requirements; assessing the mechanics
                                                                                                                                                                               LNG capacity, their expected future           control; risk identification; schedule        associated with the project, in addition
purposes; presentation of projects to      of the financial model, including the
                                                                                                                                                                               development and commodity                     analysis and advice on opportunities          to overlays for the proposed financing
prospective lending banks/financial        complex domestic and international
institutions; and financial structuring.   tax attributes; renegotiation of existing
                                                                                                                                                                               price forecasts.                              for performance improvement.                  structure and supporting credit metrics.   Choosing the                            Valuations and                          IT infrastructure                       Financial and                           Integration                               Capital project                         Supply chain management
                                           and preparation of new related                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             right deal                              purchase price                          We can help you to select an            operational                             We can help you identify the critical     management                              Companies need to manage third-        requirements with supplier
                                           party agreements for operating and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         accounting information software                                                 integration points with your existing                                             party costs by transforming the        capability and focusing on
                                           maintenance services, management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our deals team will help you make       allocation                              platform, develop vendor                accounting                              business, create detailed action
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Achieving schedule, cost and safety     supply chain strategy, structure,      performance. Effective category
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the right acquisition that fits your                                                                                                                                                                      goals on major projects has never       process, people and technology,        management also drives
                                           services and involvement with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      With the largest in-house               evaluations, establish fit for          We’ll help you set up a master file     plans to deliver value from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      business strategy. We’ll then assist                                                                                                                                                                      been more important in terms of         including categorizing external        sustainable value and can create
                                           investment agreements.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             actuarial practice of any Canadian      purpose information systems             to manage both acquisitions and         deal, execute detailed integration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with determining the target and                                                                                                                                                                           the market impact of failing to         spending across the company.           a higher level of compliance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              professional services firm, we’ll       operations, prepare estimates on        ongoing transactions, integrate         plans, and enhance cost reductions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      deal structure, and setting up a                                                                                                                                                                          meet major project milestones.          This will achieve balance              visibility to enable contracts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              be able to offer strong support         licensing and operational costs of      capital expenditure accounting          through supply chain analysis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      solid agreement. Whether it’s                                                                                                                                                                             As the scale and size of projects       between third party and in-house       commitments to be managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in determining the value of your        software systems, establish effective   with tax reporting, and prepare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      entering Canada in a complete                                                                                                                                                                             continue to increase, so do the         capability and drive value by          more effectively.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              business enterprises, interests,        information security practices to       and analyze your budget.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      control capacity, pursuing non-                                                                                                                                                                           failure rates. Our capital projects     better aligning the business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              assets or liabilities. We can also      mitigate cybercrime risks, integrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      operating transactions, joint                                                                                                                                                                             specialists apply leading practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              help develop economic models            with your existing corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ventures or a partnership, it                                                                                                                                                                             and frameworks that can help you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and estimate the fair value of your     systems and set up an information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      requires a strategic approach.                                                                                                                                                                            address challenges throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              assets, such as oil and gas reserves,   architecture that enables efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                your capital project and realize the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              resources and undeveloped land.         access to critical information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                outcomes you set out to achieve.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      needed for decision making.
There are multiple components to the                          When the Canadian LNG projects are compared
  LNG value chain and typically the spend                       to this matrix, we would suggest that the
  proportions would be as indicated:
                                                                upstream percentage will be higher. This will
                 Regasification     Upstream development        occur because of the need to feed the plants with
                     20%                       10%              shale gas from remote fields where little pipeline
                                                                infrastructure is in place and also to allow for
                                                                the high depletion rate of shale gas wells and
LNG transportation                              LNG plant       subsequent higher drilling budgets. On the other
       30%                                          40%         hand LNG shipping costs will be lower as Asian
                                                                markets are relatively close to the West Coast.

Examining the LNG Plant percentage, this might be               Liquefaction then is only 20% of total project
broken down as follows for a greenfield project:                costs. A rule of thumb for Opex is 3% of Capex
                 Loading/Marine    Pre-treatment
                                                                per annum.
                      10%                 6%                    A leading energy consultancy company has
                                                                indicated that 6% of the Capex is spent pre-FID.
        LNG Storage
            18%                                                 So for a $30 billion project, $1.8 billion will be
                                                                spent before a final decision to proceed is made.
                                                                This is followed by the first year of construction,
                 Utilities                                      mainly procurement effort and hence only 5%
                 16%                                            of the project cost.

Indicative Capex for integrated LNG project
                                           25%            3%



 6%          5%

Pre-FID      1               2      3           4           5
Source: PFC Energy
Our LNG experience
PwC has LNG experience in many countries around the globe
   Canada Performed due diligence on the financial           Wales Advice on the gas transportation
   model and supporting assumptions developed                infrastructure implications of locating LNG terminals
   by the company for the purpose of obtaining over          in Wales and the identification of gas transportation
   $4 billion in financing for the development of a          infrastructure investment requirements and
   liquefaction project. The model included detailed         calculation of tariff implications of additional
   cash flow and operational forecasts for each of the       investment.
   natural gas liquefaction trains associated with the
                                                             Wales Assessment of risk at an LNG regasification
   project, in addition to overlays for the proposed
                                                             plant, jetty and shiploading facilities as it related
   financing structure and supporting credit metrics.
                                                             to engineering, procurement, construction and
   Canada Assisted a large multinational in its              commissioning of the terminal system works,
   acquisition of a 10% interest in gas assets and           encompassing civil, mechanical, piping, structural,
   participation in a planned LNG facility in BC.            buildings, and electrical and instrumentation work.
   Our involvement included financial modeling,
   valuation market comparisons, financial and
   tax transaction assistance and diligence, tax
   structuring, assistance with leading practice in          UK Commercial structuring advice to an LNG
   terms of accounting procedures for joint venture          regasification project development company,
   agreements, IFRS accounting advice for proposed           assisting them to evaluate the advantages
   transaction, and transaction and agreement advice.        and disadvantages of selecting a downstream
                                                             participant for the project, while considering the
   Canada Developed a financial model to assist the
                                                             overall process for selection, and analysing the
   client in assessing a contemplated acquisition of
                                                             various options for structuring the company’s
   an interest in Canadian shale gas assets and the
                                                             participation in the project.
   proposed LNG export terminal.
                                                             UK Provided advice on project structuring for
   Canada LNG modelling, accounting and tax
                                                             an LNG facility, including review of joint venture
   services for various proposed pre-FID investors.
                                                             agreement and evaluation of commercial drivers
                                                             for each party to the agreement.
                                                             UK Lead advisor to an oil-products storage
   North America Advisor on LNG from Russia to               company, evaluating a greenfield LNG import
   US and Canada. It involved a feasibility study and        facility in the UK.
   project structuring to enable finance-raising. The
   areas covered included: LNG liquefaction, shipping,
   regasification and gas marketing.                         US Provided continuous external project
                                                             assessment services to a major EPC
                                                             vendor in relation to its global LNG
   Colombia Served as a lead advisor to a consortium         construction program.
   of utilities developing the first liquefied natural gas
   regasification terminal in Colombia. Provided advice
   throughout the tender and procurement process,            Algeria, US, UK Investment advice to a
   including: proposed enhancements to the terms of          major international energy company on the
   reference; performed a comparative risk analysis          development of a multinational LNG project,
   of proposed facility configurations focusing on           including evaluation of alternative development
   risks to meeting commercial operation date and            schemes, LNG regasification terminal sizing and
   to maintaining operational reliability/availability;      location, arbitrage evaluation, and analysis of
   conducted bidder interviews; identifying risks            US and Europe market capacity and prices.
   related to each technical proposal; and supported
   contract negotiations.
                                                             Middle East, Europe, US Investment advice
   Peru Provided observations and recommendations            to a major international energy company on the
   for the development of project management tools           development of a multinational LNG project. The
   and procedures where current gaps exist and made          assignment included evaluation of alternative
   recommendations for changes or improvements to            development schemes, LNG regasification
   processes and/or controls where appropriate at the        terminal sizing, contract advice for further capacity
   liquefaction plant and marine facilities.                 expansions, analysis of US and Europe market
                                                             capacity and prices, and valuation of portfolio
                                                             options for LNG swaps.

   Chile For the owners, validated time and cost
   projections and conducted an analysis of the
   outturn cost forecast and likely profit or loss
   position at an LNG regasification and send-out
   system, including marine jetty with complete ship
   unloading facilities and storage tanks.
Italy Investment advice to a major international      Lithuania Preparation of a feasibility study
energy company on the development of a                for the development of the country’s first LNG
regasification terminal and downstream business       import terminal, involving feasibility analysis from
in Italy, involving assessment of the development     a technical, environmental, legal, commercial,
of the market, and valuation of various contract      demand-side and supply-side perspective and
schemes for the terminal, i.e. tolling arrangement,   included providing a road-map for the subsequent
integrated value chain.                               development of the project.
                                                                                                               China Provided project assessments at a
                                                                                                               regasification import terminal related to project
                                                                                                               control tools implemented on projects with respect
                                                                                                               to cost, time and change control to identify areas
                                                                                                               of risk and advice on opportunities for performance

                                                                                                               Middle East, India Investment advice to a major
                                                                                                               international energy company on the development
                                                                                                               of a multinational LNG project, including risk
                                                                                                               assessment of end user market in India, LNG
                                                                                                               regasification terminal capacity and upgrade sizing,
                                                                                                               and optimal upstream supply from various LNG
                                                                                                               production alternatives in the Middle East.

                                                                                                               Egypt Lead advisor to an LNG company for the
                                                                                                               export of LNG from Egypt to Europe. Completed a
                                                                                                               feasibility study developing the entire value chain
                                                                                                               from upstream gas production to liquefaction,
                                                                                                               shipping, LNG regasification and gas marketing.
                                                                                                               The assignment included commercial structuring,
                                                                                                               partner selection and raising finance.
                                                      Oman, Nigeria, Australia Assessment of gas
                                                      reserve quantities and commercial arrangements
                                                      for a number of LNG feedstock contracts.

                                                      Angola Reviewed tools and procedures in
                                                      place on LNG projects to monitor adherence to
                                                      contract requirements and to manage project
                                                      risk highlighting strengths and potential gaps
                                                      in the existing systems and controls. Provide
                                                      periodic inspection to ensure that risk is being
                                                      properly managed and mitigated through the
                                                      project life-cycle.

Australia Valuation of a proposed LNG project         Australia Valuation assessment of a major LNG            Australia Review of a financial model of an LNG
development to support a proposed bid for an          project for tax purposes relating to a restructure       project for valuation and reserve reporting.
interest in the project.                              of the project.
                                                                                                               Australia Development of a financial model for
Australia Fair market valuation assessment of         Australia Review of a financial model of a major         an LNG project on behalf of the project operator,
an LNG project for the purposes of assessing the      LNG project on behalf of an LNG customer which           including the assessment of the impact of
starting base value of the project on transition      acquired an equity interest in the LNG project.          alternative project structures as well as proposed
into the petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT)           Review of PRRT modeling to assess the deferred           changes in the applicable tax and regulatory
regime.                                               tax asset that is to be booked by a project              regimes to support investment decision making.
                                                      participant in relation to un-deducted historical
Australia Valuation of a proposed coal seam gas
                                                      expenditure as a result of a final investment decision
LNG project development on transition into the
                                                      for the development of the LNG project.
PRRT regime which was extended to onshore oil
and gas projects.
Our experts
                      For a discussion on opportunities around LNG in Canada, please contact:

                      General inquiries                                                      Audit and Assurance services                                   Consulting services
                      Reynold Tetzlaff                                                       Shannon Ryhorchuk                                              Matthew Wetmore
                      National Energy Leader                                                 Calgary AAG Site Leader                                        Calgary Consulting Leader
                      403 509 7520                                                           403 509 7506                                                   403 509 7483

                      Calvin Jacober                                                         John Paul Pressey                                              Michel Grillot
                      Calgary Managing Partner                                               Vancouver AAG Site Leader                                      Partner
                      403 509 7531                                                           604 806 7097                                                   403 509 7565

                      John DeLucchi                                                                                                                         James McLean
                      Managing Partner, BC Region                                            Tax services                                                   Partner, Operations and Supply Chain
                      604 806 7575                                                           Domenico Baruffaldi                                            403 509 7535
                                                           National Energy Tax Leader                           

                                                                                             403 509 6676
                                                                                                                                                            Owen Taylor
                      Accounting Advisory services                                                                                                          Partner
                      David Whiteley                                                         Angelo Toselli                                                 250 298 5270
                      Partner                                                                Calgary Tax Leader                                   

                      403 509 6653                                                           403 509 7581
                                                                                                                                                            Deals services
                      Scott Bandura                                                          Jason Durkin                                                   Clinton Roberts
                      Partner                                                                Alberta International Tax Services Leader                      Calgary Deals Leader
                      403 509 6659                                                           403 509 7598                                                   403 509 7307

                                                                                             Brad Sakich                                                    Paul Sharp
                                                                                             Partner                                                        Partner, Valuations
                                                                                             604 806 7730                                                   403 509 7550

                                                                                                                                                            David Egan
                                                                                                                                                            604 806 7538

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