CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...

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CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...
                                    Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your
                              Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2
                                  (Zone 6 Village Parkway – Westwood Duets)

                            Why am I receiving this notice?
      Hercules              The wood streetlights along Hercules Avenue, Village Parkway and in your
     City Council           Westwood Duets neighborhood are failing and need to be replaced,
                            landscape maintenance along Village Parkway and Hercules Avenue has
    Public Hearing
                            been discontinued due to insufficient funding, and your neighborhood is
                            not contributing its full share of funding to maintain landscaping and
        Tuesday             streetlighting located along the City’s major roadways.
     July 13, 2021
                            To address these deficiencies, the City is proposing an assessment
      At 7:00 PM
                            increase to $139 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22, for your Westwood Duets
                            neighborhood in Zone 6 (Village Parkway). Of the total $115.08 proposed
City Council Chambers       annual increase, $67 will end after 10 years (i.e. after FY 2030-31) once
    111 Civic Drive,        the streetlights have been paid off. Since the interior streetlights within
 Hercules, CA 94547         the Westwood Duets neighborhood are City maintained vs. HOA
                            maintained, the proposed annual assessment increase for Westwood
                            Duets is higher than the other condominium neighborhoods in Zone 6
    CITY COUNCIL            (Village Parkway).

        Mayor               If approved by majority vote of the property owners, the additional
      Chris Kelley          funding will be used to replace the failing wood pole streetlights with new
                            streetlights with low maintenance, long-last metal poles and energy-
      Vice Mayor            efficient LED lights, allow the landscaping and streetlighting maintenance
                            along Village Parkway and Hercules Avenue to resume, as well as allow
      Dion Bailey           the neighborhood to contribute their full share of funding for maintenance
                            of landscaping and streetlighting located along the City’s major roadways.
   Council Members
                            The $67 portion of the proposed assessment increase that will end after
Alexander Walker-Griffin    10 years will pay off the new streetlights and eliminate the zone’s fund
      Dan Romero            deficit that has accumulated over the years due to insufficient assessment
    Tiffany Grimsley        revenue.
                            A further description of the proposed assessment increase is provided on
   CITY OFFICIALS           Page 2 of this notice.
Interim City Manager        What is a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (LLAD)?
      Steven Falk           Hercules’ LLADs play an important role in our community and provide for the
                            maintenance of our City’s streetlights, parks, roadway landscaping, and open
     City Attorney          spaces. Because of this, the sustainability of our LLADs is critical in helping keep
     J. Patrick Tang        our neighborhoods attractive and safe. The services provided are categorized
                            broadly into two types: streetlighting and landscaping.
Public Works Director
  & City Engineer     Adequately lit streets maintain safe neighborhoods and improve the appearance of
                      property frontage at night. Streetlighting also keeps our streets safe for drivers
     Mike Roberts     and pedestrians alike. At night or in bad weather, drivers and pedestrians can
                            better see one another, traffic signs, and bicyclists.
   Finance Director
      Edwin Gato            The landscaping services provide for healthy and well-maintained neighborhood
                            and city parks, recreation facilities, open space and landscaping improvements.
   Admin Services           Routine landscape maintenance along city public roadways, parks, and open spaces
 Director/City Clerk        such as mowing, weed abatement, trash and debris pick-up, keep our
                            neighborhoods properly maintained while increasing safety and plant health during
      Lori Martin
                            years of drought. Landscaping is pruned at medians and other areas, so drivers
                            have good sight vision at city intersections. These efforts also include graffiti
                            removal from public property.
CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...
What are the accountability measures?
                       All funds generated by your Zone 6 (Village Parkway) assessments are
                       deposited into a separate fund that, by law, can only be spent to maintain
                       and improve landscape and lighting services.
Village Parkway
Landscaping            What types of improvements/services will be provided in Zone
                       6if the proposed assessment increases are approved?
                       ƒ The failing wooden streetlight poles along Hercules Ave, Village Pkwy, and
                         within your Westwood Duets neighborhood will be replaced with cost-
                         effective LED streetlighting on metal poles.
                       ƒ Weed abatement services in open space areas which can help reduce the
                         spread of fires.
                       ƒ Maintenance of medians located along Hercules Ave and Village Pkwy.
                       ƒ On-going maintenance of streetlighting located along Hercules Ave,
Failing wooden pole      Village Pkwy, and within the Westwood Duets neighborhood.
streetlights to be     ƒ Cover the zone’s full share of maintenance for landscaping and
replaced                 streetlighting located along the City’s major roadways.

  How is the annual assessment to each parcel determined?
  Assessments are proposed on all parcels that receive a direct and special benefit from the
  improvements within LLAD No. 83-2. The amount of each proposed assessment was calculated
  based upon the proportional special benefit received by each parcel to be assessed. Because
  there are varying degrees of landscaping, lighting, and park improvements throughout the City,
  LLAD No. 83-2 has been divided into eleven (11) benefit zones. Maintenance of the landscaping,
  lighting, and park improvements benefitting each zone are then shared among the parcels within
  the respective benefit zone. Annual assessment rates are based upon the following:
  ; The use of the parcel (e.g., single-family, condominium, apartment, commercial)
  ; All residential parcels (single-family, condominium, etc.) are assessed on a per unit basis.
  ; All non-residential parcels (commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.) are assessed on an
    acreage basis.

  How much will my parcel be assessed?
  The FY 2021-22 maximum assessment for each condominium unit within the Westwood Duets
  neighborhood is proposed to increase from $23.92 to $139.00 per year. This increase consists
  of a $72 per year maximum assessment for annual maintenance and operations and a $67 per
  year assessment for streetlight replacement and eliminating the zone’s accumulated deficit.

  The $72 per year maximum assessment is needed to cover operating and maintenance expenses
  and will increase each subsequent fiscal year by the prior year’s change in the annual Consumer
  Price Index (All Urban Consumers for San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA) to keep up with
  inflationary increases for goods and services.

  In addition, a 10-year assessment of $67 per year is proposed to pay for the replacement of
  failing streetlights with new streetlights and eliminate a fund deficit that has accumulated over
  the years. This 10-year assessment is fixed, will not be increased each subsequent fiscal year,
  and will end after FY 2030-31.

  Therefore, the total proposed FY 2021-22 maximum assessment for each condominium within
  the Westwood Duets neighborhood as shown on the enclosed ballot is summarized as follows:
                               $72/year + $67/year = $139/year
  If the assessment increase is approved, Zone 6 would contribute $91,741 in FY 2021-22 to the
  approximately $1.99 million contributed by public and private property owners within all zones
  of LLAD No. 83-2 in FY 2021-22. The assessment increase shown above would be levied by the
  City beginning July 1, 2021 if approved by the Zone 6 (Village Parkway) property owners. For a
  detailed description of how your proposed annual assessment was calculated, refer to the
  Engineer’s   Report     on    file  with   the   City   Clerk,    and   posted    online   at:

CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...

Q   How do I vote?
    Enclosed with this Notice of Public Hearing
    is your ballot, along with a self-addressed,
    postage-paid return envelope.
                                                   What determines majority support vs.
                                                   majority protest?
                                                   If a majority of the Zone 6 (Village Parkway)
                                                   ballots returned approve the proposed

                                                   assessment increase, it will be imposed. If a
      ; The ballot must be completed by the        majority of the Zone 6 (Village Parkway)
        property owner(s), or an authorized        ballots returned oppose the proposed
        representative,    indicating   the        assessment        increase,    the     current
        property owner’s support for, or           assessment will continue to be imposed.
                                                   Ballots are weighted according to the

        opposition to, the proposed annual
        assessment increase.                       proportional financial obligation of the
                                                   affected properties. This means one vote for
      ; For your ballot to be counted, you         each one dollar of assessment.
        must clearly mark the appropriate
        box, sign the ballot, seal it in the       When will we know the results?
        enclosed envelope, and return it to        The results of the ballot tabulation will be
        the City Clerk of the City of Hercules     reported to City Council on July 27, 2021.
        by mail or hand deliver.
                                                   Who do I call with questions?
      ; Completed ballots must be received          ‰ For     questions   about    landscape,
        at the address shown on the enclosed           streetlighting, or park maintenance,
        return envelope by 5:00 p.m. on July           please call the City’s Public Works
        13, 2021, or hand delivered to the             Director, Mike Roberts, at (510) 799-
        City Clerk before the end of the public        8241.
        input portion of the Public Hearing
        that same evening.                           ‰ For questions about the assessments,
                                                       voting procedures or process, please
      ; The Public Hearing begins at 7:00              call Consultant, Ed Espinoza, at (925)
        p.m. on July 13, 2021, at the City             867-3400.
        Council Chambers, 111 Civic Drive,
        Hercules, CA.                                ‰ For more information regarding
                                                       the landscaping and lighting
      ; If you return the ballot by mail, be           updates please visit:
        sure to allow sufficient time for mail
                                                         or call the City’s main line at:
                                                         (510) 799-8200.
    When will the ballots be counted?
    A Public Hearing will be held on July 13,
    2021, in the Hercules City Council
    Chambers. City Council will receive public
    testimony and formally accept the ballots.
    The ballots will be counted at 11:00 am the
    following day at City Hall.                         Placeholder for Hercules
                                                             City Hall photo

CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...
CITY OF HERCULES Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Your Landscaping & Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 Zone 6 Village Parkway - Westwood ...
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