General assistance is available in the atrium of the Lilly Physical Education and Recreation Center
on Friday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. During the day on Monday and Tuesday, students can visit the Office
of Student Academic Life in room 210 of the Memorial Student Union Building for any questions or
concerns. Lost and found items may be turned in or recovered at DePauw Public Safety, located in the
lower level of 101 E. Seminary Street.

What to do when you arrive:                      University offices                                             Orientation Meal Information
» First Station: Residence hall check-in –       University offices are regularly open from                     Student meal plans are activated at dinner
  Go directly to your residence hall and         8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.                    on Friday, Aug. 18. The cost of the catered
  park your vehicle. While volunteers help                                                                      dinner on Sunday, Aug. 20 will be deducted
  unload your car, proceed to Humbert Hall       The ID OneCard Office will also be open                        from your meal plan.
  to check in.                                   from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 19.
  • Get your room key and student ID.                                                                           Hoover Dining Hall will be open at the
                                                 DePauw’s Office of Public Safety, located in                   following times during orientation (Friday,
  • Complete housing check-in.
                                                 the lower level of 101 E. Seminary Street, is                  Aug. 18 – Tuesday, Aug. 22).
  • Pick up a schedule for the day and           staffed 24 hours a day.                                           Breakfast..................................... 7-10 a.m.
    check your advising meeting location.                                                                          Lunch............................... 11 a.m.-2 p.m. *
                                                 The Student Post Office, located in the                           Dinner.......................................... 5-8 p.m.
» Second Station: Your room                      lower level of the Memorial Student Union                      * Note that lunch on Friday, Aug. 18 will be
  • Meet your roommate(s) and your First-        Building, will be open:                                        from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    Year Resident Assistant (FYRA).                 Friday, Aug. 18: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                The Student Union Convenience Store is
                                                    Saturday, Aug. 19: 8 a.m. - noon
» Third Station: Information tables – Lilly                                                                     located in the Memorial Student Union
  Physical Education and Recreational               Monday, Aug. 21 - Friday, Aug. 25:                          Building. It provides an array of convenience
  Center, atrium                                    8 a.m. - 6 p.m.                                             items, including sandwiches, salads, fresh
  (Opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 1 p.m.)           Monday, Aug. 28 - Friday, Sept. 1:                           fruit, ice cream and toiletries. The C-Store
  • Visit the information tables and talk          8 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                              will open on Wednesday,
    with a variety of campus offices.            Starting Monday, Sept. 4, the Student Post                     Aug. 23. It is open Monday-Friday from
                                                 Office will be open during normal business                     8 a.m.-9 p.m. and weekends 3 p.m.-9 p.m.
  • Learn about services offered by DePauw
                                                 hours, which are Monday-Friday, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
    Health and PNC Bank.
  • Pick up your parking permit or register
    your vehicle (bring vehicle registration
                                                 Important Phone Numbers:
    and Student ID if you have not               Emergencies............................................. 911
    registered online). After information        Public Safety............................ 765-658-5555
    tables close, permits are available at the   Campus Living and Community
    Office of Public Safety, located in the        Development....................... 765-658-4500
    lower level of 101 E. Seminary Street.
                                                 Registrar’s Office..................... 765-658-4141
                                                 Student Academic Life
                                                   (general questions)............... 765-658-4270
                                                 Wellness Center
                                                    Health Services.................... 765-658-4555
                                                    Counseling Services............. 765-658-4268
FRIDAY, AUGUST 18                                  2:30 p.m.
                                                   Class of 2021 Welcome Convocation
                                                                                                     SATURDAY, AUGUST 19
8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.                                                                                  9 - 10 a.m.
                                                   Green Center for the Performing Arts,
Move in                                                                                              The Value of the Liberal Arts and the
                                                   Kresge Auditorium
Humbert Hall (check in location)                                                                     DePauw Education
                                                   The opening convocation for students and
Check in and move into your residence hall.                                                          Green Center for Performing Arts,
                                                   families will feature a procession followed by
                                                                                                     Kresge Auditorium
                                                   welcoming remarks and a formal address by
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.                                                                                      Anne Harris, vice president for academic
                                                   DePauw University President Mark McCoy.
Information Tables                                                                                   affairs and professor of art history, will share
                                                   After the end of convocation, parents should
Lilly Physical Education and Recreation                                                              thoughts with you about how to combine your
                                                   remain seated in the auditorium. Students will
Center, atrium                                                                                       coursework with your passion and ambition.
                                                   process out of Kresge Auditorium following the
Visit the information tables as time allows.                                                         She will explain the reasoning behind the
                                                   faculty and will proceed to the meeting with
                                                                                                     general education requirements you will be
                                                   faculty advisors.
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                                                                              taking in your first two years of college, as well
Spanish Placement Exams                                                                              as what it means to have a major in a liberal arts
                                                   3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Julian Science & Mathematics Center, rooms                                                           college.
                                                   Student meeting with faculty advisors
108 & 109
                                                   Classrooms (check your portal in e-Services)
Any student who participated in an early arrival                                                     10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
                                                   Meet your faculty advisor, student mentor
program or pre-season athletic practices and                                                         Your four-year plan and graduation
                                                   and first-year seminar classmates. Your faculty
took Spanish in high school should take the                                                          requirements (for CLA students)
                                                   advisor and student mentor will share with you
Spanish placement exam during this time.                                                             Advisors will lead group advising sessions
                                                   information about orientation.
Students who arrive today may do so if time                                                          covering College of Liberal Arts graduation
allows. Placement exams will be administered                                                         requirements. Students with interest in
                                                   3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
on Saturday, Aug. 19 for students not able to                                                        the sciences or health professions will have
                                                   Parent Orientation
take the Spanish exam at this time and for all                                                       specialized sessions presented by faculty and
                                                   Green Center for the Performing Arts,
other languages. (See Saturday, Aug. 19 for                                                          staff connected to those programs. Other
                                                   Kresge Auditorium
more information on placement exams.)                                                                students will attend a session with your mentor
                                                   Parents are invited to join DePauw staff to
                                                                                                     group; your mentor will guide you to the
                                                   learn more about academic and student life at
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.                                                                               meeting room.
                                                   DePauw. There will be an opportunity to ask
Community lunch                                                                                      • Science Advising: Julian Science &
Hoover Hall, main dining room                                                                            Mathematics Center, room 159
Join the DePauw Community for lunch. Use                                                             • Health Professions/Pre-med: Julian Science
                                                   4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
the tickets you received at check in to enjoy a                                                          & Mathematics Center, room 147
                                                   Family goodbyes
free lunch.
                                                   You may use this time to say goodbye to your
                                                                                                     10:15 - 11:30 a.m.
Students who arrived prior to today: You           family before dinner.
                                                                                                     Theory Placement Exam (for School of Music
received your lunch tickets when you checked in
and moved into your residence hall. If you need    5:30 - 8 p.m.
                                                                                                     Green Center for the Performing Arts,
additional tickets, please visit the information   Mentor group dinner and team building
                                                                                                     room 1021
tables from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the atrium of       activities
                                                                                                     All incoming music students will take a test
the Lilly Physical Education and Recreation        Hoover Hall, main dining room
                                                                                                     of theory and dictation skills to determine
Center.                                            Your mentor and students in your mentor group
                                                                                                     placement in Theory I and Musicianship I, or
                                                   will be the first students you come to rely on
                                                                                                     Theory II and Musicianship II. Students were
1:45 p.m.                                          in your time at DePauw. After having dinner
                                                                                                     provided a sample test at the beginning of the
Convocation seating begins                         together, your mentor will lead you through
                                                                                                     summer and a list of suggested preparation
Green Center for the Performing Arts,              a series of team building activities that will
                                                                                                     materials. For more information, contact
Kresge Auditorium                                  help you get to know each other and begin
                                                                                                     Professor Scott C. Spiegelberg at
Families should proceed to the Green Center        developing a bond that will be important to
for the Performing Arts, Kresge Auditorium         your success in your first year at DePauw. Make
for convocation seating. Overflow seating for      sure to have your Student ID as you will need
                                                                                                     11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
families will be in Moore Theatre.                 to use a meal swipe for dinner. You will also
                                                                                                     Mentor group lunch
                                                   need your Student ID to enter your residence
                                                                                                     Hoover Hall, main dining room
2 p.m.                                             hall.
Convocation procession gathering
                                                                                                     1 - 2:30 p.m.
Ubben Quadrangle                                   8:30 p.m.
                                                                                                     School of Music Advising Session
Students should report to the Ubben                Building community
                                                                                                     Green Center for the Performing Arts,
Quadrangle, located across the street from the     Your residence hall floor
                                                                                                     room 1115
Memorial Student Union Building, to line up        Meet your First-Year Resident Assistant(s) and
                                                                                                     School of Music students will receive
for the convocation procession. In case of rain,   fellow community members and learn about
                                                                                                     information about their fall course schedule,
meet in the north hallway of the Green Center      expectations we have for how we live in our
                                                                                                     degree programs in the School of Music,
for the Performing Arts.                           communities.
                                                                                                     ensemble auditions, concert attendance,
                                                                                                     lockers for music instruments, opportunities
                                                   10 p.m.
                                                                                                     for students, staff accompanists and Extended
                                                   Residence hall socials
                                                                                                     Studies opportunities. At 2 p.m., information
                                                   Spend time getting to know other students
                                                                                                     specific to music education majors will be
                                                   from your residence hall.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 19,                               2:30 p.m.
                                                   Placement tests and consultations
                                                                                                        11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
continued                                          Students seeking placement in advanced               Hoover Hall, main dining room
1 - 4 p.m.                                         levels of Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian
General questions                                  or computer science should attend the                1 - 3 p.m.
Julian Science & Mathematics Center, atrium        placement tests and consultations during this        Preventing Harm: Your role in the DePauw
Advisors will be available to answer questions     time at the locations noted below.                   Community
about graduation requirements.                     • Chinese, Harrison Hall, room 101                   You will be faced with choices to help keep
                                                   • Italian, Harrison Hall, room 104                   yourselves and your peers safe, and this session
1 - 4 p.m.                                         • Japanese, Harrison Hall, room 212                  is designed to provide the opportunity to learn
Placement tests                                    • Russian, Harrison Hall, room 223                   more about the potential impacts of high-risk
Students who have taken French, German,            • Computer Science, Julian Science &                 alcohol use as well as sexual assault, consent and
Spanish or Latin in high school are required to        Mathematics Center, room 260                     Title IX. You will learn about ways to protect
take a placement exam in that language. Times                                                           yourselves and your peers from harm and hear
and testing locations are listed below. If you     3 - 4 p.m.                                           about opportunities to engage with prevention
plan to take the Calculus or Latin placement       Fellows programs meetings                            programs on campus. Your mentor will tell
exam, you must bring your laptop computer.         • Environmental Fellows – Julian Science and         you where to meet. Students must bring their
•   French, German and Spanish sessions                Mathematics Center, room 203                     laptops to this session.
    In season Student-Athletes 1 p.m.              • Media Fellows – Pulliam Center for
    Students whose last name begins with:              Contemporary Media, Watson Forum                 4:30 p.m.
    A - I 1:45 p.m.          J - R 2:30 p.m.       • Rector Scholars – Julian Science &                 GOLD Alumni Speaker Series
    S - Z *3:15 p.m.                                   Mathematics Center, room 147                     Green Center for the Performing Arts,
    *If you need to attend a fellows’ program                                                           Kresge Auditorium
    meeting at 3 p.m., you can attend an earlier   4 - 5 p.m.                                           While at DePauw, Nicole Burts ’13 majored in
    session.                                       Honor Scholars meeting                               anthropology and minored in Black studies and
•   French and German Placement Exam Sessions      Harrison Hall, Room 301                              women and gender studies and served as a first-
    Julian Science & Mathematics Center,                                                                year mentor, student ambassador for the Office of
    room 278                                       5:30 - 7 p.m.                                        Admission, volunteer at Gobin Memorial United
•   Spanish Placement Exam Sessions                Mentor Group Dinner                                  Methodist Church, member of the Association
    Julian Science & Mathematics Center,           Hoover Hall, main dining room                        of African-American Students and Presidential
    rooms 108, 109 and 111                         Check in with your mentor group and continue         Ambassador. In May, Nicole graduated from
•   Latin Placement Exam                           developing your team bond.                           Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School
    Julian Science & Mathematics Center,                                                                of Law. While in law school, Nicole served as
    room 374                                       7 - 9 p.m.                                           an executive board member of the Indianapolis
    Students whose last name begins with:          Dialogue Matters                                     Bar Association Law Student Division and was
    A - M 1 -2:30 p.m. N - Z 2:30-4 p.m.           Begin developing an appreciation for the rich        an active member in the Black Law Students
•   Calculus Placement Exam                        diversity of our community and start developing      Association. She was a student ambassador for
    Julian Science & Mathematics Center,           skills that will enable you to actively contribute   the Office of Admission and active in the school’s
    room 368                                       to developing an inclusive DePauw community.         pro bono program, earning the Norman Lefstein
    Students whose last name begins with:          Your mentor will tell you where to meet.             Award of Excellence for her commitment to
    A - M 2:30-4 p.m.        N - Z 1-2:30 p.m.                                                          service. Nicole is a 2014 Indiana Conference for
                                                   9 p.m. - midnight                                    Legal Education (ICLEO) Fellow through the
Specialized advising sessions                      Class of 2021 Social                                 Indiana Supreme Court.
Students with additional questions about           Memorial Student Union Building,
courses recommended for the sciences, health       Stewart Plaza and Bowman Park                        5:30 p.m.
professions/pre-med, pre-law or pre-engineering    Come enjoy various social events, activities         GOLD Dinners
should attend one of the following sessions:       and a live performance and connect with your         Following the alumni keynote, each mentor
                                                   classmates. Sponsored by Campus Life.                group will spend time during dinner with one
1:15-2 p.m.
                                                                                                        of DePauw’s Graduates of the Last Decade
• Pre-law, Julian Science & Mathematics
                                                                                                        (GOLD). This is an opportunity for you to
   Center, room 157
• Science Advising, Julian Science &
                                                   SUNDAY, AUGUST 20                                    get advice on how to maximize your DePauw
                                                   Morning                                              experience and connect with a member of the
   Mathematics Center, room 159
                                                   Use the morning to take care of yourself.            DePauw alumni family. Your mentor will take
• Health Professions/Pre-med, Julian Science
                                                   This time is for you to rest and rejuvenate in       you to your group location.
   & Mathematics Center, room 147
                                                   whatever way speaks to you. Attend a religious
• Pre-engineering, Julian Science &
                                                   service in Greencastle or on campus. Take            10 pm.
   Mathematics Center, room 203
                                                   a walk at the Nature Park. Visit the Welch           Class of 2021 Movie Night
2:15-3 p.m.                                        Fitness Center. Socialize and continue to get to     Location: South Quad, The Dells
• Pre-law, Julian Science & Mathematics            know your classmates.                                (Rain location: Memorial Student Union
   Center, room 157                                                                                     Building, Campus Life Living Room)
• Science Advising, Julian Science &               Local houses of worship and campus                   Enjoy a movie night in the Dells with your
   Mathematics Center, room 159                    organizations hosting students for spiritual         residential communities, First-Year Resident
• Health Professions/Pre-med, Julian Science       gatherings and brunch this morning are               Assistants and Campus Life. Have snacks and
   & Mathematics Center, room 147                  listed on the Center for Spiritual Life website      enter for a chance to win DePauw prizes.
• Pre-engineering, Julian Science &                at               Sponsored by: Campus Life and Campus
   Mathematics Center, room 203                    hartman/spiritual-life.                              Living & Community Development.
                                                                                             8 - 9 a.m.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC AUDITIONS AND                                                                Group Advising Session
PLACEMENT – MONDAY, AUG. 21                                                                  Meet with your faculty advisor to receive
                                                                                             instructions on how to add classes or adjust
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.                                                                             your schedule. Meet in the same location as
                                                                                             your Friday afternoon meeting with your faculty
School of Music Ensemble Auditions
Ensembles are open to all students by audition. Students in the School of Music must
participate on their primary instrument (voice, horn, flute, etc.) in at least one major     8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
ensemble (band, orchestra, jazz ensemble, chamber singers, chorus). For students in          Student loan counseling
the College of Liberal Arts, participation in ensembles may be applied toward arts and       Emison Building and Museum, second floor
humanities area requirements. Audition requirements will be posted on the School             Student loan representatives will be available in
of Music website,, during the summer. Please                   the Office of Financial Aid to answer questions
review these prior to arriving on campus. Audition sign-up sheets (with individual           about financial aid and to assist students who
appointment times) will be posted outside the following offices:                             need to complete their Stafford or Perkins loan
• University Band/Wind Ensemble – Green Center for the Performing Arts, room                 paperwork.
                                                                                             9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
• University Orchestra – Green Center for the Performing Arts, room 1117
                                                                                             Individual Advising Meetings
• Jazz Ensemble – Green Center for the Performing Arts, room 1118
                                                                                             Meet individually with your faculty advisor to
• Chamber Singers and University Chorus – Green Center for the Performing Arts,              discuss academic goals and plans for the first
   room 0112                                                                                 semester and beyond.

Noon - 2 p.m.                                                                                9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Voice Auditions for Interested College of Liberal Arts Students                              Science assessment
Students who have had no previous instruction in voice should register for MUS 905,          Julian Mathematics & Science Center,
Beginning Class Voice I. Students in the College of Liberal Arts who have studied voice      room 147
privately in high school and wish to take individual lessons should be prepared to perform   All first-year students are expected to take a
one song that best displays their vocal accomplishments. An accompanist will be provided.    science assessment that you will also complete
                                                                                             in your senior year. Please bring your laptop to
For more information, contact Kerry Jennings at There will be
                                                                                             this session.
an audition sign-up sheet (with individual appointment times) posted outside room 0113
                                                                                             • 9 - 10 a.m.
of the Green Center for the Performing Arts.                                                     Students whose last name begins with A-F
                                                                                             • 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
By appointment                                                                                   Students whose last name begins with G-N
Piano Auditions for School of Music and Interested College of Liberal Arts                   • 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Students                                                                                         Students whose last name begins with O-Z
School of Music students: Professor Amanda Hopson will contact you via email during              (If your individual advising appointment
the summer to assess your piano background and place you in the appropriate class.               or School of Music audition occurs during
Advanced students can request to take the piano proficiency exam upon arrival to                 your scheduled survey time, please attend
campus. Interested students can contact Professor Hopson at for               another science assessment session.)
more information.
                                                                                             10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                                             Student Employment Introductory Advising
College of Liberal Arts students: Beginning students should register for MUS 901             Memorial Student Union Building, room 230
(Beginning Class Piano I) in the sections designated for CLA students. Students with         Representatives will be available to assist
previous experience who wish to continue piano instruction as part of their college          students with completing tax withholding forms
program should contact Professor Hopson for placement in                  and the federal I-9 form. Original documents
private lessons.                                                                             must be presented to complete and validate the
                                                                                             I-9 form. Copies, faxes and electronic images
By appointment                                                                               are not acceptable. Examples include, but are
Individual Sight-singing Placement for School of Music Students                              not limited to, one picture ID (Student ID
All incoming music students will sign up for individual appointments to demonstrate          or driver’s license) and one non-picture ID
                                                                                             (social security card or birth certificate). A valid
their ability to match pitch, sing in key and maintain steady meter and tempo. This
                                                                                             passport is also acceptable.
information, along with results of the theory placement tests, will determine placement
in musicianship classes. A sign-up sheet will be available on the door of room 1106          Interviews and hiring will begin on Tuesday,
in the Green Center for the Performing Arts. For more information, contact Scott             August 22 and will continue throughout
Spiegelberg at                                                       the semester. Assistance will be available for
                                                                                             employment opportunities and instructions for
                                                                                             the online time card.
MONDAY, AUGUST 21,                                10 a.m. - noon
                                                  Community Plunge
                                                                                                     Safety at DePauw – presented by the Public
continued                                         Green Center for the Performing Arts,              Safety Office
1 - 4 p.m.                                        Kresge Auditorium                                  Green Center for the Performing Arts,
General course request and graduation             Community Plunge will give you the                 Thompson Recital Hall
requirements questions                            opportunity to discover and engage with            Learn more about the programs in place to help
Roy O. West Library, front room                   community development and service efforts          keep you safe, how to respond in emergencies
If you have questions about course requests or    of over 40 Greencastle and Putnam County           that can happen on campus, enforcement of
graduation requirements, feel welcome to come     organizations. Students will learn what it means   Indiana Law and DePauw Student Code of
talk with staff from the Registrar’s Office.      to be an engaged member of our community           Conduct and who to call for help.
                                                  through a variety of hands-on projects that        • 7 - 7:30 p.m.
Free time in the afternoon                        focus on education, environmental issues,             Bishop Roberts Hall
Please use free time in the afternoon to          arts and architecture, sports and recreation,      • 7:40 - 8:10 p.m.
purchase your textbooks and begin preparing       government and law, and social services.              College Street Hall and Hogate Hall
for the first day of classes.                                                                        • 8:20 - 8:50 p.m.
                                                  Free time in the afternoon                            Humbert Hall
4 p.m.                                            Please use free time in the afternoon to           • 9 - 9:30 p.m.
School of Music Library Session                   purchase your textbooks and begin preparing           Longden Hall and in-season Student-
Green Center for the Performing Arts,             for the first day of classes.                         Athletes who could not attend a previous
Music Library                                                                                           session due to practice or athletic contest.
Students in the School of Music with the last     3:45 p.m.
name beginning with the letters A-M should        DePauw University Opening Convocation
attend this session.                              Lilly Center, Neal Fieldhouse                      FRIDAY, AUGUST 25
                                                  Join the DePauw Community to celebrate the         6 - 8:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.                                         start of the academic year.                        Student Organization Showcase and
School of Music Library Session                                                                      Community Service Fair
Green Center for the Performing Arts,             5 p.m.                                             Stewart Plaza and Memorial Student Union
Music Library                                     DePauw Community Picnic                            Building, Campus Living Room
Students in the School of Music with the last     Meet upperclass students, faculty and staff.       Join your mentor group to explore all of the
name beginning with the letters N-Z should                                                           student organizations and community service
attend this session.                              7:30 p.m.                                          opportunities that DePauw has to offer so that
                                                  Student-Athlete Orientation                        you can get involved on campus right away.
5:30 p.m.                                         Memorial Student Union Building, ballroom          Collect giveaways while you tour numerous
School of Music Dinner                            Faculty Athletics Representatives and members      booths. Some student organizations will be
Music on the Square (Downtown Greencastle)        of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee          performing throughout the showcase in the
School of Music faculty and staff look forward    will discuss balancing the responsibility of       Campus Living Room, so this is an event you
to welcoming and getting acquainted with          being a student and a member of a varsity          don’t want to miss! Sponsored by DePauw
incoming music students.                          intercollegiate athletics team. Anyone             Student Government, Campus Life, DePauw
                                                  participating on a varsity intercollegiate         Community Service and the Bonner Scholar
7 - 8 p.m.                                        athletics team must attend this session.           Program.
Taking ownership for one’s learning
Your mentor will talk with you about the
differences between high school and college       WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23                               SATURDAY, AUG. 26
level academics and how to embrace a growth       Morning                                            5 - 8 p.m.
mindset. You will also begin setting goals for    Classes commence.                                  Prindlepalooza
your personalized four year plan. Your mentor                                                        The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics
will take you to your location.                   11:30 a.m.                                         Come explore The Janet Prindle Institute for
                                                  Intercultural Cookout                              Ethics and The Bartlett Reflection Center
10 p.m.                                           Ubben Quad                                         and all that they have to offer students. Enjoy
Glo Greek                                         (Rain location: Memorial Student Union             a relaxing evening at the Nature Park. For a
Memorial Student Union Building,                  Building, Ballroom)                                detailed list of activities, visit the website at
Stewart Plaza and Bowman Park                     This event provides a great opportunity to meet
Get to know members of the fraternity and         current students, faculty and staff and to find    programs/prindlepalooza. Shuttles will leave
sorority community through various events.        out more information about cultural programs,      from Memorial Student Union Building each
Sponsored by Campus Living & Community            activism and other campus inclusion resources      half hour from 5-7 p.m.
Development and Fraternity & Sorority Councils.   and activities. Come have lunch and make some
                                                  great connections.

8:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Common read discussions
Green Center for the Performing Arts
Meet in small groups with faculty and staff
leaders to discuss the summer readings related
to the locavore movement. Your mentor will tell
you where to meet.
You can also read