Class of2020 Congratulations

Page created by Jacob Rice
Class of2020 Congratulations
     Graham High School

          A special supplement of the

              in partnership with

Class of2020 Congratulations
2 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                           Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

          Honoring Our
          We’d like to extend our
          sincere congratulations
          and best wishes to the
          Class of 2020. As you
          celebrate this milestone
          achievement, please
          know you have made your
          community and
          your loved ones proud!

                                            10 Monument Square or
  Savings Bank                                    618 Scioto Street
                                                Urbana, Ohio 43078
                      URBANA         OHIO      937.653.1600
  People Matter.
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                                   Graham High School 2019-2020
                                              Top 5 students in the senior class
                             Holly Kamper, Alexis Lewis, Luke Miller, Nadia Ritter and Paige Rudolf

  Alivia Algren, Adrian Blanken, Ally Collette, Tylor Demmitt, Chloe Doroda, Colton Dunn, Mallory Fannin, Samantha Haynes,
    Rebecca Kaiser, Holly Kamper, Elise Kemp, Olivia Lawrence, Alexis Lewis, Weslie Long, Owen Mcguffey, Kevin Miller,
    Luke Miller, Andrew Milligan, Katelyn Nash, Ryan Recker, Nadia Ritter, Andrew Robeson, Madison Rose, Paige Rudolf,
       Taylor Scott, Madeline Shearer, Brynach Simpson, Makinsey Skaggs, Lane Smith, Madelyn Smith, Ryan St Myers,
                                                        Samuel Stickley

                         GRADUATING WITH HONORS – GPA 3.50 – 3.74
        Logan Anthony, Tylar Bailey, Wyatt Drown, Alexis Garver, Christian Harmon, Maddison Howard, Timothy Hughes,
           Christopher Kelly, Heather Miller-Hayes, Jacob Stewart, Brianna Tokie, Mikayla York, Adrien Wojtkowski

                                          DIPLOMA WITH HONORS
      Alivia Algren, Ally Collette, Chloey Doroda, Mallory Fannin, Christian Harmon, Samantha Haynes, Madison Howard,
           Holly Kamper, Elise Kemp, Olivia Lawrence, Alexis Lewis, Owen McGuffey, Luke Miller, Andrew Milligan,
     Katelyn Nash, Ryan Recker, Nadia Ritter, Taylor Scott, Madeline Shearer, Lane Smith, Madelyn Smith, Ryan St Myers,
                                               Jacob Stewart, Samuel Stickley

                                          PERFECT ATTENDANCE:
    9th Grade- Matthew Case, Austin Dixon, Chapman Driskill, Holly Kamper, Owen McGuffey, Nadia Ritter, Ryan St Myers,
                                             Jacob Stewart, Samuel Stickley
             10th Grade- Matthew Case, Chloey Doroda, Elise Kemp, Weslie Long, OWn McGuffey, Nadia Ritter,
                                               Lane Smith, Ryan St Myers
            11th Grade- Matthew Case, Mallory Fannin, Elise Kemp, Owen McGuffey, Nadia Ritter, Ryan St Myers,
                                             Jacob Stewart, Samuel Stickley
            12th grade- Matthew Case, Elise Kemp, ALexis Lewis, Owen McGuffey, Nadia Ritter, Andrew Robeson,
                                             Ryan St Myers, Samuel Stickley

                                                CLASS OFFICERS
                             FRESHMAN YEAR – 2017                JUNIOR YEAR – 2019
                             President – Sara Hess               President – Holly Kamper
                             Vice President –Hunter Gibson       Vice President –Owen McGuffey
                             Secretary – Chloey Doroda           Secretary – Madeline Shearer
                             Treasurer – Owen McGuffey           Treasurer – Andy Back

                             SOPHOMORE YEAR - 2018               SENIOR YEAR-2020
                             President – Sarah Hess              President – Holly Kamper
                             Vice President – Owen McGuffey      Vice President – Nadia Ritter
                             Secretary – Holly Kamper            Secretary – Madeline Shearer
                             Treasurer –Nadia Ritter             Treasurer – Lane Smith

                                              CLASS COLORS – Black and White
                                              CLASS FLOWER – White Carnation

                                  HISTORY OF GRAHAM SCHOOLING
                                           42% attended Graham Schools all 12 years
                                      4% attended Champaign County Schools all 12 years
                                            16% attended schools elsewhere in Ohio
                                             4% attended schools outside of Ohio in:
                                     Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia & Okinawa Japan

                                                  FUTURE PLANS
                                             71% plan to continue their education
                                                45% 4 year College/University
                                          26% 2 year College/University/Trade School
                                            23% plan to seek full-time employment
                                             6% plan to enter the military service
Class of2020 Congratulations
4 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                       Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                  ALIVIA ALGREN                                                  BRADY ANDERSON
     Coffin Station Road,                                           West Elm Street, Saint
        Springfield                                                        Paris
     Daughter of Shelley                                           Son of Donny and Jean
   and Michael Algren                                                   Anderson
   After graduation Alivia                                         Brady will be
will attend Wittenberg                                          continuing his career
University to major                                             as a student athlete
in Criminology. She                                             attending Bryant and
then plans to further                                           Stratton College in
her education in law                                            Cleveland where he
school at The Ohio State                                        will major in Criminal
University. Alivia has                                          Justice and play
enjoyed cheering for the                                        baseball. During his
football games as well                                          high school career Brady
as making new friends                                           most enjoyed playing
in Freshman Focus and                                           baseball.
Business Professionals of                                          “I would like to
America (BPA).                                                  recognize my parents for their support. I would like to thank
   “I wish to recognize my father, Michael Algren and my        my dad for teaching me the love of the game and coaching
friends, Kyler Shank and Ariana Church for helping me           me my whole life. And thank my brothers for challenging me
throughout the years.”                                          to be better than them and their friends from a young age.”

                                                                                 LOGAN ANTHONY
                AVERY ANDERSON
                                                                   West Lynn Street, Saint
   North State Route 560,                                                    Paris
         Urbana                                                    Son of Lance Anthony
   Daughter of Jill and                                         and April Martin
Todd Anderson                                                      After graduation
   Avery plans to go to                                         Logan plans to continue
The University of Findlay                                       full time work with
after graduation and                                            Turner Landscaping
major in Pre-Veterinary                                         while also furthering his
Science and graduate                                            education in landscape
with her Bachelor’s                                             management and
degree in Science.                                              horticulture. During
After that she plans                                            his high school career
to attend a veterinary                                          Logan enjoyed playing
school to get her                                               baseball and attending
doctorate in Veterinary                                         the other school sporting
Medicine and get a job                                          events.
helping animals. Avery                                             “First, I would like to thank Jesus Christ as my Lord
participated in 4-H for over ten years where she showed         and Savior for guiding and directing me and loving me
sheep, guinea pigs, cows and pigs. Along with showing she       unconditionally. Second, I would like to recognize my
was also crowned the Guinea Pig Princess, participated in       parents for loving me, guiding me through life and for all
the Junior Fair Board, The Dairy Council, and many 4-H clubs.   of their support in all of my endeavors. I would also like to
She also participated in Cheerleading and was the boys          recognize all of my grandparents for their encouragement
soccer statistician and team manager.                           and knowledge throughout my life.
   “I want to recognize my mom and dad for always
encouraging me to work hard and helping me succeed to
graduate high school with my Associates Degree. I also want

to recognize my boyfriend, Kurt, for always pushing me to
get things done because I have a tendency to procrastinate
often. Thank you guys!”

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            BRANSON JAMES ANWAY                                                  AALIYAH BACON
   North State Route 560,                                            Rupolo Drive, Saint
          Urbana                                                           Paris
   Son of Jonathan Anway                                             Daughter of Crystal
    and Kacy and Tom                                              and Tucker Thompson
           Moore                                                   After graduation
  After graduation                                              Aaliyah will be attending
Branson plans to                                                the University of
continue working full                                           Alabama where she
time at Skinny’s Garage                                         will major in Athletic
and at Tom Moore                                                Training on a pre-
Excavating. During                                              physical therapy track.
his high school career                                          During her high school
Branson enjoyed the                                             career Aaliyah has
Aviation Program and                                            enjoyed being a student
the knowledge he has                                            aid for the guidance
gained from working                                             office and being in
with Mr. Curtner. He                                            yearbook. During her
also enjoys restoring his vintage Ford trucks and has been      senior year she was also inducted into the National Honor
working on the restoration process since he was 16. He          Society.
has gained many skills while employed at Skinny’s Garage           “I am extremely thankful for my relationship with my
where the owner, Jason McKinney, has taken him under his        best friends Olivia Lawrence and Aleigha Botner. I also
wing and taught him a lot.                                      am extremely thankful for my parents and my grandma for
  “I would like to recognize my mom, Kacy Moore; my             always encouraging me to do better.”
step-dad, Tom Moore; my dad, Jonathan Anway; as well as
my siblings. They all have had to put up with me all of these
years and I know I have not always been the easiest! Thank
you guys and I love you all very much!”                                       MACKENZIE BAILES
                                                                      Washington Street,
                      ANDY BACK                                          Saint Paris
                                                                      Daughter of Kelly
     Putnam Road, Saint                                                    Bailes
            Paris                                                  Mackenzie plans to
       Son of Sean and                                          move to Columbus after
       Andrea Back                                              graduation where she
   Upon graduation Andy                                         will attend Paul Mitchell
plans to attend college                                         the School, majoring
and work towards                                                in Cosmetology and
getting his Bachelor’s                                          hair design. While at
Degree in Chemical                                              Graham Kenzie loved
Engineering and                                                 being a part of the
minoring in Biomedical                                          yearbook and becoming
Engineering. He has                                             close with new people.
especially enjoyed                                                 “I want to recognize
his senior season of                                            my dad for pushing me
basketball and making                                           and always being there to make me who I am today and my
friendships and                                                 boyfriend, Noah, for never giving up on me and being there
memories along the way.                                         for me at all times.”
   “I wish to recognize both of my parents for pushing me to
be the best version of myself.”
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                  TYLAR E. BAILEY                                               ADDISON BAUSER
     West State Route 29,                                           Kite Road, Saint Paris
          Urbana                                                    Daughter of Heather
     Son of Amy and Tony                                           Hall and Matt Bauser
           Bailey                                                  Addison will be
   After graduation                                             attending Aveda Institute
Tylar will be attending                                         of Columbus majoring
Wilmington College                                              in Esthiology and then
where he will major in                                          plans to work with a
Ag Business and Animal                                          dermatologist. During
Science. In high school                                         her high school career
Tylar enjoyed weight                                            Addison has enjoyed
lifting and competing in                                        going to the football and
meets. He also enjoyed                                          basketball games with
being a part of FFA                                             friends. She also loves
which he says taught                                            to hike, travel, shop and
him a lot about animals                                         work.
and how to handle a                                                “I would like to
successful business.                                            recognize my parents for always pushing me forward.”
   “I wish to recognize my mom and dad for always pushing
me in school and in life; my sister, for being one of my best
friends; and the Bush family, for helping me throughout                  ADRIAN GABRIEL BLANKEN
school and motivating me to improve everyday. I’d also
like to say thank you to all of my coaches and teachers for          Bair Road, Urbana
believing in me and pushing me past my limits.”                      Daughter of Tricia
                                                                   Adrian will be
                 NICHOLAS BAKER                                 attending Clark State
                                                                Community College,
    Russell Road, DeGraff                                       after graduation,
   After graduation                                             majoring in Global
Nicholas will be                                                Business and minoring
attending Bowling                                               in Spanish. She then
Green State University                                          plans to transfer to
where he will major in                                          another college or
Aviation with plans to                                          university where she
become a Commercial                                             will continue on to earn
Pilot. During his high                                          her Bachelor’s Degree.
school career Nicholas                                          Adrian will also be
especially enjoyed his                                          working in a salon with
senior year of football.                                        her cosmetology license to help pay her way through
   “I want to recognize                                         college. While attending Graham High School Adrian
my mom, Amy Baker, for                                          enjoyed Varsity Cheer, Varsity Choir, The Musicals, NHS, BPA,
being there for me and                                          NHD and SMD. While attending Hi Point she enjoyed student
getting me to all of my                                         delegates, student council, student design team, NTHS, her
practices for sports.”                                          various CCP courses and of course, cosmetology.
                                                                   “First and above all I’d like to recognize and give glory
                 WINTER BARONE                                  to my magnificent father, God. Next, I want to recognize
                                                                my beautiful mother, Tricia and my twin sister Ashlynn for
      South Washington                                          constantly being by my side and my amazing friend group
     Street, Saint Paris                                        and family who have always been my support. Lastly, I’d like
     Daughter of Thomas                                         to thank every teacher that I’ve had along the way. You have
    and Jeniene Barone                                          all given me something different, but they are things I will
   After graduation                                             never forget.”
Winter plans to join the
workforce full time and
save some money in
order to go to college
to major in Nursing or
Animal Science. During
her high school career
Winter enjoyed the
musical and being a part
of choir.
   “I want to thank all
of my teachers for
leading me, teaching me and guiding me to the right path to
graduate the best I can. I also want to thank my parents for
showing me how and pushing me to do my best.”
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                 AUBREY BLOSSER                                                       ELYJAH BOYD
     Dugan Street, Saint                                                South Springfield
            Paris                                                     Street, Saint Paris
    Daughter of Jerry and                                             Son of Cati and Dan
       Missy Blosser                                                         Neff
   After graduation                                                After graduation
Aubrey plans to                                                  Eli plans to join the
attend Clark State                                               workforce and work
Community College and                                            full time. During his
then transfer to Ohio                                            high school career Eli
University where she                                             enjoyed his Interior
will major to become                                             Design class and his
a Pediatric Nurse                                                Internships.
Practitioner. During                                               “I would like to
her high school career                                           recognize my mother
Aubrey most enjoyed                                              and my siblings for their
playing softball.                                                support.”
   “I would like to thank
my mom and dad for being my #1 supporters and always
pushing me to do my best in everything I do. Also, special                      ZACH BUMGARDNER
thanks to the rest of my family and close friends for the four           State Route 560,
years of lifelong memories.”                                                Urbana
                                                                          Son of Marsha
            STEVEN EUGEN BORING                                          Bumgardner
                                                                    Zach will be serving
    East Greene Street,                                          his country in the United
          Piqua                                                  State Marine Corps
     Son of Robert and                                           . and plans to have a
      Peggy Boring                                               long term career in the
  After graduation                                               military. Zach enjoyed
Steven plans to join the                                         running cross country for
workforce and become a                                           Coach Prill and being a
welder. During his high                                          member of FFA during
school years Steven has                                          his high school career.
enjoyed welding and                                                 “I want to thank
fabrication.                                                     my mom for all of her
  “I would like to                                               support. I also want to
recognize my parents,                                            thank my Grandma Bonnie. I would also like to give Coach
my older brother, my                                             Prill a special thank you for all she does.”
older sister and my
welding instructor.”
                                                                                       MATT CASE
                ALLEIGHA BOTNER                                      Kite Road, Saint Paris
                                                                     Son of Brian and Lisa
     State Route 55, Saint                                                   Case
            Paris                                                   Matt’s plans after
    Daughter of Brittany                                         graduation are to
   Robinson and Justin                                           attend The Ohio State
         Robinson                                                University ATI, majoring
   Alleigha plans to                                             in Agronomy while
attend Ohio University                                           earning a degree in
where she will major in                                          Associates of Science.
Choral Music Education.                                          He plans to further his
Her biggest goal is to be                                        education by earning
a part of the Marching                                           a Bachelors of Science
110 and play the                                                 in Sustainable Plant
trumpet for them. She                                            Systems from the Ohio
has dreamed of being a                                           State University in
part of the 110 since her                                        Columbus, Ohio.
freshman year of high                                               While in high school Matt has enjoyed being a member of
school. Alleigha loves                                           the A.B. Graham Ohio Hi-Point FFA chapter and a member of
music and so has been very involved in every music activity      the A.B. Graham Chapter of the National Honors Society. He
she could be during her high school career. She has been         also was a part of the football, bowling and baseball teams
a part of the Marching Band, the Musicals, Varsity Choir,        all four of his high school years.
Concert choir, Pep Band, Concert Band and Jazz Band.                “I wish to recognize my parents and grandparents for all
   “I want to recognize my mom who made it possible for          the support and guidance they have shown me throughout
me to follow my dreams and passions and my grandpa, who          my life. Also, my teachers, coaches and friends who have
inspired me to pursue music all these years. Both of them        given me life lessons that I will hold on to for the rest of my
encouraged me and believed in me the whole way.”                 life.”
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                      TRAVIS CHESNUT                                              JOELLE CHRISTMAN
    Miami Shelby Road                                                High Street, Saint Paris
      East, Conover                                                  Daughter of Aaron and
   Son of Mike and Diana                                                Julie Christman
         Chesnut                                                     After graduation Joelle
  After graduation                                                will attend Edison State
Travis plans to work as                                           Community College
a corrections officer in                                          for two years majoring
Miami or Shelby county.                                           in Nursing. She then
During his high school                                            plans to transfer to
years, Travis enjoyed                                             Wright State University
hunting and fishing and                                           where she will earn
doing auto body work.                                             her bachelor’s degree
  “I want to recognize                                            in Nursing. During
my mom and dad for                                                her high school career
their support.”                                                   Joelle especially
                                                                  enjoyed being a part of
                                                                  the Dancin Band from
                                                                  Falconland, Pep Band and the Spring Musicals.
                                                                     “I wish to recognize Aaron and Julie Christman, Connie
                                                                  Helman, Elizabeth Wahl and Matthew Craft.”

                                                                                     ARIANA CHURCH
                                                                       State Route 55, Saint
                                                                     Daughter of Trisha and
                                                                   Danny Cottrell and John
                                                                     Ariana plans to attend
                                                                  Edison State Community
                                                                  College in the fall
                Congratulations to                                majoring in Education.
                                                                  She then plans to
                                                                  transfer to another

                   The Class of                                   college to continue her
                                                                  education and earn her
                                                                  Bachelor’s degree.
                                                                     During her high
                                                                  school career Ariana
                                                                  has been a member
                                                                  of concert choir all four years and has enjoyed being a
                                                                  member of the bowling team.
                                                                     “I would like to recognize my mom for pushing me to do
                                                                  well when all I wanted was to quit. I’d like to recognize my
                                                                  best friend Kylee for staying by my side from the beginning
                                                                  to the end of our high school years and Sophia for becoming
                                                                  one of the best friends I’ve had.”

                                                                                     KYLE CLARKSON
                                                                      Elm Street, Saint Paris
                                                                         Son of Bryan and
                                                                       Rhonda Clarkson
                                                                     After graduation Kyle

                                                           ,LLC   will continue working
                                                                  full time for CAM
                                                                  Machine in Saint Paris
                    We love what we do, and you will too!         as a C & C Machine
                                                                  Operator. Kyle plans
                8500 W. Route 36 • St. Paris, OH 43072            to earn his certificate
                     1/4 Mile West of Graham High School          in C & C Machine
                                                                  Programming as well.
                 Call to Schedule Your Free Estimate              During high school Kyle
                       937-663-5898                               enjoyed participating in
                                                                  our National Service Day
Class of2020 Congratulations
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                  ALLY COLLETTE                                                        KADY COOK
   West Plum Street, Saint                                               State Route 245,
            Paris                                                           DeGraff
   Daughter of Karen and                                             Daughter of Phil Cook
        Joe Collette                                                    and Ame Gould
   Ally will attend                                                  After graduation Kady
Tiffin University where                                           plans to work as a STNA
she is planning to                                                and attend college
obtain her Bachelor’s                                             to earn her Nursing
of Science degree in                                              Degree.
Criminalistics. She then                                             During her high
plans to use her degree                                           school career she
to become a homicide                                              enjoyed being a part of
detective. Being a part                                           4-H showing Market Beef
of the Dancin Band from                                           Steers, Horses, Hogs and
Falconland has been                                               Goats.
the highlight of Ally’s                                              “I would like to
high school career.                                               recognize my momma
“Learning, practicing, and performing alongside so many           because honestly I’m not sure I would have made it through
amazing people has shaped me into a better, more outgoing         my freshman and sophomore years or decided to go to Hi
person and leader. I feel very lucky to have been a part of it    Point for nursing if it hadn’t been for her. She is the one I
all.”                                                             always looked up to and always wanted to make proud.”
   “I wish to recognize my Nana and Pap, Mamaw and Papaw,
Doug Kuntz, Karen Collette, Mason Collette, Evie Estes and
Brian Kuntz.”                                                     WILLIAM (TODD) ANDREW CRAWFORD
                                                                    West Main Street, Saint
                  TAYLOR CONLEY                                              Paris
                                                                     Son of Jana Crawford
   West Plum Street, Saint                                            and Bill Crawford
             Paris                                                  Todd will be attending
       Daughter of Mike                                           Edison State Community
 Conley and Patty James                                           College where he will
   After graduation                                               major in business in
Taylor plans to take a                                            order to make himself
year off of school and                                            more valuable to the
join the workforce.                                               company he already
During that year she                                              works for, Foster
will be deciding what                                             Equipment Sales.
college she may want                                              During his high school
to go to and what she                                             career Todd has enjoyed
would love to major                                               FFA and enjoys his work.
in. During her high                                                 “I would like to
school career Taylor has                                          recognize my mom, dad, grandma Connie, grandpa Mike
enjoyed competing in                                              and everyone else (they know who they are) for helping me
FCCLA. She competed                                               along the way. Thank you for everything!”
in the ProStart competition her junior year and the Cake
Competition her senior year and won gold and was able to
go to State.
   “I first want to recognize my dad. He has taught me so                            IRA CREVISTON
many valuable lessons. One of the biggest lessons I’ve                West State Route 29,
learned was to never give up on your dreams no matter what                Rosewood
life throws at you. He has taught me that I am capable of            Son of Maggie Carey
anything I put my mind to and nothing is impossible. Next         and Chris Creviston
I want to recognize my mom. She has taught me how to be              After graduation Ira
loving and caring. She also taught me that no matter what         will proudly serve his
you go through in life, you will still be happy. Last I want to   country in the United
thank God for leading me down this amazing path that has          States Marines. During
brought me to where I am today. I know he already has my          his high school career
future planned out and I can’t wait to see what it brings me.”    Ira especially enjoyed
                                                                  being a part of Color
                                                                     “I would like to
                                                                  recognize Gary Blair,
                                                                  Dan Carey, Caleb Ford,
                                                                  Sgt. Arroyo, Kyle Bowman
                                                                     and Coach Clark.”
Class of2020 Congratulations
10 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                 Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                   DONNA CUPPS                                                TYLOR DEMMITT
    West Lynn, Saint Paris                                         East Walnut Street,
    Daughter of Jerri and                                            Saint Paris
       Travis Cupps                                               Daughter of heather
   After graduation                                               Wolfe and Jayson
Donna plans to continue                                               Demmitt
her education majoring                                          Tylor’s plans after
in Early Childhood                                           graduation are to attend
Education.                                                   Edison State Community
   During her high                                           College for two years.
school career she                                            She then plans to
especially enjoyed                                           transfer to Wright State
playing softball for                                         University where she
Graham High School and                                       will earn her Bachelor’s
going to the basketball                                      and Master’s degree in
games.                                                       Psychology. Her dream
   “I would like to                                          is to become a Clinical
recognize my mom, Jerri;                                     Counselor and to have
my dad, Travis; my teachers and my siblings, especially my   her own private practice.
brother, Marqus and my grandparents.”                           Tylor has especially enjoyed being a part of the Marching
                                                             Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band where she has
                                                             made life long friends and cherished memories and has
                    MICAH DAVIS                              “loved every second of it.”
    South Elm Tree Road,                                        “I want to thank my mom who was there on the first day of
         Conover                                             school every year and who always had a smile on her face
    Son of Raymond Davis                                     even though her baby was growing up. I want to thank my
    and Pamela Hagler                                        dad who always comforted me when I was down and who
   Upon graduation                                           always cheered me on at my games and even brought me
Micah plans to join the                                      flowers on my last game. I also want to thank my sister and
workforce full time. He                                      my best friends, who always supported me and had my back
is interested in possibly                                    no matter what.”
joining the United State
Air Force or going to
college to become a                                                       AUSTIN JACOB DIXON
Personal Trainer or
Physical Education                                                 Willowdale Road,
teacher. While at                                                      Urbana
Graham high school                                              Son of Becky and Brian
Micah enjoyed United                                                    Dixon
Service Day, lifting and                                        After graduation
lunch.                                                       Austin plans to continue
   “I would like to recognize my mom and dad for their       working at Koenig
support.”                                                    Equipment. His long
                                                             term goal is to become a
                                                             diesel mechanic. During
                                                             his high school career,
               TIMOTHY DAYHOFF                               Austin enjoyed being
                                                             in FFA, 4-H and being a
       Cemetery Road,                                        part of tractor pulls.
          DeGraff                                               “I would like to thank
      Son of Harold and                                      my parents and my sister
      Jessica Bashore                                        for always supporting
   After graduation                                          me.”
Timothy plans to join
the workforce full time
and take a year away
from academics. While
at Graham High school
Tim enjoyed Enclave and
talking and hanging out
with his friends.
   “I would like to thank
anyone who has helped
me to get to this point.”
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                    DYLAN DIXON                                       CHLOEY DORODA
  Kite Road, Saint Paris                               State Route 55, Urbana
  Son of Dawn Bishop                                      Daughter of April
                                                       Chloey plans to attend
                                                     Clark State Community
                                                     College to become a
                                                     Registered Nurse. She
                                                     hopes to eventually
                                                     get a job at a children’s
                                                     hospital and become a
                                                     pediatric nurse. Chloey
                                                     has especially enjoyed
                                                     being a part of FCCLA,
                                                     and HOSA and going to
                                                     competitions with both
                                                       “I wish to recognize
                    MARK DIXON                       my sisters, Skylar and Ashley; my brother, Elijah; and my
                                                     mother, April for their support.”
  Kite Road, Saint Paris
  Son of Dawn Bishop
                                                                    CHAPMAN DRISKILL
                                                        Kizer Lake Road, Saint
                                                          Son of Julie and Tim
                                                        After graduation
                                                     Chapman hopes to
                                                     work for a HVAC
                                                     Mechanical Company in
                                                     Bellefontaine. He would
                                                     like to save money
                                                     and move out on his
                                                     own. During his high
                                                     school career Chapman
               ASHTON M. DOOLEY                      enjoyed playing three
                                                     years of high school
    Kite Road, Saint Paris                           football and was glad to
    Son of Ricky Dooley                              have the opportunity to
      and Sarah Fent                                 attend Hi Point Career Center.
  After graduation                                      “I would like to recognize my mom, my dad and my
Ashton plans to continue                             siblings for their support.”
working full time in
construction for a year
and they would like to
join the United States
Air Force. After his
time in the Air Force
he would like to attend
an undecided college.
While in high school
Ashton enjoyed the
Aviation Program,
Chemistry, English,
Baseball and Soccer.
  “I wish to recognize my father, my mother and my
grandparents, Sherri and Rick Dooley.”

 Congrats Grad!
12 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                              Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                             WYATT DROWN                                                     ALLISON DUNN
     Valley Pike, Urbana                                                        Zimmerman Road,
   Son of Larry and Gayla                                                          Saint Paris
          Drown                                                                Daughter of Dennis
   After graduation                                                             and Stacy Dunn
Wyatt plans to continue                                                      Allison will be
his work at Champaign                                                     attending Bowling Green
Springs while looking                                                     State University, after
for a job where he can                                                    graduation, majoring
work on cars. He would                                                    in Communication
like to save enough                                                       Sciences and disorders
money to own his own                                                      with plans to become
car and home someday.                                                     a Speech Language
   During his high school                                                 Pathologist.
career Wyatt enjoyed                                                         While at Graham high
his Math classes, Going                                                   school Allison enjoyed
to the McAuley Center                                                     playing varsity soccer all
where he volunteered                                                      four years and loved
in both the Maintenance and dietary departments. He also                     participating in 4-H.
enjoyed being a part of the Enclave program and working on                   “I wish to recognize my mom and dad for always
his dirt bike.                                                            supporting me in everything I do. My brother and sister
   “I would like to thank Mrs. Lensman and Mrs. Kizer for                 for helping me become the person I am today. And
helping me with school and for getting me to graduation.                  my grandparents for always being there for everything
I really want to thank my mom and dad for getting me up                   including every sporting event.”
everyday to go to school. They never have given up on me.
All of these people tell me to never give up and that I have a
good heart to share with other people. I also want to thank
Darren Houston for helping me out in Math class.”

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Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                             GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 13

                    COLTON DUNN                                                     MALLORY FANNIN
     North Ludlow Road,                                                State Route 55, Urbana
           Cable                                                        Daughter of Jerry and
     Son of Brett and Kim                                                  Renee Fannin
            Dunn                                                       Upon graduation
   After graduation                                                 Mallory plans to attend
Colton plans to work                                                college where she hopes
and participate in the                                              to discover and explore
program at DownSize                                                 her passions. During
Farms. He plans to take                                             her high school career
vacations and spend lots                                            Mallory especially
of time with his friends                                            enjoyed attending
and family. Colton                                                  Homecoming and Prom
will definitely keep                                                with her closest friends.
singing and enjoying                                                   “I would like to
opportunities to volunteer                                          recognize both of
and participate in Special                                          my parents for their
Olympics and make                                                   unconditional love,
people smile! During his high school career Colton’s favorite       support and encouragement. I would also like to recognize
activities were being in choir and the musicals. “I love Mrs.       my friends for their friendship and continued support,
Trenor!” He also enjoyed being on the Homecoming Court for          laughs and good memories.”
two years and voted the 2019-2020 Homecoming King! Colton
said it meant so much that his classmates would support him in
this way!                                                                          MAKAILA FARRELL
   Colton also enjoyed being a part of the FLIGHT Program.
   “I want to thank my parents and my brothers for always              North Lincoln Street,
supporting me and helping me. I also want to thank the many             Christiansburg
teachers, students and staff at Graham for all of the friendships       Daughter of Mary
and love that they have showed me over the years!”                         Callihan

                    AMBER EATON
   Jefferson Street, Saint
   Daughter of Shannon
  After graduation
Amber plans to stay at
home and be a full time
mom. During her high
school career she has
enjoyed spending time
with family and friends                                                             Michael Foulks
and loves to swim.
  “I would like to
recognize my mother,
Shannon Bradley; my
brother, Dustin Eaton;
and my fiance, Frank
Radaszewski Jr.”

                BRENNON ERQUITT
   North Monroe Street,
  Son of Timothy Erquitt
14 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                           Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                      ELLIE FOX                        CIERRA FURROW
       U.S. Highway 36,                  Post Road, Springfield
          Urbana                         Daughter of Sheila Fay
    Daughter of Stacy Fox                 and Jeremy Furrow
   After graduation                      Cierra will be
Ellie plans to continue               attending Clark State
working full time and                 Community College
would like to attend                  in the fall majoring in
college in the future.                Business Marketing. She
During her high school                then plans to transfer to
career Ellie especially               an undecided college
enjoyed PE class.                     where she will finish
   “I would like to                   earning her Bachelor’s
recognize my friend,                  degree in order to go
Bailey; my teachers; and              into pharmaceutical
all of my friends during              sales. During her
my school years.”                     high school career
                                      Cierra enjoyed Varsity
                                      cheerleading, Varsity Softball, FFA, her CCP classes and
                    ETHAN FRIES       FCCLA.
                                         “I would like to recognize my parents, grandparents and
   South Lincoln Street,              my family and friends for being my backbone. Thank you
    Christiansburg                    guys so much for loving me and helping me succeed in life.”
    Son of Chad Fries

                                                        ALEXIS GARVER
                                             State Route 245,
                                         Daughter of Cassandra
                                           and Craig Garver
                                         Upon graduation
                                      Alexis will attend CCAD
                                      majoring in advertising
                                      and graphic design.
                                      During her high school
                                      career Alexis enjoyed
                                      creating advertisements
                    TRAVIS FROST      for people and creating
                                      art in general. She feels
    Conrad Road, Saint                great when she can let
         Paris                        her “creative freedom
     Son of Chris and                 flow”.
      Ginger Frost                       “I wish to recognize
                                      my mom since she is always there for me and lets me be who
                                      I am. My older sister who is also always there for me and
                                      brings out the best in me. My best friend, Ashton, for having
                                      my back and always making sure I am happy and accepts
                                      me for who I am. And Mallory, Madelyn and Tylor for being
                                      there my whole life. I love you all!”
Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                      GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 15

                  HUNTER GIBSON                                             SAMANTHA HAYNES
      Nettlecreek Road,                                           River Road, Urbana
          Urbana                                                   Daughter of David
   Son of Hiedie Whitman                                       Haynes and Shaunda
      and Lee Gibson                                                   Haynes
   After graduation                                             After graduation
Hunter will attend                                           Samanth will be serving
Columbus State                                               her country in the United
Community College                                            States Navy where she
where he will major in                                       will serve active duty for
Psychology. He plans                                         four years trained as a
to transfer to Ohio                                          Cryptologic Technician.
University to further                                        After those four years
his education after two                                      Samantha plans to
years. During his high                                       attend college for an
school career Hunter                                         additional four years
enjoyed being a part of                                      majoring in Criminal
the varsity choir, being                                     Justice and minoring in
in the school musicals and being active in student senate.   writing. During her years at Graham High School Samantha
   “I want to recognize my entire family for supporting me   has enjoyed being part of Graham’s varsity choir and being
every step along the way and my friends who I consider my    a part of the musical productions.
family as well and who have made the biggest impact on          “I wish to recognize my dad, who has been supporting
me.”                                                         me nonstop for as long as I can remember. Despite what
                                                             happens in life he has always unyieldingly had my back. I
                                                             also would like to recognize my mom, who cannot physically
               CHRISTIAN HARMON                              be here now but who has definitely molded me into the
                                                             person I am today. I know she would be nothing but proud to
       Snapptown Road,
                                                             see how far I’ve come. She has forever impacted my life for
                                                             the better.”
       Son of Steve and
      Cheryl Harmon
   Christian will be
attending Edison State                                                          LEAH I. HENRY
Community College                                                 Troy Urbana Road,
in the fall majoring in                                               Casstown
Computer Science. He                                             Daughter of Vanessa
will also be working an                                       Archer and Josh Henry
internship in his field of                                     After graduation
study. During his high                                       Leah plans to further
school career, Christian                                     her education to
enjoyed going to many                                        become an Orthodontist
of the sporting events.                                      Assistant. During her
   “I’d like to                                              high school career Leah
recognize my parents,                                        has especially enjoyed
grandparents and my brothers and sisters. Without them I     being a member of
would not be where I am today.”                              the soccer team and
                                                             dancing at Center Stage
                                                             Academy in Troy. Leah
                                                             has danced for sixteen
                                                             years learning the art of
                                                             Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop and Contemporary dance, with Tap
                                                             being her favorite. She also enjoyed Co-teaching a dance
                                                             class for kids with special needs.
                                                               “I’d like to thank my parents and my grandparents for their
                                                             constant support and love. I wouldn’t have been able to do it
                                                             without them. They pushed me to be better everyday.”

16 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                        Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

          IN MEMORY OF SARA HESS                                               BLAKE CALVIN HOFFER
   Sara Marie Hess                                                   Russell Road, DeGraff
touched the lives of all                                            Son of Kwen Buchanan,
who met her, with her                                               Greg Dibert and Nick
infectious smile and                                                        Hoffer
affinity to love those                                              Blake plans to
around her. She will                                              continue working full
always be remembered                                              time at Tom Moore
as the girl who made a                                            Excavating and is
difference- long after                                            considering serving his
her death. We remember                                            country in one of the
Sara for the legacy                                               United States military
she left behind her,                                              branches within the next
reminding all of us to                                            year. During his high
stop and enjoy the little                                         school career Blake
things in life, have fun,                                         has really enjoyed his
laugh A LOT, and to tell                                          time in Mrs. Wallace’s
our friends and family                                            Ag classes. Blake says,
we love them, every chance we get. Because of the light that      “Mrs. Wallace has had a huge impact in my high school
shines from her, she lives in the hearts of those that love her   career and is a teacher I could always count on. I will
forever. As the class of 2020 continues to grow and pursue        especially miss her classes.
their endeavors year after year, our memory of our dear             “After my mom, Kwen, passed away my entire family was
classmate Sara will never fade.                                   there for me. There are so many to thank: Aunt Kacy and
                                                                  Uncle Tom for their guidance; Uncle Keith for his craziness;
 “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die”- Thomas        my grandparents, Susan and Rick, Grumpy Buchanan and
Campbell                                                          Becky Perkins for all of the love. And lastly, I want to thank
                                                                  Greg Dibert for raising me when he didn’t have to.”

                   LINDON HOBLIT
                                                                                  DARREN HOUSTON
   Kite Road, Saint Paris
       Son of Jeff and                                               Salem Cemetery Road,
     Sheriann Hoblit                                                        DeGraff
  After graduation                                                     Son of Devlin Lewis
Lindon will join the                                                   and Tony Houston
workforce full time                                                  After graduation
while continuing his                                              Darren plans to continue
part time work with Mad                                           full time work at CAM
River Township. Lindon                                            Machine Inc. During
especially enjoyed                                                his high school career
playing basketball and                                            Darren enjoyed hunting,
being a part of FFA                                               fishing and running
during his high school                                            derby cars.
career.                                                              “I would like to thank
                                                                  my parents, my brother
                                                                  and Mrs. Lensman for
                                                                  pushing me and helping
                                                                  me get to where I am
Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                        GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 17

              MADDISON HOWARD                                                  TIMOTHY HUGHES
        Archer Street,                                            Tammy Marie Lane,
        Rosewood                                               Saint Paris
     Daughter of Carrie                                           Son of Jennifer and
Sells and Robert Howard                                        Tom Hughes
   After graduation                                               After graduation
Maddison plans to                                              Timothy will be serving
further her education                                          our great country in the
at Sinclair Community                                          United States Army. He
College completing her                                         will be training at Fort
prerequisite courses.                                          Benning Georgia. After
She then plans to                                              basic training, Timothy
transfer to a university                                       will attend Airborne and
to obtain her Bachelor’s                                       Ranger Schools where
degree in Child                                                he will enter in as a
Psychology. During                                             Private. The activities
her high school career                                         Tim most enjoyed here
Maddison especially                                            at Graham High school
enjoyed being in the Choir.                                    include Soccer, Track, Weight Lifting, Varsity Choir, the
   “I would like to thank my parents, Carrie and Robert, who   Musicals, and Youth and Government.
have supported me and loved me through everything. I              “I would like to recognize my parents, my siblings, all of
would like to recognize my sisters as well as my niece and     my teammates and coaches and all of my friends. Thank you
nephews who helped me mature and become who I am now.          all for being there for me. Without you I wouldn’t be here. I
I also want to thank my best friends, Abby and Alexis, who     would also like to especially thank my girlfriend, Randi for
made high school worth it.”                                    all of her love and support.”

                   SKYLA HUGHES                                                    SKYLAR IVON
   South Ashland Street,                                           Creek Road, Saint
       Saint Paris                                                      Paris
    Daughter of Crystal                                            Son of Sonya Ivon

                                                                              MORGAN JOHNSON
                                                                       Shrine Road,
                                                                   Daughter of Kala and
                                                                      Stan Johnson
                                                                  After graduation
                                                               Morgan plans to attend
                                                               Antioch College
                                                               where she plans to
                                                               major in Education.
                                                               The classes Morgan
                                                               enjoyed the most while
                                                               in high school have
                                                               been Chorus and her
                                                               Leadership classes.
                                                                  “I wish to recognize
                                                               my two grandpas who
                                                               have passed away within
                                                               my high school career. I would also like to recognize my
                                                               teacher, Mrs. Fletcher, who has helped me and shaped me
                                                               into someone I’m proud to be.”
18 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                    Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                REBECCA KAISER                                               CHRISTOPHER KELLY
    Ford Road, Saint Paris                                       Jefferson Street, Saint
   Daughter of Stephanie                                                Pairs
      and Mark Kaiser                                              Son of Bryan and
   Rebecca will be                                                  Angelica Kelly
attending Wright State                                          Christopher will
University in the fall and                                    be attending Arizona
plans to major in the                                         Christian University in
Fine Arts focusing on                                         Glendale Arizona upon
Interior Design. During                                       graduation.
her high school career
Rebecca especially
enjoyed her art classes
and being a part of
   “I would like to
recognize my parents,
my sister and my
boyfriend, Ethan for supporting me throughout high school.”
                                                                                  DESTINY KEMP
                                                                   Carysville Road,
                 HOLLY KAMPER                                          Conover
                                                                   Granddaughter of
       Archer Street,                                               Richard Kemp
   Daughter of Scott and
      Shelia Kamper
  Holly will be attending
Sinclair Community
College after graduation
majoring in Dental
  During her high
school career Holly has
enjoyed being involved
in Cross Country,
FCCLA, Student Senate,
Youth and Government
and NHS.                                                                            ELISE KEMP
  “I wish to recognize
my mom and dad, Scott and Shelia Kamper; my sisters,             East Lynn Street, Saint
Laura Kamper and Leanne Kennedy: my brother, Henry                        Paris
Kamper; my mamaw, Shirley Woodrum; my boyfriend, Todd               Daughter of Beth
Crawford and my best friend Madeline Shearer for all of                  DeFoor
their support.”                                                 Elise will be attending
                                                              Berea College where she
                                                              plans to double major in
                   RHETT KANE                                 Child and Family Studies
                                                              and Psychology. She
   Main Street, Urbana                                        plans to work towards
  Son of Kelley Kane and                                      her goal of establishing
       Rhett Kane                                             a home away from home
                                                              facility in an inner city
                                                              where students can stay,
                                                              improve their athletic
                                                              abilities and be tutored.
                                                              Elise has especially
                                                              enjoyed sports in high school. She loved her time playing
                                                              basketball with her closest friends as well as her time
                                                              throwing on the track team.
                                                                “I’d like to thank my mom and my grandparents for their
                                                              endless support. I would also like to thank my friends Liv,
                                                              Brooke, and Leile for standing by me through this crazy
Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                      GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 19

        NATHAN ALEXANDRE KRONK                                               OLIVIA LAWRENCE
    Terry Lane, Urbana                                             Runkle Road, Saint
    Son of Rebecca and                                                    Paris
     Charles Kronk                                                Daughter of Liz and
  After graduation                                                  Dan Lawrence
Nathan plans to attend                                          Olivia plans to
Edison State Community                                       attend the University
College where he plans                                       of Cincinnati to attain
to major in the Medical                                      her Bachelor’s Degree
Field.                                                       in Early Childhood
                                                             Education. She has
                                                             especially enjoyed
                                                             FCCLA, basketball and
                                                             being a part of Youth
                                                             in Government. She
                                                             has also enjoyed being
                                                             a student aid with her
                                                             friend Bryn. “I have
                                                             made some amazing friendships from being a part of these
                ETHAN LANGFORD                               activities and they have changed my life.”
                                                                “I would like to recognize my mom, for always pushing
     North Main Street,                                      me to do great things. My brother, for teaching me that
     Christiansburg                                          life is not so black and white. My grandpas Larmee, for
   Son of Kimberly and                                       always being my biggest supporter and critic. And all of my
     Mike Langford                                           amazing Graham friends that have given me memories to
  Upon graduation                                            last a lifetime.”
Ethan plans to attend
Edison State Community
College majoring in                                                             ALEXIS LEWIS
Physical Therapist
Assistant. While in high                                           North Main Street,
school Ethan especially                                            Christiansburg
enjoyed his Career                                                    Daughter of
Connections class and                                        Christopher and Theresa
playing baseball for                                                    Lewis
Graham all four years.                                          After graduation
  “I would like to                                           Alexis will attend Wright
recognize my mom, my                                         State University with an
dad and my entire family for helping me with everything. I   undecided major. She
would also like to thank Rebecca Kaiser for her support.”    hopes to explore all
                                                             of her many interests
                                                             and cultivate a happy,
             VICTORIA LAUGHMAN                               healthy future. During
     Old Troy Pike, Saint                                    her high school career
            Paris                                            Alexis has especially
       Daughter of Rhett                                     enjoyed playing soccer
         Laughman                                            her sophomore and
   After graduation                                          junior year. She also loved participating in Youth and
Victoria plans to move                                       Government. She loved meeting new people and spending
to Illinois where she                                        time with her friends!
will attend Rock Valley                                         “I want to thank my mom and dad for always supporting
College and major                                            me and guiding me as both their daughter and their friend. I
in Dental Hygiene.                                           want to recognize my brother for his constant help, love and
During her high school                                       support (and laughs!) And I want to thank my Mamaw for her
career Victoria enjoyed                                      unwavering prayers and warm love.”
working with her friends
and classmates.
   “I would like to
recognize my dad,
Penni and my boyfriend

20 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                                         Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                             ZACH LEWIS                                                      HAYDON ZANE LINGRELL
   Fillmore Street, Cable                                                West Troy Street, Saint
     Son of Toni Harville                                                        Paris
    and Craig Harville                                                       Son of Lindsay
  After graduation                                                     Sanders and Andy and
Zach plans to work at                                                        Gina Lingrell
Sutphens as a Diesel                                                    After graduation
Mechanic, get his own                                                 Haydon plans to
place and hopes to be                                                 continue his full time
getting married very                                                  work with his older
soon. During high                                                     brother at Complete
school Zach mostly                                                    Detail Cleaning and
enjoyed “hanging out                                                  Restoration. During
with his crowd” and                                                   his high school career
working.                                                              Haydon enjoyed the
  ‘I would like to                                                    IT Pathway and being
recognize Wyatt Long,                                                 a part of BPA as well
Hunter Long, Josh Mays,                                               as being president of
Daniel Long, Mercedes Smith, Craig Harville, Toni Harville            BPA. Haydon also enjoyed his many years of being on the
and Alexis Harville.”                                                 wrestling team and loved his art classes.
                                                                        “I would like to recognize my mom, Lindsay; my dad,
                                                                      Andy; my brother, Holdon and my sister Sophia for all of
                                                                      their support.”

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Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                          GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 21

                SETH LIPPENCOTT                                                   EDEN MARKWELL
  State Route 55, Urbana                                                Conrad Drive,
    Son of Andrew and                                                    Springfield
    Stacy Lippencott                                                Daughter of Dan and
                                                                      Shannon Perkins
                                                                   Eden will be attending
                                                                 Bowling Green State
                                                                 University in the fall
                                                                 majoring in Early
                                                                 Childhood Education.
                                                                 She hopes to become
                                                                 an Elementary school
                                                                 teacher. During her
                                                                 high school career she
                                                                 has enjoyed all of her
                                                                 volleyball seasons, Prom,
                                                                 Homecoming and the
                                                                 Pep rallies.
                                                                   “I would like to thank my step dad and my mom for always
                ABIGAIL LITTERAL                                 being there for me and making sure that I had the best
      Rosewood-Quincy                                            support system. I would also like to thank all of my friends
       Road, DeGraff                                             for giving me great memories. They all know who they are.”
     Daughter of Heather
 Litteral and John Liedtke                                                          HUNTER MAYS
   After graduation
Abigail plans to join                                               State Route 235, Saint
the workforce full time                                                     Paris
to save some money                                                     Son of Erin Mays
and apply to college                                               After graduation
in a year. Abigail has                                           Hunter will be attending
especially enjoyed                                               Hobart Welding School
her art classes here at                                          where he will get
Graham High School.                                              certified in welding and
She says “she has always                                         pipe welding. During
been passionate about                                            his high school career
art and being able to                                            Hunter enjoyed all of the
take art class four years                                        FFA events.
in a row was super fun and finally completing it was like the      “I would like to
cherry on top.”                                                  recognize my mom, Mrs.
   “I wish to recognize my mom and dad for always allowing       Wallace, Mr. Knowels
me to be myself and express myself freely at all times. I also   and my grandparents.”
wish to recognize my best friends, Maddison Howard and
Alexis Lewis, for always having my back and never giving up
on me.”
                                                                               MAXWELL MAZINGO
                    WESLIE LONG                                         Bollinger Road,
                                                                     Son of Randi and John
                                                                    After graduation Max
                                                                 plans to continue his
                                                                 work at Skinny’s garage
                                                                 and wants to be a full
                                                                 time Mechanic. While
                                                                 here at Graham Max
                                                                 enjoyed PE and all of his
                                                                 science classes.
                                                                    “I would like to
                                                                 recognize my mom and
                                                                 all of my close friends.”
22 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                   Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

          MADISON MCALEXANDER                                              DESTINY MCPHERSON
       Township Road 4,                                             Dialton Road, Saint
          Quincy                                                          Paris
   Daughter of Ashli and                                           Daughter of Angela
     Jim McAlexander                                                     Starling
   After graduation                                              After graduation
Madison will be                                               Destiny plans on joining
attending Edison State                                        the workforce full time.
Community College                                             She would like to work
where she will study to                                       toward buying a new
become a Registered                                           car, new furniture and
Nurse while also                                              a home. The school
working full time.                                            class that Destiny
   “I would like to                                           enjoyed the most has
recognize my mom                                              been her art class. She
and dad, Ashli and Jim                                        also enjoys riding her
McAlexander.”                                                 bike, watching Youtube
                                                              videos, playing video
                                                              games and walking her dog.
                                                                 “I wish to recognize my mom, Angela, because she is
                                                              a role model in my life. I also wish to recognize all of my
                OWEN MCGUFFEY                                 friends: Makinsey Skaggs, Hannah Monroe, Ely Boyd, Winter
                                                              Barone, Myriah Wright, Sydney Underwood and Abby
   Smith Road, Saint Paris                                    Monroe.”
    Son of Amy and Jamie
   After graduation                                                              JACOB MILLER
Owen will be a student
athlete at Wittenberg                                              State Route 55, Saint
University majoring in                                                    Paris
Business, minoring in                                              Son Tara Miller and
art and playing for their                                             Chris Miller
basketball team. While                                           Jacob will be
at Graham High school                                         attending Edison State
Owen has enjoyed                                              Community College
being part of Youth and                                       where he will major
Government and Nation                                         in Mechanical Design.
History Day. He also                                          During his high school
enjoyed all of his sports                                     career Jacob enjoyed
teams and his leadership                                      playing football and
groups.                                                       going to his art classes.
   “I want to thank my family, especially my parents, for        “I’d like to recognize
always giving me support, guidance and love. I also want to   my parents and my
thank my closest friends for always being there for me.”      brothers. My brothers
                                                              made my high school
                                                                 experience truly special.”

                                                                                 KEVIN MILLER
    Storms Creek Road,
         Urbana                                                    State Route 55, Saint
   Son of Jerry and Holly                                                 Paris
        McKellop                                                   Son of Michelle and
  Payton plans to attend                                              Gary Miller
Edison State Community                                           Upon graduation Kevin
College where he will                                         will be attending Ohio
begin his major in                                            Christian University as a
BioChemistry. Payton                                          student athlete, majoring
says he especially                                            in business and playing
enjoyed all of his science                                    for their basketball team.
classes while in high                                         He enjoyed playing on
school and running                                            the basketball team
Cross Country and                                             during his high school
Track.                                                        career.
  “I would like to                                               “I wish to recognize
recognize my mom; my                                          my parents and my
grandma, Diane; Paige Rudolf and Wayne Smith.”                brother and sister for all
                                                              of their support.”
Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                        GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 23

                    LUKE MILLER                                                  ANDY MILLIGAN
   Arcanum-Bearsmill                                              Christiansburg-
Road, Greenville                                               Jackson Road, Saint Paris
   Son of Mark and Cindy                                          Son of Tom and Jody
Miller                                                         Milligan
   Luke will be attending                                         After graduation
Edison State Community                                         Andy plans to attend
College in order to get                                        Methodist University
some of his general                                            in North Carolina
credits complete. He                                           majoring in Professional
then plans to transfer to                                      Golf Management and
a four year school where                                       minoring in Business. He
he will work toward                                            will be a student athlete
his Bachelor’s Degree                                          for Methodist University
possibly in Mechanical                                         on the golf team. While
Engineering.                                                   in high school Andy
   Luke enjoyed                                                enjoyed participating
participating in                                               in Golf, Baseball and
the Champaign County Design Challenge and playing              Swimming and enjoyed spending time with his friends.
volleyball in the Sara Hess Memorial Tournament.                  “I would like to recognize my dad and mom for their
                                                               endless dedication to me and support for me in all areas of
                                                               my life. Jay Lewis for being the best and most encouraging
                                                               coach and role model. And My sister Katie Milligan and
           HEATHER MILLER-HAYES                                Owen McGuffey for being my best friends.”
      Terre Haute Road,
    Daughter of Christine
    Miller and Douglas                                                         HANNAH MONROE
           Crowe                                                    East Church Street,
   Heather plans to                                                      Urbana
attend Ohio University                                             Daughter of Melissa
where she will major                                                     Monroe
in Criminal Justice with                                         After graduation
plans of becoming a                                            Hannah plans to
Forensic Psychologist.                                         continue in the
Heather’s favorite school                                      workforce full time at
activities have been                                           Wendy’s and save money
starting her day with                                          while she decides what
choir; participating in                                        her future will hold.
clubs like NHS, Youth and                                        “I would like to
Government and Student                                         recognize my mom
Senate. She also enjoyed visiting the office ladies with her   for always being there
best friends.                                                  for me, Andrea Jent
   “I want to thank my parents and grandparents, my friends    for always helping me
and their families and all my girlies.”                        through my school work,
                                                               and Mrs. Lensman for believing in me through everything.”
24 GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020                                                      Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen

                    LEXI MULLEN                                                   KENDRA NATION
     McIntire Road, West                                                Lakeview Drive,
          Liberty                                                         Conover
   Daughter of Chad and                                               Daughter of Rhonda
       Stacy Mullen                                                        Cornett
   After graduation                                                 After graduation
Alexis will be furthering                                        Kendra plans to get a
her education at Edison                                          better full time job and
State Community                                                  earn enough money to
College where she will                                           own her own home. She
major in Education.                                              would like to save for a
Once she graduates                                               while and possibly go to
from Edison she plans                                            school for Cosmetology.
to transfer to Franklin                                             “I would like to
University to finish her                                         recognize my mom and
schooling. While at                                              my family for helping
Graham High School                                               me get through school
Lexi enjoyed all of her                                          and telling me I can do
history classes. But the thing she loved the most was being a    it. I would also like to thank Mrs. Traylor who has been an
part of the Lady Falcon Softball Team for the last three years   amazing teacher these past two years and I wouldn’t be here
and considers her team to be a part of her family.               without her helping me and pushing me to do my best.”
   “I would like to recognize my mom and dad for always
staying by my side when things took a turn for the worst;
my brother for making me a stronger person; and all of my
friends who have supported me when I was down.”                                CHRISTIAN NICHOLS
                                                                       North Springfield
                                                                      Street, Saint Paris
                                                                      Son of Brandon and
                   KATELYN NASH                                         Sarah Nichols
     State Route 36, Saint                                         After high school
            Paris                                                Christian plans to
    Daughter of Kristina                                         hang out with his mom
     and Jeremy Nash                                             and dad and watch
   Katelyn will be                                               his brothers play ball.
attending Bowling                                                His dream is to be the
Green State University                                           director of an air guitar
majoring in English                                              band! Christians fondest
Education and minoring                                           memories at Graham
in Spanish or American                                           are Friday night football
Sign Language. During                                            game halftime shows
her high school career                                           where Mr. Cooper would
she most enjoyed                                                 let him be beside him on
playing basketball and                                           the sidelines. It made Christian feel like part of the band.
soccer and will miss                                               “I would like to thank my family, Mrs. Kizer, Mrs. Dawn and
both the sports and her                                          everyone who has helped me. I will never forget Mr. Cooper
teammates.                                                       and my best buddy Colt for treating me like I was a part of
   “I’d like to thank my parents for always supporting me and    the Dancin Band from Falconland!”
pushing me to be my best, and my sisters for being here for
me always.”
Supplement of the Urbana Daily Citizen                                           GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 25

               MAKENNA NICHOLS                                                  NATHANIEL PEOPLES
      North Springfield                                                McIntire Road, West
     Street, Saint Paris                                                    Liberty
    Daughter of Brandon                                               Son of Christy Mullen
    and Sarah Nichols                                                and Robert Peoples
   Makenna will be                                                   After graduation
attending Wright State                                            Nathan plans to attend
University where she                                              Bowling Green State
will be a student athlete                                         University majoring in
majoring in Chemistry                                             Exercise Science on
and cheering for the                                              the track to become
Wright State Cheer                                                a Physical Therapist.
Squad. She also plans to                                          During his time at
work part time at Pham                                            Graham High School
Orthodontics as well.                                             Nathan enjoyed his three
While at Graham High                                              years on the football
school Makenna enjoyed                                            team and spending time
participating in BPA,                                             with his many friends he
Mixed Choir and being a part of the Varsity Cheer Squad.          has made at school.
   “I wish to recognize my mom for always pushing me to              “I would like to recognize my mother for being the glue
do better in school and life in general. She is always my #1      that holds the family together and being my rock. Along
supporter.”                                                       with her, I would like to recognize my sister, Ebony; my
                                                                  brother, Antwone; and my grandmother for always making
                                                                  me strive to be better. I would also like to recognize my best
                                                                  friends Kevin Miller and Brandon Suttles.”
                  KYLEE OVERTON
   Kiser Lake, Saint Paris
    Daughter of Michelle                                                    LIZBETH PEREZ CARDONA
 Jessup and Kim Overton                                                Valley Pike, Urbana
   Upon graduation                                                    Daughter of Veronica
Kylee says the first thing                                                  Cardona
she is going to do is                                                Lizbeth will be
“celebrate” and then                                              attending Wittenberg
head back to school at                                            University, after
Clark State Community                                             graduation, majoring
College where she                                                 in Political Science and
will major to become a                                            Law. With this degree
Veterinary Technician.                                            she hopes to be able
   Kylee’s absolute                                               to help underserved
favorite school activity                                          communities. While at
while in high school has                                          Graham, Lizbeth enjoyed
always been choir. She                                            Student Council with
participated all four                                             her close friends her
years and it was her favorite way to start her day. “Thank you,   freshman year and being
Mrs. Trenor!”                                                     a part of FCCLA her
   “I want to thank my mom and dad for encouraging me and         senior year.
cheering me on even when I felt like giving up. I also want          “I wish to recognize my mother, who pushed me every
to thank my brother, Travis, for helping me with my math          step of the way and my Aunt, who never stopped believing
homework throughout the years!”                                   in me.”

                     RYAN OWENS                                                     ISABELLA PRATT
   Lambers Drive, New                                               Russell Road, DeGraff
        Carlisle                                                    Daughter of Justin and
  Son of Chad and Jamie                                                  Lisa Prat
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