CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College

Page created by Eddie Riley
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
Fall 2021


                                     CLASSES START: AUGUST 23

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CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
A Message from SBCC’s School of Extended Learning Team

Greetings Extended Learning Community,
We have great news! For our upcoming Fall 2021 semester, we look hopefully to begin resuming our typical operations
and class offerings. We expect that some of our video conferencing classes will continue, however, we are excitedly
planning for a return to in-person instruction for many of our course offerings.

What will a return to campuses look like? We are working hard to develop these protocols under the guidance of our
public health officials. Please stay tuned to our Extended Learning webpages and your email for important
updates throughout the summer. As we prepare for a safe return to campuses we remain focused on several priorities:

 Create a COVID-ready campus experience that minimizes health and safety risks to faculty, staff, students and
			community members.
    Deliver flexible in-person and remote academic instruction that supports our mission and ensures equity and
		   student success.
  Align resources to support safety and academics.

The pandemic journey has been a long - often lonely - road. Many friends and family members in our Extended Learning
community have faced challenges, but also inspirational experiences as well. Please read Gina Moreno’s uplifting story
(below) and check out the success of Extended Learning’s Back to Work program (inside back cover).

Our entire School of Extended Learning team hopes that you and your family are safe and well. Please continue to take care
of yourselves. We are grateful for your unwavering interest in our programs and will continue to do our best to
provide you with high quality instruction. As always, our goal is to serve our students and the needs of the community.
Whether you plan to attend classes via live video conference or return to in-person instruction, we look forward to safely
welcoming you back to Extended Learning. See you this fall!

     The Rewards of Caring
     Twenty years after losing her mother, Gina Moreno’s           future in health care. She
     path to caregiving began when her church asked her if         recommends the program to
     she could help take care of a nice older lady named           beginner and experienced
     Lucy. “I said yes, I’ll give it a try. I did and it made me   caregivers. “I have more
     feel really good to be taking care of someone, like I         knowledge about what I’m doing,
     wish I could have for my mom and dad. It just kept me         how to communicate and interact
     going.” And ever since, Gina has been there for people        with elderly and dementia clients.
     that need help.                                               Knowing how to communicate is
                                                                   going to make them and me
     In December 2020, Gina completed the four-month               more comfortable.”
     Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program at the School
     of Extended Learning. Although the graduation                 Gina was surprised to learn that professional caregivers
     festivities were not in-person, Gina and her classmates       need to practice the same kind of self-care that family
     celebrated with their Certificates of Completion and          members need when caring for a loved one. “It helps
     the knowledge that they were well prepared to enter           you learn as a caregiver, and also how to take care of
     or advance their health care career.                          yourself, and that’s very important. You look forward to
                                                                   going to work. It’s a good time to enjoy and be the best
     Gina is now working with private clients as well as a         you can with them. Helping others makes me feel like I
     home care agency. Her PCA program education will              have a purpose. It is the next step of my journey to
     take her a long way as a caregiver and further her            become a reflection of who I admire.”
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College

                                     GENERAL INFORMATION                                                               Computer Information Systems.......................16
                                                                                                                       Construction Technology....................................16
                                     Tuition-Free Application and Registration......2
                                                                                                                       Disability Services...................................................17
                                     Fee-Based Registration..........................................3
                                                                                                                       Emergency Medical...............................................17
                                     General Information....................................4                          Environmental Horticulture................................17
                                       • Admission...............................................................4     Graphic Design........................................................17
                                       • Student Support Services................................4                     Marketing...................................................................18
         Joyce Coleman                 • Community Education Center........................5                           Multimedia.................................................................18                                                                                        Personal Development.........................................18
                                       • Disability Services and
                                         Programs for Students (DSPS)......................5                           Photography.............................................................18
          DIRECTORS                                                                                                    Professional Development..................................19
                                       • Class Schedule is Subject to Change.........5
        Jeanette Chian                 • Applying and Registering for                                    .             ENGLISH AS A                                                                    .
  Bilingual Computer Classes,            Tuition-Free Classes...........................................5
  Career Skills, Vitality Program
                                                                                                                       SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL)    Program Descriptions.................................6                            English as a Second Language.........................22
                                       • Adult High School (AHS) Program..............6                                Vocational ESL.........................................................26
           Ken Harris
                                       • General Education Development                                     .
  Fee-Based Life Enhancement,                                                                                          HEALTH AND SAFETY
                                         (GED®) Program...................................................6
  Health and Safety, Older Adults        • Bilingual (GED )..................................................6
                                                                   ®                                                   Health and Safety....................................................27
                                       • Career Skills Institute (CSI).............................6
            Corlei Prieto                                                                                              HOME ECONOMICS
California Adult Education Program     • English as a Second Language (ESL)........6
                                                                                                                       Home Economics...................................................28        • Fee-Based Life Enhancement.......................7
                                       • Health and Safety.................................................7           OLDER ADULTS
        Luann Swanberg
   South Central Coast Regional        • Home Economics................................................7               Creative Art................................................................29
           Consortium                  • Older Adults...........................................................7      Creative English.......................................................35                                                                                       Creative Music..........................................................36
                                       • Parenting.................................................................7
                                                                                                                       Creative Theatre......................................................38
                                       • Vitality Program....................................................7
       COORDINATORS                                                                                                    Self-Management...................................................39
                                       • Why Zoom?............................................................8
        Jose Martinez                                                                                                  PARENTING
   Student Support Services,         ADULT HIGH SCHOOL (AHS)
                                                                                                                       Parent-Child Workshops.....................................40
  Community Education Center         Adult High School English.....................................9                                                                                       Parenting Skills........................................................41
                                     Adult High School Mathematics..........................9
             Parenting      Adult High School Computer Skills                                             .   FEE-BASED                                                                       .
                                      (Electives)................................................................10    LIFE ENHANCEMENT
          Sachiko Oates              Adult High School Visual Arts............................10
   Adult High School / GED®,
  English as a Second Language       GED COURSES AND
                                               ®                                                                       Culture.........................................................................43       BILINGUAL GED® COURSES                                                            Do-It-Yourself............................................................43
                                     GED® Courses..........................................................11
                                     Bilingual GED® Courses......................................11
                                                                                                                       Special Topics.........................................................47
                                     CAREER SKILLS INSTITUTE (CSI)                                                     Spirituality..................................................................48

    @SBCCExtendedLearning            Accounting.................................................................12     GENERAL INFORMATION
                                     Allied Health..............................................................13
                                                                                                                       Directory of Locations...........................................50
    SBCCSchoolofExtendedLearning                                                                                       Index of Classes                                                           .
                                     Computer Applications and                                                    .      by Category............................................................51
                                      Office Management............................................13
    @SBCCExtendedLearning                                                                                              Schott Campus Map..............................................55
                                     Computer Applications and
                                                                                                                       Wake Campus Map................................................56
                                      Office Management - Bilingual .....................16

                                                                                     SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 1
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
              Apply and Register for TUITION-FREE CLASSES
            All Tuition-Free Online Registration Begins July 7 at 8 a.m.
                    Attention Ceramics Students: Ceramics registration starts July 7 at 8 a.m.
         Students are limited to two seats per Ceramics course title: CRAO NC823 and CRAO NC896. After July 9,
        Ceramics students may add more seats for these courses by emailing a PDF application to SEL Admissions.
          The PDF application and instructions can be found at

         NOTE: Due to COVID-19, registration is temporarily available only online. For real-time updates to
                 the class schedule and campus status, check
To apply and register for TUITION-FREE classes go to

                        Tuition-Free Courses: Steps for Enrollment

                      1                             2                             3                               4

Select Your Courses            Apply for Admission             Register for Courses       Registered?
Don’t forget to write          If you are currently enrolled   After you submit an        What Next?
down the 5-digit course        (within the last 4 months)      application you will be    Email your instructors
number (CRN) for each          in a tuition-free course(s)     immediately prompted to    for access to your
course that you would          you can skip this step and      look up your username      online classes.
like to add. You will need     proceed to step 3.              and create a password      To locate your
these for step 3.                                              to log into your campus    instructor’s email, go to:
                                                               Pipeline account.
                                                               Once log into Pipeline,    extendedlearning/
                                                               on or after 8 a.m. on      sel_online_classes.
                                                               July 7, you may proceed    php
                                                               to registration.

                             Need Application and Registration Help?
             For Self-Help, Step-by-Step Guides, go to:

                EMAIL                                TELEPHONE                             REQUEST A                        (805) 683-8205                      TELEPHONE CALLBACK
     During the COVID-19 pandemic             Telephone hours of operation:
      and campus closure, this is the          Monday through Thursday            Email us your name and telephone
       preferred method of contact.                 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.               number, along with an explanation
    Questions are responded to on the           Friday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.           of the assistance you require, and
     same day or within 24-30 hours                                                a staff member will call you back.
             Monday - Friday.


CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
                            Register for FEE-BASED CLASSES
               Fee-Based Online Registration Begins July 9 at 8 a.m.
                     NOTE: Due to COVID-19, registration is temporarily available only online.
      For real-time updates to the class schedule and campus status, check
                      To register for FEE-BASED classes go to

                           Fee-Based Courses: Steps for Enrollment

                             1                                             2                                               3
Login/Create Your Profile                     Locate the Classes that                      Add Classes to Your “Cart”
                                              Interest You                                 and Checkout
Go to: https://sbcc.augusoft.
net. Login to the site, or if new,            Use the website “Search” feature             You will need to be log in
create your profile.                          to view all class offerings, or if you       before you can add classes to
                                              have a class ID number, input it             the cart. You can “View Cart” or
The Fee-Based student                         directly into the search box.                “Checkout” from any page.
registration system is
separate from the Tuition-Free                                                             For Online classes, the instructor
Pipeline registration system.                                                              will email you the videoconference
                                                                                           link prior to the start of class.

   Class Fees:                                                    Financial Assistance:
   Class fees include Tuition fees (averages $8/hr), Materials    Tuition assistance is available for Fee-Based classes.
   fees (when applicable) for items used in class or taken        Go to: for
   home, and Lab fees (when applicable) to cover specialized      more information.
   instruction costs.
   Registration Fee:                                              If the class does not meet the enrollment anticipated by the
   The “Registration Fee” is a nonrefundable enrollment           instructor, the instructor has discretion to cancel.
   processing fee. This fee is char only once per semester, no
   matter how many classes are taken.                             Refund and Transfer Policy:
                                                                  Please go to:

                           Need Application and Registration Help?
        For a Self-Help Fee-Based Registration Guide, go to: or Contact:
            Preferred method of contact during the COVID-19 pandemic is email:
                       Telephone: (805) 683-8205 Hours: M-Th 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

               Request a Telephone Callback: Email us with your name, telephone number, and
                     the assistance you require, and a staff member will call you back.

                                                                   SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 3
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
                                                                          d. Minor students may not attend class until they have
                                                                             completed and submitted all the required paperwork.
                                                                          e. Paperwork is required of each student for every term in
                                                                             which the minor student enrolls.
                                                                          f. Adult students, 18 and older, will be given registration

                                                                      STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                      Provides assistance to students wanting to achieve their
                                                                      education and career goals.

                                                                      Contact Us
                                                                      Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fri: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                      Phone: (805) 898-8160

                                                                      Services Include
                                                                      Career Counseling
ADMISSION                                                             Academic Advising
All classes are open to persons age 18 or over, unless other-         Assessment Testing
wise noted, or who are not enrolled in a secondary school.            Orientation to Extended Learning Programs
Those under 18 who have a high school diploma are also                 • Learn how to read the Schedule of Classes, plan your class
eligible. Exceptions to the age 18 or older eligibility requirement      and create an ESL academic plan.
can be made for a student who submits a “Minor Enrollment              • Learn how to move from one ESL level to the next.
Request Form.” (See “Procedures for Enrollment of Minors in            • Learn about Extended Learning Student Support Services.
Noncredit Classes” below.)
                                                                      Servicios también están disponibles en español
Applications for this semester must be submitted by any student         • Aprenderá como planear su horario de clases y como
who was not enrolled at SBCC for the prior semester. For                  inscribirse.
application information, contact Noncredit Students Support             • Aprenderá como cambiarse de un nivel de inglés al
Services by email: or Phone: (805) 898-8160.               siguiente.
                                                                        • Se informará acerca de los servicios de apoyo para los
Procedures for Enrollment of Minors                                       estudiantes del colegio.
SBCC allows high school students in grade 9 (age 14) to enroll        Transfer Assistance to SBCC Credit Programs
in tuition-free classes if they follow specific registration and
                                                                      Referral to Community Resources
enrollment procedures:
 1. Any student age 17 or under who attempts enrollment in
    tuition-free classes will be prompted to contact Student          For updated Chromebook and Hotspot
    Support Services for information on how to proceed in             distribution information, please go to:
    order to register. No student will be permitted to enroll in
    tuition-free classes if they are under the age of 14.   
 2. If space in the class is available, students 14 to 17 will be     serv.php
    registered but must follow these procedures:
    a. Obtain and complete a Minor Enrollment Request Form.
    b. The form must be completed and signed by a high
       school administrator, parents/guardians, tuition-free                      Questions? Contact Us!
       class instructor and an administrator of the Extended
       Learning Programs.                                                            Email:
    c. The completed form, along with the Registration form,
       must be returned to the Student Support Services.
                                                                                     Phone: (805) 898-8160

CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
                                                                             GENERAL INFORMATION
COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTER                                           Applying to SBCC
Assists hundreds of people every year with their United States       Go to
Citizenship process. The center also provides basic immigration      A supplemental application is required for the Medical Assistant
services and can make referrals.                                     Training Certificate, the Restorative Nurse Assistant Certificate
                                                                     and the Personal Care Attendant Training Certificate. Students
Contact Information                                                  interested in those programs must meet with a Student Support
For more information, contact Jose Martinez                          Services Program adviser to complete the supplemental form.
Email:                                            Call Student Support Services at (805) 898-8160 to make an
Phone: (805) 683-8271                                                appointment.

                                                                     Late Adds
                                                                     A student may enroll in an in-person class after it has begun
FOR STUDENTS (DSPS)                                                  if: (1) space is available; (2) the instructor permits the late
Accommodations for Disability                                        enrollment; and (3) the student completes the online application
For information about disability services and/or requesting          for admission and full registration procedure. Contact your
disability based accommodations, including an alternate format       instructor.
of this Class Schedule, go to
                                                                     Dropping a Class
Location                                                             Students who decide not to attend class must drop themselves
East Campus, Cliff Drive                                             from the class before the semester starts. To drop, log on to
Student Services Building, Room 160 (SS-160)                         pipeline.sbcc. edu, select “Registration” and then select
(805) 730-4164 or                                      “Register, Add or Drop Classes.” Follow the instructions on the
                                                                     Add/Drop Classes page for dropping a class. To drop a class
                                                                     after the semester starts, contact:
SBCC School of Extended Learning reserves the right to cancel           COVID-19 RESPONSE
classes, change times or locations, and change instructors
when necessary. In the event of a discrepancy between the
printed and online versions of our schedule,
                                                                        For updates on whether your course is
information shown online prevails.                                      in-person or online, please check our real-time
                                                                        updates at
SBCC is proud to be a Tobacco-Free and Smoke-Free Campus.
                                                                        Due to COVID-19, this schedule is subject
APPLYING AND REGISTERING                                                to change.
Go to and click
“Apply & Register.”

After you have completed your application, log on to your SBCC
Pipeline account to register for classes. If you are a continuing
student, log on to to register.

Online registration is available approximately two weeks to one
month before classes start. Class registration is on a first-come,
first-served basis, and no visitors or auditors are allowed. If an
in-person class is full, students are encouraged to show up to
the first class meeting in case of no-shows. A student who does
not attend the first meeting of a class may be dropped. If any
seats are unclaimed on the first day of a class, walk-in students
may then register.

Need Help? Email:

                                                                     SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 5
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College

Program Descriptions                                                • Los instructores le dan orientación personalizada en todas
                                                                      las materias para presentar los exámenes del GED®
                                                                    • Tenemos computadoras, libros y pruebas de práctica
ADULT HIGH SCHOOL (AHS) PROGRAM                                     • No importa su nivel académico; los instructores le
The Adult High School Diploma Program is designed for adults          proporcionarán un plan de estudios para que trabaje a su
who want to earn their high school diploma. Students meet with        propio ritmo
an advisor to create an individualized learning plan, and work      • Las clases del GED® también están disponibles en inglés
one-on-one with faculty and in small groups with other students.
We offer student support services such as transcript analysis;     Instructores
assessment, orientation, and registration support; and academic    Araceli Ponce and Karla Uribe
advising/counseling and career counseling.
                                                                   Lugares y Horario
 •   Individualized and small group instruction
 •   Work at your own pace                                         ¡Únase a nuestro video en vivo o clases presenciales en
 •   Start at any time; hours are flexible                         Wake o Schott! Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener
 •   Classes are free                                              asistencia personal y otras actualizaciones:
Instructors                                                        GED-Espanol.php
Bridget Harrington, Claudia Johnson, Patricia Mautone and
Mariah Messer                                                      Bilingual GED®

Locations and Class Hours                                             Time                   Days
Join our live video or face-to-face classes at Wake or Schott!        9 a.m. - 12 p.m.       T, W, TH, F
For support and other updates go to:
                                                                      5 p.m. - 8 p.m.        M, T, W, TH

Adult High School and GED®                                         (El programa está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.)

     Time               Days
                                                                   CAREER SKILLS INSTITUTE (CSI)
     9 a.m. - 8 p.m.    M, T, W
                                                                   Offers training to adults re-entering the workforce and to any
     9 a.m. - 1 p.m.    TH                                         student interested in up-skilling in the areas of business,
                                                                   design, technology and vocational courses. Programs
                                                                   include bilingual computer courses. Short courses are offered
GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT                                      each week. We partner with employers in the community to
(GED®) PROGRAM                                                     complement their own employee training programs. In addition,
Locations and class hours: Same as AHS Program                     we are a proud partner with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s
                                                                   Department, offering skills training to inmates in the local jail.
Exam Preparation Program                                           For more information, contact Jeanette Chian at
GED® exam preparation classes are designed for students who, (805) 683-8289.
are 18 years of age or older and wish to earn a high school
equivalency certificate. Students are given instruction in the
basic skills needed, and have the opportunity to take practice
                                                                   ENGLISH AS A
tests that will help them successfully complete all GED® or        SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL)
Bilingual GED® exams.                                              English as a Second Language (ESL) Program empowers
One-on-one help from instructors in all subjects                   students with no prior education to pursue pathways to careers
  • Tips for improving your GED® test-taking skills                or credit transfer. Tuition-free courses are offered during the day
  • Study materials and practice tests                             and in the evening. ESL classes provide a wide variety of
  • All levels are welcome; work at your own pace                  educational options needed to the learn English. Students can
  • Flexible hours; start any time                                 develop skills necessary to be able to train for new job skills, or
  • Classes are free                                               transition to college-level courses. Our experienced instructors
                                                                   appreciate ethnic diversity, and cultivate multicultural exchanges
BILINGUAL – GENERAL EDUCATION                                      in the classrooms. The tuition-free program invites students
                                                                   who may have never been to school, or who may have some
DEVELOPMENT (GED®) PROGRAM                                         high school level education or less. For more information,
Prepárese para los exámenes GED®                                   contact Sachiko Oates at, call
 • Horarios flexibles                                              (805) 683-8233 or visit our website for support and updates:
 • Las clases son gratis                                 

CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
                                                                           PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS
Free access to the internet, and computers available to
registered learners.

Acceso gratis del internet y computadoras disponible para
estudiantes registrados.
Phone: (805) 898-8160                                                  OLDER ADULTS
                                                                       Courses for Older Adults are offered tuition-free to community
FEE-BASED LIFE ENHANCEMENT                                             members and offer a wide variety of topics taught by skilled
                                                                       professionals in each subject. Our classes are specifically designed
Classes provide flexible, community-centered alternatives to
                                                                       for adults age 55 and over, and offer a welcoming and engaging
the tuition-free noncredit classes. Classes cover topics that
                                                                       environment for students of all levels. Students develop mental
offer enriching experiences in cooking, culture, languages,
                                                                       acuity and physical dexterity while learning and honing new skills
fitness, recreation, spirituality, and travel. For more information,
                                                                       in a variety of topics. For more information, contact Ken Harris at
contact Ken Harris at, (805) 898-8140.
                                                             , (805) 898-8140.
Fee-based classes are denoted with a        and are located at the
end of the class listings in this schedule.
                                                                       The Parenting Program offers parents of pre-kindergarten
HEALTH AND SAFETY                                                      age children classes in two different supportive environments:
Courses focus on lifelong education to promote health,                 “Parenting Skills” classes teach skills to parents of three-
safety and the well-being of individuals, families and                 month old infants to five-year olds in age-specific groups, and
communities. Health and Safety topics include nutrition,               parents attend class with their children. In the “Parent Child
alternative medicine, naturopathy and pain management.                 Workshops,” parents must register for both a weekly morning
For more information, contact Ken Harris at                            lab section with their child and also a weekly evening lecture., (805) 898-8140.                                    Children in classes at the Parent Child Workshops are a 2.5 to 5
                                                                       years. For more information, contact Lisa Draper at
                                                             , (805) 898-8137.
These tuition-free courses are designed to offer lifelong
education to enhance the quality of home, family and                   VITALITY PROGRAM
community life for students of all levels. Coursework focuses          The Vitality Program offers 50+ classes per week for adults who
on family and consumer science and the value of homemaking.            live in independent, assisted and memory care facilities. Classes
This area of instruction provides educational opportunities in         engage the mind and enhance social connection. We are proud
family studies and gerontology, fashion, textiles, interior design     to partner with 15 locations in our community. Adult children
and merchandising. Students develop applicable skills in               are also invited to participate in these classes with their parents.
home-based subjects through hands-on projects and exercises.           (NOTE: These classes are not included in this schedule.)
For more information, contact Ken Harris at                            For more information, contact Jeanette Chian at, (805) 898-8140.                 , (805) 683-8289.

                                                                       SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 7
CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2021 - Santa Barbara City College
Have you tried Zoom yet?                                       What are Students
    Zoom is an online, live, real-time video conference
    platform that is easy to use. You can see and hear               “Taking Zoom classes has been
                                                                     a good experience. I am most
    from your instructors and classmates. It's a great way
                                                                     appreciative of the adult ed program
    to connect and interact with each other from the                 and how it has adapted during this
    comfort and convenience of your home.                            shut in time. There is always a little
                                                                     time at the beginning of each class to
    Best of all, it's fun and a snap to learn!                       let us catch up on everybody's news,
                                                                     which has created a special feeling
    • You don’t need an account to participate in a Zoom session.    of a family, at least a painting family.
    • Just click on the Zoom link that was sent to you by your 			   We learn a great deal from each
      instructor. You will be prompted to download the Zoom 			      other and, of course, from Carissa
      application (only needed once per device).                     [Luminess]. Thank you for making
    • You need a speaker or headphones to hear the conversation.     this program so special.”
    • You may need a microphone if you want to talk.                 — Dennis Allen,
    • You may need a webcam if you wish to be seen.                    Extended Learning Student

                       Need Help? Go to:

                                             Learn English Today and
                                               Earn your ESL Certificate
                                                         Aprende inglés y consigue
                                                          un certificado de ESL

    Do you want to learn English                              Le gustaría aprender inglés o
    or become a citizen?                                      convertirse en ciudadano?

          TUITION-FREE CLASSES • FALL DATES: 8/23/2021 - 12/11/2021

Adult High School (AHS), GED®, Bilingual GED®
                                                       ADULT HIGH SCHOOL (AHS) PROGRAM
                                                       Instructors: Bridget Harrington, Claudia Johnson,
                                                       Patricia Mautone and Mariah Messer

                                                       GED® AND BILINGUAL GED® PROGRAM
                                                       Instructors: Araceli Ponce and Karla Uribe

                                                       Join our live video or face-to-face classes at
                                                       Wake or Schott!
                                                       For support and other updates go to:

                Adult High School (AHS) Courses
          Class locations and CRNs for Fall 2021 were unavailable at the time the schedule went to print.
                           For More Information, Email:

                                           COURSE TITLE                               GENERAL HS SUBJECT AREA
 CODE      NO.

 HSEN     NC001       Reading and Composition: 1                                    Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC01A       Reading and Composition: 1A                                   Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC01B       Reading and Composition: 1B                                   Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC002       Reading and Composition: 2                                    Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC02A       Reading and Composition: 2A                                   Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC02B       Reading and Composition: 2B                                   Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC003       Reading and Composition: 3                                    Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC03A       Reading and Composition: 3A                                   Adult High School English

 HSEN     NC03B       Reading and Composition: 3B                                   Adult High School English

 HSMA     NC010       Mathematics A: Whole Number Arithmetic                        Mathematics A

 HSMA     NC020       Mathematics B: Fractions, Decimals, Percents                  Mathematics A

 HSMA     NC030       Mathematics C: Pre-Algebra                                    Mathematics A

 HSMA     NC040       Introductory Algebra                                          Mathematics A

 HSMA     NC050       Introductory Geometry                                         Mathematics A

                                                            SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 9

                                     TUITION-FREE CLASSES • FALL DATES: 8/23/2021 - 12/11/2021
                                         Adult High School (AHS), GED®, Bilingual GED®

                                Adult High School (AHS) Courses
                          Class locations and CRNs for Fall 2021 were unavailable at the time the schedule went to print.
                                           For More Information, Email:

                SUBJECT   COURSE
                                                           COURSE TITLE                                GENERAL HS SUBJECT AREA
                 CODE      NO.

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSCA     NC010       Learning Skills: PowerPoint                                    Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSCA     NC020       Learning Skills: Access                                        Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSCA     NC030       Learning Skills: Outlook                                       Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSCA     NC040       Learning Skills: Excel                                         Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSCA     NC050       Learning Skills: Word Basics                                   Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSPD     NC010       Learning Skills: Note Taking Strategies                        Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSPD     NC020       Learning Skills: Time Management                               Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSPD     NC030       Learning Skills: Learning Styles                               Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSPD     NC040       Learning Skills: Test-Taking Skills                            Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                 HSPD     NC050       Learning Skills: Writing Skills                                Computer Skills (Electives)

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                  HSVA    NC001       Visual Arts and Media Techniques/Art Studio 1                  Visual Arts

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                  HSVA    NC01A       Visual Arts and Media Techniques/Art Studio 1A                 Visual Arts

                                                                                                     Adult High School
                  HSVA    NC01B       Visual Arts and Media Techniques/Art Studio 1B                 Visual Arts

                                             Class Schedule Is Subject To Change
                          Please check online for up-to-date class information such as meeting times,
                               location changes, cancellations and newly added class sections.
                                        Go to:

               10 ADULT HIGH SCHOOL/GED •
                           TUITION-FREE CLASSES • FALL DATES: 8/23/2021 - 12/11/2021
                               Adult High School (AHS), GED®, Bilingual GED®

                        GED® and Bilingual GED® Courses
               Class locations and CRNs for Fall 2021 were unavailable at the time the schedule went to print.
                                For More Information, Email:

                                                  COURSE TITLE                                  GENERAL HS SUBJECT AREA
 CODE          NO.

 GED           NC010        GED® Test Subject - Reading                                      GED® Courses

 GED           NC020        GED® Test Subject - Social Studies                               GED® Courses

 GED           NC030        GED® Test Subject - Science                                      GED® Courses

 GED           NC050        GED® Test Subject - Math                                         GED® Courses

 GEDB          NC060        GED® Test Subject - Bilingual Reading                            Bilingual GED® Courses

 GEDB          NC070        GED® Test Subject - Bilingual Social Studies                     Bilingual GED® Courses

 GEDB          NC080        GED® Test Subject - Bilingual Science                            Bilingual GED® Courses

 GEDB          NC100        GED® Test Subject - Bilingual Math                               Bilingual GED® Courses

 Adult High School (AHS) Program                                                                     Adult High School
 Class Meeting Times                                                                            Time               Days
 Instructors: Bridget Harrington, Claudia Johnson, Patricia Mautone and Mariah Messer
                                                                                                9 a.m. - 8 p.m.    M, T, W
 Locations and Class Hours: Hours subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                9 a.m. - 1 p.m.    TH
 Join our live video or face-to-face classes at Wake or Schott!
 For support and other updates go to:

 GED® and Bilingual GED® Program                                                                GED® and Bilingual GED®
 Instructores: Araceli Ponce and Karla Uribe
 Lugares y Horario: El programa está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.                         Time               Days
                                                                                                9 a.m. - 12 p.m.   T, W, TH, F
 ¡Únase a nuestro video en vivo o clases presenciales en Wake o Schott!
 Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener asistencia personal y otras actualizaciones:             9 a.m. - 8 p.m.    M, T, W, TH

  Horarios flexibles                                         No importa su nivel académico; los instructores le proporcionarán un
  Las clases son gratis                                       plan de estudios para que trabaje a su propio ritmo
  Las clases del GED® también están disponibles en inglés    Los instructores le dan orientación personalizada en todas las
  Tenemos computadoras, libros y pruebas de práctica          materias para presentar los exámenes del GED®

                Questions? Contact Us! Email: Phone: (805) 898-8160

                                                                 SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 11
Career Skills Institute (CSI)
                                                                                                 ABOUT THE SCHEDULE

                                                                                                 CRN: “Course Reference Number” is used to register in a
                                                                                                 specific, tuition-free noncredit class.

                                                                                                 DAYS OF THE WEEK:
                                                                                                 M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday,
                                                                                                 F = Friday, S and SAT = Saturday, Su = Sunday

                                                                                                 EVE: EVE indicates evening classes.

                                                                                                 ID: “ID number” is used to register for a specific Life Enhance-
                                                                                                 ment fee-based class.

                                                                                                 LOCATION: For complete location names and addresses,
                                                                                                 see page 50, “Directory of Locations.”

                Career Skills
                                                                                                 ACTV NC003

                                                                                                 CRN 43162 ❯	
                                                                                                             SAT Terry, C K • 10/23 - 11/13 • WAKE-5
                                                                                                             Lec: S • 9:00am - 1:00pm

                Accounting                                                                       Introduction to Accounting Basics 1
                                                                                                 Learn the basics of accounting for a small business, including financial
                Setting up QuickBooks for Small Business                                         reporting, analyzing and recording financial transactions. Understand the
                Accounting fundamentals - Learn the basics of small business bookkeeping         concept of keeping the accounting equation in balance with a double-entry
                using QuickBooks, financial reporting, and how to analyze and record             system using debits and credits. Discuss accounts receivable, accounts
                financial transactions. Discuss accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll   payable and the accounting cycle.
                procedures, sales taxes and common banking activities.                           ACTV NC101
                ACTV NC001
                                                                                                 CRN 43169 ❯	
                                                                                                             EVE Staff, P • 9/8 - 10/6 • WAKE-28
                CRN 42542 ❯	
                            EVE Terry, C K • 7/7 - 12/11 • WAKE-5                                            Lec: W • 5:00pm - 8:00pm
                            Lec: R • 5:15pm - 9:15pm
                CRN 43167 ❯	
                            SAT Terry, C K • 8/28 - 9/18 • WAKE-5                                Introduction to Accounting Basics 2
                            Lec: S • 9:00am - 1:00pm
                                                                                                 Discuss and apply the accounting fundamentals learned from Accounting
                                                                                                 Basics 1 and how they apply to cost of goods sold and sales tax. Prepare
                Monthly Procedures using QuickBooks                                              bank, credit card and loan statement reconciliations. Discuss petty cash and
                                                                                                 implement payroll integration.
                Develop and apply monthly procedures used in accounting for small
                business. Continue to build small business accounting knowledge, gain            ACTV NC102
                practical experience working with day-to-day transactions. Reconcile
                balance sheet accounts and examine/audit income statement accounts               CRN 43170 ❯	
                                                                                                             EVE Staff, P • 10/13 - 11/3 • WAKE-28
                on a monthly basis. Prepare adjusting journal entries. Prepare financial                     Lec: W • 5:00pm - 8:00pm
                ACTV NC002                                                                       Fundamentals of Income Tax
                                                                                                 Covers practical information on Federal and California income tax law as it
                CRN 42543 ❯	
                            EVE Alsheimer-Barthel, C M • 7/7 - 12/11 • WAKE-5
                                                                                                 relates to individuals and small businesses (proprietorships, partnerships,
                            Lec: R • 5:15pm - 9:15pm
                                                                                                 corporation and fiduciary entities).
                CRN 43168 ❯	
                            SAT Alsheimer-Barthel, C M • 9/25 - 10/16 • WAKE-5
                            Lec: S • 9:00am - 1:00pm                                             ACTV NC215

                                                                                                 CRN 42595 ❯	Aue, B J • 8/23 - 12/11 • BC-314
                Year End Procedures                                                                           Lec: TR • 8:00am - 10:05am
                Develop and apply year-end procedures used in accounting for small
                business. Prepare closing journal entries for year-end. Prepare reports for
                tax accountant. Purge files and prepare for the new year.

                12 CAREER SKILLS •
Allied Health                                                                     Applying an Equity Mindset
                                                                                  The second course in a two-part series on building and applying an equity
                                                                                  mindset. Participants learn how they can actively engage in creating a more
Personal Care Attendant I: Basic Care                                             equitable and just society in both in their personal lives and workplaces by
Introduces students to entry-level Personal Care Attendant skills. Students       applying an anti-racism framework.
will be taught how to assist patients and families with non-medically directed

                                                                                                                                                                 CAREER SKILLS
personal care and home management activities. It will prepare students to         COMW NC002
seek entry-level Personal Care Attendant employment.                              CRN 42827 ❯	Hutchinson, C C • 10/11 - 11/21 • ONLINE
                                                                                               Lec/Lab: • 28.4 hours/week
CRN 43172 ❯	
            EVE Noggle, M • 9/13 - 11/1 • WAKE-14
            Lec: MW • 5:30pm - 8:00pm
                                                                                  Computer Applications and
Personal Care Attendant II: 			                                                   Office Management
Dementia and End of Life Care
Prerequisite: AHV NC020. Focuses on dementia and end-of-life care.                Facebook for Business
Topics include potential causes and successful strategies to deal with            Facebook is the most popular social network and a powerful tool for growing
communication difficulties and problem behaviors, as well as activities that      and promoting your business. Create effective profiles, pages, groups
lead to successful care giving. End-of-life topics include advance planning,      and ads. Establish goals and learn how and what to post to achieve them.
practical and emotional issues related to death and dying, and community          Build relationships with current and new customers. Increase traffic to your
resources for the support of families and caregivers.                             website. Measure the success of your Facebook marketing.
AHV NC021                                                                         CMPW NC014
CRN 43173 ❯	
            EVE Noggle, M • 11/3 - 11/29 • WAKE-14                                CRN 43184 ❯	Starr, B J • 9/10 • WAKE-4
            Lec: MW • 5:30pm - 7:55pm                                                          Lec: F • 8:30am - 4:30pm

                                                                                  Twitter for Business
Communication                                                                     Students learn to set up a Twitter business presence to leverage the power
                                                                                  of real-time marketing, optimize and manage an account, and find and follow
Building an Equity Mindset                                                        influencers and leads. Curriculum includes engaging with prospects using
                                                                                  tweets, RTs, DMs follows, mentions and hashtags. Students use tools to
Deepens understanding of an increasingly used word in our society:
                                                                                  monitor feeds and schedule tweets, in addition to tracking the impact and
Equity. Through readings, videos and podcasts, the many hidden and
                                                                                  measure the results of promoted tweets.
misunderstood forms of inequity are explored so that people interested
in addressing inequity can enter the conversation prepared with a solid           CMPW NC015
foundation of knowledge.
                                                                                  CRN 43182 ❯	Starr, B J • 10/8 • WAKE-4
COMW NC001                                                                                     Lec: F • 8:30am - 4:30pm
CRN 42825 ❯	Hutchinson, C C • 8/30 - 10/10 • ONLINE
              • 4.2 hours/week
                                                                                  Pinterest and Instagram for Business
CRN 42826 ❯	Hutchinson, C C • 8/30 - 10/10 • ONLINE
              • 4.2 hours/week                                                    Students learn to market and expand a brand using Pinterest and Instagram.
                                                                                  Provides the basics and beyond of these platforms, including how to produce
                                                                                  high level content and effectively use the sites in a marketing strategy to
                                                                                  develop a loyal, enthusiastic customer base for their brand.
                                                                                  CMPW NC016

            COVID-19 RESPONSE
                                                                                  CRN 43174 ❯	Starr, B J • 9/17 • WAKE-4
                                                                                               Lec: F • 8:30am - 4:30pm

                                                                                  LinkedIn for Business
    For updates on whether your course                                            LinkedIn is the world’s most popular business-oriented social media
      is in-person or online, check our                                           networking platform. Students learn to use LinkedIn to develop business
                                                                                  through relationship marketing. Topics include optimizing a company profile,
             real-time updates at:                                                developing content that engages a target audience, building a professional
                                                                                  brand, marketing a company, showcasing credentials, getting business                                                 advice, reconnecting with former colleagues and connecting with businesses
                                                                                  around the globe.
               Due to COVID-19, this schedule                                     CMPW NC017
                    is subject to change.                                         CRN 43183 ❯	Starr, B J • 10/22 • WAKE-4
                                                                                               Lec: F • 8:30am - 4:30pm

                                                                                 SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 13
Introduction to the Macintosh
                                                                    This class is designed for those with limited or no experience with
                                                                    computers. Students will learn basic functions of the computer, how to set
                                                                    it up, and how to perform simple tasks like typing a letter, browsing the web,
                                                                    and getting e-mail. Features an overview of the software that comes pre-
                                                                    installed on the Macintosh computer.

                                                                    CMPW NC030

                                                                    CRN 43199 ❯	Staff, P • 10/11 - 10/27 • WAKE-3
                                                                                 Lec: MW • 9:00am - 11:00am
                                                                    		Staff, P • 10/11 - 10/27 • WAKE-3
                                                                       Lab: MW • 11:05am - 12:15pm

                                                                    Introduction to Mac OS X Level 1
                                                                    Level 1 class covers the basics of Mac OS and some of its most popular
                                                                    programs. Students will learn how to make, name, and rename files and
                                                                    folders. Students will then see how to find lost files using Find and Spotlight.
                                                                    Class will examine the Sidebar and Dock and will cover some of the most
                                                                    basic and useful programs that come with OS including Safari, Address

                    BILINGUAL COMPUTER                              Book, and iCal.
                                                                    CMPW NC031
                          CLASSES                                   CRN 43200 ❯	Staff, P • 11/1 - 11/17 • WAKE-3
                                                                                 Lec: MW • 9:00am - 11:00am
                          NEW: Certificates                         		Staff, P • 11/1 - 11/17 • WAKE-3
                                                                       Lab: MW • 11:05am - 12:15pm
                      available when you take
                     Bilingual Computer classes                     Optimizing Photos for the Internet and Email
                                                                    Students learn to manipulate photos for efficient e-mailing or uploading
                    Earn a certificate when you take three to       to the internet. Using Adobe Photoshop or other graphic editing software,
                   four Bilingual Computer classes. There are       students will crop, color-correct, apply text and effects, sharpen, resample,
                                                                    and save files in the appropriate formats for maximum quality and efficiency
                    five different certificates available to you.   when emailing or posting to the internet. This class develops photo editing
                      For more information, contact Student         and basic internet skills for business or personal use.
                      Support Services at (805) 898-8160.           CMPW NC042

                                                                    CRN 43192 ❯	Place, C C • 9/8 - 9/29 • WAKE-3
                                                                                 Lec: W • 4:30pm - 5:45pm
                                                                    		EVE Place, C C • 9/8 - 9/29 • WAKE-3
                  COMPUTACION BILINGÜE                                 Lab: W • 5:50pm - 6:40pm

                                                                    Tech Talk: What’s New in Computers and
                   NUEVO: Tenemos certificados                      Technology?
                  disponibles cuando usted toma                     This class examines the rapidly evolving technical world and its future.

                  clases de computacion bilingüe                    Students explore the many practical questions that arise as computers, cell
                                                                    phones, eBooks, social networks, email, the internet and other technology
                                                                    become more central to our daily lives. This course may be taught bilingually.
                       Obtenga un certificado al terminar           CMPW NC071
                      tres o cuatro clases de computación
                                                                    CRN 43202 ❯	Eggli, N A • 9/13 - 11/15 • WAKE-4
                      bilingües. Tenemos cinco diferentes                        Lec: T • 1:00pm - 2:15pm
                    certificados disponibles para usted. Para       		Eggli, N A • 9/13 - 11/15 • WAKE-4
                     más información comuníquese con el                Lab: T • 2:20pm - 3:20pm

                    Departamento de Servicios al Estudiante
                            al número (805) 898-8160.

                14 CAREER SKILLS •
Setting Up A Blog                                                                  MS PowerPoint 2
Blogging is of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading                Course Advisories: Working knowledge of PC or MAC and MS PowerPoint.
information and news. Learn to create, manage, and promote a blog. You will        Covers how to enhance an existing Microsoft PowerPoint presentation by
define the blog’s goal, analyze the core audience, develop a sustainable plan      modifying objects, animation and transitions. Other topics include inserting
for content creation, choose a platform and hosting option, design the blog        slides and templates from other presentations, creating and modifying
and promote posts with social media.                                               templates, rehearsing timings and running a presentation, and sharing a

                                                                                                                                                                       CAREER SKILLS
                                                                                   CMPW NC55B
CRN 43185 ❯	
            SAT Place, C C • 10/16 - 11/13 • WAKE-3
            Lec: S • 9:00am - 1:00pm                                               CRN 43194 ❯	Jackson, E G • 11/2 - 11/16 • WAKE-4
                                                                                                Lec: TR • 4:00pm - 6:15pm

MS Word 1                                                                          MS PowerPoint 3
Course Advisories: Basic computer knowledge. Familiarity with PC or Mac.
                                                                                   Course Advisories: Working knowledge of PowerPoint. Covers integrating
An introduction to Microsoft Word functions for document creation, including
                                                                                   Microsoft PowerPoint with other programs and the World Wide Web,
entering text, revising, formatting, previewing and printing. Students practice
                                                                                   collaborating with a workgroup, and producing and delivering an on-screen
on a variety of documents.
                                                                                   slide show in class.
                                                                                   CMPW NC55C
CRN 43187 ❯	
            SAT Eggli, N A • 9/11 - 9/18 • WAKE-4                                  CRN 43196 ❯	Jackson, E G • 11/30 - 12/9 • WAKE-4
            Lec: S • 9:00am - 2:00pm                                                            Lec: TR • 4:00pm - 6:15pm
CRN 43188 ❯	
            EVE Wong, V K • 10/19 - 10/28 • WAKE-4
            Lec: TR • 6:30pm - 8:45pm
                                                                                   MS Outlook 1
                                                                                   Course Advisories: Some working knowledge of computers and MS Word.
MS Word 2                                                                          Provides a basic handsoon introduction to Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft’s
Course Advisories: Working knowledge of MS Word. Using Microsoft Word              premier email and information management program. Students learn how to
to create a novel, family history, dissertation, thesis, operations manual,        stay up-to-date at home or work by using Outlook to set up an account and
or business and/or academic reports. Covers layout/structure features              connect with colleagues, customers, family and friends. Topics include how
including applying styles; table of contents; outline view; page setup;            to use basic aspects of Outlook to do email, handle people (contact) lists,
choosing fonts; controlling line, paragraph and page breaks; and many more.        maintain a calendar and track tasks.
CMPW NC51B                                                                         CMPW NC58A

CRN 43164 ❯	
            EVE Wong, V K • 11/8 - 11/17 • WAKE-5                                  CRN 42440 ❯	Eggli, N A • 7/7 - 12/11 • WAKE-4
            Lec: MW • 6:30pm - 8:45pm                                                           Lec: M • 4:00pm - 6:15pm
CRN 43189 ❯	
            SAT Eggli, N A • 10/2 - 10/9 • WAKE-4                                  CRN 43197 ❯	Jackson, E G • 9/21 - 9/30 • WAKE-4
            Lec: S • 9:00am - 2:00pm                                                            Lec: TR • 4:00pm - 6:15pm

MS Word 3                                                                          MS Outlook 2
Course Advisories: Working knowledge of MS Word. Covers creating,                  Course Advisories: Working knowledge of Outlook basics. Covers many
managing and formatting tables in Microsoft Word and using Microsoft Word          of the built-in tools of Microsoft Outlook to better manage email, contact,
mail merge to create letters, labels and envelopes.                                calendars, tasks and notes. Some of the topics include organizing email
                                                                                   using folders; sorting and filters for better efficiency; importing and exporting
CMPW NC51C                                                                         contact lists; prioritizing, tracking and delegating tasks; and using notes.
CRN 43190 ❯	
            SAT Eggli, N A • 10/30 - 11/6 • WAKE-4                                 CMPW NC58B
            Lec: S • 9:00am - 2:00pm
                                                                                   CRN 43198 ❯	Jackson, E G • 10/5 - 10/14 • WAKE-4
CRN 43191 ❯	
            EVE Wong, V K • 11/30 - 12/9 • WAKE-5                                               Lec: TR • 4:00pm - 6:15pm
            Lec: TR • 6:30pm - 8:45pm

                                                                                   MS Excel 1
MS PowerPoint 1
                                                                                   Course Advisories: Basic computer knowledge. Familiarity with PC or
Course Advisories: Basic computer knowledge. Familiarity with PC or Mac,           Mac, and MS Word. An introduction to basic concepts and characteristics
and MS Word.Teaches students to turn facts, figures and photos into a              of Microsoft Excel. Students explore various uses of spreadsheets. Topics
creative display of slides, outlines, graphs and multimedia using Microsoft        covered include the basics of creating a spreadsheet, using formulas and
PowerPoint. Students learn the basics of presentation design and how to            functions, and creating charts.
use templates, insert graphics, add animation, rehearse timings, and run and
share a presentation.                                                              CMPW NC63A

CMPW NC55A                                                                         CRN 43215 ❯	
                                                                                               EVE Wong, V K • 8/24 - 9/2 • WAKE-5
                                                                                               Lec: TR • 6:30pm - 8:45pm
CRN 43193 ❯	Jackson, E G • 10/19 - 10/28 • WAKE-4                                 CRN 43216 ❯	Staff, P • 10/25 - 11/3 • TBA
             Lec: TR • 4:00pm - 6:15pm                                                          Lec: MW • 4:15pm - 6:30pm

                                                                                  SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 15
MS Excel 2
                Course Advisories: Working knowledge of MS Excel and MS Word. Excel
                                                                                               Construction Technology
                topics include working with large and multiple worksheets and workbooks,
                managing lists, creating and managing tables and conditional formatting.       Construction Framing
                                                                                               This is a beginning course in residential construction framing
                CMPW NC63B                                                                     (housebuilding). Take as a stand alone course or as part of a 4-course

                CRN 43159 ❯	Staff, P • 11/8 - 11/17 • WAKE-4                                  series of construction classes. (It is a good transition course to the credit
                             Lec: MW • 4:30pm - 6:45pm                                         Construction Technology program at SBCC.) Topics include the framing of
                                                                                               floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs, and jobsite safety.
                CRN 43217 ❯	
                            EVE Wong, V K • 9/14 - 9/23 • WAKE-5
                            Lec: TR • 6:30pm - 8:45pm                                          CTV NC001

                                                                                               CRN 43221 ❯	
                                                                                                           EVE Cunningham, J L • 8/24 - 9/14 • WAKE-24
                                                                                                           Lec: T • 5:00pm - 7:50pm
                MS Excel 3
                Course Advisories: Working knowledge of MS Excel. Advanced Microsoft
                Excel topics including defining advanced formulas, data validation, lookups,
                                                                                               Construction Finish Carpentry
                ways to transform data, custom views and macros.
                                                                                               This is a beginning course in residential construction finish carpentry
                CMPW NC63C                                                                     (housebuilding). Take as a stand-alone course or as part of a 4-course series
                                                                                               of construction classes. Topics include introduction to hand and power tool
                CRN 43160 ❯	Staff, P • 11/29 - 12/9 • WAKE-4
                                                                                               use, scope of residential finish work, base/case, crown, closets, doors.
                             Lec: MW • 4:15pm - 6:30pm
                CRN 43218 ❯	
                            EVE Wong, V K • 10/5 - 10/14 • WAKE-5                              CTV NC002
                            Lec: TR • 6:30pm - 8:45pm
                                                                                               CRN 43224 ❯	
                                                                                                           EVE Cunningham, J L • 11/16 - 12/7 • WAKE-24
                                                                                                           Lec: T • 5:00pm - 7:50pm

                Computer Applications and                                                      Construction Electrical
                Office Management - Bilingual                                                  Beginning course in residential construction electrical work. Take as stand-
                                                                                               alone course or as part of a 4-course series of construction classes. Topics
                                                                                               include intro to home electrical systems, electrical and job-site safety, tool
                Microsoft Word Fundamentals (Bilingual)                                        use and materials identification.
                This introductory bilingual course provides a basic understanding of
                                                                                               CTV NC003
                Microsoft Word functions for document creation, including entering text,
                revising, formatting, previewing and printing. Students practice creating a    CRN 43222 ❯	
                                                                                                           EVE Cunningham, J L • 9/21 - 10/12 • WAKE-24
                variety of documents.                                                                      Lec: T • 5:00pm - 7:50pm
                CMPW NC005

                CRN 42608 ❯	Bahena, N A • 8/23 - 10/16 • SCHOTT-17
                                                                                               Construction Plumbing
                             Lec: MTWR • 6.8 hours/week                                        Beginning course in residential construction plumbing. Take as a stand-
                                                                                               alone course or as part of a 4-course series of construction classes. Topics
                                                                                               include intro to home plumbing systems and materials, working with piping,
                Microsoft Excel Fundamentals (Bilingual)                                       installing fixtures, and trouble shooting.
                This bilingual course for beginners provides a basic understanding of
                                                                                               CTV NC004
                Microsoft Excel. Students learn the basics of creating a spreadsheet, using
                formulas, functions, and inserting charts.                                     CRN 43223 ❯	
                                                                                                           EVE Cunningham, J L • 10/19 - 11/9 • WAKE-24
                                                                                                           Lec: T • 5:00pm - 7:50pm
                CMPW NC007

                CRN 42612 ❯	Lara Perez, J C • 8/23 - 10/16 • WAKE-6
                             Lec: MTWRF • 6.8 hours/week
                                                                                               Deconstruction and ReUse
                                                                                               An introduction to deconstructing buildings for material reuse. Technique,
                                                                                               tools, safety, assessment and markets are covered.

                Computer Information Systems                                                   CTV NC021

                                                                                               CRN 43227 ❯	
                                                                                                           EVE Ashley, C S • 9/22 - 10/27 • WAKE-24
                Configuring Windows Devices                                                                Lec: W • 6:00pm - 8:15pm
                Course Advisories: CISW NC001. Introduces students to the process of
                configuring Windows devices.
                CISV NC002                                                                                       Questions? Contact Us!
                CRN 42647 ❯	Frankel, E S • 8/23 - 12/11 • ONLINE
                              • 2.3 hours/week
                                                                                                                    Phone: (805) 898-8160

                16 CAREER SKILLS •
Blueprint Reading for Electricians                                                EHV NC001
Students receive an overview of blueprints, plans and specifications.             CRN 42381 ❯	
                                                                                              EVE Carmona, O • 8/23 - 10/16 • WAKE-26
Participants learn symbols used in electrical-related trades; and prepare                     Lec: M • 5:00pm - 6:45pm
and use as-built drawings, wiring and line diagrams, schematics and ladder
                                                                                  		EVE Carmona, O • 8/23 - 10/16 • WAKE-26
diagrams. (Approved School #136 for California Electrician Trainees).                Lab: M • 6:50pm - 7:55pm

                                                                                                                                                                     CAREER SKILLS
CTV NC121                                                                         CRN 42382 ❯	
                                                                                              EVE Carmona, O • 8/23 - 10/16 • WAKE-26
                                                                                              Lec: W • 5:00pm - 6:45pm
CRN 42380 ❯	
            EVE Staff, P • 8/23 - 12/11 • WAKE-20
            Lec: T • 6:30pm - 9:35pm                                              		EVE Carmona, O • 8/23 - 10/16 • WAKE-26
                                                                                     Lab: W • 6:50pm - 7:40pm

Disability Services                                                               Green Gardener: Module 2
                                                                                  This class builds on the Green Gardener: Module 1 course, providing the
Vocational Exploration and Planning                                               landscape professional additional training in resource conservation, pollution
Designed to provide students who have disabilities with the foundational          prevention and sustainability.
knowledge and skills necessary for vocational exploration and planning.           EHV NC002
Topics include, but are not limited to: developing vocational awareness;
identifying preferences; creating and implementing a person-centered              CRN 42383 ❯	
                                                                                              EVE Carmona, O • 10/18 - 12/11 • WAKE-26
vocational plan; and building related communication, technology and time                      Lec: M • 5:00pm - 6:45pm
management skills.                                                                		EVE Carmona, O • 10/18 - 12/11 • WAKE-26
DSPS NC001                                                                           Lab: M • 6:50pm - 7:40pm
                                                                                  CRN 42384 ❯	
                                                                                              EVE Carmona, O • 10/18 - 12/11 • WAKE-26
CRN 41478 ❯	Boone, J A • 8/23 - 12/11 • ECC-6                                                Lec: W • 5:00pm - 6:35pm
             Lec: MW • 10:15am - 1:20pm
                                                                                  		EVE Carmona, O • 10/18 - 12/11 • WAKE-26
                                                                                     Lab: W • 6:50pm - 7:30pm

Emergency Medical
Emergency Medical Technician-Basic:
                                                                                  Graphic Design
Recertification                                                                   Digital Design Techniques
Limitation on Enrollment: Health and Safety regulations. Current CPR              Students learn how to create flyers, brochures, logos, and more using
certificate for the Health Care Provider or the professional rescuer.             Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign programs from the Adobe CS suite.
Designated for EMT re-certification.Provides updated cognitive knowledge          Class will examine how the programs work together to seamlessly combine
and refreshed psychomotor skills for Emergency Medical Technicians                photos, graphics, and page layouts to produce high quality products.
(EMTs) in the treatment of emergency/acute injury and illness. Upon               Students complete class assignments to practice and demonstrate the skills
completion, students receive 24 hours of California and National Registry         required to design and complete a professional project. This course may be
mandated continuing education credits and a completed California required         taught bilingually.
EMT Skills Verification form. This meets the two-year renewal requirements
for the California EMT.                                                           GDPW NC001

EMTV NC111                                                                        CRN 43163 ❯	Musacchio, D E • 10/29 - 12/10 • WAKE-3
                                                                                               Lec: F • 9:00am - 11:15am
CRN 43228 ❯	
            SAT Sharp, I T • 11/13 - 11/14 • A-211
                                                                                  		Musacchio, D E • 10/29 - 12/10 • WAKE-3
            Lec: S • 8:00am - 8:00pm
                                                                                     Lab: F • 11:20am - 12:45pm
		Sharp, I T • 11/13 - 11/14 • A-243
   Lab: • 8:00am - 8:00pm
                                                                                  Photoshop Overview

Environmental Horticulture
                                                                                  This introductory course offers an overview of Photoshop tools and
                                                                                  functionality to discover the creative potential of image editing. Students will
                                                                                  become familiar with the Photoshop window, tools, and main menu bar. The
Green Gardener: Module 1                                                          class will cover opening and saving files, image com-positing and collage,
                                                                                  selections, layers and image correction.
Attention landscapers, maintenance gardeners, property owners and
managers. This course is designed for interested individuals who wish to          GDPW NC005
develop knowledge and skills in order to pursue a career in sustainable
landscaping. Participants will become certified after completing the course       CRN 43271 ❯	
                                                                                              SAT Burkhardt, B J • 10/2 - 10/9 • WAKE-3
                                                                                              Lec: S • 9:00am - NOON
requirements and passing exams. Students who complete the course will
benefit from discounts, free advertising, and promotion by the program            		SAT Burkhardt, B J • 10/2 - 10/9 • WAKE-3
sponsors. Expert guest lecturers will cover irrigation efficiency, green waste       Lab: S • 12:05pm - 2:00pm
reduction, pest and fertilizer management and proper plant maintenance.
Includes both classroom and fieldwork. Clients who hire Certified Green
Gardeners will benefit from a resource-efficient landscape.

                                                                                 SBCC School of Extended Learning • FALL 2021 17
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