Page created by Vernon Sharp

                              YOUR FUTURE STARTS HERE
Monaghan Institute
                                     with St. Angela’s
                                      College, Sligo
       Are you interested in                        > AS001--Home Economics & Biology                      3. Meet financial requirements for the SUSI
                                                      Second Level Teaching                                   Maintenance Grant, or be in receipt of a
            becoming a                              > AS002--Home Economics & Religious                       Back to Education Allowance.
        Home Economics                                Education Second Level Teaching
                                                    > AS003--Home Economics & Irish Second                 4. Be currently registered one of the
             Teacher?                                 Level Teaching (a qualification in Irish is             approved QQI - FET Level 5/6 course at
                                                      required pre entry)                                     Monaghan Institute.
                                                    > AS004--Home Economics & Economics
         If so, then read on!                         Second Level Teaching                                There is a limit to the number of places
                                                                                                           available on the APT Programme and a
                                                                                                           quota of places reserved on the BAPME
                                                    Each programme is 5 years in duration.                 Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes
  Monaghan Institute is involved in an              The APT Project is actively reaching out to            for Further Education students.
  Access to Post Primary Teaching                   students who are interested in becoming                The APT Project provides a number of
  Programme (APT) with St Angela’s College,         secondary school teachers. In order to be              pre-entry and post-entry supports for
  Sligo. St Angela’s has developed a                considered for a place in the APT Project and          successful QQI-FET entrants and students
  QQI - FET link with Monaghan Institute, to        enter an ITE programme at St. Angela’s, you            need to take part in some In-reach and
  give Further Education students a direct          will need to:                                          Out-reach activities throughout their year
  entry route into the following Bachelor                                                                  in Monaghan Institute.
  of Arts/Professional Masters in Education         1. Be eligible for free-fees
  (BAPME) Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
  programmes which are available through            2. Be a first-time entrant to Higher Education         Please contact Karol Harvey, Guidance
  the APT Project at St. Angela’s:                     (i.e. not already have obtained a Bachelor’s        Counsellor at Monaghan Institute for
                                                       degree, or higher)                                  further details.

                                                                                   We are committed to supporting talented athletes reaching the
                                                                                   top of their sport while achieving academic success. Balance study
                                                                                   with sporting ambitions through scholarship programme at MI that
                                                                                   provides free access to sports facilities, performance appraisal and
                                                                                   planning and financial assistance to students excelling in their chosen
                                                                                   sport. Students will also be given the opportunity to increase the

                                                                                   profile of their sport within the college.

                     New for 2018/19

                 Entrance Scholarship
Monaghan Institute recognises the calibre of its incoming
high-achieving students with the award of the MI Entrance
Scholarship. Entrance Scholarships are presented to first year
students who achieve 400 points or more in their Leaving Certificate
(or equivalent second level examination) in recognition of their
academic accomplishment to date. In addition to a bursary towards
course fees, the students, along with their parents/guardians or former
school principal, will be invited to come to MI for the presentation of
the scholarship. The award is based only on the previous academic year
prior to commencement of studies.
    Welcome                                                               2
    10 Reasons to Study with Us                                           3
    Application Procedures                                                4
    Studying at Monaghan Institute                                        5
    Financial Matters                                                     6
    Guidance & Counselling                                                8
    Mature Students                                                       9
    Students Union                                                        10
    Sports, Clubs & Societies                                             11
    European Cultural Exchanges                                           12
    National Framework of Qualifications                                  13
    Progression Routes                                                    14
    MI Library/eCollege                                                   16

             02                            17                       68                        74                           83
         About MI                        PLC                    Pre-University             Training                   Application
                                       Courses                     Courses                 Courses                      Form

    BUSINESS STUDIES AND ADMINISTRATION                                        LTS4 QQI Tourism and Travel with Cabin Crew
    BSA1 QQI Business & Office Administration Level 5                     18        Training Level 5                                 51
    BSA2 QQI Advanced Certificate in IT and Business Management           19   LTS5 QQI Tourism and Event Management Level 5         52
    BSA3 QQI Pharmacy Counter Assistant Level 5                           20   LTS6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Business Tourism &
    BSA4 QQI Accounting, Payroll & Financial Studies Level 5              21        Event Management                                 53

    CARING STUDIES                                                             SCIENCE & THE ENVIRONMENT
    CS01 QQI Nursing Studies Level 5                                      23   STE1 QQI Applied Ecology Level 5                      55
    CS02 QQI Health Services Skills Level 5                               24   STE2 QQI Horticulture Level 5                         56
    CS03 QQI Community and Social Care Level 5                            25   STE3 QQI Science & Laboratory Techniques Level 5      57
    CS04 QQI Applied Social Studies & Psychology Level 5                  26   STE4 QQI Food Science, Health & Nutrition Level 5     58
    CS05 QQI Advanced Certificate in Applied Social Level 6               27   STE5 QQI Animal Care Level 5                          59
                                                                               STE6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Animal Science
    EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES                                                         Level 6                                          60
    ECS1 QQI Early Childhood Care and Education Level 5                   29
    ECS2 QQI Early Childhood Care & Education - SNA Level 5               30   HAIRDRESSING & BEAUTY THERAPY
    ECS3 QQI Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Care & Education          HBT1 QQI/City and Guilds Hairdressing Level 5         62
         Level 6                                                          31   HBT2 QQI Beauty Therapy and Make-up Level 5           63
    ECS4 QQI Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Care &                    HBT3 QQI Advanced Certificate in Beauty Therapy
         Education - Special Needs Assistant Level 6                      32        Level 6                                          64

    COMPUTING AND ENGINEERING                                                  ARTS & HUMANITIES
    CE01 QQI Network Technician & Internet of Things (IoT) Technology          AH01 QQI Liberal Arts Level 5                         66
         Specialist Level 5                                               34   AH02 QQI Performing Arts Level 5                      67
    CE02 QQI Advanced Network Technician & Internet of Things (IoT)
         Technology Specialist Level 6                                    35   PRE-UNIVERSITY COURSES
    CE03 QQI Games Design & Software Development Level 5                  36   PU01 Pre-University Animal & Agri-Sciences Level 5    69
    CE04 QQI Advanced Certificate in Software Innovation & Design              PU02 Pre-University Arts Level 5                      70
         Level 6                                                          37   PU03 Pre-University Business & Accounting Level 5     71
    CE05 QQI Digital Media & Web Design Level 5                           38   PU04 Pre-University Computing Level 5                 72
    CE06 QQI Advanced Certificate in Digital Media & Web Design Level 6   39   PU05 Pre-University Health & Social Studies Level 5   73
    CE07 QQI Digital Marketing & eBusiness Level 5                        40
    CE08 QQI Digital Photography & Creative Media Level 5 		              41   APPRENTICESHIPS
    CE09 QQI Music Technology & Creative Media Level 5                    42   ATI Accounting Technicians Apprenticeship             75
    CE10 QQI Engineering Technology Level 5                               43   Electrical Apprenticeship (Phase Two)                 76
    CE11 QQI Building Construction & Renewable Energy Systems Level 5     44
    CE12 QQI Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Technology Level 5               45   TRAINEESHIPS
    CE13 QQI Motorsport Engineering and Motor Mechanics Level 5           46   OEM Engineering Traineeship                           78
                                                                               Laboratory Assistance Traineeship                     79
    LTS1 QQI Sport & Leisure Management Level 5                           48   Bachelor of Business (Honours) Degree with DkIT       80
    LTS2 QQI Sports Coaching & Exercise Studies Level 5                   49   Graduation Celebrations 2017                          81
    LTS3 QQI Advanced Certificate in Health, Fitness & Sports                  Privacy Notice                                        82
         Performance Level 6                                              50   Application Form                                      83
                 A message from Director Dr Fiona Mc Grath
       There are many routes to a job and              local needs and current/future skills
       career success. Increasingly, further           shortages. The work experience you
       education and training are required.            complete as part of your training keeps
       Universities or Institutes of Technology        both you and staff attuned to the
       don’t suit the needs of all – for some          realities of modern business/industry/
       34,000 Leaving Certificate and mature           commerce.
                                                                                                          Dr Fiona McGrath
       students, a place on a PLC Course is the
                                                       On the other hand, if you wish to
       preferred option. Courses are open to a
       wide range of participants                      proceed to further studies at Institutes of

       including school leavers, adults and            Technology or Universities we will equip
       second chance learners, social welfare          you with the skills necessary for
       recipients, graduates wishing to re-skill       academic life. All of our courses carry
       etc.                                            nationally and internationally recognised
                                                       certification and provide learners with                We thank you for your
       Monaghan Institute offers a wide range          the opportunity to progress to further
                                                       study through the Higher Education
                                                                                                                   interest in our
       of further education and training (FET)
       courses. Each course is specifically            Links Scheme. Over the years, a                       courses and assure you
       designed for employment – the                   significant number of past graduates                  of a warm welcome and
       balance between theoretical and                 have gone on to complete higher                           a quality training
       practical study is decided with the             degrees are now in employment or
       job-market firmly in mind. Close links          running their own businesses and                       service at Monaghan

       with local employers and the                    playing an active part in the community.                       Institute.
       community ensure that the focus of              Others have used further education to
       FET course provision is reflective of           retrain or up-skill and have changed

                    To read the full welcome message visit

                                                             Failte chuig Institiuid
                                                          A message from Deputy Director Rynagh Williams
                                                   Our mission is to create a learning               supportive learning environment.
                                                   environment that will enable every
                                                   learner that we welcome to Monaghan               Monaghan Institute has been approved as
                                                   Institute to excel. Students who choose           a registered provider by QQI and other
                                                   to study at MI learn the skills they need         internationally recognised certifying
                                                   to succeed; in college, in their career and       bodies (e.g. City & Guilds, ITEC) having
    Rynagh Williams
                                                   in life. Our outstanding students have            agreed its quality assurance policies &
    Deputy Director
                                                   bright futures and I would like to thank          procedures. We are continually
                                                                                                     reviewing and developing our work

                                                   you for considering Monaghan Institute
                                                   and guarantee you the attention, support          practices to ensure a quality service to all
                                                   and guidance you require in your                  learners, past, present and future.
                                                   academic journey with us.
                                                                                                     Monaghan Institute fosters positive
        It is my pleasure to                       Staff at Monaghan Institute are                   working relationships with other
      welcome both new and                         highly-qualified, enthusiastic and                providers at home and abroad. The
                                                   dedicated to high academic                        Institute is currently developing
       returning students to                       achievement in the context of a warm              constructive contacts with Stranmillis
      Monaghan Institute and                       tutor-learner relationship. We can give           University College, Queens University,
       wish you well in your                       you the kind of individual attention              Belfast and Institutes of Technology in
         studies this year.                        which will ensure your success,                   Dundalk, St. Angelas Sligo, Letterkenny and
                                                   whether you have just completed                   Blanchardstown. Our learners have also
                                                   Leaving Cert or are a mature student              completed modules of their courses at
                                                   returning to education. We welcome                training institutions in Belgium, France,
                                                   learners of all ages, abilities and               Portugal, Germany, Canada Denmark and
                                                   nationalities and will provide you with a         the Netherlands.
                                                       MI          COURSES         COURSES         COURSES        FORM

      TOP REASONS                                                                                              1                  3

                                                                                                       Learners of all ages

       10 WITH US
          TO STUDY                                                                                catered for within a friendly
                                                                                                 college atmosphere, with state
                                                                                                      of the art facilities and
                                                                                                  relatively small class groups
                                                                                                  providing a unique learning

            2                                                                 3
    Courses designed to                                               Dedicated staff who
    enhance your career                                              are highly qualified in
prospects, with strong links                                         their fields, concerned
 to local business, industry                                        for student welfare and
   and commerce and an                                                interested in seeing
     emphasis on work                                                     their learners
         experience.                                                         progress.

          4                                                                                      6
   Career guidance &                                                                        Quality Assured
   counselling service                                                                      courses leading
available to support you                                                                   to nationally and
  in your learning and                                      Course fees are low.            internationally

future career choices or                                 Attending college locally            recognised
 progression to further                                  also reduces travel costs           certification.
         studies                                           and living expenses.

                                               7                                                  8
                                                                    Progression opportunities to a wide variety of degree
                                        results achieved             courses at third level institutions across the country,
                                          by learners.             through the Higher Education Links Scheme. Advanced
                                                                      entry arrangements exist with Dundalk Institute of
                                                                  Technology for learners who complete Level 6 Advanced
                                                                                    Certificate programmes.

                                           9                                  10
                                   Active Students’ Union                Maintenance Grants
                                       organises many                      apply & those in
                                 extra-curricular activities/          receipt of social welfare
                               charity events and acts as an            payments can avail of
                               effective communication link         financial assistance through
                               between learners and college             the VTOS or Return to
                                 staff, local media and the            Education programmes

    DONT STOP AT 10                                                 Check out our website to find out more:
4               APPLICATION PROCESS                                                              ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                     APPLICATION DEADLINE
            Monaghan Institute operates a policy                                             Leaving Certificate with five O6 grades                                  Applications should be submitted to
            of selection and admission of learners                                           (or five passes pre 2017) or equivalent                                  the Institute by 31st May. All
            that is, at all stages and in all ways,                                          is the standard entry requirement for                                    application forms will be date stamped
            equitable, transparent and                                                       Level 5 courses. Leaving Certificate                                     on receipt. Late applications may be
            accountable and respects the rights                                              Applied or QQI Level 4 Award are also                                    considered, where vacancies exist on
            and dignity of applicants. The process                                           acceptable on the majority of Level 5                                    courses.
            for gaining access to full time                                                  courses. Some courses have subject
            courses at Monaghan Institute                                                    specific requirements.                                                   Interviews (where applicable) will only
            consists of several sequential stages:                                                                                                                    be allocated on the basis of the receipt
            > Application                                                                    A QQI Level 5 award or equivalent in                                     of a completed application form.
            > Interview (where applicable)                                                   a relevant subject area is the standard
            > Selection and notification                                                     entry requirement for Level 6
            > Registration                                                                   Advanced Certificate courses. Please
            > Induction (where applicable)                                                   refer to the prospectus for further
            > Garda Vetting (where applicable)                                               information.

               DOCUMENTATION                                                                             INTERVIEWS                                                           ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                 REQUIRED                                                                                                                                             All courses are delivered through
                                                                                     Applicants who do not meet the
                                                                                     standard entry requirements for                                                  English. Learners are advised that to
    All applicants must include the
                                                                                     particular courses will be interviewed.                                          benefit from their chosen course they
                                                                                     Interviews for places on courses are                                             should be proficient in written and
    > Completed Application Form
                                                                                     held at various times throughout the                                             spoken English. Applicants who do
      (detachable from the back of this
                                                                                     academic year. Following interview,                                              not have English as their first language
       prospectus or available on our
                                                                                     you will be notified in writing of the                                           may be required to do an English
      website at
                                                                                     outcome. Provisional offers will issue                                           Language proficiency assessment as Make
                                                                                     to successful candidates. Once you                                               part of the interview process.
      sure to select courses in order of
                                                                                     receive an offer it is important that you                                        N.B. English language proficiency tests
      preference, as you may be allocated
                                                                                     read all documentation carefully and                                             take place on set dates in May and
      a place on your second/third choice
                                                                                     comply with any requests.                                                        September only. Alternatively
      course as classes fill up.
                                                                                                                                                                      applicants who have obtained an
    > Personal Public Services Number
                                                                                     ..............................................................................   internationally recognised English
      (i.e. RSI No.) must be included on the
                                                                                                                                                                      language qualification should enclose
      application form.
                                                                                                                                                                      a copy of the certificate with their
    > Copy of most recent school report/                                                             REGISTRATION                                                     application form.
      examination results, if applicable.
                                                                                     Applicants must attend Registration
    ..............................................................................   in late August - you will be notified
                                                                                     of the date. Failure to complete the
       LEAVING CERT RESULTS                                                          Registration process will result in the                                                         APPLICATION &
                                                                                     withdrawal of any conditional offer.                                                              ENQUIRIES
    Leaving Certificate results (where                                               Courses commence at the end of
    applicable) should be forwarded by                                               August/early September - you will be                                             Director,
    applicants upon receipt in mid-August.                                           advised of the exact start date for your                                         Monaghan Institute,
    The Institute will confirm course offers                                         chosen course area at Registration. The                                          Education Campus,
    when results are submitted. As course                                            formation of courses is subject to a                                             Armagh Road,
    places are limited, early application                                            minimum enrolment. Monaghan                                                      Monaghan.
    and prompt acceptance of places is                                                Institute reserves the right of                                                 Tel. 047-84900
    recommended.                                                                     admission to any course it provides.                                             E-mail:
ABOUT       PLC                   PRE UNIVERSITY                     TRAINING                   APPLICATION
                                                             MI      COURSES                    COURSES                         COURSES                       FORM



                       INDUCTION                                                                    COURSE CONTENT
If you register for a place on any of the Childcare or              The information outlined in this prospectus is as
Healthcare courses, an induction process will apply. This           accurate as possible at the time of going to print, but is
involves two weeks (at the start of the first term) of activities   subject to continuing development. QQI award structures
and experiences which help you explore the key caring skills        are subject to change and as a result modules listed may
required for a range of settings. All learners on Childcare         vary. The Institute reserves the right to change any or all of
and Healthcare courses will be asked to complete the Garda          the modules listed in the course descriptors or to change,
Vetting process when they recieve their offer of a place.           cancel or limit in size any course, class or subject.
Monaghan Institute reserves the right not to offer places on        Programmes are subject to validation by QQI.
caring courses if induction, including Garda Vetting, is not
satisfactorily completed by the learner.                            .......................................................................................................................

                                                                                        ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE
                                                                    There are a variety of assessment methods used,
If you will be living away from home while attending                depending on your chosen course area. Some modules
Monaghan Institute a list of local estate agents can be             involve continuous assessment of project work, while others
provided. You can also join the Facebook Group called               may involve oral presentations, practical skills tests and/or
“Student Accommodation Monaghan” on our website to                  examinations. This allows you to build up credits
connect with local landords. For more information visit             throughout the year towards final results/award. There is a range of good
quality accommodation available at affordable prices within         .......................................................................................................................
walking distance of the Institute and the town centre.
                                                                                   ATTENDANCE AND PROGRESS
                                                                    Monaghan Institute reserves the right to ask any learner
  WORK EXPERIENCE/INDUSTRY LINKS                                    to leave a course as a result of unsatisfactory punctuality,
                                                                    attendance, academic performance or conduct.
Monaghan Institute has developed close links with local
business/industry/commerce. Employers across a wide
range of sectors (e.g. hairdressers, childcare providers,
offices, beauty salons, healthcare facilities, etc) provide work
experience on a regular day release basis or on block
placement. Relevant work placement is an integral part of
each vocational course. Many learners secure permanent
employment from their period of work experience. The
Institute requires that all learners carrying out work
placement, which involves contact with children/vulnerable
adults, are vetted by the National Vetting Bureau.
                                  HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME TO
                                  STUDYAT MONAGHAN INSTITUTE?
6                                        A QUICK GUIDE:

                 > There are no tuition fees for EU nationals

                 > Government levy of €200 per PLC student applies

                 > Applicants pay a booking deposit of €50 before course
                   commencement to secure their place.

                 > Applicants pay other costs (books, exam fees, professional
                   membership fees, optional training etc)

                 > Non EU nationals are charged a tuition fee determined by the Irish

    Monaghan Institute prides itself
       on keeping the cost of
      accessing its courses to a
                 In 2011, a Government Levy of €200 was introduced to be charged
                 to learners (EU nationals) enrolling on fulltime PLC courses.
                 The following categories of participants are exempt from paying the
                 €200 Government levy:

                 > Full medical card holders in their
                   own right and their dependent
                 > Those who are eligible under the
                   student grant scheme
                 > Those in receipt of the Vocational
                   Training Opportunities Scheme or
                   the Back to Education Allowance

                 These exemptions apply only to the Government Levy.
                                                                                               MI           COURSES          COURSES          COURSES           FORM

Depending on course selection                                                   Education & Skills fee of €3,653, plus            > have attended a minimum of five            1
payment may also be required for                                                the relevant course fees.                           academic years in the Irish school
some of the following:                                                                                                              system, as at 31 August 2018; and
                                                                                Note: Pilot arrangements for access
Books, field trips, specialist equipment                                        to PLC courses exist on the following             > have been part of an application for
(e.g. hairdressing/beauty kits, scientific                                      basis for three particular groups                   protection or leave to remain for a
instruments), sports coaching, learner                                          (asylum applicants, subsidiary                      combined period of 5 years as at 31
services, registration charges by                                               protection applicants and those at the              August 2018.
professional bodies and examination                                             leave to remain stage but in respect
fees. For further details contact the                                           of whom a deportation order has not               Persons with special leave to remain
college office on 047-84900 or                                                  issued):                                          in Ireland or in any of the categories                                                                                                          to which the pilot arrangements apply
                                                                                Applicants in these three groups must:            must produce appropriate
.............................................................................                                                     documentation to verify that status, as
                                                                                > meet the definition of protection               applications cannot be processed until
Monaghan Institute welcomes                                                       applicant or person at leave to                 the relevant paperwork is submitted.
applications from suitably qualified                                              remain stage (other than those at the
international learners.                                                           deportation order stage);                       International Applicants should contact
                                                                                                                                  the college office at:
Applicants from Non-EU countries,                                               > have obtained the Leaving
with the exception of those who have                                              Certificate;                                    Tel: 047 84900
special leave to remain in Ireland, are                                                                                           Email:
obliged to pay a Department of

                             GRANTS                                                 VOCATIONAL TRAINING                                    BACK TO EDUCATION
                                                                                    OPPORTUNITIES SCHEME                                   ALLOWANCE (BTEA)
  Full-time learners may be eligible to                                                    (VTOS)
  apply for PLC maintenance grants,                                                                                                   The Department of Social Protection
  which are means tested. You should                                             This is a scheme operated to give                    administer the Back to Education
  contact your local Education and                                               unemployed people educational                        Allowance Scheme as one of its second
  Training Board (ETB) for further details                                       opportunities without losing their                   chance educational opportunities for
  or visit or                                              benefits. VTOS is funded by the                      unemployed people, lone parents and where applications can be                                          Department of Education and Skills with              people with disabilities. This scheme
  made online or downloaded.                                                     assistance from the European Social Fund.            allows you to keep your social welfare
                                                                                 It applies to all full-time courses offered at       payment and return to full time
         CAN I ATTEND                                                            Monaghan Institute.                                  second/third level courses.
       AND CONTINUE TO                                                                    WHO QUALIFIES?                              For further details contact your local
                                                                                                                                      ETB or social welfare office or visit
        RECEIVE SOCIAL                                                           You must be aged 21 or over and be in       or
          WELFARE?                                                               receipt of unemployment payments or
                                                                                 other social welfare benefit for at least 6
  Two special schemes exist that may                                             months. The number of places on VTOS is
  allow applicants who are receiving                                             limited and priority is given to those who
  certain social welfare benefits to                                             are long-term unemployed and have not
  attend an approved full time course                                            had the opportunity to complete
  and continue to receive payments.                                               second-level education. For further details
  These schemes are: Vocational Training                                         contact your local ETB Office or visit
  Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) and the                                  
  Back to Education Allowance Scheme
                                                                                         BENEFITS OF VTOS
  These schemes allow eligible
                                                                                 Books, materials and examination fees are
  participants to:
                                                                                 paid for on VTOS and participants receive
  > Start or continue education and
                                                                                 a meal and travel allowance (depending
                                                                                 on distance from the Institute). Childcare
  > Develop new skills
                                                                                 support is also available through the
  > Gain certification at a range of levels
                                                                                 Childcare Employment and Training
  > Enhance employment prospects
                                                                                 Support Scheme (CETS).

        GUIDANCE &                                                                                   Karol Harvey
                                                                                                  Guidance Counsellor

                  WHAT IS AVAILABLE?                                               JOB SEARCH SKILLS
    > A free and confidential Guidance and Counselling              Learners are equipped with job search skills through a series
      service is available to support learners.                     of workshops on CV writing, interview skills, introduction to
    > Advice and assignment support are available for those         aptitude tests and work placement schemes.
      making the transition back to education.
    > Supports are provided for learners with disabilities and
      specific learning difficulties.                                          PERSONAL COUNSELLING
                                                                    The Guidance Counsellor can help you identify and solve
                                                                    any worries and anxieties that may interfere with your
          THE GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING                                academic and personal development. These may include
                   SERVICE                                          social/personal difficulties, financial worries or study
                                                                    problems. The counselling service provides a supportive
    Monaghan Institute provides the services of a qualified         and safe environment in which personal issues can be
    Guidance Counsellor. This service focuses on the provision      discussed.
    > Educational Guidance: Supporting individuals with their
      continuing education & researching progression                               DISABILITY SERVICE
      pathways. Supporting individuals who are returning to
      education as mature students.                                 At Monaghan Institute we recognise that a disability can
    > Vocational Guidance: Assisting individuals to reflect on      impact on your ability to participate in further education, so
      their career choices and to engage in Career Planning for     we work with learners to help ensure the impact is
      the future.                                                   minimised. At Monaghan Institute we are committed to
    > Personal Counselling: Provision of Counselling for            promoting equality of opportunity for all learners. If you
      individuals who are experiencing personal difficulties.       have a disability or specific learning difficulty we
                                                                    encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to discuss
                                                                    your particular needs. We provide a range of supports
             PROGRESSION AND CAREER                                 such as learning support, assistive technology and special
                  INFORMATION                                       accommodations for examinations.

    This service can help you with the transition from college      If you have an educational assessment report, please submit
    to working life through one-to-one guidance, together           a copy with your application form. It is the responsibility of
    with the provision of career information and career talks       each learner to disclose their special educational needs as
    from Universities and Institutes of Technology. You will also   early as possible so applications can be processed.
    be provided with information on opportunities for further
    study at home and abroad. You may avail of individual and       Note: Any information you provide will be retained and
    group support with completion of the CAO and UCAS               used by the Institute solely for the purposes of assessing
    application forms and advanced entry forms. Learners will       your educational needs and in line with the Privacy Notice
    also receive support with the mature student entry routes       on page 82.
    used by many third level institutes.
ABOUT     PLC                    PRE UNIVERSITY                    TRAINING                   APPLICATION
                                                         MI    COURSES                     COURSES                        COURSES                       FORM

                                                                                BENEFITS OF RETURNING TO                                                                                 9
                                                                                  COMPLETE A COURSE AT
                                                                                  MONAGHAN INSTITUTE
                                                               There are many personal rewards for adults retuning to
                                                               education. Learners find the experience exhilarating,
                                                               stimulating and liberating. Mastering new skills and
                                                               acquiring new knowledge is extremely rewarding. In
                                                               addition, it provides those retuning to education the
                                                               opportunity of new employment prospects or of entry to
                                                               University or to Institutes of Technology to continue their
                                                               learning journey. Mature graduates of Monaghan Institute
                                                               courses are now continuing their studies in Trinity College
                                                               Dublin, NUI Maynooth, University College Dublin, Dublin
                                                               City University, Glasgow University, Dundalk Institute of
                                                               Technology and at other third level colleges nationally and
                                                               in the UK.


                                                                                          CHOOSING A COURSE
                                                               Taking a decision to attend Further Education requires
                                                               major commitment on the part of the learner and
                                                               choosing the right course will involve some ground work.

                                                               Consider courses that you have a genuine interest in and a
                                                               desire to learn more about. Interest enhances a
                                                               participant’s motivation to study and acquire more
                                                               knowledge of a subject area.

                                                               Research your chosen course on the website @

                                                               We recommend attending our Open Day or Information
                                                               Evening during the year. Please check the website for
                                                               upcoming events.

                                                               Individual Course Tutors and the Guidance Counsellor can
                                                               be contacted through the college website to answer any
                                                               question you may have.

                                                               At Monaghan Institute mature students may not need to
                                                               have the usual academic entry requirements. Consideration

                                                               is given to your life and work experience. The Institute will
                                                               look for satisfactory evidence of your ability to pursue and
                                                               benefit from the course you have applied for. Your

           STUDENTS                                            application will be evaluated on previous experience,
                                                               references and/or testimonials as well as performance at
At Monaghan Institute we promote access to further
and higher education for mature students. We recognise         .......................................................................................................................
the contribution that mature students have made to the
college. In this era of lifelong learning we are committed
to having the supports and services in place to assist you                                      NEXT SEPTEMBER
in your studies. We appreciate that many people might
have left school early or were unable to achieve their full    Once you have enrolled on your course a Monaghan
potential due to financial, social or family pressures. Over   Institute make contact with the college Guidance service to
the years circumstances can change and the opportunity to      discuss any queries you may have.
return to education now presents itself.
10                UNION
     As the principle vehicle of communication and
     representation between learners, tutors and the local
     community, the Students’ Union is involved in promoting
     and improving the quality of life of each learner
     attending Monaghan Institute. The Students’ Union consists
     of a President, Vice President and one representative from
     each course. From these representatives, a Chairperson,
     Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer are chosen.
     Together the team organises various functions throughout
     the year to benefit both the learners and the local
     community. The Union provides opportunities for
     involvement and individual development of all learners,
     encouraging the widest possible participation in a variety
     of activities.

                EVENTS INCLUDE:
     > The Students’ Union members organise fund raising
       events for different charities such as bed pushes, head
       shaves, coffee mornings, sponsored walks, auctions, table
       quiz, raffles, Christmas food appeals, Ribbon Appeal,
       concerts, karaoke and talent nights.
     > The Book and Creative Writing club share stories and
       partake in workshops with guest speakers.
     > The Photography club share ideas and techniques by
       taking photos of college events.
     > The Music club play at seasonal celebrations which
       include the Halloween Bat Festival and Fancy Dress,
       Christmas Lunch Party, Green Day for St. Patrick’s Day and
       End of Year Formal.
     > The Debating Society is involved in competitions with
       other PLC colleges in the region.
     > Football, Soccer and Hurling teams have participated in
       competitions with other Further Education Colleges and
     > Basketball, Badminton and Futsal leagues provide
       opportunity for participation in team sports and there is
       even the Staff v Students challenge match.
     > Learners have access to the football pitch, sports hall
       and gym on campus. They can also avail of Tanagh
       Outdoor Education Centre, where they can go abseiling,
       canoeing, orienteering and camping.
ABOUT           PLC           PRE UNIVERSITY               TRAINING                   APPLICATION
                                                           MI          COURSES            COURSES                   COURSES                       FORM

The Institute offers a wide range
of sports, clubs and societies
which cater for both the laid
back learner and the
competitive crusader,
                                             CLUBS &
encouraging all to roll up their
sleeves and get involved.
                                                 SPORTS FACILITIES
Monaghan Institute currently has a
growing number of sports, clubs and         Our sports facilities are available to
societies to further enhance learners       all learners, from those who wish to
experience as part of their college life.   socialize and meet friends through
There are a range of options available      a leisure pursuit, to those who have
that should encompass all learner           aspirations of representing their clubs,
interests. We also encourage students       counties or country at their chosen
to be creative and develop a new club       discipline. Various activities are
or society around their particular          organised on campus from
interests through the Students’ Union.      recreational classes to sports events in
So whether tennis, basketball, hill         some of our state of the art sporting
walking or canoeing is for you or if        facilities;
you enjoy reading, films, comedy or
theatre, we will encourage you to get       > Sports Gymnasium
involved in the things you love as part     > Fully Equipped Fitness Suite
of your experience with us.                 > Fitness Studio
                                            > Sports Pitches/Courts

                                                                                                           CLUBS & SOCIETIES:
                                                                                                > Men’s GAA                                > Equestrian
                                                                                                > Rotary and Lions                         > Swimming
                                                                                                  Club                                     > Athletics
                                                                                                > Pool and Snooker                         > Kayaking/Canoeing
                                                                                                > Hurling                                  > Sub Aqua Diving
                                                                                                > Golf                                     > Basketball
                                                                                                > Debating                                 > Abseiling
                                                                                                > Ladies GAA                               > Soccer
                                                                                                > Orienteering                             > Rock-Climbing
                                                                                                > Boxing                                   > Badminton
                                                                                                > Drama                                    > Music
                                                                                                > Hill-Walking


                                                                                                     SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS

                                                                                                Monaghan Institute stive to support
                                                                                                sporting talent within the college.
                                                                                                For information about the MI Sports
                                                                                                Scholarship programme please refer to
                                                                                                the inside front cover of the prospectus.

         Over many years, Monaghan Institute has been
          dynamic in initiating and developing broader
       educational links within Europe. A number of highly
           successful exchange projects have resulted.

     > Staff are involved on an ongoing basis in cross-cultural
       programmes. The SOCRATES project during 1996/97
       linked Monaghan Institute with European partners -
       Kursuscentre, Denmark and Pontypridd College, Wales, in
       the development of a European Studies module.

     > Students from Ales, in the South of France proved
       excellent partners for Leisure & Tourism students in a
       three week work placement exchange funded by the
       LEONARDO programme in 1997/98. Similarly, in January
       1999 Childcare and Leisure students participated in a
       LEONARDO exchange to Holland.

     > Also in 1999, a number of students from Monaghan
       Institute took part in a WIDER HORIZONS Customer Care
       training programme which culminated in two months
       work experience in Toronto, Canada during the summer.

     > In 2003, 2005 and 2007 Childcare students completed
       three weeks work placement in Brakel, Germany on a
       LEONARDO exchange.

     > Nursing students also visited Thisted, Denmark on a
       similar LEONARDO work placement programme in 2005
       and 2007.

     > IT & Office Administration students visited Quimper,
       France in 2009 & Information Technology students
       travelled to Holland in 2010, also funded through

     > In 2015, Multimedia, Business Administration,
       Computer Games Design and Information Technology
       students completed work placement in Drachten,
       Holland, under the ERASMUS PLUS programme.
       with a further ERASMUS + work placement project taking
       place there in 2018 for Software Development and
       Computer Games students.
                                                       MI           COURSES        COURSES          COURSES       FORM


      Quality & Qualification Ireland (QQI) makes awards in further & higher education & training

      SEC - State Examination Comission (Department of Education & Skills)

      Institutes of Technology


Awards in the Framework
          Major Awards: named in the outer rings, are the principle class of awards made at a level

          Minor Awards: are for partial completion of the outcomes for a Major Award

          Supplemental Awards: are for learning that is additional to a Major Award

          Special Purpose Awards: are for relatively narrow or purpose specific achievements

The National Framework of Qualifications consists of 10 Levels, encompassing all education and training provision in
Ireland. QQI awards are available at Levels 1-10. The Framework shows how education & training awards relate to one
another. A key element of the Framework is to enable access and progression opportunities between Levels.

                                                                      BUSINESS &
                                      CARING                        ADMINISTRATION

                                                                                          HAIRDRESSING &
                                                                                          BEAUTY THERAPY
                    LEISURE, TOURISM
                       & SERVICES

                                                           EARLY CHILDHOOD
                                                                       A                   COMPUTING &
                                                                      A A

                                                                               ARTS &
     The Higher Education Links Scheme facilitates learners from
     Monaghan Institute who have achieved a full QQI Level 5
     Certificate or Level 6 Advanced Certificate to progress to a
     range of courses at Higher Education Institutions                                               SCIENCE & THE
     throughout the country. There are approximately forty                                           ENVIROMENT
     Higher Education Institutions offering progression to a
     wide variety of Level 6 Higher Certificate, Level 7 Ordinary
     Degree and Level 8 Honours Degree programmes.

     To apply, current learners submit their third level
     applications to the CAO by 1 February. In July, QQI results
     are issued to the CAO and participating institutions.
     Components leading to the best 120 credits (highest
     grades) are scored and applicants are ranked accordingly.

     NB: Some HEI’s require the best score in a single QQI
     assessment session for ranking purposes. For details of
     specific linked awards or specific module requirements
     please contact the Admissions Office of the individual
     Higher Education Institution or visit or
                                                                                                                                                                MI    COURSES         COURSES          COURSES        FORM

                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEFHEA                            15
                                    Level 5
                                                                                                                                                                      DklT and the Further Education Colleges in the region
                                  Monaghan                                                                      Direct entry
                                                                                                                                                                      (including Monaghan Institute) have come together to
                                   Institute                                                                    into Level 6
                                                                                                               at Monaghan                                            form the North East Further & Higher Education Alliance
                                                                                                                  Institute                                            (NEFHEA). NEFHEA aims to promote greater take up of
                                                                               Year 1 Entry

                                                                                                                                                                      further and higher educational opportunities among
                                                                                                                                                                      learners in the region. Working through the Alliance,
                                               Direct entry into Year 1 of a

                                                                                                                                                                      Monaghan Institute and the other FE colleges will ensure
                                                                                                            Level 6
                                                    Degree Course*

                                                                                                                                                                      balanced provision of educational opportunities across the
                                                                                                          Monaghan                                                    north east region and cooperate in the joint
                                                                                                           Institute                                                  development of programmes. Another priority of the
                                                                                                                                                                      Alliance is to increase the transition rates of students from
                                                                                                                                                                      Further Education colleges in the region to Dundalk
                                                                                                                Year 2 Entry

                                                                                   Institutes of Technology/                                                          Institute of Technology. Currently students with a QQI
                                                                                          Universities                                                                award from Monaghan Institute can use their
                                                                                                                                                                      qualification to progress to DklT under the Higher
                                                                                              Level 7                                                                 Education Links Scheme.
                                                                                              (Ordinary        Advanced
                                                                                               Degree)         entry into                                                   QUALITY AND QUALIFICATIONS
                                                                                                               Year 2 of a
                                Year 1 Entry

                                                                                                                                                                      Quality and Qualifications Ireland was established under
                                                                                              Level 8                                                                 the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and
                                                                                              (Honours                                                                Training) Act 2012. The new Authority was created by an
                                                                                               Degree)                                                                amalgamation of four bodies that had both awarding and
                                                                                                                                                                      quality assurance responsibilities: the Further Education
                                                                                                                                                                      and Training Awards Council (FETAC), the Higher Education
                                                                                                                                                                      and Training Awards Council (HETAC), the National
                                                                                              Level 9                                                                 Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) and the Irish
                                                                                                                                                                      Universities Quality Board (IUQB). The new Authority has
                                                                                                                                                                      assumed all the functions of the four legacy bodies while
                                                                                               Degree)                                                                also having responsibility for new statutory responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                                      in particular areas.
 Direct entry into Employment

                                                                                                                               Direct entry into Employment

                                                                                                                                                                      FETAC and HETAC award holders can be assured that their
                                                                                              Level 10                                                                awards will continue to be recognised at home and abroad.
                                                                                              (Doctoral                                                               They will also continue to be recognised through the
                                                                                               Degree)                                                                National Framework of Qualifications. See diagram on page
                                                                                                                                                                      13 or visit

                                                Direct entry
                                                into Employment


Please Note:
*Applicants must apply through CAO for Level 7/8
Degree courses

**Applicants must apply directly to Institute of
Technology/ University for Advanced Entry into Year 2
of relevant degree courses. Places are assigned based
on previous academic results and availability and
are subject to the criteria of each individual Institute of
16                   LIBRARY
     The Library which is located on the first floor is a modern,
     engaging, comfortable space for studying, researching and
     learning. It plays a central role in supporting the
     Further Education and Training (FET) courses on offer at the
     Institute and provides a gateway to necessary resources
     you will need for your chosen FET course. In addition, it
     offers access to print and electronic information together
     with books, journals, magazines - on subjects relevant to
     Monaghan Institute learners.

     The Library is available online at
     where learners can make reservations, check book
     availability and pay fines. The Library also offers access to an
     online library It is available for all students
     offering on-demand, instant access to the complete text of
     thousands of best-in-class online books, book summaries,
     audiobooks, research reports and best practices. Collections
     represent sources in business, technology, healthcare, early
     childhood care & education and more.

     The library is specially designed to provide enhanced
     daylight levels, double height study space and has been
     acoustically treated in order to provide our learners with a
     modern, spacious and quiet study/research space. A
     breakout social area is located immediately outside the
     library where learners can get refreshments and access
     Wi-Fi in a modern setting. Library staff are available to
     assist and guide you on finding the best resources and on
     efficiently using the managed print service which is
     available to learners.

     Learners can access Wi-Fi on portable devices or use any of
     the available PC’s for research and study purposes. Access
     to the library is available to all registered learners and your
     student ID card is also your Library card. The ID card is
     chipped to facilitate learners borrowing/returning books,
     paying fines, printing and photocopying; you should have
     your ID card with you when you visit the library.

                                                              S                          E-COLLEGE
                                                                  PT I
                             M IC

                   AU                                Dw   CO                    Monaghan Institute is now providing online courses and
                        TO                                                 Ps

                                     S                                          internationally recognised qualifications in the IT sector. We
                                         K                                      are delighted to be working in collaboration with eCollege,

                                                    OB CO

                                      TA                                        Prodigy and Skillsoft in piloting online learning

                                                  AD CIS

                                                                                opportunities for our students.


                                                                                The available courses offered are qualifications by
                                                                                Microsoft Office Specialist - MOS, Microsoft Technical
                                                                                Associate, Adobe, CompTIA, Cisco and Autodesk. Students
                                                                                can avail of a wealth of online resources in the form of
                                                                                practice tests, videos and online learning environments.
                                         learning                               Learning and assessment is organised through the
                                                                                Gemetrix, LearnKey, Measure Up and Moodle softwares,
                                                                                allowing students 24 hour access to learning. Our library is
                                                                                the ideal location to access these systems.
                                                       MI    COURSES      COURSES       COURSES       FORM


         Look for these symbols                                     BUSINESS
             as courses may offer the
          following progression routes:                            STUDIES &
  Degree            Employment                 MI
Progression         Progression            Progression

         STUDENT SPEAK                                       > Business Studies & Office
I attended an Open Day at Monaghan Institute.
  I felt very intimidated walking through those              > Advanced Certificate in IT & Business
doors for the first time and if truth be told I just           Management
wanted to walk straight back out again, but one
  of the tutors immediately caught sight of me
                                                             > Pharmacy Counter Assistant
   and came straight over to chat with me and
    offered me advice on the different courses
         being run there. After a ten minute                 > Accounting, Payroll & Financial
  conversation with her I knew I had just taken                Studies
      the first step towards the rest of my life.

                                  Claire Rushe
         Business & Office Administration Graduate
Business Studies & Office Administration

                                                Level 5 - BSA1 - 1 year full time
                                                This course is designed to give a clearly structured business education that provides a solid foundation for
                                                success in a business career.

                                                IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR YOU?

                                                This course aims to equip both school leavers and mature applicants
                                                with necessary business skills and a thorough knowledge of the
                                                computer application packages used in the modern office, as well
                                                as preparing learners for further study in related areas. It also suits
                                                learners who wish to defer their college place for a year and acquire
                                                good IT skills to assist them.

                                                WHAT WILL YOU STUDY?

                                                Gain a comprehensive understanding of application software
                                                including Spreadsheets, Word Processing and Databases. Learn the
                                                principles of Accounting and related software and study the                       CAREER PROSPECTS
                                                concepts of Business Administration and Customer
                                                Relations.                                                                           Business Studies & Office Administration graduates

                                                                                                                                       find employment in diverse fields. Here are some
                                                Areas of study to include:                                                               of the most popular career destinations you could
                                                > Business Administration Skills                                                           progress to:
                                                > Customer Service
                                                > Accounting – Manual & Computerised                                                          Accountancy | Sales and Marketing | Business
                                                > Spreadsheet Methods                                                                        Administration | Banking and Finance | Retail |
                                                > Text Production (Keyboarding)                          of Business & Office
                                                                                                                                             Human Resources | Customer Care | IT |
                                                > Database Methods                                    Administration graduates
                                                > Word Processing                                     are either working or are
                                                > Reception & Frontline Office Skills                   in further education
                                                > Work Experience

                                                Optional:                                                                                            MI PROGRESSION
                                                Medical Terminology                                                                > Level 6 Advanced Certificate in IT & Business

                                                                                                                                                 DEGREE PROGRESSION
                                                5M2102 QQI Level 5 Business Studies
                                                                                                                                  There are many degree options available from this
                                                                                                                                  course, including:
                                                                   STUDENT SPEAK

                                                                                                                                  > DkIT - Business Studies (Years 1 and 2 at Monaghan
                                                                                                                                    Institute) – Level 8
                                                     Little did I know that the day I                                             > DkIT - Accounting and Finance – Level 8
                                                     decided to go to Monaghan                                                    >. DCU - Business Studies – Level 8
                                                     Institute to look around, would                                              > UCD - Commerce – Level 8
                                                                                                                                  > NUIG - Commerce (Global Experience) - Level 8
                                                     change my outlook on
                                                     education, and my future.
                                                     Thanks to all my hard work I secured                                                    EMPLOYMENT PROGRESSION

                                                     employment, straight from Monaghan                                           Graduates progressed to work for the following
                                                     Institute to the furniture shop where I
                                                     completed my work experience, where I                                        > Combilift Ltd

                                                     now work as a clerical administrator.                                        > Monaghan County Council
                                                                                                                                  > Cavan and Monaghan ETB
                                                Jeanette Mullen                                                                   > Department of Finance and Revenue
                                                   Graduate                                                                       > Monaghan Hospital
                                                             MI            COURSES         COURSES         COURSES           FORM

Advanced Certificate in IT & Business Management                                                                                                         19

Level 6 - BSA2 - 1 year full time
Business is at the forefront of every sector and companies require people who can build bridges between IT and
business, and to innovate using IT resources. As a graduate in IT & Business Management, you will be perfectly
suited for a career at the in-demand juncture between management and computer science. The skills you learn

                                                                                                                                           PLC COURSES/BUSINESS STUDIES & ADMINISTRATION
in IT, business, organising and innovation will give you a great head start!


If you already hold a Level 5 Qualification or equivalent in Business
or a relevent field of study, the Advanced IT & Business Management
course will equip you with a superior level of computing skills and a
detailed knowledge of practices and processes relating to the
business environment.


There is an emphasis on business management, accounting and
advanced computer skills. Learners who successfully complete the
course are equipped with a practical understanding of the business
environment and will hold a qualification in modern business skills.           CAREER PROSPECTS
Areas of study to include:                                                       Advanced IT & Business graduates find
> Business Management                                                             employment in diverse fields. Here are some of the
> Applied Economics                                                                most popular career destinations you could progress
> Spreadsheets                                                                      to:
> Computerised Accounts                              Business
> Relational Database                       graduates have the highest
                                                                                       Business Administrator| Business Analyst | Legal
                                            average starting salaries of

> Web Authoring                                                                        Administrator | Financial Services Operative |
> Word Processing                                                                      Accounts Assistant | Office Supervisor / Manager|
> Work Experience                                                                       Clerical Assistant | Personnel Assistant |
> Communications
> Statistics

Microsoft Office Specialist
(MOS) certification
                                                                                                DEGREE PROGRESSION
                                                                                 There are many degree options available from this
QUALIFICATION                                                                    course, including:

6M4985 QQI Level 6 Business                                                      > DkIT - Business Studies (Years 1 and 2 at Monaghan
                                                                                   Institute) – Level 8
                                                                                 > DkIT - Business & Management - Level 7 (Direct entry
                   STUDENT SPEAK                                                   to second year)

                                                                                 > LYIT - Business (Accounting) - Level 8
     Monaghan Institute is a                                                     > LYIT - Business – Level 8
     new modern building with                                                    > GMIT - Business – Level 8

     great facilities and a great
     atmosphere, but I think                                                               EMPLOYMENT PROGRESSION
     it’s greatest strength is the                                              Graduates progressed to work for the following
     tutors who will go the extra mile to                                       companies:

     support and encourage a student who                                        > The Department of Foreign Afffairs & Trade
     is willing to work hard towards their                                      > Cavan & Monaghan ETB

                                                                                > The Peace Link
     shared goal.                                                               > Family Carer’s Ireland
                                                                                > McArdle Cassidy McQuaid Ltd
 Taine Traynor
Pharmacy Counter Assistant

                                                Level 5 - BSA3 - 1 year full time
                                                This course is designed to equip learners with relevant knowledge, skills and experience to work as a pharmacy
                                                counter assistant.

                                                IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR YOU?

                                                Work in this industry varies from dispensing over the counter
                                                medications, helping clients choose medical aids and appliances to
                                                demonstrating and selling cosmetics, perfumes etc. As well as a QQI
                                                qualification, learners complete the Irish Pharmacy Union’s Medicines
                                                Counter Assistant award.

                                                WHAT WILL YOU STUDY?

                                                This course will focus on a range of business and health related
                                                subjects relevant to employment as a pharmacy counter assistant.
                                                Work Experience is within a retail pharmacy. The IPU Medicines
                                                Counter Assistant module is designed to provide the skills and          CAREER PROSPECTS
                                                knowledge to deal effectively with customers in the pharmacy.
                                                Emphasis is placed on questioning skills, product                        Pharmacy Counter Assistant graduates find
                                                knowledge and appropriate referral.                                       employment in diverse fields. Here are some of the most
                                                                                                                           popular career destinations you could
                                                Areas of study to include:                                                  progress to:

                                                > Customer Service
                                                > Medical Terminology                                                      Medical Counter Assistant | Medical Secretary |
                                                > Nutrition                                                                Pharmacy Health Care Adviser | Cosmetic Sales
                                                > Retail Selling                                                           Assistant | Pharmacy Field Sales Representative |
                                                > Skin Care, Eye Treatments & Make-up                of last year’s        Pharmacy Store Manager |
                                                > Word Processing                                Graduates achieved
                                                > Safety & Health at Work                         a full QQI Level 5
                                                > Reception & Frontline Office Skills
                                                                                                                               HIGHER CERTIFICATE PROGRESSION
                                                > Work Experience                                                       There are many higher certificate options
                                                                                                                        available from this course, including:
                                                Medicines Counter Assistant (MCA) Irish Pharmacy Union                  > LYIT - Pharmacy Technician - Level 6
                                                                                                                        > DIT - Pharmacy Technician - Level 6
                                                                                                                        > IT Carlow - Pharmacy Technician - Level 6
                                                QUALIFICATIONS                                                          > IT Athlone - Pharmacy Technician - Level 6

                                                5M4468 QQI Level 5 Community Health Services
                                                Medicines Counter Assistant (MCA) Irish Pharmacy Union
                                                                                                                                      DEGREE PROGRESSION
                                                                                                                        There are many degree options available from this
                                                                                                                        course, including:

                                                                  STUDENT SPEAK                                         > DkIT- Science (Pharmaceutical Science) – Level 7

                                                     In September 2016 after having a                                   > LYIT – Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science - Level 7
                                                                                                                        > DCU – Health and Society - Level 8
                                                     baby, I felt that I needed changes                                 > UCD – Social Science - Level 8
                                                     in my life so I came to Monaghan
                                                     Institute. At times it was not easy
                                                     to juggle college work with family                                            EMPLOYMENT PROGRESSION
                                                     responsibilities. However, with hard work and                      Graduates progressed to work for the following
                                                     support from tutors I have finished the course                     companies:
                                                     and I am so happy about it. The college is a                       > Eakins Pharmacy
                                                     great stepping stone for career change. Hard

                                                                                                                        > Coyle’s Pharmacy
                                                     work always pays off!                                              > Leavy’s Pharmacy
                                                  Ruta Rackyte                                                          > Dolan’s Pharmacy
                                                   Graduate                                                             > Boots Pharmacy
                                                                MI          COURSES          COURSES           COURSES            FORM

Accounting, Payroll & Financial Studies                                                                                                                         21

Level 5 - BSA4 - 1 year full time
This course is designed to enable the learner to develop a keen understanding of principles and practices of the
maintenance of financial records, both manually and using integrated accounting software. Learners will gain
the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain payroll records and perform many office administrative and

                                                                                                                                                PLC COURSES/BUSINESS STUDIES & ADMINISTRATION
financial procedures.


This course aims to give participants the knowledge and skills to
carry out the accounts and payroll function in a small or medium
business. It is a good addition to the CV of anyone wishing to
improve career prospects in office administration or payroll but also
an excellent starting point for candidates wishing to progress further
into accountancy and finance studies at third level institutions in


This course will focus on a range of accounting and business related
subjects to assist the learner to develop the skills to work in a variety
of roles in an organisation including accounts, payroll and
administration. In addition, work experience within a business
setting forms an integral part of the course.

Areas of study to include:
> Accounting – Manual & Computerised
> Legal Practice and Procedures
> Payroll – Manual & Computerised
> Business Administration Skills
> Bookkeeping – Manual & Computerised
> Spreadsheet Methods
> Word Processing
> Financial Services                                                            CAREER PROSPECTS
                                                   Companies in the
> Communications
                                                    accounting and
> Work Experience                                                               Accounting, Payroll & Financial Studies graduates find

                                                  No. 1
                                                financial sector are the
                                                                                employment in diverse fields. Here are some of the most
QUALIFICATION                                                                   popular career destinations you could progress to:

5M2102 QQI Level 5 Business Studies                                             Accounts Assistant | Payroll Assistant | Clerical Assistant |
                                                       employer                 Business/Financial Analyst | Personal Assistant |
                                                       in Ireland

                   DID YOU KNOW?                                                                     MI PROGRESSION
       To pursue a job in the                                                     > Level 6 Advanced Certificate in IT & Business

      accounting and finance
      field is a smart decision!
                                                                                                  DEGREE PROGRESSION
      Graduates are always in                                                     There are many degree options available from this
      demand and it is seen as                                                    course, including:

      a stable and reliable career choice.                                        > DkIT (Year 1 & 2 at Monaghan Institute) - Business –
      There are many different roles in this                                        Level 8
                                                                                  > DCU - Accounting and Finance – Level 8
      field range from entry level positions                                      > UCD - Commerce – Level 8
                                                                                  > NUIG - Commerce – Level 8
      to executive level.                                                         > NUIM - Accounting and Finance – Level 8
You can also read