Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

Page created by Frances Lawson
Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd
Bett 2019

                The only secondary-specific
                guide to the exhibitors, CPD
                and attractions of Bett 2019

23–26 January, 2019
Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

                                       Bett 2019 takes place
                                       from January 23 to 26.
                                       This SecEd guide looks
                                       at the attractions on
                                       offer for secondary
                                       professionals visiting
                                       the show and some of
                                       the technology trends
                                       and discussions we
                                       can expect in 2019

                                           t is that time of year again – the
                                           2019 Bett Show is just around
                                           the corner. The global edtech
                                       community will be coming to Excel
                                       in London to celebrate technology
                                       and innovation in education.
                                          The essence of community
                                       is discussion, exchange and
                                       interaction. In order to offer the best
                                       experience, a trade show shouldn’t
                                       just be about trade and transaction.
                                       Teachers, school leaders, academics,      students, giving them a change to
                                       innovators and policy-makers              talk about the tangible, positive
                                       get the best of their time together       differences that their school has

     REASON NO. 1
                                       when dialogue and exchange helps          experienced thanks to technology
                                       everyone to work better in order to       (for the Bett Awards 2019 shortlist,
                                       help technology unlock the potential      see page 27).
                                       of all learners.
                                          This year the show is focused          What’s on this year?
     to offer on-screen assessments    on facilitating this exchange of
                                       best practice to support the needs
                                                                                 This year’s Bett themes are based
                                                                                 on the visitor feedback from
                                       of the education community.               previous shows. The line-up of
                                       Visitors will be rubbing shoulders        speakers, seminars and special
                                       with outstanding practitioners and        areas will include the Bett Arena,
      The questions require students   organisations who are harnessing          the Schools Theatre and the Post-
                                       technology to meet 21st century           16 Theatre, as well as a number of
        both to be creative and to     challenges.                               others zones and show themes.
            work with data.            New features                              Key themes for Bett 2019
                                       Continuing this theme, a new              The labour force of the future is
                                       feature of the show this year will be     going to look very different from
                                       Peer-to-Peer Connect, an educator-        how it does now – and our young
                                       only space for networking and             people and future generations
                                       sharing best practice away from the       will need to be prepared for that
                                       sales conversations elsewhere at          uncertainty. This year’s show aims
                                       the show (for more on this and the        to showcase the skills needed by
                                       other special features at Bett 2019,      learners to thrive and achieve the
                                       see page 8).                              life outcomes they deserve.
                                          The show will also be extending           Around the globe schools are
                                       its opening hours this year, allowing     embracing this challenge and are
        To learn more, meet the IB     visitors access to CPD-accredited
                                       presentations and networking
                                                                                 equipping young people with these
                                                                                 skills. Bett 2019 has set out to
           at Stand B84 or visit       outside of traditional hours.
                                          As well as the daytime
                                                                                 showcase some of the stand-out
                                                                                 examples of this work and how
                                       programme, the Bett Arena will            technology is helping.          see sessions from 6pm on the
                                       Wednesday to Friday (for more on
                                                                                    Elsewhere, the rising number
                                                                                 of pupils with SEN and learning
                                       what the Bett Arena has to offer,         disabilities is constantly challenging
                                       turn to pages 6 and 7).                   our educators and schools. As such,
                                          Another new addition to the            Bett 2019 will be an opportunity
                                       show will be the Impact Award – a         for visitors to explore some of the
                                       new category in the Bett Awards.          products and solutions tailored to
                                          This will be the first time an         supporting our SEN learners.
                                       award recognises educators and               In addition, the seminar

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Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

nity, exchange & best practice
                                                                              As part of this, there is also
                                                                           the Solutions Den, which offers          Bett Show Information and Tips
                                                                           the chance to hear from fellow           • Bett opens at 10am each day, closing at 6pm (apart from the
                                                                           practitioners talking about and            Saturday when doors close at 3pm).
                                                                           showcasing solutions. Sessions are       • Registering for the show in advance on the Bett website will
                                                                           short and practical, giving tangible
                                                                           takeaways for educators.
                                                                                                                      mean you can walk straight in on arrival.
                                                                                                                    • Use the Bett Show website and app to pre-plan your visit.
                                                                           All things data                            There is plenty of information online. During the show, use
                                                                           Data is fast becoming the lifeblood        social media to help you network and connect: @Bett_show
                                                                           of the high-tech economy of              • CPD seminars are first-come, first-served so arrive at your
                                                                           tomorrow and schools are just              chosen seminars in good time.
                                                                           as important an arena for data-
                                                                           driven progress, not least because       • Post-show planning is important. Gather information and take
                                                                           analytics and data have a role to          time to reflect with colleagues on what you saw at Bett.
                                                                           play in driving improvements in          • If you need help navigating the show, try the BESA Information
                                                                           learner outcomes. Data also brings         Point (stand B134). They can point you in the direction of the
                                                                           the promise of advancements in             suppliers addressing your areas of interest.
                                           Image: Jack Terry Photography

                                                                           assessment and managing teacher
                                                                           workload. The show aims to               • Take advantage of the networking opportunities that the show
                                                                           highlight some of the best examples        provides – share ideas and source advice from peers.
                                                                           and case studies to help senior          • It can be easy to get overloaded with brochures. Instead, ask
                                                                           leadership teams make the best             for business cards and follow up via email. Having your own
                                                                           choices around improving their             business cards is also useful, if only for the many free prize
                                                                           existing tech.
                                                                                                                      draws that are to be found.
  programme will share stories                                             Product trails                           • Dress comfortably and, most of all, wear comfortable shoes!
  and best practice around assistive                                       The Bett product trails will be
  technology and innovation in SEN,                                        themed to key areas of education,        London’s Excel
  with a view to developing the                                            such as reducing workload or
  knowledge of teachers, support staff                                     leadership, and will offer visitors      Situated in London’s Royal Docks, the Excel venue is part of a
  and school leaders.                                                      quick access to some of the              100-acre campus. Within the campus there are three Docklands
     Another aim for the show this                                         highlights of the show, helping them     Light Railway (DLR) stations, access to the Jubilee London
  year is to present some of the                                           to navigate the hall and maximise        Underground line and London City Airport, parking for 3,700
  extraordinary work from teachers                                         their time. All trails are accessible    cars, six hotels, and numerous bars and restaurants. For a more
  across the globe – including                                             through the free Bett 2019 app,
  innovations like personalised                                            available to download now.               scenic route, why not use the Thames Clipper to get from central
  and mobile learning. The idea is                                                                                  London to the O2 and then take the Emirates Air Line (cable car),
  to encourage the sharing of best                                         Bett Futures                             which connects Excel and the O2. Visit
  practice and give teachers practical                                     The Bett Futures zone offers space
  takeaways to put into practice.                                          for new and emerging exhibitors
     For more on the secondary CPD                                         to showcase their often innovative      “hosted meetings” on specific          Further information
  sessions at Bett, see page 19.                                           start-up projects and solutions and     education themes as well as            • Bett 2019 takes place at London’s
                                                                           includes demonstrations and other       keynotes from the likes of the           Excel from Wednesday to
  Classroom tech & resources                                               sessions. For more, turn to page 20.    OECD’s Andreas Schleicher and            Saturday, January 23 to 26. To
  Shiny hardware is one thing – but                                                                                other international speakers.            register for a free pass, visit
  there is also a place at the show                                        Learnit                                                                 You can find
  for smaller examples of innovative                                       The new Learnit conference will         The Education Show                       the show on Twitter @Bett_show
  technology and resources to aid                                          also coincide with Bett. Learnit is a   This year will see the relocation      • The Education Show takes place
  learning and achievement. Not all                                        conference for the global learning      of the Education Show to Excel to        next door to Bett on Thursday
  tech comes with a price tag: some                                        ecosystem, exploring the current        coincide with its sister event Bett.     and Friday, January 24 and 25.
  of the resources in the space will be                                    state and the future of learning        The Education Show will run next         Visit
  available to schools on a budget –                                       around the world. It runs on January    door on January 24 and 25 and          • Learnit takes place on January 24
  others will be free. It’s worth taking                                   24 and 25 in central London.            continues to focus on other school       and 25 in Westminster, London.
  the time to wander around.                                                  The event features a range of        equipment and supplies. See page 9.      Visit

   Contents: Bett Guide 2019
   Introductions                                                                         •   Beware the sales patter      Pages 10-11       • The Bett Futures zone              Page 20
   • Introduction to Bett 2019                                            Pages 2-3     •   A Bett snapshot...           Pages 14-15       • Exhibition highlights              Page 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                Cover image: Adobe Stock

   • State of the ICT nation                                                Page 4      •   Tips for surviving Bett!         Page 17
                                                                                                                                             Commentary & best practice
                                                                                         •   Seminar/CPD highlights           Page 19
   Bett highlights & advice                                                                                                                  • Meeting teachers’ needs      Page 18
                                                                                         •   Bett Awards 2019                 Page 27
   • The Bett Arena                                                       Pages 6-7                                                         • Trends in edtech         Pages 22-24
   • Special Bett Show features                                             Page 8      The Bett exhibition                                 • Government policy update     Page 25
   • The Education Show                                                     Page 9      • Selected exhibitor listings Pages 13 & 16        • The HundrEd Project          Page 26

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Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

Focus on evidence
Edtech moves at a rapid pace                         While his terminology (“those little
                                                     extras”) didn’t go down well with
and 2018 saw a shift towards                         school leaders and teaching
                                                     unions, what he was
evidence and the importance                          responding to was a perceived
                                                     need to ensure that schools have
of demonstrating impact.                             the right equipment in the classroom and
                                                     that they have some capital in order to
Patrick Hayes explains                               purchase the edtech they require.
                                                        The key challenge now is to ensure that

                                                     this additional capital is not a one-off but is
        or many of us in the education sector, the   sustained over an on-going period. Only
        welcome surprise of 2018 was that we         then will this help ensure that schools are
        finally seem to have a secretary of state    not left wanting when it comes to edtech.
that champions the use of edtech.                       Our hope is that the increase should
   Damian Hinds’ first speech after                  give schools more freedom to be able to
being appointed was a year ago at the                make purchasing decisions based upon the
Education World Forum. He spoke about                impact that edtech could have on education
the transformative potential of edtech and           outcomes, not just its impact on cost-saving.
encouraged the assembled world leaders to

                                                                                                                                                          Image: Adobe Stock
attend Bett in order to see the cutting edge         Determining impact
of edtech and think about how that could be          One of the focuses for 2019 will be for edtech
embedded into their education systems.               companies to showcase the work they have
   This was a welcome shift for many,                been doing to demonstrate the impact and
and his talk was followed by a series of             efficacy of their products in classrooms.
engagements with education, culminating in               The initiative leading the way in this
an announcement of his vision for edtech in          endeavour is University College London’s           sourcing a recommendation on the value of
the summer. He revealed that the Department          EDUCATE project, for which BESA is the             edtech products, although they do also consider
for Education (DfE) would be working with            industry partner.                                  evidence from user reviews.
the Chartered College of Teaching, BESA                  Working with 250 start-ups across London,         Our research also showed that by far the
and other industry leaders to “develop online        the initiative aims to make sure companies put     most important way, according to headteachers
training packages, establish an online portal        research at the heart of their offering from the   and school leaders, to find out about edtech is
providing free software trials for schools, and      very outset, connecting suppliers with world-      by attending national conferences such as Bett.
bring together industry and school leaders           leading academics to ensure that their products    Also, one of the fastest growing methods of
through a series of regional ‘demonstrator’          make a genuine difference in the classroom         procurement are the speed dates pioneered by
roadshows”.                                          – and that this can be proven. EDUCATE’s           Innovate my School, which are run with small
   He said: “It’s only by forging a strong           cohort of companies will be exhibiting in the      headteacher clusters around the country.
partnership between government, technology           Bett Futures area of this year’s show (see page       The experiential nature of Bett, LearnED,
innovators and the education sector that there       20), and we encourage visitors to explore the      and Innovate my School’s speed dates is
will be sustainable, focused solutions which         research they have been doing.                     reassuring. It indicates that we are taking a
will ultimately support and inspire the learners         We know from extensive studies with            measured and thoughtful approach to edtech.
of today and tomorrow.”                              teachers that the biggest barrier to adopting         This new era of evidence is very welcome.
   Mr Hinds’ aim is to spearhead a digital           edtech in the classroom isn’t actually budget,     The more emphasis that is placed on evidence-
revolution in classrooms across the UK and his       it is the need to be confident that it will have   based product development, the closer edtech
subsequent work with industry to showcase the        an impact and to be able to show this impact.      will be to fulfilling its transformative potential.
very best of edtech has included the LearnED         We hope that initiatives such as EDUCATE are          Ultimately, this will require education
initiative with BESA.                                able to give schools the evidence that they need   suppliers and schools to work together closely
   LearnED roadshows take place around the           to make confident procurement decisions.           and there is strength in coming together to share
country to enable senior school leaders to                                                              requirements and ideas. I’m looking forward
gather and share ideas about best practice in        What the sector is saying                          to seeing the benefits of this over the next 12
edtech, and to see a live edtech demonstrator        Every two years, BESA conducts research into       months. Enjoy Bett 2019.
classroom in action. The roadshows have been         procurement across schools. The most recent
popular, offering a first-hand look at products      research – Procurement in English Maintained       • Patrick Hayes is director of the British
in action in the school environment and              Schools (November 2018) – found that the           Educational Suppliers Association (BESA).
supporting peer-to-peer learning in a sustainable    secondary sector is most likely to rely on
way.                                                 independent reports and published research         Further information
                                                     findings when making purchasing decisions.         • BESA is the trade association covering the
Additional funding                                   However, over the last year there has been an        entirety of the UK educational suppliers
Elsewhere, Mr Hinds’ promise to address              increasing focus on user reviews and in-house        sector and representing 300-plus educational
teacher workload and his acknowledgment              evaluations as well.                                 UK suppliers. Visit them at Bett 2019 on
of the potential of technology to help in this          We also found that, despite the move towards      stand B134.
area has led to a very promising uptick in           a more robust way of gauging impact, less          • For further information on the
expenditure in edtech, bucking the long-term         than half of schools feel there is sufficient        LearnED school roadshows, visit
trend of decline over the past four years.           information available to assess the efficacy
   This looks to increase further after chancellor   of edtech and just over half of schools now        • For more on the EDUCATE programme,
Philip Hammond announced in October 2018             rely on teachers in their schools to assess the      visit
that he would make £400 million available for        worth of a solution. Secondary schools in          • For more on the work of Innovate My
schools to spend on much-needed equipment.           particular are most likely to look inward when       School, visit

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Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

From AI and VR

                                                                                                                                                   Image: Jack Terry Photography
to coding and policy...
The Bett Arena has become                           The discussion will also examine an           Captive audience: A packed Bett
                                                 evidence-based approach to social and            Arena during one of the keynote
a central point of the show’s                    emotional learning that has already been         presentations at the 2017 Bett Show
                                                 adopted by more than 1,500 schools globally.
CPD and seminars. This                              Taking part are Anthony Salcito, vice-        embed technology into schools, based on
                                                 president of worldwide education at              EDUCATE’s work with teachers.
year it will host around 40                      Microsoft. He will be joined by Barbara
                                                 Holzapfel, Microsoft’s general manager of        Nudge, stretch, boost, connect: Growing
sessions. We preview some                        education marketing, and Dr Marc Brackett,       humans in the digital age, 11am, January
                                                 founding director of the Yale Center for         24: The second day also features a session
of what’s in store...                            Emotional Intelligence at Yale University in     on the future of intelligence. The talk, led
                                                 the United States. A student who has already     by Alex Beard, senior director at Teach For

                                                 seen their education transformed by AI will      All, will examine how the rapid rise of AI
       his year’s Bett Show features a range     also share their experiences.                    is leading us to question the powers of our
       of CPD seminars and sessions with an                                                       own minds. It will explore how combining
       agenda that aims to be informative and    Personalising education at scale with            the powers of technology with our latest
inspirational, tapping into key issues, such     AI, 3:45pm, January 23: AI will also be          understanding of how humans learn can
as artificial intelligence and how new and       the focus of another session on day one,         boost our creativity and productivity and help
emerging technologies can be used to boost       which will look at AI’s role in personalised     us fulfil our natural potential to learn.
children’s learning.                             education.
   Educators know that they are preparing           Joel Hellermark, CEO and founder of AI        Schools VR project: Let us take you on a
children for an ever-changing future, and this   firm Sana Labs will talk about how new           journey, 3:30pm, January 24: Redefining
year’s CPD programme aims to showcase            breakthroughs in AI are making it possible       the “school trip” – learn how a Leicestershire
ways of doing just that. Leading the way will    for students to master difficult concepts.       school and college turned a visit to the World
be the Bett Arena keynote sessions, which are    His talk will also examine how AI can help       Museum in Liverpool into an opportunity to
made up of around 40 talks, 15 to 30 minutes     support teachers to inspire and raise the        film, edit and create their own VR content.
in length.                                       knowledge levels of all students.                   In this session, BBC presenter Helen
                                                                                                  Skelton, teachers from the school, museum
Bett Arena highlights                            Making technology work for schools:              representatives and UK academic Molly
Emotion and cognition in the age of              Lessons from EDUCATE, 3pm, January               Zielezinski debate the value of using
AI, 4:30pm on January 23: The opening            24: The increasing availability of edtech        technology throughout the syllabus to boost
day will feature an afternoon session on         means the need to evidence how technology        engagement and build core skills.
emotion and cognition in the age of artificial   is supporting good education outcomes is            The Schools VR Project allows pupils to
intelligence (AI).                               more important than ever.                        develop collaboration, creativity and critical
   Today’s young children will find                 Led by Rose Luckin, professor of learner-     thinking skills and shows the benefits of
themselves graduating school into a world        centred design at the UCL Knowledge Lab in       students sharing the VR and website output
unrecognisable to the one we live in today       London, this session will look at the exciting   with an authentic audience.
– a world transformed by AI. During this         methods of learning made possible by new
session, we will take a look how AI will alter   technologies.                                    Why we should be teaching our children
both education and work. New research,              Prof Luckin is also director of EDUCATE       to be hackers, 5pm, January 25: Why
showing the vital role that emotional            London, a hub where researchers and              we should teach our children to be hackers
wellbeing plays in ensuring students are         educators work together on developing            will be up for discussion on day three. A
prepared to succeed in the age of AI will be     evidence-informed edtech. This session           session led by David Hill, of the University
presented for the first time.                    will provide practical tips on how to            of Portsmouth, will examine the benefits

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Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

of teaching children about hacking from        aim of the discussion is to help identify the           Education, ITN Productions & The
an early age and tackling the traditional      skills young people will need for their future          Institute for Strategic Dialogue, 1:30pm,
stereotype of what a hacker is. A knowledge    careers and how schools and teachers can                January 24.
and understanding of hacking can help          help to develop these skills.                       •   Evolution in education and technology and
children to protect themselves and others                                                              where to next, Tony Cann, edtech pioneer
when using digital devices, while developing   The education secretary                                 at Bowland Charitable Trust and the
the mindset of a hacker can help them          Many Bett attendees, as is traditional, will            founder of Promethean, 4:30pm on January
beyond computing.                              want to hear from the education secretary               24 (to hear from Mr Cann ahead of his
   Other benefits include encouraging          and the current incumbent, Damian Hinds, is             presentation, turn to page 12).
youngsters to look at problems in new ways     due to address the Bett Arena at 10:45am on         •   You are the teacher who can create bravely,
and come up with creative solutions as well    January 25 in a session scheduled to last 15            Peter H Reynolds, author, illustrator and
as sharing new knowledge.                      minutes, although this is subject to change.            founder of FableVision Learning, 10:30am
   Mr Hill is outreach co-ordinator for                                                                on January 25.
Portsmouth’s faculty of technology and         Other highlights                                    •   Using and developing tech solutions
is currently studying for a Professional       A full list of the Bett Arena sessions is               for students with SEN, Noa Nitzan,
Doctorate in Education, focusing on how a      available on the show website. Further                  professional director at the Technology
hacking mindset can help improve learning.     highlights include:                                     Center at Beit Issie Shapiro, 12pm on
                                               • Coding in Barcelona to improve learning               January 25.
How to prepare young people with skills          in India, Francesc Solans, technology             •   Using technology to make the impossible
for the future, 5:15pm, January 25: How          teacher, INS Josep Vallverdú, Spain,                  possible for all learners, Robert Lynas,
do we prepare our young people with the          12:30pm on January 23.                                deputy headteacher & Ruth Smith,
skills they need for the future? That’s the    • Education policy: Too precious to be left to          new technologies and computing lead,
question we will be asking on day three,         the politicians, hosted by the City Learning          Westmorland School, 12:30pm, January
in a session with Joysy John, director of        Trust, 1:30pm, January 23.                            25.
education at innovation foundation Nesta.      • Changing my teaching to release students’         •   Why and how to discuss the news in the
Nesta is dedicated to helping young people       creativity, engagement and ownership,                 classroom, The Economist Newspaper &
prepare for a labour market that will look       Simen Spurkland, teacher, Vøyenenga                   The Economist Educational Foundation,
very different from today’s, one where           Upper Secondary School, Norway,                       12:45pm, January 26.
skills such as communication, creativity,        12:45pm on January 23.
problem-solving, collaboration confidence      • Connecting classrooms with artificial             Further information
and resilience are more important that ever      intelligence (AI) and emotional intelligence      • For full details of the more than 40
before.                                          (EQ), Erika Brodnock, founder and CEO               sessions taking place in the Bett Arena,
   During the session, Ms John, an               of Karisma Kidz, Tony Sewell, founder               visit
entrepreneur and investor who has launched       and CEO of Generating Genius, 10:30am,              programme-2019
a number of start-ups, will share what has       January 24.                                       • The Bett Arena will also be opening the
been learnt through Nesta’s research and the   • Empowering your students to become                  new series of Bett Lates evening CPD
development of toolkits for teachers. The        critical consumers of the news, Discovery           sessions. For more on these, see page 8

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SecEd                                                                                                                                                           7
Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

Special attractions for 2019
Bett is well-known for its
special features, areas and
other attractions. From
Escape Games to late-night
TeachMeets, we look at what
is on the agenda for 2019

         isitors to Bett 2019 will have the
         opportunity to take part in a number

                                                                                                                                                           Image: Jack Terry Photography
         of new experiences, ranging from
late evening CPD sessions in the Bett Arena
to an immersive experience with classroom
technology as part of the show’s very own
Escape Room. In addition, traditional
favourites, such as Bett Futures and CPD
theatres, return once again this year.
Bett Futures                                         the Peer-to-Peer Connect space. Feedback from         The Post-16 Theatre is a dedicated space
Bett Futures is the show’s hotspot for creativity    2018 indicated that visitors wanted a space        for educators to learn about and discuss issues
and innovation, where pioneers in edtech can         dedicated solely for teachers, school leaders      affecting the move into further and tertiary
offer a sneak peek at the next big thing.            and academics. This area allows educators          education. It also has a research-designed
   This area has become one of the most visited      to network and share best practices, away          programme.
spaces of the show, and once again this year it      from the sales conversations to be had with
will bring together some of the best start-ups       exhibitors elsewhere.                              Microsoft Experience
from across the globe, offering visitors the            Speakers will also be dipping in and out of     Microsoft is partnering with Bett again
opportunity to get hands-on with the tech            Peer-to-Peer Connect, so there will be a chance    this year. Visit Bett and Microsoft on stand
   Included among this year’s exhibitors will        to extend questions and answers from headline      E300 if you’d like to experience the latest
be some of the 250 start-ups that have been          sessions and seminars.                             in Microsoft’s education tools. There is also
working with University College London’s                Morning meet-up sessions will offer those       a chance to take part in the Partner Passport
EDUCATE project, already mentioned on page           visiting on their own a chance to find their       Adventure to win some prizes. Alternatively,
4 of this guide, to put research and evidence at     feet early on in the day and make connections      join one of the Solutions Showcase sessions
the heart of their offerings.                        among the community.                               to get insider knowledge about global trends
   The exhibitors here can range in size and are                                                        and forecasts from the Microsoft Worldwide
generally organised in three stages. Stage 1 is      The Education Show                                 Education leadership teams.
for first or second time exhibitors who want         With one badge, visitors will get access to two
to validate their solution or find investment.       shows this year as the Education Show moves        Official app
Stage 2 is for companies that have proof of          to Excel on January 24 and 25 to run alongside     Don’t forget about the new official Bett
their concept and are ready to sell. Stage 3 is      Bett 2019. For more on this, see page 9.           App, which you can use to search through
for the slightly more mature company ready to                                                           exhibitors and locate them easily, check the
generate real revenues. For more on the Bett         Theatres and zones                                 agenda programme and connect with other
Futures zone, see page 20.                           Bett’s theatres and zones will be offering         professionals at the event via the Connect@Bett
                                                     talks, events and seminars for specific sectors,   service.
Bett Lates                                           challenges and concepts.
Bett Lates is another new space at the show this        New this year is the SEN and neurodiversity     The Escape Room
year. Not all visitors will be able to attend the    sensory space where companies will be              Bett is also latching onto the latest craze in
show during the morning or afternoon – so Bett       showcasing the latest advancements and             Escape Games. New for 2019, the Escape
Lates allows those travelling outside of tradition   resources to support SEN professionals. Visitors   Room is an immersive experience for visitors
show hours to visit seminars and network into        will also be able to visit a sensory room.         to interact with classroom solutions and explore
the evening.                                            Elsewhere, the Solutions Den offers the         products hands-on. Visitors can enter the
  From 6pm onwards on the Wednesday,                 chance to hear from fellow practitioners talking   Escape Room and try to use their problem-
Thursday and Friday, educators can visit the         about and showcasing solutions that have           solving skills and work in a team to solve
new edtech surgery, run by leading practitioners     worked for them. Sessions will be short and        puzzles and work your way through each level.
Abdul Chohan, Matt Harris and Neelam                 practical.                                            Small groups of visitors will navigate their
Parmar.                                                 The CPD at the show is led by the keynotes      way through a series of rooms each containing
  There will also be a TeachMeet session at          on centre stage at the Bett Arena (see pages       a “Crystal Maze-style” challenge where they
6pm on January 25 led by teacher and tech            6 and 7). However, there are smaller CPD           have to solve the puzzle within the allocated
expert Mr P, exploring practical tips and            theatres dotted about the show, including the      time to escape.
working methods to lighten the daily workload        Schools Theatre and Post-16 Theatre.
and save time and money.                                The Schools Theatre will offer strategy         Further information
                                                     advice for leaders and “tangible takeaways” for    For more information on the various show
Peer-to-Peer Connect                                 teachers and ICT staff and much of its offering    features, including the special zones and areas,
A new addition this year comes in the form of        will be research-based.                            visit

8                                                                                                                                                SecEd
Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

                                                 Bett welcomes
In a bid to breathe new life
into the Education Show,
organisers have moved the
event to run alongside Bett.
It will take place on January
24 and 25
                                                 a new neighbour
                                                    The show offers hands-on demonstrations,      include funding, mental health, safeguarding,
        raditionally the Education Show has      CPD seminars, and the usual exhibition           social mobility, teacher wellbeing and the
        taken place in Birmingham’s NEC          space as well featuring around 150 education     recruitment crisis.
        during the month of March. However,      suppliers and other companies.
after more than 25 years the organisers have        In announcing the move, Education Show        Pedagogy in Practice
taken the decision to move the show to           and Bett managing director, Rohan Marwaha,       To explore the newest and most effective
London to coincide with Bett.                    said: “We’ve had overwhelming support for        ways of teaching while helping schools
   With both Bett and the Education Show         the change, which will see the Education         to develop whole-school approaches and
taking place under the same roof, organisers     Show provide fresh appeal to those charged       rounded curricula. Includes evidence-based
are hoping to increase the footfall at both      with spending budgets as effectively as          approaches, case studies and the latest
events, especially the Education Show.           possible.                                        research in learning and neuroscience,
   While Bett will focus on all things              “It will be a show not only for UK schools,   popular pedagogies, and internal CPD
technology, the Education Show has been          but also for those from overseas, helping        practice.
revamped to focus on policy, pedagogy and        school decision-makers see all that they need
school management, including resources and       to equip their schools.”                         School Business
supplies.                                           There will be three core strands to the CPD   Offering school case studies focused on all
   It means that together the shows will host    and seminars on offer at the Education Show      things financial, from how to profitably run a
the world’s largest gathering of the education   this year, with speakers still being confirmed   school or sixth form college to best practice
community for both UK and international          as this guide went to press. The three strands   in procurement and managing facilities.
visitors.                                        focus on:
   The new-look Education Show will cater                                                         Further information
for a range of education suppliers covering      Policy in Practice                               The Education Show takes place on
early years, primary, secondary (including       To explore the latest developments in            Thursday and Friday, January 24 and 25.
multi-academy trusts), further and higher        policy and contextualise the meaning and         Passes are free and you can register via
education.                                       application of them in schools. Sessions will

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SecEd                                                                                                                                         9
Bett 2019 The only secondary-specific guide to the exhibitors, CPD and attractions of Bett 2019 - SecEd

                                                                                                                                                       Image: Jack Terry Photography
Beware the sales patter…
Focus on the smaller companies, search out the teacher-led CPD, avoid flash-in-the-pan
gimmicks, and beware the sales patter! Seasoned Bett attendee Bob Harrison gives us
his view of the show and offers some advice for teachers visiting this year

       eople sometimes forget Bett is a           educational conference. It is a showcase to           Finally, a highlight for me is the Bett
       technology trade show; probably the        promote goods and services which (allegedly)       awards dinner and as a judge it is always
       biggest and most successful education      will help improve teaching, learning and           pleasing to see the growth and development
technology gathering in the world.                assessment outcomes.                               of those companies that started in a teacher’s
   How else could you explain the arrival of         However, mindful of the need for teachers       spare room and are now big global players
almost 100 education ministers and policy-        to increase their knowledge, understanding         (for this year’s award finalists, see page 27).
makers from around the world, all jetting in to   and skills in the use of the newest and shiniest
London for three days at the Education World      gadgets and gizmos, the organisers do provide      A shifting dynamic
Forum, which is deliberately organised to         a wide and varied programme of keynotes and        The dynamic of Bett seemed to shift several
coincide with Bett.                               CPD.                                               years ago when the show (and what a show
   They are attracted by the technology              This ranges from the latest politician          it is) moved venue from the cramped and
companies such as the many big-hitters –          (who usually reads a speech mentioning the         overcrowded Olympia to the corporate
Google and Microsoft for example – and their      latest tech buzzwords but with little or no        exhibition playground that is Excel.
mega-stands staffed with hundreds of bright       understanding of their meaning, relevance             Being close to City Airport provides a
and energised smiley faces.                       or implications) to the big-name stage             much greater international dimension and
   There are also hundreds of smaller, and        presentations (usually paid for by the same        more than 30 per cent of last year’s footfall
perhaps more interesting, innovative start-ups    global companies who have the mega-stands          was from international delegates.
and technological creative solutions looking      and very deep pockets).                               A noticeable development in recent years
to scale up from their initial pilots to become      From my experience of attending Bett for        has been the large stands from overseas
the global corporations of the future.            20 years now, I would say that better value is     governments, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE
   The organisers must be doing something         always to be found in the smaller workshops        and so on. Often these exhibitors seem
right to scan the barcodes of hundreds of         and seminars, usually run by teachers and          more interested in promoting their own
thousands of educators over the four days         educators whose only vested interest is trying     countries’ educational systems and teaching
of bright lights, loud presentations and, of      to share what works.                               opportunities than actually sharing how
course, the infamous freebies (which become          In particular, I would keep an eye out          technology can improve teaching, learning
ever more creative every year).                   for interesting innovations in the use of          and assessment. As a guide for the Education
   However, exhibitors be warned – it takes       augmented and virtual reality, artificial          World Forum, I have had the pleasure of
more than a bucket of sweets and a stress ball    intelligence, robotics and machine learning.       meeting ministerial delegates from across the
to get teachers to step on to your stand these    And it is always worth checking out the            world and translators are critical.
days.                                             developments in adaptive and assistive                Of course, the UK has been seen as a world
   But let’s not forget that this is not an       technologies for SEND learners.                    leader in the use of technology in education

10                                                                                                                                           SecEd

but in recent years cuts in school budgets, the       to rely on the megaphone marketing and              Do come say hello as I am there all week
degradation of infrastructure and decline in          hordes of t-shirted troubadours that are, sadly,    and let me know what excites you and what
funding for local authorities – not to mention        ubiquitous at Bett nowadays.                        you think is rubbish. Maybe I can use the
a techno-sceptic schools minister in the form            For this reason, and given how large in          information in my next piece for SecEd.
of Nick Gibb – means that is now in doubt.            square meterage the show has now become,
   However a recent reform of the ICT                 you will need stamina, resilience and careful       Beware!
national curriculum and an £84 million                planning to make the best of your investment        One final note of caution honed from 20
investment in the National Centre for                 of time and travel to attend the show. Most         years’ Bett experience. Be aware (beware):
Computing Education (computing not                    days are busy but things slow down late             there is no evidence of a causal link between
computer science please note) should lead to          afternoon and later in the week.                    any technology and improved learning
some interesting developments this year (See:            Register online beforehand to beat               outcomes. However there is evidence of a
Can new £84m NCCE solve our computer                  the queues, and if there are a few of you           correlation between those teachers, schools,
education woes? SecEd, November 2018:                 attending share and spread yourselves around        colleges and learners who use technologies                               the show before reconvening to reflect. The         effectively and improved learning outcomes.
   Some people may also have been inspired            online guide is usually excellent and there are        So if a vendor says “buy this product or
by education secretary Damian Hinds’                  hard copies by the lorry load inside Excel.         service and your students’ learning outcomes
recent epiphany about the potential of digital                                                            will improve”, move on quickly.
technology to improve teaching learning               Fewer teachers?                                        If you ask a vendor “if I buy your product
and assessment, which he declared in an               I imagine the Bett footfall from UK teachers        or service will my students’ learning
article in August in the Daily Telegraph (See:        may suffer this year as budget cuts means           outcomes improve?”, and the vendor says “it
Don’t look back in anger? Really? SecEd,              many schools cannot even afford to replace          depends, it’s complex because of a number of
September 2018:               aged and degraded kit. In addition, it is           factors” it might be worth a chat – but keep
   It will be interested to see how this all          difficult for teachers to get released and travel   your purchase order in your bag for now...
plays out at Bett 2019.                               costs are high.
                                                         For this reason, many teachers attend            • Bob Harrison has spent more than 40 years
The humble teacher                                    on the Saturday morning in their own time           as a teacher, lecturer, principal and governor
All the politics aside, for the humble teacher,       (disregarding work/life balance challenges).        in schools and colleges. He is a trustee of
one of most beneficial bits of Bett are the              If you can afford to spend some time, if         the UfI trust and a judge for the Bett and
fringe events and the opportunities for               not money, then a day at Bett is worth it just      Tes awards. He was education advisor for
networking or just catching up with old               for the conversations with other teachers           Toshiba Information Systems Northern
friends and colleagues and learning from              and educators about what really can help to         Europe for 16 years. He also chaired the
them whether the latest product launch                improve education outcomes (as distinct from        ICT teacher-led DfE expert group supporting
has some benefit and value (to teachers or            those flash-in-the-pan gimmicks that are here       the implementation of the new computing
learners) or whether it is just another puff          today, gone tomorrow, which eat away at your        curriculum. Follow him on Twitter @
piece with built in obsolescence.                     budget and, more importantly, your credibility      bobharrisonedu. For Bob’s archive of best
   I have always felt it was more reliable to         with pupils, colleagues and managers).              practice and commentary pieces for SecEd,
listen to colleagues’ recommendations than               So I hope you can get to Excel this year.        go to

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Listings correct at the time of going to press, but subject to change. Visit for latest listings

                                   CABRILOG                    F61   EDUKEY EDUCATION           A180   HPC LASER                  A401
Listed here and on page                                                                                HUE                        B300
                                   CAMBIUM NETWORKS          C371    EDULAB                     E182
16 are selected suppliers                                            EDUTAPP (THE EDUCATIONAL          HUG GROUP                  E171
                                   CANTIUM BUSINESS
relevant to secondary              SOLUTIONS                 B354    TRAINING APP)              A431   HURIX SYSTEMS PRIVATE       E62
schools. For a list of             CAREMONKEY                  A54   ELITAD INTERNET             B49
                                   CELCAT                     F195   ELMO EUROPE                D121   I3-TECHNOLOGIES          C112
all exhibitors, visit the                                                                              IBT                      C271
                                   CENTURY                   E192    ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA    E91
Information Point or see           CERTWOOD                  G150    ENGINO PUBLICATIONS        D401   ICT DIRECT               E150
the show’s website at              CHARANGA                  POD4    ENGINO.NET                 D400   IDEASWISE                B144                   CHARITY LINK                C31   ENRAID                     FS21   IDXTRA                   A231
                                   CHEN-SOURCE               C412    ENTERPRISE LEARNING               IFLYTEK                   D95
                                   CHQ GROUP                 E160    ACADEMY                     F80   IMMERSIVE INTERACTIVE    H361
Selected Exhibitors                CISCO MERAKI              E260    EPSON (UK)                 D270   IMMERSIVE VR EDUCATION   E188
3.14                       E200    CIVICA                    B185    EROMESMARKO                B244   IMPERO SOLUTIONS         D160
4MATRIX                    E360    CLARITY IN SOUND                  ESEMTIA GRUPO EDEBE        D320   INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
5-A-DAY FITNESS             G61    LIGHT & VISION            A240    ETB TECHNOLOGIES           C163   INNOVATION CLUSTER        D62
                                   CLARO SOFTWARE              A52   EUREKOS                    E182   INSTITUCION FERIAL DE
A*STAR EDUCATION            F81    CLASSLINK                 B302    EURO HOLOGRAPHY            A430   MADRID                   D320
AB TUTOR                   E158    CLASSOOS UK               E271    EUROPEAN ELECTRONIQUE      C251   INSTRUCTURE GLOBAL       B110
ACCROSOFT                  D360    CLASSUM                  F154A    EXA NETWORKS               C322   INTEGREX                 E402
ACER UK                    B100    CLEAPSS                     G82   EXERTIS UNLIMITED          F250   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
ACTIONTEC ELECTRONICS      C353    CLEVERTOUCH               C280    EXTRON ELECTRONICS UK      E105   OFFICE                    B52
ACTIVE FLOOR               C360    CLICKVIEW                 C240    EZYEDUCATION               F325   INTERNATIONAL
ADOBE                      C244    CLIO ONLINE               E182                                      BACCALAUREATE             B84
AEROHIVE NETWORKS          C261    CODERZ                     FS61   FABLAB FACTORY          C422      INTRICON                 A270
AHA TOUCH                  C407    CODEUCATE                   G80   FILEWAVE EUROPE          F310     (THE) INVENTORS          F321
ALBION COMPUTERS           C270    CODEWARDS.ORG             G303    FIREFLY LEARNING        D170      INVENTRY                 E140
ALGORITMIKA                B409    COLLIN-I-CONSULTING       G131    FLOWOL/ROBOT MESH       A191      ISAMS INDEPENDENT        E180
ALICE INNOVATION           G325    COMMON SENSE EDUCATION FS24       FORMCASE                 F300     ISMART VIDEO TECH        B225
ALINEA                     E182    COMMUNITY PLAYTHINGS      C152    FROG EDUCATION            C70     ITOP EDUCATION           C100
ALLIED TELESIS                     CONSEQUENTIAL ROBOTICS      E53   FRONTROW                A152      ITS: INFO TECHNOLOGY
INTERNATIONAL               A80    CORNELSEN EXPERIMENTA       B50   FSE DESIGN              A251      SUPPLY                   B130
ANT                         D42    COUNTERPOINT              B308    FUIJIAN JOYUSING
ARGEX                       C50    CREATIVE HUT FOR EDUCATION F70    FUJITSU SERVICES        E250      JELLYJAMES                 A400
ARTEC                      C434    CRICK SOFTWARE            POD3    FURLONG                   B74     JOSKOS SOLUTIONS           B235
ARTSMITHS                   G71    CRISTIE DATA                C63   FUTURE EDUCATION BOOKSHOP B55     JOYPLACE                   E190
ARUBA                      B184    CTL                       B232                                      JP SÁ COUTO                B200
ASTONIO                    FS73    CXD (CHILD EXPERIENCE             GNT INFORMATION SYSTEMS A420      JUMP360                    FS40
ATI STUDIOS                B233    DESIGN)                     E63   GCM EDUCATIONAL GAMES FS42        JUST2EASY.COM              A100
ATOMWIDE                   D260    CYBERNETYX TECHNIK        E186    GENEE WORLD               B102    KAI’S CLAN                 B318
AVANTIS SYSTEMS            C205    CYLO MEDIA UK               D40   GENERAL ONOLOGIC SOFT     B195    KANO                       E361
                                                                     GENIALLY WEB                F89   KAREERHUB                  C121
B SQUARED                  C134    DANSK INDUSTRI            E182    GET MY GRADES              E101   KAZ TYPE                   D405
BBC LEARNING               D406    DATA HARVEST GROUP        B160    GLAMSCI                   G362    KENT CCTV & DATA           A271
BECREO TECHNOLOGIES        H350    DAYDREAM EDUCATION        E183    GLI TECHNOLOGY            B306    KEYTRACKER                  A90
BENQ                       B180    DEBATEMATE                FS56    GLOBAL TRAILS              FS18   KIDLO                      FS55
BESA                       B134    DELL CORPORATION          B316    GLOBISENS                   C52   KITRONIK                   C423
BINARYBOTS/CBIS EDUCATION C432     DELTA ELECTRONICS         C135    GO 4 SCHOOLS              C162    KOGNITY                     F72
BIOSTORE                   B280    DESIGNSOFT                A153    GOBITO ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS A51   KOKORO LINGUA              B153
BKSB                       B224    DFROBOT                   C413    GOOGLE UK                 C230    KOREA SCIENTIFIC
BLINKING LIZARD SOFTWARE FS50      DICOTA                     A30    GOPAK                       G94   INSTRUMENTS                 E90
BLOCKSI                     E161   DIGITAL MEDIA ACADEMY     C380    GRATNELLS                 A310    KUBO ROBOT                  F71
BLUEGA                       F77   DISPLAX                    C81    GREAT GIZMOS              A432
BLUESKY EDUCATION            E43   DOODLEMATHS               E100    GRIFFIN TECHNOLOGY        D412    LABBOX                     G351
BLUTICK              FS43 & FS44   DOUGLAS STEWART           C275    GROUPCALL                 D191    LALILO                     C100
BOCLIPS                     E185   DREMEL                    B406                                      LANGUAGE WORLD              C49
BODET                      A260    DRONEDAYS                 FS69    HANSHIN INTERNATIONAL       B70   LAPSAFE                    E130
BODYMIND                    FS25                                     HANWANG TECHNOLOGY         B356   LEARNETIC                  C151
BONADRONE                   FS27   EASYTIS                   C100    HARBIN ZHIQU TECHNOLOGY    G314   LEARNING BY QUESTIONS      F160
BOOLINO                    D320    EDAURA                    C256    HELGI                      C130   LEJU (SHENZHEN) ROBOTICS    G90
BOOTCAMP SQUAD             G323    EDISODES                  FS39    HELLO WORLD KIDS           C258   LENOVO                     C184
BOXLIGHT                     C79   EDLOUNGE           E170 & D150    HEWLETT-PACKARD            G190   LEXPLORE                   B303
BROADCASTRADIO             G320    EDMODO                    C105    HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL   B407   LIBRESOFT                   E42
BROMCOM COMPUTERS          B320    EDNOLOGY                  B139    HILLS COMPONENTS            A50   LIGHTSPEED SYSTEMS         D240
BUILDING BLOCKS            B353    EDTECH IMPACT             FS53    HIPPOMINI                  E182   LIKETOBE                    F73
BULB                       D350    EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH              HIVE SOFTWARE              F418
BUSINESS FRANCE            C100    CENTRE                    C281    HOHENLOHER UK              B290         Continued on page 16

SecEd                                                                                                                              13

  A Bett snapshot: T
   The Bett Arena
   A scene from the Bett Arena during last year’s Bett Show.
   The space hosts a range of keynote speakers during the
   show, including the traditional address from the education
   secretary. For full details of this year’s Bett Arena line-up,
   turn to pages 6 and 7. Image: Jack Terry Photography

   SecEd guide to Bett 2019
   This SecEd guide to Bett 2019 has been published in
   hard copy and pdf format and is free to download from

   For more technology-related articles, case studies and
   best practice from SecEd’s pages, visit our archive at

The Arena
Listings correct at the time of going to press, but subject to change. Visit for latest listings

 Continued from page 13             OCADO TECHNOLOGY           E400    ROBOTIS                     B59    TASK & TIME               FS66
                                    ODEN SERVICES UK           G324    ROBOTIX LEARNING                   TEACHER DASHBOARD 365     C352
LITTLE GREEN BUTTON         F360    ODILO                      B216    SOLUTIONS                  A190    TEACHERCENTRIC (SHOW
LITTLE SUNFLOWER            FS22    ODYSSEY EDUCATION           B60    ROBOTS IN SCHOOLS           C44    MY HOMEWORK)              F130
LIVE REGISTER               D281    OJO                         G63    RPS                        E424    TEACHERS2PARENTS          C262
LIVETILES                   D430    OKYSTAR TECHNOLOGY          B61    RUCKUS WIRELESS UK         B239    TEACHPITCH                 B42
LOCKNCHARGE                 F250    OMNICARD                   G130    RULER IT LIMITED           C403    TERRASUL PRODUCOES        A320
LOGINLAND                   C100    ONLINE-PLATFORMS           B140                                       TEXTHELP                  C141
LOXIT                       C252    OPEN ASSESSMENT                    SAFETONET                  E362    INTERNATIONAL              D60
LÜ (INTERACTIVE                     TECHNOLOGIES               E420    SALAMANDERSOFT             B288    TOODLEBIT                 FS35
PLAYGROUND)                 C430    OPEN DIGITAL EDUCATION     C100    SAM LABS                   D101    TOPDESK UK                C401
LUMINIS UK                  E187    OPENCAMPUS                 B222    SB COMPONENTS              E430    TRAININGTOOLZ             FS65
LYNX NETWORKS               A111    OPUS                       E405    SCANNING PENS              A230    TRIPLE T GLOBAL           G115
                                    ORDBOGEN                   E182    SCHOLARPACK                D112    TROTEC LASER              F420
MACH1VR                      FS67   OSLO EDTECH CLUSTER        B246    SCHOOL CLOUD SYSTEMS       A200    TTS GROUP                 C195
MADMAGZ                       H60   OTTER PRODUCTS             B319    SCHOOL EXERCISE BOOKS      C143    TURNITIN UK               C145
MAGIC SPELL                  FS33   OVERDRIVE                   D94    SCHOOL EXPLAINED           POD5    TWIN SCIENCE & ROBOTICS    B65
MAGIKBEE                      E41   OXFORD EDTECH LABS          E55    SCHOOLS BROADBAND          B281    TWINKL                    F361
MAGPIE EDUCATION             FS36                                      SCOPE CORPORATION.         C272    TYPESY                    A391
MAKEBLOCK                     C89   PAESSLER                   B352    SEEKMIND TECHNOLOGY        B212
MAPPIX                        E51   PAI TECHNOLOGY             C402    SELFIEREG ME                F423   UBTECH EDUCATION        C320
MASSTOUCH INTELLIGENT        C159   PANZERGLASS                 D51    SENSO.CLOUD                C274    UHANDY MOBILE MICROSCOPE E162
MATATALAB                    C140   PARAT                      B162    SEROSOFT SOLUTIONS           D92   UNIFORM TRADE            FS20
MATCHWARE                    C142   PAROTEC SOLUTIONS/                 SES (SCIENTIFIC                    UNITY SOFTWARE           F140
MATHS FOR MORE              D320    REDBOXVR                   B141    EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS)         C55   UNIWISE                  E182
MATHSPIRE                    FS70   PASCO                      B152    SEVEN360                   E426    UNLIMITED EDUCATIONAL
MATTEAPPEN                   F322   PASCO SCIENTIFIC           B149    SHAPE ROBOTICS               B53   SERVICES                 E363
MAX CASES                   H280    PHOTON ENTERTAINMENT        F326   SHENZHEN IBOARD                    UTC SHEFFIELD           G322
MAZE MEDIA (2000)           H100    PI-TOP                     C200    TECHNOLOGY                 B236    VERNIER SOFTWARE/IDS     B210
METRO SECURITY (GB)         A160    PLANET ESTREAM             D110    SCIENCE AND EDUCATION        B83   VESTEL                    B90
FOUNDATION                   C420   POBBLE EDUCATION             G60   TEACHING EQUIPMENT         B248    VIDEO ENHANCED
MICROSOFT        F280, C300, E300   POMERANIAN REGION          C242    SHOWBIE                    C150    OBSERVATION               G62
MIGHTY WRITER               G352    POWERSCHOOL                B357    SINGAPORE BOOK                     VIEWSONIC EUROPE         D180
MINDSETS (UK)               D413    PRINCE’S TRUST             B211    SINOEVIEW TECHNOLOGY       C161    VIVE TECHNOLOGIES        A388
MINUSHU                      FS68   PRO-SKOOL INTERNATIONAL    G350    SISRA                      D410
MOMENTUM WORLD               F421   PROFECTUS                   FS26   SKILLRS                     FS49   WACEBO EUROPE              B73
MONARCH ACOUSTICS            B122   PROJECT LAB                  B39   SLOMER                     B154    WALL ART                  C354
MPL SERVICIOS DE ELEARNING E184     SCHOOLS                     A40    SMARTMETALS MOUNTING               WEBANYWHERE               G249
MRS C!                       FS37   PROMETHEAN                  B98    SOLUTIONS                  C170    WEEEMAKE                  C416
MRT INTERNATIONAL             F88   PROMOTE YOUR SCHOOL        C354    SMOOTHWALL                 D250    WELLCOME TRUST            G306
MV-NORDIC                    E182   PROTEIN MODELLING: EZMOL           SOUNDTRAP                  D280    WHOLESCHOOL SOFTWARE      C121
MY CAREERS OPTIONS          G300    TOOLS AND BIOBLOX GAMES    G312    SOYO TECHNOLOGY                    WISEPAY                   C164
MYSIRCLES                    FS34   PROTO-PIC                  A433    DEVELOPMENT                B350    WISHTRAC HOUSE             D91
                                    PROWISE                     C92    SPEEXX                       D70   WIZENOZE                   C83
NANJING MYTHWARE                    PUPIL ASSET                B231    SPELLING SHED               FS41   WIZKIDS                   B213
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY A130         PURE IT RECYCLING          B403    SPHERO                     C110    WONDE                     D140
NATIONAL CENTRE FOR                                                    SQUAD IN TOUCH             G354    WONDER WORKSHOP
COMPUTING EDUCATION       F178      QNEURO                     E273    STAGE ELECTRICS            G326    GERMANY                   F192
NATIONAL CYBER                      QUANTA COMPUTER            H360    STARBOARD                  B237
NAUTILUS                  B238      QUICK SCORE                F343    STICHTING THE DUTCH SCHOOL F150    TECHNOLOGY                D96
NEO BY CYPHER LEARNING    F302      QWANT                      C100    STONE COMPUTERS            E270    XMA                      E240
NET-CTRL                   C61                                         STUDYSAFE                    E60
NETPOWER WEB SOLUTIONS A201         RADIX                     A110     SUCCEEDU EDUCATION          FS28   YAP TECHNOLOGY             C40
NETSUPPORT         D120 & D130      RAPID ELECTRONICS         D420     SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION       FS12   YES I’M A DESIGNER        F342
NETSWEEPER                D260      READSPEAKER                C66     SUZHOU KEDA TECHNOLOGY B305        YETITABLET                 C84
NEWTON INTERNATIONAL      D192      REDSTOR                   B230     SWITCHSHOP                 H270    YOUR FAVOURITE TEACHER     C48
NISAI GROUP                C60      REFRESHED BY US           F340     SYNEL INDUSTRIES (UK)      G180
NORTH27                   FS62      RETURNSTAR INTERACTIVE             SYNERGY LEARNING           C121    ZAGG INTERNATIONAL         F190
NOVABASE                  G308      TECHNOLOGY GROUP          E280                                        ZHANGZHOU WANLIDA
NOVATECH CONNECT          B351      REVAS                     F327     TACKLING TABLES         C373       TECHNOLOGY                 B220
NUMBERFIT                 G188      RIOTOUCH                  A340     TAPESTRY                 F62       ZHITONGLEHUI TECHNOLOGY D93
NUTKASE                    C42      ROBO TECHNOLOGIES          D89     TAREMTEC                 G97       ZIOXI                      C122
NUWCO                     G280      ROBOBLOQ           A281 & C415     TARGUS                  C160       ZOOM VIDEO
NVIRON                    A350      ROBOTEL                    G99     TASC SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS D361       COMMUNICATIONS             A392

16                                                                                                                                 SecEd

Getting the best out of Bett
                                                                                                           suppliers that meet both criteria. Using the app
Seasoned Bett attendee and edtech expert Terry Freedman                                                    you will also be able to see where the suppliers
offers his advice for successfully navigating this year’s show                                             are on a map. Try and plan a sensible route
                                                                                                           around the show that takes in the key topics and

                                                                                                           suppliers that you are interested in.
        here are several new features to be found     Register in advance
        at this year’s Bett. “How come?” you ask.     You can register on the day, but it takes a while    Walk around aimlessly
           Well, I think it is because the company    and only serves to reduce your time looking at       This is the exact opposite of the preceding
behind the show has changed hands and the new         stuff. Registering online takes five minutes using   point of course. Nevertheless, there is definitely
owners seem to be very much aware of the need         the Bett Show website.                               mileage in walking around without any particular
to emphasise the educational aspects of Bett                                                               goal in mind because you may well come across
rather than mainly the commercial side.               Buy a travelcard                                     something you didn’t know was there or that you
   Not that there’s anything wrong with a trade       If you’re not a regular in London, you may           needed to see but could not find.
show of course, but many I speak to feel that         not know that you will need to pay for fares in
Bett was starting to stray and was in danger of       advance. Buses also no longer accept cash. A         Get some CPD
losing its educational raison d’être.                 one-day travelcard will get you around hassle-       There’s an extensive seminar programme, so be
   So I am excited about attending this year’s        free and save you money on individual fares.         sure to look through the list on the Bett website

show. Here follows my advice on making the                                                                 or on the app and select a few sessions to suit
most of your time at Excel this year, much                                                                 your needs. They are all free, but some, like the
of which is based on my own experiences of                                                                 Escape Room, need to be booked in advance.
attending in the past.                                   This year you will                                Others, such as those in the Bett Arena, tend to
                                                                                                           be very popular and have long queues to get in.
Bett Futures                                           be able to experience                               So plan to start lining up early if it’s a must-see.
This is not new, but most of the companies to be
found in it will be. This is the area where edtech
start-ups -- often a single entrepreneur or even
                                                       being in an immersive                               Personal comfort
                                                                                                           Take a bottle of water and wear comfortable
a teacher with a dream -- may be found. The
products are often innovative, sometimes quirky,
                                                         room without the                                  shoes. Excel, where the exhibition is held, is air-
                                                                                                           conditioned, which dries the atmosphere, and the
and always interesting. See page 20 for more.                                                              floors are concrete, which kills your feet. Yes,
                                                       pressures of someone                                there is a carpet, but one so thin you probably
The Escape Room                                                                                            wouldn’t notice if they took it away.
This year you will be able to experience being           trying to sell you                                   Finally, get some business cards made and

in an immersive room without the pressures of                                                              take them with you. They make networking a lot
someone trying to sell you something. However,
it will involve solving puzzles to work through a
                                                             something                                     easier and you can use them to enter the various
                                                                                                           prize draws that are usually to be found! You
series of “Crystal Maze-style” experiences. More                                                           never know...
details to come, we are told, but it sounds like
it’ll be worth a look!                                Plan your visit                                      • Terry Freedman is a freelance edtech writer.
                                                      Bett is so vast that it is worth spending a bit of   He publishes the ICT & Computing in Education
Late closing                                          time planning your visit. The list of exhibitors     and Digital Education newsletters at www.
Not all teachers can get time off school to attend,   can be searched through on the Bett website. Terry’s book – How to get the
but those who work locally may be able to get         You can use the filters there to help you plan       most out of education conferences – is now in
along to the evening sessions this year. These        who to see.                                          its third edition. To read Terry’s previous SecEd
run from 6pm to 7:30pm or 8pm, and consist               For example, you could select Secondary, and      articles focused on computing and technology,
of an event with, one hopes, good networking          Tablets, and you will be presented with a list of    go to
opportunities. See page 8 for more details.
Peer-to-Peer Connect
On the subject of networking, there is going
to be an area where people can connect up for
conversations. I suggested something like this
nearly seven years ago, because it has been run
very successfully at the ISTE Conference in
America. It could be one of the best aspects of
the show if it helps you to make useful contacts.
I will be looking on with interest.
The app
The app for this year’s Bett has been beefed
up. According to the blurb, it is powered by
AI to make recommendations for who to
meet with, based on your usage of the app
                                                                                                                                                                  Image: Jack Terry Photography

over time. The usefulness of that remains to
be seen, but managing seminars is now much
easier and (very usefully) you can gather all the
information you’ve amassed, such as seminars
attended, suppliers visited and notes made into
a ready-made report that you can forward on to
colleagues and headteachers.

SecEd                                                                                                                                                       17
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