Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper

Page created by Melvin Sutton
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
Vereeniging & Midvaal

     Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster
       4 FEBRUARIE - 10 FEBRUARIE 2020                   TEL: (016) 454-0859 | FAX: (086) 541-1503
     Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Midvaal, Vereeniging.

‘Clean up this sand!’
supplier told

                                                                                                                       Photographs show the extent of sand
                                                                                                                       spillage along the roads in Three Ri-
                                                                                                                       vers. Photo: Proudly Three Rivers

                    Christiaan Cloete                                                                suburb. Van der Merwe says the organisation has been in
                    VEREENIGING. - Proudly Three Rivers, an organisation                             contact with Sky Sands and asked them to clean up the mess.
                    commited to repairing the suburb of Three Rivers’ deteriora-                        “Numerous requests have yielded no results, and our team
                    ting infrastructure, has made an appeal to local sand products                   now have to clean up. We would much rather spend our
                    supplier Sky Sands and their haulers to clean up the mess                        efforts in fixing roads, sidewalks and parks,” van der Merwe
                   left behind in the suburb.                                                        told Ster North.
                       Photographs published on social media last week shows                            But Peet Herbst, a manager at Sky Sands, says although
                   the extent to which roads have been covered by sand left                          the company supplies sand to over 200 customers it has no
                   behind by haulers.                                                                control over the trucks used by those customers.
                      The trucks transport the sand from Sky Sands’ premises at                         “Those are not Sky Sands’ trucks,” Herbst says.
                  Panfontein to other areas.                                                            He used the example of a shopper going to a supermarket
                      According to Riaan van der Merwe, a member of the                              and dumping the plastic bag along a road.
                  Proudly Three Rivers committee, trucks transporting wet sand                          “It is not the supermarket that dumps the plastic but rather
                  are not covered as per regulation - some of them using shade                       the shopper.
                 netting an excuse for tarpaulins - and ad to the problem of                            It is the same with the sand. We have no control over the
                 sand spillage along roads such as Blackwood Street and                              trucks that leave our premises,” Herbst explained. He sugge-
                 Houtkopweg.                                                                         sted that traffic authorities from Emfuleni Local Municipality
                     One of the results of this is that storm water drains are now                   and Midvaal Local Municipality should get involved and fine
                 blocked with sand, causing even more damage to roads in the                         the perpetrators that spill sand on the roads.
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
2                                                                               STER NORTH                                                        4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

                                               The Vaal Bird Club’s
                                               ABC of bird ringing
                                               Gerda Bruinette                           ringing within Southern Africa, supply-    to know what you should do if you
                                               VANDERBIJLPARK. - Have you                ing rings, ringing equipment and           spot a ringed bird, dead or alive, you
                                               ever wondered how and why birds           services to volunteer and professional     are invited to attend this informative
                                               are ringed? Now is your chance to         ringers. Their website (www.saf-           evening.
Jonathan de Bruyn van Laerskool                find out. Kobie Raijmakers will give states that, “Bird           Date and time: Monday, 10
Kollegepark was een van die oulike             a talk on “The ABC of bird ringing”       ringing/banding is the process whereby     February 2020 at 19:00.
deelnemers in 'n vorige jaar se wed-           at the February meeting of the Vaal       registered ringers permanently mark wild      Venue: The Old Mutual Building,
stryd. Foto: Chilli PicNic                     Bird Club. Kobie and his brothers are     birds to study their lifecycles (births,   on the corner of Barrage Road and

Skole, skryf jul
                                               the expert bird ringers in the Vaal.      deaths, age of breeding and survival       Frikkie Meyer Boulevard.
                                               They have been ringing birds for          rates), habits, populations and move-         Guests are welcome. Bring your
                                               decades. The birds are caught and         ments. To do this, metal rings (marked     bird books along.

Grade in en wen
                                               released. All data obtained are sent to   with unique numbers) are attached to          Follow the club activities on the
                                               SAFRING at the University of Cape         the bird for future identification.”       Vaal Bird Club’s Facebook page, or
                                               Town.                                        If you think you could be a volunteer   contact the club secretary, Rina de

‘n spogberig!                                     SAFRING administer all bird            bird ringer in the making or if you want   Klerk at 016 982 2730 for more

Ouers van kleingoed wat vanjaar in Graad
1 is, kan hulle steeds vir Vaalweekblad en
Ster se Graad 1-wedstryd inskryf en ‘n
kans staan om R5 000 as bydrae vir sy of
haar skoolfonds vir 2020 te wen! (Let wel,
slegs Graad 1-leerlinge mag inskryf, nie
Graad R of Graad RR nie).
   Hoe om in te skryf:
   Neem ‘n digitale foto van jou Graad
eentjie in sy of haar nuwe skooldrag.
Betaal die inskrywingsfooi van R50 en
e-pos jou kind se foto na nickychillipic- WhatsApp of SMS Nicky
by 083 744 7711 vir die betalingsbesonder-
hede. Onthou om jou kind se naam en van
en sy of haar skool se naam en ‘n kontak-
nommer in die e-pos waarin jy jou kind se
foto stuur, te verskaf. Foto’s van al die
deelnemers sal in die komende weke in
Vaalweekblad gepubliseer word. Die
kompetisie duur tot middel Maart, maar hoe
gouer jy jou kind se foto instuur en die
R50 betaal, hoe gouer sal dit gepubliseer
word. As jy jou kind se wenkans wil
verbeter, kan jy ‘n professionele foto by
Chilli PicNic se ateljee in Vaalrylaan 14,
Vanderbijlpark laat neem. Kontak fotograaf
Nicky by 083 744 7711 vir ‘n afspraak en
meer inligting. Bespreking is noodsaaklik.
Nicky sal ook ‘n paar skole besoek om
foto’s daar te neem. Skole is welkom om
afsprake met haar te reël. Ouers kan hul
kinders egter ook reeds self inskryf. Stuur
‘n foto na of
skakel Chilli PicNic by 083 744 7711 vir
‘n private afspraak om ‘n pragtige professi-
onele foto te laat neem. Sy sal ouers ook
bystaan om hul kinders amptelik vir die
wedstryd te registreer. Skole kan ook hul                                                                        A ringed kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), also known as the
Graad 1’s inskryf. Die skool met die                                                                             Dominican gull. Photo: Hennie de Klerk
meeste inskrywings wen ‘n gratis bemar-
kingsberig oor hul skool!

                                                                                                                 Jeugland hou
                                                                                                                 VANDERBIJLPARK. -               koek- en poedingtafels asook
                                                                                                                 Jeugland Tehuis vir Bejaar-     naaldwerk en ander handge-
                                                                                                                 des in Conan Doylestraat,       maakte items. Daar gaan
                                                                                                                 SW 1, hou op 29 Februarie       vanjaar ook ‘n interessante
                                                                                                                 vanaf 08:00 basaar.             skattejag wees! Ondersteun
                                                                                                                    Dié jaarlikse basaar is      gerus dié inisiatief. Die geld
                                                                                                                 gewild by oud en jonk           wat ingesamel word, is alles
                                                                                                                 danksy die wye verskeiden-      ten bate van die ouetehuis.
                                                                                                                 heid heerlikhede en handge-        Skakel Jeugland by (016)
                                                                                                                 maakte artikels wat elke jaar   933 3995 of (016) 933 0323
                                                                                                                 hier te koop is.                vir meer besonderhede of as
                                                                                                                    Besoekers sal hulle kan      u ‘n skenking vir die basaar
                                                                                                                 verlekker in talle kosstalle-   of aan die ouetehuis in die
                                                                                                                 tjies, ’n teetuin, pannekoek,   algemeen wil maak.
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020                                                  STER NORTH                                                                                        3

  All we need is a new
  date for the project
  Moleboheng Chaha
  VEREENIGING. - A date for the
  commencement of the new Vereeniging
  Taxi Rank project is the desire of
  business owners and the community at
     This is after it was made clear that
  the current project will not continue.
  During a meeting in November last
  year the MEC for Public Transport and
  Roads Infrastructure, Jacob Mamabolo,
  made the announcement that the
  present taxi rank would be flattened
  and replaced with a new one.
     Businesses situated next to the old
  taxi rank, where the project was meant
  to take place, might not survive until
  the new project is completed.
     “We no longer have business, this is
  because the majority of our customers
  are now walking in the opposite
  direction, where the temporary taxi
  rank is situated.”
     Owners say that they are unable to
  pay rent at month end and worst of all,
  have been forced to either cut their
  staff or reduce working hours because
  they are not making money.
     Taxi owners, drivers and commuters
  have said that they are not happy with
  the state of the temporary taxi rank
  situated next to the train station. DA
  member of the Legislature, Kingsol
  Chabalala, said that Mamabolo’s
  announcement exposes the incompeten-
  ce of the ANC-led provincial govern-
  ment. “It cannot be that they (ANC
  officials) spent R64m on a taxi rank,
  only to have it demolished later. The
  project was supposed to be finished in
  2015.”                                    This structure will soon be flattened to make way for a new taxi rank that will be built in Vereeniging. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha

Nineteen children injured in accident                                                   VANDERBIJLPARK.- Nineteen school                community. Medics assessed the children,
  Nineteen school
              school                                                                    children were left injured when the taxi        aged between 7 and 12, and found that
  children were
             were left
                   left                                                                 they were travelling in overturned on           they had sustained minor to moderate
  injured on
           on                                                                           Faraday Boulevard in Vanderbijlpark on          injuries. The children were treated and
  Wednesday                                                                             Wednesday morning.                              thereafter transported to Johan Heyns and
  morning when
             when                                                                          ER24 paramedics, along with the              Mediclinic Emfuleni Hospital for further
  the taxi
       taxi they
            they                                                                        Provincial Emergency Medical Services           care. The driver of the taxi sustained
  were travelling
         travelling in
                     in                                                                 (EMS) arrived at the scene at 07:22 to          minor injuries and was also transported to
  overturned in in                                                                      find the taxi lying on its side in the centre   hospital for further assessment.
  Vanderbijlpark.                                                                       median.                                            The details surrounding this incident are
                                                                                           Several children were found seated on        not yet known but local authorities were
                                                                                        the median being attended to by the             on the scene for further investigation.
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
4   STER NORTH                                                     4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

          What you should
          know about firearm
          amnesty 2019/2020
          The firearm amnesty period for               firearms and ammunition.
          2019/2020 started on 1 December 2019            8. Persons in possession of firearms
          and ends on 31 May 2020.                     where the firearm licence, permit or
             The process is aimed at indemnifying      authorisation has been terminated in
          people who want to get rid of unwanted       terms of the Act.
          firearms without being                          9. Institutions that wish to surrender
          prosecuted. Persons or institutions who      obsolete/redundant/discarded firearms.
          want to apply for firearm amnesty can           Remember, surrendering illegal/unwan-
          do so under the following criteria:          ted firearms, firearm parts or ammunition
             1. Persons in possession of a firearm     can be done during this period, without
          without a legitimate licence, permit or         fear of being prosecuted for unlawful
          authorisation.                               possession.
             2. Persons in possession of a firearm         However, persons who wish to
          part (slide, bolt or breech-block) without   surrender their legally possessed firearms
          a licensed firearm capable of bearing that   or ammunition voluntarily may do so at
          part.                                        any time before, during and after an
             3. Persons in possession of ammuniti-     amnesty period. Firearms handed over
          on without a licensed firearm capable of     would first be checked to make sure they
          discharging the ammunition, or without a     have not been used for crimes before
          collector’s permit.                          indemnity is granted.
             4. Persons in possession of illegally        Those whose licences have expired
          imported firearms.                           may also hand their firearms in and
             5. Persons who inherited firearms but     arrange to get them back once they have
          failed to obtain a licence, permit or        relicensed them.
          authorisation for such firearms.                This concession only applies to those
             6. Persons who have been declared         who already have a firearms competency
          unfit to possess a firearm, but failed to    certificate.
          surrender their firearms and ammunition.        For more information, contact your
             7. Businesses (including private          local police station or Central Firearms
          security businesses) with firearms and       Register (CFR) call centre on 012 353
          ammunition that ceased to carry on           6111. To report corruption, contact
          business and failed to dispose of the        0800 701 701.
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
Some kids still await
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020                                                       STER NORTH                                                                                    5

their first day of school
Moleboheng Chaha                               “Another method of intervention will be           “Additional funding will have to be       We are aware that parents have lost hope
SEDIBENG. - It has been two weeks              to negotiate with various schools to           found in order to finance the educator       and are angry toward our officials at the
since the official re-opening of schools for   increase their capacity so as to accommo-      salaries, additional classrooms, learning    District offices. Some even resort to
the year 2020, but some kids are still yet     date more learners. These schools will be      and teaching support materials and school    violence. The department is doing everyt-
to see their first day of school! This is      prioritized in provisioning of mobile units.   furniture.                                   hing possible to accommodate learners.
due to the Gauteng Department of               Unplanned financial implications of late          “Procurement processes are also not       We appeal for patience and cooperation in
Education (GDE) placing children who are       applicants are substantial.                    instant and can take weeks to complete.      the interest of learners.”
starting grade 1 this year, in schools that
are remote from their residential places.
   Parents now say they will do anything
to see their kids go to school.
   “This is so frustrating because we
applied on time, and we selected schools
that are in the area we live.
   It is very unfortunate that some of us
were failed by the system.”
   Parents said that although most live in
Vanderbijlpark, the system had placed
their kids in schools as far as Evaton and
Sebokeng which posed a challenge for
   On Friday, parents visited the Sedibeng
West District in Sebokeng where they
looked for a resolution to the problem.
   “We have come here today to find a
solution. We have been forced to be
absent from work due to the fact that we
cannot leave our children at home
   The GDE recently announced that they
are aware of the placement challenges.
   Gauteng Department of Education’s
Spokesperson, Steve Mabona says,

  Man nabbed
  for drug
  dealing during
  Moleboheng Chaha                             These parents say their kids are still to see the first day of school this year. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha
  VEREENIGING. – The Vereeniging

                                                Residents threaten to sue ELM
  police station Commander, Brigadier
  Sonja Slabbert, has commended the
  police in Vereeniging after they
  managed to arrest a suspect for
  dealing in drugs.
     Police seized drugs with an               Lerato Serero                                  on, Lindiwe Sisulu, together with her team   the Ekurhuleni Water Care Company
  estimated street value of R300 000           VEREENIGING. - House Number 50 A               were recently in the area having engage-     (ERWAT), as implementing agents, the
  during an operation recently.                on Beaconsfield Avenue in Vereeniging, is      ments with different stakeholders.           VRIP boasts other stakeholders that include
     The suspect was arrested during           swimming in sewage resulting in its               Sisulu also monitored progress made in    the ELM, the National Department of
  Operation Okae Molao after police            owners threatening to take legal action        the Vaal River Intervention Project (VRIP)   Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation,
  stopped a white van. Police spoke-           against the Emfuleni Local Municipality        with includes the maintenance and replace-   Gauteng CoGTA and the Municipal
  sperson Captain Fikile Funda says,           (ELM) should anything happen to them, or       ment of the ‘old’ infrastructure.            Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA).
  “During the stop and search process,         the house itself.                                 The VRIP is aimed at curbing sewer           It is estimated the project will run for
  two occupants were inspected. Police             Speaking to Sedibeng Ster house owner      spillages in residential areas in ELM and    three years with an initial budget of R1
  found plastics containing Crystal            and pensioner, Anna Ndhlovu, said that         in the Vaal River System (VRS). Led by       billion required.
  Meth and CAT with a street value of          they have been reporting the blockage in
  R300 000. The suspect in his early           their house’s sewerage system since early
  20s was detained and a case of               last year only to result in being taken from
  dealing in drugs is being investiga-         pillar to post by the ELM. Ndhlovu said
  ted.” Funda further reports the arrest       that at times they are told that there is
  of 33 people in the Vereeniging              nothing that can be done as the problem
  vicinity for crimes ranging from             stems from an old infrastructure system
  driving under the influence, dealing in      that was inherited from the apartheid era.
  drugs, business breaking, shoplifting,           Ndhlovu said that her health and that of
  possession of suspected stolen               her family is at risk. What worries her the
  property as well as assault. “All the        most is the toxic sewerage that seeps
  arrested people have appeared in the         through the walls of her house causing
  Vereeniging Magistrate’s Court.”             them to crack.
  Funda concludes.                                 “We are at risk here and the municipali-
                                               ty should take note of that.
                                                   “I bought this house and paid it off,
                                               therefore the municipality will have to buy
                                               me a new one should anything happen to
                                                   “They should also consider that we have
                                               young children in this yard and the stench
                                               emanating from this is soon going to kill
                                               us... should anything happen to my house
                                               or family there will be hell to pay!
                                                   I will sue them.” Residents who run              A house on Beaconsfield Avenue in Veree-
                                               businesses on the same street, also pleaded          niging is swimming in sewerage, its owners
  A man in his 20s has been nabbed for         with the municipality to come to their               have threatened to take legal action against
  dealing drugs during Operation Okae          rescue as their businesses have been                 ELM. Photo: Lerato Serero
  Molao.                                       dwindling due to the spillage. The Minister
                                               of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitati-
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
6                                                                                STER NORTH                                                   4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

Skills development for Vaal
Moleboheng Chaha
VEREENIGING. - Once again, Boikatlo
Community Projects has proven its
commitment to taking the Vaal Triangle
youth off the streets-in a plight to give
them better futures.
   Over 100 youths between the ages of
24-35, all from different areas in Sedi-
beng, will embark on an 18-month-long
skill’s development learnership.
   This is after Boikatlo Community
Projects partnered with Sedibeng Artisan
Skills Training, which will provide both
theoretical and practical training in
welding, boiler making and electricity.
   Project manager Lucy Leboko says,
“The duration of the learnership is 18
months. During these 18 months, the
students will be receiving a stipend. The
training will consist of both theoretical
and practical coaching. The objective is to
get them ready for the workplace.”
   Leboko says that this project is very
important as it keeps young people away
from negative things. “Our project deals
with drugs and substance abuse. This
project plays a major prevention role as it
will manage to keep young people busy
and doing something productive with their
   Leboko said that there will be more
opportunities for young people to attain
skills in other sectors.
   “We have other projects that we are
still working on in the pipeline. We will
alert young people as soon as we have
opened applications for the next project.”    These are some of the young people who will undertake an 18-month-long Skills Development Learnership to attain expertise in
Leboko concludes.                             boiler making, welding and electricity. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020                                                    STER NORTH                                                                                    7

    Matriculant wants to stop smoking his life away
  Moleboheng Chaha                           to hanging out with bad friends who gave
  BOIPATONG.- 23-year-old Thabang            me a taste of nyaope. I followed my twin
  Mzizi, who currently resides in Boipa-     brother here to smoke nyaope together. I
  tong says he wants to ‘stop smoking        feel like I am throwing my future away, I
  his future away.’                          just want to be taken to rehab so that I
     Mzizi lives amongst eight other         can come back and pursue my studies.”
  youths in a shack in Boipatong, where      Thabang says he would like to study
  they all spend their days hustling for     teaching so that he can educate children
  their next nyaope joint. The group         about his past experiences and encourage
  includes his twin brother Thabo Mzizi,     them to stay away from drugs.
  who recently moved to the Vaal                A Pensioner, Philimon Mvundla (64)
  Triangle, after spending most of his       took the boys in after he saw the kind of
  life in Parys in the Free State.           life they were living.
     What sets Thabang apart from the            “I wittnessed some of them sleeping in
  rest is the fact that he collected his     the veld and having nothing to eat, so I
  matric certificate just a few weeks ago    took them in. I want them to stop smo-
  and realized he could have pursued a       king nyaope and create something positive
  diploma qualification.                     with their lives.
     Around this time last year, Thabang        “I take care of these boys with my
  was a matriculant at Phehellang            pension money; I buy them food and
  Secondary School and had his whole         make sure that they do not commit any
  future ahead of him, until drugs started   criminal activities under my watch. This
  taking over his life.                      will carry on until I get them into rehab.”
     Although he was able to pass his           Mvundla says what he loves about the
  matric, Thabang says it was not an         boys is that they all have one thing in       Nyaope addict Thabang Mzizi, holding his matric cerificate, says that he and his
  easy task as he was already a drug         common, which is the fact that they want      friends are ready to kick the habit after Philimon Mvundla (Left) from Boipatong
  addict. “My drug addiction started due     to go to rehab and stop doing drugs.          took them in. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha

                                                                                           See VODS’ Musical
                                                                                           Extravaganza next month
                                                                                           The Vereeniging Operatic and Dramatic         South African singer Coert Grobbelaar,
                                                                                           Society (VODS) proudly presents a Musical     with assistance by Dorothy Ashmore and
                                                                                           Extravaganza, featuring popular songs from    showcases the talent of many from the Vaal
                                                                                           various Broadway Productions, such as ‘My     Triangle. Show dates are February 6 and 7
                                                                                           Fairlady’, ‘Oliver’ and ‘Les Miserable’, to   with performances at the Johan van
                                                                                           mention but a few. The show is directed by    Rensburg Theatre, Hoërskool Drie Riviere,
                                                                                                                                         Umgeni Street, Vereeniging. For bookings
                                                                                           Some VODS' members preparing for the          and more information contact Wendy at
                                                                                           society's Musical Extravaganza.               076 555 5841.
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
8                                                                                                                STER NORTH                                                                                    4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

Vaalie’s historic book pays tribute to
SA’s excellent Armoured Vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dr Dewald Venter. A Mbombe 8x8
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Infantry Fighting Vehicle can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  seen in the background.

                                                                                                                            VANDERBIJLPARK. - Military history                                     South African armoured vehicles.
                                                                                                                            enthusiasts are in for a treat: A new-                                    His book will take an in-depth look at
                                                                                                                            book titled South African Armoured                                     13 iconic South African armoured
                                                                                                                            Vehicles: A History of Innovation and                                  vehicles which include the: Eland
                                                                                                                            Excellence, will be hitting the shelves                                Armoured Car, Buffel Mine Protected
                                                                                                                            during the second half of 2020.                                        Vehicle, Ratel Infantry Combat Vehicle,
                                                                                                                               The book is written by Vaal Triangle                                Casspir Mine Protected Vehicle, G6-45
                                                                                                                            resident, Dr Dewald Venter and pub-                                    Rhino Self-Propelled Howitzer-Vehicle,
                                                                                                                            lished by Helion & Company as part of                                  Bateleur Multiple Rocket Launcher,
                                                                                                                            its @War series.                                                       Olifant Mk1A, Mk1B and Olifant Mk2
                                                                                                                               Venter, a former Hoërskool Driehoek                                 Main Battle Tank, Tank Technology
                                                                                                                            graduate, obtained his PhD in Tourism                                  Demonstrator, Rooikat Armoured Car,
                                                                                                                            Management from the North-West                                         Mamba Mine Protected Vehicle and the
                                                                                                                            University’s main campus.                                              brand-new Badger Infantry Combat
                                                                                                                               He is currently a senior lecturer in                                Vehicle.
                                                                                                                            Tourism Management at the Vaal                                            Venter researched each vehicle in-
                                                                                                                            University of Technology.                                              depth, conducting interviews with the
                                                                                                                               Venter is an internationally published                              project managers, designers, past as well
                                                                                                                            academic researcher on military heritage                               as present users and inspected each
                                                                                                                            tourism.                                                               vehicle in-person to ensure accuracy.
                                                                                                                                He is a member of the SA Armour                                       The development of each vehicle is
                                                                                                                            Museum Council, tasked with the                                        explored, followed by a breakdown of
                                                                                                                            preserving of South African armour                                     their design features including mobility,
                                                                                                                            heritage.                                                              endurance, logistics, vehicle interior
                                                                                                                               As a military author, he specializes in                             layout, main armament, fire control
                                                                                                                                                                                                   systems and protection.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Where it is applicable, the operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                   history and soldiers account of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   vehicle are provided.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Each vehicle is accompanied by a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   detailed illustration and table which
                                                                                                                                                                                                   summarizes its key specifications to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   serve as a quick reference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chapters also contain several photos,
    The North-West University invites all specialists/professionals with the
    relevant skills, experience and resources to submit tenders for the                         Prospective tenderers are invited to tender for the following:                                     most of which have never been published
    following at the North-West University:                                                                                                                                                        before in book format.
                                                                                                NWU TR003/2020VTC – SUPPLY OF STUDENT                                                                 “The South African arms industry
    PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS:                                                                   TRANSPORT TO THE NORTH-WEST UNIVERSITY,                                                            responded creatively during the 1970s
    1. NWUTR 005 / 2020 NW: TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING                                          VAAL TRIANGLE CAMPUS                                                                               and 1980s’ international weapons embar-
    2. NWUTR 006 / 2020 NW: QUANTITY SURVEYOR                                                                                                                                                      go to address the problems faced in the
    3. NWUTR 007 / 2020 NW: STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENGINEERING                                                                                                                                           Southern African battle space.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “The results led to several of the most
                                                                                                Tender documents can be obtained from the undermentioned person.                                   innovative and robust armoured vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                                                   produced anywhere in the world at the

    One or more successful tenderers per professional field will be                             Closing date:                  Thursday, 20 February 2020                                             “Decades later some of these vehicles
    placed on a panel of professional consultants for a period of three                         Closing time:                  12:00                                                               and their lineage would be used around
    years to be appointed on individual facility development projects of                        Tender box:                    Building 19, Hendrik van Eck Boulevard,
    the NWU on an “as and when required” basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the world in conflict areas riddled with

                                                                                                                               Vanderbijlpark                                                      landmines and improvised explosive
    Tenderers are requested to make a compulsory tender reservation                             Contact details:                                                 devices (IEDs).
    via our website:                                                                                                                                                        “A testament to their original innova-
    Closing Date for Tender Reservations and Payment of Tender Deposit:                                                                                                                            tion and design,” says Venter.
    12 February 2020 at 12:00                                                                   The University reserves the right to accept any tender, irrespective of price,                        South African Armoured Vehicles: A
    Tender Closing Date and Time:                                                               or no tender at all.                                                                               History of Innovation and Excellence will
    26 February 2020 at 12:00                                                                                                                                                                      be enjoyed by both the novice reader
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and the committed military enthusiast.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The book seeks middle ground by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   providing more detail than the norm
                                                                                                                                                                                                   while not overwhelming the reader in the
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
10                                                                                  STER NORTH                                                       4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

AfriForum verwelkom
minister se versoek
Christiaan Cloete                             jaar die taak om die rioolnetwerk te          agteruitgang wanneer die uitslag van
VEREENIGING. - Die burgerregtegroep           herstel by die weermag oorgeneem. Sisulu      watermonsters wat in 2017 geneem is met
AfriForum het verlede week gesê hy            het gesê sy sal op 26 Junie na Vereeni-       2018 s’n vergelyk word, terwyl dit in
verwelkom die minister van water,             ging terugkeer en wil dan ’n vorderings-      2019 selfs verder versleg het.
sanitasie en menslike nedersettings,          verslag hê.                                      Hierdie verslag is ook bekend aan die
Lindiwe Sisulu, se versoek dat Ekurhuleni        AfriForum meen die grootste probleem       departement van water en sanitasie
Water Care Company (ERWAT) dringend           is munisipaliteite wat nie verantwoordelik    (DWS). Die plaaslike AfriForum-tak het
werk daarvan moet maak om die besoede-        gehou word vir swak instandhouding nie.       ook tevergeefs verskeie aksies geloods om
ling van die Vaalrivier hok te slaan.            “AfriForum het reeds in 2018 strafregte-   die munisipaliteit tot aksie te dwing.
AfriForum het ook gesê dit is kommer-         like klagtes teen die verantwoordelike        Sisulu het dit ook laat blyk dat sy die
wekkend dat die minister nóú eers ná jare     partye, wat hul plig versuim, ingedien. Dié   gebied tot rampgebied wil verklaar en dat
se besoedeling toetree, asook dat sy nêrens   klagtes is egter nog hangend.                 geld dan bewillig gaan word om die krisis
noem dat die skuldige partye aan die pen         “Ons het in 2019 ’n vergadering met        op te los.
gaan ry nie.                                  die minister versoek, maar dit het op dowe       Volgens berigte word bykans R1 miljard
   Sisulu het verlede week die Vaaldrie-      ore geval,” sê Lambert de Klerk, bestuur-     benodig om die Vaalrivier te rehabiliteer.
hoek besoek en ERWAT versoek om alles         der van omgewingsake by AfriForum.            Indien die geld hiervoor bewillig word,
in hul vermoë te doen om die stelsel reg         Luidens AfriForum se jaarlikse blou-en-    moet die besteding daarvan gemoniteer
te ruk. ERWAT het in Desember verlede         groendruppelverslag is daar ’n drastiese      word om wanbesteding te voorkom.             Minister Lindiwe Sisulu.

     Weermag groet Drie Riviere
                                                                                                                                                  Lede van die weermag het
                                                                                                                                                  Woensdag, 22 Januarie tente
                                                                                                                                                  by die weermagkamp op die
                                                                                                                                                  hoek van Golfweg en
                                                                                                                                                  Deerylaan in Drie Riviere
                                                                                                                                                  platgeslaan. Teen die einde
                                                                                                                                                  van die week was die
                                                                                                                                                  gebied ontruim. Soldate het
                                                                                                                                                  vir maande lank daar
                                                                                                                                                  uitgekamp nadat die weer-
                                                                                                                                                  mag opdrag gegee is om die
                                                                                                                                                  rioolnetwerk te herstel. Een
                                                                                                                                                  van hul take was om die
                                                                                                                                                  nabygeleë pompstasie te
                                                                                                                                                  beskerm. ‘n Private veilig-
                                                                                                                                                  heidsmaatskappy sal nou
                                                                                                                                                  die taak oorneem. Foto:
Clean up this sand!' supplier told - vaalweekblad ePaper
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020   STER NORTH                                             11

                                                            THIS ONE DAY SPECIAL
                                                RE IS       PRAYER FIXED ALL MY
                                                  TH             MARRIAGE &
                                                            FINANCIAL PROBLEMS
                                               6 years before I met this
                                               powerful spiritual woman
                                               MAMA KELLY. I was
                                               UNHAPPY because my
                                               husband was cheating on
                                               me, our kids were always
                                               sickly & I had no money. I tried everything
                                               from healers, priest & gurus but nothing
                                               seemed to work for me. I only wasted
                                                 money. l luckily I saw testimonials on a
                                               local TV station by an OLD MAN whose
                                               son MAMA KELLY Had saved from DRUGS
                                               & ALCOHOL abuse & a DIVORCED LADY
                                               MAMA KELLY Had RE-UNITED with her
                                               EX-HUSBAND after 9 years. I paid R200
                                               CONSULTATION FEE & MAMA KELLY
                                               ACCURATELY READ MY FORTUNE and
                                               told me all my problems before I spoke a
                                               word to her. She used a mirror to SHOW
                                               FACES OF PEOPLE who were trying to
                                               pull me down. He performed a 1 day spe-
                                               cial prayer for, cleansed me from bad luck
                                               and also gave me powerful love crystals,
                                               Indian ash plus a special ring to fix my
                                               financial problems. WITHIN 3 DAYS OF
                                               MAMA KELLY’S PRAYERS, my husband
                                                 ARE YOU FEELING TOTALLY HELPLESS, HEART
                                                  BROKEN & FINANCIALLY MISERBLE? IS THE
                                               SITUATION GETTING WORSE? DON’T LOSE HOPE!
                                               I have referred MAMA KELLY to many people
                                               & she has delivered results for them within a
                                                     few days. She can help you too!!

                                               MAMA KELLY 078 462 1954
12   STER NORTH   4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020   STER NORTH   13
14                                                                                    STER NORTH                                                         4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

                                                                                              Kom kuier
                                                                                               saam en
                                                                                             Die radiostasie IFM 102.2, Ster en Vaal-        eet- en drinkgoed kan geniet. ‘n Kontant-
                                                                                             weekblad span elke tweede Sondag van            kroeg is ook beskikbaar. Die wins uit die
                                                                                             elke maand saam om ‘n gesellige dag ten         stalletjies word elke maand aan verdienste-
                                                                                             bate van minderbevoorregtes aan te bied.        like organisasies geskenk. Hierdie maand
                                                                                             Die volgende geleentheid is op Sondag, 9        is die begunstigde Be-Blessed. Kom kuier
                                                                                             Februarie van 09:30 tot 14:30 by Brandmul-      gerus die dag vanaf 09:30 tot 14:30 saam
                                                                                             ler Kwekery in Unitaspark. Toegang is           in die rustige tuin onder die massiewe
                                                                                             gratis.                                         akkerbome by Acorns Coffee Shop. Dit is
                                                                                                Musikale vermaak sal verskaf word deur       op Brandmuller se terrein in Dave Nourse-
                                                                                             DJ Cowboy, en die kunstenaar is Marius          straat 5, Unitaspark. Skakel Michele by
                                                                                             Dippenaar, wat vanaf 12:00 gaan optree.         083 378 0715 vir enige navrae oor die
                                                                                             Die dag val saam met Brandmuller se Tree        pretdag of markstalletjies. ‘n Sondagmid-
                                                                                              Owl Mark, waar besoekers deur interessan-      dagete kos R120 per persoon. Bespreek
Marius Dippenaar gaan op 9 Februarie vir die musikale vermaak by Brandmuller                  te stalletjies kan kom snuffel en heerlike     vooraf by Anneri (083 300 2919).
Kwekery se pretdag en kunsmark sorg.

          VEREENIGING. - As jy dalk iets nuuts vir 2020 wil probeer, het
          die Vanderbijlparkse Fotografiese Vereniging dalk die oplossing vir
             Die klub nooi alle belangstellendes om by hulle aan te sluit en
          bied ook binnekort weer sy gewilde Beginnerskursus aan.
             Hierdie kursus strek oor vier dae en word met kursusgangers se
          eie kameras gedoen sodat hulle kan leer hoe om hul eie toerusting
          die beste te kan benut.
             Die kursus word op 22 en 23 Februarie en 28 en 29 Maart van
          08:30 tot 16:00 by die Kliprivier Country Estate in Drie Riviere,
          Vereeniging aangebied en beloop R3 000.                                            Liezl Scheepers                                groot dinge van hierdie kranige jong
             Daar is slegs beperkte plek vir die kursus beskikbaar.                             Die 10-jarige Cay-Dinn Oelofse het die      swemmer verwag.
             Die kursus sluit ook koffie/tee en beskuit in die oggende, en ‘n                afgelope naweek in Potchefstroom nog ‘n           Die 12-jarige Bay-Linn Oelofse wat ook
          ligte middagete in. ‘n Volledige stel kursusnotas sal aan kurusgan-                uitsonderlike prestasie behaal toe hy by die   gekies is vir deelname aan die gala, het in
          gers voorsien word. Kontak Henk Scheepers by 072 260 0513 of                       4+1 Provinsiale Swemgala in die seuns          die 400m kruipslag-item vir dogters o.12
          Johan Brits by 082 718 8394.                                                       10-11 jaar 100m borsslag-item ‘n skitteren-    jaar en jonger ‘n tweede plek behaal, en in
                                                                                             de 1ste plek behaal het, en die 25 jaar oue    die dogters 18 jaar en jonger 200m
                                                                                             rekord met ‘n tyd van 1:25:16 gebreek het.     kruipslag-item ‘n vierde plek. Vir die
                                                                                                Daarmee het hy gekwalifiseer om aan         100m kruipslag vir dogters.12-13 jaar het
                                                                                             die SA Junior Nasionale Swemkampioen-          sy ‘n tweede plek behaal, sowel as ‘n
                                                                                             skappe deel te neem.                           derde plek vir die 200m dogters 12-13

  Training for potential
                                                                                                Hierbenewens het Cay-Dinn ook aan die       jaar. Vir borsslag do.18 jaar en jonger
                                                                                             50m vlinderslag vir seuns 10-11 jaar           behaal sy ‘n derde plek en ‘n tweede plek
                                                                                             deelgeneem en ‘n vierde plek behaal, en        vir die 100m borsslag dogters 12-13 jaar.

 Sunday school teachers
                                                                                             was sy aflosspan eerste.                          Haar aflosspan het ook ‘n tweede plek
                                                                                                Cay-Dinn het verlede jaar met die Sasol     verower.
                                                                                             Nasionale Winterswemkampioenskappe ook            Beide Cay-Dinn en Bay-Linn is lede van
                                                                                             verskeie rekords laat spat en is daar toe al   die Sasolburg-swemklub en woon in Parys.

VEREENIGING. - The South African               Methodist Church over two consecutive
National Sunday School Association             Saturdays, February 22 and 29 from 08:30
(SANSSA) is offering a two day training        to 16:00.
course to potential Sunday school teachers        Branch Coordinator Yvonne Human says
as well as those who have an interest in       the registration and payment process will
teaching the word of God to children,          take place on February 22 from 8:00 in the
youth and adults.                              morning. The cost of the training course is
   The training is tailor-made for individu-   R200. “Trainees are requested to bring
als of different ages and stages of develop-   something to share for lunch.”
ment.                                             For more information contact Human
   It will take place at the Three Rivers      (073 153 5000) on or before February 7.

       Nuuswenke welkom                                                                                                                     Cay-Dinn Oelofse wat verlede jaar al
                                                                                                                                            verskeie rekords laat spat het by die
                                                                                                                                            Sasol Nasionale Winterswemkampioen-
Gebeur daar iets nuuswaardig by jou skool of in jou omgewing? Stuur gerus nuuswen-           Links: Die 12-jarige Bay-Linn Oelofse          skappe, en ook weer die afgelope
ke of datums van belangrike of nuuswaardige gebeurtenisse in Vanderbijlpark en               wat ook die afgelope naweek spoguit-           naweek presteer het by die 4 +1 Provin-
Sasolburg aan die redakteur: of skakel (016)           slae behaal het by die 4 +1 Provinsiale        siale Swemgala in Potchefstroom. Foto’s:
454-0859.                                                                                    Swemgala in Potchefstroom.                     Rozelle Photography.
4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020                                                STER NORTH   15

Atlete in aksie by Vereeniging Gimnasium se interhuis-byeenkoms. Foto’: Verskaf

Christiaan Cloete                         Februarie in Potchefstroom plaasvind. Daar
VEREENIGING. - Vereening Gimnasium        sal Gimmies teen atlete van ondermeer
het op Maandag 20 Januarie sy jaarlikse   Potchefstroom Gimnasium, Hoër Volkskool
interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms gehou. Dit    Potchefstroom, Hoërskool Klerksdorp,
was goeie voorbereiding vir die Potch     Hoërskool Wesvalia en Hoërskool Garsfon-
Prestige Byeenkoms wat op Saterdag 8      tein meeding.
16                                                                                                      STER NORTH              4 Februarie - 10 Februarie 2020

       Michele van Rensburg                       Ashleigh Parsons (3rd). Carla has
       MEYERTON. – Over 3 300 enthusi-            qualified to enter the South African
       astic cyclists gathered on Sunday,         National Championships, representing
       January 26 in Meyerton to take on the      South Africa at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic
       25th annual Midvaal Fast One Cycle         Games.
       Challenge.                                    Receiving the 1st place podium
          Pro-cyclists, renowned veterans,        positions were upcoming Dian Janjetich
       regulars and first-time riders - several   in the Junior category and Jacques
       from as far as Germany, Ireland,           Greeff in the Vet A category (30 - 39
       Portugal, Botswana, Zimbabwe and           age group). Gert Fouche, the current SA
       Swaziland - competed in the 28 km,         & UCI Masters World Hour Record title
       50 km and 97 km routes.                    holder, won the Vet B category (40 – 49
          The Midvaal Executive Mayor,            age group) while former world champi-
       Bongani Baloyi, officially launched the    on, twice Rapport Tour winner, Spring-
       start of the cycle challenge at Midvaal    bok and multiple SA champion Gary
       Raceway. The Elite category cyclists       Beneke won the Vet C category (50+
       outshone last year’s results, pushing      age group) race. The Midvaal Fast One
       the limit of the average speed record,     Cycle Challenge is sponsored by the
       adding to the event’s notable reputati-    Midvaal Municipality and is the first of
       on of being the fastest race in the        the Midvaal in May events hosted and
       country.                                   sponsored this coming year, showcasing
          Kent Main who placed 7th in 2019,       Midvaal as an ideal location for business
       went on to win the Men’s Elite             and leisure.
       category with a finishing time of             The cycle race, organised by the
       2:04:24, a minute faster than the 2019     Rotary Club of Riverside, was assisted
       winner. Having won The Midvaal Fast        by various Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs,
       One Cycle Challenge, Kent will be          Round Tablers and the Portuguese Club,
       participating in the South African         who provided road marshals on the day.
       National Championships from 5 - 9          All profits generated by the race are
       February 2020.                             utilized for Rotary community projects of
          Kent beat Louis Visser (2nd) and        which some is earmarked for community
       David Maree (3rd) to the line in the       upliftments and job creation in Midvaal.
       97 km race with an average speed of           Organizers thanked the media
       46.78kms/hr.                               sponsors Primedia, 90.6 FM and
          In the Women’s Elite category,          MooiVaal Media (Ster and Vaalweek-
       2018 SA Road Champion Carla                blad) for their support.
       Oberholzer, broke away early from the      Kent Main crossing the finish line as win-
       group with an outstanding win, beating     ner of the Elite Men’s category in the
       Maroesjka Matthee (2nd) and former         Midvaal Fast One Cycle Challenge 2020.
       SA Junior Women’s Road Champion,           Photo: Action in Motion

                                                                                                 Action during 2020 Fast One.
                                                                                                 Photos: Action in Motion

     Midvaal Mayor Bongani Baloyi showed keen interest at the Mid-
     vaal Fast One Cycle Challenge.

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