Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea

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Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea
ANZA                                         KOREA
                              COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES
                                        S P E C I A L    E D I T I O N

Coffee Special Edition                                                                           March 2021

Coffee Time!
Coffee is ingrained in our              By Leanne Horridge
culture, it helps us wake up, get
moving and function in our day,
and of course it’s delicious.                                             We are very happy to introduce

Coffee brings us together, is                                             Leanne Horridge

integral to any meeting, and it’s                                         to the ANZA community.

not possible to walk a block in                                           Leanne has a Diploma of Human

most cities without finding a                                             Nutrition from Deakin University and a

coffee shop or cafe. Despite our                                          Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. Her

love for coffee, it’s garnered                                            professional focus is health optimisation

somewhat of an unfair                                                     through nutrition, and enjoys working

reputation over the years. It’s                                           with people to tailor nutrition to support

common to hear people saying                                              their personal health goals. Leanne has

they think they should reduce or                                          particular interests in women’s health

stop drinking coffee altogether.                                          and childhood nutrition.

But should they really?                                                   She can be contacted at:


The benefits of coffee

Coffee is potentially one of our     energy helping us charge                before reaching for our next

best dietary sources of              through the day. Caffeine               cup.
antioxidants, containing over 1000   consumed before exercise has

bioactive compounds. Coffee          been shown to enhance athletic          When should we think about
consumption has been studied         performance and stamina, and            reducing coffee?
extensively, and recent large-scale increase fat metabolism.

reviews of the data have found       Brewed coffee (as opposed to            Stimulant
that coffee drinkers (moderate       instant) also contains                  Caffeine affects each of us

intake, between 1-4 cups a day)      meaningful amounts of soluble           differently. Some people can

have a lower risk of all-cause       fibre, something we all need for        tolerate large amounts of

mortality, lower risk of             our digestive health.                   caffeine, others get the jitters

cardiovascular disease, cancers,                                             after just one cup of coffee.

liver conditions and neurological    Of course, while this is pretty         Caffeine can also trigger or

disorders.                           exciting news for coffee lovers,        exacerbate anxiety. Pay

                                     it’s important to remember we           attention to how much you are

Caffeine in coffee is a stimulant,   are all individuals, and there are      drinking and how you feel after

and boosts mental alertness and      other factors to consider               each cup. If you find yourself
Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea
Coffee Special Edition                                                                          March 2021

                                                                          confirm or refute this. In the

                                                                          absence of high quality data

                                                                          confirming safety of coffee

                                                                          during pregnancy, reducing

                                                                          coffee intake to one cup or less

                                                                          per day is a safe guideline.

                                                                          How do you take your coffee?

                                                                          There are limitless ways we can

                                                                          have our coffee, from an

                                                                          espresso or instant, through to

                                                                          iced frappés with whipped

                                                                          cream. Taste is the most likely

                                                                          driver of coffee choice, but

                                                                          there are other reasons to

                                                                          consider changing up your
feeling on edge it might be a        Hormone health
good idea to cut back a little.      Hormone health is a

Caffeine is also found in tea,       consideration for women, as
                                                                          Liquid calories
chocolate, cola and energy           coffee can interfere with
                                                                          If you are conscious of your diet,
drinks, so also consider these       oestrogen metabolism in the
                                                                          whether for the purposes of fat
sources if you are trying to         liver. If you experience any
                                                                          loss, or for reduction of sugar or
reduce your intake.                  menstrual irregularities, cutting
                                                                          saturated fat, your coffee
                                     back or eliminating coffee may
                                                                          choice can have a massive
Sleep                                help alleviate these symptoms.
                                                                          impact. An espresso or
Caffeine has a half-life of          In post-menopausal women
                                                                          americano contains practically
about 5 hours, meaning if you        caffeine has been shown to
                                                                          zero calories, while that vanilla
have a cup of coffee then 5          exacerbate physical symptoms
                                                                          frappuccino can add around
hours later half of it is still in   like hot flushes. Each person will
                                                                          430 calories to your day. Even a
your system. If you are someone      have a different experience, it’s
                                                                          “tall” skim milk latte has around
who struggles to get to sleep at     important to pay attention to
                                                                          100 calories before you add any
                                     your own experience and make
night or are a light sleeper, try
                                     adjustments if necessary. A few
not to drink coffee after 1pm to
                                     studies have found a link
make sure that you give your
                                     between coffee intake and
body time to metabolise the
                                     fracture risk in post-
caffeine. While coffee helps us
                                     menopausal women, but adding
feel alert and boosts our
                                     a tiny amount of milk to your
energy, if you find yourself just
                                     coffee was shown to offset this
waking up when you get to the
bottom of your first or second

cup, then it might be time to

consider your reliance on
                                     During pregnancy it’s important
caffeine. Try to reduce your
                                     to monitor coffee intake. Some
intake and aim for a little more
                                     studies have found that coffee
sleep. Sometimes cutting
                                     intake could affect birth weight,
coffee out altogether for a
                                     however a full review of the
short while can be an
                                     available data did not
interesting experiment.
Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea
Coffee Special Edition                                                                           March 2021

  "Despite the bad rap coffee
   has gained over the years
 there is compelling evidence
    to keep up this enjoyable
             habit, with coffee
            consumption being
   associated with lower risk
     of disease and all-cause

sugar. Sticking to black coffee, or adding a splash    Summary
of your milk of choice is a good low calorie option.   Despite the bad rap coffee has gained over the years

                                                       there is compelling evidence to keep up this enjoyable

Cholesterol                                            habit, with coffee consumption being associated with

If you are someone who suffers with high               lower risk of disease and all-cause mortality. Of course

cholesterol, then the type of coffee that you          certain people may need to limit or avoid consumption,

consume can have an impact. Coffee contains a          but most people can safely consume between 1-4 cups

substance called cafestol, which affects the way       per day without issue. Coffee can increase your alertness

your body manufactures cholesterol. The good           and energy, but make sure you get enough sleep,

news is that coffee prepared with a paper filter       maintain a quality diet and enjoy that next cup of liquid

removes most of this substance.                        gold mindfully.

Brewed vs. instant
Those magical health giving and life lengthening          As soon as the COVID restrictions are eased
properties that were mentioned above were
                                                          we will resume our monthly coffee mornings.
mostly shown to be associated with brewed
                                                          Our Community's safety remains our number
coffee. The same benefits were less likely to be
                                                          one priority during these challenging times.
seen with instant coffee.
                                                            Please stay safe and please bear with us.

                 es you!
  ZA Korea Welcom
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        Memberships                                                                             Instagram by
                                                                                                scanning the
 ANZA Korea welcomes all nationalities

     to come join our community.
                                                                                                QR Code on
   Yearly membership is KRW50,000
                                                                                                the left.
      and begins from 01 August.

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Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea Coffee Time! By Leanne Horridge - COMMUNITY, NETWORKING, CHARITIES - ANZA Korea
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