Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...

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Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)                                           

    Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction
    processes at low temperatures in the brewing process
    Niklas Schöttke1,2, and Frank Rögener2,*
    1Pfeifer   & Langen GmbH & Co. KG, Aachener Straße 1042a, D-50858 Köln, Germany
    2Technische   Hochschule Köln, Institut für Anlagen und Verfahrenstechnik, Betzdorfer Str. 2, 50679 Köln, Germany

                   Abstract. According to indications, already 5,000 years ago beer was brewed without heating the mash,
                   i.e. in the cold mash process. Applying this old method, the question arises to what extent this traditional
                   knowledge can be integrated into today's brewing processes and to produce new beer styles at reduced
                   energy consumption. Since cold mashing is hardly explored, this work is dedicated to in-depth analysis
                   from a process and brewing point of view. Based on theoretical considerations of the mashing process, cold
                   mashing formulations were estimated and analysed. Parameters for the experimental investigations were
                   temperature, particle size of grinded grains, mixing ratio between malt and water, mashing time and the
                   application of various multistage extraction processes. Additionally, at the optimum cold mashing
                   conditions, a brew of about 10 L was produced, which confirmed the positive effects of the application of
                   cold mash: Fermentation time is significantly reduced due to the composition of the cold-extracted malt

  1 Introduction                                                        material transfer (the generated sugar is dissolved in
                                                                        water). Mashing is the first biochemical process step of
  The commercial beer market is currently dominated by                  brewing and completes the enzymatic degradation,
  two production concepts, which to some extend compete                 which is initiated during malting. In this process,
  with each other: large-scale industrial breweries, often              enzymes are synthesized. These are essential for the
  linked by corporate structures, are juxtaposed with small             degradation of large molecules during the subsequent
  privately run breweries. These so-called microbreweries               mashing [10].
  stand for craft beer and produce in small quantities                      According to Koljonen et al., the applied temperature
  individual and - sometimes very unusual - beer styles                 profile during mashing determines the chemical
  [1]. On the other hand, larger breweries often rely on                composition of the malt wort [11].
  beer styles, which appeal to the widest possible range of                 The balance between carbohydrates and proteins is
  consumers [2]. Due to the highly competitive situation in             important for beer brewing using barley malt, as high
  the German beer market [3], the demand for new                        protein content reduces primarily the amount of
  products ensures that brewers experiment with still                   available carbohydrates [10].
  unknown or forgotten beer styles [1]. In accordance with                  Steiner et al. mention that proteins in the form of
  current trends, possible health benefits of beer as a                 enzymes - also in combination with other substances
  source of vitamins, minerals or antioxidants were                     such as polyphenols - affect the whole brewing process.
  investigated [4-6]. Furthermore, energy and raw material              Enzymes degrade starch, b-glucans, and proteins [10].
  savings in the production process are a strong driving                    Temperature levels, as well as variations of the
  force for all brewers to improve processes. However, the              retention time, do not only affect the duration of mashing
  Reinheitsgebot restricts openness to experiments in                   and the content of dissolved fermentable sugars, but also
  German breweries.                                                     the degree of fermentation, flavour and foam of the beer
      Against this background, archaeological discoveries               [12].
  associated with the production of the first beers are                     The quality of beer depends on several measurable
  gaining in importance. There is evidence that 5,000 years             parameters, which are based on the raw material and the
  ago beers were produced without heating the mash, i.e.                brewing conditions. These involve e.g. colour, clarity,
  in the cold mash process [7, 8, 9]. However, if this                  foam appearance, and flavour [13]. But to a large extend,
  brewing method has been used, very low alcohol                        the expression “quality” is defined by the individual
  concentrations of not more than 2 vol.-% must be                      consumers [14, 15].
  assumed [7].                                                              This study was performed to evaluate the effect of
      Mashing involves material conversion (water-soluble               cold mashing and multiple staged mashing procedures
  sugar is enzymatically produced out of starch) and                    on wort composition and the effect cold mashing would

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Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)                                     

   have on barley malt beer. Cold mashing is not common              2.5 Physical and chemical analyses
   and is only used by a few experimental microbreweries
   for the production of a few beer specialties. Malt and
                                                                     2.5.1 Weighing
   water are mixed without additional heating. Afterwards,
   wort (extract) and brewers grain are separated from each          For mass estimations, a precision scale type 3000 x 0.1g
   other. Resting or warming of partial mashes is                    digital balance from Tykee was used. The accuracy is +/-
   eliminated. After cold mashing and lautering, the                 0.1 g.
   resulting wort is boiled to kill germs like in the
   conventional process [16].
       From the results obtained, trends and correlations are        2.5.2 Temperature
   derived, which are intended to explain on the one hand
                                                                     For temperature estimations, a Pt1000 thermometer type
   the reactions and on the other hand to design cold-mash           GTH 175/PT from Giesinger was used. It has a
   processes. Finally, economic conclusions are drawn from           measurement range from -199.9 °C to +199.9 °C. The
   the technical parameters obtained
                                                                     accuracy is 0.1 °C.

                                                                     2.5.3 Sugar content
   2 Materials and methods
                                                                     For the estimation of the Brix units, a refraktometer type
                                                                     RHB-32SG from RZ was used. It has a measurement
   2.1 Raw materials
                                                                     range from 0 to 32. The accuracy is 0,2 %.
   The investigations of cold mashing were carried out with
   tap water supplied by Rheinenergie Köln, Germany.                 2.5.4 pH
       The malt employed for cold mashing was basic malt
   of the type Viennese malt (manufacturer Weyermann),               For the estimation of the pH an electode type SE 102 N
   which is made of summer barley. The kiln drying                   from Knick was used. It has a measurement range from
   process leads to a coloration of the malt between EBC             pH 0-14 at an accuracy of +/- 0,01. The temperature
   5.5 and EBC 6.5. The used malt consists of 66 wt.-%               range is -5 – 100 °C.
   carbohydrates, which contain 4 grams of sugar per 100
   grams of malt.
                                                                     2.5.5 Light microscopy
       Two malt grists from Weyermann were used as
   reference samples: Malt type 1 was Viennese malt (EBC:            The analysis took place in the lab of WESTO Hydraulik
   5,5 – 6,5), type 2 was Pilsen malt (EBC: 2,5 – 3,5). Both         GmbH, Pulheim. A light microscope Typ: MM-KKE-M-
   reference samples are offered as standard grain for               C-U from Hydac was used, which allows enlargements
   brewers without further specification.                            2,5:1, 4:1, 10:1, and 20:1.
       For the detection of complete sacharification of
   starch, an iodine test with iodine N 50 solution was
   employed.                                                         2.5.6 HPLC

                                                                     High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a
   2.2 Milling                                                       chromatographic technique employed               for the
                                                                     identification and quantification of the individual organic
   For milling, a cast iron malt mill with a capacity up to 30       components of a solution [10]. The estimation of the
   kg/hour from Victoria was used. The grinding gap can be           extract composition by HPLC took place at Pfeifer &
   adjusted infinitely with the help of different washers.           Langen Innovations Center in Elsdorf, Germany.
   Accordingly, the denotations refer to employed washer
   heigt, e.g. M 1,75 means a washer height of 1.75 mm.
                                                                     2.5.7 Particle size

   2.3 Mashing                                                       For the estimation of the particle size of the milled
                                                                     grains, a sieving machine type Vibro from Retsch was
   Mashing was done with a French press type Caffettiera             used. The sieve tower was equipped in accordance with
   French Press with a volume of 1 L from Bodum. The                 the current standard DIN 4188 (MEBAK).
   height was 175 mm, the inner diameter was 90 mm.
   Solid and liquid phase were separated by the filter
   element of the French Press with a mesh size of 0.5 mm.           3 Results
                                                                     Based on the theoretical background [16, 17], cold
   2.4 Test brew based on cold mashing                               mashes were prepared and analyzed. For this purpose,
                                                                     malt was used in various dry milled grain fractions.
   A mashing kettle type DRE 3000 P W00 from Saier with              Amongst others, milling conditions are supposed to have
   a volume of 30 L was used for the production of cold              a strong impact on wort quality [18]. Varied parameters
   mashed beer. For the subsequent lautering a bottom plate          in cold mashing were temperature, grain size of the malt,
   type Läuterboden 357 mm from Mattmill was used.                   mixing ratio of malt and water, mash time and various

Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)                                              

  multi-stage process variations. Investigated parameters                   3.2 Influence of the malt load on the extract
  were the concentration of dissolved extracts after                        concentration in cold mashing
  mashing, the compositions of the extractives, the pH of
  the mash and the qualitative detection of starch.                         The blue lines in Figure 2 mark all measurements in
      Malt load was varied between 0.15 and 0.025 g Malt /                  which 9 grams of self-milled malt were used as an
  gWater, as these values are typical of conventional                       extraction material. The green lines represent the use of
  brewing processes [19].                                                   6 grams of malt, the red lines are based on a mixture of 3
      Table 1 shows the performed investigations.                           grams of malt and 40 grams of water. 1.096
                                                                            measurements were performed to estimate the curve of
                       Table 1. Investigations.                             the extract concentation as a function of malt type and
                                                                            malt load (gmalt/gwater).
   Investigated                                         Analysis
                     Parameter          Aim
     material                                           methods
                                     Condition          Optical
    Malt grind      Milling gap
                                     of husks          evaluation
                                       size             Sieving
                                     distribu-          machine
                                                     (partially light
       Wort                                         Refractometer /
                    mixing ratio     concentra-
     (extract)                                        stop watch
                                                                            Fig. 2. Extract concentation as a function of malt type and malt
                     Tempera-                       Refractometer /         load (gmalt/gwater) at room temperature.
                       ture                          thermometer
                                          tion                                  At about 1.5-2 hours of mashing time, an optimum
                                        Extract                             concerning the extract concentration can be seen. In
                     Residence        composi-       HPLC and pH
                       time            tion and        electrode
                                                                            figure 3 a comparison between 2 and 6 hours of mashing
                                           pH                               time is depicted.
                                     Control of
                      Phases of                     Proof of starch
                                        of cold        Selected
    Self brewed
                                      mashing          brewing
                                       on beer        parameters

  3.1 Particle size analysis
  The particle size of several self-milled grains as well as
  two commercial grains was estimated. Type 1 stands for                    Fig. 3. Extract concentration after 2 and 6 hours mashing time
  Viennese malt, type 2 stands for Pilsen malt, s. figure 1.                at room temperature.

                                                                                It can be seen, that when the mash time increases, the
                                                                            influence of grain size on extract concentration
                                                                                M-1,75 was selected for further tests because M-1,5
                                                                            and M-1,25 did not exhibit a sufficient lautering

                                                                            3.3 Influence of the temperature on the extract
                                                                            concentration in cold mashing

                                                                            During the test series described above, the temperature
  Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of the self –milled malt grist         was in a range between 17.5 and 19.5 °C. In the next
  and the two commercial reference malt grists.                             stage of the study, it was examined to what extent
      The analysis shows that the self-milled malt grists M-                temperature fluctuations in the range between 11 and 26
  1.5, M-1.75 and M-2 show particle size ranges                             °C show a result-relevant influence on the achieved
  comparable to the commercial grist types 1 und 2.                         extract concentrations. Even if the temperature of the
                                                                            mash was never below 17 °C or above 20 °C during the

Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)                                           

   performance, the temperature range for the examination
   was increased in order to evaluate to what extent the
   temperatures in these areas influence the mashing
   process. For the following trials, malt type M-1,75 was
   used. A malt load of 0.15 gMalt/gWater - the mean value of
   the investigated malt load - was kept constant and the
   mashing temperature was varied. Figure 4 shows the

                                                                          Fig. 6. Influence of multistage processes on extract

                                                                              As can be seen, the increase in the number of process
                                                                          steps has a greater influence in the counterflow than in
                                                                          the crossflow mode. A four-staged counterflow mashing
                                                                          process is the preferred solution to achieve high extract

                                                                          3.6 Test brew based on cold mashing
   Fig. 4. Extract concentration as a function of cold mashing
   temperature.                                                           The generated cold-mashed beer meets the criteria of a
                                                                          light lager beer, s. table 2.
       No clear relation between cold mash temperature and                    The taste turns out to be very light and the hops
   extract concentration was detected.                                    dominate the end of the sip.
                                                                            Table 2. Characteristics of the generated cold-mashed beer.
   3.4 Extract       composition      in   single-stage        cold
   mashing                                                                                  Parameter                        Value
                                                                                 Extract concentration before rest          4.5 Brix
   Selected mash samples with a malt load of 0.15                                 Extract concentration after rest          6.0 Brix
   gMalt/gWater were examined chromatographically and the                        Extract concentration calculated           4.2 Brix
   composition of the extract phase was determined. The                            Energy savings compared to
   composition of the worts studied is shown in Figure 5.                              conventional mashing
                                                                                Relation of malt employed for cold
                                                                                mashing compared to conventional                 2.48
                                                                                          Original gravity                 6.8 °Plato
                                                                                       Brewhouse effciency                   28.8%
                                                                                           Final gravity                     56.6%
                                                                                              Alcohol                      2.4 wt.-%

                                                                          4 Discussion
                                                                          In the course of these studies, it was shown that small
                                                                          temperature fluctuations have no direct influence on the
                                                                          result of the cold mashing.
   Fig. 5. Extract composition in single-stage cold mashing.
                                                                              However, the selected particle size of the malt can be
       The composition of the respective worts shows                      seen in the discord between mashing and lautering
   increasing concentrations of maltose, glucose, and                     conditions. Accordingly, M-1,75 is chosen as the
   dextrins with increasing mash time.                                    preferred grain.
                                                                              Due to the measured time histories, an ideal mash
                                                                          time per mashing stage of 2 hours is determined. This
   3.5 Extract composition in multistage cold mashing                     also in line with the lautering time on industrial scale.
                                                                          For batchwise beer production, a matching of the two
   In addition to the single-stage procedures, investigations
                                                                          process step times is favourable.
   of the extraction behavior were carried out also in multi-
                                                                              The optimum mixing ratio of water and malt needs to
   stage crossflow and counterflow. Based on the single-
                                                                          be defined according to the specifications chosen
   stage studies described before, malt M-1,75 was used.
                                                                          individually. Considering the relatively smaller amount
   As can be seen in figure 2, mash times larger than 2
                                                                          of fermentable sugars in the generated wort and the
   hours do not contribute to a significant increase of the
                                                                          composition of the extract with a high proportion of
   extract concentration. Accordingly, a mash time of two
                                                                          short-chained carbohydrates, a reduced fermentation
   hours per stage was chosen. Figure 6 shows the results of
   the multistage investigations.

Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)                                      

  time compared to conventional brewing processes is                the required hop mass, which increases the cost-
  expected.                                                         effectiveness of cold mashing. Furthermore, beers
      Multi-stage processes involving four reaction stages          produced by cold mash are in the trend of alcohol-
  provide optimal results for a malt load of 0.175 g malt/g         reduced beers and thus calorie-reduced foods. This fact
  water in both cross current and the countercurrent mode.          can be used as the basis for a successful marketing of the
      By applying iodine tests, it was shown that the               product.
  extract dissolved in the wort does not contain any starch.            The approaches shown in this work can be carried
  However, the wort is clouded due to finely distributed            out without costly technical conversion of existing
  solid components. These are highly starchy, but they              brewery equipment. Thus, cold mashing is an
  could be saccharified by heating the wort. With regard to         opportunity for each brewery to expand the product
  the relationship between material conversion and transfer         portfolio, create a new type of beer and enrich the beer
  of substances during mashing, it could be shown that the          market.
  conversion of the substance is the decisive factor for
  increasing the extract concentration.
      In a final calculation of the energy and malt demand          References
  required for cold mashing, a comparison was drawn with            1.    Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V.: Zahl deutscher
  conventional mashing. It turned out that cold mashing                   Brauereien           wächst         weiter.       URL:
  can save up to 18.9% of the required energy, while the                  https://www.brauer-
  required malt mass increases by a minimum factor of 2.2       
  and a maximum factor of 5.2, see figure 7.                              SSID=021b103a29d753301d0da78b6e145d3a
                                                                          (accessed: 26.03.2020)
                                                                    2.    H. Dornbusch: Brauwelt 37-38 (2019)
                                                                    3.    P. Henrich: Bierabsatz in Deutschland bis 2019.
                                                                          (accessed: 26.03.2020)
                                                                    4.    L.C. Salanta et al., Processes 8 (2020)
                                                                    5.    S. Sohrabvandi, A.M. Mortazavian, K. Rezaei, Int.
                                                                          J. Food Prop. 15 (2012)
  Fig. 7. Influence of multistage processes on extract              6.    O.J.R. Neto et al., J. Funct. Foods 34 (2017)
  concentrations.                                                   7.    P. Damerow, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2
  5 Conclusion                                                      8.    M. Zarnkow, A. Otto, B. Einwag, Interdisciplinary
                                                                          investigations into the brewing technology of the
  From an economic point of view, the cold mashing                        ancient Near East and the potential of the cold
  process cannot be regarded as a substitute for                          mashing process (Berghahn Books, New York,
  conventional mashing, due to the greatly increased malt                 2011)
  requirement with only small energy savings. However,              9.    M. Zarnkow et al., Cold mashing process - a
  cold-mashed beer can play a role in the trend of new,                   technology possibly used in ancient times in the
  alternative beers. Thus, the material conversion and                    Orient. Brauwelt Int 5 (2006)
  material transfer processes at temperatures in the range          10.   E. Steiner, M. Gastl, T. Becker, Eur Food Res
  of 20 °C ensure that taste-slim and very light beers are                Technol 232 (2011)
  produced. As a result, cold-mashed beer can be
  developed as a new type of beer that stands out from              11.   T. Koljonen, J. Hämäläinen, and K. Sjöholm, J.
  conventional beers in terms of taste and production.                    Food Eng. 26 (1995)
      In order to work as efficiently as possible in the            12.   A. Juric et al., Inst. Brew. 121 (2015)
  production of cold-mashed beers, a multi-stage process            13.   M. Moir, Brewers’ Guardian 118 (1989)
  management is recommanded. Thus, for the 4-stage                  14.   M.A. Igyor et al., Process Biochemistry 36 (2001)
  countercurrent operation, with a loading of 0.175 g malt
  per g of water, an increase in the extract concentration of       15.   L. Salant et al., Bull. Univ. Agric. Sci. Vet. Med. 74
  more than 75% compared to the analogously performed                     (2017)
  single-stage method was determined. Also in cross                 16.   L. Narziß: Abriss der Bierbrauerei. 7th, updated and
  current operation, the yield can be increased compared to               extended edition (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005)
  the single-stage process.                                         17.   R. Schneid: Verfahrenstechnische Beeinflussungen
      The properties of the wort based on cold mashing                    des Maischens sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf den
  provide a number of possibilities to change conventional                Brauprozess und die Bierqualität. Dissertation (TU
  brewing processes even after mashing. Cold-mashed                       Berlin, Berlin, 2019)
  worts reduce boiling and fermentation times and reduce

Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
E3S Web of Conferences 247, 01036 (2021)         

   18. F. Pereira de Moura, T.A. Rocha dos Santos
       Beverages 4 (2018)
   19. W. Kunze: Technologie Brauer und Mälzer. 8th,
       updated edition (VLB, Berlin, 1998).

Cold mashing - Analysis and optimization of extraction processes at low temperatures in the brewing process - Analysis and optimization of ...
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