COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living

Page created by Brian Harper
COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
Live your
     to the fullest    Outdoor is where I thrive,
                       it’s where I choose to live my life.
                       This is my story. I am Roolf.

                       This story is about me-time. Yours.
                       It holds a promise of style, of comfort, beauty, freedom.
                       And it ends with… well, it never really ends.

                       Get ready to sit, chill and enjoy outdoor life on your own
                       terms: imagine an award-winning design that will have
                       you longing to lounge when and where you choose to.

                       It’s strong, it’s soft, it’s loose, it’s firm.
                       It’s made in Belgium.

02                                                                                  03
COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
“   Roolf-Living brings an elegant
                                                 and playful touch to your
                                                 space. We design and produce
     Designed by Christophe Harinck
                                                 products with a colorful, unique
     As a designer, I am in awe of objects       and sustainable texture to
     that bring a certain peace of mind.
     Simple, yet powerful. Designs that          spice up your outdoor and
     go one step beyond beauty and
     function and aim to conquer hearts
     and minds. Why not create a sense
                                                 indoor life. Our products are
     of joy, of longing? Those are the
     designs that I aim for.
                                                 your ticket to living your Roolf
     Having spent two decades refining           moments: they invite you to
     my craft, I am now proud of having
     taken it a step further. The Roolf          chill and socialize, where and
     Living indoor/outdoor collection of
     rugs and furniture adds a typical           how you want.
     Bo-Ho feel to high-quality, budget-
     friendly and eye-catching design
     meant to deliver instant happiness.
     Take your time. Own it. It’s yours.

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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
I love
                  the sun

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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
I float
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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
I dry
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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living

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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living

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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living

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COLLECTION 2021 - Roolf-Living
Indoor Outdoor

018                    019
1.   strong                                                    8.   buddies with the sun                                        14. urban space
                                                       Roolf outdoor furniture and fabrics are made of                Each and every item in the Roolf collec-                        We don’t all have a spacious garden to enjoy those
                                                       100% polyprop. They are meant to withstand the                 tion has been UV-treated, which means all                       happy Roolf-moments in. And that’s just fine. If
                                                       forces of nature.                                              those beautiful colours will keep their won-                    you’re the proud owner of a cosy patio or a wooden
                                                                                                                      derful appearance. Let the sun shine, la-                       deck, know that Roolf is the perfect fit for you as
                                                  2.   comfortable                                                    dies and gentlemen. (And in case you want                       well. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
                                                                                                                      extra protection, we’ve got it covered: just
                                                       You need to relax? Here’s your answer: the Dotty               ask for our handy UV-protector spray.)                      15. looks matter
                                                       Pouf, the Love Seat, the Sunbed… they have all been
                                                       designed with your comfort in mind. Firm? Yes. But        9.   lightweight                                                     Outdoor living is our kind of living. To us, it means let-
                                                       no hard edges, no steel frames. Only loads of soft-                                                                            ting things go. Take a seat, see what happens. The
                                                       ness. Let it go…                                               Had enough sun? Want to move to the shade, or vice              look of our lounge range reflects just that. Some call
                                                                                                                      versa? Just pick up your lounge set and go sit where            it vintage. Others call it bohemian. We call it cool.
                                                  3.   easy cleaning                                                  you want to. There’s nothing to it.                             Your rugs, chairs, seats, sunbeds… all come in many
                                                                                                                                                                                      colours and in many shapes. Together, they form
                                                       Outdoor lounge furniture is meant for chilling, not for   10. happy floater                                                    your own world of lounge. Prepare for a unique look
                                                                                                                                                                                      with many feels and embrace that special state of

      reasons why                                      hours of cleaning. The fabrics we use help you get
                                                       your priorities straight. Enjoy!                               Yes, the Dotty Pouf even floats. There’s a bit of mag-
                                                                                                                      ic to it. Just say abracadabra and go sit on water.
                                                                                                                                                                                      mind: chillax.

                                                                                                                                                                                  16. made in belgium
                                                  4.   outdoor = indoor
                                                                                                                 11. too stiff or not too stiff
      This outdoor rug & furniture collection          The Roolf rugs, chairs, seats… are equally perfect for                                                                         Flemish textile is world-renowned. This is a label we
      is made of our typical Roolf textile with        indoor use. Imagine them in your living room, by the           Do I feel too stiff? Solved in a jiffy! Just take out one       carry with pride.
                                                       fireplace, in the kids’ corner… Choose freely.                 or more of the high-quality UPS-granulate pads
      its unique look, its funky feel and
                                                                                                                      we’ve put in for that very reason: you’re the boss          17. red dot design award
      its distinctive technical assets.                                                                               when it comes to deciding how your pouf should feel.
                                                  5.   budget-friendly
      Want some good reasons                                                                                          Don’t throw the pads away, though. That way, you                This we also carry with pride: the Dotty Pouf has won
                                                                                                                      can put them back whenever you wish. (And you can               the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2018 for its
      why you’re about to                              We want to make sure everybody can enjoy the
                                                       pleasure of outdoor lounging. So we’ve made this               always buy a refill pack.)                                      original design. (
      make a smart choice?                             collection very affordable. (The look of exclusivity is
                                                       a free gift from us to you.)                              12. safety zipper
                                                  6.   unique texture                                                 Don’t want your kids or pets to accidentally open
                                                                                                                      your pouf? That makes two of us. So we’ve made                               Product videos
                                                       Whichever colour you choose – and we have many                 sure to equip them with a safety zipper. Impossible
                                                       – each of them is made up of at least 3 different              to open without a funky little keychain we’re happy                          Curious for more?
                                                       shades. Looking at your Roolf lounge set never gets            to provide you with.                                                         Scan the QR code to view
                                                       boring, we’ve made sure of that.                                                                                                            the product videos
                                                                                                                                                                                                   on your smartphone.
                                                                                                                 13. be your own architect
                                                  7.   dry quick
                                                                                                                      Release your inner artist and arrange your outdoor
                                                       All Roolf fabrics are permeable, which means rain or           lounge furniture any way you want. All models are
                                                       dewdrops pass right through. No puddles. No algae.             totally modular (what’s in a word?) So go ahead and
                                                       No moss. Dry pants.                                            combine them to your heart’s content.

020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       021
Dotty Round Pouf Ø 50                                                                                                                                   Dotty Round Pouf Ø 70

                                                              Ø 50 cm                                           Ø 70 cm

                                                          35 cm

                                                                                                        35 cm
                                                 Weight                        2,1 kg   Weight                            4,2 kg

White                                                                                                                                                                     Antracit

Antracit         Beige        Grey   Turquoise                     Navy Blue                         Beige                         Grey   Turquoise   Navy Blue         Pastel Blue

Pastel Blue      Terracotta   Lime   Peony                         Plum                          Terracotta                        Lime      Peony        Plum               White

022                                                                                                                                                                          023
Dotty Small                                                                                                                                                                  Dotty Medium

                                                                                                    75 cm

                                                                                            35 cm

                                                                                                              70 cm
                                                              75 cm

                                                      35 cm

                                                                                                                               35 cm
                                                                                                                      75 cm

                                             Weight                             4,6 kg   Weight                               5,4 kg

White                                                                                                                                                                                   Beige

Beige         Grey   Turquoise   Navy Blue                        Pastel Blue                          Grey                            Turquoise   Navy Blue   Pastel Blue          Terracotta

Terracotta    Lime   Peony       Plum                             Antracit                             Lime                               Peony        Plum         White             Antracit

024                                                                                                                                                                                     025
Dotty Club Corner Medium                                                                                                                                                               Dotty Extra Large
                                                                                                                75 cm
                                                                         75 cm

                                                                                                       35 cm

                                                                                                                           80 cm
                                                                 70 cm

                                                                                                                                            45 cm
                                                                                   35 cm
                                                                                                                                   75 cm

                                                        Weight                             8,7 kg   Weight                                 9,3 kg

Peony                                                                                                                                                                                              Turquoise

Turquoise        Navy Blue   Pastel Blue   Terracotta                            Lime                          Navy Blue                            Pastel Blue   Terracotta   Lime                   Peony

Grey             Plum        White         Antracit                              Beige                             Plum                                  White      Antracit   Beige                   Grey

026                                                                                                                                                                                                   027
Dotty Club Corner Extra Large                                                                                                                                          Dotty Bench
                                                                 75 cm

                                                                                                 70 cm               175 cm

                                                         80 cm

                                                                                                                                   40 cm
                                                                           45 cm
                                                Weight                               10,1 kg   Weight                         8,3 kg

Plum                                                                                                                                                                         Pastel Blue

Pastel Blue       Terracotta    Lime    Peony                            Navy Blue                      Terracotta                         Lime    Peony       Plum               White

White             Antracit      Beige   Grey                             Turquoise                        Antracit                         Beige    Grey   Turquoise         Navy Blue

028                                                                                                                                                                               029
Dotty Long Chair                                                                                                                                                                              Dotty Love Seat
                                                           70 cm

                                                   30 cm

                                                                                                            35 cm
                                                                    65 cm

                                                                                                                               80 cm
                                                                                                    35 cm

                                                                                                                                                45 cm
                                                                              200 cm                                 150 cm            75 cm

                                                           Weight                         14,4 kg           Weight                        17,3 kg

Terracotta                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lime

Lime               Peony   Plum        White                                Antracit                                  Peony                                 Plum       White      Antracit                  Beige

Beige              Grey    Turquoise   Navy Blue                            Pastel Blue                                 Grey                            Turquoise   Navy Blue   Pastel Blue             Terracotta

030                                                                                                                                                                                                          031
Dotty Big Roolf                                                                                                                                                                       Dotty Big Roolf XL

                                                                           140 cm      35 cm                                  210 cm   35 cm

                                                                  140 cm

                                                                                                                     140 cm
                                                         Weight                                10,8 kg   Weight                           20,7 kg

Peony                                                                                                                                                                                                  Plum

Plum              White       Antracit      Beige                                   Grey                              White                           Antracit        Beige    Grey                Turquoise

Turquoise         Navy Blue   Pastel Blue   Terracotta                              Lime                          Navy Blue                         Pastel Blue   Terracotta   Lime                   Peony

032                                                                                                                                                                                                   033
Dog Baskets

                              40 cm        65 cm

                                                   31 cm
      Dog basket S
             Weight                   3 kg                 Antracit   Grey   Turquoise   Peony

                          50 cm           75 cm

                                                   31 cm
      Dog basket M
             Weight                   3,6 kg               Antracit   Grey   Turquoise

                        60 cm            90 cm

                                                   31 cm
      Dog basket L
             Weight                   4,8 kg               Antracit   Grey   Turquoise

                      70 cm            106 cm

                                                   31 cm
      Dog basket XL
             Weight                   6,4 kg               Antracit   Grey   Turquoise

034                                                                                              035
Teak Tables

                                                    74,5 cm

                                                              74,5 cm
                           10 cm
      Table Small
              Weight                         9,5 kg                     Table Small

                                                              40 cm
                                            70 cm
                                   70 cm

                       35 cm
      Triangle Table
              Weight                          11 kg                     Triangle Table

                                           25 cm       25 cm

                                                              65 cm
                                           30 cm
      Side Table
              Weight                        2,5 kg                      Side Table

Roolf Carpets

                                                                            Rylander Turquoise    Rylander Taupe    Rylander Grey   Zulu Lime   Zulu Silver

                                                             230 cm
                                    180 cm
               160 cm

                                                    330 cm
                         280 cm
      230 cm

          Roolf Carpet            Roolf Carpet               Roolf Carpet      Harlequin Lime    Harlequin Brown   Harlequin Plum   Zulu Blue   Zulu Brown

038                                                                                                                                                 039
Brighton Grey   Brighton Turquoise   Summer Quai Turquoise   Ziggy Antracit/Beige   Ziggy Blue/Beige   Harper Grey   Harper Lime        Hudson Grey     Sienna Red    Sienna Plum

      Brighton Plum       Brighton Blue        Summer Quai Grey        Ziggy Red/Beige    Ziggy Lime/Beige   Harper Red    Harper Blue   Meridian Turquoise   Sienna Blue   Sienna Silver

040                                                                                                                                                                                 041
Round Carpets

                                           Brighton Blue        Brighton Grey   Zulu Lime    Zulu Silver       Summer Quai Grey

                             230 cm
         160 cm

      Round Carpet          Round Carpet   Brighton Plum   Brighton Turquoise   Zulu Blue   Zulu Brown     Summer Quai Turquoise

042                                                                                                                       043
Harper Blue   Harper Grey   Ziggy Antracit/Beige   Ziggy Blue/Beige   Hudson Grey

      Harper Lime   Harper Red        Ziggy Red/Beige    Ziggy Lime/Beige

044                                                                                       045
Roolf Premium Carpets

                                                                                     Ora Grey    Georgetown Taupe   Georgetown Beige   Georgetown Antracit

                                                                    240 cm
                                  200 cm

                160 cm

                                                        330 cm
                         290 cm
       230 cm

      Premium Carpet       Premium Carpet                        Premium Carpet   Ora Antracit       Laguna Beige       Laguna Grey        Laguna Antracit

046                                                                                                                                                  047
Contact us

The possible differences between the original colours and the captured colours are due to the printing technique. Roolf-Living reserves the right over the photographs and designs made,
          so it is forbidden to reproduce on any way and/or on any medium or support. Roolf-Living reserves the right to modify, in whole or in part, without prior notice, any information
                 or technical specification of this publication. All the information that appears in this catalogue in terms of dimensions and capacity are approximate and are susceptible
                                                                             to variations due to improvements in the production process. Copyright 2021/2022, Roolf-Living. All rights reserved
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