COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

All Campuses
COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022
CONTENTS                           PRINCIPAL’S

2    Principal’s Welcome           I am very pleased to welcome you
                                   as a Weston College student for
3    Key dates                     the academic year 2021.
5    Campus Maps
                                   As a college, we put significant effort into
11   Respect                       providing you with a dynamic and focussed
                                   set of learning experiences. The College
13   Ready to Learn                will always have the safety and wellbeing of
                                   learners and staff as our paramount concern
15   Code of Conduct               and indeed during the last academic year we
16   Safety and Security           became a national exemplar for the work we
                                   did in ensuring a safe learning environment
17   Equality and Diversity        despite the implications of COVID-19.

18   Safeguarding                  For this new academic year we will continue       ensure your safety and protection
                                   to follow government guidelines (and              while being opposed to any form of
19   Your Digital College          respond quickly to any changes in guidance)       discrimination. We hope that you,
                                   to ensure that the College environment            too, will share these inclusive values.
20 Welfare and Pastoral Support    remains safe as well as providing outstanding
                                   facilities, teaching and support for you to       This campus guide provides you with
23   Careers Advice and Guidance   achieve your course goals and have a great        important information which will
                                   time studying and building new friendship,        support you during your time with us
25   Additional Learning Support
                                   as you work towards your career aspirations.      and will also make you feel reassured
26   Library Plus                  This will be complemented by a whole range        about returning to a learning
                                   of opportunities to learn which will include in   environment following lockdown.
27   Outside of the Classroom      most cases face to face delivery but with the
                                                                                     Should you need any further
                                   option to move to a virtual delivery should
29   Induction Checklist           circumstances change. Irrespective, you
                                                                                     information please ask your personal
                                                                                     tutor or contact any member of
31   Useful Contacts               can be assured of brilliant and inspirational
                                                                                     Student Services who will be happy
                                   teaching matched with the expertise of our
                                                                                     to help.
                                   ‘Career Excellence Hubs’ which will provide
                                   you with unique opportunities to gain insight
                                   into careers alongside job ready skills.
                                                                                     May I take this opportunity to wish
                                   As a College, we ask that you commit time,        you an enjoyable and successful
                                   energy and effort to your studies in order to     year at Weston College.
                                   obtain the best possible achievements. We
                                   will continue to work hard to provide learning
                                   opportunities, environments and resources
                                   of the highest quality, to support your
                                   educational journey.
                                   Weston College is committed to the                Dr Paul Phillips CBE PhD. D.Lit Ed.D
                                   principles of safeguarding and equality and
                                   diversity, meaning we will do all we can to


COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022
KEY DATES 2021/2022

                                                             KEY DATES 2020/2021
    Start of term Monday     Monday 6th September 2021
    Half term                Monday 25th October, 2021
                             to Friday 29th October 2021
    End of term              Friday 17th December, 2021

    Start of term            Tuesday 4th January, 2022
    Half term                Monday 21st February, 2022
                             to Friday 25th February, 2022
    End of term              Thursday 8th April, 2022

    Start of term            Tuesday 26th April, 2022
    Half term                Monday 30th May, 2022
                             to Friday 3rd June 2022
    End of term              Friday 8th July, 2022

    A Level and Technical
    Results Day              TBC
    GCSE Results Day         TBC

    Safeguarding and
    Prevent                  September, 2021
    Wellfest                 11th-15th October 2021
    You Matter               Half-term 2
    D.A.R.E.S (Drugs,
    Alcohol, Relationships
    Equality, Sex)           6th-10th December 2021
    Digital You              Whole of term 3
    Community Collect        Whole of term 4
    My Futures Month         Whole of March
    National Careers
    and Apprenticeships
    Week                     7th-11th March 2022
    Include and Belong       Whole of term 5


COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

                                                                   LOXTON CAMPUS MAP
                 CURRICULUM SUBJECTS
                 • 6th Form
                 • Art & Design
                 • Creative & Digital
                 • Music
                 • Health Science
                 • Sport

                 SUPPORT SERVICES
                 • Student Services (Main Reception)
                 • Learning Support (1st Floor next to Bistro)
                 • LibraryPlus (First Floor)

                 • Bistro including Social Kitchen (1st Floor)
                 • Costa (Main Reception)
                 • Gym & Sports Hall (Health & Active Living
                 Skills Centre)
                 • 3G Sports Pitches
                 • Student Car Park

                 FIRST BUS SERVICES


COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

                                                                   SOUTH WEST SKILLS CAMPUS MAP
                        CURRICULUM SUBJECTS
                        • Brickwork and Construction
                        • Civil Engineering
                        • Electrical
                        • Engineering
                        • Motor Vehicle
                        • Pre-Employment
                        • Plumbing
                        • Traineeships

                        SUPPORT SERVICES
                        • Student Services (next to Bistro)
                        • Learning Support (Ground Floor)
                        • LibraryPlus (Ground Floor)

                        • Bistro/Social Kitchen (Ground Floor)
                        • Costa (Ground Floor)
                        • Student Car Park

                        FIRST BUS SERVICES
                        3, X1/X2, X5

                        BAKERS DOLPHIN SERVICES


COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        KNIGHTSTONE CAMPUS MAP
                                                                                                                                                                      CURRICULUM SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                                      • Access to Higher Education
                                                                                                                                                                      • Animal Science (split with Puxton Park)
                                                                                                                                                                      • Business & Travel
                                                                                                                                                                      • Computing
                                                 Lauriston Hotel                                                                                                      • Early Years
                                                    Car Park                                                                                                          • Foundation Learning

Knightstone Campus                                                                                                                                                    • Hair & Beauty
                                                                                                                       Knightstone Campus

Knightstone Road

Weston-super-Mare                                                                                                            Car Park                                 • Hospitality & Catering
BS23 2AL
                                   Kni                                                                                                                                • Performing & Production Arts                                                                                                                                                      • Public Services

                                               igh                                                                                                                    SUPPORT SERVICES
                                              Rd tston
                              de                       e
                           ara                                                                                                                                        • Student Services (Ground Floor)
                     Ro                                                                    h
                                                                                               Rd                                                                     • LibraryPlus (First Floor)
                                                                                        rc                                                                            • Learning Support (Third Floor)
                                                                                                                                                                      • Bistro including Social Kitchen (2nd Floor)
                                                                                                                                                                      • Starbucks (Arosfa Building)
                                                                                                                                                                      • Costa (2nd Floor)

                                                                                                                                                                      • Gym and Sports Hall (7th Floor)

                                                                                                                                                                      • 3G Sports Pitch (Grove Park)

                                                                                                                          Walking Route between Knightstone           • Conference Centre

                                                                                                                          and the Winter Gardens

                                                                                                                                                                      FIRST BUS SERVICES

                                                                                                                                                                      3, 5, 7, 20, 126, X1/X2, X5

                                                                                        Knightstone Campus Entrance                Winter Gardens Ballroom Entrance
                                                                                                                                                                      BAKERS DOLPHIN SERVICES
                                                                                        Law and Professional Services Academy      Winter Gardens Educa�on Entrance   All
                                                                                        3G pitch                                   The Florien�ne Bistro
                                                                                        Conference Centre                          The Winter Gardens
                                                                                        Knightstone Campus                         Lasseter’s Restaurant
                                                                                        Lauriston Hotel                            Deliveries

COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022
Our Values                                    Our Aims
Respect                                                                                            We will put the Learner first.
                                                                                                   We will be Entrepreneurial in approach
                                                                                                                                                 Aim 1: Provide a safe, supportive and
                                                                                                                                                 inclusive learning culture where learners
                                                                                                                                                 can thrive.
Weston College is a place of learning with a shared purpose of                                     and innovative in our thinking.
‘Creating brighter futures’. We aim to create a secure and welcoming                                                                             Aim 2: Meet the needs of employers,
                                                                                                   We will be Ambitious and aspirational.
                                                                                                                                                 the local economy and regional skills
environment for all members of our community. So that everyone can
                                                                                                   We will value Diversity and celebrate         shortages through a curriculum offer
enjoy learning to their full potential, Weston College expects all staff,                          success.                                      that puts employability at its centre.
students and visitors to maintain our culture of respect.
                                                                                                   We will Enable collaboration and work         Aim 3: Develop partnerships,
Yourself                       The environment                     The opportunity to learn        in partnership.                               collaborations and models of learning
• We make and support         • We are a safe place.             • We aim to achieve our full                                                 that increase opportunity for different
                                                                                                   We will be Responsive to the needs of
   healthy choices.            • We keep College property            potential.                                                                 groups of learners within their immediate
                                                                                                   individuals, business and the community.
• We ask for help when we        clean and tidy.                  • We attend punctually.                                                      locality.
   need it.                    • We aim to make all the           • We complete our work         We will provide a Safe and sustainable
                                                                                                                                                 Aim 4: Enable learners to succeed,
• We report and harassment       College accessible.                 on time.                     place to study and work.
                                                                                                                                                 progress and meet future challenges by
   or bullying.                • We support College               • We notify the College
                                                                                                   We will be LEADERS in our field and have       providing high quality teaching, learning
• We challenge                   policies.                           when we can’t attend.
   inappropriate behaviour.    • We dress properly.               • We switch mobile phones
                                                                                                   a reputation for excellence.                  and assessment.
• We contribute positively.   • We use technology                   off during lessons,                                                        Aim 5: Harness and use technology
• We tell people when            appropriately.                      meetings and whilst in the                                                 to support innovation in learning and
   they’ve got it right.
• We give constructive
                               • We eat and drink in
                                  designated areas.
                                                                                                   Our Mission                                   smarter, more efficient working practices.
   feedback when people get                                                                        ‘Creating brighter futures’ is the            Aim 6: Remain a financially robust,
   it wrong.                   Other people                                                        underpinning mission and purpose of           sustainable and resilient organisation that
• We accept help when         • We treat everyone fairly.                                        the Weston College Group. It is driven to     can continue to develop and invest in its
   we need it.                 • We listen to each other.                                         achieve this for all its learners and staff   facilities, infrastructure and workforce.
• We are ambitious for        • We celebrate our diversity.
                                                                                                   through the development of a learning
   ourselves.                  • We promote equality.
                                                                                                   and working culture that is inclusive,
                               • We are inclusive and friendly.
                                                                                                   aspirational and focused on assuring
                               • We think about the impact
                                                                                                   success and progression.
                                  of what we say and do.
                               • We offer help when we can.                                                                         
COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022

                 ROEADY N                                                                                 Y









                 T LEAR                                                                           T LEARN
                                            ul. Saf
                                                    e.                                                                 .           Safe.
                             Re s p e c t f
                                                                                                     y . R e s pectful
               R e a d y.                                                                       Read

                             I Will:                                                                         I Will:
                                                                                                   Arrive to lessons prepared to learn.

            Be friendly, inclusive and respectful to others in                                               Arrive on time.
           line with the Weston College RESPECT statements.
                                                                                           Switch my phone to silent and store it out of reach.
           Use language that is appropriate and respectful
                                                                                        Use my mobile device and other technology appropriately.
           Keep the college and learning environments clean
                                and tidy                                                                 Keep myself hydrated.

           Respect security and health and safety measures                                    Make an effort to plan and manage my time.
           including wearing college ID and produce it when
                              requested.                                                        Ask questions and purposefully engage.

           Adhere to college procedures including fire alarms                                  Commit fully to each task and apply effort.
                         and security barriers.
                                                                                             Discuss topics with peers and remain focussed.
            Give out the relevant faculty/department phone
           number to those who may need to make contact in                                   Communicate with the teacher when I am faced
               case of an emergency during lesson time.                                              with a barrier to learning.

                                                                                          Remain patient and quiet whilst others are talking and
                                                                                             allow others to speak without interruption.

                                                                                             Be friendly, inclusive and respectful to others.

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COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022
STUDENT BEHAVIOUR                                                                      SAFETY

                                                                                                                                                                                                  STUDENT BEHAVIOUR AND CONDUCT
     AND CONDUCT                                                                            AND SECURITY
     Weston College employs a                    You are reminded to adhere                 CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR                                  buildings. The warning signal for this is
     student behaviour policy                    strictly to the following at all           OWN OR ANOTHER’S SAFETY?                              either short sharp blasts on a whistle or
                                                 times:                                                                                           a tannoy announcement warning. If you
     that sets out our behaviour                                                                                                                  hear one of these alerts you must follow
                                                                                            Please report it as soon as possible to a
     expectations for learners and                                                                                                                instructions from a member of staff or
                                                 • Wear your ID badge at all times so       member of staff or do so by clicking here
     the approach that should be                 that you can be indentified as a College                                                         run to place of safety, hide in an office,
     adopted when these are not                                                                                                                   classroom, or workspace and lock or
     met. The policy aims to apply
                                                                                            COLLEGE ID CARD                                       barricade the door. Tell a member of staff
     restorative approaches rather               • Follow the rules about regular           As a student, you must wear your college              and the police.
                                                 handwashing and use the supplied hand      identity (ID) card at all times on campus.
     than punitive measures for                                                                                                                  • Alerts – the ‘whisper’ evacuation - bomb
                                                 sanitiser                                  Your ID card and lanyard will be provided               threat or suspect package - if a call is
     dealing with minor incidents                                                           at enrolment, enabling you to pass through              received, the Principal will order the
     or breaches of discipline.                  This guidance is subject to change         security gates. You will also need your ID              affected building to be evacuated. A staff
                                                 in accordance with the government          card to access technology and resources in              member will alert other staff and students
     We ask that all learners:                   guidance, as and when it is updated.       LibraryPlus.                                            to evacuate the building via a particular
                                                 Changes to processes and staff/learner                                                             staircase or exit route, to an alternative
     • Avoid any anti-social behaviour
                                                 expectations will be communicated to       If you have forgotten your card, report                 assembly point. Known as the ‘Whisper’
     • Are aware of their audience and respect   all, however it is expected the current    to reception and they will issue you with               evacuation the procedure is undertaken
     the whole college community                 approach is adhered to until such a time   a temporary card after confirming your                  quietly and in an orderly fashion
                                                 as informed otherwise.                     student status.                                      • Disciplinary action, in the form of a
     • Maintain a safe and positive online                                                                                                          gross misconduct charge, will be taken
     profile                                     Current approach is adhered to until
                                                                                            If you lose your ID card there is a £5                  against anyone maliciously starting a fire
                                                 such a time as informed otherwise.
                                                                                            replacement charge. Contact the College                 evacuation, whistle wave lockdown or
     • Adhere to all safety measures and                                                    Information Services team at the campus                 bomb evacuation
     security protocols                                                                     reception.
                                                                                                                                                 • First aid – if you or another student
                                                                                                                                                    becomes ill or has an accident while at
     Learners who fail to respond                                                           SECURITY PROCEDURES                                     College you should contact reception
     to the restorative approaches                                                          Weston College has a number of systems                  (dial 0 from any internal telephone). Ask
     and continue to disrupt                                                                and procedures in place to ensure safe and              for a first aider and detail where you are
     learning will be progressed                                                            secure campuses, including:                             and the nature of the problem
     to the disciplinary stages                                                             • Closed circuit television across each             • No smoking or vaping in College buildings
     reserved for serious and gross                                                            campus                                               or near main entrances – designated
     misconduct.                                                                            • Screening and searching – see the                    smoking areas are available at each campus
     This Policy can be found HERE                                                             College’s Student Safety and Disciplinary         • Hoods and caps – while on campus we
                                                                                               Policy for further details.                          ask all non-religious headwear is removed
     In order to keep everyone as safe as                                                   • Emergency evacuation procedures –                    for identification purposes
     possible, we will be operating a zero-                                                    familiarise yourself with the “fire action        • E-safety – for advice and guidance on
     tolerance approach towards behavioural                                                    procedure” and “assembly point” signs                e-safety, you can contact your personal
     safety and compliance with a continued                                                    and notices                                          tutor or a member of LibraryPlus
     focus on COVID-19 protection measures.                                                 • Fire alarms – if you hear a continuous            • Risk assessments – to ensure your
     Any learner found not to be following the                                                 ringing bell or see a flashing red light please      safety we ‘risk assess’ all College
     instructions and measures put in place,                                                   leave the building immediately and leave             buildings, spaces and activities, including
     will be asked to leave site and further                                                   personal belongings. If you have mobility            organised trips out of college. You will
     additional action may be taken.                                                           issues, wait at your nearest refuge point.           find a ‘generic’ risk assessment posted
                                                                                               ‘Whistle Wave’ lockdown for terrorist,               in each classroom and work space for
                                                                                               armed intruder or attacker – we operate              information. If you need more information
                                                                                               a ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ procedure in the event           on risk assessments please ask your tutor.
                                                                                               of an armed intruder accessing our

COLLEGE HANDBOOK All Campuses 2021/2022
EQUALITY                                                                                    SAFEGUARDING

                                                                                                                                          OUR CULTURE
     WHAT DOES IT MEAN?                             This means if someone is offended            Weston College is committed
     This means Weston College
                                                    by your behaviour(s), whether you            to safeguarding and promoting
                                                    intended it or not, and whether the
     welcomes all students, whatever                                                             the welfare of children, young
                                                    behaviour was aimed at them personally
     their circumstances. We believe that
                                                    or not, it may be considered harassment.     people and adults at Risk.
     everyone has the right to be treated
     fairly, with dignity and respect and we        Bullying is the persistent, intentional      We expect the whole college
     value and celebrate the diversity that         harming of another person with an            community to share this commitment
     everyone brings to the College.                unequal power relationship.                  including the aims of our Safeguarding
     We want Weston College to be a                                                              of Children and Adults at Risk Policy
                                                    Harassment and bullying may be verbal,
     place where you feel comfortable and                                                        and Procedure.
                                                    physical, emotional or non-verbal. This
     safe enough to be yourself and enjoy           includes, for example:
     learning. Our Equality and Diversity                                                        If you have a concern about your own
                                                    • Physical assault – kicking, hitting,      or another student’s wellbeing, safety
     Policy applies to every member of
                                                       punching etc.                             or rights you can talk to any member
     Weston College, including students,
     staff and visitors.                            • Verbal assault – insults, swearing,       of staff or ask to speak to a member
                                                       disrespectful language                    of the College.
     SPACE FOR PRAYER                               • Pornographic or other offensive pin-ups
     AND REFLECTION                                    displayed publicly or accessed through
     There are designated quiet rooms                  the internet or circulated via email      SAFEGUARDING TEAM
     available at each campus for prayer            • Jokes, gestures or graffiti that offend   While we cannot promise to keep
     and reflection.                                   others                                    confidentiality we will support you
     Ask at the campus reception or                 • Intimidation – use of written, spoken     to find solutions to your issues and
     LibraryPlus for further details.                  or physical threat to influence the       concerns within the agreed local
                                                       behaviour of another (this includes use   policies and procedures.
     HARASSMENT                                        of text messages or entries on social
     AND BULLYING                                      sites, i.e. Facebook)
     We take a zero tolerance approach to           • Offensive clothing, e.g. swastikas on
     harassment and bullying which means               jackets or caps.                          How to contact a College
     anyone proven responsible for unlawful                                                      Safeguarding Officer:
                                                    Harassment and bullying must be
     discrimination, harassment or bullying                                                      Call 01934 411464
                                                    reported. If you see it, or experience it,
     can be asked to leave the College                                                           (365 days a year, 24 hours a day)
                                                    please report it to your Personal Tutor
                                                                                                 or email
     Harassment can be related to age,              or a member of the Student Welfare
     disability, gender identity, marital status,   and Pastoral Support Services Team.
     pregnancy or maternity, ethnicity,
     race, religion or belief, sex or sexual
     orientation. It is legally defined as:
     “Unwanted conduct which has the
     purpose or effect of:
     • Violating the other person’s dignity;
     • Creating an intimidating, hostile,
        degrading, humiliating or offensive

YOUR DIGITAL COLLEGE:                                                                       WELFARE AND

                                                                                                                                                                           STUDENT SERVICES
     GET CONNECTED!                                                                              PASTORAL SUPPORT
     Use of technology is essential to            • Using Microsoft Teams as our main           WELFARE AND PASTORAL
     your learning and required for                  application for communication,              SUPPORT                                        KNIGHTSTONE CAMPUS
     accessing online resources and                  assignments and digital learning
                                                                                                 Weston College Welfare provides a
     activities for your course. Owning              content, all accessible via the Microsoft
                                                                                                 confidential non-judgemental service for       FOR MORE INFORMATION
     a device suitable for learning                  Teams app desktop and mobile devices
                                                                                                 all students at all campuses daily.            CLICK HERE OR CONTACT:
     and working is beneficial to your               (on Windows, Andriod and Apple)
     progression and career, from
                                                  • Free downloads for the Microsoft            WELFARE                                        KNIGHTSTONE CAMPUS
     connecting with employers to
                                                     Office software (Word, Excel,
     continuing your development as a                                                            Welfare Officers offer the opportunity to      Dianne Forster
                                                     PowerPoint and more) for the duration
     life-long learner.                                                                          access information, advice and support         07976 794915
                                                     of your course                                                                             Microsoft Teams
                                                                                                 with a wide range of issues which
     Studying at Weston College will              • Free ‘Eduroam’ WiFi services across all     could impact on your learning including        @DianneForster
     include aspects of what we call                 campuses for personal devices               emotional health/mental health, course/        Emma Craig/Kate Clark
     ‘blended learning’. This means your                                                         college concerns, homelessness, finance,       07580 857694
     course will use a mix of digital content     • Bookable access to our IT facilities
                                                                                                 drug/alcohol concerns and attendance.          Microsoft Teams
     and activities, including video-based           in LibraryPlus centres, including PCs,
                                                                                                 Support, guidance and referrals are also       @EmmaCraig @KateClarke
     learning, interactive learning tools,           Macs and self-issue laptops (for on
                                                                                                 available with health issues including
     digital projects, problem solving and           campus use)
                                                                                                 sexual health, healthy eating and more.
     more! Most importantly, we want you                                                                                                        LOXTON CAMPUS
                                                  • Learners with an approved bursary
     to remain connected with your teacher,                                                      Drop into our Student Services available       Denise Garfield
                                                     may be able to apply for an IT bursary,
     our support teams and other students                                                        at all campuses or book an appointment         07748 494253
                                                     providing a contribution towards cost
     on your course. Your digital experience                                                     on the contact details below. You can          Microsoft Teams
                                                     of a device from our named supplier
     at Weston College will therefore require                                                    also message through Microsoft Teams,          @DeniseGarfield
                                                     (subject to assessment)
     access to technology. We recommend                                                          email or text.
                                                                                                                                                Siobhan Wardle
     that learners consider owning a device       • Device access referrals for learners who
                                                                                                                                                07891 618053
     that is suitable for College work. This         are unable to access technology as a        COUNSELLING                                    Microsoft Teams
     is a good investment not just for your          result of digital poverty (speak to your
                                                                                                 Counselling offers an opportunity to           @SiobhanWardle
     course at Weston College, but also for          tutor)
                                                                                                 talk in a private and relaxed setting
     your future:
                                                  • Device discount schemes from Dell and        with someone who plays no other role
                                                                                                                                                SOUTH WEST SKILLS CAMPUS
     • Your employability – online job           Apple available from the Weston College        in your life. Counselling could help you
                                                  Student Zone homepage.                         with relationship difficulties, self-esteem,   Heidi Milner
        applications, video interviews, digital
                                                                                                 personal loss, decision making and             07747 842976
        portfolios and networking                 We will continue to keep you updated           moving on.                                     Microsoft Teams
     • Opportunities in Higher Education         on new technology services and                                                                @HeidiMilner
        – research, independent study and         developments as we head toward an              To find out how to book a counselling
                                                                                                                                                Victoria Rackliff
        extended projects                         exciting academic year.                        appointment please contact one of your
                                                                                                                                                07976 768098
                                                                                                 campus Welfare Officers or visit your
                                                                                                                                                Microsoft Teams
     • Work-based learning – Remote/             STUDENTS DISCOUNTS!                            campus’ Student Services hub.
        mobile working in the workplace for
        apprentices and work placements           As learners and teachers across the            If you have any concerns or are worried
                                                  country get ready to return to schools,        about a friend, we are here to help.
     We understand that not everyone is able      colleges and universities, many
     to buy a device or may have unreliable       technology retailers are also offering
     access to the Internet. Weston College is    competitive discounts for learners.
     inclusive and is committed to supporting     Learners with a NUS ‘Totum’ card can
     learners. As part of the Weston College      also access a range of discounts on
     community, we want you to remain             technology.
     connected. This support includes:


                                                                                                                                                                                            STUDENT SERVICES
                                                                                                   OF SUPPORT
     Optimising the health and happiness of the whole College community by placing                 As a Weston College learner you will also have access to two innovative and nationally
     wellbeing, connectivity and accessibility at the heart of all we do through.                  reconised wellbeing programmes.
     Wellbeing@Weston encompasses all the various high-quality support services that help
     you develop positive wellbeing and navigate the challenges we all face on a daily basis. In
     addition to these services, you will benefit from:
     • Wellbeing@Weston packages built into your programme of study that will be built
     around where you are in your learner journey
     • Comprehensive sharepoint site that is full of resources, guides and support to help you
     manage your wellbeing
     • Campus wellbeing activity timetables in addition to a digital health and fitness
     • Opportunity to achieve a digital wellbeing badge that will give learners the opportunity
     to achieve an accredited award championed by Public Health and England
                                                                                                   An innovative programme of online             Togetherall is a clinically managed
     • Plus much more                                                                              support and resources to help learners        24/7, digital, anonymous mental health
                                                                                                   develop an individsualised toolkit of         support community. Togetherall gives
     To find out more about Wellbeing@Weston, including accessing the fantastic support and
                                                                                                   strategies to devlop postiive wellbeing.      provides you with a confidential and
     initiatives, please click here
                                                                                                                                                 safe way to share feelings, connect with
                                                                                                   Click here to access this fantastic           others and understand mental health
                                                                                                   resources that was created by Weston          better.
                                                                                                   College wellbeing specialists in
                                                                                                   partnership with other organisations.         Click here to access Togetherall. As
                                                                                                                                                 a college learner you will be able to
                                                                                                                                                 register for free to access together by
                                                                                                                                                 using your college email.


                                                                                        STUDENT SERVICES
     The College’s careers and
                                                 FOR MORE INFORMATION:
     advice team offer learners
     support and guidance on                     Be sure to check out the Careers
     careers, employability and                  Advice Team’s Sharepoint site for
     UCAS through a range of group               lots of useful resources and video
                                                 tutorials, as well as their monthly
     tutorials and 1:1s, to support              webinars on topics like student
     you through the processes of                finance and more.
     deciding what your next steps
     will be.                                    You can find a full breakdown of the
                                                 College’s careers programme on our
     The Careers Advice Team work with           website.
     your curriculum area to ensure you are      To book an appointment CLICK HERE
     provided with a wide range of resources,    or contact the team on the below
     activities and visits so you leave          details:
     Weston College with the right skills
     and experience to succeed within your
                                                 Microsoft Teams
     chosen career or education pathway.
     They coordinate our very own careers
     and employability festival, CareersFest,
     where every year we invite over 50
     employers, universities and other
     organisations from all over the country
     to make you aware of all the options
     that are open to you.

     In addition to this, all college learners
     receive a comprehensive careers tutorial
     programme, as well as the opportunity
     to participate in our college careers
     month in March - My Future Month.

LEARNING                                                                                     LIBRARY

                                                                                                                                                                               LEARNING SUPPORT
     SUPPORT                                                                                      PLUS
     Whilst studying here with us                   learning needs                                LibraryPlus is our vibrant
                                                                                                                                              You can access all our online
     at Weston College we have                     • Support you to develop strategies to        central learning hub located                resources by visiting the
     a team ready to support                          use in the classroom, workshop and at       at each Weston College                      ‘LibraryPlus Online’ homepage.
     and help you achieve your                        work placements                             campus. Get to know your
     goals and aspirations. The                    • Promote and empower your                    campus LibraryPlus team who                 LibraryPlus:
     Learning Support team are                                                                    can help you explore the full               01934 411 493
                                                   • Review the support you receive on
     dedicated, highly qualified and                                                              range of services, resources      
                                                      a regular basis
     experienced and will work with                                                               and support available.
                                                   • Attend Education Health Care Plan
     you and your tutors to identify                  (EHCP) meetings and reviews                 • Our LibraryPlus learning hubs offer
     the support you require.                         (if applicable)                                a great place to learn and work,
                                                   • Support your achievement, progression          including:
     We provide support to over 1,300
     students every year at each campus.              and celebrate your successes.               • A dedicated LibraryPlus team to help
     We have a wide range of support                                                                 and support you during your time at
                                                   For more information or to arrange                the college
     options available from our team
                                                   an initial chat, please contact the
     of support workers and specialist                                                            • Spacious access to computers for
                                                   Learning Support Campus Co-ordinator
     practitioners, such as:                                                                         digital learning and working
                                                   on your site:
                                                                                                  • Advanced booking of computers and
     • Classroom and workshop support
                                                                                                     technology via our online self-service
     • Specialist Mentoring                                                                         systems
     • Study skills and assignment support                          KNIGHTSTONE CAMPUS:          • A large catalogue of loanable books
     • Behaviour management                                         LUCY BOWMAN                     and eBooks
     • Assistive and digital Technology                        • Online resources for video-based
                                                                     07973 917361                    learning, online journals and more
     • Communication support
     • Diagnostic assessments                                                                    • Comfortable collaborative working
                                                                     SOUTH WEST SKILLS               areas
     • Exam Access Arrangements                                     CAMPUS:
                                                                                                  • A wide range of one-to-one support
     • Resources and Equipment support.                             HILARY MARSH
                                                                                                  • Secure charging lockers for personal
     So that we can provide this support                             07891 227532
     we will:                                                                                     • Help with technology and accessing
     • Make arrangements to support you as                                                          digital resources
                                                                     LOXTON CAMPUS:
        you get ready to learn in at our College                                                  • Dedicated Higher Education study
                                                                     SANDRA SOMERS                   support
     • Meet with you to discuss your needs
     • Put support in place to enable you
                                                              • Microsoft Office guidance and access
                                                                     07891 618009                    to certification opportunities.
        to access the opportunities you
        require to achieve your aspirations
     • Liaise on a regular basis with teaching
        staff to share the relevant information
        and provide updates regarding your


                                                                                                                                                SUPPORT SERVICES
     Enrichment is an important part of your College life and something
     we actively encourage.                                                                         WESTON
     Enrichment activities enable you to develop new hobbies and interests by getting involved
     with activities and other students outside of your study programme.
                                                                                                    Weston Sport recognises the
     A wide range of activities and sports are offered throughout the week and across the           abilities and efforts of our top
     College sites. If there is something that you would like to do that we don’t currently offer   athletes and aims to support
     please come and tell us and we will see what can be done.                                      them to achieve their potential.
                                                                                                    As a student at Weston College, you will
                                                                                                    have the opportunity to combine your
                                                                                                    academic studies with high-level sporting
                                                                                                    provision, which will allow you to fully
                                                                                                    immerse yourself as a student-athlete.

     STUDENTS’ UNION                                                                                Weston Sport prides itself on its
                                                                                                    athlete-centred approach, which will
                                                                                                    enable you to develop your sporting
     The Students’ Union is here for                 The students’ union is run by students for
                                                     the students and is responsible for:           performance, in a professionally
     you, when you enrol at college
                                                     • Student representation across all sites     structured environment.
     you are automatically a member,                    and study programmes
     all students whether part time,                 • Social activities                           Additionally, athletes will get access to
     full time or apprenticeships are                • Campaigns                                   our outstanding sports facilities which
     members of the Union.                           • Charity activities
                                                                                                    include a Sport England specification
                                                     • Trips.
     There is an executive team of students that                                                    sports hall, FA and World Rugby
     are elected every year to represent your        Our values:                                    approved 3G artificial pitch and
     views and opinions and offer you the best                                                      performance gym.
                                                     The Students’ Union exists to make your
     college experience possible. The team is
                                                     lives as students better. One of the key
     made up of a President, Vice President,
                                                     ways we work to do this is to ensure
     Secretary and Campus Officers for each
                                                     that your voice is heard on your course.       KEY CONTACT:
     campus. This ensures all students voices
                                                     We believe that students should be             Academy manager:
     are heard across all of our campuses.
                                                     active partners in their learning while        Jack Gadd
     The Students’ Union is also a member
                                                     at the College, and we work closely  
     of the National Union of Students (NUS),
                                                     with departments and faculties to make
     this means you are entitled to purchase
                                                     changes that will benefit students.
     a Totum card (previously known as the
                                                     If you want to get involved with the
     NUS Extra card) at a cost of £12.
                                                     Students’ Union, let us know:
     This gives you access to hundreds of  
     discounts at restaurants, shops and
     experiences to make your life whilst
     at College even better.


                                                                                                USEFUL CONTACTS
     The below are a number of activities that       6. Visited the Student Zone on the
     you will need to have completed within          College sharepoint
     the first few weeks of the academic year.       7. Locate your campus’ Student
     For any help with the below, please ask         Services Hub
     your personal tutor:                            8. Read the College’s student
                                                     behaviour policy and click that you
     1. Sign your digital learner agreement          have done so on ProPortal
     2. Logged on to ProPortal                       9. Complete the online safeguarding
     3. Complete your medical details                and PREVENT modules on Moodle,
     questionnaire                                   which is accessible via the Student
     4. If under 18 made sure your parent            Zone
     contacts are accurate and that you have         10. If you need to travel by bus,
     returned your parent permission slip for        purchase your college bus pass from
     trips and work experience to your faculty       the online College shop.
     5. Downloaded the Microsoft Teams app
     onto your phone and other devices

     A reminder that alongside Microsoft Teams, your Weston College email address will be our
     main way of keeping in contact with you. You can easily link this to your personal email
     account such as Gmail, Hotmail or others.

     Click below for instructions on how to do so.





                                                                                        USEFUL CONTACTS
     Activities and sports		            01934 411 622
     College Admissions 		              01934 411481
     Careers Advice 		                  01934 411415
     College switchboard 		             01934 411 411
     Learning support 		                01934 411 558
     LibraryPlus 		                     01934 411 493
     LibraryPlus Text to Renew 		       07860 023 339
     Student bursaries 		               01934 411 571
     Student clubs and societies        01934 411 383
     English and maths 		               01934 411545
     Examinations 		                    01934 411 467
     Safeguarding 		                    01934 411 464

     Advanced Engineering and Computing           Inclusive Practice
     01934 411 194                                01934 411 697 • 07773 969 344   

     Apprenticeships and Traineeships             Professional Studies, Access to HE,
     01934 411 594                                Animal Science, Public Services     01934 411 567 • 07910 686 628
     Building Automotive and Civil
     Engineering                                  Service Sectors
     01934 411 792                                01934 421 250  

     Creative Arts                                Sixth Form
     01934 411 669                                01934 411 666   

                                                  Sport and Health Science
                                                  01934 421 251

Knightstone Campus
Knightstone Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 2AL
01934 411 411

Loxton Campus
Loxton Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 4QU
01934 411 600

South West Skills Campus
Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8NL
01934 411 411

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