Columbia Development Tracker - August 2, 2021 - Columbia ...

Page created by Rhonda Moreno
Columbia Development Tracker - August 2, 2021 - Columbia ...
    Development Tracker
                                 August 2, 2021

The Columbia Development Tracker incorporates projects or development
proposals going through their entitlement and/or planning review process. The
tracker is composed of four separate sections, which are listed below in order of

   1.   Upcoming development related public meetings
   2.   Previous development related public meetings and decisions
   3.   Newly submitted development plans
   4.   Previously submitted development proposals and decisions/status

This monthly report is produced by CA’s Office of Planning and Community Affairs with information
compiled from Howard County Government
Columbia Development Tracker - August 2, 2021 - Columbia ...
Upcoming Development Public Meetings

                  Special Note: Temporary Modifications to Development Tracker

In response to the Covid-19 virus, Howard County planning and development meetings transitioned to a
virtual format with computer and phone-based call in options. The procedures and registration
requirements of these virtual meetings vary by meeting type. When virtual meetings are held the
development tracker will attempt to reflect procedures for attending such meetings.

Developers may now host virtual pre-submission community meetings subject to approval of their
proposed accommodations through the waiver petition process. Material presented during these
meetings is required to be posted online for at least two weeks after the meeting and accommodate
community comments on those materials. The CA development tracker will note when pre-submission
community meetings are being held but will not track the WP submissions associated with these
Columbia Development Tracker - August 2, 2021 - Columbia ...
Upcoming Development Public Meetings
                                                                                                             Stage in the
                                                                Meeting Date, Time, and                                            CA Staff
                   Project                        Village                                  Meeting Type     Development
                                                                       Location                                                Recommendation
                                                                                                           Review Process
BA 781-D – AGS Borrower, Lakeview LLC          Owen Brown     8/23/2021; 6;30 pm          Board of        Appeal of PB and   CA OPCA staff
Appeal of Planning Board decision letter                                                  Appeals         HE decisions       testified in the
dated 1/25/21 denial of SDP-20-042 and                        WebEx Hearing – register                                       original Planning
Hearing Examiner denial on 5/27/21.                           and view online                                                Board and Hearing
Lakeview Retail located at 9841 & 9861                                                                                       Examiner cases
Broken Land Parkway is a proposed infill                                                                                     opposing design
retail/commercial development with drive-                                                                                    elements of the site
through.                                                                                                                     plan and
                                                                                                                             conditions of
                                                                                                                             CA OPCA staff will
                                                                                                                             testify at the BOA.
Non-public School at Beth Shalom               Near          8/30/2021; 6 pm              Presubmission   Community         No action
A proposal to house a non-public school        Hickory Ridge Beth Shalom Congregation     Community       meeting prior to  recommended
within the Beth Shalom facility located at                   8070 Harriett Tubman Lane    Meeting         submission of any
8070 Harriet Tubman Lane.                                    Columbia MD                                  plans
Southlake Office Building                      Columbia       8/31/21; 6 pm               Presubmission   Community         CA planning staff will
The applicant (HRD) is proposing a medical     Non-village,                               Community       meeting prior to  attend
office building to be constructed on the       Downtown       Slayton House               Meeting         submission of any
lower parking lot next to the Whole Foods      Lakefront      1400 Cross Fox Lane                         plans
building and Lake Kittamaqundi in              Core           Columbia, MD 21044
Downtown Columbia.                             Neighborhood
Columbia Development Tracker - August 2, 2021 - Columbia ...
Previous Development Related Meetings and Decisions
                                                                                                                    Stage in the           CA Staff
         Project              Village      Meeting Date, Time, and Location   Meeting Type       Decision          Development         Recommendation
                                                                                                                  Review Process
Scott Property              Near River   7/21/2021; 7 pm                      Design         DAP provided        The DAP is part of    CA planning staff
The owner of property at Hill                                                 Advisory       recommendations     the conditional       submitted
6479 & 6485 S. Trotter Rd                Held as virtual meeting              Panel          for site plan       use review            comments to DAP
is proposing to build 25                                                                     improvements.       process. DAP          requesting robust
age restricted units and a                                                                   DAP voted to        recommendations       sidewalk
clubhouse on two lots                                                                        request the         will be part of the   infrastructure to
totaling 9.75 acres with an                                                                  applicant make      record to be          serve school aged
existing single family                                                                       revisions and       considered by the     children in the
home. Age-restricted                                                                         resubmit the plan   Hearing               area and several
development is permitted                                                                     for a second        Examiner.             comments related
as a conditional use for                                                                     review.                                   to storm water
the property’s zoning.                                                                                                                 management.

Trotter Estates             Near River   7/22/2021; 6 pm                      Presubmission Not a decision-      Community         No action
A development proposal      Hill                                              Community     making meeting       meeting prior to recommended.
for four single-family                   Claret Hall                          Meeting                            submission of any
detached homes on 3.78                   6020 Daybreak Circle                                                    plans
acres lot consisting of two              Clarksville, MD 21029
existing SFD homes
located at 5808 Trotter
Newly Submitted Development Plans
ECP-22-005, Southlake Office Building                        Project Description:
                                                             The applicant (HRD) is proposing a
Columbia Non-village, Downtown Lakefront Core Neighborhood
                                                             medical office building to be
                                                             constructed on the lower parking lot
                                                             next to the Whole Foods building and
                                                             Lake Kittamaqundi in Downtown

                                                             Submitted: 7/23/2021

                                                             Zoning: New Town, NT

                                                             Decision/Status: Under review

                                                             Next Steps: Technical review and
                                                             decision by Department of Planning
                                                             and Zoning

                                                             CA Staff Recommendation: No action
                                                             recommended - The applicant will
                                                             need to meet current environmental
                                                             design standards as determined by the
                                                             Development Engineering Division.

WP-22-001, Huntington Park                                   Project Description:
                                                             Howard County Parks and Rec is
Kings Contrivance
                                                             proposing changes to site amenities at
                                                             Huntington Park. As no Site
                                                             Development Plan previously existed
                                                             for this site, they are seeking an
                                                             alternative compliance request to the
                                                             SDP process given that there is no
                                                             change in use. The Board of Education
                                                             is transferring this property to the
                                                             County Department of Parks and Rec.

                                                             Submitted: 7/8/2021

                                                             Zoning: New Town, NT

                                                             Decision/Status: Under review

                                                             Next Steps: Technical review and
                                                             decision by Department of Planning
                                                             and Zoning

                                                             CA Staff Recommendation: No action
Newly Submitted Development Plans
ECP-21-047, Lee Property                      Project Description:
                                              The owner of property at 5405 Trotter
Near River Hill
                                              Road submitted an Environmental
                                              Concept Plan associated with
                                              construction of 2 SFD homes on a
                                              1.004 acre lot with 1 existing SFD

                                              Submitted: 7/20/2021

                                              Zoning: R-20

                                              Decision/Status: Under review

                                              Next Steps: Technical review and
                                              decision by Department of Planning
                                              and Zoning

                                              CA Staff Recommendation: No action
                                              recommended - The applicant will
                                              need to meet current design
                                              standards as determined by the
                                              Development Engineering Division.

WP-22-002, Pines at Dickinson                 Project Description: An alternative
                                              compliance request was submitted
Kings Contrivance
                                              proposing to replace a failing timber
                                              retaining wall necessary to provide
                                              structural support for the residential
                                              building with a new counter sunk
                                              metal box culvert in a perennial
                                              stream channel

                                              Submitted: 6/30/2021

                                              Zoning: New Town, NT

                                              Decision/Status: Under review

                                              Next Steps: Review of plans by DPZ

                                              CA Staff Recommendation: CA staff is
                                              working with the owners on the
                                              stream and retaining wall issues.

Columbia Development Tracker (August 2021)                                                                                                                                                       Last Updated 7/29/2021
This is the monthly status summary of previously proposed development and redevelopment projects in Columbia.
Previous Development Proposals and Decisions
                                                                                                                                                            Stage in the Development
                           Latest Submission
Project                                        Project Description                                 Village         Zoning   Decision/Status                 Review Process / Next           CA Staff Recommendation
                           or Meeting Date
                                               An SDP was submitted for an environmental trail
                                               connecting the Cedar Creek development to the
                                               Robinson Nature Center. This project is a
SDP-19-025                 11/21/2018,         community enhancement and a condition of
                                                                                                                                                                                            No action recommended –
Cedar Creek Bridge and     2/28/2019,          approval for CEF-R associated with the adjacent                              Technically complete
                                                                                               Near River Hill &                                                                            development is consistent with
Trail                      5/28/2019,          Cedar Creek residential development on Grace                      NT         11/17/2020 - To be scheduled    Technical review by staff
                                                                                               Hickory Ridge                                                                                concept plan approved as part
                           1/6/2020,           Drive.                                                                       before Planning Board                                           of CEF-R zoning change.
WP-20-094 (3/13/2020)      9/10/2020
                                               Alternative Compliance Request is for additional
                                               time for developer to address DPZ review
                                               comments. (Approved)
                                               The owner of property at 7600 Grace Drive                                    Final signature on hold until   Final signature on hold until   No action recommended –
SDP-20-055                                     submitted a site development plan for 55 single                              SDP-19-025 is approved by PB    SDP-19-025 is approved by       development is consistent with
                           7/30/2020                                                            Near River Hill    CEF-R
Cedar Creek Phase 2                            family detached homes which are part of a larger                             and DA for SDP-19-025 is        PB and DA for SDP-19-025 is     concept plan approved as part
                                               development proposal at this site.                                           executed.                       executed.                       of CEF-R zoning change.
                                               The owners of property at 9265 Berger Road are                                                                                               No action recommended - The
                                                                                                   Near Columbia                                            Technical review and
SDP-20-077,                8/11/2020,          proposing demolishing the two existing buildings                             Technically Complete                                            project is consistent with
                                                                                                   non-village & M-1                                        decision by Department of
Columbia EZ Storage        1/5/2021            on the rear of the site and constructing one new                             2/23/2021                                                       permitted uses and surrounding
                                                                                                   Owen Brown                                               Planning and Zoning
                                               storage facility.                                                                                                                            area.
                                               A final plan was submitted in order to record
F-21-004                   8/11/2020           easements related to construction of the new        Oakland Mills   NT       Under Review                    Review and recordation          No action recommended
                                               Talbott Springs Elementary School.
                                               A final plan was submitted in association with an
                          10/22/2020,                                                                                                                       Review and decision by
                                               82 unit 1 over 2 townhome proposal at the           Near
F-21-023, Dorsey Overlook 3/30/2021,                                                                               R-Apt    Under Review                    Department of Planning and No action recommended
                                               northeast quadrant of the intersection of MD 108    Dorsey’s Search
                          7/19/2021                                                                                                                         Zoning
                                               and Columbia Road.
                                               A site development plan was submitted for 82                                                                 Review for compliance with
SDP-20-074,                                    unit development of 1 over 2 townhomes at the       Near                                                     regulations and decision by
                           4/20/2021,                                                                              R-Apt    Under Review                                                No Action Recommended
Dorsey Overlook                                northeast quadrant of the intersection of MD 108    Dorsey’s Search                                          Department of Planning and
                           7/19/2021                                                                                                                        Zoning
                                               and Columbia Road.

                                               A proposed re-development of an existing                                                                                                  No action recommended. This
                                                                                                                                                                                         project involves a land swap
                                               affordable housing townhome community
                                                                                                                                                                                         and easements on CA open
                           2/23/2021,          located at the southeast quadrant of Trumpeter      Village of Wilde                                         Review by DPZ staff prior to
SDP-21-030, Roslyn Rise                                                                                             NT      Under Review                                                 space lands. CA real estate
                           5/13/2021           Rd and Twin Rivers Rd with two apartment            Lake                                                     Planning Board
                                                                                                                                                                                         service division has coordinated
                                               buildings consisting of 153 units with a mix of                                                                                           CA comments and input for this
                                               market rate and affordable units.                                                                                                         project.

                                               A site development plan was submitted for
                                               renovations and an addition to the mathematics
                                                                                                                                                                                            No action recommended –
SDP-21-028, Mathematic     2/17/2021,          and athletics complex on the Howard Community Columbia Non-                  Technically Complete
                                                                                                           POR                                              Review by DPZ                   Project is consistent with the
and Athletics Complex      3/30/2021           College Campus including a new building,       village                       5/27/2021
                                                                                                                                                                                            existing use
                                               stormwater management and reconstruction of
                                               the parking lot.
Columbia Development Tracker (August 2021)                                                                                                                                                 Last Updated 7/29/2021
This is the monthly status summary of previously proposed development and redevelopment projects in Columbia.
Previous Development Proposals and Decisions
                                                                                                                                                          Stage in the Development
                           Latest Submission
Project                                        Project Description                                Village           Zoning   Decision/Status              Review Process / Next       CA Staff Recommendation
                           or Meeting Date
                                               A final subdivision plan was submitted for a
                                                                                                  Columbia Non-              Technically complete
F-21-041, Connell Property 2/11/2021           property located at 9245 Berger Road. More                           M-1                                   Review and recordation      No action recommended
                                                                                                  village                    4/15/2021
                                               information is pending.
                                               The owner of property at 9454 Volmerhausen Rd
                                                                                                                                                                                     No action recommended
SDP-21-035,                                    submitted a site development plan associated       Near Kings
                           3/30/2021                                                                                R-SC     Approved (Signed) 7/6/2021   Review and decision by DPZ –proposal is consistent with the
Huntington Point                               with the development of 8 single family detached   Contrivance
                                                                                                                                                                                     zoning and surrounding area.
                                               homes on 2.02 acres.
                                               A site development plan was submitted for a
SDP-21-029,                3/25/2021,          property located at 5796 Waterloo Rd proposing     Columbia Non-
                                                                                                                    R-20     Submit Revised               Review by DPZ               No action recommended
Muslim Family Center       6/30/2021           construction of a concrete parking lot and ADA     village
                                               A final plan was submitted for two single family
                                                                                                                                                                                      No action recommended
F-21-046,                  3/18/2021,          detached homes on a property located at 5669       Columbia Non-
                                                                                                                R-20         Under Review                 Review and recordation      –proposal is consistent with the
Sapariya Property          6/29/21             Trotter Road with an existing single family        village
                                                                                                                                                                                      zoning and surrounding area.
                                               detached home.
                                               A site development plan was submitted for six                                                                                          No action recommended
SDP-21-032,                3/4/2021,                                                              Near Columbia              Technically Complete
                                               single family detached homes on a 2.74 acre                      R-12                                      Review by DPZ               –proposal is consistent with the
Brickley Mills             5/18/2021                                                              Non-village                June 29, 2021
                                               property located at 7440 Oakland Mills Rd.                                                                                             zoning and surrounding area.

                                               The owner of property at 5972 Trotter Road                                                                                             No action recommended - The
                                                                                                                                                                                      applicant will need to meet
                                               submitted an environmental concept plan                                                                    Technical review and
ECP-21-034,                4/27/2021,                                                                                                                                                 current design standards as
                                               associated with the subdivision of a 1 acre        Near River Hill   R-20     Under Review                 decision by Department of
Yali Li Property           7/20/2021                                                                                                                                                  determined by the
                                               property with an existing home to build two                                                                Planning and Zoning
                                                                                                                                                                                      Development Engineering
                                               single-family dwellings.                                                                                                               Division.
                                               The owner of property at 5668 Trotter Rd                                                                                               No action recommended - The
                                                                                                                                                                                      applicant will need to meet
                           4/27/2021,          submitted an environmental concept plan                                                                    Technical review and
ECP-21-045,                                                                                                                                                                           current design standards as
                           6/28/21,            associated with two proposed single family         Near River Hill   R-20     Under Review                 decision by Department of
Wynne Property                                                                                                                                                                        determined by the
                           7/29/2021           dwelling units on 1.07 acres of land with an                                                               Planning and Zoning
                                                                                                                                                                                      Development Engineering
                                               existing single family dwelling.                                                                                                       Division.
                                               An alternative compliance request was submitted
                                               for several regulations associated with wetlands,
WP-21-120 & 115,                               streams and forest cover. This is a stream
Plumtree Branch/Dunloggin 4/20/2021            restoration project sponsored by the Howard       Dorsey’s Search R-20        Under Review                 Review by DPZ               No action recommended
MS                                             County Office of Community Sustainability that,
                                               by its very nature, requires alternative
                                               compliance to such regulations.
                                                                                                                                                                                      No action recommended –
SDP-21-052,                                    The owner of property at 7815 Oakland Mills Rd     Columbia, Non-                                                                      proposal is consistent with the
                           6/30/2021                                                                             NT          Under Review                 Review of plans by DPZ
Stonewood 5 Storage                            is proposing 1 self-storage building.              village                                                                             permitted use and surrounding
Columbia Development Tracker (August 2021)                                                                                                                                                 Last Updated 7/29/2021
This is the monthly status summary of previously proposed development and redevelopment projects in Columbia.
Previous Development Proposals and Decisions
                                                                                                                                                          Stage in the Development
                           Latest Submission
Project                                        Project Description                                 Village         Zoning   Decision/Status               Review Process / Next       CA Staff Recommendation
                           or Meeting Date
                                               The owner of property at 10446 Owen Brown Rd
                                               submitted a final subdivision plan for 3 single
                                               family detached homes on 1.81 acres consisting                                                                                         No action recommended –
                           6/30/2021                                                                                                                                                  proposal is consistent with the
F-19-077, Pope Property                        of 1 existing SFD home.
                                                                                                   Near Hickory                                                                       permitted use and surrounding
                                                                                                                   R-20     Under Review                  Review of plans by DPZ
                           7/15/21                                                                 Ridge                                                                              area; there are no sidewalks to
WP-22-007                                      An alternative compliance request associated                                                                                           connect to on either side of this
                                               with provision of sidewalk and street lights when                                                                                      property.
                                               the owner owns land on only one side of the

                                                                                                                                                                                     No action recommended – This
                                                                                                                                                                                     area of Long Reach predates
                                                                                                                                                                                     stream buffer regulations. The
                                               A homeowner at 5456 Wild Lilac submitted an                                                                                           majority of homes are located
WP-21-142                  6/22/2021           alternative compliance request to construct a       Long Reach      NT       Under Review                  Review and decision by DPZ within the buffer area and most
                                               rear yard deck within the stream buffer area.                                                                                         neighbors enjoy similar deck
                                                                                                                                                                                     structures, therefore, it is
                                                                                                                                                                                     reasonable for this owner to
                                                                                                                                                                                     seek a waiver for this purpose.

                                               The owner of property at 7942 Harriett Tubman
                                               Lane submitted a plat of revision to amend the
F-21-078,                                                                                          Near
                           6/29/2021           use-in-common access easement and amend the                         R-20     Approved (Signed) 7/27/2021   Review and recordation      No action recommended
Bell Property                                                                                      Hickory Ridge
                                               front build restriction line for Lot 2 for a
                                               previously recorded plat.
                                               The owner of property at 6205 Waterloo Road
                                               submitted an alternative compliance request
WP-21-137,                                                                                         Near
                           6/17/2021           related to compliance with future right-of-way                      R-SC     Under Review                  Review and decision by DPZ No action recommended
Badart Subdivision                                                                                 Long Reach
                                               dedication/front yard setbacks for an existing
                                               building (Est. 1938).
                                                                                                                                                                                      No action recommended - The
                                               The owner of property at Lot 48-A S 3 Lockridge                                                                                        applicant will need to meet
                                                                                                                                                          Technical review and
ECP-21-049,                                    Rd submitted an Environmental Concept Plan       Near                                                                                  current design standards as
                           6/17/2021                                                                               R-20     Submit Revised                decision by Department of
Patel Property                                 associated with construction of 1 SFD home on an Hickory Ridge                                                                         determined by the
                                                                                                                                                          Planning and Zoning
                                               undeveloped 1 acre lot                                                                                                                 Development Engineering
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