Page created by Darryl Shelton
A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE HOBART MUNICIPALITY                                          Independently owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd                     JULY 2020

    From left, Grace Holliday and Chloe Moore have been sewing ISO cuddle bears to give to people living with a disability.

          FULL STORY PAGE 4

Tasman Private Hospital
                                                                                                                                               PLANS by national           Petering said the
                                                                                                                                               short stay hospital spe-    company had lodged
                                                                                                                                               cialist Nexus Hospitals     a new Development
                                                                                                                                               to develop a private-       Application with the
                                                                                                                                               ly-funded $55 million       Hobart City Council in

and Medical Centre
                                                                                                                                               medical facility in New     April after significant
                                                                                                                                               Town Road have been         consultation with coun-
                                                                                                                                               formally advertised.        cil officers and nearby
                                                                                                                                                    Nexus chief execu-     residents.
                                                                                                                                               tive officer Andrew              “While the
                                                                                                                                                               STORY CONTINUES PAGE 2

                                                                                                                              Help end the
                                                                                                                              pain of poverty
                                                                                                                              DONATE TODAY TO VINNIES WINTER APPEAL BY
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2 Hobart Observer July 2020

 Community News

$55 million Tasman Private Hospital
and Medical Centre update

Artist impressions of the proposed private hospital and medical centre.

      FROMT FRONT PAGE                These changes                  • Public and staff                    at upper levels and                buildings.                      pathology, health support               “We believe the
amended design retains            include:                             carparking for 236 ve-              break it up into smaller             The “shovel ready”            services and conference             development has broad
the purpose and function          • Increased building                 hicles within two fully             elements that enhance           project is a joint venture         and research facilities.            support from the local
of the original develop-            setbacks from residen-             enclosed basement                   compatibility with the          between Nexus Hospitals                 Mr Petering said in            medical profession and
ment, we have made                  tial boundaries with               parking levels.                     surrounding streets-            and the Contact Group,             its communication with              the growing southern
substantial alterations             the building stepping            • Redesign of the                     cape.                           a Tasmanian fami-                  the medical profession in           Tasmanian community.”
and improvements in line            further back as it                 building facades to              • Improved public ac-              ly-owned construction              Hobart, Nexus had been                  Mr Petering said
with feedback received,”            increases in height.               reduce the visual bulk             cessibility and amenity          business, and is expected          advised that this “one              there would not be an
he said.                                                                                                  from New Town Road.              to create 180 jobs during          stop shop” approach was             emergency department
                                                                                                                                           construction.                      both best practice and              so ambulance and other
                                                                                                        • Increased landscap-
                                                                                                                                                Comprising an acute           vital for Hobart to keep            after hours traffic would
                                                                                                          ing, especially to the
                                                                                                                                           surgical hospital with six         up with national health             be minimal or non-exist-
                                                                                                          boundaries of the ad-

                                                      Elise                                                                                operating theatres and a           trends.                             ent and there would be

                                                                                                          jacent residential zone,
                                                                                                                                           24 bed overnight ward                   “We have worked                no after-hours admis-
                                                                                                          including provision of
                                                                                                                                           for in-patient care, Tas-          closely with doctors and            sions.
                                                                                                          established large trees
                                                                                                                                           man Private Hospital and           nurses to design a facility             The hospital is
                                                                                                          to provide amenity and
                                                                                                                                           Medical Centre will be             that will be world class            expected to employ
                                                                                                          a buffer to residential
                                                                                                                                           co-located with related            in delivering the highest           more than 130 staff,
                                             Your local Liberal Member for Clark                                                           health service providers,          possible care and con-              with further employment
                                                                                                        • Reduced overshadow-                                                 venience for patients,”             opportunities within the
                                                                                                                                           including general prac-
                                                                                                          ing and visual impact                                               he said.                            medical hub.
                                                                                                                                           tice, pharmacy, radiology,
                                                       If you need support or                             for adjacent residential

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                                                                                                              SPECIAL JULY FEATURES                                                                       JUST A LITTLE
  The Hobart Observer is your community monthly newspaper reaching 24,888
  homes and businesses, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month.
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                                                                                                                                                                       PAGE 8 - 9
                                                                                                                                                                       PAGE 11
  ADVERTISING:                      Louise Langdon      6210 5201                                                                                                                                         DEADLINES FOR
                                                                                                             REGULAR MONTHLY FEATURES
                                                                                                            •     HEALTH & LIFESTYLE                                   Page 12 - 13
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AUGUST 2020
  EDITORIAL:                        Connor Munnings     6210 5212                                           •     TRADES, SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS:                      Page 14                             Editorial/Advertising:
                                                                   •     SPORT:                                               Page 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Friday 24 July
  Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd
  Printed by the Mercury newspaper
                                                                                                            AUGUST FEAUTRE: DENTAL HEALTH                                                                 Press Ready Material:
   A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W                                                                                           Monday 3 August
       Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis.
Hobart Observer July 2020 3

 Community News

Juicy donations help
those doing it tough
HOBART City Mission’s
Emergency Relief food
program received a
welcome boost with
Tasmanian beverage
company Juicy Isle Bev-
erages donating close to
$50,000 worth of juice
     The 25,000 bottles
of juice will be handed
out to people doing
it tough in southern
Tasmania as part of
the Emergency Relief
program, which provides
food packs of pantry
staples and other do-
nated goods to people
struggling to make ends
     Juicy Isle state sales
manager Michael Francis
said the decision to
donate was made given
the way the communi-
ty had come together
through the COVID-19
     “Juicy Isle is Tasma-
nian and we employ
Tasmanians,” he said.
     “We source our
Hartz spring water, our
berries and apples from
local Tasmania suppliers
and growers and we
have loyal local custom-
ers and consumers who
support us.
     “Donating 25,000
bottles of our juice
products to support
those community
members who are doing
                                From left, Hobart City Mission chief executive officer John Stubley and Juicy Isle state manager Michael Francis.
it tough at the moment
was an easy choice to           really tough.
make.                                 “It’s something out                                                                                  Advertisement

                                                                          Andrew Wilkie
     “If ever there is a        of the ordinary that can
time for Tasmanians to          brighten someone’s day.”
support each other it’s               Mr Stubley said
now, and Juicy Isle is          they had seen a lot of
pleased we are able to          support from businesses
jump on board.”                 and the community over
     Hobart City Mission
chief executive officer
                                the last few months,
                                including Ashgrove
                                                                          YOUR INDEPENDENT IN CANBERRA
John Stubley said the

                                                                          Want to get in touch with Andrew?
                                Milk who committed
juice bottles were an           to provide fresh milk
exciting alternative to         to Hobart’s homeless
the normal food packs
                                                                          3 Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861
                                population through the
that were distributed           Safe Space program.
through the Emergency                 “It’s really easy to
Relief program.                 become disconnect-                        3 Email
     “It is nice to hand        ed from community,
out a treat which is            society, family and                       3 Ask for a virtual meeting
more than pure suste-           friends, which is the
nance, something to             situation with a lot of
make it a little bit more
pleasant to sit down
                                people who are sleeping
                                rough,” he said.
                                                                         “My job is to represent and help the people of Clark which
to have a meal and a
drink,” he said.
                                      “They feel the world
                                has left them behind, no
                                                                          includes Hobart, Glenorchy and Taroona. Feel free to get
     “It’s really easy for us
to take for granted hav-
                                one cares about them,
                                so these little luxuries in
                                                                               in touch to speak with me or one of my staff.”
                                                                                                                         *Weather permitting
ing a cup of coffee or a

                                                                                                                                                                     Andrew Wilkie MP
                                life shows and reminds
bottle of orange juice, so      them that someone
to have something like
this is really special for
                                does really care about
                                them and their plight, so
                                                                                                                                       Independent Member for Clark
someone who is doing it         it’s really quite special.”                                                                                            Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000
4 Hobart Observer July 2020

 Community News

Comfort bears for people
with disabilities in ISO
                                                                                                                          Funding boost for
                                                   and later made plans for
                                                   the ISO bears project
                                                   via ZOOM.
                                                       They donated the
                                                   materials for the bears
                                                                                            part of Li-Ve Tasmania’s
                                                                                            program for siblings of
                                                                                            children with disabilities,
                                                                                            as her younger brother
                                                                                            Lochie was supported
                                                                                                                          artists and creatives
                                                   themselves.                              by Li-Ve Tasmania.
                                                       “It’s been a hard time                   Lochie was still
                                                   for people and I wanted                  isolating because of his
                                                   to do something to                       disability and health
                                                   help,” Grace said.                       conditions.
                                                       “I thought of the ISO                    “I was really excited
                                                   cuddle bears because                     when Grace asked me
Grace Holliday making the                          my siblings and I have                   to help sew bears,”
ISO bears.                                         special toys that we use                 Chloe said.
         FROM FRONT PAGE                           for comfort when we’re                       “We’ve been isolated
GRACE Holliday and                                 feeling sad or anxious                   at home for a long time
Chloe Moore have used                              about COVID-19.”                         to protect Lochie and
their time in isolation to                             Each handmade bear                   losing his routine has
sew ISO cuddle bears                               had a canvas belly and                   made it really hard for
to give to people living                           came with a fabric mark-                 him to sleep.
with disability who are                            er so it could be named                      “I’m hoping the
still isolating because                            or personalised.                         bears will bring com-
they’re at increased risk                              The bears also                       fort for other people
from COVID-19.                                     came with an adoption                    struggling with things
      Eleven-year-old                              certificate and a special                like that.
Grace and 12-year-old                              message from the two                         “It’s been great to
Chloe met through sew-                             friends.                                 keep busy by doing
ing lessons at Frangipani                              Chloe attended                       something positive and I
Fabrics in North Hobart                            the sewing lessons as                    love sewing.”
                                                                                                Chloe and Grace
                                                                                            have made 30 bears
  ADVERTISEMENT                                                                             so far and are planning
                                                                                            about what they can           From left, Minister for the Arts and local Liberal Member for Clark Elise Archer, with Van Dieman’s Band members Julia
                                                                                            make next.                    Fredersdorff, Jennifer Owen, Martin, Penicka and William Nebwery.
                                                                                                The bears are
                                                                                            available free to any         MORE than 70 Tasma-              forward $2 million of               Development Round’.                   wellbeing for Tasmanians
                                                                                            household with a person       nian artists and creative        previously announced                     Prior to the COV-                – an essential element
                                                                                            supported by Li-Ve            organisations will share         funding to assist the               ID-19 pandemic, the                   both during and post the
                                                                                            Tasmania as part of the       in more than $1.5 mil-           individuals and organisa-           cultural and creative                 COVID-19 pandemic,”
                                                                                            organisation’s COV-           lion in State Government         tions within Tasmania’s             sector contributed $179               Ms Archer said.
                                                                                            ID-19 Boredom Buster          funding through its arts,        renowned cultural and               million to the Tasmanian                   “The cultural and
                                                                                            Bags project.                 screen and music funds.          creative sector,” she said.         economy, and directly                 creative industries are a
                                                                                                “Chloe and Grace               Among those that                The new $1.5 million            employed more than                    vital part of our way of
                                                                                            have driven this project      received funding for the         funding package includ-             5000 Tasmanians.                      life in Tasmania and our
                                                                                            themselves and made a         first stage of the Cultural      ed an ‘Arts and Screen                   “More importantly,               Government is commit-
                                                                                            genuine difference for        and Creative Industries          Digital Production Fund’,           our cultural and creative             ted to preserving and
     GREENS SENATOR                                                                         the people we support,”       Stimulus Package was             a ‘Tasmanian Contem-                industries are a cru-                 supporting the sector
                                                                                                                          the Van Diemen’s Band.           porary Music Fund’ and              cial facilitator of social            so we emerge an even
     PETER WHISH-WILSON                                                                     Li-Ve Tasmania chief
                                                                                                                               The Van Diemen’s            an ‘Additional Screen               and mental health and                 stronger creative state.”
                                                                                            executive officer Darren

      YOUR VOICE                                                                            Mathewson said.               Band received $36,000
                                                                                                “COVID-19 has             in funding for a new
                                                                                            brought some big              music project tilted

      IN THE SENATE                                                                         challenges, but great
                                                                                            things can happen when
                                                                                                                          ‘The Song of the Birds’
                                                                                                                          in collaboration with
                                                                                                                          the Youth Chorale of                        Sign up now and you may
                                                                                            people respond with
   PHONE 03 6331 0033
      @SenatorSurfer
                                                                                            kindness and creativity.”
                                                                                                Li-Ve Tasmania has
                                                                                                                          the Tasmanian Youth
                                                                                                                          Orchestra and screen
                                                                                                                          technology manufacturer
                                                                                                                                                                     be eligible for the $45,000
                                                                                            been providing genuine,
                                                                                            person-centred support
                                                                                            to people living with
                                                                                                                          Ignite Digi.
                                                                                                                               Van Diemen’s Band
                                                                                                                                                                         Home Builder grant.
   Authorised by Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Australian Greens,                             disability in Tasmania for    founder Julia Freders-
   37 George St TAS 7250
                                                                                            almost 70 years.              dorff said the funding
                                                                                                                          was a huge boost for the
                                                                                                                               “It’s very hard to be
                                                                                                                          creative when you don’t
                                                                                                                          know the next time
                                                                                                                          you’ll perform is going to
                                                                                                                          be,” she said.
                                                                                                                               “We are so grateful
                                                                                                                          to the State Government
                                                                                                                          and Arts Minister Elise
                                                                                                                          Archer for providing this
                                                                                                                          important stimulus to a
                                                                                                                          sector that has been hit
                                                                  Independent Member for Nelson                           hard by the pandemic.”
                                                                                                                               Minister for the Arts
                                                                                                                          and local Liberal Mem-
                                                                                                                          ber for Clark Elise Arch-
             My office is open and I am here to help the                                                                  er said the funds would
                                                                                                                          assist the state’s cultural
             community. Please contact me on 6212 2290                                                                    and creative industries
                                                                                                                          through the challenging
             or                                                                            times faced as a result of
                                                                                                                          the COVID-19 pan-
                                                                                                                               “I am delighted that
                                                                                                                          we are now delivering               Make sure your dream home is built by a Master Builder
                                                                    Authorised by Meg Webb, Parliament House, Hobart.     the new funding of $1.5             Find out more by contacting Master Builders Tasmania or visit
                                                                                                                          million and bringing
Hobart Observer July 2020 5

Community News

                                                           Hydro Tasmania
                                                           dresses community
From left, Senator Eric Abetz and Alderman Simon
Behrakis inspect the site at Athleen Avenue to be funded
from the City’s 2019/20 Roads to Recover grant funds.
                                                           for success
Roads to
for Hobart
LOCAL road mainte-            improve roads under
nance in the City of          their jurisdiction is a
Hobart will receive a         big part of that.”
funding boost under               “I’m pleased that
the Federal Liberal           the Government has
Government’s Roads            been able to increase
to Recovery Program.          the allocation for the
    Local Liberal Sen-        Roads to Recovery
ator Eric Abetz said          Program nationwide
$3,425,600 would              and the residents of         From left, Dress for Success manager Amanda French and Hydro Tasmania engagement program manager Sarah Metcalf.
be allocated between          Hobart will be the
                                                           HYDRO Tasmania has            which aims to empower              “We hope to be able       difficult period where        munity Grant Program
2019/20 to 2023/24            beneficiaries of more
                                                           stepped up to support         disadvantaged women           to deliver four work-          people are struggling         and the new COVID-19
to allow Hobart               than $3 million over
                                                           the community through         to achieve economic           shops to begin with,           mentally, but also to find    Community Grants will
Council to progress a         the next four years,”
                                                           the economic and social       independence by pro-          but the content in those       jobs and keep them-           help to keep Tasmanians
number of high-priori-        Senator Abetz said.
                                                           impacts of COVID-19           viding professional attire,   workshops would then           selves afloat,” she said.     not only safe, but united
ty projects, using local          The Australian
                                                           with its annual Commu-        and training through a        be used to deliver many             Hydro Tasmania           with a sense of hope for
knowledge to deliver          Government will
                                                           nity Grant Program as         number of workshops.          more workshops in years        chief executive officer       their future.”
the best local roads.         provide more than
                                                           well as a new series of           “Dress for Success        to come,” she said.            Steve Davy said the               Other grant recip-
    “The Federal Gov-         $190 million to 332
                                                           COVID-19 Community            was only established No-           The workshops will        business aimed to make        ients included Edge
ernment is committed          local government
                                                           Grants.                       vember last year, so this     involve training and           life better for every         Radio 99.3FM radio
to getting Australians        authorities nationwide
                                                                This year’s Commu-       grant is going to help get    confidence building for        Tasmanian.                    show ‘Now That’s What I
home sooner and               for safer and better
                                                           nity Grant Program was        our career workshops          interviews, help with               “When we launched        Call Science’, Ulverstone
safer, no matter where        maintained roads.
                                                           Hydro Tasmania’s largest      up and running,” Dress        preparing CVs, work-           the fourth year of our        Surf Life Saving Club,
they live,” he said.              The Government
                                                           round yet, with up to         for Success manager           place presentation, and        Community Grant Pro-          Sheffield Shield Associa-
    “We are investing         has committed an ad-
                                                           $5000 provided to 11          Amanda French.                skill development.             gram, obviously none of       tion, Teach for Australia,
in infrastructure right       ditional $100 million
                                                           recipients, all of them           “These workshops               Hydro Tasmania            us could have predicted       Derwent Valley SES,
across the country to         per year to the Roads
                                                           either small community        will be delivered both        engagement program             what 2020 would be            Southern Tasmanian
lay the foundations           to Recovery Program
                                                           or volunteer groups and       online and face-to-face       manager Sarah Metcalf          like, so we announced         Axemen’s Association,
for economic recov-           from 2019–20, as
                                                           not-for-profit organ-         so we can meet the            said the grants provided       a new one-off round of        Kentish Regional Clinic,
ery on the other side         part of the Local and
                                                           isations active across        needs of all people in        a number of benefits to        COVID-19 Community            North West Wood-
of the COVID-19               State Government
                                                           Tasmania.                     our community.”               not-for-profits.               Grants to provide addi-       craft Guild, Waverly
pandemic.                     Road Safety Package
                                                                Among those receiv-          Ms French said she             “We want to help          tional support,” he said.     School Association, and
    “Helping local            announced in the
                                                           ing a grant was Hobart        was over the moon to          Tassie move forward and             “Our wish is that        Resource Work Coop-
councils maintain and         2019–20 Budget.
                                                           based Dress for Success,      receive the grant.            try to get over this really    both our annual Com-          erative.
6 Hobart Observer July 2020

 Community News

                                                           Paving the pathway to
 makes a comeback, so
 too has the City of Ho-
                              get out and explore the
                                    Parks passes are
                                                           personal excellence
 bart’s visitor information   available at the hub, and    FOR many students, this
 hub at Elizabeth Mall.       it is also the ticketing     journey begins with their
      The hub – along         agent for the Bruny          first steps into formal ed-
 with most tourism ser-       Island ferry and Port        ucation as a four-year-old
 vice providers – closed      Arthur.                      in kinder and progresses
 in March as a result               Throughout the         until they graduate at the
 of COVID-19 travel           closure, TTIC staff          end of year 12.
 restrictions.                have been busy taking             As the only Catholic,
      As part of the City     enquiries and selling        all-girls school for kinder
 of Hobart-operated           gift cards for future        to year 12 in Tasma-
 Tasmanian Travel and         travellers.                  nia, St Mary’s College
 Information Centre                 Pensioner conces-      is uniquely placed to
 (TTIC), the hub has          sion parking voucher         provide a seamless and
 now resumed, providing       booklets are also            comprehensive educa-
 services to visitors and     currently available to       tion that recognises that
 locals wanting to enjoy      make collection easier       every child’s pathway to
 the many attractions         for eligible residents.      personal excellence is
 and experiences that               Pension card and       different.
 Hobart and Tasmania          proof of vehicle registra-        Teaching and learning
 have to offer.               tion are required when       approaches are specifical-
      “This is another step   collecting the vouchers.     ly focused on girls’ learn-
 towards getting back to            The Elizabeth Mall     ing needs and preferenc-
 our normal operations,”      information hub is open      es, and are underpinned
 City of Hobart general       Monday to Saturday           by a whole-school culture
 manager Nick Heath           from 10am to 3pm.            that respects, nurtures,
 said.                              At other times,        challenges and empow-
      “As tourism opera-      bookings and enquiries                                     St Mary’s College provides girls with a single pathway for kinder to year 12.
 tors start to reopen, the    can be made by phon-              St Mary’s College        strengths, allowing for the       navigating the formal             (K-6), where staff and        ucation takes account of
 staff at the hub will be     ing 6238 4222 (during        principal Helen Spencer       smooth transition from            school environment,               parents work in partner-      varied learning styles and
 equipped with the latest     business hours) or at        said the single pathway       primary to secondary              they are also adjusting to        ship to guide students to     the diverse backgrounds
 information to assist        www.hobarttravelcentre.      for kinder to year 12         schooling.                        the social changes that           their full potential in an    of students, with a
 residents who want to                      was one of its greatest           “While students are           happen when changing              environment based firmly      curriculum that includes
                                                                                                                           schools and classes,” she         on the Gospel values of       a soundly developed
                                                                                                                           said.                             tolerance, truth, and love.   literacy and numeracy
                                                                                                                                “Being on the one                 In kinder, children      program, a wide range of
                                                                                                                           central site, children in         are encouraged to be in-      arts and science related
                                                                                                                           the junior school get to          dependent in a program        activities, and many
                                                                                                                           see their older peers on a        that builds confidence        opportunities for involve-
                                                                                                                           day-to-day basis, making          and grows their love of       ment in sporting teams.
                                                                                                                           the role modelling of             discovery and learning.            St Mary’s College
                                                                                                                           older students authentic.              Designed with            welcomed enrolments
                                                                                                                                “As they move into           the college’s youngest        for students in all year
                                                                                                                           the senior school, they           students’ experiences in      groups at any time,
                                                                                                                           are joined by students            mind, the early-learning      with places for kinder
                                                                                                                           from other primary                facility at St Mary’s Col-    and year three in 2021
                                                                                                                           schools, which provides           lege was purpose-built to     currently available.
                                                                                                                           for greater diversity             offer a stimulating and            To book a personal
                                                                                                                           and a solid scale for the         nurturing setting tailored    tour of the college or
                                                                                                                           delivery of a breadth of          to foster play and senso-     for more information,
                                                                                                                           subjects.”                        ry-based learning.            contact enrolment officer
                                                                                                                                Educational opportu-              From prep to year        Fiona Medwin on 6108
                                                                                                                           nities at St Mary’s College       6, the school’s well-bal-     2560 or enrol@smc.tas.
                                                                                                                           start in the junior school        anced, child-centred ed-

   Apply now to join the first all-girls
   Kinder class at St Mary’s College
   Book now for a personal tour by contacting Enrolment Officer, Fiona
   Medwin at or (03) 6108 2560. Learn about
   opportunities for girls at

   From their first visit, we encourage our students to connect, wonder,
   create, explore and discover. The Kinder program at St Mary’s
   College is designed to nurture and provide opportunities to build
   confidence, independence and to grow their love of learning.

   When it’s girls-only, girls get every opportunity.
Hobart Observer July 2020 7

 Community News

     Chilly nights, a warm
     welcome and hot soup
From left, Kane Ingham from Aurora and Vinnies long-term volunteer Robert Kreshl.

THE streets around              months, it is great to be       require any particular
Hobart are quiet at this        back on the road in time        experience, but it is im-
time of year, with fami-        for the coldest part of         portant to be non-judge-
lies, flatmates and friends     winter.                         mental and to have an
staying safe at home                “Those who rely on          open heart to accept
with lights and heating         Loui’s Van range from           others,” Mr Flanagan
high and with a hot             children to aged people         said.
drink to guard against          and reflect a broad cross           “A sense of humour
the cold winter outside.        section of our commu-           helps at times, but
     Elsewhere, a ded-          nity.”                          most important of all, a
icated group of caring              Mr Flanagan said            commitment to building
volunteers have been            Loui’s Van assisted more        a just and compassionate
preparing to spend the          than 17,000 people              community.
night away from their           across the state last year.         “The majority of
loved ones to serve the             “Many people are            Vinnies volunteers find
less fortunate who don’t        experiencing considera-         Loui’s Van a rewarding
have a place to call            ble difficulty, including       and enjoyable experi-
home.                           homelessness, mental            ence.”
     On most nights,            health issues, isolation,           There are three
more than 50 people             drug and alcohol issues,        Loui’s Vans delivering
wait in the cold and dark       and poor self-esteem,           hope to the homeless
for Loui’s Van to arrive        which has been exacer-          and those at risk of
to distribute winter            bated by COVID-19,”             homelessness in and
clothes, a warm wel-            he said.                        around Hobart.
come and a hot meal.                “For many, Loui’s               For $25, anyone
     St. Vincent de Paul        Van is a reminder of the        can ‘adopt’ Loui for an
Society’s southern re-          dignity, concerns, and          evening and help the
gional president Pat Flan-      the value of all people,        homeless without leaving
agan said he had seen an        which goes to the heart         home.
unrelenting demand for          of the Society’s reason             A $25 donation
Loui’s Van.                     for existing.                   feeds the 50 people
     “We started with one           “The Society has            who visit Loui’s Van on
Loui’s Van more than            a wonderful brigade             any given night.
25 years ago, which has         of volunteers who are               Donors can even
grown to three vans             involved in all aspects of      choose the date, which
today, covering Hobart,         the Loui’s Van’s oper-          could be to recognise a
Kingston, and Huon-             ation – from making             birthday or a donation in
ville,” he said.                soup, preparing sand-           memory of a loved one.
                                                                                            RACT6222 • BC

     “Sadly, for the past       wiches, and delivering              To make a $25
few months, they have           the services around             donation or for more
all been garaged, with          Hobart.                         information about
COVID-19 having                     “It’s a wonderful           volunteering with Loui’s
affected the Society’s          feeling to be able to           Van and the St. Vincent
ability to deliver warm         offer hope and help to          de Paul Society, contact
clothes and hot food.           the less fortunate.”            the Emergency Relief
     “While we were able            Almost anyone can           coordinator at louisvan@
to continue emergency           volunteer at Loui’s Van. or phone
relief over the last few            “Volunteers do not          6234 4244.
8 Hobart Observer July 2020

$4 million for projects to flow
to Tasmanian communities

From left, Tasmanian Community Fund senior executive officer Lola Cowle, Connect42 chair
Rikki Mawad and Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief operating officer Colleen

THE Tasmanian Com-             nity to partner with the        grants.
munity Fund (TCF) has          Tasmanian Chamber of                 “It is important that
provided more than $4          Commerce and Industry           we are able to meet the
million to 32 projects         to connect our work with        needs of our communities,     From left, Member for Elwick Josh Willie, Tasmanaian Labor leader Rebecca White, Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania
throughout Tasmania in its     their job readiness skills      and this round continues      president Peter Spotswood, Member for Clark Ella Haddad and Shadow Treasurer David O’Byrne.

                                                                                             Building a better Tasmania
latest grant round incorpo-    development experience.”        to show how the Fund
rating medium and large             Tasmanian Cham-            has adapted to meet these
projects.                      ber of Commerce and             needs,” she said.
     Included in the fund-     Industry chief operating             Ms Darke said the
ing was a service to assist    officer Colleen Reardon         TCF has strategically

                                                                                             from COVID-19 devastation
older Tasmanians expe-         said the connection with        evolved its funding
riencing elder abuse and       businesses could not            programs to better meet
two programs designed to       understated in relation to      the needs of Tasmanians
support those exiting the      job readiness.                  by focusing on workforce
criminal justice system and         “It’s vital that the       engagement, community         TASMANIAN Labor has re-                  residences housing 1,200 people,               “This package is designed to
their families.                business community takes        wellbeing and community       leased the COVID-19 Recovery             and parking for 1000 vehicles.”            get people into jobs, help those
     Founder of Con-           a strong leadership role        infrastructure.               Package, designed to help those              The concept also included a            hardest hit by the pandemic and
nect42 and speech              with initiatives like this,”         “The Fund is in its      hardest hit by the pandemic.             modern Showground of advanced              create a better state for everyone.”
pathologist Rosalie Martin     she said.                       20th year of operation            The COVID-19 Recovery                architectural design, a space for a            COVID-19 has had the great-
said the ‘Just Moving On’           “The benefits to the       and it is important to        Package is an inclusive response         variety of community-based clubs           est economic and social impact
program invested in the        broader community will          continue to meet the          with a focus on buying local,            and organisations, and a large             on Tasmania in a generation and
most stigmatised and           be significant and we will      changing needs of the         building local and employing             pavilion complex, which would              has amplified the inequality across
marginalised people in the     work with our members           Tasmanian community,          local.                                   include a new visitor destination          the state.
community, assisting them      to ensure we can make           and improving infrastruc-         It has been designed to              showcasing Tasmania’s excellence               Before the virus, Tasmania
to find their hopes and        a real impact in people’s       ture is certainly one of      strengthen Tasmanian regions and         in agriculture, food and wine              had the highest rate of under-
dreams, forgiveness, fair-     lives.”                         those areas.                  create a fairer state for everyone.      production.                                employment in the country and
ness and second chance.             Kickstart Arts chief            The Fund’s next Cov-         A key recommendation of                  The Hobart Showgrounds                 too many people relied on casual
     “Just Moving On           executive officer Jami          id-19 specific round will     the COVID-19 Recovery Package            Renewal Project compliments                employment, many of whom
supports men, women            Bladel said ‘The Freedom        open in July and seek to      was the Hobart Showground Re-            the progression of the northern            were the first to lose their jobs
and youth exiting the          Project’ was a partnership      specifically help Tasmani-    newal Project, which presented a         suburbs rail corridor which is also        when COVID-19 hit.
criminal justice system to     with Justice Tasmania and       an communities to sup-        great opportunity for the northern       included as a recommendation                   “The lockdown period was a
be connected with family,      established a new studio        port, connect and rebuild     suburbs of Hobart.                       in the COVID-19 Recovery                   disruptive and challenging time
education and employ-          with an arts for justice pro-   after the pandemic.               The project features a redevel-      Package.                                   for us all and I continue to hear
ment, and builds on the        gram to support the health           The Tasmanian Com-       opment of the Hobart Show-                   With the introduction of Ho-           people speak about their desire to
skills and connections         and wellbeing for people        munity Fund was estab-        grounds site and includes more           bart Passenger Rail, public trans-         return to normal,” Labor Member
developed through the          who have suffered trauma        lished in 1999 following      than 500 new homes, community            port access and traffic congestion         for Elwick Josh Willie said.
‘Just Time’ program, which     and drug addiction.             the sale of the Trust Bank.   spaces, a new exhibition space           is expected to improve.                        “But before the virus, normal
already is delivered within         “We are very grateful           An independent fund-     and sports field.                            Hundreds of jobs will be cre-          wasn’t great for far too many.
Risdon Prison,” she said.      to the Tas Community            ing body, the Fund pro-           Royal Agricultural Society           ated and rezoning opportunities                “The Hobart Showground
     “Well-delivered           Fund for the opportunity        vides grants to community     of Tasmania president Peter              along the rail corridor will stimu-        Renewal Project and the progres-
programs like ‘Just Moving     to establish a new pro-         organisations that make a     Spotswood said the project would         late building and construction and         sion of the rail corridor will help
On’ are proven to reduce       gram that will do a power       difference by improving       create up to 200 long term con-          increase housing supply.                   to create jobs while also contrib-
reoffending and support        of good for the communi-        social, environmental and     struction jobs and 50 FTE jobs on            “Labor’s COVID-19 Recovery             uting to the social recovery of our
social reintegration into      ty,” she said.                  economic wellbeing of the     an ongoing basis.                        Package is the result of significant       community.”
the community – deliver-            TCF chair Sally Darke      Tasmanian community.              “It addresses a number of            stakeholder consultation across                The COVID-19 Recovery
ing a safer, more produc-      said the TCF Board was               Visit the Fund’s web-    important challenges for Hobart,         the state with people who are              Package forms the basis of Tas-
tive and engaged society       proud to be able to sup-        site       such as affordable housing,” he          deeply invested in our shared              manian Labor’s submission to the
to all.                        port so many worthwhile         or contact the Fund Office    said.                                    future,” Labor leader Rebecca              Premier’s Economic and Social
     “The TCF has given        projects and programs           on 6165 8333 for more             “Our concept includes 505            White said.                                Recovery Advisory Council.
Connect42 the opportu-         in Tasmania through the         information.

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Hobart Observer July 2020 9

Family Tax Benefit and Child                                                                                                                         MASTER YOUR MONEY
Care Subsidy balancing                                                                                                                               By Damian Gibson
                                                                                                                                                     Financial Adviser,
                                                                                                                                                     Elevate Wealth
                                                                                                                                                                                      your pre-tax income into
                                                                                                                                                                                      super, commonly known
                                                                                                                                                                                      as salary sacrificing, can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that addressing these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    investments in your Will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    may be ineffective unless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         half of 2020 due to mar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ket conditions arising from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COVID-19, there is a
                                                                            Centrelink online account via myGov                                      Solutions                        help you reduce your          you take some important              chance your age pension
                                                                            or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile                                                                     tax and invest more for       additional steps.                    will go up.
                                                                            app.                                                                     TAKE control and master          retirement.                       A well-prepared and                   While the value of
                                                                                 You must do this for us to start                                    your money this financial             Depending on your        executed estate plan can             your assets are automati-
                                                                            balancing.                                                               year.                            circumstances, salary         ensure the right assets go           cally reported to Centre-
                                                                                 There are three possible outcomes                                        Here we will discuss        sacrificing could reduce      to the right people at the           link throughout the year,
                                                                            for balancing, depending on your                                         some key aspects of your         the tax you pay on your       right time, in an efficient          it only happens a couple
                                                                            situation.                                                               finances that you should         income by up to 32            and tax-effective manner.            times a year.
                                                                                 You may get a top up, have no                                       consider in the new finan-       percent.                                                                Therefore, some of
                                                                            change or have an overpayment.                                           cial year and beyond.                 Build your wealth        PROTECT YOUR                         your assets may not have
                                                                                 Most families will have a top-up                                                                     instead of giving it to the   WEALTH AND                           been reported since the
                                                                            or no change when their balancing is                                     REVIEW YOUR                      tax office.                   FAMILY                               markets have fallen.
                                                                            complete.                                                                SUPER                                                                How would you pay                   Providing Centrelink
Hank Jongen, Services Australia                                                  You may get a top up if you wer-                                        For most Aussies,            CASHFLOW                      your mortgage and meet               with updated information
                                                                            en’t paid enough during the financial                                    superannuation is their          MANAGEMENT                    your other living expenses           now may result in your
EVERY year, Services Australia balances                                     year.                                                                    second biggest investment             If you are not overly    if your income ceased?               Age Pension increasing
your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and                                                This will include any amount we                                     after their home, so you         disciplined when it comes           Think about the risks          or enable someone who
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to make                                            withheld during the year.                                                need to make sure you            to managing your cash-        that you face in everyday            was previously ineligible
sure we pay you the right amount.                                                For example, this may happen if                                     pay it some attention.           flow, developing a budget     life.                                to now apply for the age
     From July, most families will need                                     you overestimated your family income,                                                                     is a holdfast way of keep-          Some risks cannot be           pension.
                                                                                                                                                     • Fees
to confirm their income for the 2019-                                       which meant you got less during the                                                                       ing yourself accountable.     removed entirely.                         While we have only
                                                                                                                                                       Not all super funds are
20 financial year.                                                          year than you were entitled to.                                                                                This can ensure you            However, for many              touched the surface, the
                                                                                                                                                       created equal and they
     Not everyone will have to do the                                            If you’re eligible for a top up pay-                                                                 are able to take control      risks that we cannot                 above areas are a starting
                                                                                                                                                       vary in cost significantly.
same thing.                                                                 ment, this will be paid into your bank                                                                    of your long-term wealth      eliminate, we can mitigate           point towards mastering
                                                                                                                                                       Review the fees you
     What you’ll need to do will depend                                     account.                                                                                                  accumulation goals by         their impact by taking out           your money.
                                                                                                                                                       pay inside super and
on your circumstances.                                                           If you received too much FTB or                                                                      saving before you spend.      suitable personal insur-                  The world of personal
                                                                                                                                                       ensure you are getting
     When we balance your payments,                                         CCS during the financial year, you may                                                                                                  ances.                               finance can seem confus-
                                                                                                                                                       the best bang for buck.
we compare how much FTB and                                                 have an overpayment you’ll need to                                                                        ESTATE PLANNING                     If you do not have             ing and daunting.
                                                                                                                                                       Reducing your super
CCS you got during the financial year                                       repay.                                                                                                         Although preparing       adequate insurance, an                    Talk to a financial ad-
                                                                                                                                                       fees is one of the easiest
with what you were actually entitled                                             This can happen if you underes-                                                                      a Will is important, estate   unforeseen death or                  viser in July and ask how
                                                                                                                                                       ways to boost your
to, based on your confirmed family                                          timated your family income or your                                                                        planning is about much        illness could have severe            we can help you.
income and circumstances.                                                   circumstances changed, which means                                                                        more than that.               consequences for you or                   Seeking professional
     This includes any supplements you                                      you got more financial assistance during                                                                       While a Will can help    your family.                         advice today will put
                                                                                                                                                     • Investments
received and amounts we withheld                                            the year than you were entitled to.                                                                       ensure your estate is               However, if you                you in a better position
                                                                                                                                                       Ensuring your money
during the year.                                                                 If you were overpaid, we’ll use the                                                                  distributed according to      already have personal in-            tomorrow.
                                                                                                                                                       is invested in line with
     We’ll start balancing FTB from July,                                   amount that’s been withheld to reduce                                                                     your wishes, it may not be    surances in place, it is just             Act now and talk to
                                                                                                                                                       your goals (e.g. what
and CCS from August.                                                        your overpayment.                                                                                         effective in dealing with a   as important to make sure            us at Elevate Wealth.
                                                                                                                                                       rate of return are you
     CCS is balanced later than FTB                                              If we think we’ve paid you too                                                                       significant portion of your   you hold the correct types                Any advice in this
                                                                                                                                                       hoping to achieve, how
because we also need to wait for infor-                                     much, we won’t finalise balancing your                                                                    wealth.                       and levels of insurance.             publication is of a general
                                                                                                                                                       comfortable are you
mation from your childcare provider.                                        payments straight away.                                                                                        For example, the                                              nature only and has not
                                                                                                                                                       with risk etc), is critical.
     Before we balance your payments,                                            This is because we’ve paused a                                                                       proceeds from superan-        BOOST YOUR AGE                       been tailored to your
                                                                                                                                                       Make sure you under-
you usually need to confirm your                                            range of debt activities due to the Coro-                                                                 nuation funds and life        PENSION INCOME                       personal circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                       stand how your money
income.                                                                     navirus pandemic.                                                                                         insurance policies do not         If your super or other                Please seek personal
                                                                                                                                                       is invested and what it
     To do this, you need to lodge your                                          There’s nothing else you need to                                                                     automatically form part of    investments have dropped             advice prior to acting on
                                                                                                                                                       is invested in.
tax return with the Australian Taxation                                     do now.                                                                                                   your estate, which means      in value during the first            this information.
Office (ATO) or tell us you don’t need                                           We’ll finish balancing your
                                                                                                                                                     • Number of funds
to lodge one.                                                               payments and write to you with the
                                                                                                                                                       If you have more than
     You can do this online, so there’s no                                  outcome once the pause has ended.
                                                                                                                                                       one super account,
need to call or visit us.                                                        There’s no need to contact us to
                                                                                                                                                       you may benefit by
     To confirm your family’s income,                                       keep track of your balancing – you’ll
                                                                                                                                                       consolidating them into
you and your partner will need to                                           get a letter when it’s done.
                                                                                                                                                       one account.
lodge tax returns with the ATO.                                                  You can also check your balancing

                                                                                                                                                                                              Retire with us
                                                                                                                                                       Consolidating your
     Your income information will then                                      progress with your Centrelink online
                                                                                                                                                       super will help you save
be sent to us by the ATO so we can                                          account through myGov or the Express
                                                                                                                                                       money by paying one
balance your payments.                                                      Plus Centrelink mobile app.
                                                                                                                                                       set of fees and it will be
     If you don’t need to lodge a tax                                            For more information about balanc-
                                                                                                                                                       easier for you to keep
return, you can let us know by con-                                         ing payments, visit
                                                                                                                                                       track of your balance.
firming your family’s income with your                                      au/balancing.
                                                                                                                                                       Before consolidat-
                                                                                                                                                       ing there are several
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wherever you are.
                                                                                                                                                       important factors to
                                                                                                                                                       consider, so speak with
                                                                                                                                                       a professional.

                                                                                                                                                     BOOST SUPER &
                                                                                                                                                     REDUCE TAX
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                                                                                                             CONTACT US                                   1 Stanton Place,
              Direction with                                                                                      (03) 6231 3448
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Issued by Tasplan Pty Ltd. For further information in relation to
              Confidence.                                                                                               (03) 6248 4144                                            whether to acquire or hold the products referred to, please read
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    our guides at The trustee of Tasplan Super
                                                                                                                                                                                (ABN 14 602 032 302) is Tasplan Pty Ltd (ABN 13 009 563 062).
   SRHFP Nominees Pty Ltd ACN 155 711 158 ATF SRHFP Unit Trust (ABN: 96 013 180 603) T/A Elevate Wealth Solutions & Matthew Hawkins are Authorised
                                                                                                                                                          HOBART & SYDNEY                   AFSL 235391. © 2020 Tasplan Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
                              Representatives of GWM Adviser Services Limited ABN 96 002 071 749, AFS Licence 230692                                          OFFICES
10 Hobart Observer July 2020

 Community News

Ignorant and racist    Rug Up Tassie launches with ABC
behaviour has no place Radio and Tasmanian charities
in our community
    “At the Argyle Street Car Park, after we had just finished lunch and
    were preparing to pay we met a man. At first, he just stared at us. I
    smiled at him and nodded as a friendly greeting. But as we walked
   past each other, he unexpectedly shouted “go home!” to us with very
     disgusted eyes and angry tone. My boyfriend and I were stunned,
      and it took us several seconds to recover. After glancing at each
   other, I asked, ‘Is that racism?’ My boyfriend said ‘Yeah …’ It took us
              another few minutes before we could move on.”

                                    As Lord Mayor, I         belonging.
                              would like to reaffirm              However, while we
                              the strong commitment          can lay the groundwork
                              the City of Hobart has         for inclusion and make it
                              to being an inclusive city     a priority in our decision
                              where everyone feels           making, it is everyone’s
                              safe.                          job to make sure we are
                                    As local government      a truly welcoming and
                              is the level of government     accepting place to live.
                              closest to the community,           If you see someone
By Anna Reynolds              we are able to drive initia-   behaving in an inappro-        From left, regular knitting volunteers Joan Duncan, Bev Reardon and Viv Evans. Photo credit: Georgie Burgess.
Lord Mayor                    tives that impact the way      priate way, please say
                              our residents interact and     something if it is safe to     ABC Radio Hobart and             manians to get out their         so Rug Up Tassie is a way        points for knitted squares
THIS story is one of          experience our city.           do so.                         ABC Northern Tasmania            knitting needles to create       for almost anyone to get         located at the ABC
several that I have heard           And as the capital            Live your life in a way   have launched ‘Rug Up            and donate 20 centime-           involved, help fellow Tas-       Hobart and Launceston
recently about experienc-     city council, we also lead     that is open and accepting     Tassie’, a winter appeal         tre wool squares.                manians and be a part of         buildings, and at select
es Chinese people have        the way for the rest of        of others.                     that supports people with            These will then be           something really special         Salvation Army stores.
had in Hobart in the last     Tasmania in how we treat            Invite your neigh-        limited access to shelter        joined together into             this winter,” she said.              Tasmanians of all
few months.                   people and promote             bours for a (physically        and heating during the           blankets by ABC volun-                “We are aiming to           ages and skill levels
     These kinds of stories   social justice.                distanced) cup of coffee,      cold season.                     teers and donated to the         collect more than 5000           are encouraged to get
are upsetting, and it can           We firmly believe that   smile and offer to help            Partnering with local        appeal’s partner charities.      squares, which is quite          involved.
make some people of           it is the many different       the parents in the shop        branches of charities                Local radio manager          a number, but we have                Resources and how-
Asian appearance nerv-        cultures we have in our        who are struggling with a      including the Salvation          Samantha Stayner said            seen the spirit, generosity      to videos on knitting
ous to go out and very        community which make           pram, and do not judge         Army and Vinnies, the            many Tasmanians were             and determination of Tas-        squares are available on
self-conscious.               it the wonderful place it      people just because they       appeal will rally Tasma-         looking for ways to help         manians, so we believe           ABC local websites and
     Ignorant and racist      is to live.                    might look different to        nians to knit together           their community and              we can achieve this and          have been shared across
behaviour has no place in           In 2019, we became       you, or speak another          to create hundreds of            connect with others dur-         make a difference for            ABC and partner social
our community.                part of the Welcoming          language.                      blankets over winter.            ing what will be a quieter       people who might not             media sites.
     I know that it is only   Cities Network, which               Together, we can              Rug Up Tassie                winter for the state.            have access to heating               For more informa-
a small percentage of per-    recognises the benefits for    all make Hobart the            launched on 16 June and              “Not everyone is in a        and warm shelter during          tion, visit
petrators, but even one       local governments who          most welcoming city in         runs until 26 July.              position to be able to do-       the cold months.”                hobart and
incident is too many.         foster an environment of       Australia.                         The appeal asks Tas-         nate money at this time,              There are drop-off          northtas.

 Scientific upgrade for local schools
 NYRSTAR Hobart has                tools of the trade, they tend
 provided lab equipment to         to think of builders and
 a number of schools across        plumbers and the like, but
 Hobart to help students en-       these are tools of the trade
 gage with science subjects.       for a chemist and it’s great
      Taroona High School,         to see them going to a new
 Cosgrove High School, Jor-        home.”
 dan River Learning Federa-             Cosgrove High School
 tion and Bayview Secondary        lab technician Janaya Smith
 College all received science      said she was grateful and
 equipment from Nyrstar            enthusiastic to receive the
 that was still in good con-       equipment.
 dition.                                “We received various
      Nyrstar Hobart technical     glassware, filtering equip-
 manager Graham Reynolds           ment and chemicals, all of
 said it was important to          which are staples in the
 develop good relationships        teaching of science at Cos-
 with the local community.         grove High School,” she said.
      “Nyrstar has taken the            “It is great to connect
 opportunity to donate             with local industry, as it
 excess glassware from our         allows us to show our
 laboratory areas and it’s a       students that there are local
 great opportunity to share        jobs in science, which could
 that equipment with the stu-      inspire them to potentially
 dents as they come through        choose a science based path-
 the high schools in the local     way in their future studies.
 region,” he said.                      “We are hopeful that
      “It will help with the       this is just the beginning of
 students’ learning and take a     a great partnership between
 bit of pressure off any budg-     Nyrstar and Cosgrove High
 ets to buy some additional        School, especially as we
 glassware.                        expand to cater for year 11
      “When people think of        and 12 in 2021 and 2022.” From left, Nyrstar metallurgical technician Samra Tulumovic, with Cosgrove High School students Aidriel Enriquez, Aretha Pratomo and Sophie Knysak.
Hobart Observer July 2020 11

            prime times                                                                                                                                              WINTER EDITION

Hobart veterans win grant funding
VETERAN organisations              organisations included
in Hobart have received            the Tasmanian branch of
a funding boost in the             the Partners of Veterans
latest round of Veteran            Association of Australia,
and Community Grants               Tasmanian Ex-Service and
Program, and the Building          Serving Support Asso-
Excellence in Support and          ciation (Tessa) Inc, and
Training grants program.           Hobart Legacy.
     The grants range from              “Australia’s veteran
$4000 to $87,000 for               community ranges from
these veteran groups, with         our Second World War
the Veteran and Commu-             veterans and war widows
nity Grants being used for         through to contemporary
activities and services that       veterans with young fam-
improve the health and             ilies,” Liberal Senator Eric
wellbeing of members in            Abetz said.
the veteran community.                  “It is programs such
     The Building Excel-           as this that help veter-
lence in Support and               ans and their families
Training grants support            to continue to live a
ex-service organisations           healthy and independent
to provide compensation            lifestyle—something of
and welfare assistance to          incredible importance with
the Defence and veteran            the current Coronavirus
communities.                       pandemic.
     The Australian                     “This funding not only
Federation of Totally and          supports local veterans
Permanently Incapacitated          and their families, but has
Ex-Servicemen and Wom-             a growing effect within
en was one group that was          our communities, by sup-
successful in this round.          porting local employment
     The group was award-          and businesses.
ed $12,674.48, which will               “These programs,
be used to fund a number           which are provided
of bus trips to reduce so-         through local organisa-
cial isolation and purchase        tions, are an important
10 bar stools for use at the       factor in ensuring veterans
social club among other            and their families continue
things.                            to get the support that
     Other successful              they need.”                  From left, Senator Eric Abetz with The Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen and Women president Graham Halton.

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12 Hobart Observer July 2020

A time to address
difficult relationships
                                                     Unless we give these                           They can also contin-    worth and value of that
                                                our humble attention,                          ue to maintain them –         person, and they are
                                                we may not be able to                          as it’s not just a one-off    able to see more of this
                                                move forward as easily                         action, especially in the     in themselves.
                                                together in facing the                         intimate relationships in          We help them
                                                challenging times ahead.                       our lives.                    flourish and we help the
                                                     For those who might                            What is it about grat-   relationship flourish.
                                                be about to re-enter                           itude that can have this           It often takes cour-
                                                their workplace, there                         power of building and         age and humility, but

                                                                                                                                                            Dying wish
                                                may be a sense of dread                        restoring relationships?      gratitude helps to orien-     Jacqui and Nat Gray with their mother Diane (centre).
By Kerry Howells                                or anxiety as we con-                               It helps us to re-       tate us towards the good
                                                template re-entering a                         member what we have           in the other person, and
THERE have been                                 challenging relationship.                      received from others in       therefore to see beyond
many views on how we                                 This time away may                        the past.                     what we consider to be
have used the period of                         have led us to want to                              When we have con-        the bad.
physical distancing and                         restart on a different                         flict we tend to forget.           Sometimes we can

                                                                                                                                                            for daughters
self-isolation as a time                        footing.                                            Gratitude motivates      be afraid to do this
to take stock of what                                Importantly, it may                       us to give back out           because it might mean
was working and what                            be a lack of gratitude                         of acknowledgement,           that we are giving up
wasn’t in our lives be-                         that caused conflict or                        allowing us to see past       wanting justice for the
fore we were suddenly                           difficulties in the past.                      the conflict, and act on a    harm we feel they have
hit with this huge disrup-                           Gratitude has an                          memory of good deeds          caused us, and it might
tion.                                           amazing power to help                          received from someone         leave us open to further
     It has possibly been                       us to connect with                             in the past.                  harm.
a time for you to reset,                        others.                                             When we recog-                However, these            JACQUI and Nat Gray                       the dying process.            about the emotional or
reflect, refresh, renew,                             The words thank                           nise another through          times we are in now are        are fighting to introduce                       “There are so many      mental affect it has on
re-establish, recycle and                       you, when uttered                              our genuine gratitude         calling for such acts of       laws in Tasmania to                       heartbreaking stories of      family and friends left
reinvent.                                       sincerely, contain a                           – without wanting any-        bravery.                       allow people suffering                    extreme measures taken        behind after the loss of a
     An important ques-                         particular kind of ‘corre-                     thing in return – we are           In helping us to          from a terminal illness                   to escape the ravishes of     loved one.
tion is: How much we                            spondence’.                                    touching a part of the        remember what we               the right to choose how,                  disease,” Jacqui and Nat           “This fight is for
have applied these prac-                             Acts of genuine grat-                     connection that cannot        have received in the           where, when and with                      said.                         every single one of
tices to the relationships                      itude that seek nothing                        be touched in any other       past, gratitude can often      whom they end their life,                       “Ours is just one of    our loved ones, who
in our lives – particularly                     in return can restore                          way.                          be the starting point in       following their mother,                   them.”                        begged us to set them
those we find difficult?                        relationships.                                      We acknowledge the       helping us to forgive.         Diane Gray’s 11-month                           To honour their         free of their torture, and
                                                                                                                                  There is also an          battle with cancer.                       mother’s legacy and ful-      who were devastatingly
                                                                                                                             important role to play in          Diane had just                        fill a promise they made      denied due to Tasmania’s

                                            SPECIALISING                                                                     receiving the gratitude
                                                                                                                             expressed by another.
                                                                                                                                                            turned 58 when she
                                                                                                                                                            died in hospital late
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to her, the two daughters
                                                                                                                                                                                                      have started a campaign
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    current laws.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A voluntary assist-

                                            IN ALL YOUR                                                                           Even though the
                                                                                                                             giver hopefully will not
                                                                                                                                                            2019 with her two
                                                                                                                                                            daughters by her side af-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      called Your Choice Tas
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to advocate the need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ed dying bill will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    introduced to the Upper

                                            DENTURE                                                                          be expecting anything in
                                                                                                                             return, it will be impor-
                                                                                                                                                            ter being diagnosed with
                                                                                                                                                            stage IV gastric cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                                      voluntary assisted dying
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to be legalised as an end
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    House in August 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To help get voluntary

                                            CARE NEEDS                                                                       tant for them to feel that     late 2018.                                of life choice.               assisted dying passed,
                                                                                                                             we have received their             “Mum so desper-                             They said their         sign the parliamentary
                                                                                                                             thanks, so that they in        ately wanted to die in                    mission was to allow all      petition at www.your-
    •       DVA and PENSIONERS welcome                                                                                       turn feel acknowledged         the comfort of her own
                                                                                                                                                            home, at a time of her
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tasmanians the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      live fearlessly following
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          , share
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    your story with michael.
                                                                                                                             and recognised.
    •       Comfortable natural looking dentures                                                                                  We need to stop and       choosing surrounded by                    a terminal diagnosis and      gaffney@parliament.tas.
                                                                                                                                                            beautiful music, burn-                    give others the freedom and write to your
    •       flexible metal free partial dentures                                                                             savour it, acknowledg-
                                                                                                                             ing the spirit of giving       ing candles and in the                    to choose what is right       local MP to have your
                                                                                                                                                            arms of her loved ones,”                  for them in their time of     say.
    •       affordable IMPLANT retained dentures                                                                             behind the act.
                                                                                                                                  It’s this circle of       Jacqui and Nat said.                      greatest need.                     “Our mum was the
    •       Same day repairs, relines                                                                                        giving and receiving that          “Unfortunately, the
                                                                                                                                                            majority of wishes we
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “We want to see an
                                                                                                                                                                                                      end to the slow, tortur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    epitome of kindness,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jacqui and Nat said.
                                                                                                                             makes gratitude different
                                                                                                                             from praise or positive        could not fulfil.                         ous and painful deaths             “Her whole world re-
                    CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO                                                                                    acknowledgment, or                 “Instead, she was                     that are currently taking     volved around how she
                                                                                                                             even kindness.                 subjected to months                       place in the absence of       could make others feel
                 BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION!                                                                                     Even though these         of chronic pain and                       these laws,” they said.       appreciated or loved,
                                                                                                                             can be expressions of          nausea.”                                        “We want to see         and her legacy will live
           Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah                                                                  gratitude, Inherent to             Diane eventually                      Tasmanians given more         on in our pursuit to give
                  and city address available by request                                                                      gratitude is the giving        chose starvation and                      options at the end of life.   Tasmanians the freedom
                                                                                                                             and receiving of thanks.       dehydration to speed up                         “This fight is not      of choice.”

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