Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...

Page created by Paula Brooks
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

          Community News                                                  Issue 10: April, 2020

A look back in time                                   On Friday March 13th 2020 Mayor John
                                                      Tory asked anyone who has traveled
                                                      outside of the Country to self isolate for
                                                      14 days upon returning home. From
                                                      that day on Torontonians and all
                                                      Canadians were asked to take even
                                                      stricter measures and all non essential
                                                      services were asked to close. As I write
                                                      you today our community has been in
"Notice is hereby given that after                    self isolation for a month.
Saturday, October 19th, all Theatres,                 Our staff and community thank you for
Moving Picture Shows and other places                 your continued cooperation and
of amusement, including Pool Rooms,                   support through this difficult time.
Billiard Rooms and Bowling Alleys,
throughout the city shall be closed                   Community Involvement
during the period of the influenza
epidemic, and shall not be reopened
until further notice." Toronto's Medical
Officer of Health at the time, Charles J.
Hastings, October 10, 1918.
The last time Canadians were asked to
stay home and avoid others was over
100 years ago. At that time we were in
the midst of a war and the term, “social              The staff would like to take this
distancing” didn’t exist. Most stores and             opportunity to thank the following
restaurants remained open. Much like                  people for their generous donations. In
                                                      times of crisis it is often hard to focus
today most people felt fear for their
                                                      on the positive and this is what brings
loved ones and their communities.                     us all back to our faith. Out faith in
           “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

          Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

humanity and our faith that good will                   Stephanie Burke and James
always prevail. We continue to receive                    George for the Keurig coffee pods
an outpouring of support from
                                                          and the pumkin and butter tarts
members in our community and even
from people who have seen our story in                    for staff.
the news. Please join us in saying a                    Rob’s Good Food- Cookies and
prayer of thanks to the following                         Muffins.
organizations and people;                               Gowri Yogananthan- McDonald’s
                                                          Breakfast for staff.
   Christina and Steve Carlstrom the
                                                        Orla Grant and Family- Two carafs
     family of Frances Carlstrom – 12
                                                          of coffee and muffins from
     boxes of Papa Johns Pizza for staff
                                                          McDonalds for staff. They also
     on two occasions, and IPod and an
                                                          made a lovely purple heart of
                                                          recognition and appreciation for
   Green Stream (Thais Gomes,
                                                          our staff.
     Supervisor)- Gloves, Goggles and
                                                        Kitchen 24 Food Incubator (Steve
     IV needles.
                                                          Kidron)- 130 hot meals with bread
   Michael Garron Hospital- Personal
                                                          for staff.
     Protective Equipment, Nursing
                                                        Salvation Army (Art Matthews)- 4
     Staff, Environmental Support
                                                          cases of disposable gowns.
     terminally disifect the long term
     care home(ongoing).                                New Visions Toronto (Karen
                                                          Gowan)- 10 boxes of disposable
   Susan Reimer for the beautiful
                                                          gowns and 2 boxes of 1000
     spring flowers in the foyer.
                                                          surgical masks.
   Stephanie Burke, Michelle Badali
                                                        Toronto United Mennonite
     and their families- $100 giftcard
                                                          Church (TUMC)- Treats for staff
     for Pizza Pizza, Chocolates and
                                                          from Tim Hortons.
     beautiful cards of support made
     by their children.

        “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

          Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

                                                         with this message:
                                                         “The Mennonite New Life Centre
                                                         wants to support the work that
                                                         Maciel and her coworkers are
                                                         doing during this difficult time.
                                                         You are in our prayers and thank
                                                         you for working with the most
                                                         vulnerable people. Soon, when all
                                                         is well, you are going to look back
                                                         at this period of your life and be
                                                         so glad that you never gave up.
                                                         God Bless your entire
A Message from the Board of                              Community.”
Directors                                               To the volunteers who have
Dear SCOC Residents, Staff, and                          stepped up and taken on roles
Families,                                                that far exceed the expectations
The Board is so very proud of everyone                   of a volunteer. Delivering meals,
in this community - residents, staff, and                screening, delivering fresh
families alike, for how everyone is                      produce, tea, coffee and treats
dealing with these frightening,                          and for supporting our staff in this
challenging, and ever changing times                     uncertain time.
we are in. We are confident that this                   The exceptional drive of the
experience has been, and will continue                   Environmental Services
to be, one which will ultimately                         Department who have been
strengthen the bonds of love, trust, and                 working around the clock and
compassion among all of us – even as                     sometimes in departments not
painful as the process may be at times.                  their own. Ensuring the building
We want to recognise a few of the                        and long term care facility are
many bright lights we have seen in                       cleaned and sanitized around the
these seemingly all dark days:                           clock.
    The wonderful donation made by                     The continued dedication of the
      The Mennonite New Life Centre                      dietary department who are

        “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

         Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

    working tirelessly to ensure the                   The wonderful Village Hymn Sing
    residents both in independent                       – the first of many we hope
    living and in the long-term care
                                                  As hard as it is in truly trying times let
    home receive home cooked meals
                                                  us remember the Word of God and His
    and snacks.
   The technologically magical
                                                  Philippians 4:5-7
    efforts of the life enrichment
                                                  Let your gentleness be evident to all.
    department who have set up
                                                  The Lord is near. Do not be anxious
    SKYPE and Zoom access to help
                                                  about anything, but in every situation,
    everyone stay in touch with their
                                                  by prayer and petition, with
    families outside and each other
                                                  thanksgiving, present your requests to
                                                  God. And the peace of God, which
   The finance department for
                                                  transcends all understanding, will guard
    working late nights to ensure staff
                                                  your hearts and your minds in Christ
    are paid and all matters financial
                                                  Jesus. Amen and God Bless you all.
    are tended to.
   The daily sacrifice of all the clinical
    who are working above and
    beyond, and at personal risk, to
    keep everyone safe and sound.
   The continued dedication and
    compassion shown by the
    leadership team.
   The daily sacrifice of all of you
    who remain isolated from your
    friends and families in order to
    help keep those very same people
   To the staff who have contracted
    COVID-19 we thank you for your
    sacrifice and pray for your speedy

       “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

          Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

Remembering our friends

                                                   Helping Hands
                                                   SCOC Food Drive
Our community has suffered a great                 Like many of you I am home and in self
loss. We have lost seven friends from              isolation. The feelings of despair and
the long term care home and we have                helplessness come in waves and at
also lost two neighbours living in the             times it is hard to remember what day
community who passed away from                     of the week it is. In times like these it is
natural causes. Some of the families               important for our community to come
have asked that we do not share the                back to our Mission, Vision and Values
names of those individuals as they                 as well as our faith. Being in a category
would like to ensure their families are            considered, “vulnerable” can often
given notice and we respect these                  times feel stigmatising. We must be
requests. Due to COVID-19 we are                   reminded that even when we are in
unable to hold memorials or gather                 times of crisis such as these it is
together to grieve. To share stories and           important to reach deep within and find
memories of our lost friends. We would             ways to help others. One way we as a
like the community to know we have                 community can give back is to hold a
not forgotten these treasured members              food drive. On Wednesday April 22,
and we plan on holding a memorial                  2020 before 1:00PM if able please place
service for all those who we love and              one item of non-perishable food
miss.                                              outside your door for staff to collect.
                                                   Toronto’s vulnerable populations far
                                                   exceed just those who have underlying

        “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

           Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

health conditions or those in the older             themselves“ (Novotney, 2019; Shaw,
adult community. This food drive is                 2020; Robinson, 2019).
voluntary and we appreciate your                    One way SCOC is trying to combat social
contribution. Thank you to everyone for             isolation is with technology! While
doing your part in this difficult time.             some of you may feel this is not
                                                    something you are interested in we ask
Programs                                            that you consider giving us the
Working to combat Social Isolation                  opportunity to change your mind.
April Virtual Programs Calendar
In order to combat social isolation                 Teamwork Makes the Dream
during the current COVID-19 pandemic,               Work!
SCOC has taken its activities and
programs ‘virtual’! Listed programs will
be conducted and attended through
Zoom interactive sessions. Residents
will be able to join either by
computer/tablet or by calling in via
telephone. This new format allows
extra flexibility in that those
participating and hosting the session
can do so from any location where                   This month the management decided
zoom is accessible. If you are interested           instead of focusing on the recognition
in participating in our SCOC Virtual                of one staff member we would like to
Programs, please contact Celina by                  highlight all of the staff who have
email at or by                   stepped up in our greatest time of
telephone 416 757-8757 x250 .                       need. Some residents have mentioned
“social isolation, especially in the                how the staff at SCOC are more like a
elderly, brings with it a higher likelihood         member of our community family and
of psychological and medical risks. The             in turn the staff have embraced us even
major risk factors include older adults’            when they have families at home and in
physical limitations which can impact               countries not as privileged as ours. On
mobility and their ability to do things by          Friday April 17th at 3:00PM during shift

         “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

           Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

change we ask for everyone to join us in
saying thank you. If you are able to
come out on your balconies, your patios
or even just inside your apartment and
cheer, bang a pot and shout to the
rooftops Thank you! We hope this act
of love will give our staff that extra push
to show them we see their efforts and
we appreciate them continuing to show
up even at the risk to their own health.

         “Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

  Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

“Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
St. Clair O’Connor Community

  Community News                                              Issue 10: April, 2020

“Nurturing the health and well-being of older adults and families in our community”
Community News St. Clair O'Connor Community - St. Clair O ...
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